Tuesday Morning, January 22, 191? TWO THE WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL Luzianne "When It Pour, It GEN. PERSHING fcMUSlVfcLY BY A FAMOUS NOVELIST (By Wall M'Glonc (ilbson. Author of . "C'oiifrshions of a Wife. SKK"inl Cable o tin- Dally Journal. Opyrlgtit. 19 1 H. by the Xcwspapcr Enterprise AshihIiiiIoii) American Headquarters, Fiance, Jan.. 2 1 (font role Aincriealne) "General Pershing will :e you now, Mrs. Gibson," said the adjutant, and 1 was ushered into u sunny room nnd confronted by a tail figure, a man much younger than I expected to see. i For an Instant Ceneral Pershing Stood silent, then, with a smile, he held Out . is hand, and 1 realized the adjutant had not entered with me. The man before me hud the bear ing that told of supple Joints, per- I feet heart action, and that spirit was i in his eyes which is always asking of life, "What are you going to .give m a next?" while his mouth In Its maturity seemed to say "Whatever may come will find me ready." I realized that moment that Gen eral Pershing did not look as I had expecd. This man had gnay eyes, with Rlints of steel In them, and brown hair, silvered at the temples; a stubby mustache did not cover the strong lines of the decisive mouth, vhlch could thin quickly into the E Thfl Improved Calomel TaMct' That is Entirely Purified of all Nauseating and .Danger ous Qualities Physicians are warning the public against trifling with colds and grippe. They say that a brisk calomel purga tive, preferably Calotabs. the new and Improved calomel tablet, should be invariably taken at bed time and repeated the second or third night. If necessary. In the earliest stages, one Calotab Is usually sufficient un less the case is particularly severe. Physicians say that it lg a waste of time and Is dangerous to experi ment with other laxatives, as calomel Is ats-lutely necessary sooner or lat er. One Calotab on the tongue at bed time with a swallow of water, that's nil. No salts, no nausea nor the sllehtest interference with diet, work or pleasures. Next morning Jour cold has van'shed and your whole system Is purified and refresh ed. Calm, dm are sold only in original son i d package. j-nce tnirty-nve rents. Recommended and guaran teed by druggists every where. Price refunded if you are not dellglited (Advf A FIFTH AVENUE Special Sale This Week of Serge Dresses We have just received a new shipment of dresses, mostly serge, but a few combinations, satins, jerseys, crepe de rhine and georgettes are included. Original value $35.00. SPECIAL SALE PRICE $14.95 ''her coats'reduced to 1-3 off to 1-2 price I Coat Special Ye have to see these high price coats in order to appreciate thcr.. These originally sold from $40.00 to $75.00. OUR SALE PRICE $19.75 TO $35.00 All others in stock 1-3 off to 1-2 price 1415 Trade St. Kann's Women's Fashion Shop wmmmmmmmm and Corn Pone WHEN you ee your mammy, Honey, bringin' in the caflee and the pone, you " can tell before you taste it that the coffee's Luzianne sure-nuf by thewhifa a-streaming, warning in the air. It'i the coffee Luzianne you remember and you hanker after it until you get another cup. Luzianne Coffee (your grocer has it) comes put up in tins. Try it tomorrow morning for breakfast. If it isn't all you expect, you can get your money back. Luzianne for aroma, fragrance and snap. Try it INTERVIEWED Ml : JUUKNAL ' determined lips of a man who could say "no" and mean all the negative in t'ue English grammar, as well as i Hay "yes" and expect to be obeyed i without question. ; I had brought a personal letter from a very intimate friend in the states, and I expect it was because of this that the general granted me the first exclusive interview since he has been in France. The 'general smiiod with pleasure when I I told him that I had been personally at many of the training c;. s in the Hlates, and I ventured that even he would be astonished at the splendid morale and wonderful physical hardihood of the American selective arniy. , 1 he men that are coming over )lprP now c.,n nal-rty )e surpassed he declared proudly. At tills mo ment a voice outside shouted to someone down the corridor, "Happy New Year.' "One mn hnrdly make the words ring true, general,"' I re marked. "Tiiey should," he answered quick ly. "I look to see this year plane America in her merited place an the greatest nation in the universe. We nifiy expect