'X PROSPECTlTsl. ( of A BOTH. AMD ISTEXXBTIIIO WxEfciT . . ' i , FtTBLICATtOIf, be cownenzil on Saturday . tke Ci J til J tn-tinz, ? be entitled I THE SPY phil Vdblpbu, " Slsa Spirit jor hie Age. IT is vary philosophically . chse ve1 -jy Addison,. that' our grea tets pride msi from ' dotn good to eas''i'vther,.i.i other word bewij indi trd serviceable to society, Tnis can be e.TiCieJ by a proper appli Cauau af cat intelligences, meeting l?ien out acceding to the necessities 6f the community, and loss latnentitij t4i 3 decline pi M'-iulic rrtU9 advanced. A the direction an! discussion of ocastires of national aai state policy ere tbe business of the daily p: est, the tali application of Addison's re dirk s ne;3Sr:!r neglected, and the ccnqjiv:s is ttiat vice, snieldei by eiiin aoJ worldly i'tfianoe, ate a. Cr oti i'mn; ;te people, not only un suspected, -bat ourted and requited kni that a publication is uecesary -' rbich will "nor only 'detect, but exhi tic tfiese wolves iu sleep's clothing to' public scorn a .ftark,bv which o. theri will be warned from their intent cai a service be rendered to society. ( la effVctio? 'his object washall pursuo 1 a yet untrodden path; on where the nseessary morn shall be mingled foot ccacsledj with cotUraslin flowers rb";MAX.xa' ofthe St" tx Phi la. ZELPHIa'' lull be ptfeclly delicate aid uncon'taiioated by cant or vulvar it jr , its censure shall be judicious, it entire chaste LtteriTUre, and the am call in lit an citired and tealoui fritud D'4 iiaiic and Literary end-. Osm khaii met with mist attentive co 1 ituartiat study, auJ skeiche of lb- 3 -ind Pulpit of Philadelphia tlia i oceasii j.iallr appear from the r;iri' of ce npQ-.ent jtidgea. auiitfluen ci by peror.l acqjaitra;ice or pro- . fi'iioial attachuieii: To these, re commend tiotis; our Poetical coluinu rn'l ad i - another, which corsi.ig fr-vn n already popular source, we Ji'i .l, b" e'qial to that oi n re preten Iiu waucati'jft- It is unnecessary 15 lie m re , explicit as we pruutuo tts wj.it of t tie prop )se-l journal is not only d.tiit?ed but generally felt. 'W" 't-.erftre p'aca our-eves before ' ite PEQPLti. aud relying upon t:eir lore of juitise and of 'ib!ic virtue, itei decision respee. fully bat Csu5 "ntlr ' ' 1 . i CONDITIONS. Tt'e :- iinmber of -The Sir .ue PiiiLtosLpaiA, will be maei on PRICES C(hiRNf. Prices of Suple Produce, attfce Pe tertbarg &larkeu; - fiOO OS to 09 OB CO a 00 lb 14 a 00 16 12 00 00 ie a 00 15 4 ft 00 SO 1 I S a 00 11 a 00 13 OS 50 a ,04 00 It 0? 14 14 a 00 it tfisb Mackerel ur bbl. 04 50 a 17 50 tteirines, No 1. 05.7? a o vo do Ko S 1 00 00 a 04 00 Shad 05 5d a 68 33 leathers, per lb. 1 30 a 00 85 t-ur uperfine prbbl 05 5 a 05 50 do family Lard per lb Bacon per pouai Sees-was Butter ' Caudles, dipptJ d mould do tpcrci Cheese Coffee, prime Cora per barrel Joitun per. lb Cotton Bagging 07 00 06 01 00 07 50 00 0o 03 00 Hi f'; oitiMar in July It will t-9 uriote! if line whit pp-r- l-'!' nmtn i mm af,(J with good i i - type. . As it is inten ;ea iq re.taer ine contents wortb?;of preservniidfi, for tunuvin'g cr insirace. reference, the adranUsm if tbe propased and more portable iizn will be evident. The iffnm ri Si n-sr! anmun, payable in adva ice or 1 60 if not paid before th eu'ir4iin of sit im.ntbs. Agents wi'l be aUUwel.a diicouat of 10 per CTJQtvon al! subscribers they shall ob tain, on remiUiu;; mi yr payment liV ivaie or iec jni;i respooible fji ins sa ne. aud "a raiyious copy of Leatner, upper do sole. Lime, per cask Molasses, per ga -Mustard Nails, cut per lb Oats per bushel Pepper, per lb Pork, fiesb Porter, per dos. Powder, per keg Kice, per lb. Rjpe, Bale Bad Cotes per dos Spiiits, Brandy, Ap. U "60 a 00 6 SO a 00 45 01 50 a 01. 