30 no TWIN CITY SENTINEL NORTH CAROLINA'S LARGEST CITY . ill. 8. CENUS Leads Ath North Carolina Dailies in Home Circulation FORTY-SECOND YEAR FULL LEASED WIRE SERVtC OF THE ASSOCIATED PRES3 WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. SATURDAY, DEC. 2, 1922 WEATHER: Local Rains 32 PAGES TODAY Last Edition - 3,000 MA HOMELE Y NEW BE FIRE, 1400 OF TJH eing negro: BE ES PLANS MATURING FOR RELIEF OF VICTIMS MOST DISASTROUS FIRE THAT EVER VISITED CAROLINA 105-YEAR-OLD NEGRO WOMAN WAS MED TO DEATH;' OEV FATAUTV Property Loss is Placed at $2,500,000; 700 to 1,000 Houses Burned; 500 Men Thrown Out of Employment; Blaze Swept Path Almost Thru Center of City; Flames Swept Everything Before Them Until Winds Died Down Late In Afternoon; Army Supplies Being Rushed From Fort Bragg; Whole City is United in Effort to Feed and House Sufferers. . .. New Bern, Dec. 2 Tho an absolutely accurate account of yesterday's fire loss is still impossible Mayor Edward Clark stated at -2 o'clock this afternoon that in his opinion and that Df other offcials of the city between 700 and 1,000 separate iwellings and building establishments had been burned to the ground. The mayor also said that the number of homeless would approximate 3,000 and might run even higher. Mayor Clark said further that the financial loss would -H close to $2,250,000. . " j- , New Bern, Dec. 2 A total property loss estimated at more man $,uuu,uuu, me uesu uxuuu 01. iruin ovv 10 ouu resiliences, small business houses, 'warehouses, two negro churches and a factory, in addition to throwing approximately 500 men out of. employment was the toll inflicted upon New Bern yesterday by the fire which swept more than a score of blocks. One life, that of an aged negress, was the only fatality, altho a score, or more persons suffered from burns. ( The blaze swept a wide path almost thru the center of the city. It started on Kilarmonoc street and swept eastward almost in a straight line'until it reached George street, being bounded on one side by Queen street and on the other by Court and Dunn streets. On the south side of the Cedar Grove ceme tery it swept; along for a block on New street. On the opposite, it roared into Pasteur street, sweeping thru that district as far as Crescent street. Leaping' over the union station and. the block of houses on Griffith street, the flames destroyed con siderable property on the water front including three large warehouses and one residence. ' ' The fire was brought under control on Crescent street when the wind, which had been blowing gale-like thruout the day, died. down. PlTlFl f, SCKNF.S ;rketki THE EYE THIS MORNING New pern, Deo. 2 The approach of dawn today saw pitiful erouns of shivering individuals rendered home less by yesterday's disastrous Arte prodding among the still smoulder ing embers finding here and there come metal objects which had es caped destruction ami gazing hope lessly at the scene of utter desola tion about themv Thruout the long hours of the (light many of -them walked the itreets refusing ofi'ers of aid from Jther citizens, altho the greater (lumber had been provided Bleeping juarters in public buildings and pri vate homes. Three details of Battery D 117th leld artillery, did patrol service dur ns the night, watching the hundreds Df piles of household goods heaped in the streets in various sections of :he city. There was no disorder ot My kind and no theft of any nature lad been reported up to this moro ns. - - Aged Ncrtoss Burned To Death One person, a negro woman, lost ner life In the Are, according to In formation available today. This