Wednesday Morning, December 11, 1918 .-HE WINS! ON-SALEM JOURNAL SIX After each meal YOU eai one ATONIC tfFOW YOUR stomach's sakD nd got full food value and real stom ach comfort. Instantly relieves heart barn, bloated, gassy feeling, STOPS acidity, food repeating and stomach misery. AIDS digestion; keeps the stomach sweet and pure. EATOKIC it the belt remedy mnd only costs a cent or two a day to UK it. You will be de limited with results. Satisfaction guaranteed jr money back. Please call and try 1t. K. XV. U'Hanlnn, Winston-Salem, X.C. I i p Tennis Tournament (Bv Ths Associated l'rnss) Pinehurst, N. C Dec. 10. C Watson, Jr., of the Wcstcheater Country Club, defeated Lucius llmcr- ding, Jr., of Tuxedo. 6-1, 6-2, today in ! tlie final of the men's singles of The seventh annual St. Thomas Tei ni; ' Tournament. In the finals of the 0- i men's singles, Mrs. Frank 11. God frey of Brookllne won over Miss Cai -oline Bogart of Pinehurst. 6-0, 6-2. FAVOR RKDICTIOX IN STF,i:i, I'JilCI-: .-CAM-: ' New York, Dec. to A moderate re duction in the. scale of maximum prices for steel, beginning Janunry 1. Is favored by the general committee on steel and steel products of the Am- T ...1 UtAal Inlhit,. whmV, ,,U ..o ..... . meets with the war industries tioaro on Wednesday. This was announced by Chairman Gary of the committuo at a meeting of ihe steel manufactur ers today, with the recommendation that the question be referred :o the -eommlltco, which- was done. L BOTTLE STOPS DANDRUFF Every bit of dandruff disappears and hair stops coming out Try this! .Your hair .appears glossy, abundant, waxy and" Beautiful -hin. brittle, odorless and scraggy hair is mute evidence of a neglected scalp; of uandruff, thai awful scurf. The;e Is nothing so destructive to the iair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its luster, its strength and Its very ; eventually producing feverish nesa and itching of the scalp which If not -emcdied causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die then the hair falls out fast. A little Danderlno tonight now any time will surely save your hair. Get a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toi let counter for a few cents, and after the first application your hair will take on that life, luster and luxuri ance which is so beautiful. Ii will be come wavy and fluffy and have the appearance of abundance, an incomparable- gloss and softness; but what will plcse you most will be after Just a f ..' weeks' use, when ycr. will actu ally see a lot of fine, downy hair lew hairgrowing all over the scalp. Djnderino Is to the hair what fresh shower:! of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, 1.. igorates and strengthens them. Its exhllara'lng and life-producing prop erties cause the hair to grow long, strong and beautiful. Advt. MM ft SI! Give Him Something to Wear! ' That's what a man likes best. That's, in most cases, what they ral ly need in these days when Liberty Bonds and other war-time expndi tures have demanded self-denial jf every sort. - Good clothing is a laudable war time Christmas gift. It adds effici ency by conserving health with the warmth and comfort it gives, and by keeping one in buoyant spirit with a justifiable pride in his appearance that acts as a stimulus in these days of great trial. FOLLOW IT. L THE STATES IN SALES OF T( Raleigh, Doc. 10- The sales. of to bacco by towns for the past month follows: Ahoskie Apex Ayden Burlington Carthage 1 Mirhani 8S.21X S27-.469 17.ti4i 530. 2!) U 176.210 H 1)5, 8.i;i Klkin Enfield ....... Farmville .... Fuquay Springs Coldsbnro Greenville Henderson . 204.9!in 72, M" , . 628.7.-,. . 4.-S0.0H I . 480.761 , .2,305,043 , . 624. 4HK , .1,761 23" , . 44:i.3S . 3111,242 K inston Louishurg . . . . I.a Grange Mebane ...... Madison ..... J'l,.'.', , ' ,2: j . r,4.SMl MtV'Airv .n.-.ysvuie 600.19(1 New Hern ... 0,ftr)s r.'"horo Rocky Mount 196.322 ''i' 7;'' l'".'"' Reldsville 883,411 Robersonville San ford . .-. . Snow Hill Spring Hope Stoneville Smithtield . Tarboro Vnnceboro Wilson Williamston WTnslon-Siilcni W'u rsa v Washington Wallace ...... 469. 