setbacks and discourage ment at the outset; mistakes may be made; another commander may arise," and with an Indescribable ges ture General Pershing seemed for the moment to brush himself' off the map of war "hut whatever the obstacles may be, I look, for the end of the year to at least show America to be the greatest factor and fighter for universal and everlasting peace." v , . . ii e i y one Uiciy riliK uii LOW ULiiin I of heaven with the chimes of happy New Year if that conies true," I said. General, you know I had a special renson for wanting to see you He looked up Interrogatively. "1 am sure you gathered from your friend's letter that I am over here trying to find out Just how much good the Ited Cross is doing; how much of a factor it la in the work of winning the war." General Pershing was silent for a moment, and then he said;: "You have been about over here a good deal, Mrs Gibson. What do von think of It?" "After a thorough investigation of a'! Red Cross activities I am going bark with a message that America ennnot do too much for the extension ind perfection of her Red Cross ser ve." T!io general stiffened in his chair nd said: "And well you may, Mrs. Gibson; well you may: for I want .to say that -o other orcanlzat'on since the world Ker"-n has ever done such great con structive work with the efficiency, ! snatch, un'1e.rt'ik'ing, -often under 'dvcrse circumstancea. that has been ) ono In France by the American Red , Crn.s in the last six months. 'The work of the lied Cross has been militarized: it is the first great constructive contingent of the Amer- SHOP AT YOUR DOOR Winston-Salem, N. C. T j i OPTOMETRISTS OF STATE III SES50N III GATE GIT! NOW Funeral Services of Grover C. Ashmore Held Yester day ; Self-imposed Quar antine of Students at the State Normal College IIEATTJS DAY IN . GKEENSBOIiO QUIET Greensboro, Jan. 21. The North Carolina State OptometricaJ Associa tion met here this morning for a two days' session. After welcome addresses and responses by Dr. C. H. lioness of Asheville, and Dr. R. C. Augus tina of lilllnots, an4 Xh 4rangaction-of routine business, the session adjourn ed. This afternoon a purely business session was held, and at eight o'clock this evening Dr. Augustine, who is Vice-President of the National Asso ciation, addressed the delegates on a technical subject. Tomorrow evening, Dr. Augustine is to make a public lecture on the subtext "Conservation of Vision." The election of officers will take place tomorrow afternoon. The funeral of Grover C. Ashmore, who died yesterday, was held . this afternoon at three o'clock from the First Presbyterian church, services being conducted by the pastor, "Rev. C. F. Myers, assisted by Rev. J. Clyde Turner of the First Baptist church. Mr. Ashmore had Veen manager of the Greensboro District of the Bell Telephone Company for the last five years, and was very popular here. lie is survived by his wife, who was be fore marriage Miss I la Cartland, and a two-year old daughter. Pneumonia caused Mr. Ashmore's death, after an Illness of only a few days. He was a member of several fraternal orders and the burial service was conducted by the Greensboro Lodge of'F.lks. The State Normal College is observ ing ii quarantine in the interest of the health of the student body, the quar antine being self 'imposed., The young women will be kept to the campus to keip the students ' from exposing themselves in the bad weather and to prevent the spread of diptlferia. in the student body. There is no .serious j ground for apprehension, as only five students are in the Infirmary and It1 js not ,,plieved that' they, have dipthe- ria. The College uses the quarantine occasionally as a mutter of precau- i tion. and there is no reason for par-1 cuts or friends((of any student to feel uneasy. The first closing da"y under the dl rection of the Fuel Administration passed off quietly in Greensboro, ev- J ery enterprise and business apareut ly desiring to co-operate with the administration in the saving of fuel. There is little criticism of the Gov- . ernment's action and Greensboro pco- t pie feel that it is nothing more than their duty to co-operate in every way j possible with the Government. lean army. "As strange as It may seem." even the nation with the most men and j most i .oney in the world today can-! not wave a magic wand and seo an army of trained men arise. j "VV"..en the American