Petersburg PRICES Current, s Brandy, Apple, gal.' ; gOO j do. Peach do.: Bacon per lb. , Ueej', Wax do. . v Butter' do. Coffee do. , 54 a- 60 a 6 a 33 a . TT3 a 17 a 00 75 00' 70 00 7 .35 23 Corn'per bushel ( , Cotton, perjlb. Flour per bbl; ' $ .Iron per ton : II, - Lard per lb; ' ' 45 a 50 16 is a 00 a 00 a 7 "50 120 00 10 Molasses per oral. 35 a 45 15" 00 a 25 00 Tobacco" . do. Tallo w per lb. Wheat per bushel 5 CO a 6 a 75 a 13 00 " ! T l 00 , Course of ExchanerFetersburgi Virg North Carolina Notes , South Carolina ditto chV:2aSj?rrt n f 3v Georgia , j.; 3 Course of 'Exchanges-Richmond, Virga , w North Carolina. State Bank and branches 2 V a 3 Cape Fear ; - 2$ a 3 . Newberu . h South Carolina. State Bank, PiantersBank j I' - Georgiai State Banl Planters Bank, Augusta '..T.'; b " . ; ', Durieu v j" 4. f- ., . ? ' " i - p ' -7-1 : 1 '2 a. -24 a 2i THE WHOLE TO BE DRAWN IN ' In the city of Baltimore on Wednesday, ; The 9th of November. Cohen's OYFicEtB"altimoref r SeptembMr 8th, 185. Vo have the pleasure to announce tli at Uie drawing oflhe Grand r OF MARYLAND, Will take place in the.City of Baltir more on vveanesuay ine vin 01 jovem t '' ' m I 1 . ft uvr, ana win oe entirely completed the sujerintendance iha: cay, unuer the supennten the Commissioners appointed by the ' Governor and Council. IlighestPrize 30,000 DollarsJ E ME 5,000 in nnn 3000 Rum,Jam.'ner gal. 75 a'-V T5 jf"" draw, of course will be the short time. The superior advantages of iilke per 'lcolbs. ( v ;:k 00; 450 VJ ?rne.n urcr.- this machine are clearly manifest, that m HUtWejrire'rvjiUc d0.f. Vn' hoIe.Iicket3 , g3 DO: addition tathe small .quantity ofagsing VllTw'nl JilbsiOa-' Ten fialf , Ditto , ,i , 16 50 s required, which certainly is an obiectj t.. 3 - - jw ,r- . - , . , , - i . 8C.H 1 "10,000 1 p,000 , - --- to i;ooo: 10 500 SO :, 1CD oo ; 5o : 100 . 20 . s;;- 00- 10 j- 4f 0, ; .. 5, . h 20,000 4 ' W 3000 2000; 2000 20,815 DollsJi52,00Q I ickets 40000, not one Blank to a Prize. ' i . J 1 . ' 1 7 1, , . : ; ; t TO BE DRAWN ON Tllfi" , , . V Odd and Even System ' Secured by" Letters Patent under seal of ' , the United States. The holder , of Two Tickets or Two Shares, will; be certain of; obtaining -atp . ; ". PATENT ! least One Prize, and may draw Three!, COTTON P R R S S. The popularity of this Scheme is1 tin - rivalledand in V consequence of its Brilliancy and. mode of drawing,! has .-aiuoft o f nntiniianrA'nf sn!a tk mnft'Bew anu USeiUI Uactlltie I0f 'Me DUr'nrc'.iA.- k rt,n. unjtfecedentedr'-Etery Prize-is4 p$a ! ble in Cash, which tan be had the moment they an drawn. ; 1 , , 4 v,- ,ni . . Who e Tickets g5 00 Quarters 81 .25 2 50 I Eighths, CER riFiCA IES. -; 'I La 1 m 1 a ' 1 m a aurpius u wuai mcj uiuh i len Quarter doJ . - . 8 25 Or any less ors greater number in the same nronor rtioni g be had, in thejcotton is convenient, by having some as ietyKNumbers (Odd. and Uistence in sewing,Vhat is by far the most greatest variety Even) at . COHBKF'S Lottery (sr Exchange Office, 114,' Jar kelrstreet c . BAHIMORE, Where all the Grtfat Capitals wereisold in' the last Grand State Lottery which was drawn on thei 27th July viz. tnei n n.u i 'ift AA.t r .11... I .Ul iu,uuu woiiars uue iu,uuu iouar--iHc ipasseu on ine iuveniiun,ine suoscrioer ism 5,000 Dollars (the latter i& offer it to the Public as'sorae And where in the i laiC State and i other