N CITY SENTINEL NORTH CAROLINA'S LARGEST CJT Leads All North Carolina Dailies in Home Circulation (U. S.- CKNTOi) Weather :Fnir and Colder Sixteen Pages Today LAST EDITION cORTY-SECOND YEAR 1TTLL LEASED WIBB SrlRVTCH OP THB A'.WOCIATSD FRIM WINSTON-SALEM, N.C WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1922 EMAND IMMEDIATE PAYMENT OF $241,000,000 M & . ; Jill 0CKS OF CHICAGO BURNED; LOSS $15,000,000 OUR BUS! ESSB IE FIREMAN IS 1 1 DOZEN MORE HURT t Believed to Have Been Of cendiary Origin And One Arrest Has Been Made B. & O.BUILDING RUINED Was In tle "Windy City" Loop ktlon And IVr a Time Threat Led To Assumo Unlimited Pro portions; Heat Was Intense; Harnett Visible SO Miles IMfac). March 15. A spectaC' early morning fire today de- bved a full square of business ildings Just outside Chicago's pop. or uowmown ummia, Va estimated at from 110,000,000 115.000,000. The fire started In center of the block bounded by Buren Canal and Clinton streets West Jai kBon boulevard of un- (m origin; burned every structure hat area; leaped north across kson boulevard and wrecked the lnory" Chicago." Burlington and itorv Railroad's general office which also houses the Mer uit Trust and SavingB Bank; and, Ser a strong wind, dipped over Huron street southward and ied marly thru to Harrison fft. the fire was not brought unner ro! until nearly 5 o clock ana n then firemen were fighting a ken different fires and others kk out intermittently as the wina (ted anarks about. One fireman ii killed, another seriously Injured, or more slichtlv hurt, and an un- fm number of the hundred thou lj snertiitors who thronged the trains district slightly hurt by ng bricks, burning timbers ui fcrks he fire for a time th 'eatpned to ime virtually unlimited propor s and every piece of tire lighting wratns within five miles was ed out in n series of ten alarms, The ranlditv with which the fire ad was astounding," Marsnai ley. assistant fire chief said. lie tire actually seemed to run tu. Ktn Of Inocndiarv Origin That the original blaze from which cfiulagratlim grew possibly was incendiary origin was the state- it or Shirley P. High, cuy n e mey, who early today announced arrest of an unknown man on rmatlon supplied by P. T, Schiff. Utnt ur the Confectionery ope ) ConiDanv. at 520 West Jack- lwulevard. where the ftm started. Mr.. lli;h refused to divulge the Ime of the man, but said he was ntf questioned regarding threat- it letters Mr. Schiff said the man, ormrr employe, had sent to him. S"-h!ff told Mr. High the man discharged when he became in- 1 over refusal to permit him Purchase stock in the company Bonds Worth Over f 75,000 Found In A Coal Bin In Virginia Winchester. Va., March 15. The conici: of a liberty bond protruding from the door of the stove, In which he was shoveling cx)ul. led to the discovery by H. A. Mitchell, railroad agent here, of alMMit $75,001) In bonds, con cealed In the station coal bin. Some of the bonds were registered In the name of ollleials of the Grjatocs. Va., Suite Bank, anil part at least, of the cache was believed to represent loot secured from that Institution when It wus burglarized .lune .10, 1021. Two-thirds of the bonds . re covered were registered, the re mainder being railroad and In dustrial Lskucn. .Mitchell said he had been scooping up "pers" with the coal for Heveral days and ho was speculating today as to what may have been the In trinsic cot of the stilt Inn (ire dur ing the recent cold spell. HARD COAL MEN SOUTH AFRICAN IG MEMBERSHIP OF THE HOUSE NOT BE INCREASED NOW Two-Year Contract Expires on April 1 and Probably Work Be Stopped on That Date LARGE SUPPLY ON HAND IN CONFERENCE REBELS RETIRE E SCALE BEFORE TROOPS Republicans Decide To Side track Re-Apportionment Bill For Two Years CLAIM COST TOO HEAVY This Means North Carolina Will Not Get Congnwsinan-at-I.nrgo And That tJen. Carr Will Not Get To Congress at Iicant Not In Two Years j