THE TWIN-CITY SENTINEL, WINSTON-SALEM, JULY 22. 1920 'llADW bn. He admitted that he struck Hartman. but denied that he struck him after he was down. FINE INTEREST IN THE pgloi anu u d rTiirth8 cases tried session of the rail- i(lirt totaled approximate! ' . k.,w fines were lm- P wl"" j ..., for ram-In a "n" . . l addition to P,.eJ triert a preliminary 1" given Will Thomas on f committing criminal being an cleven- ind uver I.) superior court L kft wa one of the n0t f1'1 . .u. h hpen presented !' consumed ln disposing rases neara wno iiiinian for carrying .uii wi'ftimn and for an as ,h deadly weapon, also the jerry, charging a ...i. Kurtman was fined ", h(. roatM In the pistol ease and th COKIS in UIB nnenun. Hfdlv weapon case. Holt 4 ,vi and the costs ln the n testified on the witness ,1 t,P and several mnrr mni, imt of Iho city gamuung mm impute rnft between hlm- jjnt over wno nsa wuii m Se "throws." Hartman said ,.i.a him down and held ,h(. Krmmd. During this time, he mifHeu nis which ou .niy. .... ;an unid h was drinking embered enougn to gei up vp after he had been as He wild he went home and , think shout how he had itcd and that he became so i that he took his pistol and and started toward the the assault. He said that a unce. this aide of where he .milted and robbed he met mnhlle find that somebody i that Holt was not in that ,n, he said, another car ;nng and he Immediately i pirtnl shots ln the direction min? Hartman admitted that he did the shooting, but that the treatment accoraea I driven him to It thru mad- Hoit said he was ln the ar and that one of the shots artman's pistol broke the Shield. He also said that aTa nhnut 5 R men at the here th gambling was going E Committees Met Last Night, General Enthusiasm Mani fested; Big Attendance A meeting of committeemen hav ing In charge arrangements for the Kiwanls-Itealtnr ba.n-ball gftme held a meeting last night to discuss progress and fine progress wan shown. The organization of both teams Is about complete, the star players having been picked from about fifty members by the captain of each club team. Mr. K, E. James is managing the, Realtor organiza tion while the fnmnus fan, John Brown. Is piloting the Klwanlans. The game is played fnr the bene fit of the Free Milk and Ice Fund. the Idea having presented itself to members of the Heal Kstate Deal ers' Association with the result that a challenge was Issued to the Kl wanlans. Kiwanlan John Hrown never takes a dare and never searches for an excuse, but true to the spirit of his organization he was Immediately In action with every member backing him. "Some con test" is promised. Tickets to the game will be dis tributed to Kiwanlan members for sale today or tomorrow and allot ments will be given each realtor at their meeting tomorrow night at the T. W. C. A. They have bnen plac ed on sale also at all drug stores and a number of young ladles have vol unteered their services ln promot ing the sales. A record attendance ' Is assured, and therefore a big boosts will be given the Free Milk and Ice Fund to be used ln feeding suffering chil dren of the city. ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE PROBABLY BE NEUTRAL S50 FINE If OS Little Sentinels on is DAVIS Charged With Selling Whiskey Denies It; Visitors Came To See Her Washington, July 22. Whether the Anti-Saloon League of America shall adopt a neutral attitude as between Senator Harding and Gov ernor Cox, the Republican and Dem ocratic presidential candidates, was discussed at length, but without re sult, at the opening session here to day of the executive committee of the league. The committee was called to determine what part the league Is to play in the national political campaign. The morning session was behind closed doors with a eergeant-at-arms on guard outside and it con tinued three hours before adjourn ment was taken for lunch. The die cussloh was continued later. It was reported that & majority or the speakers at the morning see slon favored a neutral stand as be tween the candidates. No votes were taken, however. Mrs. E. M. Davis, charged with retailing whiskey, was fined 1150 and the costs in the municipal court this morning. A six months'' sus pended Jail sentence was also placed over the woman, (h plait to Issue if sue is caught violating the whiskey laws for a period of two years. A white woman, a neighbor of Mrs. Davis, testified that she bought whiskey from her on several occa sions Occasionally she bought a 60 cent drink, or dollar's worth and sometimes three dollars worth. The witness also stated that she had reason to believe that whiskey was being sold to other persons. Who also stated that a man, whose name she gave, bought her some whiskey on one occasion. MrH. Davis, who was convicted of the same offense several weeks ago, denied that she had sold the witness any whiskey, but admitted that she had frequent callers, among them men, who came not to buy whiskey, but to admire her beauty. She also Informed the solicitor that she was In the market for a husband and that some of the callers Were court ing her. She stated that she hasn't trial sold any whiskey