u u THE WINSTON -SALEM JbUENALi Friday Morning, April 8, 1921. TWB JOLLIES PLEASED II BIG CROWDS Another Capacity Audience Wit nessed Show Last Night ABUNDANCE OF TALENT Minstrel Part One of the Big Features, But the Fluffy Flossies Also Made a Hit Home Built in One Dy VWitoii.t-.l i-M iw - I.Tji i iidiIIIW Ill I I HUT ' "" (By T)LI TIMER.) Following Aite good old custom ol saving the hest for the last. "The Jollies of 1921" made the last nlerht of their show just a. little brighter, a little bulller and a littte better than the first than which no preaterj praise can be given. The final ver dict of a show comes not from the playwright, the producer, nor yet the caustic critic, but from the audience; and two eapaclty houses have sat in Judgment on "The Jollies of 1921" and pronounced It the superlative of perfection. Freeman T. Gosden. in charge of rehearsals, gives a large, liberal lump of the credit to the wonderful talent found among the members of the American legion boy of Winston-Salem and to the singing and dancing anilities of some two dozen of the city's prettiest and loveliest girls. And the boys and girls taking part in the show are positive that the hulk of "the credit belongs to Director (lusden, and to bin co-worker, Churlus J. Cor rell, musical director. All are cor rect. liirector (losden has had the best talent in the land, though most have had little or no stage experience; but it has been largely due to, his untiring efforts, his Moiling patience with first try misses, and his keen Insight and knowledge of folks and the right way to handle them tor best results, that sends "The Jollies of 1921" Into hap py history holding the highest honors of all home talent shows. . If ears alone were to Judge, the minstrel iiart would take rank in Im portance, for the songs and token, changed a little from Wednebdny nieht. went over with all the snap and go of an aggregation of profes sional. But If eyes pass Judgment. Oh Baby! The palm passes right on to the dazzling ilancey, deliriously di vine, and delightfully done by those frivllous flappers, those fluffy flossies, those frisky fairies! Pome three or four changes of costumes, and each change brought forth a more gorge ous srray of striking apparel than had gone before. John C. VV'hltaker, In whose capa ble hands the legion placed the busi ness management, wants The Journal to shower his thanks on Luther Fer rell for his able assistance; Mr. Vaughn-Lloyd, Mr. Klmel and Mrs. Hekard for their splendid coopera tion: Tommy Hlum for the beautiful deroratlons and the sailor and soldier statues, H. T. Casey, stage manager at the auditorium for his masterful help and deff handling of the scenes: Mrs. J. L. Graham for her tireless energy in aiding so f althtully; Ray mond Taylor for his generous pub licity, and Chief Special Officer Brun ner for his kindness in volunteering to guard the valuables in the dress ing rooms while the boys and girls were on the stage. It Is to be hoped that Gosden and Correll will come to us again. They are both likable, meetable fellows, besides being artists of highest cali ber. They're the sort you like to take into your homes and have 'em meet the folks. Affable, refined, cultured. The Clyde Boiling Post was, indeed, fortunate In dealing with gentlemen of their type. hi i The Lumbermens' Association of Chicago recently finished a flve-room house In one working day. The foundation (above) was laid the day before. Building started at 8 o'clock. At 10: 3D the home was half finished (center), and at 4 SO. quitting time. It u all ready to move Into (below) except for the plastering- WILLIAMS' FATE , se" the bonds at a five per cent IV 1 1 I IJITUT WITH Interest rate the special session might ll.l, KE.M ttllll tni,M an(1 ail(norllp an lnrreaae In this rate. That, however, it Is be- 'Onntlnued from rage One) TRYING TO ARRANGE GAME WITH GLEMSQN Tar Heels Want Game With Clemson at Chapel Hill Sep tember 21 Chapel Hill. N. C. April 7. Nego tiations are under way between the University of North Carolina and Clemsun College, for a football game to be played in Chapel Hill .Septem ber 24, and local athletic authorities think arrangements can be made sat isfactorily. Carolina's present schedule calls for the first game on October 2 with Wake Forest. Director of athletics W M. Ketier and Graduate Manager Charles T. ,Vo,ollen have both wanted another game added to the schedule and had tried unsuccessfully to find one, but a recent inquiry from Clem son has opened hopes again. The wo Institutions have not met In foothull since 1915 when Carolina won by sninll score. It will be a hard game for both teams, but tho Tar Heels are especially anxious to have another game at Chapel Hill Only Wako For est and Virginia, according to pres ent arrangement, will play on Ktu erson Field next fall. Announcement has been made by Graduate Manager Woollen that the Carolina-Davidson game will be play ed In Wlnston-Halttm and thn Caro-lina-V. M. I., game In Norfolk. Hot It locations were left open when the games were scheduled last winter. The Davidson game has been played In Wlnston-Salom for several years, but doubt as to Its location next year was expressed because of the poor condition of the playing field. With decision on that question. He ter-ned Manning Incapable of pi.