THE TOSTOX LEADER; 'red. The. - J-A.MKS A. Iv XS5. K.air. rniiv...... ...........rniC i, r-;a. lit- mdrcv i thing must Iv fof jiis.rc tionthat v ehtor wa completely at j surd to rai?e such a hue and cry ; lie excitements TJJIC J-KX CR' f- A W. This subject is 'agitating the minds of our tarmcrsto some extent. J lie. .1 ( . 1 1 1.. ..1 " 1 i.-r ' t!crel. ic U lief. 'Any j large exemp- mitjed that iLiiirl srrionslv imnair the (!an"eror:s ... ,.. - - obligation of the contract would lc is pcrtecily Lkadkr has already placed before. its readers the bill and its provisions as passed by the Legislature'. To our mind thi "ik one of the best laws for the farinersVthat lias been enacted, if o:ir people will only ac cept it in good faith. Of course thc-rC are objections, and it is pcr fcctlv natural these objections should, arise." But come, let us rea son together, for we are told that in the multitude of counsellors there is wisdom.' The advantages ofsuch a. law are neat. in the first place there is a would debtor irefu all MvcontiHct Unite! .1. . 1 c the I r:itc lam jdciti it tMnk.s pr 1 t essa rv !ini)l the tools o of nece-s;t v liable to be savin" oi tunner, time ami janor. j a 1 w a In Lffiiimr vr!ir own stock fenced '- .,".... 1 .1 civilized, c in von allow ail tnc unucrgrou in i s 1 " 1 - 1 1 Io!igfngt our forests -with new timber, where it-is now eaten down-in the bud by cattle running at large. Vou save Vour manure, which is a great item, and it enhances the value of your land. And then again wlien you move your pasture to another por-. tion of your farm, the grassj which was not eaten down by stock,' will be in luxuriant a;d healthy con ditionand two blades ofgra-s v.' ill grow upon your farm where only one grows now. Lven the forests let 1 or hot cording to and human therefore, t btitutidnali 1 r.K'LV. Chief futicc of Suites Supreme Court tliat "A State may. if :p-r. direct that the nec nentk of agriculture, or ihe machaii'c. or articles in household furniture. taring apparel, not be edition, oil judgments. this description have 1 considered 111 everv miaunitv as proneriv oe- ' " ! the rcmetlv to he execu tively sovereignty, ac- s own views of policy The! Courts will and all 1 oco iia.vmg exti cles mpntio feel irratefu I tloinjr all tl from tlie-e .YC 7 1 - e cm )i4 mav feel assured in thev are trv 1" ,t . tinicti to mem me aril- vers our o ec will then make t;ood pasturage, and turc for thc the Iittl c . acrns w ill 1 1 c allowed a chance to row. There would be ble (ti ncc . t . ' 1 .... - .1.1 u: ji uousav anoi;t iiciiiun s niisciue- vous stock. The objection raised is that it will inr .thcfsi'an r alxAit j monly virtue- ami injure the poorer class of whites and ; tianit the colored people, who own no ' ci viI;.n.tior.. won 1 prac or Ubniaii land. We think a man with no land ' sacretl Hd oujht to be wil'injj to pay pasturage solutely no for his stock and not allov it to ; men ot our tlcprctlatt- upon his neighbors. But' blantleicr c we find the objection is made by a and. punish 'great many w.ho own neither land 1 would cauti norstock. This law will not ellect 'as to how t . . . , .such persons in the least. There is i man. ftk theK 1 ' no tax levied to keep it in operation : but m the contraVv lumtl; eds. of . j . 