- - i .. . I I I VOL. I. mm mm mm THE WINSTON LEADER, Tamks Ai-gkrxon Robinson. WINSTON, N. C. TUESDAY APRIL 1, 187i. , mmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmc M BX Kl PTIoS TKKM. f AhVAM f One ropj. n year. j.-r.t ay ai I ttar rop , l ninth-. Itnr ri.v. iMpe i?i.:.l;-. " ..... J i. rlntaft of MX fw rhilm f i-n I ..r a flub of four, CMM '"I '"' I i mc u (12 Hni-- tin- I p.- m iaaertioti 11.00 i- rh .uivs.-oiifut iaM'Fit'tn - y sixy-nl r-ontrart mad for larger art rrtt iofmenu ' LT- - . . . . . . Ji . i . v . .. . gygf .J I run inn - m iinini't!M-' a'l the ! a f " ih rt-!irr uj. Rtlt Anl J" 1 .19 While 1 Hi-In If ST Ah I A M . iO.Ott . .Tjr- pica, l-lood wi -hi f. ,r inr. fiat trara Irt'i'at tno .-om. to tic o Mtr-.ll of 0xl 1 come." i- n" a Anst.V.-i.l in r0 -1a ; ! with mat !.. ir.jr -r b:a lat ndfinKf-r-. nt".Mlic! rransJ Th- little hantl that ,!.h ha. I -! irw.1 But raited to Aip th lunar amile I'hat rvtel ok Uje fT the trlalr. ".Iiiat a r ai:" I yUrhl th -anf. Tlif re-oid of uy ruittcl Utv ; Ti..- rura- liml nwt'lu m imid'! a wrrrk : Thl iw-jther irp cr or i.ri'l. eonltl chr-k Vo .ticr piartj have I t fle ''l '. !"t Illl- iJlflM lnl-a1f lh.. -OLD llt'KKVfTM'H and thev arc not All Tool's D:n all dead cither. "Every dog lias everv cat his night. his lav And The Pot of Gold. A cobbler in Somersetshire fireamcd that a person told him that if he would go to Iondon Bridge he would rncct with something to hit advantage. He dreamed the same the next night, and again the night fter. He then determined to gu to London Bridge, and walked thitru r accordingly. When arrived there,; lie walked about the whole of tin first day without any thing occur ing : the next day was passed in a A K.I. ambe While ck Seneiran held in a strew he r held the plow, m tan km either vide prip linea attached it. II c rcsnme trm. . . . . . . A- -u- m, i anil vrttna. Thf r .r tit a Mnfjr1 f-ir!ir?i ; A tl.injr M h'.'A worthier tion tend T cv-r hchI at)' mk-LcI . .. . n ,r ia:i-rip .tt. - daily tr.irr. The pa'h .f j.fem aud d-. j. li-ra'-e. ... . , . 1 ".J lift hm l aiuT a v.rnr -ml O r ln' h tMptation billows roll - Th-drn.ou fonifthat r-.uud mc rr. p, riip horrid dntanA that haui-h uleep. I In- ra mi flcrii that r r n ride With rall thai will not In- di-Mied. . I . a all ' . " w i am iour : come And -a . r T!!c- fjruMi the r;i;-of rtira Uj intnericH 'j' oW little form, a .-.a. .. II. L iii.-ii. ii .11 ji.-i-i taker, froui the rt.jrni, B" nil the li'ij.l . xiiy riptnicis gi ve, Sujijiort my vIw4nnd let me lie. Old Si and a Yankee Clock. : :L .t -2 -.i late yesterday rjornmf( and u.ked and he as d!owtn f hum. broke. male. hat the inattcf !; v ;" we asked pleasant' ' Nufrin. cejytin dat cf I kno'd ir wa ter one oq dese hyar Yankee cl)ck f.tcktiies I 'low hit wouldn't take me long ter git dar '" " "Wh : llavtn't you ;t a clck r" Well. Ic got er !ox full ob cot) vennhions l.it f r.mdid dat w;n ." "And what about it r1 t dese ng w id an he dayn J Pn . "n- NO. 12. f rt sciption for Fit. For a Ht of pavsiun. Walk out in the open air. You ma apeak your mind to the winds without butting any one. r proclaiming v ourvrlf to re a - ttmpleton "He not hast ihv pmt tit Ik ant-r. f. tor less a t ev ver Yankee er wajjsin lode mays ng one peddle i c am flocks similar manner. place the third day. and w about till evening, when, giving it up as hopeless, he determined to leave London and return home. At tins moment a st and said to him : 'I h.tve