TWIN GIT Y SENTINEL vnRTH CAROLINA'S LARGEST .CITY U. S. CENSUS) Leads All North Carolina Dailies in Home Circulation Twenty Pages Today -LAST EDITION RTY-SECOND YEAR FULL I.KASKD W1HB 8ERV1C OF THS ASSOCIATED FXIM WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1922 Weather: Rain EJECTS TREATY HARDING MAY ASK POPULAR VERBIC . . . . A. A. A. A. 'A A A A A A A A in N OR MORE PERSONS OTHEAST OKLAHOMA mexicans british ships at gowan: ordered seized, Irsuredbydherty I TORNADO KILLS DOZE . . . j-w r J Uur. Okla., Wie ueaa, r Half a Dozen Utners Seriously Injured ELL1NT.S WRECKED . . . ti kill Also misincu i ".ni Sunrise, Fa., And xMany At Sulphur Fstlinaled 150 tm Are Homeless; yuecr uks liuyed H.V Tornado ,i: iMcr. Okla., unrcii Risen s were killed and a seriously Injured by lo tlial leu'lcd a path thru a mining vllliigo 13 miles ( h(Ti last night, aocord- Dr. W. V. sums, of llurt- nhfi rclufiu'd to his ... . inlay alter assisting work at llie stiicken town fclgiit. Most I t"c ucf ijurcd arc Mexicans, Dr. alv Many ihtsoiis were i injured. ' OFYIIIS lil'.l'wm''"' isinft. Ark.. .Marrli n. :iilo sweeping dim farm- kiitlotis nl .lellcrsoii mm Hr county early today t,k- loll of four whiles aim and wrecked turni uml oilier houses, uc- tiur to meager reports B.K TOWN l)l',.llli.'-' on Kongo. l.a., Slnrxn n - h settlement of Sunns', !ln west Baton Kongo Jar-. xi practically obliterated miiriiiiiir when a tornado , it. Two iKTsons were . Ill injured and a nuni- tr dwellings were denioU.sli curding to reports reach. Both Had Liquor on Board And Were Tranferring It To the Coast By Small Boats OUTSIDE THE 3-MILE LIMIT Test Case To lto Made; V. S. Claims PtH-lslon In ltiisslaii Seal Case, Made In 188H, Covers This Af fair; The Ophlion Was Writ ten By lord Sjdlsbiiry piles .i-ster, (ik la., March it ilexieans were killed last khui a tornado swept me section of tiawen, a sil mils east of here, aecord-relU-f workers from Harts- n'h.i returned to their homes )hrthinic la six miles from Wire communication be ier una tlowen H demoral- Waahlngton, March 14. Attorney General Daughetty's Instructions that proceedings be Instituted against British vessels. Grace and Ruby, held at Boston as a liquor' smuggler, niuy establish thv right of tho government to seize foreign vessels for violation of the prohibi tion laws, even tho they are beyond the three-mile limit, it was indicated today nt the Justice department. Tho tost to be applied at Boston was to determine whether the Grace and Ruby, which were operating four miles at sea. could he held to have been const nictlvely within the three- mile limit because lluuor was brought ashore in . the ships' own small boats. Authority for such a construction of government jurisdiction was said to be found In what is known an the Russian seal ease. In this ease, it was recalled, the British Columbian steamer Arunah was seized by Rus sia In 1S88 for taking seals In tl Behring Sea when she was off Cop r,., iii,nii about six miles off near est land. It appeared In that case that the crew or me sicaim-i ... carrying on their operations in ca noes about a half mile from the SbLord Salisbury, of the British gov ernment, in his opinion on tlio case, held that "even if the Arunah at the time of the seizure was herself out side the three-mile territorial limit, tho fact thut she was by 'B"S r her boats, carrying on fishing with in Russian waters without Ihe pre scribed license, warranted her m ure and confiscation according to me provision of the Marine law regu lating the use of these waters. New York Girls Say It Costs $250 A Year For Proper Clothes New York. March 14. It costs New York tilrls at least $2.V an nually to clotltc themselves prop erly, members of the U-agiie of tilrl's Clubs announced today. Today's reimrt tiled after the working girls composing tho league, had answered a quest lon nalre on the