Tuesday Morning, August 29, 1916 T71 THE WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAE WORLD'S MARKETS Associated Press Reports i MAKINK HEADWAY 1 REPilHIDS LABOR SITUATION ; OFFSETS MARKET Leading Rails Lower by one to Almost Two Points at Times; Mil vine Issues Outstanding Feature New Yorld Aug. 28. Italy's dec laration of war against Germany and Rumania's entrance into the conflict should have favorably impressed the stock market here- .today, but the conflicting and shifting character of the news from Washington in re spect to the railway strike negotia tions proved a' strong offset. Reading rails were lower by 1 td a Papist 2 points at times, with mark ed, heaviness in motors and the prom inent munitions and equipments while coppers showed better resis tance. Sugars, tobaccos and some of the shipping shares also denoted persistent pressure. Marine Issues were the outstanding features of the session, their very large turnover constituting fully 25 pet) cent of the day's operations. The cempmon scored an extreme advance ot 3 7-8 on its rise to the record pice of 42, and the preferred mad? an extreme gain of 2 3-4 at 101 7-8. Hurried covering of short con tracts in the final hour went far towards recovering1 losses In Head ing, 'Union Pacific. IT. S. Steel and other stocks. Total sales -aggregated 620,000 shares. Bonds tended lower" 'on nominnl dealings. 130.000. U. Si. on call. coupon 4's advanced 3-4c AlHs-Chalmers ... :. . . American Beet Sugar . . . American Can American Car & foundry 23 r! Kl r.2V4 77 11814 110 131 221 33 V, an7 JuVi 113 7'. I '4 8.5 475 178 -HI')1 01 4 17 V4 16 Vi 14 77 37 ' 170 116 38 71 ioi4 05 2f,v4 80-h, 178 2iill 23 82 V, 10 3 103 65 104 r.9V4 129 American Cotton Oil Airierican Locomotive American Smelting . . American Sugar American Tel. & Tel .American American Tobacco .. . Zinc Anaconda Copper . . . Atchison Atlantic Coast Line ... Baldwin Locomotive Baltimore & Ohio Bethlehem Steel Canadian Pacific Central Leather . Chesapeake & Ohio ... Chicago, Mil & St. Paul . , . Chicago, K. I. & Pac. Ky . . . Consolidated Gas Cain Products Crucible Steel Krie ....... ... . General Electric ... Great Northern Pfd Oreat Northern Ore Ctfs . . , Goodrich ... '. .: Illinois Central . . . . ... ln,t. Mer. Marine pfd. ctfs . Kansas City. Southern ... . Lehigh Valley ... ... ... Louisville & Nashville . ... Liggett & Meyers ... ... Lorillard Co. ......... Maxwell Motors ... ... . Missouri, Kansas & Tex., pfd Missouri Pacific Mexican Petrolem National Lead ...... ... jN'ew York Central N. Y., N. H. & Hartford . . . Noroflk & Western Northern Pacific .. Pennsylvania ... Reading ... . Kep. Iron & Steel Seaboard Air Line ..... . Seaboard Air Line Pfd . . . Sloss Shef. Steel & Iron. . . . Studebaker Corporation ... Southern Pacific . . . 110 55 105 5 3 15 37 46 125 98 ' 23 68 28 194 11 141 165 56 117 82 40 .4 44 26 115 Southern Railway Southern Railway Pfd Tennessee Copper ... . Texas Co. Texas and Pacific ... Union Pacific '. . United Fruit ...... . United States Rubber . United States Steel . . . Unite I States Steel Pfd Utah Copper ... . .. . . ... . Virginia Caro. Chem ... Va. Iron, Coal & Coke . Wabash pfd. ', Western Union, ,. . . Westinghouse Fjjectr'lc .' Kennecott Total sales, for1 the shares. 