seen vou jess ujs an" bought dc one iat he tor t'ne last three days walking dp sed wu. de bes iu the lot. II. r wuae and down this bridge ; may I ask if t o, feet high an cz full ob varus you arc waiting for anv one ?' The roddin uht":K e er -aideen btx ;s I te a Mat cli witfrlteetlc tili-. monstrous smai t Did it rim all Hg)t : Run ! dnr hit i cum icr er trcI tore boss got inter one an er hit .k did 0 .R ,1 is--dat clock de pcdkHer's i 1 toj i spang fore he got to de ne' whir lie The WrotJMsa at, or should be, hoaao ruleri, to a in.lll. ' run'y H,ii ' hl"r . Thev are" That is sonic of them. Th.- cl rid And f !l upon A raj .f nun l That -.1... Ifh (I One half the world doesn't know how the other half lives" and it is none of their business, either. And s - .: i A i-l In .in !i t . a sid Why is the Leader like a pretty, fascinating Miss ? Because it is lively, and much sought after. H1 voting i n v. -tuii'ji . o?if r'Jiii.! .i I am Ilut t!ia.t :hv ! ". h eftry one scr? f'-f!'. the darkne fled the burdened m-I lui ft .in i w arm, hejlittlt- fornL n rrolr.ie fondly tht-rr. 'i hi- i-rrtyer. is feet Ot 1 i f 1 -!;(! el CCJ an git lin" .n 4 r.ip frt-t have ir i Iff,'. Mid low of Ood. w yj L to n in - from wa of hi. ii bout one ph a ; 'I nh n- ?icd for ine" rhew !h'trr;. ild v oi : i'!i hirb he raine, dd thou the same. fhnl i it that Oranville cannot prM!ure iford f 'rr Lane, . m An honest Republican goverh-tnent. keeps a Sonic one remarks that Indians do not kiss each other. From what few Indians we have seen, we do not blame them. When you have a fa mil v jar you ean't always preat-ryr the peace. Kjcrhauyr. that vou cannot. And For Better or Worse. rhc old bian Bcndlgo rett -ii.-iru e on his daughter Mat v. and imaii would-be lover has taken a walk after a few minutes v. ith the hartl-heart- rriie old chap is stuck Jwfevcr, and cards are Iting. After the luckv. ad been -parking Mar convcr .it ion ed pa: enl this tithe. In out tor a vvt oung man li No, family "stew "broil." a true. frecpiently ends in a vatc Iconfab, . i t i t ti secili like a n . The Declaration of Independence says "all men arc created equal," butjvvc beg to differ with our fore father's when wc take into consid eration the feet of some. tion on the pot thus : "Look undei and you will find better.' They did look tinder, and a larger quantitv ol gold was found." As the story is a 'or si moiitBis: the oid i'entiem:in i 1? . .. ... l. T r i r- . I...,..,. ,i ... . .ii.. i.,. . steppco in a is usual, requested a pn- r r mo leu on witn : e young man. vou are m love with .... r I ! - ais. oin w J .J in A- itnt j ... , . .very promising, the honest re- - 1 Augusta, (a., is to have a match s:tu! ar. thing to her ractorv on an extensive scale. 1 1 is claimed that Nashville, Tenn.i, a a and perhapH Man 3" Yc. I am. p! a Baltimore is to have n ladies' "Talking Match" this week. Poor Haltimore ! If these matches are i . .1. . .. anytmng iikc tnesmpnm.c ones wc - . , chanccs , Iviti vou " I la veil t ct. have vou "Well, no locales mv ; "I )oes, eii something 'lunatic! a n d Marv iia in sometimes buy, may the fates defend replied the 1 "l o4, but us ii le ten drawn a kni v onimii murder. I m It was said by those of old that "Heaven lies about us in our infan cy." And wc have come to the conclusion, like many others, that the world lies about us when we bave - worn 'ri e Alarv a ills t iik e used r.er grow older. A loafing Would-be poet sends us a few doggerel