1H -111 1 tiouarsjwui nc saven 10 our larmcis; r5en:tor anmially. ; n t5c Sena Wouhl it not be cheaper to fence ! down your stock in upon a good grass; btnlc. m our irossinv- friends! the carrying It n j . X mr i 1 e use the; name of wo- j to visit a he plot m your own land, than to ; nc ' viJit tvi or tlnr tbonsnnd r-nU HOt "need a Then not have a law ful fence, and j sl,s' wiljl h have your crop destroved bv vonr i s" may. & neighhtirs cattle. Vou have m law ; tc .protect you in that cac. With ; the stock law you will. j Wherever the law has been intro- I duced it has worked admirably, and : has been a great saving to the farm- ing ' v. ' We woultl like tb have this im- J Calif int ti Tliev h first sy when t Th.e orni: a. ven lab! ltir i isi.ti ;ii e of f porlant matter th r)ughiv tl'iscusscd j Ioadim and the columns of the Li: aii:h are of trains on open to all upon this subjcct, both ; sunrise pro and con. Let us hear from you. I xpplv t Sen. JiXE.Mir'JOXS OX OLD - ;' 74. Our. wt)i thy co4etnporarv, tlic Pit'tsboro Jxt ccrj, observes that bv a i brnditc decision of' the Sujneme .'Court of; ami his the Unitetl States., rendered a year 'wtuitl ago in the case of KnwAicns vs. Kkakzky. the Homestead and Per sonal Proper! v Kxcmpliou ."allowed and nia rvi: t ;i vm mgttn Raleiti-h Xi t R absc 'Cirecni All i bv otir State Cinstitutit)n tlocs n'ot I n Pll'stri; r icatt-s pro -bor ic w tramp this un to s w iron i apply t debts contracted before April t86S. .Our State Supreme Court at aiiuarv Term 187? in the ! case of Wilson- vs. Si-akks. had! hk t ftti t t "imr im lo. , tl I'ml U t S - - V f ll Y i:i- 1 kuso diallv invite and att -ml tion. - The I -; . L , c;tv insist tt rights ; natt s jjj. tl ors. w ho w ten do! Tin e fauce gooe soniet plied t stance. the the ; t iiors are nc: the wiiid t! .1 I n tn ,'oi k s.te:ul law repeals all other and prior llvt lU exemptions, so that the defendant1 must take under the present. law. or ei.c have no exemption at all." That is. the exemptions allowed in ' the oh! ; Revised Code were repeal-, cd by the exemptions allowed in the Constitutioiuof iS()S. So that, the I'nitcd States Supreme Court", hav- ; ing decided that all pre"viou exemp tions were repe.iled. there was ai solutely notJiing' exempted to the unfortunate .debt r on the execu tion Issued on debts, contracted be fore April iSS. The . cicditors ; couhl seize on hand and sellain and everyhing belonging to the p".'or ; debtor, een ttie coat on his back or: the hat on his head. Such being j ing up ii . ill . l-.- .- . . ine piuaoie conoiuon 01 ure tlcttor most extrem clas?. it was absolutely necessarv for j revoluf the CJeneral AsemblvV to afb)rd of it; s a clt OilCV wide It vi ars a onar them some -relief. Ahead v . had j i8;6. aiulth manv executions been - issued, bun- i ures which . .. . 1 . ' T .1 1 - c ? -t 1 "feus 01 ptor men were in daily pose la reje .lrAa.i n-, ... u 1.1 I .1. - . i anil indeed-many cases of peculiar should have t it-.. 1-.-. a. 11 J - 1 ji.iiuNoip .010, uuciiug nau occur- wun u ca' oNvn t the creditor, and some- when tlieir own' weapons are turned j rest and quiet is 'what is neecleu )c clone ana tnatspeeni- against tnem aincit 11 must oe aa- aoove r.ii wnngsj i.- .w.-.-. of all sorts. Ye a boomerange is a verv play thin Kvervbodv dential election it was a universal df-cirp for neaceJ for rest from the willinir to admit that it ' continous dissension of the eight STATE SCRAPS. Raleigh Wants horse cars. Ciiolera ib destroying of; Eanbui V. I Mecklenburg cro - ! t t encouraging. GLEAMING FROM THE PRESS Reidsvillc Times j uncf)iistitutiona!. and ' Ts revolutioiiarv to repeal partisan j previous years that ga c sucii a great i j ; ' ... 1; I . - r '!.,i:.i,:,. l.,.i a i1l:,1 rtf;,: ;n Aivnrnf 9 new Admin;! The Charlotte Lhstnct has 107 - r 1 . 1 1 1 1 - i . . 1 1 - - . .1. 