subject, declared that Tojs-ka, Kansas, anil Chicago estimates arc too low for New York. . A recent rcnon of the tlnillng of Topcka merchants declared that $82 was a sullleleiit dress allow ance for a working girl. Chicago girls lata-r irtflMa-ul tliey twuld dnss proix'rly on $117 annually. IV) keep up upH'iirances to New York business standards. New York girls claim their clothe al lowance can lie no lower than given In tho following Itenw: Olio milt, $30: one coat, S.'O; slioes, $16: tme dozen hosts $U: lingerie, S.H; hats, gloves, $10; walsus and dresses, $H0. PDU WILL MAKE WHEAT WAS KING KEYNDTESPEECH' OF U. S. EXPORTS EBB DEMOCRATS IBTHEPASTYEAB Will Be Temporary Chairman Of State Convention on Invi tation of Norwood THORN E OITT FOR Jl'IKIE STOCK PR0M0TOR ALLEGED TO HAVE GOTTENAMIlUONj IliH ky .Mount Man To Contest Willi Judge tiisirge Connor I'or IMaco On Supreme Court llcnoh; Houghton Will Probably Uuu Again In l:ightli District Dethroned King Cotton Vat First Time in History; Value Exports $551,000,000 VALUE COTTON $531,000,000 JU'iif Tolmoco Slauds fourth In Value of i:xHrls With $205,000. 000: America Is" Now I'.npoii lug ltle Sidling H.40A.000 Pounds To Others In 1821 Federal And State Income Taxes Roll Into The Collectors Seymour J. Cox Arrested On Federal Warrant; Used Mails To Defraud (Uy PARKKH It, ANDERSON.) Washington. March 14, Congress man Kd win W. l.'ou, of tho Fourth North Carolina district, lias been selected as temporary chairman und will mako the keynote speech at 1h Demoiratlc tato convention, which meets in, Raleigh in dune. Chair man Norwood yesterday tendered the honor to Mr. Foil, and he haa wired hiH acceptance. ' l'ou. Claudo Kltchln and Senator Simmons are tho only remaining members of the Mouse and Senate who- cftiuo lo Congress - attur lha "fusion" days, l'ou Is a member of the congressional coniniHteo and is tho closest friend former l'resldunt 'Wilson has in Congress. It Is said .t,f tom-i came to Wilson's eyes when l'ou told him good-bye at th CASE GRAND JURY SOON Companies Which Houston Man Pro moted Been Subject of Much leg islation; Judge lleccntly Killed Ono of These Companies Wits Not Insolvent; No Receiver il lUioc at Sulphur. Okla. ur. tiki... March 14. One i killed and halt a dozen ro!',s. were In a hospital se ItUiuvd today as a result of elo. winch ripped thru the It of h: city late yester Mkine ahnm 60 buildings, rop-rtv damage estimated !l,iii eiio Several of the se ajared were not expected to '.'ir workers began clearing If'iri'i at day break. Ap 'ilv, i 0 persons are, home !i are being earad for in f" K'nih esenned the path ti-rr..nUi. Several score of art nursing minor injuries, '.urnail.i swooped down from ''I'.'.ast passing over the east 'ilen nf ;. rty anri dropped ' west side, leveling a path 'i's ill width and more than mile long. Most of the strue s ih . twister's path were cs. The courthouse and the f'i'in i lunch were deniol ;!M the roof of the .Methodist "(rr'.eJ away. S'J" a northward course ii'ia ..ft as it passed out of I' d- m ended again and de '"' Cc.rV i impel school house !'s ie rn of hi.pff ilil lit Siinr!ui 1 .n l.a March 14. A ; the settlement of "e this morning, kill- . injuring eight and T-mtmbcr of hnttses, ports received here. BILL HAYWOOD AT HEAD IRON WORKS American I. W. W. Gets Soviet Concession -To Start Big. Plant; Employ Americans ,i","". u crouu ("Rig Bill") uaywoou ..r;.. March H""":"" 001 W 1J. to a con-Nadeji- ihe Ural, . . . ,.inTl I V. T-Vemi.' r Lenine has granted ,.i in ooerate the bib ? ""."lVnn. "nar of the' coal SlneHin Basin and aux; Diary factories. Havwood disappeared 'niteu r,iaien j--- .r r,rtpr receiving a oa.uuw -".,,, ,, other llll ...... ;,ad been convicted the goveni- Ilouston. Tex., March 14. The case of Seymour .1. fox. of Houston, promoter, arrested In New York last night and alleged to have defrauded investors out of 1. 