TWIN-CITY SENTINEL, WINSTON-SALEM, N. (, DEC. 1.1, 101 i ' i i I i ! i . 1 i 1 I TWIN CITY SENTINEL ( Wli-rnnon Ixi-i'l Minil M;vsr.i'i:i:s haku ! HIT l!V IM LI'KNZA ! "il l M HUM. UN. IHlN I K I' rl ItM nil' I lii K W I i iiv i tkkii H i I Th" S 'J In' CI. .1 I s. i, hoi i I , ; Tl ! , a! this I (! M-l-ll ; ... if Hi lit w A'i i, ll'ifH'l Is ,fl. I Il.fc- I I te Of t I t I '.i I' I" t Mm o it it i " i v I. a .f I' , ..f i.... lllk. Il.i i mi, I i, I n,i ''mi' ,'rn I'll II I II... I I, y r if I ( ' I" ihe fltuMtinn In thn mwfipiiiir ottle. I'ulill'hi l Iiiim Mud, f I ! h fill lo till) ni.illn.ln .) i nit. of ciiile.y ami hat In i n 'miiiM-ing help.' 1'iit they hnv I n hrniiKlit f.u i' In f.iri. villi it con dition lii.i m 1 1 : i fur k-wuppinK li if. i . .i li'i ." 'I'll" LlMlsVltlo l.'"i'W. II ffllil- wieklv. hud iiiiK mi" (nun li ft in ItK fir.i c n nil In. m m aged lii Isnue om i, I. nun Hi i. M.'ik I i i l.i .1.. i i n.'. I Imp. 'I I.I' 'I. Il.i.l.'ll I . r ill Wll ; :i i- II I II.-. Hi. I'l 11. 'I ,.. ii I'uliil. Crnmir I mo'm ' Wdiin ii (.f Ni--, ii I,. N J . h i , older 1. 1 wash the f.irl of WoliO'll weii'iiy mi x r-i i.f ihiiki. .iii'l pou . !"r H ulw iv n' .ileum, ii.i n ijlriit from ,. v i.ik ii j . i i r with nun h miki'iip and t.-uli the Nnwii k girls tin haljlt, are Ihp special i-etiei of lli.i." p .!!- f.i.i'K ;i.hlm;i Might , nri h.iui ulri-idy 1 1 tin) It t In it T'lliMtn' Iiv1 I T t Htm ti. Chief i . liini.i j. ii'ni.rliy f'.r lil ur'li'r Hi thi. run 'null I I VI , wlllrh llB H.I foihil women l.i ro'inrll'i. 138 NORTH CAROLINIANS ; ft B ft Bfph -ST IN MM Ih AN A TI D fin U If A RA Y ite.t ' . uibU U EUU L.c.,4tji-J i with Tin: i,it.uu'iii:it' I'uiirli i n Ii '!li un'l iiIS'k w'1I ox the Azuri! . .Ni'W VulK .k'tin. Tin y wnii't in. i !.' ' i l r" of lii'lriiim m KM in. i ny. All. i n 1. 1 l'i hi."' it ill mil. U I an w-i .1 to ! II It In niiii li.i'i. n iiuw H !l II iilinut tin in. An. I it liiki's bhiih. t. Iliiil Vuik Wnrl.l. N"t nil iiiii'tH ;in. iiiml'il. !m' o! ".-i-.i- id ,t tin. nui l...r i'f Hi" "llvniri l"f lllH" " .1 IH .t M I'.ll'IH I'.V llH'-O il.ijn -I:' litiiiiii.l 'I'nm - Hiliati Ii. If tli. Il..., ,.,,,, i ii.: . ii. ".ih i li.irji h t In ri'fi," : . I'" I. I I"" llli:tnll l.rul .K'i;. is I :!! i a v.- - W.ikIhi.k' mi I ' ' I'iiIIMi m will I' ii, .1.. i i' llllilt IK II 11 III'! li.i i 1. 1 Ml I I. III t'liufi -!l hilVII iI M-' :.! til-' Iii In- "Ii-mi i .i li.'n'.'t, .i i.! Ni'W Vmk Knium; l'ii-t. . W.ii-h-ii i fi rn Sixteen Killed, One Died of Wounds, Seven Died of Dis exxe, l.'J Mi.Nsin I KIUU, 11 I Mill it ia. mi. 1 oii'U'rn , k i a jmn i. iir nut i in: iv. Ailvi II,.- 1. i Lilly m llkr Hi" i"iml nf i inn un'l "I Hi" lali.'i I ,i ill I Hi, I, I I, lull. 1 1,. un it i ml.y In ii uii .H. 'I In .iinii..ii. lit fll'll. II. .It .-.". 1 1 ll.ll" lll.'ll lllllll III" I'" hii- .ill. r .-' ult. ; VW . . f m: iti:i- ro anwi.ic -hi hi v Tin- iiilhl'i" i.f H i- An.n I' an l'eil i 1'riir.M lil k "ii. 