0 Your Name Be Written OnJhe United War Work Honor Roll? Subscribe Tomorrow TWIN CITY SENTINEL IF YOU HAVE WANT3 YOU WANT SUPPLIED SAY SO IN SENTINEL WANT ADS MM. IA ASKU WIMB SEItVICgt YEAR WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOV. 1918. MARKET EDITION TWELVE PAGES ONE SECTION wot to modify armistice hne Day United War Work Drive To Be Made Here Tomorrow mCTRE OF BOLSHEVISM APPARENT HAS RECEIVED Hi AT IN CAPITAL trenRlh of the Movement, Fiot Very Small. Is Constantly Crowing RAISER VISITED BY DUTCH OFFICIAL t Status of Former Emper- of (iermany Is Not Def i- 1 nitelv Settled ! oS. I B Th" A--"' u'od Pi '.:r; from ,ir In peace sn sud lu; ii.niMtiHii has almost ltrti nations which have unl'it'iM in tin' groat conflict, iib:rg n.ade lo iii'f-t the prob- rfthi- future whii h appear to be thill of the punt. Tiny it ir.niftenl in its demands p.'c conference bt held at lir. Self, the foreign secretary, ul only in early settlement of ailung out nf the cessa- b".-tti;tin can have tile German f1""' Liuine. m" ii.l'-iim. however, the Oer ut d'i.nud of even civil ad ni"n in the lthineland regions .:! I'f taken over by the allies the Ihiiil adjustment of the re- t the (nntlitt. Allied and Uni- '." luhu.y authorities will in "n,n:iy from which GT- it;: e..l to withdraw her de ff lis This new supplement i"i.:.'-e aieen.ent, it is an j .1' etMiip.ini. il by the sur- b:iii! uf all her suliniar i i.J-r tb Mriifiiial armistice T.t i,:,l; lilfi r-bnals were to i'-d mt t" the allies, t !, -ire i,f Holshcvisni lias ' ' ;' !;n moil of revolu 'ern ar.y and ban received roc- H' llin. This would net-in ' th.it the true socialist k h. taken a new turn, the which it. Kr,..lt ttlill u r .frwn-d. Ci t,ll a short time " b" sn. nst element was tto '"'i.-i.tiV that ii t ... rti-'JlllSt rtl.,,r.l.., l I,.... .i in jvun- "''eupleil I,.. ,., have v, . ' ff ':'! tail those' forces home I M":H safe to ,1.) HO. . ,",. "ff''"' announced at SA' 1.'AA,-t,., i '1 , , -i T ' ""' ies i. nas .,'. '"""'los cable ad .pi,hrSi'r'i:'y ,,KU he had !,' f Thp "' of the , ' ' 'ni.an states to -" i I'riiir i Keuss. f "ohenzollern v,k' "ff"''"' l.resenta- ' n ,t been definitely HPt. c;If , ls bos,K as a URGE PRESIDENT TO ATTEND CONFERENCE ailiiiiRtoii, Nov.' 13. Men mikih from IiIkIi Miun-rtt In lair ope arr rcn IiIiik I'niili'iil II miii uricliu " iHTMiiiHlly at lend tin KD'iit iH'Hiv conference' tluil will M'ltlc finally tin- lsxiic IcnmliiK out nf I lie war. I he l'n lilcnt, ft was wild Oxlay, liai tiM ii iki Inilli nlicn of Imw lie rv jtardn I lie kiiukcm Ion llio kiiiii' nf thow usually well Informed Ix-lleve ho lias hii h'H mind nil tin' cubjei-t and may Kite it vun hlderalloii tomorrow. Menibcrs! of tlie I'rfdlilont'x ofTlclal family art' iindorsUxMl to Im' Htroiuly udvlnliiK cilnst tin step on llie khiuimI that It would Inviilve iiM'li'aft rixK and would mccoiiiiiIIhIi notJilntc tlmt voulil ml bt accoinpllslied thru clelc (;ntci t lie rrcsldont niluht wlcct lo n'priwtil AmiTlia at llu peiieo table and with whom lie eon lil kiscp In consunt touch by cable and wlreleon. RFFIII 1 1 LI II M II I I OFGERUI ! REQUEST m r Red Cross Workers Husy Packing Clirislmas IJoxes for Our Army of Hoys "Over There' Allied High Command Says Terms Cannot 15c Changed j At This Time i TEXI OF THE MESSAGE1 Supplementary I'eriod of 14 Days I or Evacuation Had Already IJeen Added FURTHER SHORT SELLING IS TO BE ABOLISHED Order Is Made By the War In dustries Board As To Cot ton Exchanges RESULTED FROM UNDUE SHORT SELLING TUESDAY Announcement on Subject Is Made Hy Chairman of the Committee of Board ' Mi.- Heinrich the former r.S to instead of 'ni',..., . ll' -'"list mnrs ' - all th, "' ami ;..ir, of F.r ;A have on the Ullri'f ,.rl.... have no Hremen "f the flee. warships cst:thliuli...i 'iKoland. vht iRreement W "" "I"- cannot is sain . i tnlnK II inarv teria h . " h'e been worship:., 'he Lak,. n,j. I'm . .. "een ilefeat. ALLOWED BY EXPLOSIONS fxIl,)stons. hr,,Uo Kaele t.nhi.1. --'9 First Ave- 't'-i'ad i" , morninsr, """ijomlng build- iM';LMer "funded k-i J,"' btsin' WMch te ! ' the f n's" district. the t ,?