Republicans Afraid x Vnllko Situation In the Bituminous Kleld Owners Appear Willing To Try To Reach An Agreement Willi the Vnlon; Miners Op posed To a Reduction New York, March 15. Anthracite miners and operators were prepared today to begin negotiations for a new wage agreement to take the place of the two-year contract, which expires atUhe end of thia month. Tho nineteen demands of the miners, formulated at their conven tion In Shamokin, Pa., In January, a rntlfle.1 by the international .nnmntinn at TudlanaDol is last I month, are to he formally presented to the coal operator ana expnuiwu In details by-officers of tho union. The operators are expected to Im mediately take tnem uiraer num eration and make a statement on their position on Friday. Tho miners are asking for a 20 per eent Increase on contract ratos .mnny -other things, while the mine owners are on record ns favoring a decrease below the present working basis. It is not expected that an agree ment will bo reached before the end of the month and in that event the scale committee of tho hard coal workers Is under Instructions of trio Shflmokin convention to oroer u- Town of Fordsburg Captured After It Had Been Bom barded; Prisoners Taken PEOPLE DESERTED TOWN Warned That City Would Be Bom barded Inhabitants Poured Out J Many of tho Itebelu KHenrHMtl Women and Children Aiding Them; righting Wan Severe No Protect From Responsible. Quarter Regarding Expense Account Been Submitted Johannesburg, March 15. Ad vices from Fordsburg. timed late yesterday, reported the government (nfnntrv was then clearing the streets after capture of the town from the rebels. Many prisoners had been taken and the remainder were retiring on ma iungiuin. nvm, i..nflita were dropped by air planes warning the women and chll dien to leave before the town was bombarded. There was nn immediate response, a steady stream of refugees pro ceeding to a special camp outside the zone of bombardment. Many of the houses In Fords burg were entirely deserted, men women and children being found In lh woods nearby when government troops entered the town. One sniper, apparently a woman, was enm when the body was recovered it was found to be that of a man In woman's clothing. Women carrying white flags sheltered aomo of the rebels, according to the military re ports, while groups of children sur rounded other rebels to facilitate their escape - Transvaal Reottisn EXPEDITION TO'" C.0 ON HUNT FOR PKK-H1STO1HC MONSTER Jj (f ) j j lfrrgOfa SEPARATIONS IS - -. .49 nniiTiiiiir n Tn i r.i -,.Kvi? -:- Hi ii ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 r n ii! r smam , w w ...... - - w ' - it j r. I1 1 II IIAI IIL I'UL I1LL 1 T V ' VflT : Trmv m - r' t . Ik ( V S. IS NOW PROTECTED llitilng "I'-Htnhlliilicil Its Caw," IHstf tifllclnl giiot..l A Naylng V, . win Allow ati.oio.ooo kiiciio Hill To He Paid At Horn l'iiiiire Dine To lie Named forces took de a series of threats . Mr. Schiff ed his personal loss at $50,000. Mr. Ilich summoned several of aids while the fire was at Its 8lU and said an investigation aid he begun Immediately. He ed the total loss at from $10,- M1 tu ns.noo.ooo. r.lcitrlc Mnes Ilnndlcanned Tritwrsing the main burned area, Metropolitan ' West "Side Kle 'i Line today was seriously han- Ileil in delivering Us thousands patrons to the downtown dis ! as was the Aurora and Elgin "tHr interurhan line, which also (Dv TARKER B. ANDERSON ) Washington, March 15. North Carolina will have to be comeni with only ten congressmen for the next two years at least. It has been definite v decided by me nepunu- can Administration that no reappor tionment measure will be reporreu by the present congress, 'juts means that there will ne no raisrewni at large for the state and that Cen tral Julian S. Carr "of Durham will not be given an opportunity to come to congress for two years hence. It is claimed by the itepuniican leaders that the main