59 4 9 ,100 day fill ... -NEW OUUCAXS COITOX New Orleans, La., Aug. 28. After a brief bulge today, which carried March to 16 cents a pound and all months to new high levels for the seaBon, the cotton market reacted sharply until prices were 41 .to 49 points down from the topmost levels of the session. This was the widest reaction for any one day inc'e I he present upward movement i it the staple commenced. The senrafinnal rise in Liverpool caused heavy buying here In the early trading, on which prices went up. Heavy selling from long contract carried the market, toward noon, 36 to 38 points down from the early high levels. Fresh buying came in on this and subsemient recessions, but the market lost much of the buoyan cy it has displayed of late and early in the afternoon another downward swing started which landed it at the lowest (evels of the lny. Following the unexpected quoting, of the spot market up by 7 points, futures hail more steadiness and the close was at a net loss for the session. Closing bid .Oc. J.3.17.;,., Dec,. 15.34 Jan. 15.45; Mar. 15.64: May 15. jU. ' "" Spot steady; 5 points up. Sales on the spot Wl. to arrive 212; middling 15.38. UVF'.RPOOIj COTTON , Liverpool, Aug. 28. Cotton spot strong; good middling 10.00. Receipts 13,000, Futures feverish and unset tled. Aug.- 8 . 36 ; Aug. Sept. 9.34; Kept. Qct. 9.28 1-2; Oct. Nov. 9.25; Nov. Dec. 9.22; Dec. Jan. 9.21; Jan. Feb. 9.20; February March SI. 19; March April 9. IS; April May 9.17; May June 9..16; June July 9 48; July August 9.10. , . MOYFY Mew York, .Aug. 28. Mercantile paper 3 3-4 -to 4; Sterling 60 day bill 471 1-2; demand 475 3-4 . 'Cables 476 7-16. Bar sliver 66 1-2. Mexican dollars 51 1-4. (Jovernment bonds strong; railroad bonds easier. Time loans easier; 60 days 2 3,-4. 13; 90 days 3 3-4 if? 8 1-4; 6 months 3 3-44. Call money steady; ruling rate 2 1-4. .. Xi:V YORK COTTON New York. Aug. 2S. After making new high records todav cotton broke mure than half a ce::t witn Decem ber selling down from 16 "3 to 15.49 under heavy general liquidation. That delivery closed at 15.63 and the gener al list closed steady at a net decline of 22 to 28 points. The market opened firm at an ad vance or 10 to lb points in response to a sensational early advance in Liverpool, but shortly after the local opening Liverpool suddenly turned weak, the price of October-November there broke the equivalent of $1 a bale and this was sufficient to start a general selling movement in the local market. After the close abroad of ferings slackened and a decline of 14 to 17 points from Saturday's final fig ures was followed by rallies of sev eral points on covering and bullish crop reports, in time followed bv re newed weakness during the afternoon. Stop orders were uncovered as prices sold off and the decline was not checked until October had sold down from 15.86. the early high level to 15.34. while Januarv broke to 15. and March to 15.il, or about 30 to 39 points from the final quotations of Saturday. This decline of over $2.50 per bale from the high level morning seemed to leave the market somewhat steadier and there Were rallies of sev eral points in the late trading on cov ering. Table; Open High Oct 15.80 15.86 Dec. ... ... 16.00 16.03 Jan 16.02 16 03 Mar 16.18 16.20 Mav lti!5 16.35 l.uw 15.34 15.40 15.52 15.71 1 5.94 Close 15.42 16.63 15.65 16.82 15.96 up- Spot cotton quiet; mi'dling lands 15.60; sales 35. 00 bales. ;K.1X AND ritOIMCK l hlcago, Aug. 2s. Wheat prices crashed down today 9 3-8 to 11 1-4 a lushel. and closed excited at the low est point reached with September at l tfU2n l 43 3-4; and Dec. 1.43 3-4 (a 1.44 3-8. The action of Rumania in taking the field against the Austro German armies nimwl the chief rea son of the market collapse but the de. pressing outlook regarding the threa tened strike of 400,000 American rail way employes was undoubtedly a fac tor to no small extent. Corn finished 1 1-4 to 2 7-8 down and oats olT 2 1-4 to 2 7-S. The outcome ranged from 30c decline to a price of 15c. WH BAT Sept. ; Dec. ... CORN Sept ... ... 1.40 143 84 82 V, 44 47 . 