1 .1 r ' C - A rim in. i iJ. he Lna ii 1-cgisiatcre nau 10 oe; . iegi-siaiion. anu 11 is jusi inc kiu 01 ; majority in.iu wi 1 ji; s-cd whiskev stills bienacting a law that, revolution that honest people arc istration. .Now give a season 01 j :., j some, rener 10 u;c lie sarnie. time not be i . - tlhthe Constitution of tin pining for. r Mate Alaiiv ve,i: s K is sir. 7 o i!ihe:dt.h v." an up. -ki.-s-t X:-. never ! ed to heroic ii u .i e: ice, : wliat we pi i the. mouth is said to be Jut 'who ur.nts: to live ;n laml, healthv or no ? We are fully determin- ally- persist in preaching , President to use ind consistently practice , its fullest extent each. Kailv round the;, tcntion of their' . ; I j on the rights of tiers cut. A ot p elaboratCj kl ties ; novclt slaughter. ; es are filled them. ju'tless upboltl the con- ; The latest ; of the Act just passeil, ; Ioard ' knaves, to Mr. A , the poultry j 'Sur?1nih1a-8 f n app; trcc ln hi;r(i ,T. ' I 1 U (jy ihg the whole winter. It in now full green as soft and - natural- a if -n the midst of 'summer.. The tree open to the field and has never had shelter about it. . y prospects are ' rest and auict. Co to yourho ncs'; 4 !l legislators, and star there.. 'country is weary of laws antl making. Gt)ldsboro has a The aw- Christian Association. The Dan River teemiing with small Young Men's t Charlotte is taking about cele- Davie county, and of course Created" brating the 20th May. is ' said fishes. Salisbury! Wratcimjn : Tb-da (March 2s"tji 1S79) Work Vas 2 igiin on thcjIailroAd from this.Dia-" . be j ( Mocksvillq) to Moorsviilc X (5 lt is qiuie an era in inc Ihstot- t The organs are whooping up the his veto power, to 111 Hvde county crop prospects are behalf of the re. j biqttbr than for sevetal years. encroachmentsj up-1 ll Airy is tletcrinined to have a Thev railroad. Glory in her spunk. the people. There is never a time when mur- want the issue .made up, and they will doubtless weresb frequent as at the pres-: Democrats ain simple murder, but pledged, to give- be fullv gratified. - - 0 1 of Congress stand us "a free bailol and !oftS 10 1- 1 - i . ....: nngs , "nrriLixx honest count and whoever cs in ine a 01 ;. --. f. si(lc 0fMICh an 2s sue Every, day the dispatch-j , . . i . beei; d with such accounts, and . . r , ! , . L- ' :Tbe voice ct the iconic is unmis- the blood riins; cold in reading of i r :,.n:. ;,Ujav ! and no more bayonets or Johnny about the Returning ' Uavenport r t ' :. '. ' 01 iouisiana, is, uwi. 1 1 - knr to cheat their law- their fees. Cullom j who acted i as American Revie-jv, Thomas A. IIex- In the North tor April, Hon. dricks continues Ihe discussion, Stokes countv has but' one pris oner la tm in Her jail. Happy Stokes ! The Xezvs claims hundred miles Carolina com- ;e has saved the Senator Vance w arc 9.4S3 ofhce-scekbrs in Washing ton. There arc twelve; of railroad in North pleted. Stjate Auditor Love was married in Monroe on the 25th inst, to Miss Maggie S. Harrison. Tl e Wilmington sturgeon fisher ies will be conducted this season, on a larger scale than ever before. that the Legis State $ 175, coo. rites that there All the papers are delighted at Colonel Shober's election to the tnerem. ana snouui aim am ku -00 -u u - commCnced in a!-previous number, the Legislature for the counsel tor the Returning Board, , , QfrntJmcn of hnth "u. v konld to relieve them have just tutkl a suit against Wells, j 7 7 " , I franrWlmnnt' "T ? u Ai f ' r ' ... 1", , , " , J 1 . . 