woman, whom neighbors say was 105 ve'ars of age, resided on Cedar street, lear George, and when the onsweep ng damps reached that section of the ;lty she was evidently forgotten by :hose about her and left to her fate. After the flames had passed over that block the charred body of the vic tim was found. . Mum Meeting Today A mass meeting at the courthouse hat been called for this morning at , ta town have been asked to gather ( In order that plans may be made for relieving tne .awren oi me two JO DAYS TO 10 X-MAS DO YOUC SHOPPINO EARLY thousand or more persons whose homes were destroyed. Army Supplies Sent . Senator Simmons was In touch last night with General ISowley, com mander at Fort Bragg; Fayelteville, and announced this morning that the commanding officer of the camp had (nfnrmp him thf o lnriro a,,, vol,, r,f tents cots mattresses blanket a wholesale concerns or tne clty!V(M.k stillp jln. PK:,V . " 11.:,? tU.'..!rlosed their doors at noon today and,,ee on housing. other equipment would leave that place today in charge of two officers and twelve men and would arrive here before night. Xegroes .Suffered Most The negro population of New Bern suffered to a greater extent than tho whites and it is estimated that 1,400 of thcm'hnve lost their homes and all their possessions. Near the zone houses rteatrnved Iwere owned hv the the purchase of fowl sup-! congress for the protection of life! ' li nationalist Hiosesiuan ., .. -houses destioyed were owned by the. . .. mmi,, whieh i. , iimt. ,r ,m,., . iltcmiil to prove to the Conference where the fire started most of the tCOXTTXUEO ON PAfiB TWO) Sentinel to Receive Contributions For New Bern's Needy The terrible cnnllagratlnn at Xew Bern yesterday. In which 3.000 people were rendered home less, lias roused the great heart of Carolina to go tint to the stricken In tiielr misfortune. Hundreds of the sufferers lost all their worldly possessions tn the fire, and tuey must have aid, and that quickly. The task of providing for the- thousands of homeless Is a big one for the city or New Bern. The Sentinel will aiin-pl anil forward any dona tions that may lie made to the stricken by the people of this cily. Tlie Sentinel starting the fund with a subscription of i!5.00. Altho no siMi'lfle reitiest for old has Is-cn sent out yet hy tlie .mayor of Xew IScm. liK-al citizens conversant, with the situation there feel that any aid voluntar ily givcu for Is'iictil of them made destitute, will he deeply appreciated. In ease The Sentinel hears that outside ill Is not nipilred any donation received will he re turned. Those desiring to help, am re quested to telephone their sub mTiption to Tlie Sentinel, phone fio. 164. tonight lip to B o'clock, or as soon Monday as possible. E STRICKEN CITY F At Mass-Meeting $10,000 Was Subscribed For Emergency Relief Fund ALL CITIZENS JOIN HANDS Three Committees Hogln Work Of Taking Care, of Homeless; Women Have Established Emergency Kitchens And Food Is Heing Supplied To The Hungry New Bern, N. C, Dec. 2 Hun dreds of New Bern's more for tunate citizens, who escrfped the. ravages of yestgrday's destructive fire 'gathered in a mass meeting at the courthouse this morning to set plans in motion for the relief of the 2,500 or more white and negro cit izens who have been rendered home less. ' "Never before In the historv of the city has there been such demon etrfittnn rtf InvnlK- ndfpfnllam a , A nnself,shn,O'sai,bhedlt0r' ew pern newspaper uescriuing tne generosity of tho citizens In giving funds for relief work. "Put me down for 1,000." "I'll also give a thousand." "Put me down