-mning and carrying out the .'rims "under the eyes of Vllimmn and bis f,innl" an I named VI Ilia ms as th.' guiliv man. Manning also will no put on trial for thn murders, It was announced today, the lime to ho fle'ld and Ills attorney, K. Marvin wood. .u!'l lie would i:ot enter :i plea of guilty. "Clyde Manning shall not escape," declared Solicitor General llrund In urging conviction of Willtums. "I could not tinder the law penult lilm to escape lieved. would not meet the general approval o tho people, for while there Is a wide-spread demand for money with which to carry out the progressive legislation of the 1921 assembly, few people would be willing to pledge the credit of the State for the next thirty or forty years for bonds that will bear more than five per cent Interest, especially In view 1 luter I of the fact, that every financier he-I'nder- , lleves tho rate will come down and the hond market show marked Im provement In the near future. CVin. liislly llai.-to Money The governor believes, and will argue to the bond people of New York, that the legislature has levied Manning had testified for the Ht.ite I mor0 ,hiin ia amply sufficient to take thai bv Williams' orders the negroes j eare or the whole fifty million rtol were weighted down wuh rock and I lar" bonds, and no one contem thrown alive into rivers or knjeked ! plates selling tho full authorization In the head and buried where thev during the first year. The tax on fell, and Williams taking the stand 1 automobiles will bring In sufficient today briefly recited a;l be said he I money to pay five per cent on fifty not be particularly dangerous In North Carolina but for two facts, both of them artfully set out: First, that Mr. Holand V Beaaley, late commissioner of publto welfare of the State of North Carolina, is now working for the International. Ths company says that it affords them "peculiar pleasure ts announce that Mr. Holand F. Bcasley, lately com missioner of public welfare of the State at North Carolina, has been add ed to the staff." The announcement goes on to state , that Mr. Bcasley came to Texas. Investigated their proposition thoroughly, etc., before accepting a position with them and that he has unbounded faith in the company- Heeond, the announcement goes on to state that "Mr. K. C. Williams, vice-president of the company, who gained his Information at first hand by actual experience, is another North Carolinian.. The International, there fore, feels In some degree a personal relationship to the public of the Old North State." From information reaching his of fice, Insurance Commissioner Stacey W. Wade Is convinced that many thousands of letters carrying this propaganda have come Into the State during the past week. Copies of these letters have reached the Insurance de partment from achool teachers, minis ters, social workers, newspaper men, real estate dealers, lawyers and others. The letters vary tilightly In form.. Mr. Williams, who says that he practiced law for twenty years In North Carolina, takes care of hla brethren of the legal profession. Mr. Wde states that, the Inter national Is not licensed to do business In North Carolina and that no con tract which the company may make would be enforceable In any court in North Carolina, Until the company submits a full and complete state ment to his offtce and Is properly in vestigated as required by the law of the state. Mr. Wade earnestly re quest of all citizens of the State to let this stock, and all similar stock, se verely alone. The company is seek ing to do business in North Carolina in open and flagrant violation of thn law and the fact that two North Carolinians are officers of the com pany, serves to make the company's criminal operations all the more reprehensible- The company promises a rash divi dend of 4 1-2 in April, but Its fi nancial statement, dated March 17, 1921, contains nothing substantial up on which to base such a promise. The Insurance department regrets the necessity of making this state ment, especially airre the company appears to be very proud of Its "per sonal relationship to the public of the Old North Blate," but It has no choice In the matter, since the company is trying to do business in North Caro lina in violation of the law. Mr. Wade feels that If the proposition