1 rJ. tical parties, of enf ranchisemcntiaiid chief clerkship of the Senate. : Ii: liVlllir (it ileOtS. ' LASSANA K . AN UEKbO.N ami XVrA-J. " i i i II " Mr. Al. u. Ks. iumpass, iormeny a member of the Legislature . from Perspn county, is critically paralys ed; he North, and that J ',"; OJ'FEXCE. nejnd the late Legisia- ottits.Acts; that ot mak- i of women an imlicta I.die talk! and slander a habit , too com- en n :cett. 1 in.ii ine ie trie, ably mined if . the majority in The pirtity and . is next to Chris- is Sthe chief bulwark of Corrgress hi i the Federal 1 vet. strange iism' everv It. 6uirht to be held' 1 ... ,J..., .n r,,tJt If.:" III. 11114 H littLIU 1111. iytuiwuijiij retotore there was an- lrom destroying themselves. Such irotection; for "the wo- i ' lK)it5cli unselfishness cannot aow, a woman-! 1()n - unrewarded. -1 11 - jbe arrested, indicted. ed as a criminal.' We I . fA' SCJSSOKS. its efTccts on thel colored population ! lv concludes that the poor blacks of . . . I . I 11. A 1 111.. York Tribune predicts j the South are as wen ireaieti as inc mo'crats will be irre- N'Kit for .t ,.Coo ior tne services in - . t TTi . ' - 1 I of the South. Mr. HendkickS just- (ji:csi:on r poor whites of sists on the repeal of supervisor laws ;" and to sav, the I riouric is argument at its coin Mf- G. B LaBoyteaux, Hendcr son, N. C. - Smoke house robbed. 1 10 Its of meat purloined. No clue to ! thief. thoir ricrhts are as much respected. - -o 1 I An interesting point of tthc. arjticlc is a quotation from the late Senator Morton, who, in 1S65, protested against enfranchising the blacks on j account of their ignorance. - 1 1 I Tony Foy, colored, died in Wil i minerton from eatirler' an overdose that the length dfa pig's tail led to i Gf rofisted potatoes. Gave .him the a murder in. Madison County, ;this j cramp colic. : The oidv kvav to put an end to j State, last Thursday. Two farmers, The Roanoke fishermen have riot i f 1 ,1 T . . ... . ,1 I . txnr :lt- tY r o nrrht tn o !i ti c h rtif i-vi-iz-'oc anil use 01 nre-arnis is iiaiueu ciiio. .iiii-i vj.-ii iiiii, jVi.T-1 f -.o 1 We see it stated in oiir exchanges Wiarren county has abolished its Inferior Court by ah almost unani mous vote of the Magistrates of the county. ex-. aw i punishment upon ; piited concerning the length of niidit rct into trouble. ! those who l ili persist in their; use. j tail of a pig which they were I It is well en nigh to be horrified at amining. Norton gave Oaitiieu i some blood v occurrence, and to 1 the lie, whereupon. Giathkk told slvorH-st m-ii, i hold, up the hands and declare that j Norton to get ready, for a deadly the 1 have been very satisfactory ; espe cially for shad. J est ifc tne ,ut he ii hard- to pull thcsc tHintis i then tlie te 1 4 thei:e. ' J lea ilr saVs Alt. Airy, docs urnjiikc and a railroad, take it for granted the railroad. Trust e agnq t got yet, - 1 lapts ay dealt out to The ' new ! elected some Both men drew their re.vol- uiturists are g';ng olpccrt The hopes of .sundry; of- j. trifles. germinate. themselves: should not be so, j but j fight cling should not stop j vers almost simultaneously. Gaith- punishment must be j er was fataHvwoimded and Nor ton lost a thumb. The point as to which of the mep was right in gard to the length of the pig's remains undecided. It is ajnys ery to us why a map will take the life of his fellow man on such mere .V P offenders, or else! we can hardly Hope for a healthful state of affairs in this rcirard Ignited -States Senate i ! admirable executive retail 1 .-- ... . 