for $500. The calls came, from all sections of the crowded court room and In CITIZENS T such volume and with such rapidity associates in the pardon proceed that Chairman Harry M. Jacobs had '""8 n "Breed fee, had "prostituted" , . , the oHice of attorney general for to plead with the assembly for morej pilrl)0!MVI ot ,.,s,,na! revenge" by se than five minutes in order to get the .curing an indictment of Morse, people to quiet down and make It' Briefly summarized, "the 14 par- ,., . , tttii'ulars" are as follows: possible to record the Individual ..j.A wmfu uml ltellb. rate at- Rifts. - ' lempt to paralyze and destroy th" Among the donations made were j ef.'oi ts and activities of the federal tt.OdO from ih citv.n,) like commission In Its attempts to amounts trom tno county anu auuanith,, anti-trust Temnle. A. A. O N M. S. It is esii-'and deliberate mated that J 10,000 already has been subscribed for the relief work '"iiniUi , ,,rKOt.ute the violations or that as much more can be secured , Hnlj. tl llHt 1:1VVH t li.it wut o called without making any special effort.!, l.i a. 1,1111, .r, l anh rtn 1 1,1 1 . iu ... c.. n,,.v.. ,i iv. turned over their trucks for usp In; nnrlni f n 1 1 i rof , or,rt Mh h,,.ia.i "v. 's ,,u man of the relief committee. Other. departments of the relief work in - clude a committee, which has In lirenarinir the food for use. and a; third committee which is in com mand of the housing situation. ! ; There were, hundreds early this morning who had not tasted food fori Tifteen or more hours, but their; : needs were supplied by both private families and various women's or ganizations of the city who estab lished emergency kitchens. I Telegrams and telephone messages have been received from a dozen or , more towns In this section of the state offering every possible assist ance. Mayor Edward Clark ut the Lmass meeting expressed the deepest appreciation of the citizens of New Bern as a whole fur the proffers and stated the towns would be called up on if New Bern herself "could 'tiot cope with the situation. - T Brother of Constantine Charged ; With Having Disobeyed Or ders of General Staff Alhens. Dee. 1 An announcementi hold goods which are out in the1,!,,, anti-trust laws Unit were called open to a dozen or more warehuoses. , ,i attention, supported by t.sti- which have been set aside for this ;, ...,! evidence . bv the Cnited purpose. (.states senate committee on recon - Harry M. Jacobs Is general chair-! -.miction and housing. PR CE ANDREW TRIAL ODAY published today by order of the revo-! November 1 to 7. and disbursements ! jack j)unn. of the Oriole, has re lutlonary leaders stated that the for the eame period or $36,!(i;o forjfBPd to consent to the deal for the hearing of charges against Prince operating expensea. j ppenent. it was learned today. Andrew will be begun tomorrow Among contributors to the Ucpub- rT777. . .777, T. . . T. v . , . . v (Snturdav) Instead of Monday, the Hcan fund were Mrs. E. Meyer, Jr.. Pltl.K-J M.I I KK SI M KN m.U date originally fixed Washington, $1,250; A. C. Jam. New V ork, Dec. 2 Dave Kosen Prince Andrew, brother of King! New York City, and VV. Douglas, i berg, who lost to Mike O'Dow.l of Constantine, who commanded a dl-1 Chauncey. N. Y., $1,500. Those lv- ! St. Paul, on a foul In the eighth vision In Asia Minor, has been held ling $1,00 were Kdward Hines. Chi- round of a lo-round match for rec a prisoner here shortly after theicago; M. C. Fleming, Fast Hanip-1 ognltion by the Mate Athletic ( om flreek disaster on a charge of having ton, N. Y.; '.. Y. I'atton.. Jr.. Chatta-1 mliaion as world a champion middle disobeyed orders of the Greek gen- nooga. Tenn., and 8. T. Bodine, Phil- weight, has been susiiended for thirty eral staff.. , . Jadelpbia. . da v , KELLAR SAYSHE IS PREPARED TO PRDVE CHARGES Files 14 Particular Charges With Committee Against Atty.