267 -llln 11 Warrpnlrin 444 "r 8" I 485 416 ' Youngsville Zehulon . . ALBEMARLE BAKERY RESUMES BUSINESS ( Special fo TheJournan Albemarle, Dec. 10. The Albemarle Bakerv. which has been closed down .. .. ... i iKince we entered ine war. nas J j liecMi started up again in the baking ! business. John W. Harris, the owner j having an excellent trade, closed j j down his place and wrote a notice wniell lie posien on me num. um.r, which rend: "This bakery is closed, and will it nut in closed, until Uncle Sam's bos lick the Kaiser." He went to farming, and produced an excellent crop last year. Almost immediately after the signing of the armistice- Mr. Harris commenced to make preparations to reopen his bak erv. and now has it running at full tilt. I said this mismes swoum stay ; closed until Uncle Sum's boys licked the Kaiser ", said. Mr. Harris the oth er day; " and now they have licked him 1 am ready to open up again." Mr. Harris says he will hardly have another German baker. The last one he had he ran off with a brickbat be cause he spoke disparagingly of the flag. IVwer Violations of Insecticide Ijiw. Material reduction in the number of violations of the law in respect to certain spray materials, due largel . to the activity of thelnsecitlde and I'unglclde Board, has been noted since the law went Into effect placing upon the United States department of r g rieulture the responsibility of regu lating interstate shipments and im portations into the United States of Insecticides and fungicides, and also the manufacture and sale of such products in the territories and the dis trict of Columbia. Tn 1911-12 the per ccnagn of violations imrespoct of Kr.d arsenate, paste anil dry. was 6rt in 1917 this percentage had dropped to 10. From 28 to 12 is the record in Paris green during the same period. Tn 1911-12. 94 was the percentage of lime sulphur, solu'ion and dry. "bile in 1917 it was 40. The violation In Bordeaux mixture and Bordeaux mix ture combined with insecticides were 98 ner cent for 1911-12 and 28 for 1917. e THE ARROW PAYS I in completely washed rput of the i system by th celebrated Bhivar Min eral Water. Positively guaranteed by ! money-bark offer. Tastes line; costs a 'trifle. Iieliverert anywhere by ur ! Winston-Sab ni Agenls, Cromer Bi os ' Co. J'hone them. Advt. THE WORK OF THE RED RIIICT P As Long as Americans Are Under Arms; As Long There Is Misery and Distress It Must Continue The American Red Cross is an emergency organization by the nature , u d'"ls wi,h nrol,l,,"IK 33 ,hpy. ariRP No better illustration of this fact can be given than to recall Its work ' since aiiH'fca entered the war. If aii hospital was needed in an emergency . . ..... n. nnv i,h rt iriibir nnintnllieklv tile I Red i'm aimiilinu ii If a train load i". crossea m cuu mr, j. iur 1 34 44l ' ia.-M,ii ur amniier me ihuimihib - 96'91 1 ! failed, the Red Cross has had' e 1 C. and the resumption of normal col 1 971439 i facilities and the organization 111-cope ! lege activities, the University of North 110, r3x i v illi the situation and to send these . 2 7.".960 : boys on their way happy and with . 523, 9:iS full stomachs. .. 6X.180 ! .What bus been the record of Ihe 44.172 I Red Cross it has never failed to an . 3,676.875 , f-wer call of distress, no matter wliat . 489.921 lor when or how that call came. .3.H18.287 j ft jH already preparing for service . 389. 749 n peace times nut a bigger, broader 290,637 , service than ever undertaken by any 366, 61i j relief organization. A message sent by the War Council of tnp K"cl r'rO"s to all chapters shows t,'at lonB !lffo 'etliile plans were mode to meet the emergencies 'hat. are bound to arise when peace is finally here, it said in part: "On February tenth last year, near ly six weeks before the United States - derlnTr.7r - war,-National Red Cross headquarters advised its chapters to for ar. That which has followed in the rec- rd of the Red Cross in helping to win this war and to relieve suffering grow jK out of i( consttutes something of whi(.h Pvrrv, American citizen has n riKht to ),p 'proud ..Th ... naI rnmo , . pare ror peace. Actual peace may come at ally moment; it may be ferred for some time. Until peace is really here, there can be no relaxation.! n'-u v.iunw piujR ifieiuent to .active hostilities. 