-e Atlas Glasa r.': whLa(ljlnl"8 block. ' by L. Y,0mPiny's plant WahinKton, Nov. 13. Further speculative short sellint,' on the .New York and New Orleans Cotton Kx chanKes has been prohibited by the war inUuRtrieH board. CharleH J. lirand, .chairman of the committee announced the action to day, sayinK it had been taken because of undue1 short Helling yesterday, which caused the maikct to fail two cents. Air. Brand added that short sollini? at this time is of doubtful wisdom as the country Is in the midst of market ing cotton and conditions do not war rant short selling as cotton stock goods thruout the world are depleted and the demand for the product is bound to be great. Drop In Active Mouth. New Orleans, Nov. 1 3. t'rohibltion of further speculative short selling on the New Orleans and New York cotton exchanges announced by the war in dustries board shortly before the open ing of the local ewhange today was followed at the opening by a UUU point drop In active months, the limit al lowed at one session under the war time rule. Some demand which soon uprang up, however, raised prices 7 5 to 100 points from the bottom. The board's action was accepted here as the result of the slump of 200 points during yesterday's session and the recent heavy short selling which put prices down over J40 a bale. The telegram to the local exchange signed by all the members of the cot ton distribution committee of the war (CONTINUED ON 1'AUE SEVEN; London. Nov. lit. The allied high command has .lent to the Gorman high command by I'rench wlieles.4 a message that there can he no itoe. lo cation of the conditions of the a'i:ii tlee. Including the annexes at this time. It Is added that a ii'lenienl.irv period of twenty-four hours for the evacuation of l'."li;iiim, l.uxeuibii. g and Alsace-Lorraine has been added to the fourteen days stipulated In the original text, ho as to permit the text to reach German heailqiiurt,eis at the desired time. The message readi: "At present no niocllllratloiiH can be made to the conditions Indicated by the terms, including the annexes. at the time of the signing of the arm-1 istlce.. . "A supplementary period of twenty four hours for the evacuation of Hoi- ( gium, Luxemburg and Alsace-Lorraine hns been addefl to the period of i delay of fourteen days stipulated by the original text so as to permit the1 detlnite text arriving lit the desired: time at German headquarters." ApiH-als of Little Avail j Washington, Nov. IX --Appeals of j the German urmistice envoy n to Mar-! shal I'oeh for modification of (lie ; terms of surrender were of little avail. : This is indicated by the amended terms, which were published today, i Close survey of the amendments show i few deviations in essential details from ! the original draft which wad announc ed Monday. The amended terms in some res pects favor Ihu defeated enemy but1 other provi dons eoniplctely offset the! slight favors granted. Chief among j the changes made by Marshal I'och , was the inclusion of a provision un- 1 dcr which Germany is forced lo givej up her entire licet of submarines. The j original term as to submarines pro- . vbled for the turning over to the allies and the I'nited Mates of only ISO L' boats. The amendment further pro- ) vides that the German submarine: fleet must be siireiidercd within four-! teen days. Another of the eighteen terms which were amended provides that the des ignated units of the German Heel j which are to be surrendered must be i prepared to leave their ports within seven day after the sUniug yf the ! armistice. No time limit was fixed in the original draft, instead of 50,- j OUd railroad cars the Germans are re- i quired to surrender 150,1)0(1 cars. The: number of machine guns to be turned ' over to the associated governments. Is1 reduced from ,t(l,oou to lia.oou. Ger- man troops in Kant Africa are required, to evacuate that territory instead of, surrendering. Specific reference is i made in the amended terms to repa- I trlation of German prisoners of war at the conclusion of peace. Territor ies which belong to Austria-Hungary ! before the war are added to those : which must be evacuated. Russian I provinces are to be evacuated "as soon as the allies, taking Into account the i internal situation of these ten itories, shall decide that the time for this has) come, instead or immediately. Cro vision also is made in the amended terms for an armistice commission. TEAMS WILL GA THER A T SUPPER, 6:30 I . &r' -At v CAMPAIGNNOTES "I tery Ilininllnii a Thank Of fering To The Hn tcr TlM-re" U live Hlogan of I he csnipiilgn. I'ery team member ami rrry IH'rxin M'UiHiil eboilbl kisi'p It In iiilinl. Ii l ri-penieil 1 1 ! t Ii will be of lliui h nsitiHMi' If reroni who ran will go lo hcadquartcri to day anil make a niitMcrlpllon, 'thin will tie of ailtuiiluge In relletlng the ranii-'l- of work tomorrow. 