27.20 23.35 ' 13 85 , 13.90 14.17 12.75 3 red 7 1-8; N'o. 3 No, 2 Dec. ... OATS Sept. ... ... ... ... .". . Dec PAKK Sept. . .'. , . Dec. . LARD Sept ...... Oct. ., , . P.1P.S Sept. . Jail Cash grain: Wheat No. nominal; 3 red 1.44 3-4 f(- 1.4 N'o. 2 hard 1.47 3-81.50 3-4; hard -1.46 1-4 ft 1.411 1-4. Corn yellow J(6 fa 87; No. 4 vellow 1-2; N'o. 4 whit 83 fi 83 1-2. S3 ft 84 DRV OOODS New York, Aug. 28. Cotton goods and yarnsj were strong today. Tick ings advanced l-2c a yard. Leading sheetings advanced 6c, Dress good were live and active; raw silt was steady; and Burlaps were tinner. COTTON'SKED OIL New York, Aug. 28. After break ing 10 to 27 points 0 under heavy liquidation 011 the ' weakness in lard and cotton, cottonseed oil had a par tial rally on short covering, which left September 4 points higher at the close, while torward months 7 to is points net lower. Sales 63,700 bar rels. August tenders 600 barrels. Close irregular. Spot and August 9.25 bid; September 9.44 8.45; Ofct. If. 5 5 u 9.60; November 9.36 4f 9.38; Dec. 9.40 fe 9.41; Jan. 9.39 C 9.41; Feb. 9.54 9.06, March 9. 65. bp 9.66. CHICAGO UVI&TOCK Chicago, Aug. 28. Hogs weak at Saturday's average. Bulk 10. 4o 11; -light 10. 50 m 11.15; mixed 10.10 11.10; heavy 10 fa' U.10; rough 10 fw 10.20; pig8 7.40 iv 9.50, Cuttle strong. Cattle 6'. 60 (g 10.90; western steers 6.40 (cl 8.65; stockers 4.80 7.70; cows and heifers 3.35 (in 9; calves 8 . 50 & U. 76. - . . s Sheep weak. Wethers 6.10 4t 7.60 ewes 3 fr 7.20; lambs 6.25 iv 10.40. SIGAU AND COFr fcli New York, Aug. 28. Raw sugar nominal centrifugal 552; molasses 475; refined dull. (Butter steadier; cheese strong. Coffee spot rim; Rio 7's, 9 7-8; San tos 4's 11 1-4. NEW YORK LIVESTOCK New York, Aug. 28. :Keeves Irre gular; steers 6 10; Bulls 6.50 iff 6. SO; cows 3 (id 6.50. Calves steady; veals. 9 . 5.0 iftl 13.73 culls 7.50 lie 9; skim milk and grass ers 6 rji. 7; yearlings 6.00. Sheep and lambs firm; sheep 3 tfi 7; lambs 8 10.50. Hogs steady pigs and lights 1,0 10. E5; roughs fit 8.60. Si' N:VAL KTUUE.S Savannah, da., Aug. 28. Turpen tine steady 42 3-4; sales 96; receipts 308; shipments 21; stock 19,894. Rosin firm; sales 1,359, receipts 1, 477; shipments 602 stock, 13,198. A. B. 5.85; C. D. 5.90; K. 6 .00; K. .'6 5; F . 6.15; G.6.25; H. B.30; I 6.35 WW. M. U.40J N. 6.60; Wg. 6 6.75. Winston -Salem PracluceGi ain Corrected, .Dally Produce by Trade Stpeet Grocery v Grain by the Forsyth Roller Mill i'rices paid tor produce and gralfl m the Winston-Salem market: liens, lb . v Eggs . . 18o to Uutter, lb l'U t Chickens, lb ... . Hams, lb . -. . . , . . . 16o to Shoulders, lb . . , 14o to I 3c 20c 260 130 ISo 14c Middling, lb 16c Onions, bu. . . Rprlnp onions, Clay Peas, bu. White peas, bu Wheat Corn, bu . , , . Oata. bu . . . ., 7So to , 86c to SI. 00 doz. 40c 11.25 to 11.60 $1.76 to $1. 00 it. 00 0o Nell "Would you call him a fast youni? man?" Belle "Well, I no tice he never catches up with his good .intentions." Dr. Joeih Hya' Pratt Tells of Work Being l) ne in The Flood districts of State The people of the Hood districts are making headway repairing roads and bridges, according to Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, who. has recently return ed from a second trip through the western part of the State. Dr. Pratt tells of the work that ia being done as follows: "While I was at Rutherfordton," said Dr. Pratt last night in talking about his trip. final arrangements were made with the commissioners of Rutherford county to put three crews of men on the Rutherford county section of the Hickory Nut Gap hlgh wuy one crew to work from the lower ford on the Broad river "to Rutherfordton; one between this point and Chimney Rock and the third be