(0Oirow, Tuesday, Is the Last Day hi Which to Redeem That 19 IS War Savings Pledge fllE WEATHER 1'roliably Rain SENTINEL IF YOU flAVK WANTS YOU WANT SUPPLIED SAY SO IN THi: SENTINEL WANT ADS I FORTIETH YEAR Fin wtnr. itnvK r. W I NSTO N -S A L KM . N. ('., MONDAY KYKNING. DKu". :'. UU. MARKET EDITION TEN PAGES-ONE SECTION ESIDENT TO GO TO ITALY SATURDAY it -.J hrtnan Cabinet Is Changed; French Premier Is Endorsed; More American Troops Arrive mm in 1 1 ii ill in niurm l;"s. i mm m . r r IUUIVLU I a Four years f arf T,rt.e V-ounds, and Here lie Is r-ldt'lll tiiri'ii i.... .- Cordial Welcome In Manchester tinted Freedom of the City Demon-! rat ions For Vis- j iliir Continue ! i . . ,:u I 'resident Wll- (.' i iii is Saturday for a niniutiecim-iii was IMi' -;'r -V ",- v.. - v .'-, . . ' i "I J . '',4 - a i ... , j V ' . ' K.J,),' 4--v,-4r4 f if .1 A VOTE-IS DISCORD TENDERED IflEBERT ! PREIEfi; . CABINET Presidents of Two (Ifentest Kepuhlies Riding Together Through Streets of Paris '& all - x-rt 7 : -1 ;.ii-h I -, I i. e. Hit. Aiiu'I Um ill CUI'II'HI1 i iiiifrrtcil In h "1 riKlH ln'IWOftl DuiMpi., ilccl.iroa ;-! in i'fpiviii tin.. !; city of Mituefu's iii' Trailo II. ill help ,i -i is not InierrHMur it lUt'0lt' lllll till! "i lil, ) iiililcil. hiul niithint: for iiii-iiilit to keep the i irhi jioie y a hut '"r," the piBsiilonr I'niti'.l HtHtea woulii i't In "it becaiiRO shf iiiinlilnailon of pow- tun u coiiibiiuttloli Am. t: fi'Mni; of 1'oi'rtlnl i'.'iiiiiImIiIii li. iiml CrcHt ftri- " ' .1 1 .1 tho presiili'tn, '" '''.""I on lhi principle i'i i-:.;p ami piitiloufin mat 'o -u,. inrtfp than was ''il 'i'hi. pari iii-rshlp of In -' hii h li.nl a! icniptfl thi -rni-i.-jt of i. worUI liait iIiumi, ln ha id, u.i Interest "t t n ) t i men toprther hut "'"iii. Common devo !" ihi- ri;;lit wan mo oniv c '' "a.'.l, lint ooultf bum ! iu''.; n r. Hi n.i'iii wlnrh m just -'"' tliiim moip rlitfieiili r attempted nad to heil a i'iniitiin nn. "r 11,1,1,1 ami purpose, the n! "'''I- I'lit a keen Inter cnnsrioiiHncas would '' II IMSV, ( onlidence In ( lemenceau's Pol icy Expressed Hy French I. aw-.Makers Wilhelm Dittmann. Who He Mns Post. Tells Of the J . Differences ' I ft 7 1- ' - -T I" 1 tPRDBLEIl 1 ANXIETY AFTER STORMY DEBATE SOME VEXING MATTERS Premier Indicates Adherence To Constant Differences lletween the Old 'Balance or Power' System the Socialists and Independ ent Socialists t..t it r.iris. I lee. ail - In ail.li e-.Nlm ' chamber of ilepuucN last t Premier I'lemeuci a u maile "FUT.'iBOllONy, .'I " .i-ici'iini 'Hs or Jul. l'ew men have mm the world war than ! lioiilit'tiy of New AllK''t, 1H14. he l''oi'eiii Lemon, an three times, lie nei famous warriors u lit i -translcrreil to I he I service anil saw actio' Albania. Before thi sicneil he was trar. Ami'iican air service i turned to America, tell the story. more si-rvi. e in "Utenant IMgar :ins. Karly in listed In t!ie whs wounded d, wilh thosn 917, then was mb aviation in Sim Ida find triuistice was -rred to the I lias Just re h lecorations mm K lin that 11 wan bis intention In support Cleat Itriialn in the M'i-'otia! ions on the freedom of tie- seas, and lie declartd that