Lotteries, were sold the ureat capitals of 100000 'Dollars- of 50,6So Dolls 3 U of 40,000 Dollars' 5' of 50000 - DoLjbVFIF IT DOLLARwhen all materi- 3 iars I of 20,000 Doltars 17 of, 10, "1000 Dollar-31 of 5,000 Dollars,- Ccc.r ,2And where, more capital Prizes hawejthe Deparuaent: of JStata of the United ben obtained than at any other othct in America. " ' Orders fromany part of the iUni te'd States,1 eith'eriiby mail(post paid) or private conveyance, enclosing the Cash or i nze l icu.eis, in auy yx iiwi'cr ries, will meet the same .prompts ana may, Dypaying a very moderate sura, se buuctual attentioh'as if on personal ap- cure individual, county, or state rights ' .. nit.... " niicauon. naanss to J. 1. tJUlittM, Jr. & jJiio l llCKd, Baltimore. : rnHFN'S! idn-rolta and LntifimVonz, three leet wiue, anu can oe useu in Re-isterS which will be published, im m;,f.i , HrawJnfr. xvil I ron. IUVU4UVVIT . UI'VI flri.v -w. fkj " tain the comrdete List ot. Frizes, and will be forwarded gratis, to all who .pur chase their Tickets at COHEN'S! OF on ",e" - of U ICE, and who signify their wish to re ceive the same; Sept. 13. v ' NOTICE, The Lottery and Exchange Business heretotore conaucteu m iauimore, un " 1 . ' ' 1 T 1. ' . J der; the' firm of J- I. UQiien, Richmond and Norfolk under thei firm of P. WM. I. CoAenand in Phila n nnn xlelphia under the firm of-1U'-- Jr. fJ Brothers, will for. th j. 1. vonertf the future conducted in each place under the firrn ot Baltimore, Sept. 5,. 1825.. . . J liest Cotton GicV.' .2000 The subscriber has just received and Of- 80000 ; fers for saIe,ilow, a lew more or S Superior Cotton Gins, Which can be seen on-application at the tavern m Warrenton, recently occupied bv him. Those who wish to furnish them- selves should make early " application. or they may. be. debarred ol an opportunity.; , , ROBERT R. JOHNSON. August26. . r V V" ? ' tf 1 .W.E Subscriber, respectfully informs Wends and the public in genera!, that neai invented flk'Bew anu useiui juaciime tor the I a J " ' ' ah i - J ' C ; feting ' Cottoa into square 'bales, by the power of a lever, acting on aiuicum, wmcn unvesmeiouowertnat I ui eases iuc vuuuu iuiu uie .Dates. r m. . A . . . from 450 to 500 pounds of Cotton can be pressedjnto five yards of 42 inch basdni I 'll . . 1 . LI 1 h wuu consioerame, ease,1 and in a very two hands can with great ease, nark from eiffht to twelve, bales in one davi if the tedious part. Thehriplicity, of this ma chineand it& superior powers are greatly admired - by mechanical artists, and in fact all who have seen it. By a mechan ical demonstration it is proven, that the power of the lever and its concomitants are equal, if not superior to-any, even the wedge if properly applied ' to From the highland irequent encomiums . . .1 .j dX. a? ' al ' t . thing worthy , of , their immediate notice Any person that may ;want, can apply to the Subscriber. The probable cost will - alsare found, aniLHIGlLTXif not Coupd. - U'ai1Kiileitera having tcet obtatneclTroai states, all persons are prohibited trom .Imaking or using the- Same without' legai - ' risht. - All infringements vvilt meet with the rigor of. 'the law, made and provided in such cases. -Any mechanic that may wish iu uc ucucuucui ujf inc uivcuiivu l'rL -a : rr i r . -n i i ie smuc. i vucicu lau laimcia auu an others. j The size of the Machine is sixteen feet House 01 sixteen reel pitcn, or Drougm ho near the outside that ther. cotton can I t II t. i A I j 1 ,JC ""CJ uj tt LUtJC "utu tw lc press.