'il mi. fur.'T. A I a Irliirmuii iilli"'! in ,ii " ,h Imt Hie I I Jj KiniilnK nf iii"v iiiliiiliilstriiliiin tifV lh:i KH'.il 1,1 .' i 111.' il Inn. I Thi, u III 111 w it' l', i. d ;iMfl tho ' linrruin i'f I'lmiili I. ilil"'l 'l Is aio ii lliliiK nf thi' I'.i'i. "l a in iK '''' ilift mi i ho ri i-imri nf tliy I'.mi rn'iu I ; ! .'loss hii- I'i'k'Ull. Ilii,i'.;inc, if lill I'illl, Jlil Vk liilf III" I 1 1 '1 1 1 " fllillt Mar to iii'.ii i Hir.uiH to i n. hull niiil Imim lifH nf thus" i M'li'ii riHjn trlm thai ha" Imiii" tl" hr nit of thi iW'i mi; h. niUKt. of ;i fun Hnom only iiim uiin In i ! . 1 1 1 1 v fntiMl lc-s.1 lIlOllMIIliN III" HOW I'l I t'l.'ll 111 itl'SO- l.ll" holDI'M, Il.Tl nllo.-f, hllik.'ll III , wiisli.l In hi.ilth. iiim iiinil I ihoii(-1. rlnthi'it. mill 'nihil In oirry whv. Tin v mil to I, "III thi-mn'hi'-,. Hi,. Ill .Mother In th" Urn, I the l, I'tiiiH -hiiit annum il ' li"i." hihI how joii will hi. riUi'il mion to h"lu l,ir In I hlK m i',it u ni k Vour .'itli'w'lnhi'i to th Ct n; i ClirlKliniiH Kuli i'.iH will I" t't" ti'i-ii-vliltiiil f 1 1 1 n 1 1 tiiiii;ii!i.' I I v inlllliiiiH. u ill urn l.!t m i'. in, ii m'l In thin k'i"".il I I' k nf t ' i'iiiih' riii'timi J uur I'lii'olliiii'iil e.ills fur Ivtu thliu nur lif.iit iiml a ilnll ii. Thu aoiI I Iuiowh that tin- Ill-art of ewiy trm Atnern iiii l In tl." I'lifht tilmc You kim.v ymi i an hi in r. I he ilollar. ('iiiis-i'i at" thi- einiti ilintmii to the luuhi-Ht iiiu'lveH that i it ai tuateil hiaiikliiil. You n"o Hot anki'il In rout i ilait" all oil imii, lilll Mtlll'lv tin- h i-l that ran he ank l'l, to eontrlhuti' to th" Klealest koo.1. I'iflei'ti thiiiiMiml iiirinliiMK urv Wiiiiteil l.y Ihi- U'lii.-tiui-Sali'in i lian- t"r of the Aiiieilrjii lieil frnm. It i i iff if a t'hi islinas Ktft lo Humanity. No Vj? liii'iiilu r nf your family run si f font tii , tjyt he ow rli.okrj Y014 utc iiKkwil to fcivi- j mmii mail, aim a miliar lo 111,1 ke ox- IV 1 I V :A MAN'S CHRISTMAS U i -hliik-tnii, li.r 1 I The follovviiiK 1 11 .sua ii h 1. fiitiu N01II1 t'arnlliiii ai rei'iii'ti'il liv Ih" 1 nliilii.ili liiiif ifi"l"lal nf the Anurliaii ei"'nuon.ny fir ecu: Kill. ,1 in in tinn: .!, J. I.i.iinlillti. YVil 111. i,i inn, . 11 I urn -ii'i. 1: ini'i'iir; I, 1, liliaiii'.. liiali.uii .la-iii r I rl- , 1 " . 1 1 1 . ; I:. v. ro."!. r. ; I'.im 'l; ii : .-'" I'll. Ti'.nltv: .1. V. Airnwoiiil. Ai ...I ...11 I 1,11 i:iril. Weliloli, W. I;, k, 1 limn. laliAiu.l liny- Mil, Ii- 11 . K I. tint. P.iMcb- .ill, 'I i. i . -I'llmry. lltnlni;- toll. U.llt.l MaMi.i. ,.i,"l Mil. I'li'l Ki'i 'l. 1 iii.ilslinl n. .1 .', 1 1 . ,1. KaulU hliiiiiH, I". C Wilson, i.iiiiii a li"il of WOtlll'lKi I'.llll'M 1 '1 I'H'it. fyfi f- ii. I nl iH:"i."l in I." ..