b:- attitude in this mutter Mas ii . proved by President Wilson. The premier told the chamber that bow was the time to i h nine pilots, but the deputieH gave him a vote of conn lenre by .ISO to 134. I'lemler Clene menu explained the p",ice situ ation as it concerned l'r me, !Teat Ilri i ii snd the I nleil Sl.uc and his I '.iimllon appealed fully to satisfy all eicept til Ulklllt d socialists vt ho repe.itnlly Intel rtiptert him In a man ner ivhioli I'resident I'eshaniel char acterized ns "Indecent " I'lemier t'lemencea ii said liis run- veiMtloiiH wnh I'resident IInoii had been profitable, altho he added, "I Hhoiild not be tellliiK the Until If I said I bad Always been in agreement with him on all ooints." I In KummiiiK up bis argument for full confidence and the exercise of pain me oy wie inam.ier ui premier,,,, , resident Wilson immedlntely declared: I with the ropiest that Mr. W ilson dlc- There will be claims to be etita(e ,.,., , Germany based on dctn forlli and others which will have to'ocruiie principles be niven up. If I mounted the run- LeadlUK Independent unclallsfH In- 1 triim to elaboralo thu subject. 1 j dilated tonlKht that their party rep- 'i woii'.l be the worst premier in Ku- ! resentatives would retire from the ; rope That does not mean that we are. sltions they now occupy In ntate and not working hard to prepare a line of government depart mcntr actmn for the peace comi-cHs." , Members AM.I..,-.I. i 1 t.e premier earlier had expressed! 11 ; Ills belief ill the efficiency of the old! 'openht;en. 1 i.e. .10. The ren- Hvst-m of alliames, called "the bal- ,r"1 r"ncil of soldiers ami workmen! aim' of power," but indicated that h.; ,,f ('ermany has appointed II. rr, . . . - Vn.L. ..9 L-...I. II t was not opposed to a league of na- i"'"i'" ' ' licillh, tsundav, I lee 1'9. Ill-viewing the situation I. .ailing to his r. stgna- ; I Ion. l.i -t night Wllh.lni liptinann. minister of ilemobliiuit ion, traitspoit, ! justice ami health in the Cbcit gov- I eminent, said today a crisis bad been impending since November 9. owing to constant differences ns to Internal and 1 foreign policies between the two sec-i tloiiH of the cabinet, th.e mh la lists and ; Independent soclallsls. He said the' matters which caused the principal trouble were pressing economic pro blem and iiuentions of demobilization and military reorganization. ! Ululiurd Baith, who also rcngusd' a minister of norlal policy, waa pres- : ent when llerr I'iltman was talking and took a most gloomy view of tha immediate vmiioinic future of tier- , mntiy. Uoth the food situation and the pro blem of raw products present great difficulties lie declined that be was in favor of sending a peace commls- fUv-'-'.V'' 'ii St. F'ffSiVJ (luc-liiin or l'nemploed Men I ConrrontH American Army I Or Occupation MUCH CLOTH" IS FOUND Americans Considering- How Ti I'se That and Also the (Juan- it y or Leather Found ('..bleu, I'ec . The Meadd? Ill cii Hsihg iiunilo i of lineitiplok i men I .!' a aii'l other limni in the o - in The a aiiu.il In bin.. I 'a 1 1' phot. gtapll . i-sld. lit I' taken sb Hill- h f I. I'llli .'