b e r" 2 7 1 4 2 "Wednt idty, Dtctm THE W I N S T 6 N - R A L E M .T 0 If R A L n liiluS OfmK 'ion iiJTo pom Fourteen Battered and Scar- , red Vessels 'Reach New York Out of Storm OTHERS ARE-YET MISSING Tempest Has Raged For 14 Days on Ocean New York; t)o: i. Battered end setrred by tiMvj weather, fourteen hlp plowed slowly Into querantin today, the clippers of ail of them reporting a .vicious : battle with a series of lashing hur- , ricane w filch swept th broad At lantle. - On ship the gigantic new liner , Caronie put in at Halifax. . She u losing her light with the . atorm. Another liner reported that he would be two days late. A third fleshed In with a report that ah oould not reach New fork , until tomorrow. The center of the storm which Till flMJMI IS ": SLAYERjOF AGENT Woman In Case Says Stran- ger Was With Him When .They Were at House ' HUN iV: NT f '"-w -V" -'..J have heen ruling the wave tor the last three weeks, appeared to be about 1.000 mllei oft the European coaat. Skippers aald they crashed Into them it this point and fought steadily through until within 600 miles of this shore. All of the ships which came Into quarantine today were freighters. Home of them had parts of the bridges' gone. Small boats were crushed. In one or two Instances hatchets were founded in. and all of them reported their crews had been in oil skins almost steadily from five to fourteen days. Even with fourteen ships report ing in, quarantine did not have aa many as were expected. Five ships. I POLICE SEEKING A including La Bavoie, were overdue.; . . La Soviet reported she would be in j . Thursday but the owners heard Thp0p jc That Gljnman TOOlf' nothlna from the Lord Byron, the I H'COiyii I lldl UUIIIIIdll I Eastern City and the Tork Castle, all of which were expected at their docks today. The President Monroe will arrive tomorrow. Cable and wireless messages told of the ravages on the European side. Talmouth. Dngland, reported three ships had put In there with broken machinery and another went to 6L Vincent Cape Verde Island, her engines also damaged. The Belgian steamship Londonler. going to Norfolk, Va , hsd -to stop at Queenstown tor repairs. Hall fax reported that the Norwegian freighter Lorenti W. Hanson; which sailed from Swansea, Wales, December 14, with a cargo of coal, had been forced to put back to Liverpool, leaking and with her bridge swept away. Overall Staging Come-Back ' ; ; ' ; Pistol From Blinn ; SCENE FROM "THfi ANGEL OF CROOKED STREET" Kt tha Cafe dea Artistea, Jennie Marsh (played by Alice Cai tarn) i. roughly treated by her half-drunken escort, "Kid Glove Thurston. In the rear Ralph McCullough Schuyler Sanford, the wealthy young man-about-town, Is shown approaching to rescue her from' the villain' clutches. Unfortunately for Schuyler, the whoU hing if clever plot devised aoihat Jennie may meet him. Alter Ue 'vounr man "saves" her he immediately fallt in love with her. y Broadway Today I B7 Tbe Anotittri frtas) Steuhenvllle. Ohio, Dee. 2 Ef. forts to apprehend tha elayer or slayers of Charles "Dixie" Bllnn, 4!.. prohibition enforcement officer sre centering about a stranger whose description was secured from M Lulu Lyle, at whose home Bllnn was last sseo alive. Chief of Police Blaln announced tonight. According to Chief Blaln, Mini Lyle declared the straoger waa with Bllnn when ha railed at her home and that ahe was Introduced to him. but oould not remember his name. She told the police he said he waa a Hungarian. Tn her tat.'ttient to the police Miss Lyle said bllnn waa Intoxicate ed and flourished his gun and said that he waa "going to get some one." Shortly after Blinn and the Hungarian left the Lyle home Miss Lyle heard a shot and tne noiee oi an automobile moving away, ao- dordlng to Miss Lyle statement. She said she paid no attention to the Incident, believing Bllnn had his own automobile, ah told police. Bllnn body was found about fin hour .tr and acoording to nhvslciana'h had been dead about .n hour. Police said they ar wnrifinr on tha theory that a paid unman