reason for this decision is that In a number of s'ntes it would be necessary to call special sessions of the legislature In order .tu provide, inuciimvi j districting such states, in -uaiiio ioi instance it is said that a special ses sion . o -tho . legislature would cost the slate in the neighborhood of fifty thousand dollars, wnai is uu In Mains is also true in a number of other states. -- - In addition to the cost to the sev eral states It is stated privately that members fori thai me ram " coming primary, should ft rcajipnr tionmeiu measure be passed at this time would be enormous. In practi ,n ii of iho close states, espe- the so-caneu iwi ,,u,.... .... the Democrtits 'wlould put !;.n.ian nt nilnlnir until a satisfactory rt on Hundav bv a frontal at agreement is In sight A referendum ,tark w)th the bayonet, but the on the question of sUftponslon ' waI Utretcher bearers were unable to re n, tnUen In the arthracite nelds, tn. winrtea owing to con- i n; n.. i within thn n.iet t tun months had I ,. - - . .... " - - - ... i.n candidates against tnn nep u. , rjtory' cans aim a tree iu ;"''"",,; ,, u-nnld fo l ow. i"i i " cans want to avoid Whenever ongi c- - - , ..,... reniinnrtinnment uui ,h' Molina is certain logaln at (Continued on Pag Two) 300 TO BE AT BANQUET fOR HARDING TONIGHT 1 "Angustlne, Fla., March 15. iisomai press.) The special n. convevinc PresWent and Mrs. -rrtintr and their nartv from Palm J(h. arrived hern this morning at o'clock." The President break- r"i on his car and went imme- MWy tn 'he link a for ft round of i. President will be the hon sr' UiV. tnnieht at the Ponce de ""i note! banimu for which l.buu f-ntatinr-.p have been ifunied. Mrs. Pinc. wlien naWH nn to hOW it;-, i'ations should be issued onieht. Rinrirpstpd 1.500. yt tf.ru with anv receutlon UP M', but on a rest trlD that is "Hi!." she said pxnlainlnc her 16"U(jf. leaat one' congressman. eirlslatur does not provide In the L e 'isln.ion -re-iistrH'ting the state a congressman -at -''P9 , of course be elected. Many conser vative nemocrats declare that would be foolish to reuisir.c, .lu.w , ii, heeaiise by so aoiiib i,i in all nrobabiliiy solid Hepuhlican district If no redistrirnug "; L fnr sometime to come at nwu nnnrt'ED. 1 1,'TTl ( It -I ,IUL .."" and action of tho convention haying expressed the wisties in uiu on... The national p'olicy committee of the mine workers has the power to set aside a suspension, if It soeiJ tu, but according to union leaders here, auch action is not likely. It is the minora mil many of tne operators that a suspension In the hard coal fields of Pennsylvania Is certain. If It comes it is . will be a complete cessation of production as on two former oc casions when wago negotiations dragged over many weeks. shortage of anthracite coal ts not anticipated unless the expected suspension should run into the sum mer, which is not looked for by the miners. Tho demand for anthracite during the winter was below normal, due to a mild winter and high prlcew, but despite this tho anthracite mines i,en kent steadily at work in contrast to those in the bituminous fields, and there is a rair buimmj coal on hand wnn in t " " . yards of the mining romimnla and in the larger retail yards of the Kast, it wan said. -, , . , Tho miners enter this joint con ference determined, they said, to re sist with all their power any effort to reduce their present ' wage scale M indicated by the operators There must, be no backward step, I resi dent Lewis has said and the miners are unanimous in supporting bun. a ,he treneral statement that the workers shall share in the general deflation by accepting a wage , the mine owners have not ind - "... .h. r,,nnnttioil they Will make. It. has been reported that they are not a unit on what percent- .lire of decrease uiej move the wounneu owing iu tinued firing from the houses, un til reinforcements arrived In the aft ernoon, the