000,000 thru the sale of worthless oil stocks, will bo laid before the federal grand Jury now in session here and ho may come to trial at the present term or court, local federal otlicers an wt iniiiiv. His bond has been fixed at $25,000. ie n Mim-k. uoBta Inspector, said Cox is alleged to have used the mails to send out circulars, myo graphs and statements which were fraudulent in connection with the promotion of the oil company. The companies which hu pro moted hav been the subject of con siderable litigation. While fox -was in France, entering his airplanes In the race for the James Cordon l.en nott trophy, the lieneral till com ........ ..a nut Into the hands of a re ceiver and Cox was enjoined from acting as president of the company. New -trustees were -appointed. At ..i,t iho siiine time creditors oi in General Oil Company, uf.ielt rnllllianv, Hied oroecedings against the 'company., ho ll iluti heson said nnn.iiv "was not Insolvent' for a time tho lieneral Oil company progressed under the receiver. i,..niK- .rmlL'o W. K. Montelth White House Just prior to March 4, 14?1 when Wilson was about to re tire to private life. ' Tlxmie to Onnose Connor. T. T. Thorne, of Itocky Mount, has rietlnitclv decided to oppose Jtldg Georgs Connor, for the superior court Judgeship in the coming elec- tion. Thorne i a former member of the state legislature. Both men are popular. ' Ooiighloil to Hun Again. Congressman Houghton, who re turned to Washington today, stated that he would give out a statement in a few davs as to whether he would be a candidate to succeed himself ill Congress. Houghton had not in lendod to tun, but his Hemocratlc supporters ure urging him to recon sider it is likely he will now be candidate. To Contest With Crimes. Alfred. McLean and Frnnk Hamp ton returned irom niiieuii after attending tho stale executive meeting. McLean has ilellnltely de cided In be a candidate for secretary- or -stale against- Col. Uryau G rimes. All Kliglhlcs DenMHiriHs. . l' a .-..Wi-eiii-h.- Joseph Doughtntl and James .loines are on the eligible j list for appointment as postmaster at j Sparta. All Ibree, it Is said, me. Iiemooi-ats. Representative Hough-1 ton Is tnaking no tiithl against snyl Republican of good character who wants to be postmaster. 11 thinks I tlio tobs belong to Ihe Republicans j "0 000 UUU while tile aomioisi . in iun .o . ...,.. bankruptcy! of a majority of the G O. V I ivll service"na ,m that tlieiniHsiers will I"' neiu . l"ii i following aeancies. ii..",, lands, Leakavllle, Morven, 1'lttslioro, Spray and Sylvia. Washington. March 14 Wheat was king of exports in lti'Jl. An analysis of I2l exports of thirty-two of1 Ihe principal ugrlcul-j tu nil products In the l iuted Stales,! made public today by the liepiut menl of Agriculture, shows that more wheat was exported dining last year than In any preceding year In the history of the country and that for the first time ine ex port value of wheat and wheat flour exceeded the value of cotloti ex ports. Kxports of corn In 1921, In eluding l orn ' inen) Converted Into terms of corn, wem larger than In any year since 1 900. Hlnco 1919 the I'nitcl States has become an purler of rice, the exports of 405,000 pounds of rice in Ing more than the average the five Raleigh. March 1 1 (sNslul 1 I'sipaylng t ine, state and fed eral, Is tuinglng mntiy Ihoiisniiils Into the hnntU o( Intel lull l ol-lis-tor t.llllam (.iIhsoiii and tViu nilwloner of llevemie A. I. Malts. V,ilm-lay Is the la day oil which the Income iaw may lie paid wit bout the troublesome s unities. I'nymeiii.H nn HiiHiog into IhiiIi slate uml fiilcial ofllei'H today lis Ijie Until hour lip peso In s. Then" K of coiirw, no way o( eslimnllng how much the departments will i iiilei t, but It will he a good-slisl tori one for a doii'ii eltl'cim who are In the hub ll of thinking In big tlgurc. The fisleral olltce will collect