tween Chimney Rock and the Hen derson county line. "The work will be done by the county under the supervision of the State Highway Commission who will keep an engineer on it until the high way is reopened. It is possible now to use an automobile from Ruther fordton to the first ford oil the Hroud river. But from this point to the Henderson county line the load is practically impassable. This docs not mean that it is entirely destroyed, but that there are impassable places. , "Otn'iiiux" A Hoad "Through the government sid fund an opening is being made in the road from'' Flax to Bat Cava, This means that the road is being gotten vu sacli shape that a wagon can pass over it. tavel has been possible only on foot. The road into But fovu ill be opened in the next week anil will give oomiec tiou to HeuileiHouville for that 4.01 lion of the 4!at Cave region.. ..... i-'Ffom Bat Cave kamik. iowar.4. ,t)e gap the road iu smne places was en tirely wiped out, but in others is as good as before the Hood. There Is at least a mile of road altogether wiped out that makes It impossible to get in and out of the settlements between Hat Cave and Geiton except on foot. The people have to bring in all their supplies on their backs. This is one of the celebrated apple regions of the mountains and Ibis year the fruit was very abundant aibl .of excellent quality, on account of the impas sa unity ot the roads thousands of bushels have rotted and gone to waste, lepriving the people of one of theii hief sourees of income. Plans are oemg lushed forward to try to get the road open so that the people can market their fall apples. Men Anxious For Work 'This region will also be assisted bv the Federal Relief Fund and it is ex pected that at least four different groups of men will be at work on iiif- feent sections of the road. These-men are without employment, have lost all or nearly all, of their crop, are in need of money to buy the necessities pi life and are .lust the sort of people that the fund is supposed to reach. There are at least 150 men in the sememenis ooruering on Hickory creek who need work and want their road aga!n Without the road thev are ab solutely helpless. This is perhaps the only region so situated that the destruction of the one main road pracucany cm me settlements oil from intercourse with the outside world, except by foot. "In several places along the Hick ory Nut Gap road where Hickory creek and Broad River change their i courses and cut " out the road they have left perpendicular banks 75 to 100 feet high. It will be necessary to leave the old location and relocate a road up over the cliffs. The survey Is now being made for the relocations. I "There has been some delay in get ting the Federal Relief Fund to this district, but now it is believed that plans have been perfected so that the 150 men needing work can be employed at once In opening the road. One crew has been at work from the Hickory Nut (lap end and has tile li-uad open to Gorton so that autos lean now opine from Asheville. to Certou, this Later place being about Bite and a half miles from the top of the mountain." j Dynamite Donated - It is going to be necessary, to. do considerable blasting through seven. I of the rock, cliffs in ordVV'Ui get the road open and for this work. Dr. .Pratt said, one of the large pinvihV manufacturing concerns hrlrl kViut-'j1 ously giwn about six hundred - lloL Urs! worth of tly-rtamiNf-all that . will I be needed. ' . -; I "Saturday night. " .'Pratt -continued. "I had a conference with Gov ernor Craig at Asheville recanlinoiV me wuik Him ne mis urtreo me 1 . push it as rapidly as possible so as to get the road open. He stated that he would do all