-I. -I j jj ! W Would ever be one in which only those pifts that appeal from the practical and utility standpoint would be exchang ed. - First and foremost in this class, is wearing apparel. It comprises those things which are indispensable to our daily lives, regardless of our individ - ual station in life, and gifts of tli is nature, when well chosen are really more acceptable than most anything one might select as appropriate for gift pur poses. Our complete stocks of mer chandise oiler unusual advant age to those in search of worth while presents. We have en deavored in this advertisement to call particular attention to certain articles that might be considered as standing at the top of the list of "FOR HIM." In men's suits and overcoats, we direct your attention to the really excellent values obtainable here. Suits may be purchased anywhere from $20 to while overcoats are priced from $20 to r6. ft '.7T km CV'4 v Vi i k f km mm i i ir4 j ('a i tli. i u- 1 J i J Mi ll fit : I lill llalll "iJ T..rkitit:ti.ii. I :!.. In" ST. , lor. tiOolMinrn; U Ijl jrf 1 1 ii. '. y. i ' irs.,n. f iIim'.is..: tf. A. llaith. " k S. J. I'aii'llc, .Not wooil, li, II ill i.'ny; It. 1. 'lay- lain Kitn'al'i, l'i l)- l::.iek Creek; II. i i Hie I. M'WIe ike. J. M. HiumJI, y . em. .i v, 1 1 i flw i IV..., fC i W n in -SVIlie: N Ii. .loNtler. (ill-ell (rVfiMKie. ; I'.. W.itil, T.tnkti'ti; 1". C U, M I .' ki i, laiheM; Ciihlwell I lew, Ni'V Worm y In frlandnlilp" H' him Klovs this yeur and b nure to fiUanit him and kep hl memory grrrn. Cloven r alwnyt arrrptMb to nil men. I'neful, not uieleu likn many thought lli1y t'hoMen Kift. s' Ytr nlkimf ftnil f rtr"s. In kll and f of KM that will yi th" text nf tiui" iltl, t liox o e.nry thw Styfit of Vule M a nla' i. ,' jou re us-.urej tf th,. ,,uulity that all fhn-u i Aut'linoblla ;1vi ' 1-1 $;, - V--'wi.a c w II. ;. I'.i.i-i;.'.; V. I k Inn ii. (ii.iy 1'ri'i't; I'.. 1.. Iinhl-iiis, t 'aroli'.'ii , 1'i.iiili', S"V- eii SiiliH ". r T. ,sni on, I, lialeiKh: IV A. ;.. Ch irln lie; l M. I.eerly, i ns I ."ii.iiil. I moil !' I'. Il.illall.l, 1 1 u ih Creek; II. C. I'. A'.rl'llire I.. I'llli'll '. li.ll, ll'll. l i'liit liiii k; I). 1) . I. W e ii In i .rine; ,' 't m Vlien in Doubt Give Handkerchiefs Our stock of these old standbys as Christmas gifts com prises everything from plain handkerchiefs at $1.50 a dozen to handsome silk handkerchiefs up to GOc each. thu , ll 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 ( ' I M 1 1 i l I I'l'o-s. This In tho Kuii ra kiimkiii nf the work ! nri;.'ltll.ation, It lueall ' i'ie "uiin'ei: Arm I lean lii tet an Aineii nf it.iri that nu ,-unl rntir famllv Inii.t loin. 1-n.ii.M- Mi'lnmt you nnil your family i "ut;r. "f-al iiieiiil.i-rtlun" eanniit he hi. . taind. ' Ev? Healthful Underwear Good health depends upon the care which we give our bod ies. Clothing suitable to the season is likely to have disastrous consequences. Proper underclothing is health protection. Duo fold, Superior and Munsing in all weights and materials. Si or,.e, U, . r a allot - I j" have not ; lyi Join the Ii. 1 ChrLttmas K.iil Call aiid your iiersi.ti.i 1 jileih:" that tl.i.s runiinunity will he 1'iU per cent e.";i .. lit whim th,. roil I e:i!lr.. , The Chr-.t-tinas i.,u Call wi'il con-1 tifrje f' 1 '. reiiilier lii to i'S. A I hotiM --tn. ho is.. i.inva.sK of the rl:y l,l I-- rua-le iinl Sun lay. U i to he hopeil that every pei.;nn who ran pus- Kihly ,i.,i i.,j Wi; join at that tinm t,o i that, when th" roll Is raliiil for the mill" n i'l,, ii at the fin of thi"1 Clirintma." ell' it. It will I.e shown that this Cl.'Jl.lli'i.