75 a a a a a :! I 85 01 50 i oo i . 10 00 45 01 00 00 06 00 .00 00 5 04 50 a 05 00 OS S5 05 00 OS 59 05 50 i Si' a 00 04 07 a 00 08 OS 50 a 01 00 do new do Peach dt CcgnUs rluru, Jamaica Gin, Holland Sugars, St. Croia do New Orleaoe do Lsaf 55. a 00 63 65 a 00 70 01 10 a 01 50 01 5 01 50 01 10 a 01 25 10' a 00 Is 08 a 00 10 IB a 00 ti 0E1MCATI03V, j ' ' OF TBS . . .AMERICAN RACE-TURF REGISTER, SPORTSMAN'S HERALD and GENERAL STUD BOOK, f HOST. KSSJECXFTJUT 30BCK2BED T9 CAPTAIN J AS. J. H ARRISOM, (lather of the American Turf.) SIR, TIE spit And Spirit of the Age The unorecf denied auccest of iha there ha ring been netrlv 1700 subscribers , receif ed since its eomtnencement, io JulyXlasi is the best erideoce'of the estimation it has secured in the public Qiiod.X While tbe present proprietors will pursue the couise which has conferred such erai. inent DODularitr oh their Dredeeaisoni r . . ' I ' I feel a peculiar satisfaction in ; uy will also use every endeavour to dedicating the following work to yeii, '. gie the.SP Yn if postible, a spirit of aed should' it contain any observations t greater vigour, variety.spd originality: or remarks, which may have a tenden- I than has been beietofora achieved Salt, Liverpool prack 05 12 a 02 lb Tea, imperial do Gunpowder Tobecco, Cue prt do fie fused Whctt, per bushel 61 5 a 01 50 01 5 01 50 05 00 i 07 50 OS 00 a OS 50 01 17 a 01 0 SaoJtAete Exchange at Petersburg Vorth Carolina Neeu -IJ dis'ct South Carolioa . .l 1-2 Georgia .6 1-2 a S J RICHMOND, Tobacco, prime, per Ib.Cts. 8 a 10 Middling do 4 a 6 Refused do a 4 pMour, city m lis, per barrel J5 75 Caual do 5 25 .Vheat, por bushel Cti. 0 80 a 0 80 Corn. do Oats. co Bacon, per tb; Butter; do Ouffoo, a Sucar Loaf; per !b. . Do Brown & o 0 40 a 0 45 15 8 i t 11 a, 14 -m m it tl 16 a 22 T 58 a II 00 Bank. Vote Exchange. ... State Bank N. per cent dii. S South Caroliua banks, 6 1- 8 Georgia banks,, 8 I- Datien, V i . -If P nil a 4. il phi a'' wi! tbe piper. 'Poo 5dv m CTJiiuiri h'l'OJfou enrairi'ijs after Ibe naia-r of tho celenrated Cruik cbtbk. Vij will be esecuied by irif.il artist a;id accompanied wh the tOitiic itlortins"in proe or verse Y'fj t it a pent of original and All orders .nasi ba addressed post asid. to . . I -. v WILLUM HILL it CO. Ki. l 4.!he:iia.i BiiMragc Philada Care wU b ak to have the work earef-jlly packed whec tent yut of tbe TWO FOUNTS " 7 : OfTp". can hediipensed With by the Editor, in censea teo-.i of having reTved a ne siply 0ie of them is L'i? Piaitr. the o her Brerir, both "eerv S0'd and would be useful in the OSzt of. a CWntiy "Paper Tey oiild f!d at a m leraie price; 'Wjrrentort, x: c: pril U, ie.S3 tin i t t it t ? Milinsry So 3Iaiaa' Making Mrs. Ana Stinor, : , ; c'.:'vf respectfully remisds ..J'y'g her customers and ; Viyi -.IJ . friends, that fcho hais f "i? for some mSaths past i devoted a considera. Llo portion of her tirna to iba diiTer. cm branches ( of f Hiiery, such as ; sh Cleac'.rirjj, Moaelm and Trimming ; N Strsw aud Leghorn Bonnets, and inakini Silk Borrats hpd Cdashes; andhhiiKegfatificatiodto say that ghu- has urttforraly given the greatest satisrltction j ' She aIsu continues to attend s? ricU !y to all favors in the Mantua. Ma. Mas business, in which - she has ; for co maj years been successful ia pleasing her customers in ail tr?. epects. ..'