forces came I over here last spring the thought In the minds of all was: 'What Can Vve do Immediately that, will seem more than promises to rrnvicc?' - "The members of my staff got tr iretber and we decided that we could, with t'.ie aid of the American lted Cross, in another way help France to fight her battles until we were ready to take our. nlace beside her out there on the fighting line. "Money was poured out profnse lv where It wns needed. The Amer ican Red Cross said 'While the Cnit ed Ptates is building ils fighting ma chine to speedy and terrible perfect ion we will steadily construct again the homes and brine together the families that have been scattered by Ihe enemy, so th'it when victory conies ti the allies the French snl rtbr shall return to a rehabilitated home instead of the desolation and universal chaos that usually follows var.' "You see from this. Mrs Gibson, that th- Red Cross he'ned the Amer 'can an to berin Its battles for Ideals and democracy, even before our mach'ne runs ad bursting shells have carried the riessage.' nTICEES IrPLEO AT TRINITY WW SiEO' The installat'on of officers, for the w year took -place at the Trinity T1PW Morav'nn rliurch Sunday morning, Kev. K. C Ftpnir!f the pastor, hav ing charge of the services. A tins nrvlift llio nnalnl expressed the regret of ' the school In the retiring of Mr. R. A. Spaugh, who has served them as superin- b.. ivnf ise, wno has nepn associaieu with Mr. Spaugh In the work for the last twenty y'wrs, reviewed the faith ful service and splendid accomplish ments of tho retiring leader during those years. Mr. Spaugh In replyln? expressed his repret that it was necessary to retire for a short while, at least, but BSdured them of his hearty ro-opera-tlon in any endeavor. He then pre sented Mr. Charles F. Ader. the new superintendent, who has been with the school practirally the entire pe riod of Mr. Fpaugh's nervire. He ex pressed his appreciation at the honor conferred upon him and urged the co-operVion of all connected with the work. Other officer now serving- the school are: Mr. John Knonse. libra rian; Mrs. TV A. Spaugh. musical director; and Mr. Robert Foltz, choir director. T Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey Will Prove Ideal Treatment A neglected cough may lead to such dangerous bronchial or lung ailments, that proper attention with Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-lloney cannot be begun too promptly. You can absolutely depend on this remedy as it has proved effective In thousands of casee where a hacking cough, difficult breathing, inflamma tion or hoarsenegn were involved. Its balKim and healing Ingredients soothe the throat, .loorpn' the phlegm, the antiseptic properties check the cold germs and feverish or grlppy fppllnim are nromntlv nllaved. Take Xr. Bell's Tine-Tar-Honey at I once, not' only for quick, and gratl- rylng relief for r.ll distressing symp toms, hut to prevent serious aftr-cf. I foots. - DO SOMETHING 0 T H "ANSWER WITH THE I nTT" III 1 Ai 1 ill llll I 1 I'M . ill I -J(xl I r .,v . tor ... . RELATIONS with A MILITARISTIC. PRUSSIAN KAI5CRIZCD GOVERN MENT N EURALGIA For quick results rub the forehead anO temples with ft VK.-n.Ltl,!lf(1yC nurd inYrwr Hc-mr-' TllltKI MAX AG KIIS AUK 1 ArTlOJt DIOniULL PltATT ! (By The Asiociated Presj.) Kt. Louis, Jan. 21. The failure of j Manager Huggins of the New York i Americans to arrive today prevented the completion of a deal for the trading of lierrill 1'ratt, second base man of the St. Louis Americans. Bus iness Manager Quin of St. Louis said he was expected Tuesday. It is understood Cleveland, Wash ington and New York are after l'ratt. T 1 1 1110 10 10 X KM Y A 1 H 10S HlOniO FROM l'URTO IUCO fPv.TVe rf.jie' P-sk ) An Atlantic I'ort, .Ian. 21. An American ship which arrived here to day from Porto Rico brought three enemy aliens. Leopold Strube, Werner Stuyvesal'and Adolph Koester for in ternment at Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. They are the first to be sent here from I'orto Rico. VOX HKRTLIXB'S SPEKCH TO BIO MAIMO THURSDAY 'Py T!