4 j an excueinciii m uhh. a Crovi- of ladies went out to see the work start and several of the most civthu siastic firev a fcxv "shovels of 'dirt Granville Free Lance -j On the plantation of Mrs. Sallie Htillock in Tally IIo Township, there stands and flourishes a tree of tb.e a$a. fras species which is a sightto bp. hold, Thisi-monster of the foren measures 15 feet in circumference 5 feet in diameter. It is i2 Yeet to the lowest branch; is in good lively growing order and bids fair to reach rAt n erf Wilmineton Sun : Wt ob.n - , ..1 1 . 1 . . 1 r . .. witn pleasure, mac ine financial and trade reports from different sections in the Union promise well for the coming year. The feeling through out, the countiv is cheerful, and wt may safely loolc forward to a'return of national prosperity at no distant day. WThen business- is fully restored it-will be on a secure and healthy basis. Lumberton Robesonidn ; This ve,ar is one of profound political peace but next year will begone of gigan tic warfare; and it behooves us now j to build up and purpetuate our po : liticai Walls. Next year a President is to be elected fortune tTnijfed States,1 and a Governor,' and a complete corps of State officers. There seems ,to be but little doubt, thaV the Re publicans will nominate Grant, and it is barely possible, that Tilden will be the Democratic nominee Pittsboro Record : ; On the 17th inst an old negro, named Obadjah Avent, died in this county, who was probably the oldest person in the State, being about no years of age. When Coruwallis -with the" British ui 111 y w a? eiicitiupcu ui ivaiiinnv 1 Nlill (now Lockyille) in March 1S71', are thereby much ab- busincss largely, tic e-. seekers much beyond the ;)reviated: b it thit does ' not count ! .'.Patent medicine advertising but hope to do so; u-oitha eent so far as anybody! but I become a science. One before- arc concerned. Tt is reads : "Somebody s child is d , 1 , , liiw made ov our i. , i ". ' , ovules iiTiramst tlie ami the running tiie Sabbath between i mulei stooi that only one of tb.e old 1 1 - 1 ignt ofheers has suncl i ral I ni r hj.r ;i .v sav wn. ins. It does not was not jiveii the -rand shake be- 1. cause ne lu.s ton in -htViiicr the cii ner-stonc Capitol in 1 709. j the National las been to Wash- Ctusulslnp. 1 lie s he is one of the niblijcans ncc . r a nti! rid dnism v o i ate etive i - nies? in the State, the country the ress for cid 1 rom blessing to .the commenpeel settle down perform all been retained and he isted Gen. Wasiiing- 01 With decorum befittinir the! oc- first- Democratic Con htcen years has quietly its work, atul will soon dying with thej flush of hope on his face and an indescribable and take an hohor- has " us ing world beside the young yearning to live ed place in the companions of somebody's mother is thinking ace his youth. ' And of the time when that dear will be hidden where no wrcat hope can brighten it-when heart and home 1 of her The Rocky Moint Mills in Edge- combe county turnsiout three thou sand yards of sheeting a day and will soon run four thousand. Governor Jarvis has btTerecf a re-r ward of $200 for the .capture of Jamie's Radford Hinson, charged by the coroner's jury with the killing of Ja ck Smith, in Saulston town ship.' ,. ; The j oung men of Oxford havQ organized a Railroad Club, and sav they intend to havethe honor of build ing the first mile of Henderson railroad, young men. Mr. N. B. Howie, a respected citizen, commited suicide Sunday pat his "home twelve miles ear- of Monroe. Selectingja very low limb he placed a rope over it, then tied his hand behind his back. When found he was id a kneeling attitude, with foot and knee resting upon the conclusive evidence that he pijilled his very life out by stran- gulatfon : on his retieat after i the battle of, and Carried! eggs to t the Oxford and Good for the will be left desolate to an earnest efforts to sumption." At because there vas no cure for con this juncture the patent medicine man steps in land the duties which ; the people require at its hands. Its man- , gives the child . a tcaspoonful of ner of doing business 'will soon put j medicine. 