-Gen. Daugherty TAFT TO BE A WITNESS I Minnesota, Republican Charges That llmtghcrly Deceived Tart In Tho Morse I'anlon Mutter; Also Charges 'I'ntruslworthy, Cor rupt Men" Given Olllee Washington, Dec. 2 A statement of formal charges by Representative Kellar, Republican, of Minnesota, setting forth fourteen speelllr grounds upon which he Becks tho impeachment of Attorney General Daugherty has been submitted to the House Judiciary committee, which meets next Monday to consider the charges. Transmuted to the com mittee late yesterday, Mr. Kellar' statement was accompanied by a letter to Chairman Volstead, in which he declared the specifications are set out, "and I am prepared to prove tluit. the said Daugherty Is guilty of serious misconduct In ollice, high crimen- and misdemeanors in four teen particulars." If any of the grounds net forth "can be said to be more Important than any other," Mr. Kellnr Bald in his statement, "It la that group re lating to the refusal and neglect of the said Harry M. Daugherty to en force the anti-trust laws of thC United States o America." Alleging as another ground that tho attorney general had appointed "untrustwor thy, corrupt and dangerous men" lo high ottlee, Mr. Kellur. named Chief j Justice Taft an n witness to be called j in support of this particular allcga-j tion. with. George W. Wlekorahaiu, Kntntietr erlcan Federation of Labor, and Guy Osier, his secretary, as other witnesaen de sired In this connection, Another specification alleged by ; the Minnesota representative as,, P,.nep PprleV DrntN that he had practiced "fraud and Lousanne i eace i arity urags deceit" on Mr. Talt when he ob tained release from prison of Charles W. Morac. and that because of Morse's failure to pay to Uaugherty's inli.li.,ia if , ( E-ciJl'ii-.-.n Him J' nn laws; by continued refusui 'lo prosecute uch violations. -A willful and deliberate re , ,t(.ntloii supported r ny testi - . . , ... . i. . itiiiuv lasen uuuer iiain uv ine iewi n commit - A willful .111,1 ,leliherni r - I. . - , , 1 1 n:, I , ,i ,,, imreiii r- I if vit hiiiiiik I I "4. A willful and delibwale fail jure and refusal to enforce the stat- utcs of the Cnited States passed bv travel, -The dismissal from service (CONTINUED O.V I'AflB 8KVE.N) Democrats Got Total of $124,. 074; Baruch's.Loan of $20, 000 Been Cancelled " Washington, Oee. 2 Two losn,s.o(i, $10,000 each by Bernard M. Kuruch, of New York, to the Democratic national committee, hoth or whlcn subsequently-" were cancelled by "suitable action," are reported today in a final statement of receipts and expenditure during- the recent cam- paign riled by Wilbur a. Mursh, treasurer, with the clerk of the House. The commlttecVstatement Showed .,..! nnninhmi,,... i.f J124.074. with hills outstanding amounting to $114,344. Kor the Ilepublican national - com - mittee, Fred Cpham reported con- tributions of. $42.1b7 for the period REPORTS IVIADE ON CAMPAIGN FUNDS REDS ON TRIAL; NINETEEN FACE MICHIGAN JTRY . v vs.