'Rut even with peace, let no one Flip pose mat the work of the Red Cross is finisher! Millinn. f Jn,n,..,n I beys are' stlUnnU-r arms. Thousands! of them are sick. and wounded. Owintf 1 to the shortage in shipping it may' iase a year or more to bring our boys home from France. But whatever the time, our protecting arms must bp about (hem and their families over Hie whole period which must elapse before the normal life of peace can be resunierl "The cessation of war will r-v a picture of misery such a; world has never seen before, i... tally in the many countries which not belt) themselves. The Ameri people will expect to conlinue to rop;-. broken spirits and broken , bo. lie i. Peace terms and peace conditions will determine how we mav best min Istcr to Ihe vast slreken areas which have been harrowed by war, and in this great act of mercy the heart a. d spirits of the American people m.:s continue to be mobilized." A solenn obligation rests ;inon ev ery American to see that this great work will go on. To "Carry On" Re I Cross must' 'have the moral support of the American iiconle Tit( oyes of the world are upon us and we shall not fail. Join Ihe Red Cross All you need if- a heart and a dollar. Suffolk. Va... Dec. 10. Owing to acute recurrence, or" ibt Sp:i 1-1, influ enza in its most m-nous opideT-i''. the health board has issued an order I closing all nlv'.s if n nni'.ennt ; i a j banning public nthe-ingi." . The ord' r is effective at onre. 4 4 It it r ''"'' ''"J Nil f - - "Vlf ' Jt'f" i i l'HaT iar Jr . 1 ''f -'i'""- f'i - - f - r - '1 4 J ! j - ' i ' , main" -j r A? v t . u . 3i Sl fi - ' V A tit UNIVERSITY OF STATE Will RESUME PRE-WAR STATUS AFTER HOLIDAYS (By U. W. Madry) Chapel Hill, Dee. 1 0. From the ('ay of Ihe first call to arms in April, '.'.117. when 2 50 alumni and students 1 rushed to the first Oglethorpe officers' i ; training camp, until the date of the ! signing of the armistice, when 2,240 ; alumni and students were in the ser- ; vice pf their country, Ihe University of North Caroftna ha, played a most active part in the world war just ended. Through military courses I , . , here on the campus, extension work out in the State at large and the American University Union in Europe,.1" not to mention incidentals, the versily has attempted to render 100 ' . ner cent sorv ee. Tha eaMiia tv lsts 10 dilte ha ve -contained the names of " former I Diversity men. which may he cIm ski fled fl fnllna'- 1fi killed in be classifled as follows: 1 action. 18 died of disease. 21 wound- ,0 7 . " ; , r - , z r. i ' c a t Carolina win return to pre-war uaia alter the Christmas, holidays, uen- i nite announcements concerning the work of tile new quarter, credits for courses completed, changes in cours es and other innovations have Just been made. They answered satisfac torily the many questions that have been ask?d by the students since the order to demobilize was received. The University will do :.ll in its : power to help students without means j to (.nntiniin thftle .nlluo-n r-n.o-ej The self-help committee, of which Dr. .1. M. Boll is chairman, wMl itnd work for students who are earnest a."d willing. Requests for loans from ft e loan funds will be duly considered by Dean M. H. Stacy, chairmai of the faculty. - A recent investigation by the rtirectorlif the S. A. T. C reveal ed the fact that approximately on third of the students in the S. A. T. C. were dependent upon the pay of the government for their opportunity for collegiate training. University author ities' aim. however, that no boy shall be turned away after Christmas for lack of means, provided he is willing to work 'some outside of his study hours. The academic work of the present quarter will not close before Decem ber 20. although demobilization was completed today. CyTI f riUT rnnn rno tALLLLtri 1 fUUU fUK . SOLDIERS AND SAILORS " r ' At the request of the Secretary of War and the Seere'arv of the Navy De purinient of Agriculture has parti cipated in protecting American mili tary and naval forces against un wholsesome food,- says the secret -y of , Agriculture in his annual report. The federal meat inspector, which 'for irv has safeguarded the civil popu V of the United Slates from bad l interstate commerce, was ! to Include the special super i of the meat supply of the Am n arniy and navy. The e-xamint.- : m sdoctinn, handling of meats and Is are in expart hands from tiie ! time the live animals are driven to slaughter until, the finishe! product I Is delivered to the mess cooks. Inspee I tors were assigned to the various ran I tenments, training ramus, forts, posts. land other places n the United States where Isrge numbers of troops are assenibeld, and at the close if te fiscal year there were 69 such experts with the army and 30 with the nav .. Boysandfiiris uea.iiMUh Pwitiicuncura Dntctas; W. Osswut Tskaa 2Sc ai "Bo Will Win IMs Battle?" Mneh of Tflnr comfort depends hpon knowing that, your system will oep orm Its functions prooerly. Your kidneys are the filters of the body. If they become Inactive and fail to elim inate the waste matter, they are apt to throw the whole mechanism of the body out of order, thus toxic poisons can to cumulate in the system