-e Assoc st- I p-i Copenhagen, Jan. 21. The Zeitung Am Mittag of Berlin, a copy of which has been received here, says that Count von Hertling, the Imperial Ger man chancellor, will deliver his post poned speech to the Reichstag main Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Daj s your druggist will refund money p.n mvTMiJHT foil. tn a.. . vu.v case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or I'rotrutling Piles in 6 to 14 days. The first application gives Ease &Rest ! j mmmmmmm 50c. the nce You ho Open 11 a.m. to 11 p.m Conserving - Fuel ITomorrow Charlie Chaplin V Also 'THE. FIRE FLY OF TOUGH LUCK" Triangle 300,000 AMERICAN , WwWCT) W Today SWORD, PAPA-THE NOT IN TRADE." committee next Thursday. The news- ! , paper adds that Dr. von Kuehlmann the German foreign secretary, is con ferring with the party :eaders and that he will participate In the debate which will follow the chancellor's , speech. The debate is expected to ; last three days. Manufacturers of Certain Meltons, Army and Navy Uniforms and Blankets in the List Greensboro, Jan. 21. State Fuel "Administrator. McAlister, today re ceived the. following telegram from the Washington Administration: "Please note the following are ex- miry seventeenth: 'All manufacturers of. woolen and cotton yarns for the i purpose of weaving into sixteen to I thirty ounce meltons, .the spongers and sl rlnkers of this cioth, msnufac turers of woolen coats, breeches, ovcrcp-ts. and lankets for Army and Navy uniforms and subcontractors for th. same; jilso manufacturers of twelve four tenths and heavier ducks for the I'nited States Government and thre.d and cotton yarn manufactur ers and other contractors oj sub-contractors for such duck, as well as the fir .ing plants engaged in dyeing these ducks, also manufacturers en gaged in making them into tents and enuipage for the I'nited States Gov- ernment.' With regard to newspaper w tr. 1 I -I.--tzi?. -ews ifft I n-nnr rwrmnTiniin jMUHt'LAtMniUNb i ii linn i iii i nil ii ii a rhUIVI rUtL UriLlLn publication, we are considering a signed applications must deposit with tvpiral usual legal holiday for the ! a 'cal hank, association, or individ purocses of the regulation of any 1m- I "a'- designated by the Secretary of portant hol'dav selected by the news- : Agriculture to act as the farmers' papers involved." , agent for that purpose, money to cov- I er the cost of the fertilizer except the AfJAIXST I'AIF TM'POTrrS j freiebt rharge After the money is OX GOVKRXMEXT BOXDS I Washington. Jan. 21. A favorable report was voted by the Senate ,'udic- if,!,ry Committee to'nv on the bill to ll1a'i0 a felonv the crculntion of false i reports whicli plight obstruct the sale i of government securities. The meas- ure is designed to reach those re sponsible for confusing rumors set afloat during the Liberty Loan cam paigns. The committee also approved a bill to relieve Congress of the ad judication of private claims against the Government and decided to be gin consideration next Monday of the soldiers' and sailors' civil rights bill. Journal Want Ads bring results. Journal Want Ads hrlnr results. GASES, SOURNESS, EES 'Tape's Diapepsin" Helieves Stpmach Distress in Five Minutes You don't want a slow remedy when your stomach Is bad or an, un certain one or a harmful one your stomach Is too valuable; you mustn't Injure it w'th drastic drugs. Pape's niaoepsln is noted for Its sneed In g'ving relief: lis harmless ness: Its certiin nnfni'lng action In renilnt'ng iev. pour msv stomachs. Its nulck relief In Indicest-on, dys pensia and gnFtrltis when caused by acidity has made it famous the world over. Keep this wonderful stomach sweetener In your home keep it handy got a large fifty-cent case from nny drutr itore and then if any one should eat something which doesn't agree with them; if whnt they eat lays like lead, ferments and sours nnrl fn mi crnw erii::e henHfiehe Av RIDSTOMAGH OF ID 1 T N ziness and nnusen; 'eructations of acid i PER'TI .RS DISAPI h,. It and undlresied food--remeniber as FROM HIGH SCHOOL soon Tape's TMnpepsIn come In! ' r'lve typewriters have disappeared co ct with the stomach It helps to from the city high school recently and neutralize the excessive aciditv. thenjSnpt. Latham would appreciate any nil the stomach distress caused by ! Information regarding them; They It appears. Its promptness, cer- i were taken to the high school build talnty and ease in overcoming suchjir.R from the commercial department stomach disorders is a revelation to for work for the. lted Cross campaign those wio try- it. (Advt) land were at the building on Tues- HOHENZOLLERNS ARE ? LOGAL FARMERS TO GET NITRATE The Government Has Ar ranged For its Sale