.' ' ..--!' V BOA R.DI KG. L " ' '.I " fc T-Irs. S. ;would be glad to furnish a few additional single gentlemen with iJoard," either byt'te month cr f ejir. RANSOM'S HOTEL, ' Blakely, X. C. End of Petir$iarg RaU Road ; Hosnos. Will be opened by the Subscriber in September. Tint new and splendid ESTABLISHMENT Will bi fmnished in a neai and fash. ion able manner, with; new 1-urnitora. and every other necessary and comfort requisite foe tre vellers genteel com pany 1 ne ease ana laciiKies ci gooo mark-Mine from reters oure. IX or loin find if uecessary, from the fionhern Cities by Cars, be and the wealth plenty of this j neighborhood, together with he edrautages o( the products of tbe rich Valley of our Roanoke, indu ces him to say, no Mention can be bet ter (applied, and he feels assured, that he has acquired a repetition tz know. Iedj iu iho business from having con ducted for a iong time, large and sim lar Establishments in this Sue and theWest, that will ensure him success. He repectfuHy refer to the Advertise ment of the Petersburg Rail Road Company for the facilities j afforded Travellers. Three Stages and . Ac commodation Coaches will leave Blakely every day, one (or Fayette- ville with trtecreai Southern mail, & two to, and by Warreuiou. going South and West, all gentlemen svho are dupos-d to' take the Rail Road at Blakely, may depend on hflvin their Horse well taken care of. and tbeir Gigs and Carriages i put under good helter and houses built expressly. ew Roads and safe terry Boats are establishing- and wit be in full opera tionin a few days. Liquots U Wines, all laid in from the oldest makers and ifnnnriin HmitM Mini bit i - -- sturgeon pens aro erecting, ana win be in readiness. In fast, nothing shall be wauting as far as his limited means will go, ta meet tbe satisfaction and comfort of all genteel companv. EfoB'T. RANSOM k CO. Blakely, N. C. ( Sept. fi;h, 1833. in ; Job Printing. iVeatly Executed at this ey to improve the American Breed of i Race Horses, my labor will be amply remunerated. , . t select you. Sir, from the great list of sportsmen who have patronised and supported a diversion, Xcleediogly well I calculated to afford the highest specie of gratification, and rational amosement--aa a tnedel. and an exam pie, worthy of iwiiiaiioo : to evince to the world, that a gentleman, when gai ded by prprJence, may promote and encourage this noble and fascinating amusemeuV without imparing his for tone, or tb smallest refection pu his moraiity t and to denioitrate that UJfSULLIED.HO.VOR aud integri ty of beait, are compatible with tbe ap pellatioo of a generous aporuaan. Thus Sit, yon aland pre eminently distinguished on the AMERICAN TUHi During law distressed and unsettled state of our country, by embargo and war; the rational amusements of the Turf, measurably declined, and par tially died away, until