1 1n w who art' out when Ibe cam ao-o ri call or who are TliHketl In any way are aim askel lo gle at lieadqunrt- IIoiim kii pera an mpieoieil lo Im- at home tomorrow morning prepaml to inakr a uihierlptloii to I lie lulled War Work fund. I Imsm' MilxM'rlplbiiM an to Im m puriile from iIiimm of ihi miit of the family. ll In rnilel(s (bill eneh houH'kii'M-r gUe an a no in ill eiiiialent lo a day's lionsehold eM.is.. Ihsiil'iiiiirlers will Im IihmIinI Iblooiit the wiik III I he nioci riMiin 1111 I llsrly si reel, nett lo I Mnl llro. 'I 'him wishing lo nk iiIhhii muiler M-rl nliilnar to the eiiinpiilgii ilioiilil i-nll then iir felephoiM. The 'phone niim Im r Is 7 I A. FINAL PLANS TO BE MADE FOR THE DRIVE TOMORROW Members of Various Teami, Over 100 In Number, Will Make Thoro Can van I HOUSEKEEPERS WILL HAVE PART IN CAMPAIGN Asked To Give a Day's Expen -Big' Industries Drive Other Features ne.s- f'eace or war. our lighting nun 'over there1' are to have their Christum presents. This picture shows Mrs, .C.lai kson itnoyon, Jr. one of the Keit f'ross workers who have been busy pn paring p.u ivages KV 4K aVvcJity-fli st Iti'Klmelit Armory, New York City, for the bovs oveneas licforu )ur are spread the contents of one of the cartons approved by the no, ei nment. The ns-Joitment of smokes and candy will piob.ibly bring foith thousands of "Oh boy, sec what I got." AMERICA WILL AID GERMANY IN FOOD CRISIS EXISTING E XPEGTED TO BUY A DUTCH ESTATE I'x-KaLser To Stay In Holland On Same Terms as Other Interned Officers E SENT TO THE PEOPLE. BV PRESIDENT OF U. S. It Says Steps Are To Be Taken To Organize Relief Work . As In Belgium GREET THE ALLIES AS LIBERATORS Citizens of Ghent Without Dis tinttion As To Nationality Welcome Them DESIRES ASSURANCE AS TO PUBLIC ORDER Guarantee of the Equitable Distribution of Food Is Desired Ghent. .Monday. Nov. II -Citizens fif.l:eni wiihoul distinction as u na tionality have greeted the allied troops as lii'i -batoi s. They relate the nine stories of martyrdom thai are current in every city delivered frm th Ger mans. They weie astounded at the qiiekie.-s of the lellef l-ioUfllt lo them and are unable to believe that thiy are really freed from the hateful Teutonic yoke. Deputy AiihuI", noting burgomaH- I members London, Tuesday, Nov, 12. Hol land will peimtt Willi m lloheii.ollern to remain on Hutch soil on the same terms of Iniei nment as other high oltli er of the German empire. lie has taken the name of Count Jloheii Zollcrn and Is eipeeied to buy an es tate and remain in Holland, according to an Amsterdam dispatch lo the K tliaiite Telegraph Company The Teli-graiif of Amsterdam says ! ho was allowed to take only his per sonal property from the train, the , nun-person 1 1 property willed Was brought to Holland being confiscated h Is usual III internment rases. Itn i ent dispatches stated that the former leniperitr had taken a carload of ar chives with him into Holland, j IIji'IoiI Sudden lteqiiet I Amsi lam, Tuesday, Nov. 1-'. Co'ini von llentlnek, at whose palace j the former German emperor Is st iy 1 Ing. told the ll.indelhliidt that It tM only yesterday afternoon thai he re- celved a sudden request fiom the I liuli h government asking him to ac commoibtte William I lohenzollern and ! his suite, the number in the retinue j not being given. As the parly num j hers about flfiy the majority of Its are being lodged In nelgh- f Nov. i ift-'u . T- ... , ,l) Or- ,,,1, ... Positive Proof That ' Sentinel Was First The Morning Journal.still chag rined at being beaten decisively by The Sentinel on the biggest news event of recent years, makes another rldiculoua effort this morning to divert the attention of the public from the fact that The Sentinel, an afternoon paper, was on the streets ahead of its con temporary