report slated. F.very house on the main street of Benin!, captured last week, was found for tified and barricades had been placed in the streets. On Hunday night houses and shops were ran sacked and saloons wreo looted, llevolutlon Alxmt Over London. March 15. (Ily Associa ted Press) With all sectors of the disaffected area In South Africa cleared of rebels except certain nortiona of the Johannesburg, or central reclon of the Rand, the struggle" apparently has entered lis final nhase Jeppstown, in the east em! nf Johannesburg, seems to be tho principal remaining center of resistance Artillery, tanks and airplanes were used In the rapture of Fnrusburg rrom the revolutionists. They disre garded notices dropped from Siir nl.ines eivliiK them until 11 o'clock in the morning to surrender, but capitulated Hfter 76 minutes of bom bardment. Another success was Achieved In tho Kast Hand, where extensive proprietary - mines were wrecked and a number of revolutionists cap tured. ' GLOTZBACH BACK AT THE WHEEL AND SATISFIED T)el Monte. Cal.. March Klovd Clotzbach, chauffeur, it one is least V". i puxi) .11 RY INniCTS man murder charge w 11 1 U0's:.H r,a.. March 15. An in- Ilatit t hareinc V. 1.. Tavlor with ,',' tdward Funk, of Ft. Wayne as returned by true grand jury w irt.e WHtprrlflv nftprnnon. who was a jewelry sales- U5k. IS -J ah,. .. ... . la lPn rnnpg irom jjuiii" a t""-idside. with his throat cut ,"n,"T'i Jury, investigated and ,,'d a verdict accusing Taylor of ten men from the Pat ten , he f eda't large this nmn- eontrot th "state and there doe hot a -atthMJniaoa ; ity that .urui -"' - publican. I .vti in: KX.VX KLAN ST A RTED 1 f ijnn"Jin Healdton. . 01ka., March 1-" anti-Ku Klux,r.m. "X".Mhh known as the is.nifii"-'' " -Knit ire has been formed here. Vhn'o Hvde one of the organ ic ?n a .taVen.ent today sai'd that liuose of -he society o pro tect against ; - k.. , Klux siitll1 11E ll RENO'S BIG HOTEL DESTROYED BY FIRE In the u'i;ic." 11yd- U'n believe In bv those empowi- them," he said m is a local auoi.o'-.i. law iiiriiri:n''" red to cniurce con. lusion. Airthe100" Guests' Escaped, But Few Saved Personal Ef fects; Loss $250;000 Peno Ncv., March 15. Tho Riverside Hotel, lino's chief hos telry, was destroyed by Hie earl today The loss is Umated at J2f.0,000, while the total insurance ,s J1Th'rnre started in the basement, .u.. r,!,.,. n,om. oresumauly ?nVm defective wiring and spread lr .... ... elevator shaft and U,al pa of the building, preceded "y dense clouis of suffocating hundred guests were in Jhe bul'ding at the time and were ed from the third and fourth flXr windows by firemen and police- ir.. whom Mnriraret Miinzenauer. grantl opeia singer married because he was "I'm per cent man" and whose separa tion from the diva was because she did not want him to get up for breakfast, drive bis own automobile, or to jazz, had a Job or driving an other man's automobile last niHt and presumably was enjoying him self. Carlos Stanley, hotel manager, who hired cllotzbttch a few days ago to drive a sightseeing car and other wise make himself useful around the hotel's fleet of automobiles, said however, that tJlotziiach had eon tiimd tho atory of his adventuru-in atrimony as published in Associru ed Press newspapers. American Exports in February $78,000,000 Less Than in Month of January IMPORTS ABOUT THE SAME Tor Past Klght Months Value ' ' porta Is J.4HO,427,T0 Agalnxl 5,tJ2,757,00O In Same Period Year Previous! lli-avy Kx poru of ld Ixvil Month Washington, March 16. Ameri can exports for Kobruary amount.! to $251, 000, oou, as compar wnn , uivnuin $278,872,690 for .liiniiary, ami im ports last month wore valued at $217,000,000, us compared with Im ports of $217,195,190 tho previous month, according to the foreign trade survey Issued today by Uu de partment of commerce. The department figures showed exports for the eight months period, ending with last month, amounting to 'J, 480, 425. 