'Presto ! In three davs, s runnir.g crazy I to rest forever the Republican ca- j by the clock, the child is playing It is the last and I lumnv that the interests of the coun- I marbles in the front vard. or steal- tfely be trusted in Dem- ing preserves from the china cldset. If there were anv j the age. The try .cannot s, now engaged in ocratic liaiuS , demoralizing and j truth in such a statement, it would . should be treated furnish an unanswerable argument A The track LATEST NEWS. 1 h :;- aged eighteen Texas cuth has lhai fieri Us mother's aim t, aged liftrwd. Since papcr-napkms were intro- duccjl by , .-j, manufactuing firm in Wisconsin, a year ago, one Boston firm $lonc has sld 250,000 of them. Guilford Court-IIouse, this old ne 14 years old A re camp to sell to the soldiers lorgantdn" Blade- on the Western North Carolina Rail Road lias been laid two miles beyond "mml-ctit,n which is three, miles above Henrys, and an engine has passed over this point. It is understood that the track will now be laid as far as the tiinncl, and it is thought the tunnel can be completed in a few weeks. In (the meantime work is going on beyond the tunnci and as soon as there is a sufficient clearing in the tunnel, iron rail will, be carried through by hand, and track laying will begin on the other side. I t Wilmington Rcvic-M : Nathan R. Scott and wife, respectable citi zens, and advanced in 3'ears, dfed a few days ago at their residence Ri ley's Creek, jn I'ender county. They have been married over twenty years' and left three grown children one daughter and two sons. The ; wife died two days before the hu j band. From the day; of their mar ! riage up to ;the day of the death of these two devoted people thev had never been separated a single night from the same roof; jThe daughter had never slept. but .one night away from the paternal roof. The, son had never been absent a single night from the hWise-hold up to the death of their parents. If anv countv in and put coi; pul at M to good and j against popiklar government, prov ing that ' thej ; nil e I.v:s is verv; cor- j to c(me to Cincinnati I Rives, found ! true bills indictnient I Groojnc, i t.. . t'u I f larris,' Ve desird to submit a thoucrht to i Tiwlirf nrp ind'irtorl Ve t i - -" nimcuroc t. rr ti narTUto.i . r i c . . i H.- f . 1 k f ' ' ... : tl?lv .vn nvr ILV.ILII in II1US1. (JI j HUH CCUlCll! )tr ! can press ol that not become oo.comnum for news- ; failing to place negroes on juries in j the Southern eiH.s .-;n;. ! T,.:I vr..u iv.a .s iub no. ii."-1-" l v' 'M;uuu,UI1 lt ijuo- ; tneir several counties. It is1 under to al always- throi t open to a gent ithe 1 hdtel. ner- lamil- relations ustoni.r ' tb 1 . I e cu tn In the United , States District constitutional The Governor of 'IVimrweo li-.i . ! 0!" onJ- ol Aorth Larojina can .do as j- wcll as this, or furnish a raraUcI Statd temp debt bv tbn T ipmdflti.ri. . ! cac Iet lIS know the countv and the atcs adfvising the calling of a 1 casf that eqhals this in faniilv unity convention. majority- should not Court held in Lynchburg, Va., thej ti,LJ,. r . r . - . . ' , . j I hpreaic fourteen ex-Governors vjranu jur on inursaay, in ooe- ,n the Senate Messrs Anthony, dience to the instructions of Judge Boot andc" i, Burnside, Tokc, Garland, Grover, Hamlin, Hampton, liouseton. Kellcgg and have active sanitary and affection. Law Changed. ; Hv an act ratified on Febuary z$. 