with, the announcement that the armistice terms had been signed, altho this happened at an early hour when a morning paper would naturally have been ex pected to g-ive the news first. If the Journal had been alert and enterprising, it would have done o. But those in charge of that paper, evidently feeling that they were getting out a weekly, and not a daily paper, failed miserably. As to the article published in The Sentinel giving the first an nouncement. It was written and put In type, as stated yesterday, and released when the Associated Press flash came. The Sentinel denies that It took an unfair ad vantage of its contemporary In this, as the story was not put on the street until the definite, au thoritative Associated Press news was in The Sentinel office. We are sorry the Journal feels it was badly treated by The Sen tinel. This paper knew that the three words. "Armistice Terms (CONTINUED ON PAGE SEVEN) Washington. Nov. Hi. President Wilson has sent a reassuring message to the people of Germany in reply to the appeal from Chancellor Ebert. He promises to aid Germany in the mat ter of food supplies and in relieving distressing want. The reply was sent todnv by Secre tary Lansing thru .Minister Suler, of Switzerland, which delivered yester day Chancellor Kberfs request lor in tervention by the 1'reHifienl to mitigate the "fearful eonditions" threatened thru enforcement of Jhe armistice terms, It says steps are to be taken at once to organize relief, work In the sy srtermil ic manner it was earrii1 in Belgium, but that the President lie sires to be assured that public order j will be maintained in Germany and ! that an equitable distribution of food j can be clearlv miaranteed. ! Secretary Lansing's note to the Swiss minister, dated November l'i, follows: "I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note, today, trans mitting lo the President the text of a cable inquiring whether this govern ment Is ready to send foodstuffs into Germany without delay if public or der Is maintained In Germany and an equitable distribution of food is guar anteed: "I should be grateful If you would transmit the following reply to the German- government: "At a Joint session of the two houses of congress on November 11 the Pres ident of the L'nlted States announced lor, who was thrice nrrosteil, lay the Get mans, told the correspondent to day that the food situation here Is Hot desperate but it is serious enough. There 1k enough wheat, baooiT and lard for three weeks, but there, is no lice, condensed milk or soap. The city's greatest need Is for brown paper wilb which temporarily to replace the thousands of windows smashed during the recent lighting In the smaller houses around the city. Ghent Buffered no oilier serious damage. For inonl hs past the morale of the German soldiers has been a source of Kreiit anxiety to their officers. .Many mutinous attempts were pitilessly sup pressed and many soldiers wore shot. Three weeks ago zmi soldier.-; muti nied and paraded thru ttie streets sinking the Alarsellaise. They fired on Commander P.luoher, who ordered seventy punished. A number were ox- ":l"le ei uted. Commander lum ber bitteily 1 Out j ooooseil ca litt lllat i III! and ooenlv ,Iim. cusHod the Inefficiency of Emperor William, the crown prince and Held Marshal von iiiudenbui g. 12. REPORT AS TO CROWN ! PRINCE NOT CONFIRMED tCOTIN L'KL ON PAGti TWO 1 Washington, Nov. 13. It was offi cially (dated today that the American government has no confirmation of the rumors that the former German crown prince has been killed. Holland Consent To Aid. Paris, Nov. 13. Holland has con sented to carry on the work of repa triating allied prisoners of war now held in Germany. lienrral Strike In Swllwrlanil. P.erne, Swltz., Nov. 1.1. A general strike has begun thruout Switzerland. boring hotels. Arrived Monday Amsterdam. Tuesday, Nov William llohensollern, former Ger man emperor, arrived Monday after noon at the castle of Ameroiigen, Count von llenliiiek's countiy seat at Maarn, In the province of I trecht. Soon after four o'clock a special train stopped near the little country station near the ensile. Count von P.eiillnck awaited bis guest In an au tomobile. It was raining as the for mer emperor, dressed in