-fy h(,H taken til" p!ui--i to whi' i, its m oul in other activities ' intidtr.t to tin- world war would wttn ! to eiititl.. it. I It in not ni'nciei.t that the person who li-loi,k's t't the Ucl c'loi-s should, leiiew ins meini'i-i Mi, ip. n ;H part of thus Cliris'.to.i.s l;, !, tru lllsk is , prenent the in. -I'll r t-i snmi-one who not a inemher atid .-,.-uii- his meiu br hip. Kor thrit is' tliat is in-i-es.sary. ine oiuy iiiini,' rciuireil in nnlei Ti-ach and I'xre.-d thi.s i:lia)c Illent is to see those k Hij joined. Therein lies the 1 1 !i i-u . v i f the iiropos-iliiin. , There nr., tlioiiMaiiils of people tn he seen, and tlmse win, have already joined thetiiK"lve.s can render efllcieiit nervire by ai.iHii; to nee those lo whom the matter has not l,en presented. a It will not be necessary to her; any. i body to join, or to upend valuable ! time "talkit.K someone lnio the prop i ositlon." The person who has to he begkTed to join the Hed Crosn Is not , likely to make an acceptable member, anyway. IJut there are many to ,Uie matter rnis not been presc There are oHiubtlesw people In the Jur isriiction of the S'in.ston-l?alum t-hap-ter who have not yet had the oppor tunity to hear the Red Cross .story. When they hear it .they will join. It in Hlmply a proposition of presenting the mutter. Every person has an Individual re Mponslbftity In this campaign. It is the duty and privilege of tho person who is not u member to Join; it la the duty and privilege of the man who is a member to join again, and to auk someone who is not a member to rn- i roll In this great humanitarian organ- ' ization. .. i 1 4 !.'l Bath Robes Most any man would receive a bath or lounging robe with tyrf mucii graimcauuii, uulii iui il comfort and its utility. We have some very handsome ones that M are exceptional values. I $5.00 to $13.50. Neckwear Elaborately decorated neck wear for Christmas gift long been out of stylbut are sure that you-yrould make no mistake in making a selec tion from thesV very sensible displays. ' ( V jy'j i . i . ' K K, "II. ;.i,h In I Wlllll'sMile; A. I 1 . t s; I .-.. . I. L .... I ifZ i'"d.'l:;rh fjMiW. I". Weill. Kill-ton. Il.l.iy A'lrll J? ' W'.i.!i"li..i o. 1'. . 1. Wlule. I'har j loll.-; N S. Sliiilh. S. otland Neck; '.. (S2sr ' T. Thoi nlnii k'. Cotii oi d, J. 1. fiiT In-art. 1 1 ik It I'ultit; 11. I,. 1'ean", llm-. is v -4'"11"1' " ' I'-'ikli'V, Tinnii i ! Mid; II A Tish. W inst oti-Saleni ; K. ifM I. Arinslroin;. Iiu;ht I'liiiit; .1. . i j W he.-!.-r. I in il. m o; i. 1. liuiiil. CVJ j .M.ipleMlle. -I 1". lhk'li. l.inri'lnlon; TJ II. I-'. 'I'm!!. Candle:: I,. 1". UraiieU, J". ."a ' Seltii.i ; I ' . ill h.ivis. I'o; .1. Krj 1 'fluid. 1'iiK'ink, I'. II. Carlton, liurk, Jj I C K. Coiev. West liiii ham: Kurene lft C.I illlll. W ill.. -field: C. li. W'llklllK. I Mr ' il.