I bo big end of the North turn Una tuiw heenuse ll starls Ihe slate to n luindlcap by levying tour imt trnt where only one per cent Is levied by local olllclals Till' slate e i peels lo collect scl eral millions when the return are lotahs! mid the Federal govern ineiil will hate several times that IIIIIOIIIII. BUTLER POINTS OUT DEFECTS IN ON FOUR-POWER OFFERS BY FORD TREATY TODAY KnRst rum's Attorney File ( Supplementary Brief On Muscle Shoals Lease FORD ASKING TOO MUCH (.oMinmtnt Would llaie To Spend (110,0011,000 Tu Complete limits; On Top Or This lietrolt Man Would Got I'roperty Worth N,V000,00 For $.t,000,0tl0 F IGHT RENEWED Supporters ofthe Four-Power Pact Took Offensive !n The Dchate THREE SPEECHES MADH 192 ex 1 be- twenly-lhres times annual rice exports in ar period of 1910-1914. Ti,.. iiinioulturnl exports during 19SI and their declared val ues were: Whent and wheat flour, ?r,r.l,- nimouo: lotion i:.3i,ihui.""", i"' and pork products, $2411,000.000; leaf ooo.ooO; corn and omi, ono; sugar, COART TELLS HIS STOWim TO GEORGIA II .... Feurooi And MCuinhn liitimstrt President May Withdraw Other Trealles If Seimto Hefusen To Untlfy 4-Tower Treaty Walsh SlM'iiks Against llntlllctitlon Including bud, tnbiieeo. $211.1. corn meal, $97, $49,0(10.000; rye ,iii,iiiiniwi. ,.,.i,,I,,iihci1 alio eaiioi- ated m'llU. '$;lH.oo.00ii; cot Ion M-ed oil $24,000,0110; rlc. fi 1 ,000,000, and barley $21,000,0110. Kxports which showed an Increase in iiuantlly over .1920 wore; Wheat, cotton, corn. rice, barley, pork and pork products except bacon, oleo oil, cotton seed oil and cake, re fined, sugar, green apples, eggs, to- I co. dried apples, dried apricots and dried prunes. Kxpor s wh c sliowed a dscreuso I" uuiintlly wtre wheat flour, rice and rye u', ""'" beef, hucon, butler and cheese, con densed milk, potatoes, . hops, jtiiou peaches and raisins. Wheat exports 'totaled 879.M9. 000 liushels. as compared wllh K97.0UO bushels In 192. but the val ue was $432.5.on In 192 1 as . pared with !.M0i:! .lecieas,, of more ins" 1 ,-. Kxports or wheal flour wen mm nun l. reels In 1921. w llll clared valu of $ 1 I 7.0'.",mi" '',-"m, pared with $I.k4.uuii nane.s ii-n - at ' - - Cotton exports in 1921 total... r.TK 1100 bales or I. II 11 p.mioo. ...f,l, .. ,,, nf tr,4 .43,0U, hales vaioe.i Declares Man He Killed Had Wrecked His Home And Crushed His Life WIDOW ALSO A WITNESS llo.M 1'ollt-r of Slicing Hold III Scnsiillounl Gisirgin Mur der; Witness For Male And He reuse An' At Odds And Family Sivn-1 Are Brought Out l'i rle- In Mild from.! the vhlle under .... . ...... , O.I,.,, u., denied a petition oi ceiuun v-,....r,., creditors, asking that the property of the General Oil company be so d . .....i..., .ludae Montelth held at at,, i.w,.. - it ' would not oe I.... OI WIIUUI d .- each, eoin - th. ap- . I.. fully with a that i,ii.,i,icrB many lieared ill court in opiiuo." oetition. Just what plans would be taken to llnance the company were decided upon out .iuuhu ....... teith held that tne selling .. nropertv must be decided upon soon. Willing lo Go Back. New York. March 14. Seymour T Cox promoter, of Houston. Texas, -ith defrauding investors I federal S HF.INC MADE m OHEXCHAIN CASE .Al,e!,-s. March 14. Argu 'he ease of Mrs;- Madelynn tarn .n trjal for tne mur(ier " sw,, thenrt, J. Bolton Ken 're :,, iH, .,,sume(j with the 'f "f (hiu itinfTiinir r1" H Krieke. denntv district ! opin-d for the state yes- flw-lling upon the defend-bti-e.w ...j,h li'pnnpHu and O r' f'-ndant, Ralph Burch. I .,,rH uoencnain oau ae r husband, Howard '" "rely as a matter of and had love for no she had married Oben- she wifinted some re of her." ' I. lie referring to the "oi by Obenchain for lfr, that It was ap- "hypn'rlzed. blimj i( f ituuted by this de- I he continued to do said. prison sentence t w W'.'s. who oi c""i , part not mem. o.- o.