- r iVU, WILLIAM Z. I'OSTKR. William Z. Foster, leader of the steel strike of 1S1H and head of the Trudes Union Kdticatlonal league, advocate of the "one big union," and one of the. most notorious radi cals in America, now is on trial at St. Joseph. Mh:h., with nineteen other Itcds. churged with violation of the Michigan untl-syndlcnllst lnw. Slowly And Nothing Yet Finally Accomplished i CAPITULATIONS ITS TOPIC Turks Making Stand For fompMc Control of Constantinople, Claim ing They Have (ilven Necessary Guarantee-.; Woman Meuilx-r Of Conference Souks l.iuSHIHIf, I mm-. . ll'J f'ress) The question-- or 'linuisii j en p tu lalions" Is on the Near" Knsr I conference progrnm for discussion ! ty, - l.niut Pasha, and, his usso- ! elates are preparing lo make a har4 1 duiii in himIiiIii Hih claim that Hie " 1 lw BUB"UI Kemallst government . has success fully given guarantees to foreigners 1 1 "'"" " 1 '" . ' . Tile progress nf till' C3 i ' 11 el 1 10 n 5 rO t) O , ML GLOOM HANGS HEAVILY OVERi ri f nt i n r n i n r IHtliUiH-tlltniit! . . I !ilH''"H!,""1' 'n,0l, '"nierenee is i.- N(,r(1 lNllllH llll(t tlw. jpvenat College, watched wtlh great interest at ,.,,,.,,! , v lhH Fathers (,r the i Agra as the more extreme nation-1 V(. , , y .;:,,,.,, eH,.al i""813 i"Mst ,n,e ',r,v"T". ,K',niuge. I" Kalllng to lurkey that inc. eoun-j ,..ttIlnlll ,y a high wind, the flames, ! . . "iVnfmr v . V , western "" ' powers. . inai an .iMtu....iw,,n have lieeil walv u ' vi.(s." ithllt Turklsll must no longer ue eoii- 1 trolled 111 her customs government by other governments rhe Ottoman debt was ubo a topic to lie canea up i.iooiii iwib. .... '' "' '" ference most of t b " 1 ' v isan-occasonal an '; V", gunu ; ' ' ' ' Ideag.itch. Miss Standoff, acting as spokesman for Premier Hlam houllsky, or liuigHiia. said In French: . "llulgarla has only two ports on the liiack Sea and no outlet south ward. Greece has scores of port. ! Surely she ean spare us one." 1, enlzeios ini.'r.u.ii..i w.m I great earnestness "(ind Almighty Himself placed j Greece; with water all round her. . please don't blame me ror that Lord curzon ana oui.t o, ei.-aies who understand rrench laughed heartily. J'remier .Stamboullaky . . .-. joined in tne (' - , - I standoff explained wnat . VCIIlzeios j had said. 1ST LOUIS MAKES OFFER FOR BALTIMORE PLAYER"0 "? 'n""lfr"l'"n preference. r vlv " .hut their race ended in a tie, both u. i ,.i in iu.o 'Tim hi I l.ouis Nationals bir offered $25.- ruuo an,f five player for Joe lioley, i Lhrii,m of llie Kalllmore Inter-1 i ntional League club, but Manager Sentinel's Salvation Army Christmas Fund To Be Opened Monday The McnMm tor ircMtrlii for ChrUtnias iielKllleM lias nrrled and llirtiout the community the iiiIikU of the xiph ore o ntcrhig iihiii nays slid inrans of elcudtilg the Clirlslnuis spirit and the dlsirlbu tlon of Chrlstninx rlic r to every nook nud corner of the city. In the uiNt hundreds of cllUcns have cIiom'ii tho Sulvullun Army ns their rcircemal(vo In dixlrlbute Ihelr Christmas eliurlileH, and have i hosen The Nomlniirx salvnilon Army ( hrlntnias Dinner fund ax tlu eliunnel dim which to make contributions o this great work. For teveral years piiil Hits fund has mnde It Mwlhle for the Sulvtil Inn Army lo eoiiHiimuuue Us plans lo pnnblo a Christinas dinner Mr Us quota of poor Iioiiiim of I he city; homes which otherwise would ium ClirbdmiiHtt with Utile oilier reason for Joyous expression. - The munitgcmcnl of The Sentinel announces today tlmt Hie fund Is now oiM'ii and iM-glniiliig Monday morning contributions to It will be reevlvod. The fund will remain oien until 'ChrUimas 'Eve, wHien It In IioimnI (lull flnnntvs will Im ply provided lo dlNlrlhule llie hun dreds of bask't, us has Is'cu the euMoni. There will have lo lx intiiiy iHintrlliiillons, some griiil mid some small, but every girt to this fund will he hcarilly appii'ilnieil hy llie organlwKlon lo which II will be turned over; hut