. I'M-i.tl i I. ling nt il no1 Willi bun cent Tomorrow the Last Day To Pay War Savings Pledge Thow who hate nol i't fsmiplf till iimimcms oh tticlr PIIH ttur Miivlngs il-dges are again reminded thai liiimo ro Is Hie last ila. 'rherc" Is a iiuisbti'inble sum of iii.inc) ii-prcsenicil to pli'dgcs that Itaie not ct been reib-enicil, . t halt-man I. V Lot-n-ll m-g. rtcr) p. rum bi bus not p i ImuiuIii slumps l.i lie full iiiiioiiih or bis pb dge to do so tomorrow, b) nil menu. l'orili lias gain o r lb.' lo" In all war campaigns. ( . ri ilnH Ibe i oool) .-annul nllord In bo In bio. I In ibis louti ne ol I In- ft, ibnt the altoi iiH'tit lias Imm-ii ovei-siibix-i'ilMal hi pli-dgi- iI.m- nol .bi.ni.iiii. Ibe standing in Ibis unifier 'I bat Is il.-l.-i-inlnc,l b$ ibi ni lual sales. We are not )ct "oi-r I hi- top" in ib.it rcp-c and It i- n,i'i ncrv i-ilicii aim Iiiih nut il .'omplcti'.l bl, purchasi- will do wo tomorrow to the mil tliat rorsib nui Is- rci -ord.-it union;; thus.' i-i.iintli'H that bait linl.slicil tbeir nlloliii. lit of var Stamp sal. s. T ; ii' m-M XM y HltKl) x Tin-; l)ltI,D is a treat voice of hnman-:"-ol in tn,. world "which nc '"""I li...r is deaf." he added. re nm oliiyinir the man. lute politics." the president e are .ih.i-inir ihn " '" niirnanlty," If ti1(( world "'"'ni a bmiv of feioroiu i be an easy and con .,p . "-.id o uken when ! Policy r the Governmnt As To i AS IN RESTJAINT OF COfll Nofike, tion-. Such a league, he said, might ; "iiior ot trie iireiian oiks wiicin. be ergatiized at about the time the!'""1 ITi-ablent A ishel, member of the Irei.'v of lieuce vas rnnin eted. reicnsiag, ns caoinei memoers in re- Tl.e morning, nc wspa pel .1 generally TELLS OF DEATH 'BELIEVE BLAZE IS OF (. ROOSEVELT! upj'HiVM thf prfmiiT h I'pepch tho exception of the r.H.icals. I-'tK iTo Kays t Up pi i'iiir tohl ohijrtihtpr h ii 1 till country what UN run. mi mi'ihml 'usil'i.f mil in. i lug. ;ii K,. ailuwed to grrow until i ould for the whole lnagiie and covenant una ursvive the friends of man I'resident added. ii. .said he was not hope- iCHilVidn.'ll irniYin ,,t in. '' which was about to be .-it-IWniild !, altouetlier sails. " M. iOJ I ON 111.. 'AG K TWO) ilton Holt, Noted Editor. N To Paris To Attend Conrerence Yo fi.oi, U BY LEAGU E i ENFORCE PEACE fk. Dee, on t.ior.,11. u.t. 0 u ,h ..uiiunuii iiuii 'hZ " , wngera -sailing to 'RUf V; ".c-. He wi" -'''Present ' r !- " h''hl ln f'arla nurillg PiTI,. ,'t'rPK? b:v delegates from eiit-o. r r-uroPeun organi r"'tion, VJ '"'omo''bK a l- I ri,r ' rlou 18 tne rirst tlrmj ''Ve ot the eagu L . 1 on this niissirm ri.. ' "lner members or me Z r '"mm'ttee appointed expect to sail i Jan- :'hiSr!l!rr; ,,0,t wi" a,BO ct as unc n" fentlves of the Fed, iri L , -h"r',"f f Christ the , of the Church Peace brace conference. f!it is hT.,, . Price-Fixing liy tny Industry I should i be n a whoV Th au re i ho sary pea' A with The the they TO ENFORCE THE A.TI- TRL'ST LAW VIGOlOtlSLY Fact War "Industries Board Ceases Tomorrow Doe Not "Let Down Hars' Washington, Dec. 30. C oerted price-fixing by any inuuhtry a or tho governmenl. censes to excrcit- price control January 1. will b r.atld hy the department of Ju.s'ic; a, 0, re straint of free c.iinpet itioi, .'