and be as deadly " Bf" nom' rheumatism, sciatica, lumbaio and back- - iche. neglect of the kidneys la apt to ' !v.. P. i-1." ?lous "N"". cl, 1 3 Stone In the b adder, Eid th, body of M poison. -cle.n ' ;fje bladder and kidneys and cure tha j J ?i V' rMumamm wiuj ouunv . :inuumo BhTHIlKUll, I Anuric was first dlscoyered by Dr. Pierce, and has benefited thousands of sufferers we" appeasea ana eliminate ine uni-,CMeg Now procurable at any good drug f tore, or send direct to Dr. V. M. Pierce, 1 Buffalo. N.Y.. for trial rjackaa-e. Enclosa 10 cents. . , - If you hare rheumatism or kidney I trouble, why not Jet Dr. Pierce's Anuria yn..ui. ..J: .U I Al I ..I-a I uuuuiosuiiuuij win tii a uat,bie r SpRiNernci-D. Tkhit. T writ & few ' "nes to aay that the Annric Tablets gave me prompt relief. I consider them a great remedy for kidney trouble. My back doesn't hurt at all and the excretion doesn'lt burn and smart as it did. When I had used up the trial package, my druggist at Springfield didn't have the tablets in stock so ordered me a bottle from Nash ville and I have been sine them ever since. I don't expect to be without dn-u-rio when in need of a kidney medi cine." O. W, Hxa.1), Route 4, Box 34, DEATHS MR. K. O. CURTIS Mr. B. O. Curtis, one of Winston Salem's well-known citizens, died at his home on Chestnut street at 6:30 yesterday morning at the age of about 63 years. He had been in failing health for three or four years, though he had been able most of the time to perform light work. Mr. Curtis was a native of Guilford county, but had boen a resident of this city for abou,t thirty years. For several years he was engaged in the leaf tobacco business. He also served the city acceptably for several years as market clerk. A few months ago he suffered an attack of slow paralysis and since that time he has been confined to his home. Mr. Curtis, who was a member of the Methodist Protestant church, is survived by his wife and four chil dren, two daughters. Mrs. J. E. Zig lar, who is in the City Hospital, 're covering from an operation and Mrs. It. R. Richmond, of this city, two sons Clifton, who holds a position with the Western Union Telegraph Company, at Denver, Col., and C. M. Curtis, who is with the U. S. Marine corps, in training at Paris Island, S. C. The two sons were at home when the end came to the father. The funeral will be conducted at the home on Chestnut street at two o'clock Wednesday. Interment will ! In Salem cemetery. PROMINENT HOTEL MAN IS PUT UNDER BOND Asheville, Dec. 10 J. H. King prominent hotel man of Brevard, a John Dawkins. former mail carrier Skyland, are under bond for their pearance at the next term of Un States District court here, and l King's fine automobile is in the ban. of the government as the result of unexpected haul made by Depulv i" lectors .1. A. Galloway and M Iteed. The two officers had seeking a still about fifteen mil Brevard and were returning they were overtaken by Kiri Dawkins in King's car. The r. stopped the car. seeking a r 1 1 j found sixteen gallons of alleg- j iade whiskey in fruit jars, I otner receptacles, me two i n w placed under arrest and t boo and auto confiscated. King -.tesi ed that he was hired by Dawi. ... an V I not know the purpose of t mib ion. The officers declare the ! whiskey was being brought to A "e ville. "My mother, who is 69 years old, has been troubled with her liver for 35 yeaj. Doctors said she had gall stones. Several times she fell uncon scious because of these attacks. Eight, months ago I noticed an advertise ment of. Mayr's Wonderful Remedy in the Toledo Blade and purchased a bottle, which did her a great amount of good. She continued the treatment and has felt entirely well since." It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the in flammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ail ments, including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money refunded. For sale at Thompson's Pharmacy and druggists everywhere. i There is no occasion for you to look Hor to Prevent it From Grow ing Gray unattractive or prematurely old be cause of gray, streakecJ with fray, white or faded hair. Don't let this condition with its look of age rob . ou of your youthful beauty and the wen derful opportunities which life offers. No matter how gray, prematurely gray, lusterlesa or faded your hair might be, "La Creole" Hair Dressing will revive the color glands of nature promote a healthy condition of the hair and calp and cause all of your gray or faded hair to become evenly c'ark, soft, lustrous