more esHt'lully hy the InmutcN of the homes which will lie made happy thru the luuii. FIRE IN QUEBEC MOVE ENTIRELY TOWN RENDERS LEGISLATIVE AND HOMELESS NOT POLITICAL Entire Lower Part of Terrf Hone Destroyed, Including 75 or More Residences SCENES WILD CONFUSION lire Still Itiirnlng Today; Women Wern To IU 8e'H Drugging lloui. hold Effects From lluinliig Are On Kled. While-Men Were I'lgbllng The Mimics Terre Honue, Jiii'Ihc, IH-e. 2 More than l,20l of Terre Donne's popiiliillon arc Inline lew us u result of the lire Unit wcp; the town last night anil early Kslay, ilenimiuu IM buildings mid causing dMiiiiigc esllma'cd ut 11.(100,000. Altho the lire llghiers, iismIsI ed by ttrcnicii fniiu .Mon.n ul, itj miles away, rcporicd the IIiiiiicm liicekcd, there were fntdi oul lueiiks lodny. " lliiildlugs In Die palli of (he Haines were dynamited In the light to sli ni I lie IiIhm'. Etplo Minns uihled to terrors ol ihc HeeliiK resldcnlM unit iunle was averted only when pries;- of the Holy .sucraiiicnl marched thru the lire IIimkI street carrying it. Itedire them. L..-ri-ru Uone. uebec -I 1 hundreil were homelas today a h ! result of a (Ire which last night wiped . out tne entire lower pari or ine Hone, destroying mora than ij rcs- j,l..n,.e mm, I utnl'f till llrl I II 1H. Ilicllld- I inir the town hull and tho iiostolllua. ' ,,,, , .,.,,..,. . I, , f iiiii- i,,ii,-u, ..... '-''M'."l to have started ! the sash ;iiwi ,i,,nr rneiorv u jusenn liiiiu- I ges. spread with amazing rapidity liiesnlie efforts of volunteer firemen I to stern them. Vli'n llni npiiumtus arrived from Montreal, 'ia miles (lis- )f non.noljiical lant, a large section of the town had I ' .,i., been mowed by the blaze. Tim fire- i In opening the conference as chl.ir men quickly established a safety ; m!,n of the People's Legislative serv llne. sod prevented further spread (M1 H,,lmtor I,a Kolletle said the time except in Hie direction or the river.. 'r(1J opportune for tho progres-l-'orclng Us way to tho edge of tho ! , movement and "that there l-'orclng Us way lo tho edge of the. I river, the blaze destroyed eneryllUng, Its palh. This district was slill , burning today. . . . I Scenes or wtlil contusion aitenueu from their burning home carrying:; , ,, ,.. encouniKlnit thing whatever they could salvage. Women drugged ilelglis along the streets Into which were loaded tha few ar- ticlea rescued. , . j MORE ITALIANS WILL- BE-ADMITTED New York. Dec, 2 Immigrant! , from Italy will not be permitted .n enter tha Cnited Slate until after JUne " '' '""",'r'1, . i . ,,,.,-1 prt K Maker, president ofi i immigration i.mclals who suld that, Ion, Heriiert i -mi1 - 1.451 Immigrants who arrived on the I the Farmer National c" " h ss , ... !i... v...ii-j!i hmh llnuser. secretary or tne " i I otlle Itfissn eitriy iy.uy cxnausieu the yearly quota and exceeded December quota by J.iti. The vessel raced across the AUan- ships splashing their amhora In ! American water one minute after midnight. The monthly quota was divided proportionately between them, the Giuseppe Verdi being 159 111 excess and the Conte It'isso IBB. Immigration officials said numer- MI..K....U.. "."'"':."."