7110, aitaiftst $5,122. 757,390 for the eight mouths ending I.. ! 1l!l . Imports for the bit eight months were valued in im.i,,i, -compared with $2,7 57,109.6X5 for tli. eight months ending, with 1'i'U lliary a yeur ago .. ... K'xportH of gold toluled $I..S1,.14 lust month as compared with $"'' y S3 in Jaiiiniiy while linort of gold were $2K, 7011.5119 compared wi'h etuiTi :i7i f.,r January. Kxpnrtn of gold for I lie eight months ending In . I'ebniaiy wero $1 9,975,690, compared with $130. (IOH.323 for the elghl liionlbH ending In 1'ebrimry 1921 Imports nf f"1'1 for the eight months period ending in February were $4il,677,4iiS, com pared with) $4K. 777.91111 In the eight months ending February, 1921. Silver expoiis last mouth were 17 nnl.Ar.n. comnared with $3.7i.- 1 1 II In 1 n TMIfi rv. while Imports of sil ver for February were $4,771,032, compared with $.49!i,5 m urv. . Kxports of silver for eight months ending In - February were (ii.nn,- 687, compared with J4l,:-J.-"' the eight months ending February. 1921, while luiporis of sliver for the eight niontlie ending lust February were $47,059,09. compared with 4 1 .61 7.K33 for the eight months ending In February. 1021. ii lo. i in" ""H f-t;..,.;. .. .... ii... nf..r..i. m iltv lb.. Associated Press.) It wns not . , .,immiii in nn Andean Isks r.esnlly, but praur IZSTiX nm .Hh;; o? ibe horliy p.ated glyi-lo-lon, r .f tN rh.o.,7m. Ill the opinion of Professor tin-lit, Ulrarlor of the Hueno. ber week, as a total of 7.000 pesos was needed. " ' ; " ' " .losaurus I. a pseudonym the newspaper, have given , I .ml bns stuck" he said, "hut I bellev, It I. a huge nulnuil of the glvtodo, w e w b ch were found In J.tgonla In IHHT and one of which wis filed i on and bit hy the explorer, Ha.non Usl. In IHIIO without bulling II. " l,unedy..iat while the pleslosauruH dated bad, ten -nl l,t years, the edentates mlC, as the glyplodon and imga.i.he, belolia , d II u i.ai ternary era of only a million years ago. II.. said I hut from 1S0 to I' tl", .hers!,-,. twelve places In '' l tu es 3H ami 62 at which mysterious creatures Were repor e. to have . I). .een These, he ieves. constitute a few survivors of the genius which existed In that period 1 expmsjs of tne ixj urefnicd It to be ftnanced by popului I urn or Ill Hioiuai, . , , , srtZTZM iiivi-iii,i . ..... in- '."'- rnr njinninn itwjwij -- . The ,eg,.th. rlu... was a - llflWfl lull and bind , length. It bad . .n. .o ,. )...-With Its strong,, pi - ,.,, which It silbslsled. Wsshlngtnn, March 15 Heeognl lion by other Interested govern men's of the rights of the United Stale. In connection wllh dlstrlbu tl.m of Herman reparation H that was sought at this tints In th recent demand upon th allied finance minister for pnymsnt of :i l.otiii.oiui enpenses of th army of occupation, it w as staled today bv a high administration official. Having "established It. case" 1$ , was said the United Stales will not pre.s further now its demand f Of , payment nf ins hill. " """ v- Presentation of tho denisnd lasf week before I Im finance minister. I. regarded ns serving notice by thl government, that It right ho .peeled, It was said by a prominent goveinmcnt official. There bos been no protest from responsible quarter against th l nlted States obtaliilng eUal right with the allied government thru op rtlui of the separate treaty ot i.eiicn with (lermany, It wa ex plained, and the mailer of payment for the American forces In U Uhlneland will bo allowed 10 tK Its due course. MORE FIRES AT AUGUSTA; LOSS IS PLACED AT $23,000 Augusta, Oa., March J il-r-A..''.h"Ck of the loss entailed by the S Htelii- 1.