were on the level and the company's prnsnects all that Messrs. Beasley and Williams claim for It, they would not be afrlad to show their hand and submit to an Investigation at thei hands of the of ficials nj their home State. HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL GAME HERE SATURDAY Eye Wigs!", 1 1 1 ' v. j n -if A ? v 1 XV JIT' SOUTHS! CITIZENS ASK FORDE-WALKS Met to Talk Polities But Later Turned Meeting Into a Com munity Betterment At largely attended meeting of last Detachable eyelashes! The lat est! Mist Cyrena Van Oordon ol! the Chicago Grand Opera Com pany Is wearing them. They ar made of silken balr. are stuck to, those nature gave you, and you'd never know It! Below a close-up of Hiss Van Gordon's eye. know of the deaths of Fyindeny 1'eter son, Willie l'reston and Hai ry l'ri the three negros drowned the same night in Newton county. He Is on trial for murder of Peterson and he did not go Into the othe- cases. Williams Cool. The defendant, accused by ihe State of "Georgia's most atrocious murders," has watched the proceed ings calmly throughout the trial even smiling once or twice, urd today he was as cool as any of the spectators who packed the court room almost to suffocation to hear his story. Thette were the first criminal million dollars, and tho interest could be met from this source without touching the other sources of revenue in North Carolina. In addition to these automobile taxes, the State col lects inheritance taxes, a large amount of which is already due, and gets additional money from license and franchise taxes. In 1922 It will begin tho collection of taxes from I unearned incomes, so that there is j no trouble with getting a sufficient I amount of money to pay Interest on j the bonds. These being the real facts ! In the case, according to the goyer 1 nor, North Carolina faces no financial lk?'r" , I IT , "r credit crisis that Is not common to him, ho declared, In his .14 years of n government in the life and told, proudly, it seemed that ' . -his four grown sons- Wer among the u n"ofl l-,"8- first to answer tho country's call to I Warns Again! Wild Cat tors war. He admitted he might I uve i Insurance Comissloner Starry W. been technically guilty if peonax-i ks TOuto has sent the following tele- -he had worked negroes who owtd , gram to the chief of police of about him money. He lia.1 no Informed , frty cities n the Stato warning them federal Investigators when they List , Bga(nst Wildcat stock salesmen: came to the farm, he add -d, ird alsoj -Vor thp protection of the peoplo had declared he always paid and ted , of r cit , r,.nUcRt that you be that the negroes on his pWeo v i-re among the "best fed and clothed" Tl he they had seen, ho declared. were technically guilty of peonage, "most Georgia farmers Mao were," he added. Aseerts Innocence. "I itni absolutely innocent," he told the Jury in conclusion, as ho reverted to the murder charge. The state had rested earlier In tho day with Introduction of Kena Man tling.' wife fit Clyde Manning, and Sheriff It. L. Johnson, of Newton county, in an effort to corroborate parts of Manning's story. Tho wo man testified the negroes left with Wrllllams, Manlng and Charlie Chls holm, the night "they were last seen alive an Manning had declared. Sheriff Johnson said Manning Identi fied the three bodies found In New ton county and later confessed anil told where the others could he found. The negro's words were borne out by Investigation, the sheriff said. Williams was the onlv witness for the defense apnearlng on the stand I unsworn, which, under Georgia law, i prevented cross exsmlnu' ion. The I fact that no oTh-'r defense testimony was Introduced permltUdd Williams' counsel to open and floso. No limit was placed on the time of arguments and four attorneys spok'j today. Mr. King opened for the defense, followed In order hv Mr. Wright for th State. W. IT. Key. of Mon'.ieclln. Ga , for the defcn.e a-ul Solicitor General Ilrand tor the State. AV. M. Howard, formef oncreisiniii -om Georgia, will dos for the ; rosei u- The baseball fans of Winaton.Sa lem will have the opportunity of wit nessing one of the stlffest battles In baseball ever staged In this city when the Black and Gold high school nine meets the State champions, Greens boro Satuoday st P. A. Park or Hflnes Prk. fThis game and the game played with Charlotte are the two premier high school baseball games played here this season. The boys under Uoaon .loyner are confident that they can defeat the team from tho Gate City tomorrow. They are headed again toward Chapel hitters, fielders and pitchers making it an alLrnund affair and no one denies Greensboro the championship honors she won last year. With these things considered, it would seem that a classy contest will be seen by all the "faithful'' who journey up to see the game Saturday. Tickets are now on sale and may be purchased from almost any high school student. The admission will be 25 cents for school children and 60 cents for udulta. the .citizens of Southslde held night at the Central Terrace school building, a decision was reached not to endorse any particular candidate for mayffr or any particular candi dates for aldermen at this time. A meeting will be. held next Thursday night, however, when such action j tnay be taken. Most of the time last night was ; taken up in a discussion of the needs j of the Southsido section. .Especial ; emphasis was placed on the need of j streets and sewer and water mains. Also the need for street lights. A committee was appointed to at tend the next session of the board I of aldermen aAd ask that the city j authorities require the laying of side walks on Main street from the Salem ; Creek bridge to the top of the con- i crete road. I It was pointed out that this will : be advisable as thousands of people 1 will visit that section this year to j attend the ball games at the new ; baseball " park. There are no side-j walks in that section at this time. i The general committee -will con- j tlnue to act. It. is as follows: H. K. Fries, I!. Hlewers, Jim Brunt, T. E. j Johnson and R. T3. Kills. i Several special committees were i appointed as follows: I Gs.s Committee N. S. Fulton, N. ! F. Miller, H. V. Altchlson. , Telephone Committee Charles Weisner. T. R. Allen. C E. Crist. N Rlectric TJghts f or ' Home Com-; mittee T. R. Johnson, T. A. Spar- ! row. C. T. Poole. . Numbering Houses O. A. M. Cop- ; pedee. M. R. Rrunt. O. L. Bennert. Sidewalks Committee Ed Raper. I N. F. Fulton and Burton Cralge. WORTH BIYMG Rexall goods are worth buying. They are guaranteed by twenty thousand druggists in this country. Try Jonteel Talcum Powder, Soap, Toi let Water, or Face Powder. O'HANLON'S IS THE PLACE Phone 107-174 Ft'ItTIIHR CONFKRENCE ON COTTON EXPORTS (fy The Ailmeistwl rrfis) Washington, April "7. Eugene Meyer, Jr., amanaging director, and llwight P. Davis, a director, of the war finance corporation, left today for New Orleans for further confer ences relative to the financing of cotton exports. PUN TO PRESIDENT Head of Locomotive Engineers Proposes Establishment of Regional Boards Washington, April Establish- : ment of regional boards of adjust- : ment to handle some of tho disputes j between employes and the carriers ! now considered by the railroad la bor board was recommended today to President HarJIr.g by Warren S. Stone, head of tho brotherhood of , locomotive engineers. j Revival of a group of hoards for ! the adjustment of disputes, similar , to tho one in operation during the j war. was recommended by Mr. Stone. Ho la understood to have ex pressed alarm over the extent of tin- Hill and the ultimate championship employment among railroad employes series and the defeat administered estimating that BO per cent of work lexlngton Tuesday raised their hopes j era had been laid off. Mr. Stone considerably. said the total number of employes The game will, undoubtedly, be a i now in the payroll of various roads close affair. Winston-Slem has a! is only 71 per cent of the lowest crackerjack club this year, with good ebb during recent years. WHEN a fellow wants to look his best he appreciates the fact that being ' well shod Is very essential to being well dressed. The "Revere" Brogue Oxford for men shown above is a new creation In a beautiful new shade of medium light color tan: UP-TO-THE-MINUTE IN STYLE, DOWN TO REASON IN PRICE 10 ,Per Pair JONES & GENTRY 447 TRADE STREET. the opening of a new park which, ton tomorrow, maklus tho first nd Will have a good field as well as am-i dress of the day. mi l the tlnal plea pie seating accommodations end with the assurance of a large crowd the decision has been definitely made Carolina and V. M. I. have met for several years In Chapel Hill and at the request of V. M. I., tho gam , has been shifted next year to Norfolk although other Virginta cities ero active bidders for the contest. I Oliver pand, former Carolina dls- tanre runner, has taken charge of will be made hv Green F. Johnfon, on tho lookout for unlicensed stock salesmen. There is every Indication that many wild eM stork campaigns will be undertaken soon- At present there Is not a licensed blue sky stock salesman In the State. Arrest any man you find offering such stocks and report to this department for further instructions. Please give this message wide publicity in your town by posting copies and using news papers." In orwinectlon with this nftUce the Insurance department Is also palling attention to tho campaign being waged by the International Petroleum Company In North Carolina for salo of stock in that concern. The name of