lines upon the sub ject of "Banks." Wc know of scr eral banks, and if our contributor will break into one of them with a plow, he will find it more profitable than writing rhymes. Well. I" anil build up m it. The old m in his cart nr. "Perhaps The Oxford Free Lance wants the ladies to take an active part in the railroad enterprise. They will, brother Btt;t;s. if there is any coup ling to be -done. The v may be tett-r-hearted. yet thev know how to put the breaks on. Our Granville friend will find that ladies will make good conductors but their trains are always behind. ought to .Marv s mot hi r ran aw i - . t home witn a nor re:ar. These thingj a fter ears "Air. Bern 'I've heard ; you w ere on jump (Jhicad e 1 a ear in -g iod - live 1 Mt Every Day Religion. A colored Georgia minister preach es the follow ing practical theology Bruddcren, my Vpericnce is dat it ain't de perfession of 'ligion, ut the casional practice of it dat makes a man 'ccptable up niler. When ct gits to ile golden gate an' Peter looks ver right in de eye acid yer. show s him ver long creed and sa . pompous like, dat yer 'longed ter a t'ig church, de 'postle will shake his head an say Dat ain't nutV ter get thrugh. But if yer takes all yer hills under yer arm, yer grocer bills, an yer rent bills, an' yer doctor's bill, an he looks em over ami finds em all receipted, he 11 sav. l er tr . r voting man open, aud w jaw's t "Some inf - I ami 'jnt'.i me lixcha ( c2 answer w as X0 V -Then what is our object in staying here?" The cobbler then frankly told his reason lor being there and the dream that had visited him three successive nights. The stanger then advised him to go home again to his work and no more pay attention to dreams, wantid ter swap time for munne I m self. he said, 4had about six e. he sed months agt, a dream. I drcamet! "Vhatj ctid voJi do w titli it r mi i:c ijjgiits togeiner, it i would go "av eii. 1 tinker u mi tut mti. S.i,w. . 1, 1 . . ! .. .... i i .... t.; r !....! e i i i fiMvi'cioiuij, in itu oicnartp, on gom. iut ioie t e under an apple tree, I should find a my tools put up hit 'ml he pot of gold ; but I paid no attention dar silent e hell horde iu to my dream, and have remained tn scmetar ." quictls at niy lu-siness." It imme- ' Ami you could not get diately occurred to the cobbler that at all !" the stranger described his orchard "Oh, ves, 1 got hit ter and his apple tree. lie immediately can 'pend on dat ! Yerf see, I thdt returned home, dug under the ap- niebbe dat dar wlan't weigh mifTter pie tree, and found a pot of gold, make; de wheels go iiound, I After this increase of iortunc he wa- winds her up an' 'tache.d a dat enabled to send his son to school, iron on de end . de string an where the boy learned Latin. When what do yer tink :' he came home for the holidavs, he "I don't know .' one day examined the pot which. "W'y. dat blamed clock tuck tie had contained the gold, on which bit in hi- niouf ! an' run fo'tv six w as some w riting. He said, 'Fath- hours de fust day! an tie ole 'owan er, I cati show you that what I have wins so onhing'd dat she gtt supper learned at school is ot some 'use. at leven o clock m dc He then translated the Latin inscttip; dat's er fack 1" Ami how have on resrulated Mule;, pulled on smootnly. as if h:s thoughts were innocent ana no w ickcdr.t marred his njmd. A t the end of the row they attempted t turn him into another row. At the -!rT U of tlte lines thai mukra ta i rlcw up ami stajnding