since her former The defandtnt also stated that the witness, who testified she had bought whiskey, whs mad because her chickens had gotten out on her lot. Municipal Court Alonso I'age, colored, was taxed with the costs for operating an au tomoblle with the rut-out open. Ed Suits, colored, charged wit disposing of mortgaged propert some furniture belonging to tl Wells-Hrletx Company, was tried th morning and Judgment left open give him an opportunity to mal good the debt of 47. Suits said was ready to pay the amount du when he was arrested. Dewey Rlanklnxhip, a young whit man, who was brought into court on a capias for falling to support his wife, thru his attorney, stated that he was ready to go to his father's home in Virginia and that his wife had agreed to go with him. Here tofore, he snld, she refused to leave her parents' home in this elty. Click's $1.00 Wine of Extract Cod Liver Oil. Big special price 63c, at Basketeria and other stores. - 7-23 Ont Again. The many friends of W. ('. Hlaiitun, manager of tha Haw-ktna-Rlanton Co., were delighted to see him down town yesterday after noon for the first time lnc hla re cent Critical illness with appendici tis. He hopes in a few days to be able to resnme duties at the stors. To Ase. Messrs. Rawls, Wilde, Voela and Hawley, of the Gilmer store, left this morning for High Point where they will assist Friday night In the reopening of the newly enlarged Ollmer store and the open ing of the new bakery there, (ireally increased floor space and added de partments will make the High Point store the leading mercantile estab lishment of the Furniture City. Animal Varatlonr-1. W. Crews, who conducts a truck farm and owns an orange orchard at Wsuohit la, Fla., is spending his annual va cation in this section, lie Is a na tive of Torsyth and for severul years was engaged In the tobacco manufacturing business with his brother, T. A. Crews, at Walker town and Kernersvllle. He Is well pleased with hi Florida home and declares that the climate In hla sec tion is Just as delightful as any Ip North Carolina. ( b-cus Coming WlnstourSlcm's first circus of the year is announced for Friday. August . when the Khnda Hoyal three-ring outfit will exhibit Inside the race track 't the Piedmont park. The advance tar Is here today making necessary contracts and will he followed in a few davs bv the advertising crew. A big menagerie Is carried with this circus which Is declared by the ao vance representative to b a, genuine circus treat this season. "The) Pilot" Huggt'd. Another name I . sr1 111 "t for the new jMrtcT A Vifflun-Ha1em lady new hotel by railing I honoring landmark o country. lotels and er notable he lorallty generally ed. This vert lac the nountaln of uggests the el that the the mountain, to all way- wrlUS: "Irnt -trisk naed 'TUP Pilot,' the ti-lsis' fUenlbn to aVl J anclalil and hieffacabl fir al tils sectVn of l The ustom of lamgl I geo-aphJ reatis org t r y 'a i .. 4 and lftry njrvy V'ir nanxl will u onl 1 r! uniuifti an biiutiiui i North Cstfiltnif. but Fh 'I mo llci t the i . ... a m m r Indian of Mhad Mr I a pilot pointed thypath j iarrra. r TRINITY SUNDAY SCHOOL HAS A GREAT PICNIC About 40o Sunday school scholar aid their friends of Trinity Mo ravian Sunday school visited Frled berg yesterd.ty afternoon. Th oc casion was pronounced the hem en tertainment ever attempted at Trin ity. Promptly at I o'clock the trucks left the church lawn with. the noisv merry makers. Hupt. T. K. John son's plnns for transportation and arrangements were carefully riade, and the srhedul was promptly and successfully carried out. At hriedberg the afternoon was spent In games and a variety of amusements, carefully plnnned and unusuully appealing. The plans for contests and piixes detailed bv Miss wurreschk provoked much mirth. Peanut scrambles enlivened the gathering at odd Intervals. Mr. Zeno KnntiRM brought down twenfir large watermelons and presented them to the school. These were rnjoved hugely by all present. Mr. rtwr- lle Ulna contributed three hooches of bananas and these were distrib uted to all comers. The generosity of these gentlemen added largely to the enjoyment of the occasion. Bishop Rondthsler was a guest during the afternoon, and asked blessing nt the supper table. There were 130 baskets of fond upon the table and the large crowd gave It careful attention. The prises awarded during the afternoon were as follows: Hest climber. Arline Knotise; best runner, Roy Peace: best high Junip er, Hynuni Krnest; best long Juniper, Athol Pence; best whistler, Fannie Miller; best hopper, Margaret Fish er; best rope Jumper, Alberta, Fish er; best Jack rocker, E. E. Turner, with Her In I,, Hlne a close second; best rock thrower (lady), Mrs. Fred Mock; beat yeller (lady), Mrs. L. M. Cravor; best horseshoe thrower, Coy Yokeley; kest summersetter, Paul Hege; best headstaoder, Arline Knouse. Among the complimentary prises awarded were; Youngest hahy, io of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Spaugh. age six' weeks; oldest Sunday school scholar, K. E. Knouse; bride's medal, Mrs. D. I.. Klghta; most distin guished i visitor. . Hlshop