-- . . Th,..j i,, in the deliberations of the Thud in ternationale at .uosco. It is stipulated that 4.S00 i Am.,.innn workers. quauueu jiu'"' . , , ,..,1,,irht nersonnel, shall be bioUMH , ltossia to operale the properties "'fc 11(I(W)UU in worthless stocks, nd -hat each of then, mus pur- -.,,,,01-ion and removal Pro- oiu siou worm "' . . .i n. vhn arraiKiieu 4 mem s ... . rhw sign an ... .h rules of the soviet labor c m mittee. , ,i,.L,'wer any complaints against The announcement s,.. . t has assigned $.(01).""" isom-i ...... ..k - nrtortaklnir. toward tlnaiieiiiK . "", i It also will provide woou 10 homes for workers and assigned 27, Soo Borland for aoultur American workmen are to be ed inlo a.rade union assoe'a' The whole prouucuoii ... concelon is'to go to the . govern- which unaeriae w , - nnTTnm miniiomv bUI lull IIIUUOIM miniiin i nin nun Mm A D1U bAIH .., .1 wllh li. 229. 000 $l.:ili;.4U.000 exporteil Hi 19-"' . tiiee-se imports Increase 140 0011 pounds In 1920 lo 2I..8I.O, i oounds In 1921. Imi'orts f "gK" tin the shell lumned I mm dozen,' 3.0113 000 dozen1. '1'iJ. ,i..i,i.eini..nt asserts that iU9,OO0 a n analysis of American rnieu.ii i i,.,.,Lmnl,,ii. without taking aecount both uuunlltv and value for trade inlo altbo exports or many leaning . culturiil products show a large ln i lease In iiunntltv, declines III value i ..rru.,i Hie oosslble gain In February Milk I teed 473,073t(1;.riv..ii from increased iu.tity. Hales as Compared With 395, 11"), February last Year 'I'ulbolton. (la , March 14. - Major I. eo II. Court look the witness stand in Talbol t superior court I bis morn ing ltd ("Id his own story nf the troubles hauling up lo his si lug of A It, McNIcce, county school sup eiiniemlenl. u the olllce of tho lul ter at the county courthouse liwi fall. McNluc. had vn'MCkud his. home and crushed his life, he said, iittd con tinued lo violair T. pcatcd promises to stay awnv rioni the h leuv.. Mrs Coal I alone. tvl , noi l enlivened - tndnv-' ths ul:,l.. i.oiiniinced that II would res: Ion th., lesliinony of Mrs. McNI.-ce whU b was the seiisiMoii of the llrsl I day or the This u. llon look I III,, defense lomphioly b.,V SIM Illise. I ic..,. ,. I,,i, oliHiillllllon IIIIIOIIK de- fed, laol's iHWyers It was announced Hint Coiiii would lake Ihi' Miami ami tell his own stniy. Ma or I 'mil I detailed many alleged of Intimate association lietweell MeNlec.i and M rs. Cuart and mid ho had tunc and again warned liolh wife and the. sciiooi niipenn- lendi'til' that tlir'.r cease. (in,lhi day of the tragedy l... ,i.lo went to the olllce Ml..,.,, li, ask lilni to desist, froitl course. Aft'-r soino lale, that McNP-ci. "Major, I after our i part as Wiishiuslon, March 14 .I leelarai lion that It would "b most, tm piotldent lo lease Muscle Shoals wllh all of this eiiornious Water power suriendeieil and moiigiiged lo n pilvato monopoly tor 100 yours or inoie" Is loiilaineil In it supple mental brief tiled today with the house mlltluiy iiJlalis comnillleii by fiKiiner Senator llutbo, of North Carolina, acting legal adviser to I'redeilck F.. Kussliuin, of Wllmlng. ton, N. C Mi. Kngslruin's offei' for coiupbilon and lease of the Muscle Hhrutl ' projects Is not hefors thu commit lee, together wllh offers from Henry Foul and Ihe Alabama J'ow cr coinpiiny, Tho brief directs commuter's nt- ioti to various piovlslotis of the Ford and Kngnlruin offers and do. Clares thai the operation of nitrate plants at Muscle Shoals should be authorised, to uulrkly supply, needs of the. fanners. While Mr, Butler asks particularly for Ihe operation of nltralo plant No. I, which, he says, "ciiu be easily leniodt'led so n lo iihiloi II woik with conipleto suc iess," he contends that no time should he b'st In pulling plant No. 