i V ' 2Slh uitv fcA?s that "theGdVorrtof Has divined lh tnty thfe t)U f rrcLv with aft rulieeftrt bach author : izid to Ciiil odt an? number of rtlcai in Case ofricttiat , invrtsion, to repel thd crtemy.nnJ tjiUt sctiaiing parties, , areengtged niong I ho whold line of position, tofecomloitry in advance cf xhe settlcirttent & prevent a surprise .to the inbabilaitis. A largo supply of arras, ftnu'ammunioii has also ht.ei ortivj 5y the Kfcecufive.iit , Su!d the Sciiiioiti persevere in vVute&rl ti'!MisSi ,-thoinsivea on thissi.lu o tta u'vvhite'o.il is the in (enlion fsfiht! tCxeeulive.-to Call tvjt the iuiiiil i ch i.tassc. It is ralso ,oiv ( Jen: plated to establish posts on the Withhechco, hud thfriee to the Si ToHf " TT'a A'.vrhui country W Uvu finally :u;inlom;d. 'At hat : tne thni.in t persons, inns: j y irt pros perous chcumstaiicos, na'vo been rivea from their hu'meV " .On tho 3th ' iiji. th house of t. Jame o (Jo, of Ibis Town, forward ed, by the Accommodation Mai!, to ' . tbrir house in. Richmond, a letter containing $1,000 in bank notoi, and achrck ior tl,0;Kr. As this letter ti Fi P!irti t: destination, nnd us it "feifJ evijf rit !y brn abst racial from the imil, -, n in vrsiiVpition r wat inslitaivd by .our vigilant fustm-ister, T- lnU Tsq. fur the pippose of ilciccirr.a thti ro!ber. EntTtHinin strong :i Kpfeinn 4i?aiut n lriver . not belonging to the lino by the fiame of Huffman, nnd fearing that Xho stf-pickuW of llie guilty mtht'be excited, ifhit ahnuld bo .soen otijbq road between the two places, and his ' object thereby defeated, Mr Snore srnt an express tp' tho Postmnster at Ridvnin;d on 'Saturday 'last, with a reqwestthat ho would cause Hoffman to be apprehended. This request was promptly cornjijiod wuh; rand the? cotpiii committed, to jail. The whole of the vrey m found, in his psess? .ft. fie stated thai it was " t" him by Bordick, the Oriver from tletorsbiini to tho Half iKa'v Wo nro iuiiy tauthbrUecl 10 an - hQiince tttditiab Uiwt ks n candi tiuteYor the SherUfaUy of Warren County at the tnauiiig August fcbo tionk ' - ' A meeting of the friends cfrMAT. f i.t Van I3unii and RiefiARO M. JohN30x, is rcquo3!cd b tho'Cpart liouae tn tlie town ofWarreriton; On the 18'h day of June for the purpose if adopting surii measures rnay I w deemed best to secure thtjir elec tion. ; ' L . 0000- ' PETERSBURG MARRT-S.' Tobacco continuc.j in good de- "StiiUsj yet ! ' T. . : --. . .'I .'. . . ' 1I-.. ... l:iW..i. t &iici five liurVdtM lUfn ira Hrtkrt Oft thA hrf fefeifeh'Whith thk'rrioi ! u P,e4. : .u. .3W Arul' ;n) wiiti KHiij aidnrL- V VVJ Utl'l WltU V TT WWV, ' t . The last New York Amrrienn j om a vyvij' wi if r 4I . f fC 'of thdt bod tdwardi Hbcratulg the j vioiiS dktfSSUoh featistii Aetliberd: "Slava ufthat pIsHlct ai a breneh ih iiYtlM& thd ; cdrefii bf theif 0f faitH toVafdi tUdse Stated, by owners, with which all pii? tdtub "ihorft the territory Waif ongtri&Hy ; books abotihd. a.S&eU of ordiBdrV , Cmi Via fiatranhiti Oal'H sw.llilr- cetletJj and woUltl ihi iucli inter leislatiort; anwork inVort ofj jjf hich it letirfii, 6anU -Antid had "fernce as the first stejvtdwdfds a " private proprijS Add ifthtegfr J fii.ted-io bis ftitridiW eitco,t'haJ "of the Soullu,r ; 1 tholaVe3 within iti limits by the j j? ttiy a shp between the cu rtd It will be' readily perMwd thai Jeisl Of ht dwnri there; Would I tho lip; Ari, is ' DO.bar tl ; aii-. L ti ''u.u .utbe hothih!? insitch d rnbasiire io" re i'tlespot nor 5 .iretfmati, 4, lis ta A la V(4 ' " in the sense is prbduced hifie omis-i ana ftoldlo8 same species ot prd. ;corjsenlof theVebel Houston., Hved aisn. it i 'iKatif itf Vpp , i lri ' per f5 tlio tlext dav The ektraordt. ' his life hanifs li W& the; breath of bis' without consent of their owners.' nar Prs r soverhty alohe nosinls. But vvou aJ , . . . . Unnlrl rntorrwo r, hcFiK,V i now to Vhstt Mexico!. Wiltnotlb On tho question to strike out the for rtier, with the View to insert, :tnd, in could Interpol an obstacle by nbo. ; no " 1 - V ? 