n his forefeet with his hind fbc pointed heavenward the ipcJtacle was sub lime. Only for an instant w a this mon umental in. '. stationary With a circular sweep of those posterior pedals, ocr vest iarc aw my as :l a st i ctr". The plow was seen shooting i Wc a kite m one di: cctton. But the nude, oh v here was he ? A dark streak passing athwart the horizon told the sjtorS of his de pa: rtu re t A s the darkeys, one bv one, pick- resteth in the Ihvsoui ( fooli tn anger a tiarkev was swept m ojn had passed ror a ht of idleness. -Count the tickings e.l a clock. lo tins for one hour, and you will be glad to pull orTyour coat the next ami work like a man. 4'5iiothfulne ta!cth into a tlccj fclcep. and an itllc ioul ahafl sutler hutvgrv." For a fd of extravagance anl fd : C!o tt the work hou. ot speak with the ragged and wretched in mates of a iatl ami ion will lc cort vincexl. "He who 'makea his breid of btict and th'.rn. miu.1 ..ir I upright ti lie foilorn. Wherefore do c spend money for that which not bread, and vont labor for tlt.it w hich attsheth n.-t ?' 1 a til ot am bit U u ch, b to the e themselv cs ai rolled their ejaculated : ' S ell. I does sa 'f arh. r- V -;t.t irrtrc can. h t ! around, dher. each I !;ws er nine ( to lutctnait! ami teatl tht- r.nr. stones, Thc v Hull you the cud fa man at his best est.de Tor w hat is your life : It is vcn a va por that appeareth for a Utile time and then auisheth aw.iv. Prkfhf goeth before destruction aud a haughty spirit beftire a fall " For a tit of repining lamk about for the halt and the blind, ami viait the bedriddeti. .the anMicted, and thr tlcranged ; and the will make vou unL er I the e snow t utlerer" ..shamed ot Complaining of v our light atilictiou. "Wheretore tloth a emblem tt ilVig man complain ,1 What Hope Did It stole on its pinions the bed ot d is ease, an frown became a smii i . . i.- . a a . . . . . m peaee and emlmancti it went to 1 " "i u eu . -and tr the house of niottrnilvg and from how man who keep their carriages the hps of sorrow there cable sweel Vc afflicted with rheumatism, gout and cheerful sonos. Jt laid its head ir,l! dropsy; how main walks abroad ti dutches oi stay at home wrap ped up in flannel ; and how man in the poor, which w as stretched brth at the commandt of unholy im- Ises. and saved hini from disgrace puUcs". and and ruin. It ii w elt like a nio mug- it f "Jess by settin'lhit out in de back yard an tellin' de cbdliiin ter make hit ketp-up v i ti dc town clock, ef hit takes er week ter git 'our mark ter de odder !' trom ne thing in the bosom of tire mother'. whbse son tarried long after th, "nef. proimised tiiiic oj" liis coming, and saved her desolation and the "rare that kiileth." It hovered about the head of the youth who had become the Ishnlael of societyfj, and let! him onwartl tovwor!:s vhtcb e ven his enemies praised. It snatched a' maiden from the jaws of death ; and went with an old mai to Heaven Hope, mv iooJ brotlii . a. ' are stihject to epilepsy and appo- living P'i'- A sound heart is the life ! tiesh. bin is the rottenness of the iter r Industries. crop in Mississ: Is was ; but I think she recip lie cttoti. I W eii. let me tell you Her 'mother died a tltprc's no doubt that lefited her insajiitv.T will thi louses to tne year erect value of 250,000. Agricultural implement now form an important feature of west-bound and the dead. V inch are vt u : Two deaths: Two. Two w a s : One broad, the other narrow one leads to destruction, the 1 " .