-ites; Ih'ie " ilrCi.iy. .M.i.Mon; I-'. S I Ja i T Ill .. It u ..... I I'o.ii.. A I hers' nil. ! ill, ! I I I.ii;-.a bet ii Cii: li. W'. Hill. Sniithlield; W. V. W.illire. i'rarliland; II. V. II luirius. I i Ui;.is; l iveretl .Kihnson, t'oi ie.-iiiee. li. Y. Ktissell. W ItlHlon S.iSein; AI. I.. Ht.i n II. t'oneord; J. 1-' Hull -nl, Antiyville; rt. K. M.iKler. I'll- lonsvilh-; lie". I Lyons. W In.sloii-Sali'tii; A. J , Nix. (iilkey: C. I'.. Morton, W'al I stonh'ii i; . li. K I,.-". Coli-ralne; li. N. A. Tet!ir. Sili-hnry; Khirley Alex ander. Ciinrotd; Hester Crown, liox- lioro; Soni' Crowder, Wilson Mills; li.ilph iM uni. Tayliu sx ille; H. W. Walls. N'aUm.i; W. T. links, Herea; A. 1. Mo, Inlay, -Washtiik-'tnn; K. 10 Scott, V.'liHton-Saleni: Spry, Adv ince; 1.. A. Adeuek. I'a re.i. T. W liiiiham. IlieenslioKi; A. It. (iarrard. I lillsl.i.i o: .1. L I.isley. Walnut Cove. K. U. .Nui-kl.'.s. West. Asheville; Kllsb.i. Klllot. I'.iM-Heviile: .1. W. Owens Hiatisvill". I. A. Ibiiley, Kiu Spiini.s; It. l:. I!.,!!. .Mais Mill: J. H Collins. Winuin; J. 1;. Simmons. New Hern: l'leil MsSw.iln. l'nlton; W. M l'a-rn; 1'red .Mi-Swain. I'oiton; W. M. ilih I'oint; II. V. Newell. Andrewx; ! C. M. Hl.i iiii-y. Canton. I Woiiniled Ideitre" undetermined): II. J. Holmes, i-rniikllnton; (I. S. lieat ty, Clinton; .1. M. D.ivia, t loldsboro; J. It. Snyder, W'lnstnn-Salem, Simpson Ji.-inU-ls. Thntuii.sviHe; K. A. Willi mi sun, Clinton; M, li. I'loyd. Hhtli l'oliit; Tom o iiliiiv. H.irheloi ; l iiriiian S" "- I soms. Autrvillc; MeWItt liector. An- ilrews; liuliiti Caller, Heldsville; A. H l'ool, Alexis. Wounded slightly: Hud Tilley, Wln- ston-Salem; I-:. IC. Whitehiust, Corky Mount; A. H. Warren, Huntley; Sam Mart. I'leasiint Mil; M. W. Franltlin. Alleghany. Missing in iirtion: K. J. Allred. Nor man; S. li. May, Mam; .1. JI. AMtners. I.illington; 10. 1). Smith, Columbua; Samuel Atkins. Camteytown; Jesse llentii-ld, V'aliavoosa : Hubert Dyer, Molilslm ro; W. I'. Killette, Wilson; I... 1. I'arhnm. Oxford; .1 li. Lefler, lilchtield; T. W. lioss, Sanford; J. f. West, Itockfish; it. T. Holt, Hock I Creek yv THE A VERAGl MAN Cannot earn enough in nu ivii' uveiugH l.iualy utter he lit goinMtiil Tho fife servli M.-altll Cotiher at lot live longer un l earn S 1- of i . . llf" f", li" is in th Soutl-.rin I. if.. fitment Kpcrialists mi. I In ;,. Let wi tell you about It. A. C. STUART, Manager Wlnslon-Siili-iii llram-li Olllcp, Sniithern I.ifi im, in,,t (, TU7-8 U'lianlon Itulldlug Illt-Vf Half Hose Acceptable Where's the man with soul so dead who wotfld receiving a gift of handsome lisle or silk hose B cotton, we have those too. rafipre&iatc lAitlrefef-s -1 " f'V .Marino casualties: "irt Wounded severely: S. O. fpQ laitson; 11. II. Lawing. Chn iW l . . mi Howden. Charlotte. 