Roland F. Beasley, former com missioner of welfare and public safety Is being used In this campaign, which Is being made through the malls The Stato has been flooded by letters from this concern, together with literature shout the company, which sells stock at five cents per share and ten cents per share for preferred stock, with tho promise of an eighteen per cent dividend. The name of Mr. Beasley is being used In connection with this campaign In order to give it added prestige in North Carolina. Tho Insurance commissioner calls attention to the fact that the con cern represented by Mr. Rcas!ey Is not licensed to sell stock In North Carolina Ho cannot touch it. how ever, because the campaign Is being made through the mails and the pos tal authorities will have to make the first move. An average of fifty let ters k day is coming to the depart ment from people who have recervod solicitation from Mr Beasley and his concern. Mr. Wade Is replying to nil of Montlcello. chl f counsel for the?! or tnese letters tnat the morn is not defendant. About Mire h nrs are ex- legally authorized In North Carolina, pectod to I..t consumed tomorcw In and consequently it could not he sold argument. except through the malls. 1iiwyoH t'rup. Mr. Beesle' (Vunpsnr Cl,.TTjsf were tl'itut hack and foithl The department Issued the follow ns rtTclawyers ;de.vle.l "h the .lury Ing Mntemrnt regarding the corn today Mr Kev asserted it was "un- I pnnv with which former Comnnl- f.ilr" to put Williams on trial so soon nfter ,rrt inlv about two weeks, he said. aid. retrrlntt to As- the Tar Heel track squad (luring the slstant Attorney .'leneial Wright sent Illness of Kent P.rown, the regular ' by Governor Dorsev nl Former coach. Dr. Brown had started the Cnnirrcsmsr, Howard employed hy n squad, but a severe attack of appi-n dldtls will keep him from ,ie!iv, years and Is thoroughly with llrown's methods. SWEEPING DENIAL" Broil'- of r llzeri''. (Oio in" jury "Tin State na leo,d I Mint If th' y le! ItV OVI.lel..' theV till work probably for the remainder of (n(1 roHitin they will convict by law ths season. Rand, who is a law stu- vers." dent at the Unlvercit v. ha, i , Solicitor Brand charged the op- the track team for the past uvo I posing counsel "with playing to the i con rr,-int gallery" and seeking to Invoke "race prejudice and rteclareo tne muroer of the negroes should 4e punNhed: I that under the law they hd the j same protection s he white n-mi. j OF PEONAGE CHARGE 1 why William. r.ever I Inquired Into the whereabouts of the 11 negroes whose dla)iearnr was s mvstery until their bodloe we.re found. Metier of PuMIc Welfare Hnlnnd F Itensley Is connected: North Carolina if being flooded with advertising ipatter bearing the mitne of the Tnternntionnl Petroleum Company of Texas, San Antonio. Tex. It is persuasive snd optimistic in tone. It tells stories of vsst fortunf made In oil and quotes the stork of suroesof ol cotnpnnlcs. cites their enormous dividends, and palnls rosv pictures of a future made happy and care-free bv an investment of a few Hollars In thdr ptock It Is the same old line of bunk that bss rt liev"d suckers nnd rnsv-mnrks of their money through all Ihe ages and wuuld Atlanta. April 7 Wlllard Connell, young Pike county planter on trial In federal court on a charge of pen. Page, look the stand late today and made a sweeplnr denial of the charg es that he had held a negro 'n peo nage or that he had ever attempted to do so. He also denied that he had ever whipped a negro or threatened to kill one. Connell Is charged by the govern ment with having held Cornellui Alexander., a, negro farm hand. In 1 peonage and alleges that Alexander was beaten and whipped and that when he ran away he was brought back on a arrant charging swindling, but never given a trial, 11 MILLION DEBT EASILY WIPED OUT (Continued from page One) j will aid in the sale of the bonds I rather than hurt It. Consequently i mere is no special goon the sprlal session of the" legislature could do. Might Increase Interest IUt On the other hand, members of the legislature who are In the city 4hls week, declare ths! if the gover nor and treasurer find It Impossible Southern Hotel and Cafe Under Nw Management Regular Dinner 40c Rooms by the week, $3.00 (Privilege of two in room) Discount on Meal Ticket Swaim & Caaitevant, Prop r. AUCTION SALE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Entire Stock of Cook & Freeman No. 124 West Fourth street, Winston-Salem, N, be sold to the highest bidder. -Stock consists of igh Grade Watches, Diamonds. Gold Jewelry, Clocks, Etc. of a lifetime to buy high grade jewelry at your own price; SALE STARTS TOMORROW (Saturday) at 2 Pt M. and will continue daily at 2 and 7 P. M. until the last piece is sold. 'f A chance GORDON COMPANY AUCTIONEERS a 3 1 3! i