-.. urlmeilt Store. Ml HI' Will WfDDERS FOR STORM IS CENTRAL 68 MILES OF ROAD OVER STATE TODAY i - i State HiRhway ('timmission Is Flooded With liids; Con tracts Made Late Today 25 BIOS RECEIVED BY SHIPPING BOARD lUlelgh. March 15 - (SpeHall The stale highway i-i.iniiilwtloii is to day opening bids for len prnje ts. to tal ng 'sixty eight miles of highways and bridges, for immediate construe Itain the fourth, ttf'h; sixth, see. nth. eighth and ninth district. it Uftparuneni. s.o.e, , i f ,. horolre.l hi..i-i" . ch early this morning k""; '" I ,,,ntr,.t..r si being siibmiue.l. in VlTCCEf. SAVED BIT t AK1.W "-"'., no u attempted to save OF CORN IS A lui' . .. . ".i, is The Amer- Hamhurg. hnm wheh -f" "tated that they believed bfery was the motive for th nan...... vi.inharn whien !iXrU!inS hist week while on her way to Russia . cargo of corn for famine relief, was "floated last evening and pro ceeded to th nver -Ihe ;n;-- me U was saul th cargo , ; total loss in case th .1 jettisoned m an effort t . tlhe left Nortolk. ary 8 for Libau. any The smoke was so dense that -1 t.i save of their personal effects. BIG ITKK AT HOHOKKN. Tlohnken. N. J.. aiar.11 ' today In the Hronze com- which started eau L. Wa.'eenev MSI,er ,, Thir 1, anv bin aing hl -- enth streets destroyed the struc urS spread to a five-story tenement Clinton street and burned eight VUe"TfovV..I wa. controller Early estimates placed the 1M M $200,000. ROAD CONSOLIDATION HEARING SET FOR APR. 19 Washington, March 15. The Interstate Commerce CommUslun moved today to take up the plan, authorized. In the transportation act, for bringing about the consolidation of the principal American railroads into nineteen major systems. A hearing was ordered for April 19 before Commissioner Hull for con sideration of tho consolidation pro posed for the southeastern region as the first phase of the public Inquiry into tho ulan, which already has been the subject of considerable pre. limlnary study. by thff commission. Consolidation of the railroads as proposed by Congress, according to the official explanation made at the time, to meet the situation growing out of Inability of small railroads to operate under ratee which produced sufficient profits for stronger lines. IOW KXTKXDKI) 25 Y 10 A IIS Washington, March 15. Metion of Senator Idge, Itepubllrsn. of Massachusetts, extending for 2.1 years the loan of $50,0011.00(1 made to Austria for famine relief was adopted today by th Senate and sent to the House. second floor, was being made today by the owners. Flr department oi- llclals place ine iusn ... " -hood of $25,000. The cause or the blaze hail not been determined, ac cording to Fire Chief Keynobls. Five fire calls, one a general alarm, were recorueu iicm i,e.. night and 1 o'clock. The depart ment was called to the negro section f ihn eliv before being recalled from ih hiiHloess section tire. A burning frame dwelling threatened the neigh borhood, the llames being fanned by a stiff wind. The blaze was brought under control after il had consumed two small houses. commission -will sward n. ttacls tonight-- lujuiuiow , DODGE TO BE GIVEN A ( v HEARING NEXT TUESDAY t-.i ,. Mi h . M"f h I'1 alight improvement was ieprte, to day in the - or loo of Ml- b.,t normal ...hool stiidei.t, whose ekul was fractured wh-r. si... Jumped n,m m at.. o Liven by John i. Podge, of U-lrolt, early hunday ""'.'a.'iti be arraign...! In rniinlc- lal court next T.ola y on charges ... ,i,i.ln an antoloObll" Willie in toxicated and with possessing, trans . fMriimbliig llitoslcatlng ll.iior. Iji.Re Part of Country East of Mississippi Had Heavy Rains In Past 21 Hours Washington, March 15 Warning of a storm, which It was predicted would effect1 tho terr loty from sooth of Norfolk to anil Including Matleras, wild Issued today by- the weather bureau. Tho disturbance was ectilral over the extreme south eastern portion of Virginia st noon, Lha announcement .sal.1. nd win . iiuse strong noiili ami northwest winds this afternoon and tonight. , Opening of Bids Delayed; One Man Offered $225,000,000 For Ships; Fake Offer Washington," March IIS The "hip ping boHid today bad received 25 lids In response to the advertise ment nf Hs entire fleet hetng for sale, The bids opening, ''t for to 4'nv, has been postponed as a result ,,f ihe absence of W. II. Farley, In charge of sales. tln.i bid opened Inadvertently be cause It was improperly addressed was from a man In North llakota. who offeied rib. 0ml, 000 for the en tire fleet. 11" failed, however, to enclose a certified check for 2 Mi per cent of the amount of his bid,- OBEIKH IN" C ASlTwl LL GO TO JURY TOMORROW I, os Angeles, March .16.- Another tiny of itiijument today was ahead of I be com I when the trial of Mrs. Mudelynii Obenchnln. for tho mur der of her sweetheart, J. Helton Kennedy, . opened.- Alfred V. Mc Mclioiijild, .Ir,, defense counsel, be gan placing the dorfndant's cause to the Jury late yesterday and was) ready to resumo when court opened this morning. ( was to be followed by J. IT. Hud. I, senior counsel for tho de fense, and Asa Keyes, deputy a Slslant attorney, was experted to make final argument for tho pros ecution tomorrow. Mrs. Ohenchaln cried softly ye, tcrrtav when Mr. McDonald ad- ilr. ssed the Jury, declaring that tho state's theory Ihut she wa a "wom an scorned" had been disproved. , WOMAN HEADS PARTY SEEKING liURJED GOLD War. .lose, Cosia P.lca, A treasure SPANISH FORCES DRIVE BACK MORROCAN REBELS Madrid, March 16. Spanish forces continue their successes against the Moraccan rebels, despite stiff resis tance. The latest official statement 8a'": ii i ,. "Three columns commanded n General Hanjuro have occupied I'-htl, A i Ha Hidl, Salam and other pos t ons j a d d i u.-),ich dominate Aroaf and Tiker- sail from n . ht. desneratR- i Isn't. ly alopg a 15-ki!omter front, but was repulsed and pursued. Tanks and armored trucks aided in the pursuit nnd defeat of the enemy whose resistenre was tenacious "Spanish warships bombard"! the coast between the mouth of the river Kert and Afra-u." March IS. hunting expedition. Hands, titans to or :ocos 1s- rnlleS WPSt -SOU th West 01 ........I ... rf.rf.vpr I the gold supposed to have been I buried thereby the pirate .Morgan Mi. 120. i cocoa Island, hich hns been 'seir. h. d for treasure many tltn-s bv I va'rloii- expedition, was the lncI habitation of Hubert, Stevens., Washington, March 15 Advisory northeast storm warnings were dis played today on tli" Atiaruic rami from .NorroiK, va., w i.n..i.. N. J. The disturbatiCH was central over North Carolina and moving ,-astwaid. It will bn attended by st long northeast, and north winds diminishing tonight. The disturbance that was central over Oklahoma Tuesday morning has moved dir. -cUv eastward and Its center was over North Carolina, this morning. Il has bemi attended by K. neral tains In th., Ohio and mid dle Mississippi valley, Missouri Ar kansas T'liness.-e nnd the Middle Atlantic South Atlantic and Kast ...... .,... The rainfall was heavy l the Ohio nnd middle Mississippi valley and Virginia. Generally fair weather will pre- r,t and Thursday In tho , ..,..! of the hv rain today In the Mid Atlantic sta'es and S'.oMi Atlantic c"S- ti. ietr.il, ratut " will be I eiKbt. lm.ii g. nrrnllv east of the Ml.sissli.pl liver, except in Ohio and p,-,l,.i.s or the Lake 1' u!"ii, nd It ,11 ,,ot chang" materially during-Thursday. Mississippi river, 1 the Mld along the awer to. . S. Expects To Get $460,000,000 Today From Tax-Payers Washington, March 15. Trca nry oflldala expeited tho KOrcrii meiii's rceclpU of liMtime and liToflia tuxes, duo today, to show a dreuo of more tlian $300, UdO.OOO from the idl.tlons made during March of last year. While the shrinkage In business and irrollt during Uio calendar year 1921, Secretary Mellon said today, makes tho figures some what umicrtaln, ofllelal eMlnutte that the first Installment on In comes and pronli! for Uio year will amount tn 9460,000,000, a com pared wllh 9727,000.000 received from the rlrst Installment on tho 1 9S0 taxes.

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