'i til work on full limn. The amendment on iIim Ford offer. vldliiM thai the operaiing shall be eitpltalliteii pro iiuiiy It proposes lit $IO0"OOIIO, the brief HSi'HS, .. "that neither ' ' V'I! ,'i i Ji nor lb" general public will be ,,rnted to Ibe extent t '" l'l'M,l' by Ihe caplliillKHtl""' 1 ..J!,, .1,.' o.h. r ban. ," the docu meni adds, "II means ihe lobliety id lie people "ml lbs Indusl rh'S of sec ,Ll .ircle 1.000 miles long, means rotdng of ssiiculliiiu for J . " ,.f lln, belieltt of llll , . i.ii.i in, : " I Ilil I eliol lll" ilu. ing rhenp II iiiMntll'l ,,,,'u, plant and ihat by ' eioellslve evllllliliu I" ' ' , . !"s,d for nitrogen In sgrleul- lr Butler ""Id, 'is Increas ,,.,, Ml. I. ll"' I ,. r . rut" "f ' ' I" , , . .i . .....ill will be ,.,.! worse at H" end nine ami one nan j- - i ..t i .ears, o" ' ' .. :,, I... ds for no run.... - olid tie siipi"'"" n ...... HIT whole l.uiiu.""" ...... mis cheap power tor ll.i- fWlllWIr- , XH pl I"" ii'ded lo run the til mil sou of idds. relations mnsl he said of Me- his wrangling he. said ) what Is your giinui: llere paihwiiv fibiill he as far possible" McNleee Ihen arose irom ins n..., anger. He oeciareo. "I thought he had il shot blm." "I have laii In Jail m koif.', I days walt- lov at lb mid our llll pei tlii. next "A! th' "our Ki,ater than : W""' Oooed at Muscle which can " " ' AUe'tloh of the "'I""" ' ror no. - ,,Mcltv inen i... ; or offering to ''"dl Hinted "for I"'" ' . ' i ...f. ctieap li."'. at Ml v. nrs to producing ' Hgrle RefirelKO srvK" Washington. March 14 Cotton consumed during 1-eliruary aiiioun-, led to 473. 07 bales of lint and .'!.- j I ,,liv Hi' stated his affairs , sno bales of lintels, eompureu who, 'rJtrTalf-right -andarnir7,!tr.T15rWnt-?T.Mftt ''i"1 nvirmV to gi ! l.iwk there and ,,,umed In February last year, the was "" " r,,,n,,,.,in, against him. 1 , ensus bureau announced today -tia,- T fi. lain. Nfne,. vim 'Vea tan- fm.-i i 1. 11 ..' i an with a ration and ow "hem part of the Production a. necessary means to carry on further wJul .mnt Is to hold for two . ,r,.n,..n ovaire to Pars' s"'" ,er The covernment ea Z .h , o retuVn to their ". ",V,er thev have handed over .w"clot ,h works and factories U lll .Til,.- that have the siruments brought fr oo ill I cn Ifl Tf M 00 lllLLLU 111 I Lit i WEEKS ATBELFASTI Cotton on tiann renruary is m cnnsuniing esdiblishrrieiils amounled t,, l,r,90.5is2 bales of lint, and 17 7. 47'' of linlcrs. l onipared with 1.7,27, jy, of lint and 2oti,24.1 of llnters a vi'ar ago. and In public storage and at compresses slock were 4,22 MOO hales of lint and 122.115 of llnters, enmoared with ,5,503.1 39 of lint and liiini Tin Rim 11 10 ! Mil- ft I I Hi IuUN l .r,t,7T7m. MM HrflUY MINI I HooUulHIIUli Ul uiiuLni.Liii i "'"'r-ll.Tlnlln n. n i i i iniiiimi. n ni ilu. na undruuiur the th" than John Dodge, Son of Late Auto Manufacturer, Mixed Up In a Had Affair Seriously Wounded 157; Many Victims Women and Chil dren, And Some Babies 14. I By Associa l'r. K.ilatnnno. Mich., March 1 I. - Miss I-immnllnn Kwak'-rlnck, 2' vears old Western State Normal slii ; ii,,r,.,i u,h..,i ln, lump",) early r.2, h3 of lint a V'-ar ago. Ismiay morning from ttn aii'omoblle imnorts during February amount- sm''yi'K f)f UllJ lale milliotialre automobile lioiriu facturer of Oetroil, was said this morning to be In a serious condition. At the hosidlsl it was stated she was installations ami mi abroau. ln- 'J fa, ' ' HK1T.M) DEAD v':'i., March 14. Ellis r' 'son, In 1920 imperial ,f;..l'e Order of the Mys '' North America, died '" morning at his eu nie here. PRESIDENT SPENDS DAY FISHING AND ON LINK 14 Palm Beach, lia. March HCliasu '-,. hst in i,,-- .-.'. . .. and 157 seriously according-to the Northern I IS IS I'li- it,.n for who! The list uuoMen. the ,Mv the Associated J'r ess. i-I- isniiig ;A ,.lf constituted the progran. u. a in r - - ,. ..iiioni HarainK ' ei hv train for St. Augtistms i'rleal weather which the president has Florida continued today. i.oiTib tnne mill Ml dead .. d Whtir.