- "XT i 1 .1 to me. Aianv go tv tne hy the other. Which is your w av ? Two clashes of people : ;The righteous j and, the wicked, the whea and the chaff, the living the other e few- Have it e . . a side. res tie t depart : it Life is hard but hope ts mountain K eck n it oil v ur .1 ...I wttji !i mat 11 maw u may repay your painsj enough ai ht si vou over Twinklings. Modest is ,i priceless virtue; hut, if like the bloom on a Woman! cheek, it is only "put on," it loses its value. . j Do not tlespisethe opinion of the world! ; you might as well sav that you care not a fig h i the light of the sun, because oti can find a can dle. -I i on amu ie-;'ie. hi but its I ii ke ws. to li- To W iitr a good haml, wear a shall lead good coat, and keep a good eharac- and sustain ter, ami three rcomsttes for a vottne Part w ith all man w ho has to make his own wa 1 vi 11 in the w orui. . flH DIAMONDS UNEARTHED. i 'Vt ' - e iii me see Mai has a .Lshc has twficc Wiimmicnt to freights froto I ndiaiiapoiis, Ind. A New 'ork firm has rcceivecj 1 an order from Savannah, Ga., for i the construction of six powerful and to tlutt got a sister - 1 .1. .. was tne answer nd oil should know solemn oath not to cent of property." con- r in tied the farher. lather start m poor IMu'i e's more romance hydraulic cotton presses. It is statue) that all the window glass works west of Pittsburg, ex cept two at New Albany, Ind . and that I ollc a LaSalle, 111., are now in op- cration. c v e 1 a l d i f icavv oKiw.s tor stet rails arc m the market, which pro duces a firmness among seller-. Pleasant nrices ranerc from $.11 to in had one more slujt 1 i- . 1 e. ami ne sam : tell on that av from mv butcher, and that all died "m the poor house, might be thrown up in md now I warn vou." igo." replied the lover, li this before, and that trial for forgery, had to o tor Digamy, aim sei -the St.de's Prison For . ...I . 4........ . I ... , . . . r r . . ,,'.V,'l' i.iioe u.ume. 1 1 111 oiuj; o umt j into vour fatnilv tt eri've vou a de cent reputation 45 at the mill The grangers of Shelby county; Tenn., pave bought the fair grounds 1 four-miles from Memphis, and are , going to have next fall the biggest fair of the season. Throe hundred quarts of straw ! berries from Florida arrived at New York bv steamer from Charleston. S. C. on Tuesday, and were sold at from $ 1 to $1.25 a quart. SOUTHERN ITEMS. The death of the 1 iuhteous. the death of the w icked. Which do you think will die: Which do you wish to, die? Which would it be if vou were to die t hi -moment ?-, The right hand and the left. Only these two. Those on the right hand wiil be blessed: "Come, ye bless ed." Tho-e on the left hand ill l e cursed : Dcipart from met, ye cursed.' 'And I hesc c hall go a w a, into everlasting punishment ; but tiie righteous into life etcrhal-" All must appear 1 efore the judg ment seat of Chritet, to recei e for the things done in the bod. wheth er thev be good of bad. Reaper, what word shall be spok en to you f On w hich dv of the throne will vou stand : RELIGIOUS NEWS. " hat floe- out husband tlo r" asked the census man. "He ain't doin. nothing at this time of the One mii!e. for the living is worth vear. replied the vomur w d Ia he a pauper.' a-ked the uiimimimiI She blushed scarlet to the e.irs. "Law. no 1" she exclaimed, some what indignantly. "We ain't been married moren six w eeks. " a dozen tears fJr the dead. A man owes his she cess in this life work to the womain who walks beside him. I The sweetest thing on earth is a little child when it has learned to know and love. I low contagh i:- is some people other-, like piano. Itj is better to w ear m - put. . HlUd 11 1 piavmg op il iron white it is it is made hot. A darkey was once attempting to steal a sr. but a doc; 1 aisvd an Jri -h'ect . n. and Sambo retiretl. The next night during a thunde r shoyrci U.. . .A 1 . 