.'.'as stuted today. Tho cxplamitloi Vas made in n-ply to questiens as t what happens to war-lime pr!ce.lng when the war industries board iay-eo to function at midnight 'o:norrv The attitude of the departiio t of justice, as outlined hy Attorney Jn eral C.regory, is that rli'i anti rssi laws, mill effective, will be enl'rQed vigorously by the department, hty have been in full i effect thvuoiplba war but the department has no re garded the aet'on of industry in n ! taining prices fixed by the govern eal as contrary " law. In making "la explanation the attorney general Hu not refer to any industry or spe fit situation except in explaining thp.-nb violation of anti-t'tiat laws wouiotif permitted ' ' 'i Other uepartrnent of justice fi flcials who heretofore have 1 C( charge of prosecutions under the . ti-trust laws declared that when ;a war industries hoard ceases to ex cise control of prices January 1, m: act of a group of business men ten he told and bis words should . id and meditated upon by t-lie : land. Journal says: "Since it is as- ! 'hat the old patriot has known! I how to make war, the neces-'; authority to conclude a good is well chosen." ute of confidence by an over- lace Korelgn Minister llaase, Mlti-A ister of Social Policy Marth. and lie- I mobilization Minister IHtimann. whoj retired Saturday night, accoiding to Herlin advices received loie The new cabinet held its fict sit ting Sunday afternoon. It was agreed I incoming to repons iiom i.eriin. inn I hilipp Schiedenianii would lake ov.-r the secretaryship of foreign affairs in succession to Hugo Haas.. Heir Noske will become head of the mili tary department nnd llerr Wtsbel will become minister of the socialist party. whelming -majority was given Pre-i .ermaii i .miimimier -sounci mler l lemenceau by the chamber of Amsterdam, tec .10 -The (iertmin depu'.i-s, who will meet again Tues- army conmanrl. according to a dis day tn discuss the electoral lists pre- patch received here, has .unified coin par.iti'iy to a genetal election. manders on the eastern front to ke-p H. most strict prohibition against the p.irn, Sunday, Uec 29. rrenner giving up of arms and war mnierialH Cleim in eau was given avote of con- - by the Hermans to the Holshevikl. Tlie Hdein i- today after a stormy debate, commanders In the east were Inform durit.g which the war aims of France ed that such action was a violation of wer- outlined by Stephen Plclion, for- , the armistice agreement and might eign minister, and the premier had . result 111 a resumption of hostilities. -d his adherence to the old' tB Demonstration Sunday of alliances called -the bai, , Copenhagen, ' I-ec. 30 -No distnrb- f power. h,i ,.,., ,rr..d in Unrllo no t Sunday afternoon. Rain began to fall at that time and the crowds in 'the streets dlspers-d. i Huge processions and demonstra tions were held Sunday by all partii-i. The independent sorts huts, members of the Spartneus faction, atid sailors held a big demonstration in connec tion with the burial of the victims of Tuesday fighting. It is reported from Berlin that rev eral hundred thousand persons par ticipated in n demonstration under the auspices of the majority socialists. Leaders of the rnajoi itv socialists made speeches in the streets and ln the Tiergarten. Have lU'slgneil. Amsterdam, Inc. 31.