and beautiful. This preparation is not a dye, but an elo- gant toilet requisite which Is easily applied by simply combing or brush ing through the hair. USB "LA CREOLE" HAIR DRESSING i to prevent your hair from growing gray ana ie restore a Deatunui oars color to gray or faded hair. Sold and recommended by Thomp son Drug Co., Wlnston-Oalem, N. C. Mail orders promptly fUled upon re oeipt ot regular price, $1.20. "La Creole" Hair Dressing ia sold on a money back guarantee. - MmkL,- ML. BEAUTY HINTS FOR U The Local Post of the Salvation Army Will Remember the Poor This Year; Contribu tions Are Wanted The local post of the Salvation Ar my, under the direction of Capt. S. Patterson, has started a movement to raise fund.i for the annual Christi dinner for the poor of the city. Tl wm be no personal solicitation fund the "Christmas kettle" and : nj red upon. Chert, for this fund should be mailed to Captain j Patterson as early as possible Captain Patterson has issued the following appeal to the people of the city: "Pear Friend: "From almost every quarter of the globe today comes the cry of suffer ing men, women and children for help. You, as a Christian and loyal citizen, have bravely struggled to stand up under the demands made j... upon you, upon your generusny, yuui Patience and your ultimate ability to give. It would seem, with the numer ous appeals to which you have lent, and doubtless must still lend your ear, that it would be an impossibility to lend further aid, yet when we think of the needy of our city, who perhaps would not enjoy Christmas unless it came to them through our willingness to sacrifice and to give, there is sure to be a disposition to help. "To the lot of the Salvation Army falls, in great measure, the responsi bility for these helpless ones at home We ask you under such circumstan ces to help, to contribute your mite. We do not ask this for the Salvation Army, but for the poor ones of our city. "It must be remembered, too, that our spiritual work as well as our work of relief for the needy, must be car ried on. Hence the urgency of this appeal. "Make checks payable to the Sal vation Army." FOUR AZAIiKA WORKMEN ARK INJURED BY CAR Asheville. N. C, Dec. 10 Four workmen at Azalea were more or less injured last night when a car, in which a number of them were r turnlng to the city, collided with a truck driven by Dave Moore, an em ploye of" 4 local wholesale store. The injured men were H. F. Wimblsh, of Macon. Ga. ; and W. H. Owcnby, W.. D. Wray and J. A. Beckley. of Ashe 'arelessness on the part of both drivers is charged. WANT TIIOARING POSTPOXF.D UXTII, AFTKK CHRISTMAS Asheville, Dec. 10 Following the receipt of a letter from the local Jun iors, protesting against Saturday teaching in the schools, and asking that a special day be set for hearing protests, the city commissioners have issued a statement; asking the people to postpone a public hearing until after Christmas, when the board will have had a chance to observe the working of the new system. There have been a number of protests against the Saturday teaching ancf a large number of people are ready to appear before the board with their protests as soon as the day is set. MARKET REPORTING SERVICE GROWING The local market-reporting service of the Bureau of Markets, covering an entirely new field and regarded as a necessary supplement to the national telegraphic news service of the Unit ed States Department of Agritulture, is expanding according to the annual report of the Secretary of Agriculture. The first experiment was made In Providence, R. I., about 1 i months ago' and was so successful that when emergency funds became available the work was broadened, and in co-operif-tiop with local authorities agents were placed In .15 additional States. This service consists largely of reports on local market conditions and rlc s, based on local observations, and is con 'ucted primarily for the benefit of growers and consumers, though it lias proved useful to dealers as well. Consumers' figures are made public through local newspapers and have been helpful to housewives. lotting Pest Damage to Print. Everyone who has a earden detests a mole everyone, irhaos. but a rtain woman gardener out In Bryan "inty, Okla. This Ingenious per' one counties more returns to follow t.w!l 5?,or,e,d to ! have put away for winter use 1. I aited States department of agric- c .... , ,, , . e puts them to work. A num'j r ' 00,000 quarts, rami women a -'ubs nese pests undermined her garden ,n tnis s,a,e also have