1 ne- aneiiipieti it .igatii, ano pist ,n nc was on the point of getting awa ul than rust .a-; tli ".., I , .... ...... L ...v.. ...3. .tttl it . 't - 11 11V c lose the laugh ol .a low jqrrmg that 01 a worn out 1 1 ike flu- hot. triki ntii Sanctum onion3 Levity. Merchants who de4ire to lead if n w 1. qmct I ne w ain 01 icu tioiiar e.o'U-s , 1. IV ert a. iO ve lv am! the noise neai 1 trlrdt? cued the poor fellow to death. Dropping the goose, he started a Hi a muttering. Peers to me da? 's .1 heap of tuss bout a common gooac," AV 1 1 inaue a man mumi r The 1 ing man caiitlot hold li: breafh, nor the livings woman her : ( n gue. The police have taken a census There no thanks of Knoxville and given her a popu lation of 1 5 -7" 7" 1 an increase of ovei The Rev. I. S. Kailoch, oi unsa vory memor'. . hak been lecturing in San Francisco on the immortalities of the phtnese. Arcjabi-b.op Pktrccll, of.tJincinati, i- improved in health, and is now ag - i att t are line! o.(xx) since Ip7" Benlligo looked after the w ith his mouth w ide leu he could get his get her he said : rtial hvena has went crutches , 1 1 i a n mv dodge . Wade I lampton has lieen present ed bv a friend in New York with a pair of silver-mounted roscwiaal UM 1 1 ul! cd. 1 v.. I 1. ! . a'. I ie nopetui tu.tt u:s unaucuti w ill it 1 si actum ad 1 he t a IIIL'11. ! Ittl tow ant kcav en. Diamond and pea 1 stones hut kind Wordi valuable precioujs ton Bling up a chSI should go and w h em irniously Ion! extend are prcCiOU. te the most : 1 the w i : s re Ravelingsi by Aunt Prudence Lconomv majy be equivalent to wealth, but if vou'll cove me wealth we won't uunrrel about the econo- mv. The same prikiciple works equally well in Dhvslc or moral; remove the disturbint? da use. and the irrita tion will takF care of itself. It don't take anv longer to ped a 1 a w - - - ,11.. th.. oiilk i human kmdnes than ren - lrevier. tl,.. .r ill o hiio rn. -s. and it tastes a ' "Small Pica" and 1 . . v. .... ' '-7 - - - t . s m ,odo,-Lr d.. ct- uti bt nun sigm ihxii-i v,rn;t,l,"v,r xoi... f..r fi., atr.d.- A law er ik a very unreliable ani- ' a . V. t a a 1 V a a ftV'S V W a I a. i f lnt 'tiln't ha iicp t- trti Kiwi 111 it i. "C V V C lit C a . Unv V. C 1 a a ' a son. tor dat little bill paid. d. nehher was just tv tin sWuig Miss Fanny daughter of the late John C Breckinridge, has lately married fohu A. Steele, ot ood ford count;.. Ky.. "a widowei not c-r.prcttv. The negroes at Blind Tom's old home. Columbus, a., hav e peti tioned him to give an entertainment there, toas-ist in rebuilding a church tlest roved by tire. The editor of the Hawkitisvillc The Rev A Baptist ijiiniste Mass., is accused ter Susie Scott a a fr 'in h m B of Lnjp is hi Mc(J ih-'i w The distinctive teaf-:ie of Methodist church in To!ed 1 s he beb. Ufi ht to w ear that ali 3 badge. Chi to go, clear tne tiacK pis. he w over v o;i II hit: nail I'im - '.'- A young man cavv tin loll El . ; s - . - , 1 ad v ert" erne n I tn a iictvvpa.pc w hen , . 