- . . . . . y . ' j , ; ; LieVlS LaVSSarQ. Halifax, Sept. 13, 1825. j , -m Notice to Cottba Planters! Having appointed Mr. Ben jamin E. Cook. my Exclusive agent for i VVarren County, for the sale of Patents for the above Press. I . . .V. , . ' ' . . ' .. . l . ' . ' ' ir : .1 -j- r . . . rip-hts for usin? the same, will be furnished 5-. calling- bh him.1 . Thft Subscriber O : 70 --.7 i . . " L. L. Thft Subscriber, in the course of two bypcira w;i have one of the above Cotton beprACae in nhMtinn t hi ftin Hnnsft in Varrenton; an examination of which will be in some degree necessary to those who may prefer to purchase the right only, and build the Machine. themselves. . , b. js; Cook; Flank and Baconi I have a parcel of Plant and 'Bicon; Iboth of good quality, Dose of at cusiomary which I will dia pose ry prices... KEMP PLUMMER. Sept. 23 V New Flour. AVE; expect to receive toDay or To morrow Two LoadsfSuperfine Flour. ; ' Wm.; Anderson Co; 5 Sept 20. 1825: ' " : A LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at Warren : ton, N. C. 1st October, 1825. ' ' ... A-', , . Allen Mrs. M. H. Alston Collin, Al- ston Philp.r Andrews argaret M. Ar ringtoa W. Altimore Geo. S. Bennett Charles E. Burgess Maj. John, arrow James; Boyd Lewis A. Bell Ja cob, Birdsall Stephen.1. r : . ' . :. - I- ' W v ' k ' Collin xMrs. Margaret, .Cocke-Miss Ma ry Ai Cushite John, Coleman Dr. L. II. i Cursey William, Cottrell Benj. , - Dey Rev.Geo.- Duncan Janies R Dowh Rev. Peter, Davis Stephen, Davison Rich- ard.Esq . ' i : .- ' ' Epes Peterf: Evans John, . A Foster Jordan,, Fenil Cage, Fuller Geo. W, . , -? r i - .- . - Green Thomas E. Green -Adam, Gale JohnT. - Harris Burwell, Hicks Thomas,Hudgm James, Hayes William, Hamlett Richard, Haywood Mrs. Eleanor. Hagood tlorrell, Hardeway Miss Ann H. ." . . '. -j: ,. : . ' Jones Francis Esq. Judkins Dr. James W. Johnson John C' K K.iiterson George, Kearny jRichara; ?tJi Lanp-ford , John. Lhn?lv Leonard. S , Laughter,Col. J. Laughter William. , 1,Mosely Jno. W 3, Mitchell Peter, 2, Marshall John F. Marshall Jeffersen H. ; viacuu,4xia u.aueiu, muiry iTirs, iuu aret. -" - ' I ' . ' -' JNethery-l hpmas, JNichoison KoDt. i O'Brien John. : . " P- ,..'. ' Pain William L. Paschall John, Power Thomas. ' . , " ' . Quishenberry John. v " i Robinson i Clack, Robinson Isham, Robinson John 2, Ridley Maj. T.2; Rid- i ley Mrs. 'Ann G, Radcliff. John1 W. Ret- zfer J. A. Roocker: Miss, Elizabeth,' Reid Col. Jesse. Ramsey ! Booker. Randolph Peter. , . ' ' : 1 !' Shell Mrs. . Elizabeth, Spencer Beni'a rain, Sale Anthony, Sledge Sherwood 2. Tucker Ealy, Tucker Wood Esa. Ta ly Henry, Tanner Saravl. YanceyMrs. Mary. r-: : ' I.-, ;j . ;,. -V V . . . 1 Williams John B; Williams Wm. T, Williams Mrs. Lewis, Williams Mrs. K-i lizabeth, Wood Wiley, Watson Tlios. D.i Watkins Jno, Watkms Moses.' i . " JOHN ANDERSON, P. M. Oct. 4th 1825; p - S r. . . - 1 1 ' ''.I . t ' ...'( - 1 . . ' I THOSE who have hitherto neglected to. viuss iticiii aiivuuis jWiiu mf ouuscnuer, are notified that circumstances wil not permit of indulgence;- and they are there fore invited to settle the same without de lay. . . . , 1 . WM. ANDERSON. j May ir. ; ' 1

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