V TWIN-CITY SENTINEL. WINSTON-SALEM. N. C, AUGUST 12. 1019 TWIN CITY SENTINEL Motor Transportation Schools And Their Industrial Value (afleraoon T.trrvt uola 46th year. tu.ihJ U orftrB nl1nl Hntirtlr.B No 111 Uoeity st Editorial offlci lt Krtimr Solely Kilter , Mnsiness II" .kVlm. Want Ads. Kami. "'alr . rircuMUuu pent Advertising, tl .) .! .lu M IIM Itll'TION HATI i Dald oriimplly end nf earn w-.k. IS "nl. I.theiwis.. !' tile stiitur in HT CARUirB rina year . , . . fis months .. hree months on nonik . II V MAIL Ot,a year una ntonih kil.Ilr t..M eerwhers. Entered seronil elasa matter ' 'J post, Hire In V'lnsion Bai'tn, N L . ll"!"' Aet of ii-I. 1. lul. Tor The Hnf irifl: Inar Intelligent .and graphic Instruc- Tn.nsportnt.on hss played a mntl,l" "'"'I' foreman regarding pro,,,,,,,,, p,.rt , ..I .rm.e. M .11 I'r JWl T.fin.i Sure, s In buttle is ii mutter, , BI , 1(l ,h,. , ,MB r,i,. i,f getting th necessary tiiiui power , ,,.,,,, previous triiliiing nn I exprl to ii. i riKlit place ul the right I mm ,.,.,. K,.neral nut.. i.rh i rn;'it w rk. sir! history l.rtie Hint It him been 5i s, .,,, ,)f thp A ,,, ,v Ku far easier in nwnil.l nu n. redy ami KrPr, Thin course of hlu.lv Is open willing tlghit, Hunt K his In .n l"(.y i .,, W, U i ' oruplelcl Irun.-poit them In Hi., scene ..f "M- ,,,,. l our. ('it-lulu men ore hound I.-inpiiiHd iiithui anil l.i supply them, t,, ,,pe,.r wt,r, t Is ha.l ami shoulder while there Thus, Pi the 1..M mm ly-Li.,,,., ,1...... r.Ilow workmen In iihlll- i7i ' " '"' i I') s'lniiiustcr worn m wen i.h cm I o .i purpura. 'ii .him. 1. r , ,in, whll , ,ir it- ih. rns.-iM S factoi In wars. Tianspoi t.itn.n In ,,,,, ,,,, WM,r tM,.y ,,aM. to b.. ron 11 ni...lfi n ) rtn v iiK-iniH Hf. r, r .il "i 1 w,,.,,.,t niwhunl. 1 nr mu ll (urn '"" " l" r pr.'.i..ii.iti iuiiK. H ,., f u,,iv. riiv in.triiril.in lia Th- mom .lll.i.-i.i h.piy i.f uoi.pH l'n-!i.r ,,,-r.,i,K,., to i.'n ih oiu f 1.CI1. .l.lo w.ul.l !. lM. npi.1.!.' 1 I in.uk-, ,hn hl Klll,n nn..p.,l. al . h...l .I him..- Pi tn, ..I. in ifi.itury !-1 0f t,.. rnnn'rv. Mn "f till, train .itl..n wfri- tin ni.,t..r tr .-itpui lution i ln ,,. , .... . i,,irii.i..r i.f fithrr 1. ml to rirrv out nd plun fur thr rhiiiiUPs wltkh iircur fr..m . 00 ti inY. Ai f.rsT ii. 9t A THOK.HT I.OH TII; 1AY Tim p:iiii.n y i.l.j.'. l i f 'he Lrimur nf .Naii.in 1" thr pre- biTviil..i ..( pi-.ire ini'l tn. pr - piitlmi i'f .u. Ii l .111 f.irni' unit hiimuiii' rrTiiit 10 .hp in.iii- kind ini'l rlvilliail'.u from all ttn" rnvimcA ..ml hoi 1 ui Inn- d. nt tn inn '"i n WBi faie. It ppk In Itu lolucp into IntiT- national nll.inn tn.' rule of law, or.ler ami J nt u e. peace- ful conaideration ..nd condll llon. ami t'iU4 vllimnatc Inter- national c h.ioi-. hi. h In the pat h.ia form ko pi odurtivn i f vtolerue mm l.ioi.'iy i.'iifilil It aeeKs tn crown ami ni"k" perpoiii.il I'm di-cinlve v!i".iy uchlrved Py thr valor of 1 ur noldkra and Millora nnd Ihe e,icrlfae of our p. i.plo l.y kIv- ll'.K iiu.nkind .1 luain.ic, p.a.i' foiimle.l on JuMI. r, nir.'il and reaaon. It ront.iln the rom " blneil ef..rt of the world' roof, n 111. 1 ii.ort . tilli;ht'ii''d atdleriti.-li In art lie th"' many pri pl'.minf nieMlmni e'.Keiidernil by IhU i.,.t World War, and embodiea tholr hopra of plurinc c;vliiat.nti on II allrf allij Prnader fnu iijiitlon. It kpi-Uh In avoid war by r.'iiu.v.i.tf an far aa poaalhle the rauaea wtitrli hava oitihI 11. ed I'otifitrla and by pruvldPit; met hmli of t- tlira Inlet national dispute wlllioat r'HoilltiK In fone Honalor flnn Im A. rtwanaoii, of Virginia. Inn.l.'iuai" or piMilllrlrnt In ih. I nil. . I Sl.il. a army the hulk of th.. niit"'iiotive powir la opri.urd and ..iii'r..ll... l.y a htun.'h t rmed til" .M'.'i.r Transport I'-.rps. In i.r-rl.-r t pioviilr nn t'l!h iriit peraonnel for th." woik of thr torpH it Is ali.o luti ly t!T i.-;i ry to rr.ai.. l.y train liK. M.n .killed In uui.'iii.'tlM' ve- j lni lo i.pri.iio.u and r.T'.iir dn not . I IM In imWIilMK- Iik.' .idicu il' liunl- p. rn f.