that he could to get the War Department to give the peo ple liberal assistance. "Another thing this section had to contend with has been the hundreds of landslides that came down from the steep mountain sides. Some of these slides carried thousands 'upon thousands of cubic yards of material and in some cases they were carried clear across the Broad river. This would block up the river water tem porarily . then let it oqt suddenly, much of the worst damage being caus ed ill this way. "In one. instance one of these slides was carried across the river and push ed some piles of lumber several hun dred feet up the hillside from the (river. The slides often carried bould ers weighing several tons. They were the cause of several of the homes be ing destroyed and people killed. ! "A freakish thing that ihe river did .was the washing away of the land and leaving exposed, the walling of two i wtdls,- one -now-atanding in . the., upeu ground over twelve feet high, the other being about ten feet high and both lookiiig with ttie exception of tho pumps at the top for nil the world like chimneys. F.ight or ten acres uroiiuo one 01 uiee weiis was vweot away to the depth of the wall of Un well." (Bv Th Aviociaxn rr.) Washington. Aug. 28. A ronfei eitce .,f till I leniocrat ic representatives to discuss the political situation in their districts has been called by Sen ator Me( 'onniek,. the DeniocuHic na tional chairman, to meet here. Virtu ally Ihe entire membership of tin House is expected to be in town then for the adjournment of Congress. Same Day Rubber Stamps Orders placed by noon, filled same day PRINTING delivered when promised Medearls Stamp Works I Phone yii Liberty St. near Poitollic ii m fi wm m I' w 1 irifi r- tt im Trrn m inr iiav i 1 mrn r --..'.- m w,.r wm -. ... ' -.1 . . - k. r' - VV . -u.- ?V' '-' --,.-.,- , I j I HAY 1 1-v lAiJi The Ori&;nal Tuilush Blend (WOT GLASSIFIED FOR SALE I'OR SALK A GROWING Bl'SI- ness with excellent opportunities. Address "XVZ care ot Journal. 8-24-tfc SECOU HAND TYPEWRITERS t5 to $50. N'ew machines J50 to $100. Machines rented from $2 to $3 per month. "Barber's ". 8 12 tfo. R1CAL SSTAT1 FOIl SALE HWD.SOMK NEW home in Southside.. 8 rooms, 2 baths, all conveniences. See lfl. P. Barber. 8 12 tfc. MISCELLANEOUS HAVE YOLK OLD 8EW1NO MA. chines made as good as new. Groves. ; Phone 1173, 620 N. Lib. arty straet 4-11-tfo, CASH ion old falsi; teeth. Send me your old sets of artificial teeth in any condition, will send you H for. each old set by return mail. AIho highest cash prices for old gold, silver, platinum and gold t'-eth. Mazer, 2007 S. 5th street Philadelphia, Pa. 8 27 2tp. WWII!) TO IH'Y A 30 OH 35 1 horsepower motor, alternating cur rent. Address box 41. Winston-Sa lem, X . C 8 27 tfc. WANTED A SECOND U VXD roadster, automobile. Slate price, make, model. Address, S. H. A. ' 'are Journal. ' Dll. HELP WANTED WANTED 200 COLORED I.AIiOlt- ers. Steady work. Good wages. Apply in person liethlehem Steel Company Kmploynieiit Dept. Spar row's Point,- Md. 8 29 schd. Railroad Schedules 80UTHlfIM WAILWAY VKEMIBR CAI K1HK OF THE SOOTH (Sched lj figurei pubtlincd omv M lif-k - - "oa . not laatutctdj DHy lor uremnooiv Kffectiv May 7U Na. L. MS A.M. 11 tor urosmtiore eonnMt uif tor Mai Ut, -ul. Mouth aul W. 17 6:10 A.M. UmiIi tut OliirlolH, poiiti South tod Weal. 110 8:00 A.M. Dniiy nicopi duudiiy tui OriseDBboro.,. M7 :80 A.M. Daily lor Vo. WUkMbore, fhmfe Kuril Hill for Mouil Airy. !:( H:0 t.U - uily for Qmiubora ud pohiH North ami South. 2B2 2:Ii6 P.M. - iMily i-icb,,) Sui.duy for . Urxontboro, Hli(ti wt Uoldnburo, mi 1:30 P M Imitjr fr Run Hnll. 2DS 4:80 P.M. I)Kilf ex.