1879, from anl after the first tlav of August, 179. the courts of the i?ev--enth Jttdicial District P will be held as follows : L I Da vidson- 1st Monday in Marc h izenj. but jit is Cihcin- ;lh articles tiving in detail the h!s stood one or more of the Judges will ow the I tory of soni poor fallen woman's surrender themselves prisoners w ltleman I life of shanu . and dragging into the ' their case shall be reached on W e deem i to issue, and at once go to C doubly pernicious one ; Waiie on writs of habeas corpn uugcu upi ear oy yciiov.- lever, : September. but generally they arc less clean ; Yadkin 4th Monday in March irnluiau usVaK Ii i and September. .1 canv J.000.000 rn?r r mtf likes Kt Mmu jv i rr iin Tnrl - .. 1 - - ' f lief j August begins. The number of I Monday in larch and ' September. )a! cattle, in a '-drive" is generally -i. 000', I Surrv 4th Mohdav after 4th lit 11. t - f ( - ....... , xvithotit attempting to argue it. Let ' so that these cases may be adjudica-' ino,!n f Jb sometimes much larger, j Monday m March and September. mes sours when ap- j u. of tlie N ,rth Carolina Press re-1 ted in the United States Supreme). ThP Pf-ince of Wales, 'while rid- i A . Stokes 6th Monday after 4th gander. 1 bus, lor 111- U'p not to publish anything re- I Court a( the same time with jthe ! inS in a ferriage ,in France recently, ! -Inday in March arid September. usul'r Ivemibhenn ed- n..i . , r'.L ! .''i 1 , , r.i... ,,f tl ;,.,lrrc rJ ;n i narrciwlV cscaned beinf kllUl tKl 1 orsyin 7tn AlonUay aner lair- andtellinJ. ThVc ! day in March and Se3tembe, 'svsteni bf -he 1 , , . I StCUnsV U,al ' few davs ago.. ' smashed, but the Prince ! fowan-oth Monday after 4t ' , 1 1 nf-;P- j v wt.uid hesitate to sit down and I ' ! ! cscaned Without n trritri, I Monday in March aud September. j n g at thl X !. 1 Ml i appropnai.on nm tnc ! r,nti :1vnid partisan! measures is . ! We have no doubt . 3 1 Stll KMAN be'im it in extreme partisan meas le l)i:moc rats now pro- i weJre carried throuirli wav. The stalwarts i little niore patience and iters. to our wives, mothers! The people of Paterson, N.J.J It should be our aim ; scratching ' their heads over u tl:df ti lead and elefate the public mind, mlc occurance which happen- j cisco ; " 1 , , , ; ed there about 9 o clock last Satur-! used and not to s-i yc and supply the de- jav niffht. A small baI1 of fire bw, sensual appetite. struck a boy obliquely ' across jthe ! cards'. j breast, setting fire to his clothing, the sl mands of a sleevje and slid down intn fK ine .on6lK Jandtnark savs that;aml. ourning him quite severly. j righthand. bv puliin- a string with what the 1 country . needs a are s A klev ice for rbrntintr if rir.U re- j was discovered bv the San Frah- Thc U, S. Supreme Court has re- centlv decided that a citv or county o poker nlavers. It wa a . i- , . r - uVl 1 V.. ' r i menis ior hctterments as " r.a rfMUrc meet inters d Pri- asesv a cause sd J made as to be fastened in nnxv- it. - - - " i..m.iaiii juuijutu mt itii i iitiuu. Alien inp n( ori . . I 1 . ... peace and qfiict ; we need exemp- iY meteor, ou no care cou rt he extracted without de- !t U -1i. i i:.v f .i:J......:.. j rl . .1. . "cu,,:u ' lcu ancrwaru puneu up in- js ii-ivu. ui irom ijuij- crnl flu. t ' to the sleeve aga: up in cipal on improvement bonds. Hurricaneis, it i supposed, re caused bv all the women in th world, talking at once. But their unrequencv seems to militate a gainst the thcorV. !

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