by County Demonstration Agent Bruce Anderson Notice has been given to Mr. Bruce Anderson, Agricultural Agent for, jmmorai conditions among the Ameri Forsyth county, that the U. S. De- can troops in France were denounced partment of Agriculture will sell at as untrue today by Lieut Col. Geo. cost a suply of nitrate of soda to I Robinson, a retired Army chaplain at farmers in the county. VTf1"1? ?f the local Protestant Th - nitrate was purchased though I Ministers Association. He pre.nt the War Industries Board under the ; ed t'fturea from the Surgeon General authority of the Food Control Act i ot ihf Army showing that no such as a part of the program for stimu- i conditions exist and deplored circula- latlng agricultural production. It will be unloaded at Atlantic ports and the price will be $76.50 a ton, free on board cars at port of arrival. Farm ers are to pay in addition freight from port of arrival and the State fertilizer tag fee. How to Obtain Nitrate Applications for a part of the 100, 000 tons of nitrate bought by the gov ernment will be received only from actual farmers or owners or holders of farms for use on their land and may be made though County Agent Bruce Anderson or through any member of a local committee consist ing of Mr. W. N. Polndexter, Mr. C. 10. . Kbert, Mr. R. O. Butner, Mr. Frank Cook, and Mr. H. F. Rhaff ner. No money will be required with the i application but upon notice from the County Agent farmers who have tmnsmited to Washington the nitrate w'll be shipped to the farmers. If ap- pncai ons ror the nitrate exceed the 8"Pply of ahout 100 000 tons the gov ernment will allot the supply on a pro rata hais among those: who ap plied. Applications must be received by February 4. SWEDISH VESSELS TO STOP AMERICAN GOASTAL TRAFFIC 'Pv The .s..-.;8fe fr. Amsterdam, .Inn. 21. The College Gazette says it believes the time has come to warn the Swedish government against allowing .Swedish vessels to be employed in tho American coastal traffic which the newspaper considers will be an unneutral action. "In view of our enemy's methods and war measures," says the Gazette, "we must earnestly appeal to the neutral conscience not to give one side assistance in this terrible strug gle not to deviate from neutrality or stab us in ths back under the hypo critical preterse that neutrality is not being violated.". TROOP TRAIN'S XOT TO DISARRAXt.K SOIFDILKS 'Rv Tl-e AM.-cii!-4 PrtM.) Washington, Jan. 21. As a result of repeated protests from railroads the War Depprtment today absolutely forbade commanding officers on troop trains to interfere with schedules. The railroads complain that officers on trains ignoring rarefully arranged schedule following their own opinion as to where and when the trains should stop for rest'ng or exercising tho men or for feeding and watering animals. PACKING HOI SE MEX PRESENT TIIFIR VIEWS ".- , ' p Washington. Jan. 21T-Repres'ntM-tives of the union packing house em ployes. Chicago, today gave the Pres ident's mediation commission their views on lndustri.il conditions there which they say make necessary Gov ernment operation of the plants dur ing the war. The packers will he heard tomorrow, after which the com mission will decide upon a course of proceedure in lis Investigation. FAT WHAT YOU WANllj WHEN YOU WANT IT " People who coasUtsntlr ar their appetlt some particular cLUn appealing ipeclaLy to taeir taiate, bcau indaleiio has al ways meant subsqumt safferuiff, will think this a strong- Btatsmsnt. It is a fact, howsTsr, that inost people can, without trussing- consequences. Ijaulr th appetite within season If tha Bow els are active and regular. Heavy dinners and late suppers can ha enjoyed with Impunity If, Before retiring-, one will take a spoonful of Br. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, a mild combination ox sim ple laxative herbs with pepsin that druggists sell for fifty cents a hottle. Oontle In action and positive in effect, it reculatea tha bowels in an easy, natural way, without griping- or other discom fort, and is the ideal family lax ative. Oet a Dottle of Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin from your drucrlst and keep it in the house. Use it occasionally and yon will find you can eat almost anything you like without fear of conse quencee. A trial bottle can be obtained free of charge by wri ting to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 456 Wash-ing-tn St., XonUcello, Illinois. It Js not thought - they were stolen as nothing else about the building has been missed. It is thought possibly they were borrowed' by soma one. The school authorities are trying to locate them and would" appreciate any information given. BISHOP GALLAGHER OF ' GALVESTON IS DEAB. (By The Associated Press.) Galveston, Tex., Jan. 21. Right Rev. Nicholas Aloysius Gallagher, gishop of the Catholic diocese of Gal veston since 1882, died here today after an illness of several weeks. Bishop Gallagher was horn In Tem peranceville, Ohio, in 1846. SEVERAL CARLOADS OF COAL DIVERTED IN WINSTON-SALEM In accordance with authority con ferred. by the federal fuel adminis trator, several carloads of coal arriv ing here for manufacturers have been diverted to care for the domestic con sumers of the coal. One car for R. J. Reynolds Tobacco .Company which arrivecJ Saturday was diverted, and another one on Sunday. Cars consign, ed to the Forsyth Furniture Company, Salem Iron Works, and Bailey Broth ers were diverted; also one to the Imperial Tobacco Company. Two cars were turned over to the city water plants, one to the Winston station and one to the Salem station. One was sent to South-side for distri bution through C. M. Thomas and Company. Another car was turned over to J. R. Thomas for cHstributlon' in Salem, and two cars were handled by the Crystal Ice Company and the city. DENIES CHARGE OF IMMORAL CONDITION OF BOYS THERE WMh S'am'" " .-Cha'rges of tion of such reports, as a "cruelty to the soldiers and to those who sent their boys across over there to fight for our country. " BI XKERIXG OF SHIPS PROCEKDS AT XOllFOLK Norfolk, Va., 21. Hunkering of ships proceeded steadily in this port today the piers working to capacity, and the railroads successfully main- i taining the supply for handling. With ! weather conditions returning to nor- mal any time within the next few dayi railway and shipping men are con fluent that the continued clearing up of the congested conditions will pro ceed rapidly. The observance of the Monday hol iday was general throughout the city. OXK KILLED ANOTHER HI RT IX A1RPLAXE COLLISION San Antonio, Tex., Jan. 21. Cadet Frank L. Zerry wa killed and Cadet V. C Dunham suffered Injures from which he died at the hospital at Ft. Sam Houston in a collision of air planes at Kelly Field this morn'ng. Zerry was from Evanston 111. Dun hams wife lives in Rochester, N. Y. Journal Want Ads bring results. Journal Want Ads. bring results. FARMFR TRAVELS 30 MILES 10 GET DRECO FOR WIFE Prominent North Carolinian Tells Why He Came All The Way From Yadkinville 10 Winston-Salem For Medicine O'Hanli.n's Drug Store in Winston Salem was crowded with men and women eurlv cue morning no. many days ago when F. .1. Eaton. the prominent and Influential planter of Yadkinville, H. F. TV No, 2 came iif and told an Interesting story of how his wife was relieved from a severe and particularly painful case of stonig; acH trouble of 5 ears standing. "I came 30 miles this morning, all the way from Yadkinville." dp el.ire'i Mr. Eaton in answe-,- to que tinns fr'jm a number of his friemis who happened -ttshe present. "The 1 ason 'or the trTpOnas that my wife had .lust finished ttve first bottle of th:s wonderful medicine; Dreco and wa d a frefh supply- In a hurry. If vnu could se" the d'fference this first bott'e f Dree.) has made In her you wou'dr't "cn'er I was anxious to get her a fresh supnly, "Wbv. f'-r venro ;he has been In JcePnl"" be'j'Mi , Indb'eFtion, pains 'n !o fcnv nrd limbs. be-M-l f'utter-'n-t fnt ef rest poen'ed to drag y r d"vn "v1 dnvn he 's 54 years oM nei' -ltenrh Fbe h-ix tr'ed many i ffer' nt rei-ei"s nothing seemed to help her until just !at'y when a fri '1 t"M her' about Dreco. She has onlv taken one bottle of this medfrine and already we can S&0 splendid results. If she keeps on Improving at Ihe rate she Is going she will soon be -1 wel' woman. .Poth Mr. end Mrs, Eaton are mem bers of the MisiPiinury Itapt's' church and are most highly thought of In liidltinvHIe. They aliM) have n host of friendn in o'.her sections who will be delighted to hear of the von erf;il rpsu'ts Mrs. Raton ih- kp curlng from IhiH wonderful herbal medirirfc. Dreco; , ' irei'o Is recommended-and sold ii Wiiinton Saleiu by o'llanlon's Drue Slore. f Advr 1

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