-ept SuniUy "for North WilkHBhoro, Hnral Ball (or Mount Airy S 8:00 P.M. lnuiy or Mooreitllla ud Cliarlotte. 284 6:10 P.M. Daily for Qree.tboro am) pohiui Boats. 288 8:60 P.M. Itaily for dreewbcM Rlelgh, , . Washington a Sow York No. Arr. t3r6nt)oro and North. 27 1:20 A M. iiaily from l)r.uaboro and pointa North amt South. 240 11:00 A.M. Hail axcopt buouA tor A Sensible Cigarette V ' ' w A X FEMALE HELP WANTED Young Lady Wanted Combination book- 1 keeDer ana stenoo-ra- pher- Address own hand writing, P. 0. Box 338, City. WANTED POSITION AW (HAM- ber maid at hospital or hotel. Ad dress 644-A Crawford yt. s-25-iitp FOR KENT NEWLY lTlt.NISilED ROOMS with bath for gentleman, B02 Holly live. 8 6 toi i.p. FO H K E XT T II It EE lt(l M S. 1' W up stairs and front room down stalls. Call 1 11 W, 8th St. 8-26-6 FOIt HI NT FOI It HOO.VI tOT- tage. Apply to Mrs. O. Watluns 117 South Main street. 8 29 4tc. POSITION WANTED WANTED POM'I U) ietieed Insnranee M Care Journal. BY I.XI'ER- i. Address It 8-27-litp LOST LOST DAY BOOK ON EAST WIV- sloii street car. Finder please re liirn to Westbrook. Driii; and Flo ral Co. 8 29 2lc. North Wilkoaboro and Moun4 Airy. 18 11:25 A.M. Daily from MoorM.UW u Oliarlolte. 281 11:611 A.M Uaily eirept Buuriay froa Onwnaboro. 207 2:4.1 P.M. -liuily from" Orwinilwro u4 South. 28 1:80 P.M. Dully from Cbarlotta. V,i .5:00 P.M.- ' i' v fro- Hural Hall ain) Mount Airy." 20K B:6u P.M., Daily from Orw;riboro North S'utb and Worn. 288 7:R P M Dully from No. Wilkmboro. ?3fi K-HR H M.--I'ailr trurn (lr.uaboro, North. thiuth aud Kait 288 11 :6 P M. Dady from Ureantbors and pomia Houib. Not. 0U irat Wt b'i.lu Pullman iImp inn c-nr lM:twv-n Wiiif.Uio -Mjloin aikI Mciuif.iid ronnwtinr at (Jro;hai(oro with Pullman aervta. to all ' point! North. . . Noa. VI and through traiu batWM W union Haleia ocl CbarlotM. W. P. I.KSTKK. J. P T. A ' Winston Halem, N. 0. B. H. D.BUTT8, D P. A. Charlotte. N. O WINSTON-SALEM SOUTHBOUND KAILWJkY Traina lean wiaiton Balm 1:16 . Wadflaboro, Florfinca and intnnadiata points. 8:80 -a. tor Wadaaboro and intnamdlala polaM. Train' trrrra WluV-8alaa: 8:10 p. H. loaal from WadHaboro. 4:00 p. m from Hor.aea, aa4 tataraaa duu tnlnta . . dry rtctat Offta Ut Mala traat I. F tl'JLUI IU. lraCia Yes, SENSIBLEbecaure it's comfortable' TIItRE are other good tastfug tigarettts. 'aiiuia isn'l, the otily good one. But v.hca it conica to comjort rtLcre is probably no otli0igarettc ia the world uite the equal of Falimas. Fatima's Turkish Ulend is so delicately halanccd that it leaves a man feeling keen and fit even alter aloug-smokiujr, day. You could prove this for yourself. NOltKULK ANDt WUSTEKN RAILWAY LIavK WWaTON-SAMiW iebrdule Efferttva Oct. tt. 111! :S0 a. m ; dally (or knn.it. and t i.rmedlat auiiona, afnntotlnf with throufl tool trains Norb. Eaat A VVanl wili fulluian alrepera and dining e.- 2:10 p. m.: dally, through train aloppfna only at MartinaTflla and HiMiy Moont, carry ing aleeping car to Harriaburg. phlladolphia and New Vork, dining car north ot koanok 4: in p. id. j daily, fox Uouoka and Inlar intMliutH athtioua, Ptilnian alnotwr. Traina arrira Winaton-Halcra: local 11:1 a. u. ; 1:10 p. in., U. rough train tpi oniy ai nocxj atouil ua juartuuriut i if:a n. m. a f. BAT7BEBMAK. 0. P. aid T. A. Winatoi Balara fr. n W. B. BEVILL, W O. iADNDlM w Tmi. e aa ija Legal Advertisements SVLV OF VWIiVAWjE HEAL , STATIC lly virtue at atitharity cohtaiood in a certain deed of trust executed on the 12th day of .hmuury. by J. Walter Dalton ami wife. An nie I,. Dalton to the undersigned I In a short time you know your cold trustee to secure an Indebtedness of i Is better. Its the standard family $200, and the said deed of trust being cough Byrup In uso over 40 j ears. Get reci.ifled in the ofllce ot the lttglsfera bottle ut once. Keep It In the of Deeds of Korsyth county in Hook limine as a cold insurance. Hold, at of Mortgages No. 96, page 230, and yoUr druggist. ... the sti'inlations In said deed of trust not having ftVen complied with and Journal Want Ads Hi-Iiik IteMults.) How to Make Want UIIIIUUII1UI 3 Example i How Regular Want Ad Patronage Can Build Business The Want Ad opens a) flcM for Dteatly tukerliiiiig, and especially in Die selling of goods regularly, securing agenls, where many are needed, or offering proefisioiiu.1 or business services; Tho Want Ad, however, is a sort of current ojfir, and a mere standing card, wliilo offcriiiK certain puMkily, iloes nob cany along Unit tuimutg iittrred that heroines an nryu)mnt wlien it is encountered lime ujltr tune by Ilia readers of the Want Ad colimma. Take, as one example, a conlra'tor. Let us see how he could profit al ly employ the Want Ad columiiH day afler day. We give just three such Want Ads to convey the idea: 1 II H l IKtl' WANT All P 1 MM HI N U l-'ONTItAlTIN') a.-rvU'. bitcd on Ii.uk txi.fi i tiop, P(jilalWa ..palroiio, . and a. atf-n'lll)' enlaiKliia tnialnt-Ha. Lieo't let Tnu plunibinfr culilracl unlli you buva touauhttd. . THE HKCOND WANT Al tV(P H KNISIfEI TUB I'l.UMB- Itir for th. a l.lnooln acitool. 8 z r c a 2 i am S X a 5 3 a a a a a for ilia Ailruort. i-aetaiua, for lliu itr 'ourl -loiia. I.t-1 ua rigors on. yoorn--on iin-rit only. AdUr.-.a TUK TUIKP WANT AO TJttttir: MOIUS PbUMBINfl' i '.ntrooifl rlnvl We have Just btfcn i.utitfil tbv -contra.' ta on tie- .l.n-JH'.n H. Il'iol. the Atwoud bulliliny aiei lb. titokoa rfsldiioe. 1 . I -ijm Hifuie oa youra1 The Want Ad become a tori ol peraietent sidesman for you. Regard it as one of your Ud busiDcss-bringers, and trad it that way. Uncd with a view to heaping alreanl of progress, ' Tho Want Ad Can Bring B twin cog All tho Timol QIIUIIUIIIIIItllllUIUUllllllUIUIIHIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllltllllllluI "l.Tji(flllM()t,!BK at the reiiuest of the holder Of the bond thfv'undetsiened trustee will ex pose to wile, to the hwchest bidder for ciihIi at Mm courthouse door in th city of Winston-Saleni, l-'omyth coun ty, -North Carolina, on the lCtl day of Scptemlier at 12 o'clock, M., the following, described real estate; I.vIhk and being: In Middle Fork township and frnutiu; 40 feet on the north side (if Seventh street iu the city of Wlnston-Snlem, N . (".. and of that s'ame width 4(i feet, extending back northwardly 110 feet to an al ley being known and designated as lot No. 22 on Hat of Cameron l'ark I'ropertv, which Is recorded in Hook No 1 OH. pawe 561. This the 14th day of August, 1918. . (1. II. HASTfN'CS, , Trustee.' 8 -18 22 S- 9. 5 WHEN YOU HAVE A COLD Give It attention, avoirl exposur, b refcrlar and careful of your diet, al so commence taking Dr. King'a New Discovery. It contains Plno-Tar, An tiseptic Oils and Balsams. In slight ly laxative. Dr. King's New Discov ery eases our cough, soothes your throat and bronchial tubes, check your coin,, starts '.o clear your head. utiiiiiiiiiiimii.it, Ads Pay No. 10 There are many pthtr uaet for, the Waal Ad beaidea ila power to find A position, aecure an employe, aeli a hoae and lot, houaekold furniture, or perform any other ajngle aervice. COM MUST Thin Is a nmrral appeal. The touiim-ior , miaut ba Iui.iiiil.J. t , k.vp ihla rani htao.lli.K. Ii b vuluattla In ha plaoit or to usa now and tbeu. COMMKNT Thli- shows i hat lh firm la dolnv thtnaa. Hem s nn aieal plu rvfarancaa. COMMENT Tha Idea Is followr-d up by rvlil. nea of sllil gi paler a. blue- . meats. The force of tlifst? Itmil A.la bauoluva LUiuululha. '