waa hired to kill Bllnn, that the tlrt hot waa the reult of a scuffle between him and the gunman, and that ha was shot to death irlth hi own gun after they had carried him everel block from the Lyle home. Bllnn was, shot I time In the back of the head, onoa between the houldrs and :n the rlaht hand. MOVEMENT IS ON , . FOOT TO CHANGE LAW OF PRIMARY (tmtlBiiea Tom Fate Oae) ty nomination have been made, the nominees gather and write the party platform. It I considered that the man whose duty 1 to ful fill the pledge contained In a plat form are a more responsible group, when It comes to making promise, than the men who will have noth ing to do with carrying them out. There are many members of con gress outside of the so-called pro gressive bloc who favor some step proposed; for Instance, the earlier meetings of newly elected con gresses and the Inauguration of the newly elected presidents and vloe nnestdent a soon as It la feasible. Others approve the plan to do awaf with the general college ano pro vide for the direct election of the presidents and vice-president by the people. There are 'those, too. who fear that to tamper with the existing svstem might open the door to w L aWuMl Mb t..hm -1. ltl Mil , mlk ..w.J A STORY IN WHICH A TURKEY STOPS A TRAIN , Wilmington. Dec. it' Atlantic Coast Llne'pssaenger train number H su delayed for II minute at Magnolia near here, this morning, when an automotlo air brake on the engine wa brJo hn the train collided with a will turkey gobbler. The smashing of the brake, automatically brought the train to a stop. New Tork, Dec. 26. Life '" standards recommended by the American Red Croe today were fadoptod by the American swim ming Asaoclation at u mun, the first of a series of gatherings scheduled thl week by organisa tion devoted to athletic and phy. steal research work. : ; ' Ed Q. Martin, representing th oy Scouts of America, was elect ed presldentpf the swlmmlnr -oclatlon for 1923. Your Old Dictionary - Is Out of Date : NewOne Just Off the Press Everybody Needs It Get It Now from The Winston-Salem Journal Greatly Reduced Size .v'c" --Sri 1 Miny f words ased daily, brought in by science, war, art, religion, industry, never put into ANY previous, dictionary, are alt clearly defined in ,'. THE NEW Universities Dictionary PARTIAL LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS '- PERCY W. LONG, A. M., Ph. D. CLARK S. NORTHUP Ph. D. . JOHN C. ROLFE, Ph. D. ' . . . FORREST S. LUNT. A. M. e MORRIS W. CROLL, Ph. O. GEORGE J. HAGAR . . . ' Harvard Cornell Pennsylvania Colombia Princeton Editor-in-Chief Each fo tfyese distinguished educators teaches read ers of the New Universities Dictionary how fash ions in words changed and outgrew the old dic tionaries. They tell in this book how to build and punctuate sentences how to , acquire refinement, culture and force in speech and writing. ' The. New Universities Dictionary is more than a vo cabulary it is twenty-two dictionaries and an exhaus tive inventory of today's English.. Illustrated in color. Richly bound in black seal grain textile leather, red edges. Printed from all NEW type, large and clear -EASY on the EYES. , -..::: . uzmow TO Get It To-day Ltruriou. " Dictiomry GET IT 98c Don't Let 93c .1 C'-ive.en You aod I Yourt for 3 Coupons and only MAIL ORDERS FILLED SEE COUPON CUP COUPON TODAY FROM LAST PAGE Orel Overall, old pitching star of th Chloaao Cub. I shown here arettinc Into shape tossing the sour fruit on his California lemon ran oh. It is rumored that Overall V1U return to basehail.'aaslatlng Frank Chanoa in coaching th Bad 80s jrttchers. change more drastlo than they would car to support. They are willing to admit, for example, that the electoral college acaompllshei no good purpose at present, pui they fear that If the presidential and vlce-prenldsntlal elector are don away with, some day it ma) be proposed to have a nation-wide lection for the chief executive without state line being taken In to consideration. Eliminate Electoral OnUoge The propossl now is to eliminate the