1 . . ..... i", V ... ' wheel of forturid tUrn against lurni lisning ine ngnin oi slavery; ana in- j terdiciing its future existence. This Lugs ' I 30 00 to 7 50 Leaf common td geell i 50 to 0 00 ood to btst 9 00 to 12 50 CoTrON Salts avo readily tnudc at 10, and 18 . J TVheat, nont? in niaTket, ptice SI 3D to l.iJa. President's vkto. .. . . ... . . Gen. jRcksonhas vetoed tlw hill anft ir enacting laws njorating fixin": da'a for tho inteting and, hd journment of Coure'ss in future.... i j eifect. to adont thtf later: 11 Voted oniieshfttibgly in the negative J The j oU,d b-c a restmi upon the citizen' trie fl.iai yog On the subslilute I vo." ted ugairisj it I did so becauseon ) - ; . ' Xlisfsificsi, consideration, I became thorpughry convinced that Goagress possessed the power to pdsi tcts of emancipp.iiorj, liberatiug slave 1 in tho District, on the dpphcalioA' d :'d toilh the consent of their Qioncrs an would only be chargeable with a breach of j.-'Oh iVesday last; two Uero rhbti. a privilege. It would be an nd two hctees wore .killed by ligHli ofthe rights of property, -ad 1 njwoBf" ifafrt.lj? Utol.:AIIen;Teri. ,v ar .as it rmght interfere with the eX-1 re pl0u8hing a a field, jn born, i isting institution of slavery. - Sove- pany with four othel-s; brie of whoni ; reignty abides with the people only ; was knocked down, but not serioul- : no one will insist tbat the- Lc-isla "! 'Djureo; tne resi uemgio a a.ncr- : ent part oi tne neia escapea Pet. CotisK That pit of the act which is intended to tlx! the adjournment of every auc ceediif) ConfjrcS'j to tho second iMonday in May after the commcR,ce. consent. The substitute, it will be observed, caution-sly'' omits thewords j4 without consent of their owners," and thereby virtually affirms any and -every net of emancipatiof to Ilou, e. A tnys3ener wTas iuimcdi- aely d(:s'rttche3 to this place with .jllrs information; and, about two ' o'c.iocw yesterday mornlo, B untie k ( was cottsfqacritly arre.4ed and Cvm milted to jail, from whence he ' has comcy.ejl to Richmond. Pel Const by '.he President lobe uncons'.itu lional. The President's " mesago on the subject may bo found in to. ilava paper. We approve ofthe veto and concur in the opinions con. tained in the message as to the uu cunstitutionalitv of tho 'till. The ahernate Ions sessions of Congress ment ofthe first" session is believed broach of faith. Such a poBition.'I humbly conceive, can orfiy Hnd (fa i i vor with those who arc more influ enced by prejudice than reason. 51 The Constitution oftha Unjied States declares that "ConavSs snail 'have power to exercise exclusive "legislation in all cases wtatsoever, "ovcrsuch District (not txceedmg tures possess it. Tho sovereign power can abolish slavery ,v and in effect, take away the rights of slave owners; the legislative power can only liberate or set free with the consent of the owner if there be any action of the last legislature conceding the existence of a power in Congiek l'u abolish slave ry in the District of Columbia, It be a' ,ue auustuuic , aaiuai wuilii l voted. The substitute declares in. substance, an u and etttv 'act liberating slaves to 'be-' what ? a violation of the Constitution ? no ! but sifnply a breach of i ait h towards Maryland and Virginia. I That is. Another Democrat t Triumph I We'leftm that tit trie election Tot commissioners ofthe "district of Ken sington, on Monday last, the demo, crats, friend of Van iBureri and. Johnson, Succeeded in electing; 1 out of 15 of their candidates; Thy ti large majority. Tho . days of oppo sition mis rlile are numbered in ttio county of Philadelphia, and jn del pite of the tricks of the minority Le gislature, democracy Will obtain tti accustomed' ascendancy thor'e . fa Octobers Am. Sentinet. , are certainly a publlc evil, but that ut?n miles square) as may, by ces- evil can only he remedied by feach ! 'sion of particular States. and the Comrress fixin? for itself an ea rly j 4,acceptance of Congress, become j REMARKABLE FEAT; By the Freedonia, N. Y. Censori of May 18, we learn that a man nn tered h . store in thai villaee A tv that Congress is only restrained by flays bel ore, arid offered some per rly dnv of nrlioiirnmprif: f)re Congress V; j ri i even with the consent of tluPresi. ted States.'V Subsequently to the . . r i ..f.l TTi "Uio seat oi vovornuieiu niic uu:- the oblig.ilions of good faith in this particular, aud, by implication, not by the injunctions ofthe Constitution. I will not enlarge upon, these ex citing topics in this communication. as fruitful as the may be of corn- sons there if they would "foot tUb j-bill" ihm he would swallow a pint of wine and five dozen eggs, WJiich nS accomplished with perfect case - n;idin'5 Correspondence, nt Wash , T, inio.t, "that a.plot is now on. but to anoUiCr 0on Ceprive Houston of the command of the Urmy 