- The hide, pendent .socialists in the Prussian ministry and officials of the Prussian goverpment who belong to that patty have resigned, according to a Berlin dispatch to tho Haiid-lsblad. German Aviator Describes Aerial liattio in Which He Was Killed hid! syst unci i l...llA..l... U 1.A ..rAmiu . ii s niiii. .in i'j en- i late .1.... ..... frirniflthih ef leni'ilM of Tin- ' . tion- ought be carried out coincni ently dh ,he drafting of the treaty of j . ice. M. llenaudel, socialist, brotik-.'it this statement by expressing his regret that the allies hud decided not to organize the league until after pea' - had been declared. "Veiling of the sort." wua the an swer "f M- t'lemenceau. "Whether this chamber gives me a vote i f i oiuldence or not, I am wrrty to n - en oltlce." he yon I. Is t)i- ennn" way ' " li ber t 1 hud k mat!-: "Ti. mosi nation conf'" Pari- tion- . "v has .- spoki : I h-v you ! taus- or I-" from that continued. "If : minute's hesitation, now ::nie to changn your pilot. You ' do it when we are under j plying tn charges rniule by Al 'nuaias, linciallst leader that he ii! the chamber without lnfor ., Premier Clemenceau said: . question of peace is one. of the iiitncult ever submitted to the at any t:nie, In a few days a eiice oi delegates will meet at which will settle t- fate of na--, all parts of (he world, raif. s..y Premier I.loyd-tieorgs ;,uken, I'resident Wilson has , but you have said nothing. . given explanations whenever , vi asked me. But It isn't be Mr. I.loyd 'leorge has spoken anse Mr. Wilson has arrived merica with elevated thought am obliged to explain myself I'KKslDKA'T is to i.kan i: i;i hoi'k Aisoi r n.. i. 1'arls, 1ix'. 30. From prew enl i ml lint Ions President Wil son will leave t)nniH on Ills return to till" I n) led Stat-n February 10. "CO.NTI.NUEL ON VAGE SEVEN I -CONTINL'tl ON i'ACiE i3EVE.N Hie Amellian Aim, of Oicu- patloll Sat urda v, ilec. "in - rblisli.itl Donhaiiser, the young Crinan aviat or who ilaiins have -1nt ilnu n qu-n-tin Uiiiisveli near Chambi ay , I'r.jui,-, on July 14. told the cm i epoiident today of tin battle, which ended fat ally for the son of the foi inei pr-sl-dent of the I lilted Stales. H- said: "I was .Hie of a l'arty of hix Her man aviatoiH and on July II sighted six American machines east of F-ie Kn-Tarileiioi 'In- Arneiiiaii. who I learned later was tyuciitin Hi.use velt, was ahead of the rest of bin siifidi on and. off to one sub 11- came htiaight at me and 1 swooped iliAn under his machine, V. e s. c ..aw.-.l Pack and foitb, peppering away and ea It tiin!4 to rain tin .. i . a ntagt by climbing uui'vc ea-h oilor. Hoo.-.cveit made se'.ei.J loops and I ailuuied his gain-ncHa. Once I thought bis machine gun was jam med but. u Ke-ond later b i-i.',.in again to sltooi. and i tit th- liuile'i striking my plane. Th-n I mount- 1 above liim and iv ouped down to within twenty metein of hint, nnng uil the time Then 1 siw loy ojipon i nt ..itliapsu and bis ma iiuk b-an to fall." Iionhiiuser, who was ;i nun coin missioned miner and speak Kngiisb, lias rel.ifivi.-M living in al nliit-i n. Jl vvas ciedjicd tviih T.nrty aerial it -toiies in the lighting af-r .1 ii 1. when !,.; enteied !h.; liwiioan ao s.-rvi. e. The ,att! with l.ii-ut. Itoosevelt. the lieimiyi aviator e.iid, w a l.aigbt at an altitude of i.efw--n H.un and 3.0'MI ui-ler.i In the IikM buli-ls from I.ieut. Kous-vcit . nia. bine it ;n pieliej the Herman avialor'a in.. chine In twenty plai -s I lotihausi-i- says lie r-.tli '.-d sunn ;if- ter the tight began that his oppr t was not as -xp-riemed . some Aut-r-icans he had en-ounti .d but Li-ut i Roosevelt put Up a pllli kV tigbl to the lend. Ttir-e or four tunes .1 iring tt.e j fight lionbauser decla;-ed Roosevelt . hati the upDerhaud for a few seconda. IRK OF FIREBUG That Is Authorities' Theory About $1,00(1.000 Fire At Bristol n stol. I l i l O V . I I lie I ultli I 1, 1 1 lW ale eiitly mad found iii ihcoiy of f I .nit it n 'i a vvolk of a T-nn ,- V. toil. IV of i. of the ''nnipany - with ,i arbv Hi.' In . tn. I i , I iee. nil -The a lal ge huh in M ,ti hell- I'iih'm s building, nppar sav a ml ci ow ha r the lb- I the sl i ii p l I nm is . Hti.iita AtiH'ilian offi ceis . iiio.,l. t able anmetv Many f the Idle lino me .1 is. h .11 g-.1 tteiiuali lildleis An ofTni.il coiiiil made to day b the but K'Hiliister show s f.lltl la bin. Is Idle and ,1a 0 skilled Wnlkllirli also w ithout eoiplov meiii Tho.. who ciinimt e Plain wotk urn fiilitl-il to a di.v's bourne of lhnt. milks firtv pr-nnig, from the illy l-'li. iliplovcd hihoiril have b.e. of fei. it win k by the clly al foui in.it k ei d t) but niilv h f i biive a' . -tnel an tb" otdiiiaiv wag- is six mat ks a dav l.floit hi h ti.'liiR mail., to re Slot e .Ilia billged nnldieis to theil' i - Hill o-i llpatlnlis. it'placilia If tli'C ;..-il oirli iiom boldllig the po-otlolis Itepolta flolu the citllliliv Hull, ila tlil. is pl.Mv ..f uotk Ihiie but Ilia uflei.i.s have fniiiid ditfiiuliv in In iluvllig luboietM to leave Ibe ci'v, pai -In ii I in I-, in 4 hmi. u nm hi ui'irnl l,k Ibe pt.""nt Mm- Itniii run. loin yards of giav lieiioi.u linifotfii tl.ilb has loine into tit. bauds of Ibe Ami!!. .an and they aie . nn-idei Ina bow to use It In a W .11 i-hotlse In I'obieoi. J ,111 E Hi'liiitl t h M.ih.-IIi. i lvn f i nm this clly A oi-i l-n n Imve fniiiid eiblv thousaml potinds of sbue lealll-r and machllieiy for re. Pali ina sli.ics A plan Is under eon si. t.i at ion in use this repair f i-tot y for Iniikllltf shots for lite ailltv of o. cupiiliiin The iii.li liln.t y i, itl i l,, .tiitiil by Ibe Am.ilianN and II. r biitli-i is of tsood .jiialny showing thai the Hi I It I a Its bud e V 11 y I hi llg lle-c-eiai y in the line of fnotWf.ll. Iii shop wiinbiw iii I'nlilriu. Pom - I'Vt'l, ...III b" selll shoes, the a.tl-s ot which aie made of fiom lh to 'Ji email ple e of l-nihei. It Is iilmoM Impoaslble to buy a pan, of shoes tiiat Is sol-d pt opet ly . M.it.