- which declares ,,- n,,.r- terrible ar i.i. i. . would have neen "'"' newspaper .anus, n . ............ run. vi-i if ",' llV,:n:"ver' .eluded.' H" P"'" out as the worst feature of the re- It out reaks the number of wom- conditions en i and . .... . e u wno " v- or bomb ppilnlcrs. met In j ril to 54.ID1 naies, i:uaimicii oij i;,n In February last year. " Fxports for February were 3.11. 440 bales, including 12.694 bale, of lint compared with 493,426 bales In rlii.ling 9,71:1 ut ''iters in February last year. Cotton spindles active during February 33,797,329. compared with 136 S56 in February last year. "statistics for cotton growing stales follow; ,v.,wonied 31)3, bales, com- the i pared witn ur rrmiiniy 'year. . ,. On hand reoru.iiy in . .,ouiii jg pHtablishments 798,445 bales. , ompared with 634.253 a year ago, and in public, storage and t com presses 3,840,16 bales, compared with 5,041,934 a year ago. Cotton swindles active during Vehruary 1 fi, 673, 771 , compared with 15 007,198 in February t last.joar. on j ib : ir no -1 of 4 5 - i suffering from a rra.-turen ..mi, .... vl-Kois being deni.d admit'. u,' l-i 1 I. . - fnmn ! i)odg", arraigned y.-sterday I-barges of driving an automo ; while IntoxiCiied and llb g illv i,,.....i,i iiniior. Is und'-r bonds ! i',ii, o appeae for a henrm In-.' !d.iv. March 21. jMiss Kth-I c.. ui.t. 'and' MisH'Sue Sei;eoga. an W--'' ! ijjiai.. Normal student--. who wer ,..i in ih,. niaehlne with Mif i l- u. u, i..riock. Undue and Hex ' ,,r (h's i-liv. have been siirntiioni I witnesses at , the hairing. Karl. I charged with drunkenness, was re leased under bond or ami. l)odg(j hs refused tu discuss affair. , , ' McCumber, Republican, Reads (i. 0. P. Pledge and Propose" That It Re Carried Out Creation of mi Aswsdallolis of ! Nailoi.M was rornieilv pross4d i the Senate, onlay by Senator 1 M.stiiinlsr, llepiiblb'sii. id ! North liakoUi. during lU bale on ! H,.. four is.wcr I'", ifl.: In aly. ! '. North DaUolH wnnlor ! i-end the pledite In the Itepubll i an platforiii regardliut an Hitcr- agris-iiii-... ...... - 1Msil lo the r.s-ord Ills pne. Hi-al wl.l' h he said would car r, out the campaign pllges. ,ln.ll Wllll'll IM Sll" .. . i...,,.i ,ie Tense ,. ..t.i ftuiUlrty i .... t m ir Willi mi i I i'r -,... large sum.'' sv. ; : . " . ft I WllU'll W"' "' f , I , like fcrllll.xr wnr re per ciulro only Washington, Mareli 14. Hupport ius or the four-power Pscltlo trsat uualn took Ihe oflfelislva Whsit thn Senate resumed' debate on Ihe pact today under an agreement tu vota lain this afternoon on lh first of Ihe proposed amendments. Senator McCumber, of North Ihikola, and l.enroot, of Wisconsin, both ttoptihllcans, lend off for tits ailvocales, praising Ihe treaty as 4 long step toward lntsritntlonsl un derstanding ami denying that It em bodies dangerous enlaglnments. On the opposing shhi - Ssnntor W'tttih, Democrat, of Monlsna, was given right of way for a legal argument si lucking the treaty's obligations. I'.inphitwUIng tho Importance of lha . four. power pact as an Integral purl of Ihe arms ronforenco pro gram, Senator l.enroot suggested . ihat l( riiiiir.Uoti of this irsaty fulled J'rssldfmt Ilfirdlng might con sider withdrawing the others pro duced by Din conference and asking for a popular verdlel on Ihe whola subject at the November election. Setiulor McCutnlier also declared the four-power arrangement was ths k..y lo t In- whole armament pro. gram, lull asked what had become of Ibe Itepiililiciin campaign pledge of 1920 for "an asaocluiion of nations" embracing the eiitlra world in lis scope. Allho not regarded by tint leaders tis a test vote wllh direct healing on Ihe .iuchMom ,,f mtlltcitilon, the roll cult lo he taken al 4 p, In., wus ex pected to show for the first time the ntllliiile of mliol of various sens tors who have not previously taken an active part In the irealy fight. The iinii.tidinent lo be ucl'.