they were resus citated by your indefatigable persever ance in breeding. SBd traiuing tlJiVtt HORSES and when the public call to mind bow often their imagination have beea--so highly , gratified; , in be holding those noble animals, 'Direc tor' and Virgiutanu' and many others of your' immediate stud, displaying their prodigious powers, on tbe various Race-TurTi in ibis count ly, they aure ly must :(ixnf juMiiy) suppose, that no other persoti in :rie whole "SPORT ING COMMUJYITY." wai so emi nently worthy of the dedication of this book, as yourself. Hence you may be ityled ( without adulation).tbe father, of the American Turf. In private life you may also be styl ed a dignified link, in the chain of po lite society: -for I am at a loss which to adimre most,' your noble virtues, your tnoQensive life, or tbe suavity oi your manmrs. v Thai uoibine may interrupt the in expressible felicity, which arises from the consciousness of your worth, and that you may foee continue to dispense ulessinffs. and haDDiness, among tnose who surround vou. is Bir, the sincere wish of your obe- uioqi numoie aervani. i A 1 Atva it if r s-f-blMf a B( ; tameero, I ZaX e JYortk Carolina. , AMERICAN RACE-TURF REGISTER, " SPORTSMAtfS HERALD, ": aito ' GENERAL STUD, BOOK: CONTAUaKS tHB PEDIGREES ' Of TBS MOST CELEB RATLD 1IORSEB, ' MARES It GELDINGS, THAT SATE DISTINGUISHED TOEM . SELVES AB , " RACERS OX THE a I1ERICAN TDKF, '-' rsoii ons QraRTBs or a mis Race f Ur TO fCt MldEB SMS) SEPEAT ALSO itJCH AS HAVE BEES KEPT II TUt 8TCD AS STALLIONS AtTD HARES TOR BREEVtdO. raOKTHE EARLIEST PESt OD TO THE PS5BEKT TIME FROM WBICH . , CAVE DECODED TOE COST VALUABLE SIOODSD STOCK AT PRESENT IC ' res uwiteo STATLIt . . THE WHOLE CALCULATED FOR THE USE AND INFORMA TION OF AMATEUUS, BREEDERS, AND TRAINERS Of that most neble and: useful animal, . the Horse. Compiled from ib Paper. Letters, Memorandums, Stud boohs and Newspapers, rf the most cele brated and Distinguished Sportsmen; also, from other sources of the most corrrect - information. BY PATRICK N1SBETT DGR, ) Of Granville County XV. Carolina mL. "Ostroque insignis et aurot Stat- sontpes ac troena itros spuman tia mandtt. y. 'Behold the blooded steed, highly ca- . narisoned - With gold and purple, ready stands: be .viewa ..; : Man, face to face, and fiercely champs the foaming on." IN TWO VOLS. VOL. I. Toe wors iseipectea to oe ou; in about 4 wcrks, when it may be had at vhis nfuce. Editors with whom vre exchange wall Cpifcr 4 fgror bj noticing tbo tboTV This publicatioo is iniendeJ as a aa tirical observer and corrector of tbe iaorals and maimers of the day. tie tire is a mnstj effective powerful wea pon in tbe hands of a judicioul lac ticiao. and may be used any occ4 sion with advantage,' but particularly upon the vices oi follies of the com ruuuity. a he rerprctable respewsibil- it y assumed, is a. sufficient euaraoree for it utility and eirtllencc; and foi tbe total expulsion from its column nf thai acurnlliry which blunts the edge of satire, and deprives it of its purify. mg agency. Xaiteratote and the Dia. ma will be sharers ciits colana ni all that is serviceable to the progreu of useful information and moral informa tion a moral improvement will receive its warm advocacy. . The terms are $2 per annum. t a nee, or $i 50.