-t lal abandoned by Ihe I ;ii mans hit bides haincHN made of pnifr ami -lei-l breaslplales mun by snljers- At Molbelm Ihe ;! ntn'm Pfl so nritiy 'i. Us that the milk of -mmllng tbni Is baiely b-gilli, all.io A n -1 i a it solj lei a have been busy at the task lo' Hun e than a Week . st t ttligl htai-d that I THOSE ON VESSEL j ARE HEING RESCL'ED ..Ibe the I In .i ilhol lll-n last night it Tlil-e j loos tilts h i. e oi rii i i t"l Jo I u - U 1 11 here I' bin I iimM h on- of ih.-in i-iilalimg a loss of mole lb. hi i T. 0 1). o 0 1! . l.atk of vval-l and c x plosions of d ii. unite and small arms ammiinl II'. U In the rim k of thi Mil-hell I 'it'A I s ' . ' i II' I li gie;,i:y h i ft I II a ppe.l tl.e. ';!-.-ll III U.i-lr vvolk last night Tb i.v i ay I,: I. ling ' n . I I., imp I the W-r-ulnilil-anl to II,. t lli . 'I II, Il Mi'i II, ... Cl,, and fi-ir oth- to- P.I I ttol i . 1 1 1 1 ', , J.jiin lii . lul ning and those of Bank, on the department I'e damaged. GERMAN WAR MATERIAL IS DEl.NG 'i RANSF ERRED M i fi V I O.-t f J, MJ-' iliU lh i'wpJii;, I" c. H --Cer-t i i ! tir ftt fnuily turn-i- A hi i i .kit a by Jumirir y I ,inlun. I 'Mt - Thn Anifrl h n f r 1 1 Hiit f TmlirtH. which Jnft New ; Vdik fitr tUi-ft en ficfffulH-r I, w.n ; mi i ii niifl uu thn riifkt mur lh Nl I Imi in thn Uiiy of fii iy on H it : ui.l.iy AHvh-h t-fiit thofl uu 5 Imj.iIiI itf' hiirif( r"riii(1 j 'I'm IMr I ruin i runt v. S'W S tn k, ( ;io - J tl. !' Yti, i wlirif Hie Amwrifiiii t ri ttfp(rt Tn;i' i HtijiiHhi, )h rn mtiViH ff iiirt lh ( I ti-iiih ro.oit. Thi Inhiiift p a rim t Krafiit aftii Iian on ii.wn, Yeu, . wrii ii ptipui.itinn "f aiioiii ;i,ii')i). Thi' Ti'Miiilor h Im u p,iHH.rttr v-f- - c.r 7,7 i ton v.rfM r'xi'r uwn ; ! hy (hi- t : r 1 1 - I I ruM r.iNuny nti i j.i i'.r lt hiMHK ri-ijisfi'fir'l hy !h ; i ;i r ft I rl mttw iia ,t tump I im import v,.in tn tii'' hi'?vv("n Nw Vtik ifn OfitCil AfiM'tlcm urnl utari h r l with a !iiK I'-'fiiiKii m nt of v, (Htn'h -t !!( f i ti ii--1 mm. In a'hliMuti 1 1 n(Tl''i-r iiii'l crv th" T;,riiifhif hiH nti Loiir-l hiX nlfliffH ?(:! MAf-(ltiM flK'll ff thH llatUlll i i rtiv. 't h. fh:p wm In rh.irif of Coin -m.i fi't r J- 1.1. (.Illm-'-if), I'. H N . un-i i f f J I il Ml 1 1 t v y tt J"5 inm, 11 frum .iini"- ?- 2 M.MM.I lh .ill I H. 't m U - iC mler'. w ni' h Th- i i a i i i - il,- i- r.'pUjffMl fiutll i .t ' il;iT- In- tt:,ii Mil Ii llf l''f ijr- ' I nti i ht f i nut ! v., of inn w.i r. fijK'. Um t'onili th frn thu Mny It- Siilvjiifrtl, V'.HK, I 'AH Cthlf rt(lvi.-ff hy Oiivy HMftniriHfK Iipt ((r!V-' uf l hr T'ii .ni m h i'i On- Mhlp rn-iV tit mtv :tKul. HARK DESfltOYED MY FIRE ON WEDNESDAY i' h, I'i'-tr ''th!-rK, Amfr- ; , u'Mt f-jiiy 0n-i ht'ii'-'" lnNMt'hd for fh'- "f '-fh''-i '-f fh flKhui iM-triiari nrtt.y Thoy IimIu.; hnwhl Mibl h-!inf, fur to- ' ;i try, r.u ru h ,i . y f'H I f tiMi-i r'i it f-'K'i II- li'ifi Ir ! n iiitrl h'!f(-!n Th ru. t'i S' it i i ii, irtif rom M.j-.-if-n f i '' h ihi siy l!h h rtim;iii. 1i,ii t-f fr- ' I'-rni.tn ol!h m to an uhjc? 'A),- 'I hi- h if k lit .ill Wi (tl'0',l Miy fit'f, ::Mi miit" --i,ff iif Chathrf tn il-hi:;.l, la! Wi ii;'M'hty. Thn rapr.ttn aud Ihlifffit tii'fi )tt liinrlml ly liii! on lMat i rrti?3itiif. a f i Th hrk Jriy.tn alh'l from U IrriKt'wi, N, Z, on licriuher H for M,in Krincln'o. Stio Ctufl oi 1,163 tun.1 burden.