-d noon was offered by Senator Ilohlnson, of Alksnsss. It -proposes pnrtletpatlnn ' of lion-signatory iiiillona in thn beintlls and "conferences" of the treaty Involving their Interests. " Honnlor l.enrool's suggestion, thnt withdrawal of other Ireiitlea might be considered should the four-power pin t fail, was made In ciinneciloii with a long prepared reply to Con gross that the four-power agree. liieol would bind ths Filled SUI.. to us force. Nut only was such an In ference wholly unwarranted, he said, bnf Ihe Irealy cousin tiled such sn Important peacn step that Its failure. "iiiiiv ineiin rnilure of all ths treaties." "Whether the President would take such a step I do not know, but, I belli've that failure of ths four power treaty will likely result In such action later," Mr. Fenroot said- As uiodllleil yesterday by Msnator Ilohlnson, his amendment provides Ihat the lights of nation both In four-power grmip and others ar respected, unit that nonslgna- well us signatory nations Invited to any conference nimbler controversies affect- Interests In the Pacific. .1(1 10' Vvftii I c Will ll" 'r'"", 1,nnr ' ... .....ill I his at " I"'r . n ,n l,i,r.l'lxiWi't While 1""'" ' : ........,.,.uer I un'i li". i i'" - lb.. to bo lory as shall l.o held to . Ing Insular "or any (ar Kastern iiuestlnn." Ad ministration leaden mild they wero assured or sullhient voteg to dereat th.) amendment, which, until Huns tor Itiiblnson's speech yesterday fa voring lis adoption In thn interest, he sfibt, of Russia, China and other nonslgn.itory nations, had beon tun, bed on but little, in the Senate dehnte; - - th a ml No, ......alnlim nil tho power prod"' 1 ill be USeo 1 at (lain he Mr. urposes and for ... .,,l,r I eninpsny ioi """ - profit." ',, i in, brief asserts Al . '.i,i .) bns cost the gov thst propel - - , be sold Karl. las! the m... would provide lor ..... i,n nil -iibje-ts threatening war- would n.iideimi wars of iititrilon and would fl a six oi lis rlod of InvestlgaUon when lio-llHlles wre threatened. I SUit.-s. (.real Britain, Italy France. .Iiipaii, Ausirla and ltusia would IsnxmMVmcm Imtw lo I ho agnsfliient under lis- plan. erty. . ... iM made to the Kijjeree. ; litigation" l"f .""".... . '....erts may folio" ,t,.b ttie "'".., ,...,, rfrthru ,h.. aecepiail. e ". , Power piocie.iinKs interests in company to i" . .., KRy the Warrior " ,,.,.,, litigation nothing of th" hr at " , lf from " A" " u ,, H,j i. Ih,. riitiate points I "' 'rT' ; K.'i..f .avs: "Thus mi.,. 1. 1 - - , ... .... H)f lieie.i" ' i,i,J a goo.l nn-.-nn the part of the i, .lfeats the pur- govern 0. .0, "" ',.,., M ,(,! In pos- r ui s"' ... i.ig In bi si In il,.,. Hi" two Koid's offer; M ' nlOOOSillOd ernmelil, ine. ,.t the gov .n.tlontil d-'feose stusd serve of using nil m Innal weirai. liSljlo ULSTER'S PARLIAMENT HEARS KINCi'S ADDRESS Belfast, March 14. Ths Clster parliament reconvened today. Ths king's speech, opening thn session, stated thaf the legal process Of trans ferring tht various services In north ern Ireland rrom British control to that of the Ulster government, was now complete, but regretted that tho transfer of ths staff and tho alloca tion of property and records to ths government departments had not proceeded as expeditiously as ex pected. The speech continued: "I congratulate you upon thw man ner In whb h, In spits of these ob stacles, matters-have been brought so rapidly In smooth working order. The spirit of conciliation shown in northern Ireland ill the settlement of Industrial disputes Is tending to ward a more satisfactory state of affairs." Tho king expressed hope that means would soon be devised enab ling the government departments to rope wlthi the difficulty of the administrative problems and stated that projected legislation Included conferring of powers necessary to restore peace and maintuiit ordert. ' . " M ' I '

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