a gray gen eral's uniform with red cuffs and fur collar, but no orders or medals, and cairvlng a cane, stepped from train and was greeted by the count, Ai-collipaiili-d lly l ew Generals Amsterdam, Tuesday, Nov. 13 A few aged generals accompanied Wil liam Hohenzollern on las flight to Hol land. When they reached the frontier they were stopped by Hutch frontier guards who sent for Geneial Onnen, chief of tho Internment service and some local authorities. After being introduced to the former emperor, General Onnen entered the automo bile which had crosecd the frontier ami drove off. The bystanders hissed the former German war lord. Say JiMirney Not Might London, Nov. 13. A published stu.temt.nt which the former German emperor wishes to be regarded as his reason for going to Holland says that the Journey was not a flight, accord ing to an Amsterdam dispatch to The Oaily Telegraph. His departure from Germany was actuated by a desire to facilitate the work of the new government. Toinoirow Is l ulled War Work Tbsiik Offrrlnc I 'ay The local drive for funds with which to sustain the welfare of the boys at th front, thru tha agencies In the united war work campaign, will begin tomorrow morning, continuing all t'.sy A round una hundred thousand dollars should be reported In hand at tha close of the day. To do it every man, woman a id child In the city must do his or her utmoa In contributing to this essentia; war relief and auldlsr welfare fund. On every hand theia Is display ed the (-rentes! enthusiasm, and If contributions tomorrow are In proportion, Wlnston-Halem will have reiterated Ha loyalty to tha nation and given a splendid -prt-sslon of appreciation of tha Im me.nse task w hich toe boys of this community have aided In doing, and which they will during tha nent few months complete, mak ing a glorious record of accomp lishment in the world'! history. Preliminaries to the campaign sre going forward and practical ly the last detail Is In readiness for tha big drive. This evening a supper will he served at tha Young Women's Christian Asso claflon building for the on hun dred or more workers who will ao tlvely direct or participate In oth er ways in the drle tomorrow. An interesting and "inspiring program for this gathering has been arranged. Important mat ters pertaining to the campaign will be explained and various features will be finally discussed Several short talks will also be features of the gathering of tha workers this evening. Early tomorrow every worker will be In the field, gathering up the con tributions from those who are appre ciative of the service and sacrifice which the American boys had mads for the protection of the American na tion and Its homes. Each donation will be a thank of fering for'thls service, and each should 1 lit M'initltBnalirula m, I V. , U i nii Lilts RFI VIC0 which recent developments have proven that the boys cheerfully and so promptly rendered their country and their community. The first returns from the campaign will be reported at a luncheon which will be given at the Young Women's tno Christian Association tomorrow at ij;u o ciocs. Again at s:3() o clock In the evening the workers will assem ble at the Y, W. C. A building for Hnal reports on the day's activities. It Is at that meeting that all subscriptions are expected to be In and a final account tyig made. ' Attention is called to the statement (COTIM'ED ON PAG B TWO) PUBLIC OPINION IN INDEFINITE SHAP.E Proclaimed part of llopublle Copenhagen, Nov. 12. German Austria has been proclaimed a part of the German republio by the state council, says a dispatch frotu Vienna. London. Tuesday, Nov. 12. Hol land's hesitancy In dealing with Wil liam Hohenzollern Is ascribed to the extremely indefinite state of public opinion In Holland by the Amsterdam correspondent of The Mall. Ha says that German revolutionary soldiers along the Dutch frontier say that they were strictly ordered to prevent tha former emperor and hla family from, escaping into Holland. Lnte Saturday night and shortly aft er six o'clock on Sunday, he says, tha sound of cannon dould be heard from German territory. It was reported that a fight had taken place between revolutionists and royalist troops and that, hnth iiHu had used axtUlarv,