-r itu tr.tinrin. ills i'f i:ivll 1 life. Tiny mi. not huiinf rr.alril at I lit rltlirr rapl.l ! V rini'lifh or well riti.uKll In at nil Inert ir' lit lll'l'.a itnal n.rils Itrally hklll.d and roin I pete til lilltomotlvr liti-i'hnnllil nun. : maud Wa (,-. that rrml. r them iilimi , lutely iinati.iliial.il. in the uriny undol ' p.-.n h i 011.1 11 1' in... mid there. IP, 111 con 'nnm in . , in. optlmi. Th.' artnv tiiuM j enter the Hold of vocational IrainliiK j beeiiu.M" there Ii no oth.-r way. 1 The IrainliiK planned H a prrlea of I con 1 j. m In vocational m-hoola, iiU.-r- iialini: with p.ilo.lH or proiliictinn w..rk In the pimp, hti-p park tinlt, or Willi oprialtinx unlit in file In id. The .-' h.H.lp arc n- il p.-lionl.-. under tr.illird P acin i , W here tho lilllil of the pupil Ih wholly devoted to I' l-nv- - Il.tr liiitru. tti.in and tralnlni;. ork j done Pi pi IiooI shopi Is under I he rye I of ih(. nipt nn tor. Work ih. ne In tho I pioilii' tioii perloilH will he under reij , i,ir p r mi 11. t .mi coiulitionp, an 111 any i well 1. kuI.i.. . Iruck-j.i o.lui-lnir f.ic I tory or trio k-opri.iiiiiK i-oiici 11, c-x-: rrpt that the tn. n wlil he ohsrrvrd, 1 gr.i.!p, atiil Mii.eivn..'d with 1 clri-rnce ! I.. .I. t.-l 111111IM. Iln Ml l!ttn-- In take further ii. vrlnpiii. nt w.n k in lime tn Unit In motor vetnrlo ron Mrnctlon. The ramp pe'eeted f..r thepe er hnla 1 are l amp 1 h.l.i nlr.l on I rn-aapeake Itay. near lialllmore; Camp .lenip. on the northern eilife of Atlanta. I'amp Norm.. yip In South San An tonio and I'anip II. .yd at Kl Tapo, TrxaH. ICarh H a perman lit camp with larKe iilry harraeka, I111II1, aurtl loihiniH, leadliiK rooma, nodal roonip and athle'le inli'li, equipped with every necr.-.'-lty of life comfort 1 hie and enjovahle. ( .Tho inn'i union In ahen Py trained civilian who conntantly think nf the proper nieihoilg of conveyltiR Infor iitatloii, alile.l by ofllcpr and non ivmmi.li.ne ollU'rra who dernon- p'rate their lltneKa fur this type of J educational work. That very man I In the Motor TraiiHport Corpi will I complete the rnllr roure la not cont. iiiplateil hut nil will purely leave , the uriny far better equipped for ci vil life than when then entered. The : I'r'AK" man who can qualify nn - chauffeur but not as repair man will I in 1 out iip 11 piiperlor product In hi 1 cillliiu. II,. will he able tn drive any typo of car or truck and he eligible f..r the poMUoii of chauffeur of pri vate c ub or iih truck nniptrr for ipm- metcl.il c.nci rna operntinir II tn of truckx. This type of man la In very 1 nrrat nnd -urowinir demand and emu- i mutnlH txcrllent wat'ep. Tor thr iiveiaKo repair man who in. 1,1 riunplelcp on,, of the nine different . oirr it oit or tiii: way Soma of Mi" Ittpuhllcan membern of tha senate any they are unable tn nee tha UrhteM connection between the ratification of th. pence treaty and the high ett of llvlnd and other prohlema ronfrnnllng fh country, They team in Mtitik they can tro on InrteninltPly 'Hiking on this aubjeit without th pllchteat injury In any way. However, we venture 10 pay a vast majority of the people of the country feel eomew'nat differently nbout It. Thay feel that thin continual quib bling about the peace treaty and the Ieagua of Nation poaipotien the res toration of normal bulno"H condl tlona, and that anything which does that affacta the cost of llvtnpr and other problems na veil. Vhat the nation needs Is l"s talk and more action along ronstroctlve llne.i. Needless debate on, this and that feature of the treaty la no1 cal culated to chanco a vote. If' only serves, aa we have auld, to delay the return of euch conditions im will con aeri'i! the best Interests of the coun trj' along various lines. mo rnoonxM xkfdf.o In various poulhern States street And rond Improvement work Is being carried on to n. much (jreiiter extent than ever before. Kvery day or two wa see where some Southern city or county line launched, or Is contemp litlng, action nlong this line. Now la tho tlmo for every stale and every r'.ty to plan for u big, broad pronram In rond and street work. Millions of dollars 1ms been spent on uch work In the past, but it has heen expended 11 little, nt h t!m, and by the lime one piece of construction work has been Blurted another hns been about worn out, and ao on, There has hi.cn ton much haphaz ard road nnd street development work, and too little system. Certulnly now would seem to be the tlmo far every community In the South to lay plans fur a comprehen sive systeiq of, Improvement work, looklnc not merely to tho needs of the present but the future as well. This Is a time of blp things, Let's realize that and act accordingly. coucrs. It is believed by the Motor Transport authorities that the plan will give the fliio-t vol itional train IriB attainable in any uliool or other ti lining 01 v'aul-itioii now In exis tence and that It ronstlt UTes a .lis- tine! p ah.-ad 111 th" theory of vo cational iiiPtrtirtii.ii. There are II v good courses of In struction : 1 The School of the soldier. A four urrks coin pe taken by every man on enterlnp; tho corps or a.-i houii there'ifier. The film of this course Is to teach the newly enlii.t.-d civil ian a cleanly, healthful anil moral military life rather than the tech nique of military operations. He was taught personal sanitation, earn of the body and clothing, sitllng-up ex ercises, manual of arms. military courtesy, and the article of war. At the end ho Is ready for assignment ai i.llng to the results of his per formance in these various duties and the qualifications possessed prior to enlistment. J. The School of the Military Chauffeur. It Is apparent that so rbins consideration has not her. 'to fore been given In civil life to the training which a chauffeur or driver mechanic should undergo. As an In dividual he has life and properly un der his constant car.-; the military service, the respon.Nlhility is often fur the safety of many thousands of dol lars in go ei ntoeiit property. The training fur this tn in will consist of an rlhl w.-rks' course. It will pro duce a prnii-merhaiile who Is not only mi rtlU lent driver hut ono who is able tn Mifeguard both vehicle and load by careful Inspection and 1 make emergency repairs. lie will b drilled on the rules of the road und' the most trying conditions, In cl' and country, finishing with two werl or more of driving In convoy form Hon, by day and by night. :i. The School of the Auto-M chaylc. The automobile mechanic he exists today Is usually an Inge lolls ha inly man who has grown 11 In some small Jobbing shop. In hu lew cases .iocs this man hnvn an fundamental training either as me chanic, or engineer. Tho aim of the Motor Transport Corps School Is to produce men of all the fundamental trillion who. under supervision, can overhaul and repair any type of truck or automobile. 1. School of the Inspector and Foreman. The work that the lioi.e'- ahop piibroursc and the production win k that follows, the automotive, world is waiting, tha prngresH of the industry being now actually condi tioned by th.. labor supply. For su perior r. pair men who ur tit f,.r r.n sikMimrnl to the course for inspectors I and shop foremen tho nruiy v ill have j a plai n und every rliort w.il be made 1 In retain them as Instructor In its j schools. For those who, upon coni I plrllon of Inspectors and shop fore man course desire In leave the service position., as garage sup.'i iuteii'lents, service, managers, motor veiii 'le su pervisors for lire dopar'ments .;nd municipal equipments, and Inspector of motor vehicles in civil br.inrho.s of the government ore open. For the Very best men that are dis covered In the rorpn and who have tho requisite educational' wotinilation, the university .'ours? will rei'ialn ur 11 goal thru the numbr who can be assigned to this coursj wi! be necea pnrilv limited. Tho 'mini I nil ivhi n!i s this course is Mi al! ois a raise 1 in tils ptnttiis as 11 citizen, either by being more i'ompetiaflP' .mil ini:- brn.idiv . sniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw : ' - lessens of experience SpeslaMain Coat Value Lonpj-coflinued aij brll experience in the zz ' manajrclient otjY.Al and Trust Funds j .. dF. S frives tlis Compjinua Jfinite advantage in - I $ y3 .50 H the pprf(nanitiii' exartinp; and com- I S E5 plox dutic8r r jt 1 Wachovih Bank andfustCo. ! LIDHT WEIGHT SUMMER COAT CAPITAlWXDPtpCs 12,000.000. I ' 1 MKMBKR iHWmmL KESERVK SlSTr-M , . jllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I jf Kmmmmm r 'll'iltl4! JJSTO IhCh vVhynsurncfike Aladdin's Unr; 1 -"" zrzz. " i Becausft immediately when the ni 8 '" " y -mA i ' comes."' f laT II f V j M I -M W1SK AXD OTIIERWISI;. II i f f I TtT" m cni ITHKkMT.TFE Ft TRUST m What'a the matter, my friend ?" I www-. ---ww- vv WinstoZ-Salem Branch Office I 6TriflT Sc PATTERSON', Managers, j mON'E lt J I0J- O ILVXLOX UK vice of distinct value. H la a posl tion to produce a new class of nut .. iter disciplined for llfe'a battle thu i ivll schools can produce, better train ed for their work than civil life con ditions make possible. In n broad p.-nse. tho Jiisiitic.ilion for the a-my of the Foiled S i . s Is its value aJ an educational ln.'il it.n for the, mifi who puss thru it. In the com bat branches of the army this train ing Is largely technical to the mlli- iry world. In the Motor Transport ( orps, Ihe training technical world is negligible In quantity, nnd practi cally everything the man does Is dl-' rectly applicable to his future career i an a citizen. Surely the three, year I period of enlistment required isavel in the cise of a prior service man: where one year contract is demand ed 1 will be time well spent without consideration of the pay nnd allow ances which have been recently flg- i ured as the equivalent of somewhat over one hundred dollara per month in civil life. COUKSE OF STUDY FOR GIRLS' SHORT COURSE us. r ui in No man tairps shoiibl unsl.jja.-d tn ijpiiib id. vln hi: r rev labor aa hig him. Th :is already nt need liirged from '.rirps .with rec, i i. in w ill hi these iVlustriep pent gr.ler et!U air pi ,th ly he Motor Tl ,'ll..l of nil : to the trraiH a;ie wn'. as his abilil a iit.iruoiiv nlioned, ts and Motor Til roduc ly abs i pre ped. port i merit if an open will dis- nsport e pro ,ed by rejii e- ncy n in Mfbny now In thelt'V iniilave. ThVwie ciiiii- IliUIlitv 1 lieJFillline- T.ioi-e aT, nil more ileperiil.liiVigfin the motojtruck, for the saiuk iVson that forojTl the army! tn Its uV, Vut as yet JBis use la uj i.rivaio .trtiY'i'iso by Mdlvldurila or llrnis, MtdidV trnnsuL companies broadly ofgiiil.i'd nnromiiiiiii cur riers are Ju.-.il liegiLjring to appear. The chief obstacloio their growth is the lack of tr:iiFd personnel. The rniy system wi soon discharge In- the chaiin. jgflif trade hundreds of I mo'ga'tran.sport men accus- toiiianejaiaWinvev driving, to the care f their vehicles and the responsibil- Htundard l it.v for the functioning of the same. 1 lie government Is beginning thu ex tensive use of motor vehicles In the 'nistolllce. highway bureau, reclania- tor will be called upon In do Is that of j tion bureau and elsew here. This use a master workman in lutoiuolive , appears destined to grow to enormous lines. Hp wll be oapable of rurvev- I proportions but the limiting factors lug cars and trucks turned for jure skilled men and proper recon repair; he will be able ti detcrriuie struction and maintenance facilities, the kind and rxte it of repair that Is In short Ihe army is In position to nerPMpiiry; ne wn oe ."loaoie 01 gi- ; comer upon soelrlv lis a wnole a ser- LITT'S KF.Kl" IT VP Other orratilsiatlons are endorsing the Unproved echool facilities pro gram to be embraced In tho bona is sue proposition. The movement seema to be ateadlly growing In favor. It Is to bo hoped that every com mercial or Beml-commerc!nl or fra ternal organization that has not al ready taken such action will do so. This la one of the moat far-reaching progressive programs ever launched by a Southern community. Left put such an Impetus back of It that It will not only be carried by a hand. .Mm majority, but by such an over whelming vote as will show convinc ingly and conclusively to other oltlea that the people generally of Winston Balem stand for progress and effic iency In educational as well as in oth er lines, and are willing to spend money in order to secure it; lenjway y err ti is i i i x ' 1 I 1 fixed up fortlie -ip. wre grettml ready to show fall gokQion't wait to long. I ADLERyRQCHEATEa CLOTHE3 " j Ralegh, Aug. 12. The course of study mid the list of instructors to! hnvu charge of the club girls at the Short Course In he held at Ihe State i College for Women at tireensboro. ' September Sth to 13th, Inclusive, hasi recently been announced by the Home, I e ministration liivision of the Agri-I cultural Extension Service. During the live days of the meeting Mrs. Jane S. McKinnon plans to have uround one hundred of her advanced club girls to lake an intensive course in various home economic subjects that will aid them to be leaders in the club work of the state. Iue to the close coopera tion of Miss lilanche Shaffer, head of thn Home Economics Department at the State College for Women, the en tire equippment nf this department will bo placed at the disposal of the young ladies during their atay. The list of Instructors and courses of study are given by Mrs. Cornelia C. Morris, District Agent, In charge of the Short Course as follows: From 8:30 to 10 there will be two classes in Cookery, conducted by Miss Elizabeth Marsh. Tuesday to Saturday inclusive. 10 In 11:30, Tuesday to Saturday, I Inclusive, Sewing will be taught by I Miss .loy ltriggs and Miss Lula Smith. I 12 to 12:20, Tuesday. Wednesday, ! Thursday and Friday. Miss lilanche -Shaffer will give lectures on Personal I Hygiene. I In the afternoons Miss Pnullne 'Smith will teach Millinery from 2 to 3:30 for four days. On Tuesday and Wednesday, from 3:30 to 4:30, Miss Mazle Klrkpatrick will give lessons In Hasketry. At the same hours Thursday and Friday, Miss Henrietta Eangner will conduct classes In Household Decora tions. .Mrs. Grace It. Wllmot, of New York will lecture one evening on "Interior Deoorutlons." Miss Ola Stephenson and Miss Ma zie Kirkputrick will have charge of the (lames and Community Singing. Moving pictures will be shown Sev ern evenings during the week. Girls will be required tn bring sheets blankets, pillow-cases, towels and nap kins. Material for sewing and millin ery can be bought in Greensboro. It will be well for the girls to ar- i rive Monday. September Sth, as the classes begin Tuesday morning. There will be no classes after 11:30 on Sat urday morning, which will give the girls the opportunity to leave Greens boro Saturday at noon. I N D US TRIAL SU R V E Y MADE. OF GERMANY WISK AXD OTHERWISE. Suddenly the harraaaed house hun- g loaned aloud. "What's the matter, my friend?" 'asked u sympathetic, old gentleman. "I was Just thinking how exacting I used to be when 1 was looking around for a house to live in. I demanded an extra largo living room. cloets. by the dozen, not Irss than four bed-I'li.iiii-i, a sleeping poich or two. ii butler's pantry, baths upstairs and down, a wide veranda and a southern exposure." "And now?" "All I want Is a house Just four walls and a roof." birmingham A-o-llerald. "Are you expecting your boy to re turn home soon?" . "Yes," replied Mr. (ilithery. "Has he been mustered out of ser vice?" "Not yet, I believe, but he's In Ame rica, and about a dozen letters have already arrived from different parts of France, addressed to Henry In a feminine hand. I wouldn't be sur prised if he turned up here at uny mo men', now." liirmlnKham Age-Herald. Two friends met on tho street as they were hurrying to their respective offices one morning. "Hello, Einder, old man!" cried one, as he grasped the other's hand, "Con gratulatlons. I hear you have a new youngster at your houae." Hut the new father glanced around apprehensively." For heaven'a aake, you can't hear him way up here, can you?" Cleveland Plain Dealer. "You say Yortck Hamni is a big movie star?" "Sure, he Is." "Never heard of him. What's his salary?" "Ten thousand -dollars. " tlx his class, boy; llx his class. A- week or a year?" St. Louis Republic A FEW POINTERS. Optimism sometimes Cakes the form of a husband who crows about being henpecked. Wealth always doesn't bring hap piness. A fool and his money are soon parted. A woman is apt to go to extremes. At any rate she can convert a hairpin-tion feel beyond n,l southwest uuttonnooK. Sale of Valuable Stoc The undersigned wi House cor in Wins o'clock noon, on Sat following stocks : 25 shares of Merc N. C, latest stateme 13312 shares of Pi C, present value o 01 par value. TERMS One-t n-itVi intcrpst- nnHSinn This the 6th da of Augus I i J sell to tJI tfn-bAMDV uf da. th lahts RnM it shos bp fcdmct Pr Slant snov 7 1 J lLCashb Wachovia e nignest bidder at theC N. C, commencing at I 16th day of August, 191$. o rrJ TVnaf Cn Witicfnn.Ci ok value f 127.50 per sham k Company, Winston-Sa'er. '3 thisstock worth lar in ei: ce in six and twelve ir.c: security. laHfi t1919 IBaiiK & Trust Compa. AdministftorGeorge F. Dwire, deceased. OBDI'A-NCE OF THB CITY OF WINSTO S A I.EM. WHEREAS petition In writing h been preeented to the Board of Aldermen of the Cltr of Wlmtoo-Salem. algned by more than twenty-five per cent of the votere in that territory adjacent to the cltv of Wlneton Xalom. described a follows: "Hpginnlng at ! tin on the toutnern boundary line of Wlnaton-RaUm wh-re WeUKhtown er Kernerevllle road croeeee Ha lem Creek: thence In a aoulheaeletly rtlrec Hon alons the weet and auulhwest side or w.ufhtown or Kerneraviiie r.tea i, into Mnny a woman follows the fash ions who never seems quite able to catch uj) with them. You never can tell, Many a man Is willing to shoulder the responsibility who can't get away with it. At any rate, while you are standing up for your own rights you can't very well be sitting on other people's. Of course, a musical education counts for something, but lots of peo ple, put on airs who can't even carry a tune. No, Maude, dear; in order to make hay while the sun shines it isn't neces- sary to first let the grass grow under your reel. The high flier should remember that mighty few fellows, when they do take a tumble, have tho foresight to pick out a soft spot. Muggins "The worshiper of wealth is alwuys inclined to put the dollar before the man." Hugglns "Yes. hut it won t stay there long before he grabs it." W'igg "Mjones Is one of the clum siest fellows I ever saw. He seems to break everything he lays his hands on." Wagg "Worse than that; he can't even open his mouth without making a break." it was over the midnight supper. "Let's order a broiled lobster," he sug gested. "Do you think lobsters are healthy?" asked the careful girl. "I :houldu:t care to eat one that wasn't he replied. of Chnpel I street; thence Boutnwar.ny par.ne. rnapei .i..ri ,u - . -. Haled atreet: thence eaatwardly parallel with Haled atreet 10 Ihe weet elde of t enter street, theme eouth alona weet elde of Cen ter atreet to the north aide of Haled areet; thence with the north aide nf Haled street to the south side of Kerneravllle or waugb town road; thence alons aouth aide of the Kerneravllla or Waunhtown road to Its In tersection with the weatorly aide of the Lex ington road; thence alons the weaterly elde of Lexington road In aouthernly direction to the north bank or the tlrat branch cn.aaed by the road; thence along northern bank of aald branch In a westerly direction to lt Intersection with the eit property line of Mre Kmma Kogle: lhee In a northwardly direction with her le to the Hsllabury rn.d thence acroaa tb Snllabury road to its i.i.r..M,nn with unillev. 15H Purs Boulevard aa eaown on the map of the -vvi....,.n.4iilem Land! and Inveatment om nany, recorded In bnfck 40, page 396: thence with the line of ealdVll'y for the length of ..r.irht couree. Blinin cnminuHinni u. bank of Halem bank of Halem n aouth bank of alem creek tn a Ion 2700 feet to a point, pouthwoat corner or Development: thence inundary of aald devel- point Ave., CARELKS8X FSS ONF. DF.sTnoys WHOLE FAMILY. With the American Forces in Ger- , many, July 21. (Correspondence ofi ; Associated Tressl. An industrial rur- j i vey of the occupied areas of (iermany is to bo made this summer for tho ben efit, of the 1'tiitt'd States government. Information gathered as a result of ihe survey, which will require a year or more to complete, is to b available. j.'it the Department of Commerce in ; W ashington and is to have a hearing on the future commercial. relntflons he- I tweeu tho United States and (Iermany. otUccrs of representatives of the de partment of Commerce were opened J recently at Cologne, In the Hritish area, and In Cohlenz. headquarters of the American forces In ('Iermany. The Cologne office is In charge of H. T. Noycs. who has been attached tn the Interallied Rhinelands Commission. Ml. Noyes will also look after Ameri can business interests In the Hritish zone. The survey is being made under di rection of Chauncey I). Snow, commer cial attache of the American Embassy in Paris who will make headquarters in Coblenz for some time. "It was Just as well my editor had to stop drinking." "Did the flagon ever hurt him?" "Perhaps not, but " "Well?'' "When he was drinking he would accept poetry in large quan tities." Kansaa Ciy Journal. Ten of eleven persons near Chelsea, Okla., who were attending a family reunion, were burned to death when a member of the family attempted to till a lighted oil stove. He had a five gallon can of gasoline by mistake and it exploded. The William Ballard home was destroyed by the flames. Charles Kidenhour, the only member of the purty who eacaned. whs hu.iiv burned in virlnlv iittnmr.tl., ..... I under grade of the P. H. Hanea' Iievclop his wife and children. He hn II I ! I""!'1.1 """J?""? "I!.18;.! ltn aald course creek: thence rre.-k 1410 feet II creek, thence norlhweaterly dir. mm id m.lnt being tho llranvllle Pla' fi.lli.wlng the weat eiim.nl In the varllua roureea w here It iniereeria won iiarnni ih.... in a norlhweaterly direction point, the Intercept ion of Paper Mill road and Wlndemere Houlevnrd; thence along the north aide of Paper Mill road In a north westerly direction to a point on tho weal . line of the Ardmore properly; thence north following the weet line of the Ardmore 1 Cnmuaiiv property and continuing aanie course to P. H. Hanea' line; thence eaet with the aald Hanea' line to the eaat aide of a branch: thence north'eaaterly along the eaat and euuth aide of said branch hh it mean dera to the mouth of a amall branch run nlug down from the Atwood Inn property; thence In a northwesterly course with the eaat and north aids ot aald branch and con tinuing same general course to the south eaat Una of Atwood Inn Place; thencft In a south and westerly course on the southeast and south aide .of Atwood Inn Place to a point la the northwest line of the right of way or the North Carolina Midland rail road properly; thence In a northeasterly course with the said right or way tn a point on the northeast side of the Shallowford road; thence In a northwesterly course with the Hhallowford road 50 feet; thence In a northeasterly course parallel to and 50 feet distant from the corporate limits of the city 1133 feet to a point on the southwest aide of the propoaed street at the railroad crossing rlorS' Prooer and legal nul.-e .114,! liven of Ihe time and place if ill by publication In a iiewMnr"' P.' Wlnston-Halem for al least ihlr'f prior to tha date of th- .--!ipi election shall be. held al lha time described In said notic. sbi! dueled In the aame niacn-r hi p law fur the holding of l"H'l ' said city, and that all pr" n" r. vote for members nf Ihe s'-f.-'i -In said adjacent territory sM to register and vole In smI'I ..-r:i' That there ehjll be a ."pc'luiw of voters In Ihe said adja'-i-nl said election, and W. It M.rtif appointed registrar to !:"' '- fled. it shall be the duty . f :hl trar to open his registri.!!"'!-t,u':1' tin's store on Weilnond;., . th 3,: September. H19. tial.l rcs.e'.r.r the books op.'li for th,- r-nicr-qualltled voters for ten II'" '''" of Sunday, between the h'l'iri "- sunset of each (lay, e 1 MtuM they shall be kept open until . shall clone on KuturcUy th H September, mil. which In th" day next preceding I lie flfi il'in holding of said clectli.n und ,'" return- thereof and .ill o'ti" turning to aald election slisll by provisions of law f"r th' t. ' elections of the Clly of Win" ' That the election fliall "" tin's ap.ro and that K K HI"" y roaa 10 its liock ara hereby appolniea feet west of raloc-tlon. That the Commisslonr of W and Finances of Ihe Clly sha.l F furnish the necessary baaots i boxes. The ballols shall I"' Pr ' ' , ten upon white paper, ami out device, mutilation "fnicii'.' atiall bo 3 1-2 by 2 Inch's In s.' t ln. at an Id election Hhi.ll " lewlna- manner, to-wlt if in in said adjacent term TV porate llmlta of the I c they shall vole a Iml, u-rit.en nr orinled tic Hon." and If oppos.-l t" ckih'. territory Into Ihe cori'"r.t'' City of Winston-Salem tuillot with Ihe wont" thereon "Against Aim- '" . That for tha porpos- 1', scribed In this or.litisn.-e, " " ,: ir-J uf ,, Kill. rein -!t:oi He tlnallv jumped for his life from a third-story window. It is the height of criminal care lessness to attempt to fill an oil stove without turning out the flame and this,-capped with the mistake of get ting hold of a five-gallon can of gaso line instead of kerosene oil, made pos sible a catastrophe only limited by the scope of lives and property in reach of tho explosion and spread of the flames. Fortunately this was an Isolated country residence. What Is WHISTLE? W. U. Farrell und O. M. Thnrnti under con tract, of aale to the city; thence in u nnrih cuflturly course with th lines of mM O. M, Thomas and W. L. Kerr ell under contract off sttlo to th city feet to tha lln of Huensj Vyita Company; thence continuing said lintj In the sam course cromtlns; th valley TJfl' feet to Be than. a Road and th present boundary to th city, thence following thi present boundary line to the City of Wlnatoiv Salem. North Carolina, bacK to the place of beginning." Aaktnr that said contiguous territory be taken Into the corporate limits of said clt. as provided in chapter 190, private laws of 1917. THEREFORK BE IT ORDAINED; That the aald contiguous territory be taken Into the corporate limit of the said City f Winston-Salem, provided a majority of the qualified registered voters In said adjacent territory vote in favor thereof at the eleo tion hereinafter provided for, and that th boundaries of the territory to be annexed: are defined as set out In the foregoing description- That an election shall be held In the said adjacent territory on the 33rd day of Hep. tember. 191. at which election th qualified registered voters of said adjacent territory shall be allowed to voti for or against the annexation to the city of maid adjacent ter- thls ordinance be pos"' the city hull, an-i mm i in a newnpapur puiniHii-'J Wlnston-Hulem for at n prior to the opening of th tration. t That should Hny v''"1" " thoHe acting as JuU' r'y canny or vacancies .,,'.. peraon or persons .i ' " ' of W.nston-Halem ahal. V; By ordwr of Hoard -f A'- " w ii. H" Cfc!a.-JTiilil)wni 'arks & o T-snortV 9 rt 1 I1 I I J. .... ' '