., ir rtheci nrlmar oil exemption trom me ' 'wou.a cut dnwn the excess numner wnoim, u.. ..j . - would be handled by a preference system, wives and children of natur - alized citizens and or former real - dents being admitted Hrst. t. ,.Hlnl,infl Ihul th un.H ii ert hpcaose tie law permitted it to be exhausted during of the American Federation of La the first five months of the fiscal bor, and Howard Furlltzer. or tin year. 1 , jclnnatl.' "." Over 100 Representative Men Attended "Progressive" Con ference at Capital Today MANY SPEECHES MADE Those Attending jhicludeil Seimtors, Meimwniallve, Goveniors. And "HlHikexmen For Other OrguiilxH tlnua; LaFollitto rrslded And Sessoits Were) IMiblle Wiishlngtnu, I lee, -Tho purposes of the new progressiva movement, Inaugurated yeaterday by t lie or giinlstatlon of the "progressive bloc" In congress, were declured nrmully lo be legislative mid not political In resolutions sdopled today ut n general political confereiicn. Senator LaFollette, liepuhllcan, of Wisconsin, who with llepresei)latlve Huddleston, Democrnt, Alnbinm, Icallidbo conference under tba nils j pices or the "People's Legislative Service," presided over llie general ; public gathering today hlell whs at- .tended by more than 100 member of Cangres. k irnvernnrs nnd - nihurt leaders. Ilejirescntat Ivc WnodriilT, Michigan v.'aa elected secretary of' ' ' ' ' ' ' (be conference, which will dost with dinner tonight. ( Tim llrat ..resolution adoplud do 1 1 lured flint the movement was "mm- 1)11 1'llSIl tl" and would devote llself lo consideratloo of -devising - methods .n(, f r co-noeriit Ion and sun- nd m. sis for . o-opi rat on and sup-1 I "rt "' "'" Ksneral legislative pro-1 1 gram adopted yesterday by the newi . rnn(frM1Mlontt ,. At tlie suugest-l Ion of President (lumper, the reso lutions had been amended lo declare; ' the movement non-partisan Instead! ! ' mov(.n,nt l)d "tint there! lo bo mandate growing out "' ,h" election" for a movement to e .dvaiice the Interests ..the pen - 1 (j,.rnrP, organization yea - 'iierrtuv of the new bloc "was the ,,V,W"J . . . i , u (,. i . ( rxpcrlenre." . n ,,roposed," .. . said Senator . ,. ,.0n,.(t, "that each legislative I " .,,,, V,, w.,,m grounded and not .W.., Bi... I " all at one stroke. A committee on resolution was nni.nlnted headed by Krederic C. Howe. former inmime".'1.' "'""- - .lnr nl New 10rH. I'll..'. ...-un.; ' . .. ...u... j Included Andrew f ursetli, president .itornntloiirtl Senman'a un - ! ":, " .i i.ii.. of Women Voters; . .inui ...... .' fc; v..,. . u..f,-1 the!Anir I'incnot. oi iKhimnard. ot Texas: Hepresentatlvc I llinldleston. of Alabama; uepresen- tatlve John Nelson, of Wisconsin; P. i H Callahan. Louisville; William II. Johnston, of the International Ma-j chlnlsts union; I). B. Kobertson, of( the Firemen and Engine Men's; Iirotherhood. and Misa Ethel Smith, i of the Women's Tr'ndo tltilon League. . A special committee io uran Bie ini resolutions, declaring for a nn- , lona.o,;.-.. - - .,-,.,,, of Colorado. (rther ; tutlv Kcaung, 1 member Included Warren S. HtTno, ; of the Locomotive Brotherhood Kn- I inoa' Cenrie I., liecoru. oi i.w: Senator lidU. oi ,orui Dakota: rrans m"...... m-v. ...... , TURKS DARE rIDT TOUCH 0RP1S. UNDER U. S. FLAG They May Massacre Others By Thousands Hut They Respect Old Glory In Asia Minor VORIS TELLS OK THE WORK Cmiferentw' ( The Volunteer Relief Workers For Near East, Held At (rcciiftlNiru, Atundcd II y Many; Near East Has llfl.llllll Chll tlreii I'nder Hh Caw- Now tiieetiilioro, Dec. ! -Th Turks tuny timiisacrn by the' thousand peaceful cliliteiis of Asia Minor and ' may drive hundreds of thousand Yum their homelands, hut they hnv yet to touch it child whom lh' Near F.nst Itelbif is bringing up In ; m liliMinigi'S pi utected by the Amei Iciin iIuk. '" This Is llui message brought to llie annual state conference of ; ve1 inteer workers In Soith Cmo II ut or (be Neiir lOasI Uelle hy i ,lul n It, Vorls, of New Vot k, actlnii liatlomtl Held director. In Hie ab sence of John V, Min e, who