electoral college and retain the electoral vote of the elates tor president and - vice-president, o that each state would have th earns voice In deciding th presi dential contest aa at present. That I th provision of th Norrl reso lution proposing to amend tha con stitution, which waa recently re ported favorably to the Senate from th committee on agriculture. Tha electoral college, aa things stand today, la In a measure a myth. It doe not really select tbe president and vloa-praldantulng it own Judgment, as waa intend ed by the framer of th eonntltn tlon. Each of the electors la con sidered pledged ' to vote for tha party candidate on wnose ucicei hi nam waa placed. Nor doea th electoral college ever meet. Th elector chosen In the, various state do meet on a certain day following their selection, and oast tha ballot for president and vioe-prealdent which. In turn, are duly forwarded to Washington to be canvassed by Congreea. No mention of an elec toral college 1 made In the consti tution, though provision 1 mad for presidential and vice-presiden tial electors. Suppose that the electors, after kelng chosen at tha poll, should take tha bit tn their teeth and nominate for president some other men than the candidates nominated by the party on whose ticket that had run. under the constitution there 1 no way to prevent their doing thl very tiring. Merely be cause It has never been done Is nt. guarantee that it will never ; be done. Such action might make It "inconvenient'' for " the electors to return horn after taking the cus tomary Jnnket to Washington with the "returns." Thl Is -on of the reasons, whv men like Senator Cummins, of towa. favor abolishing tha electoral college. The Old System Prior to 180 the member of the electoral east their ballots for presi dent ana tn man who received the highest number elected, while the man who received the second highest number was elected vice-president. Under thl svstem It was possible for a president to along to on party and a vice- president to another. But now they cast their ballots for both offices and vote for their party ticket. The demand that the electoral college be eliminated Is not a new one. The late Senator John F. Shftfforth, .of Colorado, democrat. In 1917, offers a resolution pro posing a constitutional amendment for thla purpose . it waa very like the Nortis resolution of today, ex cept that. It coupled with the pro posal to eliminate the electoral col lege and advance the. date of Inau guration of the president and meet ing of congress a proviso that a president ahould be restricted to on termv. and that term for six- years instead of the four-year term. The movement to limit a president to a single term, whether of four or six years, haa fathered soma mo mentum 'In recent years. There is a popular belief that it would result I in better administration of the gov- etnment's sffalrs In the interesfof economy and efficiency and that there would be an elimination of much political log-rolling for a second term, of th cruelties inflicted upon him. The H mack over Invaalon, th third event of the year, occurred last month and resulted In th death of J. G. Wood. 25. a Mia siaalpplun. He waa riddled with shot after he had fired on a 6axty of - several hundred masked andj wnue "sheeted" men who marched Into th new oil field of South Ar kansas to clsan out th undesira bles. On man waa flogged and a gambling house, a two-story frame structure, torn down. An exodus of more than 2,000 people from th region resulted. Official made no effort to learn the Identity of the mob a far a known. R0TARIANS ENTERTAIN DAUGHTERS OF MEMBERS -Daughters' Night wa . observed by th Rotary club last night In th regular weekly meeting held In th club banquet hall at th Robert B. Lee at :I0 o'clock. Each member of tha club had as hi invited guest a daughter, and of the one hundred persons attending th meeting, forty-five were daughter of Rotarian of this city. Th meeting waa presided over by P. A. Oorrell, chairman of th program committee.. Music played a