taken the lead is season digging diminutive tunnels I 'n the use of substitutes, thereby re nere, there, nd everywhere. It 1 leasing a very considerable amours would have discouraged the average I ot food.. woman; it did t feeze this one. She started a little Irrigation plant of her own, using its tunnels as irrigation ditches. She filled the tunnels with water repeatedly until the garden was well watered, and finally drov the moles off the premises. Indian Girls Interested in Canning. Oklahoma Indian girls are as much nterested in the canning campaign as their paleface sisters. In Beck has County, Okla.. they attend all Ihe meetings held by the home demonstra tion agent, and this year made . r. ex cellent booth exhibit of the fruit and vegetables they had canned and dried. One Indian woman also exhbited 100 chickens cf her own raising. Weather Bureau Gives Fire Warnings Warnings of weather condirlnas favo'iiblc to forest flris, issued l v th) Weather Bureau of the UniieJ States Pf partment of Agricult'ir!, have been extended to include other fire-hazard conditions likely to result in damage or loss In connection with crops, stock, other foodstuffs, and all kinds of ln flamable war material. A number of these warnings were issued during the year with beneficial results. A special station has been establi hed at Hampton, Oreg., for carrying on Investigations in connection with this service. CALOMEL DYNAMITES YOUR LIVER! x - MAKES YOU SICK AND SALIVATES "Dod on'a Liver Tone" Starts Vonr Liver Better Than Calomel and Von Dont's Lose a Day' Work Livan up your sluggish liver! Feel tine and cheerful; make your work a pleasure; be vigorous and full of am bition. But take no nasty, dangerous calomel because it makes you sick and you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or amcksilvdr trhlch causes necrosis of the bones, CaJomel crashes Into sour bile like dynamite, breaking It up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and vamping. Listen to met Lt you want to en joy the nicest, gentlest liver md bow- i tiuoun j .w 1,11 )uat take a spoonful of harmless Dodaon's Ltvar r Tone tonight. lour CHRISTMAS CLOTHES You Get Value When You Buy Clothes Here If your Christmas suit or ov ercoat . coms I . f rom .this store, you will have no rea son to stand back from the crowd of well dressed men Our clothes arc leaders among style and quality and they are daily seen on the street, in society, in the of fice, and many places. Our prices are most reason able, compared -with the clothes value you receive. Come in today and let us show you the many styles we now have on display. Henry Rose Co. "Cash is Better Better for Cash" Cantierx Kiidiiw Hospital Iteds. From proceeds derived chiefly from the sale of canned and dried fruits, farm women's clubs in West Va.. have contributed $2,000 for the endowment of hospital beds for woundod soldiers in France. During the oast summer they canned for this purpose 20, OO quarts from materials formerly al I lowed to waste. Nineteen of ihe thirty India Cans by Uncle Sam's Methods. Even on "India'- coral strand" they are canning, and doing it by the di rections put out by the United States' Department of Agriculture. Th mis sionaries there have been tho instig ators of the movement. Hundreds of men and have visited the exhibits of the products canneu. NO PR WFR SERVICES AT THE HOME CHURCH In accordance with the wishes of the Health Committee there will be1 no prayer service at the Home Mora vian church tonight. MR. .1. G. TURNER OV VISIT TO FLORIDA , ' Mr. .7. G. Turner left yesterday morning for a trip to Florida. He will visit Jacksonville. Miami and other places, and will be gone for several weeks. Get the Genuine and Avoid Waste Economy Every Cake ortfgiriui or dealer sells you a t0 cent bottle of Dodaon'a Liver Tone under my personal money-back guarantee that eac.i spoonful will clean your sluggish liver and better -.han a dose of naaty calomel and that It won't make you sick. Dodson's Liver Tone 1 real liver medicine, fou 11 know it next morn ing because you will wake up del ing fine, your liver will Da working; headache and undines., gone: atom. ach will be sweet and bowels regu- j lar- Dodson's Liver Tone .a entirely veg etable therefore harmless and can not salivate. Give lt to your your chil dren. Millions of people dire using Dodaon'a Liver Tone instead of dan gerous calomel now. Your cruggist win ten you mat ma sals or a ia- win ten you mat mi sale ot Calo- me la almost stoppe anti.ely hare. I (.Ml 4r: wVaTfm.w II