ad dressed the delegates In' the (lull-' ford county enuithousn hero today. Kilty or the, li counties In North Carolina, were repri sented, . "Tile American Mag seems to be the only thing the Turks respect." Mr. Vorls slated. "They have yet In violate an orphamiffn lindef Its protection. Those whom they killed In Smyrna were peaceful citizen- men, women and children plirsu- lW h.,l. li,f., ,n I I .1.. Itig her., "No thoiiglit was given the Turk. Suddenly the Greek army collapsed imer cnaiienglng the Turks to bat- lie. I lie victory mm cued nt ud lustful subjects of Kemal Pusha la loose nil the brutal pa.Hslnns of their nature, Hpuried on by tm Koran which lench,i that tn kill Chrlstlsns Is to receive a reward In the here iiftir of ifliarrrn full of hotiris. Tlie Neiir Kiist llellef Is bringing up llO.ooo children ami making I hem Into the future Armenia, th Turks having iui Inn rxlermlnRtsd the present ionilaion. North Carolina Is asked for ll'IIOJHMI of the llillirirt'a K I ft if o II null t.. ,ui niiinosc All fnrol. (. ,i,u iininiirii will be used to feed thus kOH.iiuo driven from tbir iw.m, ani'aii or tne massacre nt Hniyrn.i. Morris A. Menlln, slsle director, In outlining th... program for lha year, (liclnicil ihnt for every dollar coiitiibiiiml in North Cuullna ti cents II ii I m Us way aiross the seas mid Is tin-re swelled Into 11.50 thru free In leu- lltl, mHv. (rpi, n(,rVi.r-n and coiiiiiinii.M which sn. re- ceiveii in tne declared thai tl, ,M)I ofVh N, ,r lOsst Kellef mu., ... ' responsible pa i ties and that his "'f' ll,,n rtnt'-ng, """llu uent In, organixaiion challenges any phliim- l'.lllllltl'V 1.1 i show nu .mm I record for mtiei.nr handling; of funds. Thla nfternonn n nunibir of last yesr'a successful county chnlrmen will tell )w n,ey handled thslr rimrmlfm Inst year, Three native '1!n''',''',, I'esker an- n'so on the i, l Vl. . who h"" j, returned from ..rmatiht. - hla " John , .Indent- In Chirlotte N-"'yuj!nn, of Hlshnp I'linnoii will apeak before h mass meeiing tomorrow afternoon " U (I'und 1 hiiitre and will lell sl" 'J"ui eM just after , the burning of Smyrna and tho mrtssi- r- in lou.iiuii cnristltins mid Jews. CONDITION MISS STONE IS. REGARDED SERIOUS New York. Dec. 2-Miss Olivia M Slone. acquitted last year of the murder of Guy Kinkald, formerly of ; Cincinnati, tried to end her Ufa last , nigni by swallowing poison WIV1 somewhat better today, i ,, ,, u.,,uu,M -owj...i but her eon- dltlon was allll regarded as critical. told hospital physicians her act was prompted by her failure lo , recover her license ns a trained nmc and because alls brooded over ,k. 1.1111.,,. ,.t ,,..i r i , '""' i'"" ' had to live for. She Insisted ahe was not sorry shs - .uuu .fum ...... M,,.,, 1,1 .1,. I own r .),.. I....1 . ... "." - .u. i ' Killed nun oecause i loi-eu nim . she uid. Mlsa Stone practically was without fund nin.is. " "Know Your City" Talk Number 54 FIFTY YKARS OLD Tho V liKtnn-Hnlem tohan market ha dfvrl.nwl to lis prmuit (Hrtllloo ot uUtHnilliig Importunr from . ry mall hmlnnln. In IS7J. In th .rln of Mist year Major T. 1. itrt.wn llrt aold lest IoIhuto In malt b.illSIn near abera tba aUy ball now Htauila. Il.irliii tlie flfly , )(Mi tno loral markrt h flv4ipd until nuw many millions nf nnuouV of toonem are Mild annuallr and lhe laaf 1" broairM hra from at trout raanllm la thMi alale anil Virginia. This la it srrofld larant Ioom. leaf lofcarra In (lie world. , , Thr are flvo oarrhaH bpra ami tho f o-Oporative MnrlietHut AMoM-latio b. niitlln D a rrrlimg alalli.a. Is rad . ' ,..y . - aBHKaaBBBBBaaBraaaaaWBralBrajBaaaaraaBMB "