large part in th program of th evening and Rotary stunt were concluding phase of th merry making. Brief addresses were made by Mayor James O. Hane and Mis Kondthaler, who also gave a number of musical renditions. PENN STATE SQUAD HAS FIRST SECflET WORKOUT (By The Atmiatad Press) Pasadena, Calif., Dec. 2. Th Penn State football players, here for a game New Tear with the University f Southern California, today held their first secret prac tice since their arrival Sunday. They worked out in the Rose Bowl, where the eonteat will tx staged. Both in th . morning and afternoon. The Trojans moved from IO Angele tonight after a final work out on their home grounds, and tomorrow will divide' use of Roe Bowl field with the Nlttany uona. Wsr on Races Detroit, Dec. S6. Complaint against handbook men, newspa pers publishing betting odds, and dealer handling such' publication, are to be made here beginning Thursday. Police Commissioner James W. Inchee announced to night. All periodicals, including out-of-town newspapers sold here, will be affected by the oraer to be issued tomorrow, the commies! oner stated. The action 1 to be taken under an ordinance recently enacted tn which a maximum fine of 1500, a maximum sentence of 90 days Im prisonment, or both. Is provided. Th ordinance makes It Illegal for any one to make or accept a bet on a race, to malntsin a place to ' ' To Discus Traffic Matters Washington. Dc. 26. A con ference of representatives of shjlp line In th Oulf, South Atlantlo and North Atlantic districts will b held on January IS to discuss traffic mattsrs, th shipping board announced today. Representatives of foreign flag line have been in vited to attend the conference. The conference probably will be held at AOanUo CKy. To Compete In Game New Tork, Deo. 2. An Ameri can track and field team will com pete ln the Swedish International athletic game at Gothenburg next summer. Tentative acceptance of; an invitation recently received wa announced today by th Amateur AthleUo Union. Th slxe of th team, and other detail are being arranged by correspondence. Chicago, Deo. J6. Gene Baraxen, national open golf champion, and Joctfc) Hiitcihlaon, former British open champion today war guest of honor among Chicago golfer en tha eve of their exhibition tour of the west. GERMAN ROYALISTS 1 HARD AT WORK (Ueannaed fro rag Use) organised atorm troop and se creted weapon. Mussolini's auoces with hi Fas clstl la combatting th Italian So ciallat ha brought . new ambi tion to th National Socialists. They dream of a movement which ball spread over Germany as th Faaclatl apread over Italy. It would end tha republio and restore th monarclat. Th other day in th Bavarian langtag on of them railed the cry "Long liv tha king." . A soon as these National So cialist under various disguising name sought to organize outside Bavaria, th Berlin government dissolved the organizations and for bade their meeting. Bavaria ignored th decree. In th Landtag. Minister of th In terior Scbwyr ald he aw no danger In th National SoclaliU More recently the German gov ernment Issued decrees against studsnt societies In lyceum and unlverltlea whos existent It deemed a menace to the state societies dominated by son of Jun ker famine, of old officer now without fat Jobs. But th trouble. vel outsld of Bavaria, I that th government ' never ur It ha accomplished It purpose. It dissolved th Orgech, a semi-milltarjf oclty, and prac tically th next day ' ther was formed a union of ex-member of th Orgeech. ... I Ther la never any lack of mon-i ey to engineer these organizations.: Th Hohen,ollern give non. Th, exiled kaUer 1 too greedy; hi on; too hard up. Th money comei frotrt junker, owner of big ttM; In Pomeranla, Brandenburg. Han-1 over. Eat Prussia. Th hai time do not bother them. Thalr potato, ry. wheat and hay nave brought top price. Their farVn; ar eontantly working tor thi kaiser' family. ! Clvlnd Berrioll. convicted anr.y -dessrter whom a restaurant man believer h ' tn ' 8attl la, night, Henry A. Wise. tat adju tant pt the legion