TWIN-CITY SENTINEL. WINSTON-SALEM, IULY 22, 1920 mmmmmmmm I III mm seiitiiiel lltUniM KiMpt Sqadar) 0ih yaar Eatabllahed JiiO. OrFICB Fanllnal Bulldlas No. 141 LIDartf II. MRMRER THE AAHOrlATF.n TRT. Thl A orl ltd Pr.aa la laluilvaly anlltlM to tha un tor republication of III now dlapntch'i ertdltad to It or not oth.rwi.e crMltad In Ihla papar and alao ua local nawa publiabad htratn. TKLKFHOMC CONNECTION Kdltoi-IM Oir,a 16; City Kdlto Hi t'Afly Krtlter luilnsa Olflm, lionkktrplnf . Advar- tlalng. Want Ada, hWl-Waakly tl Ctrcuii.oa lpi ill HL'HH('KIITION BATES Wk:r auhtrrlptlana paid promptly at and of aatn wank, U cant. Olhar payabla alricily In advance aa fol- Iowa: BT CAKRIEB Ona yaar IT 10 II montha I 7f. 1 ,,,, ,11 Thraa montha , Ona montb) ,( BV MAIL Ona war , , tl.lfl On. Month IS Rir.fla rouui avarywhara ........ .da Entarsd aa aarond-claaa mattar at I hi poatoftlrs In Wlnaton-Salam N. C Hndar tba Act o( Oct. I. IHT. THVHKIMY, JllTf S3, 1020. A THOUGHT IOH THIS DAY Ikxly ml mind both iini-m- Klojrrd, our being Ikm-oiim a uron anal rvery ohjwl about as loathsome, even llio lifer ent. Kiwis anil application prxiin'' orilrr in our affairs, hrtp Hip IhmIx and cliif-rful-imm of nilwl. Tliiw niHkn n prrcloua lo our frlcnclx. If at any moment ihi raM-li jotir M'lf In lilli'iH'w, marl from II aa roil would Hut nm-lplro of gulf. Tliomaa Jefferson. FIGURES THAT ARE STARTLING THE SKN'TlNEL referred, a few days ago, to the fact that this state itood among the leaders In the entlra United States I ant year In the value of farm products." In an ud.Irewi this week before the annual meeting of the Bouthcrn Newspaper Publishers' Association, Mr. 1 A. Niven, of Birmingham, Ala., president of the Southern Farm 1'apere' Association, gave aome further fig ures on thla subject. ' He showed that North Carolina va fourth of ttll the states In point of crop values lust year, being surpnssed only by Texas, Iowa and Illinois. The great Tar Heel Htate led Kansas by 52, 000,000 and Missouri by $1S4,000, 000 and actually led by 1323.000,000 ths entire New England States. The small stuts of South Carolina lead Indiana by $17,000,000 and waa ulso ahead of Pennsylvania and New York by a goodly amount. Wisconsin which la looked upon ai ono of the great agricultural states, waa led by Mississippi. Ohio, Missouri, Minnesota, Nobrsska and Michigan were led by Georgia, The corn crop of the United States last year waa valued at a little less than $4,000,000,000 and the fifteen Southern fitatea produced approximate ly 81 per cent of the total valuo'of thla crop. And yet thla la a section which norne folk think of us being nothing but an all-cotton country where little If any, Corn la produced. Tet these figures show that more than one-third of ihe totul value of the 11119 corn crop waa produced In the South. The crop values of the thirteen Southern States In 1919 were greater than they were in the whola t'nlted States in 1900. In the ten year period from 1909 to 1919 the crop values of the thirteen Southern States jumped from $1,17,785,000 to $,H,O9l,000. Many of our own people, right hern at horns do not seem to realize that the average crop values per acre In the South arc much greater than they aro In the North and Kant. The average per acre crop value for farm crops in tho United States last year was $54.68 and the average for the thirteen Southern Statu was $67.1$. NorthCarollna's pur ai re crop value last year was $11.(0 and Iowa's $39.63. Taking- the South as a whole tha value of production per acre Is far ahead of the grain-producing states of the North and West. The average per acre value of tobacco in North Carolina In 1319 waa $286.37; cane syrup, $203.00; sweet potatoes, $134.00; peanuts, $91.00, and cotton $70.7. Winner or loser, Sir Thomas has Ihe admiration of American sportsmen. Along with his other accomplish ments Governor Itlckett is an udept In ths art of expressing a great deal of meaning in a few words. t They are already talking about gubernatorial candidates for 1924. Would it not be well to wait Juat a llttls while? Krult displayed at some places In ths city Is properly screened. It