- if tbe expiratiou of not six payable in ad paid before months- Agents wilt be allowed a discount of 10 per cent, on all subscribers they ob talfn. bv leiniltix or becoming respon sible lor the same They will be. also entitled to a copy of ibe paper gtatui tously. All orders j must be addressed (post paid) to I - W. C. ARMSTRONG &V CO No. 1 Athenian Bui'didg Editor with whom we exchange Iz bom advertise the Bpy, will confer a particular favor by noting the cbaCge. and inserting the above. LIST OF LETTERS, . nemaininem tne rs umce at Warrentcn North Carolina, on the first day of October, IE S3. I A . I Andrew Wi E. Balthrop J. M Bagnell James Bonner 8 R. B'lreessT Esq. do Jamea - -! ." Cawthorn J. V. Carny Miss. II ancv Dr IF. W. unnavantM. W. Tl 'tibsci intencii'- ,v himself io the bu ss of : -g. holding and ccllea t .. rjebU, ind ; tu drawing op insiroi. ' ri ting of eveiy kind, re- dera bis services, in these cap - ! i, la the putlic He will periodi 'y perfoim fours through the counts, of Warren, Or nville, Frsr.Ulin, Halifax: . and Nash for the purposo of Codec tingAic, iand at iriiermediate times his services can be bad for the' other pur poaj Charges and commiHion will be moderate in all case..aitd the re (est expedition used, id. liur.ctwaln t.b.. ; served in the dwcUarae hi' all errge- incDtS. j 34 VV.llTJfsWAVANT. Warrrnton N, C Sd Jan 18SS. N R. I expect very tocn to rom- uiC'iice a, tour in tins eoonty ihereltrro persons ;wi)ing to avail theniSKlves , of the oppo'tuhity to make roiletone are invited to hand in their respec hve claiAis wiiboui delay. J M. Wi D. fj !The Peteraburi Imr-Uigeo. cer will publish the above r.o gx and send their bill to this Ofiice ' 6 3' I Baxter T.bmbi'v Bridgers Col. G. Bell Thru A. Blanch Geo. T 1 C (Campbell Lewis , Troskland WrsJ V D Diggetts D E, S j u Horses for Sale. ' A bargain would be sold ib TWO good frame builitngs, each- whk c good Stone Chimney They can: bo bought separate or together, ai no be removed to any part of the toi-. a a comparative trilling expense, t.-v ai.y person washing to ontree their J build ings. Apply at thi Ofice. j Watreiitno, Nov. e:h, 1S32. i V - ith vie to tn uio, ff prosecutiiou of their business; the S.- scribeis have established a B'tK BINDERY Having procured the besl Materials from the North, and employed a Workman who coinrs vll recommended, the are prepared in ex ecute na moderate teuushll order to this line.j . f Account Books, Records. A; e. rnlrd and made to order : and ereiy kind of Binding promptly, executed in the host and neatest niauiter. oq lemonaUa terms. ':''( . J. GALES t; SON. 0" Being Publishers of the Re ports f the Supreme Court, j sui.h cf (he Subscriber to that Work as chusa to send their Nos. to him to, hind, w:.!4 have them carefully attended ! io n the Indexes and all dencieiit NumheU supplied ; j Halcigh, Seatembei 13. Ellis Obed Elienton Pj. Fennel M.s A. Fog Mrs M. ' ' Gordon Jamea 4 do Miss Elita C. t Egerton Gilbort Foot. Henry H Hawkios J. M. f do Perer B . 