F.dward Kondthaler; hest Mivefeaster, James P, Crouch; largest family, Mrs. O. H. Fisher, .with eight members of the family along. Tie extra grand prtie for the one present wlut could) wiggle hla cure was won fcy Kuesell Crater, altho there Were several other noteworthy contestantM. "1TY I'l,AN5f0 FOK WjrMINGTON FHOPOHKU Wilmington. July 22. Future growth and expansion of Wilmington la to be cared for by a commission invested with authority to act ln matters regarding city planning. If the ideas of the city planning com mittee are carried out and receive the support of the city. Click's 35c Vanishing Cream only 24c jar. 7-23 FARMER IS ARRESTED C. F. Barker, Changed With Making "Moonshine" Whis key, I'leada Gollty Danville, July 12. What the rev enue officers consider the most Im portant scixiire that has been made ln this section for some tiu was made yesterday near Hoxwood, Hen ry county, when O, F. Marker, a prominent former, was arrested on a charge of illicit distilling. Itarker was brought here and arraigned he- fore Meade II. Flynn, t'nlted States! Commtasioircr, pleaded guilty andi was released under 11.000 ball for hlssppoarance ut the September trin of the fedvrsl court. Barker will also appear nt Mnrllnavlll to day and bn bonded on an additional rhargn of having violated the state Isw "The capture of Barker" sold fsi nty Marshal Creeshsw last night, "la I.I1T, 1,1 IT,-,", llll, ,IH ,l, IK.nj Been man, in our opinion, imrser has been the head of th hand of moonshiners who have supplied Imnvllln and this section for the past year. He is known In hM territory as the head of the moonshine ring. tie la a dnngeoiis man and we have been after him for a long time." Officer Crenshaw also stated to a reporter for thin paper that alm a the killing nt lliw Thomas Inst week, by officers, the men tngaged ln the illicit liquor traffic had become des perate, lie eald that from now on It was war to the end between law and those who had made tip their minds t evade the law, and no nf tli'ers life was safe who Invsdsd their territory. Yesterdays raid win made Deputy Marshal Crenshaw. V. T. Stwlton, prohibition Inspector, snl two of ficers from fpru, V C. Th capture rnnslxted of two stills that had a capacity of 200 gallons each, and thrae thousand gallons of Iwer. Only a small quantity of whlskay w: found, but there wi conclusive evi dence thai tha plant was an old on sad tint recently a large amount was renmved and dispose! of. I-nks.llU- Has I.IW population. Washlnaton, July Tl. The census bureau announced ths population of I,.ksvlll. N. C as 1,00. Increase 6, or 42 li per cnt. ' ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine omniimiilMniiajiiillililutl RHEUMATJSM h rompletely tern by the celrl Water. I'oaiti monay-hejek offel a trifle. DwIITere' lit of tha sys- Dlvar Mineral uaranteed by Tastes fine; costs ssywhar by nor Wlnston-flalem agents, Cromer Bros. Co, Phone them. adv. 1 C.hf I.K-fOl.TU (K.AIt UX, Charlotte, N. C. Distributors for (lie ffcroMaa Rayer Tubl fof Aspirin" la gen uine Aspirin p.d safe fcy million ami prescribe! by physician for over twenty years. AeYept only an unbroken "Ksr package'" which contains proper aMrscttnna to relieve Headache, Toothache. F.araehe, Neu ral r la. Ithatimatlsm, Colds and Pain. Mndy tin baa of II tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell larg er "Mayer packages." Aspirin U trade mark liaysr Manufacture Mon oaretlcactdnatsr of Bullcyllcaeld. Adv. Iltwcwa tried o boltlaof the Ara CooICs Ifo the fee? ihlni You'll say ao JJ I ety U LA -r"T ."t CM. v eay wm J'JtSaWSi--.-; f" tiI . j July Furniture Sale You Should Go Out of Your Way to Buy Furniture at thi20 Off Sale " Before you buy another piece of furniture, or an furnishings for your Home, think where you can get the greatest values for your fnoney. Think of how long that furniture is going to last, whether it will give the kind of service you have a right to expect, and whether the merchant who sold it to you is going to stand back of it. Nowhere in the city will you be ablato buy ucH good furniture at such low prices as you can here during this great sale. No here will you find the service that is given here .and no matter what you bV wl ether it be a foot stool or a complete SUltp. vnn will rrof iVio onm caiarantee oteatEiaction. - " ' . V V TTAAA j V V11V 'se' q Unquestionably it will be monthiTrhps"years, before there will be another selling event quite like this one, and at the risk of seeming persistent we earnestly urge you to come in during the days of this sale and see why we sincerely believe this to be the greatest sale of them all. Time-Test Furniture Company 517-19 N. Liberty St. Opposite Postoffice A new kind of Furniture Store for all the people Hbest in the lon C rU N H P5jO NOT aUcnfe high jLJ praise . ven.Suverfown Cords to.malte yoirthinli they must be expeiipive.Xhey are best in the long run-cheapest in the end. Goodrich tAmcricas First Cord Tire Hhe Goodrich Mustmertt 'Basts t Silver town Cords, 8000 Miles Fabric Tireil 6000 Utiles 1 1 i 1 1 : - -- - ' V;-

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