1 SHOOK WITH NERVOUSNESS Gift Gloves Gloves are another favorite gift for the ChiWmas sWson, and we must say that we think that they're exceedingly accept able and decidedly useful. It is easy to choose f r6m our large holiday displays. Shirts The Ever Welcome - Here's another old friend, and one that is always received with pleasure. Our shirt section offers particularly attractive values at this season. All of the newest designs being repre sented, stripes are of course most prominent. mber, j whom I y" icnted.lW? Hats That Speak For Themselves The crowning glory of a woman is generally supposed to be her hair, but in a man it's his hat. In our hat section will be found the newest and best styles appropriate to the season and of such prominent and well known makes as Mallory and Knox. The prices range all the way from $3.50 to $12.50. Lady Was Flat On Her Back With Terrible Spells, But Her Husband Got Cardui, And Now She Is Grateful. McKlnney, Texas Mrs. Mary Steph enson, of this place, states: "About a year and a half ago I was down In bed for nix weeks, not able to sit up. I was flat on my back and had ter rible spells . . .. Why, it looked like I would die. At times I didn't know anything. I would get nerrous I couldn't bear anyone to talk x6 me, I -would Just Jerk and ahpoX with nervousness , , . across my byfck was so sore and ached me all thetime. I would have dizzy feeling. Aly limbs ached me and I(VfOulrt get "numb and feel so weak . . 1 Bald .to my hus band I knew Cajrdul good and I believed I had tjest try ft. lie got me a liottle of Cardui, and when I had onl takp one-half bot tle of Cardui I elt stronger. I took a half dozen bottles altogether, then in two weeks after7 began taking 1 was up, In three I was doing my work. I praise Cardui for I believe it saved my life and I am grateful." For over 40 years Cardui has been helping weak, sick women back to health and strength. Try it. ... .iAdvt.) ... DM We Sell Thrift and War Savings Stamps A TO SANTA CLAt'S. (By II. K. Warner.) Dear Santa Cluua: I am a little boy of forty-two Who reallv. truly, honestly thtrlks a whole lot of yoj. An-1 so tonight I erVo my pen and play my one safe bet lly letting you know in advance Just what I'd like to set: I'd like to have a new machine the ono I have is old And spits too much and chokes too much when it Is stiff and cold; I'd like to have some canceled notes my struggling spirit pines For Komu new kind of pruning shears to trim my mortgage vines! I want a new excuse to give the wife when I stay out Some, tale to tell that's guaranteed to settle all her doubt! And when around the green I sit dis porting with my Fate. Please tell me how a chap can fill an insido busted .straight! I want a raise: I want to know how I can make the firm Go pale and tremble when 1 strike I want a. mako 'em squirm! I want ten tons of coal, clean anthra cite, to (111 my bin I want the men to haul I wanta watch 'em chute it in! . Down nn my farm I want some hogs, four cows, six l'ercheon head. Twelve cords of wood sawed, split and piled neativ within m,' shed; I want a balance at the bank when I have freely checked A surplus that wll make the casher treat me with respect! Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy of forty-two Who's betting on you, banking on you, got his eye on you; Tho I have faith, I've learned it does not pay to take a chance, And so I am writing these few lines to tip you in advance I-. !u Speed War Itisk Checks. Machinery of the treasury's war risk bureau has been speeded up to hasten the distribution of allotment and allowance checks to soldiers' and sailors' families by Christmas, it was announced in Washington Wednes day. An army of clerks now is turn ing out checks at the rate of 140,000 a day. More than 1,150.000 are to be mailed this month. All October allotment and allow ance checks, covering apportionments of September pay. have been mailed, and the bureau now is at work on the i.-n..i.n. k. . , . . . nni-arlnrr filllior- .MiVTiiiut'i i iirvin, v-v....... e , , , tionments of October pay and due lnsLt'tonia in versjttlon. A mih'inu!i:'t'i' ministry of into It. It ui.1 that we have i, ! acres, achieve.! t', men. Improved th, perform", I m n. feats, if tlie k-ri"-:-and ittiieeii tin- '.. Ion, is dried up nr ihm helween rnnk-'iy all'! i I' ll notorious and nat a f'lv Is tho chef's Illlll t'l I'l" ' Ideal ileiisur-s We v:, meals, but. w. food. We h too long. London Tin- 1 ret. y r:: I-, r. lir-t ( hrlstm.i.1 I Reminders iIm; Ih federal a meii-ii:." nt w : : ; ns a Chn.-'-. .' - u v . . week to every niemM nt States srn.i'" '' t' i ' can Woman i.ifii-" "An iippropHa'e ":" for A merle n w.n '! -' amendment" '' !-! '''' a poster si"'. '!- l .eleven coim'i i' leader of wniM -?: i to grant wromi t i : 11 goVerllllieTlt ''" ' ' -' ! ' ' other feiti'i.- i-f ' ",r ', war workers' ! "'. ' when Mi' V. ;:!: m '''' Mrs. Jos-..p!i- I' ' Howard S!i:iw - ' 1 , :: " HALL THREW I ASMALLFH December. This applies only to chocks covering Jointly allotments from pay, together with additional government allowances for depend ents. - Pay nlltments only, without gov ernment allowances, are distributed thru the war department, which re ported yesterday It had completed the mailing of checks covering October pay allotments, and is now prepar ing and msiling the November al lotments. The last of the November allotments will be mailed by Decem ber 21, in time to reach the soldiers families by Christmas. One Art to he Re-coTr-red. One of the arts which must be re paired after the war is the art of eon- Efforts of Sk I.ns v" ti i!..;.,,r i.vlirf I'rol JU 111 mis i'"" ble Is a Wtil Man Says. 'The pi?' '','r..l one froitleiH ;::. ' another nut.: 1 '' 1 '.! ',. said W. II. I'--' ''. '; ' ness man '"' '' 1 " .'' -'i . First stt ' ' "Ten or ' -';. :'r.'r,., " menced to '1L" . ',: ' ! ' . , he contiiiu'-'i ' - f shaky and my r ' ill. This wi ; ' ..'.r' I began to n.-? t: - bad to wiw-i I haven't sr dit-est a t!i! food mad" ' ly run-do-.v.i after my !' -After 1 1 for treatr.,- r getting in-1' lac and l- v started on and it hai i Tho hea'i.ic disappf a'"' Just all I and dicest . at night at.-, than in ' T.-inlar im E, W. O'ila:. . : r n,: