TEN M THE REALM OF NORTH CAROLINA SOCIAL CI RCLES FXK.IN ( Special To Th Journal) Elkin, June 14. Quite the pretti est afternoon party of the mid-sum-ner season was that of Wednesday when Misses Gladys and Nell Reich were at homo to a number of friends, at their lovely home in Wfs. KIkiii, complimentary to their charming guest. Miss Lola Woltz of Mount Airy. Throughout the rooms of the home, bowls of nasturtium.. In their bright and varied hues, were eltict Ively arranged, making a pretty set ting for the occasion. In the recep tion hall, the punch table was pre sided over by Miwes Nell Ketch ni Jflna Whltaker, the massive bowl be ing stationed In the cen-er of a mound of golden nasturtiums. In the1 parlor and library, tables were at tractively arranged for a progressive game of rook, which was the chief feature af the enter"tiinment for the afternoon. A patriotic note was sug gested by the score cards which were ornamented with national flags. The fames were played with much ex citement and enthusiasm, top score being made by MN Ohna Poindex rer who was awarded a beautiful box of boa bons. The honor guest's prize was a lorely box of stationery. An especially enjoyable feature of the afternoon was the d lightful musical .selections by Miss Lola Woltz, who is a recent graduate In piano and voice of Greensboro College for Women. Following thr games a delirious ice course was served by the hostess. On Wednesday evening a delight ful motor trip and picnic was en Joyed by a large number of young people, the trip being planned in honer of Miss .Lola Woltx of Mount Airy, The cars left town at 7:30 o'clock, spinning over the sand-clay road to a suitable point near Mitch ell's river. There a huge bon Are waa built which furnished light and cheer while the delicious luncheon was being Berved. The outing was enjoyed immensely by all the mem bers of the party. MIff- Nina Kochelle of Heidsville, arrived today to be the gucs: of Mis Edwlna Carter on Surry avenue. Miss Sallie Hadley of Mount Airy, Is the charming guest of Miss Mar jorle Roth on Surry avenue. Miss Virginia Perron of Lynchburg, Va., is the guest of Mrs. Clem Smith On Jwyn avenue. Miss Agnes Hale of Elk Creek. Va., and Miss Ilallie Lenoir of Caldwell county, ae guests of the Misses Poin dexter on Gwyn avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John W. P.oss left this Week for their home in Jacksonville, k Ta.., after spending some time with Mrs. lOoss' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bobert L. Poindrxler, on West Main tract. Mr. and Mis. S. H. Wilinoth re turend yes'.erday from a visit to rela tives at Newton. Miss Irene Payne or WcstfieUl, is the guest of Mrs. A. W. tleorge on Owyn avenue, Mrs. J. W. Motsinger of Hoonvllle, is the guest of Mrs. J. W. King on Terrace avenue. Miss Viola Polndexter went to W'InstOn-Saleni this week to spend liome time as the guest of Mrs. C. C. Polndexter. Dr. E. G. Click left yesterday for a ten days trip to Atlantic City, and o'.her Bummer resorts. Miss Lola Woltz of Mt. Airy, is pending this week the guest of Miss es Gladys and Nell Reich on Vine ctraet. Miss Annie Russell Is visiting friends at Wllkesboro and Moravian Falls. Mri. C. S. Currier left this, week for a visit to relatives in Connecticut. Bhe was accompanied as far as Ash Vllle by her husband who will spend several days there on business. Miss Mary Paul Is visiting frlatids at Kernersvllle this week. uust 118 MADISOX I (Speciil To Tn Journal.) Madison. July 14 .Miss Thelma Campbell left fur Mount Airy Friday to spend a few davs v. till friemis. Mr. and Mrs. T..K. Grilfith re turned to W.nsnin-Sa'u-m Friday, aft.r spending several days in town with relatives. j Mrs. J0L.1 T. Lowe ,ot Lexington. and Mrs. Dan Taylor of Spray, are pending the week wUh their mother. Mrs. Nannie Undsay. Miss Ruby Young returned Sunday afternoon from an ex-tended visit to relatives in Mississippi and Alabama. Mrs. J. O. Kngsdale returned Sun day evening from "iVinstrai-Salem, when- she spent a few days with re lative. Mis Irene Williams is spending several days with her sister , Mrs. j Sterling Webster. j Mr. and Mrs. If. N". P. In fund spent ! Sunday in Winston-Salem. S. F. Webster and son. S. K. Jr., I and T. K. Webster left for Tabor Monday, where they will buy tobacco i for the next few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Busirk spent 1 yesterday in Winston-HaSem. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Roach are ; spending the week with frionds in j Charlotte. Dr. It. CMatheson returned yes ! terday from Kadford, Va.. to which ' place he accompanied Mrs. W. L. i Ward, where she entered a sanatorl ! urn. Miss Agnes Pratt is spending sever j al days with relatives and friends In i Leusville and Lianville. ! Mrs. C. P.. Pratt returned Saturday j from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. T. A. Apple, in Winston-Salem. Miss Ruth Smith spent Sunday in Winston-Salem with relatives. Mrs. 8. If. Campbell spent yester day in t Ireensboro. j Mrs. fe. S. Smith returned to her ' home in Winston-Salem Sunday, r.ft I er spending a few days in town wltn, I relatives. J I Miss Elizabeth Smith left for Greensboro this morning to attend I the Normal summer school. I Miss Dora Morris left for hr ! home in Salisbury, Md., Monduy, aft- er spending a few days In town with friends. i Mrs. A. R. .Holloway returend to ! her home in Zebulon yesterday, j Mbs Ruth Johnson left for Win ; ston-Salem yesterday, where sho will ; take a course in trained nursing.' I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Butner spent : Sunday with relatives at Rural il.iit. ! Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Pratt. .Miss Kllza Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Webster and Mary Hester Webster, Miss Mary Moore, I'ete and Jake Moore left fur Bladen Lake Parings this morning to spend several days fishing and camping. The stockholders of the new bank that is to be organized the first of September, have purchased the lot. between the City Grocery Co. and I Armstend Williams' cafe and the I work nf constructing the building be ! gan yesterday. The building will be .13x50 feet. John Smith hr.s the con tract mid will pusb it to completion at once. The application for tho charter went forward yeHterdny nnd the name of the new concern will be the Farmers fisnk & rust Co. The stockholders will hold a meeting wi'hln the near future and name the officers. Sul'dny evening at the Methodist church Dr. William McAnally, who has recently returned from France, where he served in the hospitals for the past several months, delivered" a most interes'.lng lecture on his work, nnd the war The talk was greatly enjoyed, from the fact that America is furnishing the men and the means for one of. these large hospitals. Dr. McAnally painted a vivid picture of the war. The material for the new building Unredeemed Pledge Sale All Thisx Week All unredeemed pledges that have accumulated, consist- ..... i in of ""atones, Diamonds. Jewelry, Handbags, Suitcases, Trunks, Musical Instruments, Fire, Arms and Clothing go at unusually low prices management must have room for the coming pledges- Ev erything will he sold regardless of cost. Our entire line of .drummer samples and jobs are on sale in leather goods and trunks. Me sure to visit us tomorrow or guarantee each and every article Sale positively, closes Southern Pawn Brokers' East 4th Street MAYODAX , (Special To The Journal.) Mayodan, July 14. One of the most j interesting weddings of the season was ' that of Miss Loula Donovant to Mr.' Walter Martin, both being quite popu- j l.ir in Mayodan. The wedding waj ; peifonned Saturday afternoon at the I i home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Roach j by itev. S. S. Morton. The happy cou- , j pie left that evening for Winston-SaU ; j em to spend their honey-moon. 1 i Mr. John James while grazing his i cow on the bluff near the railroad at Analon, became tangled in the chain, i The cow became excited and ran off i the bluff carrying Mr. James with! ! her. The animal was naaiy injured ' while Mr. James survived a oroken '. leg. i - Miss Lucile Cox. of Washington. D. C is on a visit here to her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cox. Ttpntlie M:irtin i here on a visit to her mother Mrs. Martin from L.iH-rrange,. ... w ueia bhq o uamuie to be a nurse. Martha, the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Benton, died Sun day night from an attack of menin gitis, after a short illness. . ..... , . : - Tne lime one was iaia 10 rest un- ' Jrkir oflornnftn ut thin nlncA. .llS 11 HO V ttl wi n-.i.m. .w . ... . . . I". t ,i , I visiting ner sister ;uis. xvuy mai liu ioi ;-, few days. Mrs. Jno. Sapp of Roanoke, who was called here Saturday by the death of her nephew. Harvey Purgason, re turned home Monday. Mesdames Robert .Shropshire and William Smith have returned from Raleigh where they have been visit ing friends. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rrice of Greensboro spent the week end here. ! with friends. I Messrs. George Bryant. Klrby Reld j Frank Tullock and Murray spent the , week end in Greensboro. ! Masters Clvde Allev and Jesse Rob ertson went to Walnut Cove Sunday looking for a good camping site. The Mayo Mills are erecting a large and improved coal shute. Mr. and Mrs. Poet Shropshire of Lewlsvillo are spending a few days In this town. Messrs. Hard and Leonard Martin spent the week end in Stuart Va. , Born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baughn, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robertson of Snenrer. N. C, snent Friday here with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Dalton. for the Rockingham Auto Co. is now. being placed on the ground. It will he situated' on a portion of the lot formerly occupied by the lack old hotel and will be modern in every rnsncct it will be 60x100 feet and on the front will be two stories, while the rear will be three, the lower be- .. 1 I. r. ...onhinA rona it Un4 repair department. The firs: "floor , from the street will be used for stor age and salesroom, while Dr. Roach will use the third floor for his den tal parlors. He tella us that the work of construction will begin with n short while as soon as the remain- der of the material can be placed in position. ! IfJIEflESTllMM ! k LIFE AT FORT OGLETHORPE j Prof. John 3. Ingle, formerly of 1 llhe Greensboro high school faculty,! I who is now in the officers' training ! ; cmnpNat Fort Oglethorpe, Oa.,' writ-! ing to his sister, Mrs. A. W. Cline, j in this oily, says: "I shall be glad ! when the middle of August comes. 1 Tho training period is over then and j we are expecting to got a iunougo : .. o tfnhnhlv 15. After that those who get commissions will have to begin training for the new army. Only a small per cent will re- during tins sale. The anv dav this week- We purchased at this sale. after this week. Near Depot (.REEXSBORO (Special To The Journal.) Greensboro. July 14. Mrs. M. W. Thompson entertained at cards at the Country Club Thursday morning, complimentary to her house guests, Mrs. Robert L. Brown and her moth er. Mrs. R. H. Boner of Pueblo, Col. Bridge and rook were played. Mrs. R. K. King won the prise for the highest bridge score, a cut glass co logne bottle. The prize for highest rook score, a telephone pad, was won by Mrs. A. A. Alderman, and the guests of honor were presented with a cut glass bowl and an embroidered bowl respectively. Delicious refresh ments were served. Misses Lula Martin Mclver and Alice Wltherspoon were hostesses at an attractive bridge party Thursday, in honor of the house guests of Miss Margaret Gold, who are Misses No vella Mayo, Hattie Copeland and Vir glnia Winstead. Misses Nellie and Margaret Bain gave an attractive porch party Wed nesday morning In honor of their I.ouse guests, Mlsa Grayce Paul and Miss Myrtle Taylor of Richmond, Va., and Miss Minette Marshall of Rosemary. Bridge was played at nine tables. Miss Marie Brandt and Miss Lula Martin Mclver won the prizes for the highest score. Complimentary to their house guest Miss Leon Simpson of Rogersville, Tenn, Misses Agnes and Eva Martin entertained Thursday evening at fan tan, a new card game. The game was played on the brilliantly lighted lawn. An ice. course was served. Miss Lillian Sapp entertained on Thursday morning in honor of two recent brides. Mrs. Andrew Joyner, Jr., and Mrs. Malcolm Murray. Bridge and rook were played. At the close of the games, Miss Mildred Ghrismon and Miss Augusta Sapp served an ice course.: , Mrs. VV. F. Clegg gave a gypsy tea Friday evening at Hamburg mill pond, beyond Guilford Battleground, complimentary to the members of her house party. The pary left Hotel Clegg in automobiles at 6 o'clock and arrived at Hamburg in time to pre pare and eat a splendid picnic supper. Boating and other amusements were enjoyed during the evening. The guests of honor were Misses Lynn ahd Ruth Hall of Louisbu'rg; Miss Kdna Burton of Wilson; Misa Male Dorsett of Greensboro, and Walter Burton of Reidsville. Mrs. Jack Hardin entertained at bridge Friday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Andrew Joyner, Jr., and Mrs. Baxter Se liars. Bridge was played at seven tables. Mrs. Clarence Cone won the prize for highest score. The home was attractively decorated with cut flowers and potted plants. An .ce course was served. Miss Mary Donnell entertained Fri day evening at progressive rook m honor of her brother, Harry H. Don nell of Taunton, Mass. Progressive rook was played at eight tables, after which an ice course was served. - Mr.- J. C. Bishop has announced the engagement of his daughter, Miss Mattie Vaught x Bishop, to Arnold Cleo Davis, the wedding to take place in August at West Market Street M. B. church in this city. Miss Bishop is spending ths summer in Boston, Mass. Mr. Davis, who is a young attorney of this city, Is at present re ceiving military training at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Miss Love Izeland, Miss Klizabeth Smith, Miss Mabel Alderman and Brnest Alderman left Saturday for White Lake to join a camping party. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bemau and their son. .Rudolph, left Friday for Wrightsville Reach to attend the an nnal . convention of the North Caro lina Jewelers Association. The trip was made in their auto. Mrs. G. W. Whltsett was hostess Tuesday afternoon at a lovely recep tion at her home at 217 Church street given in honor of Mrs. J. B. Harrison, a recent bride. During the hours of the reception more than two hundred guests called. The home was charm ingly decorated for the occasion and delicious refreshments were served. celve commissions for immediate ser vice, the others will be commissioned in the Reserve Corps. 1 don't know on what basis the commission will be distributed, but it will probably be largely determined by the recommen dations of the company commander. "I have recently been transferred from Company t to Company 3 along with 75 others, There are 150 men in the company. I have very little time for writing. T have two big books to read before Friday, then we have an examination on them. The books are on military law. This is in addition to the long . drills, hikes, marches, battles, etc. Last night our battalion fought a battle with the second. It lasted until 11 o'clock. We got to bed at 11:30 and had to get up at five, just six hours sleep. We never get but seven hours sleep If we sleep all the time we are al lowed." Come to Vade Mecum for your week end, fine orchestra for both square and round dance. .C. I. Gresham, Prop- Ilnifortunately, the people who are able to do Just as they please are not always pleasing. Not a Corn or - Callus on Feet Apply few drops, then lift them off without ptln. A noted Cincinnati au thority discovered anew ether compound and called it freezone and It now can be had in little bottles for a few cents from any drug store. You simply apply a few drops of freezone upon a tender corn or painful callus and Instantly the soreness disappears, then shortly you will find the coin 'or callus so loose that you can lift it on with lingers. No pain, not a bit of soreness, either when ap plying freezone or after wards, and it doesn't even irritate the skin. Hard corns, soft corns or corns between1 the toes, also toughened calluses, Just shrivel up and lift off so easy. It is wonder ful! It works like- a charm. Try it! I I III omen II III frfezone on l I W ers and nev ache twice. Women should keep their dress- ever let a corn (Advt) 1 8TATESVTIXE (Special To Tht Jou-nil.) Statesville. July 14. Mrs. Fred Deaton of Newton was guest of hon or when Miss Elizabeth Brawley en tertained the Bachelor Belles and a number of other friends recently. Bridge was played at five tables. Miss Louise Sherrill and Miss Annie Mania cut for the high score prize which fell to Miss Marvin. The prize was a box of correspondence cards. Mrs. Deaton was presented a pair of gold hat pins. Punch, a salad course and mints were served by Misses Catherine Brawley, Gladys Sherrill and Margaret Brawley. The hall was decorated in red. the parlor in pink and the dining room in yellow. Snapdragons, shasta daisies and sweet peas were used to carry out the color scheme. Miss Mary McRorie entertained at a delightful party here hi honor or her guests,- Misses Sarah and Nancy Anderson of Charlotte. ' Rook was played at seven tables. Miss Catherine Brawley, who made the highest score, was presented with a bouquet of sweet pas. The guests of honor received crepe de chine handkerchiefs as fav ors. Ice cream and cake were served. Sweet peas, nasturtiums and roses decorated the house attractively. Mr. Harry jolly and Miss Ruth Aline Fairchild were married Friday afternoon at 4:30 at the home of the officiating minister, Rev. J. H. Press ly. Mr. Jolly lives in Columbia, S. C. while is bride is a native of Iredell. The congregation of the First Pres byterian church gave a reception at Mitchell college Tuesday evening in honor of Rev, J. Harper Brady and his bride. Mr. and Mrs. Brady will sail at an early date for Japan where Mr. Brady will represent the First Presbyterian church in the mission field. The college was prettily dec orated for the occasion. The wide veranda was decorated with potted plants. The music room was pretty with a color at-home of yellow, the dining room in pink. The centerpiece for the dining table was a mass of gladiolii; at each corner of the table was a basket of sweet peas. The. guests were met at the foot of the stairs leading to the porch by Mrs. Orln Turner and Miss Sara White. Receiving on the porch were Prof, and Mrs. J. Moore, Dr. M. R. Adams and Mrs. V. R. McLelland. The receiving line was composed of Rev. Dr. C. R. Raynal and Mrs. Ray nal, Rev. J. Harper Brady and Mrs. Brady, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brady, Dr. H. M. Parker, Prof, and Mrs. J. If. Hill, Rev. Wr. T. Walker of Barium Springs, Rev. and Mrs. J. N. Smith, Mrs. L. W. MacKesson and Mrs. E. R. Rankin showed the way to the register which was presided over by Miss Ruth Gill and Mr1, liob Rickert. The register was pretty affair, hand painted by Mrs. R. K. Clapp. Miss Margeret Brady and Mr. It. L. Boston ushered the guests into the music room where Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mills president. Mrs. II. o. Steele and Mrs. M- C. Wood gave several selections during the evening. Dr. and Mrs. L. o Gibsun and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hall received in the hall which led to the dining room. In the dining room Misses Elvy McElwee, Anniebelle Wal ton, Celeste Henkel and Olive Gray receivd. Ice cream and cake were served in the library by Misses Louise Brady, Marion Moore, Virginia Steel., and .Cordelia Watts. A large number or friends called during tho evening. u Miss Charlye Tomlln entertained the Bachelor Belles Wednesday. Mrs. J. D. Cochrane, Jr., of Fairfield. Ala. was a. special guest of the afternoon. Bridge was played. Miss Beatrice v unningnam as winner of the highest I score was presented with a corsage of I peas, a salad course made uu the refreshments. Miss Margaret Sanborn of Philadel phia, was the guest of honor when her sister, Mrs, W. S. Coffey entertained Monday. Hearts was played. Punch was served during the evening by Misses" Ruth Morrison and Mildred Bedford. There was also an ice course The congregation of Elmwood Pres byterian church gave an informal pic nic on the church lawn this evening in honor of Rev. J. Harper Brady and his bride. Mr. Brady gave up the pas torale of the Elmwood church to take up mission work in Japan. "This even ing a picnic riiniter was serveH. Fol lowing the dinner XJr. W. GI Bradford in behalf of the congregation present ed Mr. Brady with a nurse of rolrt. Little Miss Agnes Fleming presented Mrs. Brady with a corsage of white roses and snapdragon. Mrs. R. W.'Orr hasone to Montreal t0 spend two weeks. . Mrs. J. E. Frye and little daughter. Violet, have returned from Ashcvllle where they spent three weeks. Mrs. R. Frank Page and little dau ghter! Elizabeth, of Raleigh, were guests of Mrs. Frank Culbreth last week, going from here to Asheville. j Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Stevenson are at Connelly Springs to spend two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. White and their daughters, Misseg Ruth and Marjory, have arrived from Hillsboro, Illinois, to spend the summer with Mrs. Annie Bailey and other relatives. Mrs. E. M. Hays has returned from a stay in Washington city and is no-r with her daughter, Mrs. Jas. W. Wil son. Mrs. E. N. Lawrence has gone to Asheville to spend a few days. Miss Bessie Hicks has returned :.-om Hickory; she was accompanied home by Misg Ola Warner who will be her guest for two weeks. Miss Leila Corpening who has been with Mrs. D. M. Furches for several weeks has gone to Morganton. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Hoffman and baby have returned from Danville, Va. i where they visited Mrs. Hoffman's; parents. Mr. and Mrs. ,T. Hoffman I Mrs. G. E. French of Statesville, ; and Mrs. Thomas Butler of St. Fran-cesvttie,- Larare spending the week at Blowing Rock. , j Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McRorie of I Hickory are visiting relatives here. ! Misses Ruth White i d Annie; Blackwcll of Lenoir are guests of Miss Marie Sherrill this week. Rev. J. Harper Brady and Mrs. Bra dy, who were recently married in Lyn chburg, Va.. are visiting Mr. Brady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brady. BELOVED MAYODAN LADY DIED LAST WEEK (Special To Tfc Journal.) Mayodan, July 14. Mrs. William Benton an aged lady vho was loved by all who knew her died Monday morn ing at tile home .of her daughter Mrs. Tradiff in Bald Hill. She was then brought here. Mrs. Benton was 5 7 years old and had been In feeble health y.:ite a while. Khe is survived by Mesdr.mcs. Smith, Reynolds, Trad iff. Mabe. and Mrs. Allen Benton. The funeral was conducted at the Moravian chnroh Tuesday afternoon by Dr. Howard Rondthaler of Winston-Salem. Intermetn was In the Mhyodan cemetery. Mrs. Benton was a faithful and con sistent member of the ..Moravian church for 18 years. Many friends will be grieved . to learn of her passing. Conductor "Where's your tick et?" Tough Faasenger- Aw! I m trsvelin' on me face." Conductor "Well, it's immaterial to me wheth er I punch a ticket on a face." KERXERSVUXE (Special To Tha Journal.) Kernersville, July 13. Miss Helen!00 street and re-organlzed Shore entertained in a very deliglit- j their club for the summer, ful manner at her home in this place After the business session during on last Monday evening, having as the which an election of oiticers was her guests on this occasion the mem- ' held and the members enrolled, to bers of the Kernersville Glee Club ! gether with the formulation of plans and several visitors. for club work during the summer. The large veranda of the home : the hostess introduced a clever con which had been prettily decorated i test for ,he amusement of the com with sweet peas, potted plants and i Pany- hanging flowers, made an ideal set- i The boy's prize in the contest was ting for the occasion, rook tables was won by Mr. Max Greenfield and having been arranged for 20 players. 1 the girls by Miss Lillian Stafford of Miss Gaynell Hepler won high score prize in the game, this being a pret ty box of correspondence cards, at tractively decorated with miniature red, white and blue flags. A number of musical selections were sung by the company, and at the close of the evening an ice course was served by. the hostess. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Erie Stuart The club had as visitors on Mon day evening Misses Mary Paul of Elkin, Lillian and Blanch Stafford of North Wllkesboro. Mattie Lee Kor ner of Winston-Salem. Helen Hum phrey of Clarement, California, Ger tie Kerner, Annie Lee Stafford of this place; Messrs. John Smith of Gull ford College and Phillip Horner of Winston-Salem: members present were Misses Eugenia Stafford, Maud and Nina Pinnix, Erie Stuart, Minnie Hastings, Estelle Korner and eMssrs. Clay Ring. "Walter Linville, W. O. Doggett, Chester Morris and V. Y. Harold. ., The younger social set of the ton, numbering about 25, chaperoned by Mrs. J. R. Paddison and Mrs. E. C. Brooks enjoyed a most delightful out ing on last Thursday afternoon of last week, going from this place in automobiles to the Dunlap Mineral Springs. The party left this place at about 4 o'clock in tha afternoon, all carry ing with them baskets, well tilled w.th tempting table delicacies m great variety. I'pon their arrival at the springs a bountiful picnic supper was served on the large pavillion of the spring grounds. After the meai a camp fire was built for the purpose of toasting marshmellows, several songs were sung and a variety of games ungated in by the young people. Another very delightful picnic party held at the springs on Tuesday even ing was composed of the following: Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. E.: P. Wrhitaker and children. Edward and Ina, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hanklns and little daughter, Mary Louise, Meyers and Stone and Mr. Finkney Medcaris of Atlantic, Iowa. The evening with supper on tho pavillion was much enjoyed by all present. An excellent concert was given on Saturday evening last in the audito rium of the graded and high school building by the members of the Mo ravian congregation at this place, the program consisting of songs, read ings, readings, vocal and instrumental solos. Following the concert a lawn fete was given on the school campus, the proceeds of which will be used for the purpose of installing eiectrlc lights in the Moravian church at this place. The young people's Glee Club met on Friday evening with Miss Mary Lyon, at the home of her grandmoth er, Mrs. D, A. Bodenhamer. Tha meeting was mostly of a social nature.1 the evening helntr sriven over to games and music. The guests were entertained on the lawn and veranda, which were lignt- ed and attractively decorated with 1 flowers and potted plants. The hostess as assisted by Miss j Lucile Fulp in serving Orange Julep i Rnd c el Icq The Misses thennlETAOIN ETAOIN Misses Ruth Holcomb of Mt. Airy 1 -isi.v qnp sa iuaKd.io ae uiEti.m(j jo i and Misses Martha and Sara Brooks ' tors. Members present Included:1 Misses Frances Olliver, Gaiselle Ker-; ner, Marguerite Ring, Evelyn Joyce, I Hcrnlce Linville, Norma McCulston, and Irene Gibson: Messrs. Gates Mc Kaughn, Fred Pegg. Robert Price, i Wlllard-Fulp, Walker Price, Kemp McCulston and Charlie Bodenhamer. An Informal young people's social ! was tendered the members of the Kernersville B. Y. P. U. by Misses Annie Snyder and Gladys Walson recently, the affair being given at the home of Miss Snyder in North Ker- j nersville. The guests were entertained in the parlor, on the porch and lawn of the home where vases of field daisis. j roses and potted plants were used : with pleasing effecf as a decoration. Games and music were enjoyed by the young people and lemonade and cake were served by the hostesses. Twenty-eight members of the Un ion were present at the social to gether with two visitors. Misses Fleta Styers of Lexington and Lucile Fulp Mr. E. E. Heath who has been connected in this shop for Lhe past two years has purchased the entire interest from Mr. George Barnhardt, Under the successful manage ment of the former owner, this shop has enjoyed steady and increasing patronage. The new management will en deavor to serve the public as in the past. Seven experienced while barbers. "WE DO MORE THAN WE ARE EXPECTED TO DO" L & B. BARBER SHOP 448 N. Liberty St. - of this place. The members are planning a pic , nic to be given now shortly. ! The members of the Sans Souci Club met on Saturday evening at , the home of Miss Annie Lee Stafford North VMlkesooro. A tempting course of refreshments was served by the hostes-j. The next meeting will be held at i the home of Miss Carrie Hatstngs. Miss Blanch Kirkman is visiting her brother, Mr. Ora Kirkman at Manchester. Mass. Misses Lillian and Blanch Stafford of North Wilkesboro have been spending several days as the guests of Misses Erie and Dorothy Stuart. Miss Willie' Staurt and Mrs. W. H. Fowler have returned from a visit to their aunt, Mrs. E. B. Parks at Siler City. Mrs. R. E. Steele has returned to her home in Geensboro after a visit of several days to her father, Mr. I. H. Mt-Kaughn. Amusements in the City Tomorrow AT THE DILOT Theater A Paramount Feature with MME. PETROVA In THE UNDYING FLAME' Special music by Mr. Post lewaite every day Elmont A special Pathe Feature OUR FIGHTING FORCES Showing how Uncle Sam is prepared for war A 2 reel Wesfer Comedy FIVE LITTLE WIDOWS . Also a one leel comedy NOT TOO THIN TO FIGHT Paramount A big musicale comedy THE NEICES AND NEPHEWS OF UNCLE SAM The best show of the Season We take this method of in forming the pub lic of the change in management of the L & B. Barber Shop. E. E- Heath, Propt. i i i