should be at every place where fruit Is kept for sal. ( Another municipality has just adopted a city plan. How much longer will Winston-Salem go with out one? Sanitary precautions are always right and proper, but they are never quite so Important ss during the hot season. Just a hint along thla line should, be sufficient. Colonel House has actually given out a statement on the situation In Europe. We did not suspect It was as bad as that. Turkey would do well to'do what she la going to do In a hurry. The patience of the allies can hardly be expected to continue Indefinitely. With Billy Sunday heading a fro- hlbltlon party ticket, the campaign would at least be guaranteed some spectacular features.- Candidate Harding seems to be trying mighty hard to leave the Im pression that he Is not going to con duct a "pussyfooting" campaign But how can he nave any other kind It he Stays on the platform. The above figures aro more than significant; they are really startling. They should be given all possible publicity by the various states In this auction. North Carolina, thru Its proposed new state-wide Chamber of Com merce or some other agency, should use these figures for all they are worth, particularly those relating to this stale's showing. The opportunity along that line Is too great to be neglected. What are we going to do about it? TWO (.IIAXTKH I-K'KNSK TO PREACH AT CONrKRKNCK Pilot Mountain, July 22. At the session of the Mt. Airy district con ference, M. E. Church, South, held here a few days ago, William Yancy Davenport, of Kockford, and Mlllls Odell Harvel, of Spray, were granted license to preach. Itcubcn Trultt, Jr preacher on Mount Airy I circuit, was recommended to annual conference for admission on trial. Mayodun was selected as the place for holding the next district con ference. Hon. A. I). Ivle, of I.eaksvllle, was re-elected district lay lender. Kevs. W. H. West, (1. W. Wil liams, J. W, Combs and T. S. Coble were elected licensing committee. Delegates to the annual con ference are: J. 8. Doll. Klkln; W. A. Mranson, Btokesdalc; Dr. It, K. U Fllppln. Pilot Mountain; A. D. Ivle. LeuksvUle; E. 11. KoehtlUky, Mount Airy; (5. W. Martin, Madison; J. C. lilchards, Mount Airy circuit, and Mrs. Dr. J. L. Woltz, Mount Airy. With W. Y. Davenport, Kockford: (1. C. Oamnion, I.eaksvllle; .1. M. Tarker, Mount Airy circuit, and Miss Lottie. M. Spcssard, Spray, us alternates. PACKAGES MI ST HEAIt STATKMENT OF QUANTITY Washington, July 2. Warning Was Issued today by the depart ment of agriculture lo Shippers of fruits and vegetables that Intaistate shipments In package form inim' hear a statement of the 'quantity of each package. Some shippers, the department said, are dlaregaril lng the provision of the federal food and drugs act which requires such labelling. YOU BUY FIRE INSURANCE as a matter of protection, but doubtless you have valuables which no amount of insurance would enable you to replace. You perhaps have heirlooms which to you are beyond price. You have important pa pers which, if burned, might cause you nedless trouble and worry. aers tr ,,il,,okla nnrl imnnrtant r U( LllCSI loluauiYf v . - - -1 this institution offcirs you a secure and con- vanient nlar!" filir hre-DrOOt VaUltS f vimvii j-' , - - a Boxes rent as low ts $3 a year. Wachovia Bank & Trust Company Capital and SurphjV$2,000,Q0P , Member Federal Reserve System SPECIAL VALUES IN RAINCOAT lee Window 1 bM)0 im. :. ii. ;i,i:. in ys i MOKE llO.Nl'lT.Ui STOCK Ashcvllle, July 22 Dr. E. H. : (ilenn has purchased the entire stock of the Merrlweatlier hospital, . according to an announcement made here. It la understood that the totul valuation of the property' together with the equipment is be-; tween $100,000 and $125,000. For; some time past Dr. Ulenn had h-'ld! controlling stock In his, one of tiie best equipped and largest hnspi'uls , in Asheville. I TOWN TOPICS Things Been and Heard by Sentinel Man Variety of Local Matters Discussed. IXTFREKTIXO CAMP. A Winston-Salem man waa at the women's training camp, near Ashe ville, this week and found the visit a thoroly interesting one, A total of 165 women are In this camp, living under military regtila Hons, and the daily routine is dilated to add very decidedly to t physical fitness of the women wj participate In the camp tralnin The camp at Asheville is or inree in tne rmumeastern section the country. They are design not to teach military routine, opt to give those entering the faip a chance to better themselw-HViiliv slcally. It has been found lary regulations are most ojpivl to this end. I The camps that have itfy estah limed tins year are not prov with government equipment, but those conducted next year lll be so equipped, It Is hoped, pr a bill to be Introduced In Co la passed by that body. The ramp at Asheville la Ca No. 2 of the Women's Training Corps. It is located on the Urove i'srk property, about a quarter of a mile front the famous Drove Park Inn. Women from various states are there and the experiment Is proving a most decided success In every way. A six weeks' course la given. Professional women who only have a two weeks' vacation have Ihe option of attending for lhal length of time. Mute Cocroft is greatly Impressed with the possibilities of thla training If North Carolina would do one fourth of ths advertising that some western states have been doing w would get enough desirable new residents within a few years to oc cupy much of that uncultivated land ' of which The Sentinel was talking a few days ago. Tha Richmond Times-Dispatch rises to remark that Virginia, "the mother of presidents," has had eight of her sons as chief executives of tha United States. Ohio's score, after the November election, will be only seven. Rut these two states are far In the lead of any 'others. Telegraph hours In Winston Salem, it has been snnounced by the Western Union, are going to be mar in keeping In the future with thla city's position aa tho largest community In North Carolina." That 'Is well.-" But there are some other lines, besides that of telegraph serv ice, la which more cjty-llke facili ties are needed. The Instructions given by Gov ernor Blckett to the military author ities the other 'day evidently ha 4 a sobering effect opon those who seemed bent upon a lynching tn Al amance county. A little determina tion and straight talk at auch a, time often has Quilts, a salutary Influence. And that la tha only way to handle i such a situation. The movement has Ihe sanction of the National Bureau of Educa tion, Which furnishes instructors; at the National Bureau of Health, and other departments of the govern ment. The National federation of Wom en's Clubs is behind this Training Corps proposition and prominent men and women of nation and state have given It their hearty aanctlon. Governor Blckett formally opened the. Asheville camp last week and Mrs, Blckett Is one of those who are taking the training. Miss Susannah Cocroft. the fa mous physical culture expert, whose system of training for women Is ns well known as that of Swoboda for men, la In charge of Ihe camp. She Is a charming woman, a perfect specimen of physical fitness herself, and she Is taking great Interest In the work of training tha women In the camp so that they may return home, after the course la finished, perfectly well. camp proposition. She fecla that a woman could not spend a vacation of a few weeks In ths summsr more prtawltuirHflan by tending one of decided advantage she remarked. MTfR-hlngly. "Vress tha usual wardrot for his wife erable sum, the necessary fir ths training caisjTSxonly Involves al outlay of 112." rill periods at e combination military rou- ng decidedly e pronounced those who have a few days, a rhented upon by p. Itant proposition Id Miss Cocroft, ce and efficiency g Is employed. It Is sense, reasonable way of developing real fflclency for women." BEING TALKED ABOUT. "I don't believe I had ever heard of Winston-Salem ten years ago," said Mr. W. J. Pape, of Waterbury, Conn., tn the Town Topics man. "Now I hear of it practically every where I go. "The wonderful progress of the community during Ihe past decade has certainly attracted attention. I know of very few communities of which this is true to such an ex tent." 7 ' - te camps, a. Jr "And It hasV FUf 1 vunnt Inn m , I RsV I . V . I nw"4 vii a, vvimii l ui i nutstlr a a ts lotnen have ll specwed poiirs and m ttllU'saJII. tY.lY3al.,V..,r. "V" baaTTSMSiar' beifsx nftt i , a w . u a. . ;Vn bVn In canta mci-wnaiientiy coif vrkt.dVV the ca Vlils Ii not a ill Aided i- :JL ... I. rfcress ..,no for C(,nv'., V military tralnirf simply a rojtli prf sii sTe Germany to Carry Out Agm-mcnU Berlin, July 21. The present tier-, man, government Intends to carry out the agreements entered into with the allies at Spa, Dr. Walter Slin-j ons, the foreign minister, declared In an Interview granted the news-' paper correspondents here today. He! added that tho previous govreninent; had not been sufficiently punctllll-i ous In carrying out the terms of tho) peace treaty. j What is the most economical j and efficient heating plant for my home? Ans. A Jewel Pipe less Furnace. Phone 787. tf The auction sale of the Mary J. Thompson farm near Clcm mons, Friday, July 23, at noon your chance to (jet a good farm. 7-22 Notice To Car Owners Our garage is now openuntil 10 P. M. Cars stored. Cars washed and repired. A mechanic op dutuntil 10 p. m. H. A. SCOT MOTOR CO. Moon Cars, Crow-Elkhart, Stewart Trucks Phone 2339 211 S.Liberty Street 7 FRANK S. GRIFFEN GENERAL CDOTRACTOR Concreting and Excavatir OFFICE OVER WINSTON Opposite Brown's New Ware bouse. t a Specialty Wem PAIXT CO. PhonJ BARBER PRINTING COMPANY COMMERCIALPRINTERS 2 1 9-22 1 LibertvSC PHONE 234 TRY SENTINEL WANT ADS FOR RESULTS Cincinnati Dry for Short Time. Cincinnati. July II. The business section of Cincinnati was without water this morning as a result of the breaking of a 40-Inch main which flooded Ihe territory in the vicinity of the break. The hydraulic ele vators In the office buildings could not operate and the occupants of the unices had to climb the stairs tn reach them. Scores of manufactur ers were unable to start because of the fear of boiler explosions. Communists Hold Conferoncv London, July SI. Fifty-one countries are represented at the second International Communist congress, which opened at Petro grad July 19, says a wireless mes sage from Moscow. Among the numerous delegates sre four from the I'nlted States, two from Great Britain, four each from France. Clermsny and Italy and one each from Mexico and Cuba. Colonel Henry Watterson, evl dently having tired of bombastlng j tha League of Nations, ass now gone ; to discussing the authorship of 8hakespeare's plays. He Is of the opinion that tha TUrd of Avon did not writ them. But how could any ; body who llkea a real tight as much as the Colonel does make up his mind to Indulge In such, a "molly. Handbags and suitcases For vacations we iiave bkn told our val ues are unequaled f ohejnoney. All kinds of vacation toggery to go in 'em, too! JftJltKrHB3TiaL OjOTHB3 t "V Tread m t A r 1 aCsMfJ reiWA I I .11 III rlj-J zv?!v Aft Ki.- r0 j All mmm w. vz mx TOm1 you ft m f S K ty,sa sa. wt -t, j-,- .1 -v . r jjlojuFE'-': y tire facts? o the : - mond Dealer! you Diamond service facts right from your town, facts that'll ike you take notice, and to Diamonds. H THE DIAMOND RUBBER COMPANY AKRON, OHIO ( . ' (Incorporated) ATLANTA BR.VNCn 28S-J85 PEACHTREE STREET, ' m ELECTRIC CLEANEK O AVE your energy and use the Premiti, w Only a bit of electric current and the work is done. No muscular strain, no weari ness or fatigue. You simply guide Prcmiet- it does all the work. As you demand satisfaction in buying, we will demonstrate Premier either at our store or in your home. Remember: The wise choice is toe happy choice. Moderate prices, Convcniedtlcrrns. ThePrLuer Costs. J$45.00 fflk The Atkchments .$ 10.00 I G. H. C. Stoney Fc State DlsUlbufcr iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiMiiiiiiii1111111 Hardware For the OIL STOVES LAWN MOWERS TEA KETTLES PERCOLATORS MEAT CHOPPERS BREAD MIXERS i i 'ES RTTIT JARS READ BOXES-, CE CREAM MW VASH BOILEBb ! SClAfENS OUR PRICES ARE M?ST REASONABLE Dalton Bros. Hardware d - 433 Trade Street i eo""' discussion t I iaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiuiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"11"""""1""1 n n