1 Hammond S B. t Hickman Miss A P j Hodges Mrs- Sard J Jones Win. D.' Johnston James Fowler James' Green C. P. . da Simon W 2 do Mrs Ann do Adam Harris Bej.D. . do Rcbt. C Ha rum Mrs. D E Hill Whitrocll J. Johnson J. G. do Anthony u do Mrs. Ann EiDg Natbaoiel Loyd Wm Sr. I MiCon Kat. Gsq. Minga Wiu, T. Most James Nicholson .' Kimball Shucar L I " M Marshall 6. Mickroan A. T- Mosely R U v J, J. N PaftitJo Edwerd Preple AJr. N do Mis Matilda A RabonPAIIv K Ripley Tj D. Robinson; Clark I Norwood Rev. W p Peete Miss Mary Powell Thomas Pool Thuruos v R . V Rieeon Michael Rodwell Robert Ryan Mcrcus C For First rate Wheat Tobacob LANDS Sale I n G rvnti lit. County. North Caniliiia. Tho subscriber -' intends to' ofier at public sale, to the hicbest bid- ' 1 i . , Sharp. Mcj. Jas . SitnsJoeph Sheriff v( Wcrren Sledce Sherwood. Spruiil Geo. E. Turner Daniel Esq ao Lewis (frqnhari Chcs. F do Dr Rick A. W der, on the 22nd of October next. if feir, but if io th first air Jdy ulterj the foTlowhig trstts of 1 " Situated on Ijtaif fi, Michaels Creek, Thirieebi milfs' frrrn t'lar k?i'lr. iro from Fietlq's Ferry rr. Robih k, twrfv from Oaforc' and ten fron1he r r tiq. ' plaied Ril Road . loading ifron U ford to Welrion. n RoancLe. Tho tract on wl.icii 1 live contains ' .... j E3 ACRES, f. Well improved. On it is a Dwel ng. House well Cmshed, with a parlour, dining, room, a closet and two. bed rooms below and four bed room and , two ttosriis bov-- all of vrhtrh uiq ; well Cuhti There nrejsevfi. out1 lioues frknifd together, ih seyrai gond Trbsero Rams. Cahbins. Sia l'ei. ftiC On it tieltn srll asnAS Peach and Apple Orcharrls U hen the Mill ivas iu operation I bp o "aceoanr of the toll for cne year uhirh amonnted o a little 'mot tlui;- 150 Barrels of Torn, beside wheat. There1 i a variety of eacelleiit Spng, nd I believe rot a'rnpte healthy siumM.n ih Granville or perhep in thf.Sta'c. About 50 Acres of bi irar' i fit ji qiml'My oil Tobacco Lrd-rmcleaiea - about one half of the balance is riher better than eroi d qnal'.y of Tol'-irto Lard, arid the whole of the b!i re is Smith Banister R I Cd for Com. The fain .'at it ;lai. doNathlEsq Sherrin Daniel SladeDr.E.E. White John do Tbomci Yatboro Joel Y I WiHicms neory do Hery G du Majr Wm do John B- 5 do Cel. Robi r JAS. SOMERVELL, P. N. Octobeijsd, 18SS, Persons wishing letter from this list will please say'tbty are advertised. - H . TTanted Immediately, At th. OfSce, an Apprentice to the Printing "Business; a lad between IS and 15 years of age would preferred- He must possess a tolerable ZnUsh Lducatioo. DebtmbftrCOibr 165? . , . tstion it jn pod order, and M fTii ier,t to aoilv fc Bdvan'ff 10 er 12 hantia. " . TKe seconft Tr livtus 1200 Acres, gco : 1 i ' Of svhich is first rat T-lar ci L'nd oncleared, a ccnMder;r.le :ai rf ti4 taUr.ce is sr ent'd quality Ti Nrco Land, and the whele nf it e halanre Bod lor corn,; with the e,xeej-tion nf a Mountain aod the cjiiinins sloprt, supposed to contain about 100 Acres. Theie is on thiiTtHCt. ar. 0fh'rd cf well assorted ffti.it irie ; but He ihi urnieraentt ordinaiv. T; t! ts tit good nrder. 'iuit ifi.i tbont six hai'iis.- Purchasers can ta fuiuithed i'h a!Muids cf crain. for- rage, stock and farming utensils a iuuderate price. V . Any pertuu wishing to buy is iiitcd . to view it he pieinise nrevmu ti ttra day of Mir, which will take pLcr at 2 o'clock, P M. at which lime tho terms ol sale will be make known. JESSE H. COBB. Auc i9 IE 33- T10th Oc. N. B Karh of the above Tigris aro SO aitti8it thai ihey can be , t.dttnt gecusli Ctvidkd into ifto snnlrntei.;. Jihl lin 10 wtft ; v -