announced to day, w . "Every American Legion memher would take plea.ur in capturing Bergdoll" IJ Mr. Wis. ' W tlll hv hi. de.crlPtlon w'th Picture, and vry legion man in thl tat will be on the lookout for him 1 H he come, 'or ha com, to th pacific coast on a Oerman vessel, as he la reported to b doing. TOMORROM: factories. At tbe Krdpp CREW OF STORM SWEPT SHIP SAFE (Coauoaed fr 'r On) But h kept taking in, water. On December 20 a big wav tor away vrythlng abov deck. It mash ed our two lifeboat to bits. And then I noticed eh wouldn't tr, nd found th rudder had bn ground to kindling wood. "W hung up distress signal. On th 21U bout 2 o'clock, th Menomln sighted u. Sh took u aboard and w fired our vessel so sh would, not be a menace to navigation." Captain Finch of th Mnomln added only three short sentences to th story of th schooner' iklp pr. "W got 'em aboard In half an hour. If w had not com along when w did they would have died. They could not have lasted in that blow until morning." LEGION WILL AID IN CAPTURE OF BERGDOLL ' Seattle, Dec. 20. Th American Legion in Washington will do any thing it can teHielp capture Grover Received a Shipment ,- Coty's ' Perfumes O'Hanlon-s IS THE PLACE THE REX ALL x STORE receive bet or to publleh odd on I any rwee, either before or after the running of the race. GET YOUR BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS VERNON GROCERY CO. 12 E. 4th St. Opposite City Market for J Years "OUR SHOES COST LESS PER MONTH" .'" New Luggage FOR THE NEW YEAR ' Hand Bags, .Suit Case or Glad stone. All leather $10.00 to $30.00 1 . A.Tj H I ' 4 . IN . ; r m r i FOLLOW THE ARROW rr pays 5th Street Liberty Street i - -. .-.; . - -v. , DR. McKOIN ARRESTED ON CHARGE 0FMUDRED OUR BIG 1923 CHRISTMAS SAVINGS CLUB NOW FORMING Will Be Bigger and Better Than Ever (6eetnne4 free) Ptr n) th Jail here and encamped tn the heart ef JJer Rouge where the Ituation Issuch that the governor does not want to leave the towns the populsce are armed. The military also was at the disposal of the civil authorities a take In custody many member of th hooded mob whose Identity Is known to the state, according to department of Justice men. It is reported the number of ex pected atresta will be increased In the event the identities of the dy. namiters are established. Federal agent deolare they have the name tot the ringleader and : his arrest is Imminent. . n - 1 1 ... pected to arrive at New Orleans ! i tomorrow In preparation for the ' Tf conference there Thursday, a' e wntcn time plana for the hearing 1 wm oe outunea ana the report of the coroner' jury that conducted the Inquest over the headless bodies of Watt Daniels and Thom as Richards will be.. discussed.. It wa recalled here tonight that four murders have been charged to hooded men since last May along 1 th Arkansas-Louisiana, borderi At WHmot. Ark., E. U Gills, a farmer, was lured from his home, shot to death and his body burned. After hi death the Loulsiana Arkanea Law a,nd Order League wa formed to secure evidence In the caae. but no arrest were made. The league was eatd to have been made up of 6,000 clti sen of the two states and recent ly disbanded. . ' Mer Kouge Caae la Cltinax Th kidnapping of five prom inent Mer Houge citizens on a highway last August is believed to have resulted In tbe death of aall and Richards. Two others were severely flogged and J. L. Panlela. 90 yeare old, father of Watt Daniels.' was st thf point of death for several weeks because DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SAVING EARLY (Join the Big Club) Hundreds Are Joining Each Day. , Several Glasses 50c Weekly Pays. . . .$ 25 $1 Weekly Paya . . ..$ 50 $2 Weekly Payi . . . . .$100 $5 Weekly Pays . .$250 $10 Weekly Pays . . $500 (and Interest) Join the Big Club ti sf-m m it il S ;-..: 6 r We have only made provision to handle Five Thousand Accounts this year; so dont wait too late to join our big club. 1 i-iek,enjt Merchants Bank & Trust Comp! "The Bank of Good Service"

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