1 k "H w to get uch. i rare Sen 1 tw entv five Cents to I e Tree ter ton. box 4 13 IPortlahd j U Ohio, I lieitg desironi ,rf mhke a r J ! .. . i a .. a a ai ans t,,iwarilel the niott.-v and he d mm- run c ret Fub -e. ie 1 Judge, sCverel ; "How lo v oil know ti;; ilrfendant is j married man Were you cv er at his house? No, s.r Do you know him personally "No. sir.- "Do Vim know h w f, r" Xo, sir "' "Did anybody vt r 'tell y"ou thev w ere maried r "No. -n . but when I see a man and Woman come to the ame church regularly for three eats. oecupv the same pew, and hav e a hv mn book apiece t mg out of, I don't want to see no mar 1 . ge certit.tatc from them 1 cm sw.o to their relation all tin time V'erdict for plain tiff An eternal warfare, sJVs the At lanta f "ft ifiitit'or. seem to rage 1 ct witn the countrA negro and the tow jwlarkey Thi wa illustrated at the passenger -depot vestertlav. A colored y outh from Pike countv approached a low n negfo, and the folift w m' Convert ition et.a-aed ! ci s seep on uieir oreasi. a w me Dispatkh has named his four child . 1 . -- ..1 1., DIH II I. i-AMI'- jiu' I timer. the The mem - Je reil litihon, w ith a cross printed on it, I he pastoi of .a CatnpoeBitc church in Austin. Texas!, pricks an tttdia ink emblem on tjhc coiix ert. and calls: ii mark." iW Work h ng repiv ttle e re e t nev er j-cn id a cent ' W ha r I .out. H ighl dar Jt ' lo w ho.e Yonei m a the e v t-r iii m g . . . 1 . t IS ever readv u aixacK tne ' . m I a 1 . J along dat narrer oalh 'lest ver can me he has jubt Meieudeu. or u or carry folded up in, ver creed', a good lh olif llc ,U1 altackcd rec'mendation from ver creditors. I wouldn't give tw o cents tor a Hehhon ain't -.o f.r n min man who is tlorever i'f!iir taken tor storv. tsDrotounil. vivacious, new am.as v ' ' f..a.aa aa aaaaaa - I , D I who has to dodge roun a corner for some one cbe. 4 man should be o anl corfies out every week, tear oh mcptin' om on. who'll n.lc itwlividtaal that Vou could tell him. M h; rr.it t-til l amess is a premature death t I'sca. atte names of ditVeient stvlc t in pe. Mis Eugenia Parham, of Ballard, Kv .. a petite v oung lady, is the ed itor of the Ballard A't-x.. w hich 1 a ' larger circulation than any other paoer in the work!.' never telU a The "Fortv Thieve.. A i .1:1 - 1 here are tn Levi is! U. Me . down the l earn to Vii t thev get on the Thej have a gadl in the C it v. Aldermen 1 can br m le tu a. A a e om- '" rr. bu v hen i .ate kee w ho had nev er paid more than 'y regarded a t w etitv-tiv c cents to nee an evh.bi- lCf tion. went to a Nc l h k theatre j ; men of the yer fooli n longer w id kinder tv'csMT w i Thies c 1 I lo one night to h'c the " Flic ticket-seller cha:g eutv -live cent for a t m. thi? other pastel -arl i ac.. me r t! . quietly remarked ; Keep it. mistet . I don't want tt see the other thirty tone."" ani out he jnjrched W 11 1 Stand up ami science please tell us wl v a giri who trcees to death evcr time she wecps off the separate t, tront step, an r..e ritjteen tn.ies tn man Came a s.. ;in w 1 nothing around her but darkev found the ticket u vi.rfi. 1 itiirr cnrl a. : ri.il. r , arm Irtavn nomn- .1 ,. t writhemt even getting a blue nose. 1 m a mighty i ck man, ole man, when I git tir -cd up, An you'll git stirred up ef von afan roun me Dat dc pmm icr . And udh that ti.t-v ctitiched and hal a right i..ci ttitie i to v vw-rc' evcr. be ! r c a pljce- m a J I ike countv thec The '! I.. M,rn. aloi w t ' litis k t i A

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