'of Texas, and placo Gen.. Janis llnmihon, of South Carolina, at iSs head. Tho proposition has btor "made' to the -Texian Commis- Warrenton Acadciiij; I rSlHlS ihstiiutioh will go into opctntimr; .;' i ' i J. under the direction bl the feubacra- ment. My purpose is merely to ber, on Tuesday the 5th of July net.a- state onmions. I will simnly add, t Thfc courae of Irtstructidiitwul comprise the " t tt 1 f l. ,i T v c sec it si-aici in inc icw iorKt( enr. nns no rifrni to innu ia sessions uu , ohi' - - : 9 - j- ----- " , I v . i l-i: -. I I Mar, ori tho authority cfl roTf!lttt tua nft;,,,vnn(a nf slrumonh the territory now constitu- u,fl,rt'l'uu'u' ,vf CMUV5 gUages, Bdles Letters, Mathemali, , and . . ; rv , c tt l, , uw, ouu uhcii uiuiu uiau 11c iaii i ced?d lv 1U0 States oE JVlwryHnd hndJ : , , . ,t 1 q nrc that in the dtschars of mv ;. i't man to c:vrrv the plans ; Tcxtis iftti H?ict, and' a strong l.diUios 'as Senator inj the last LnaU- sionos'S nnd is noy under considera li.iriJ If IJami!to;i can lie p'accd at the head of tho affairs of 'iV.xasjt is saicl tfiat 8 l,00;,00f) ill bo.ednr. i4 to. lhe c iurc. It is aticcci liotis. tfi . cf prty in the . ii;h is ready to take . KoMof tho struggle if Hamilton can be elected to tlie "chief command. , ' Tiitk. Co.nviler. . " t?AMDEN BANK. , ! The wliole amount of Stock sub scribed .in this new Institution -at 'the Vnrinus plarcs- where books were opened, was 10,126 share?, at 850' each, mtthingtho sum of $5,100,300 ....more than twenty times a much as tho Capital stock of I lie Brink - is W.horizcd to fie tjj' the: ChaiVer... Ko on; person was allowed to take raorellrinn fivn shares,, and thero are r.9 subscribers. Ve Understand it is tnlenued to cut down every sub sCriber to one share, and then deter mine, by lottery, 'who shall lose and wh ret jtinf j pven hat small amount of the Stock'. Since our capitalists seem to have so much surplus ' re v?r.T:e'' seeking employment, Could Ihey nol find a provable invest:ucnt f it ia'the Civark-staa and Cinciuna- To Tire RniTou or TitrBti RTf!R. Virginia "to thf Congress knd Go vernment of the United States, in full and absolqte right, and xcfaive ju- I have understood that a statement ri-dictioti'f and the ceSsion.act from has been m ido in ccrtani par3 Of the j Virginia Gpntattl) this express stipu- countv, by whom I know not nor is it of sufficient I importance to in lature, I expressed, by a vote, tl.e opinion, 'that the Constitution Con laion--,,ProvideJ, that ? nothing hc,rein contained shall be ionstrued " . r Ho ves! in tlie United S'aTcs any 'f right of properly in tho,sriJ--br to "effefi the rights vf IniioiduaJs "llierein. that is, of Individuals do, to account for, what he does; and the usilal brancEes of a lihtfal eclucrvtion; The Students of the Clasfciaal K?rt. ment, vill be thoroughly greuueied; tS that it neither comports with reason construction ofthe Languages; the Miorrir, . .. and the beauties of the authors Wiil be cjre fully noted, Stricl attctlion-will be, paid to the pupils of the English department.- They yill be prepared for thq cbuntiog luslice or common sense, to hold him accountable for what hs never did. The wickedness that would i i - make such a requisition must be ac counted for before a tribunal to which all must finally. answer. V.N. EDWARDS. 18th June, 1S3G.? The Rev. Wm. M. Atkinson, of loreJ on Con-ress the power to nbo- Ppsllten,. the District, bonffress Petersburg, V. will preach in tlie lisu slavery in theDistnct of Colum.'! havit). ftCCepted the Cran uoon those I Prterian Chufch in this P,ace bin." fothtsnplain answer is fur- (orm,, 5s hound to ob.cvVe knd fulfil , on next Sa3bath, the 19lh mst. . nished by the fact, that no pvopusi- . them. It docs not I tion, either asserting or denying th j enf tat the wor-Is Tex (existence of such a power, was'sub-nation in the ConsJttuti admit of doubt xclusivo fegis- : The Law Magifcine relates an an- ecdote of Sergeant DaVy,...a distin .T Charlotte Journal. mitted to tho Senate during the Ses sion. I could not, therefore, , have possiMv given the vote imputed to mej 1 !-: Recognizing, however, to the ful lest extent, Representative Respon sibility but utterly denying any arid every, right in others to make ground less accusation-! ask for leave jo make a brief explanilion through the medium of your columns. j The Journals ofthe Senate will show that Committee reported a .rir.ar "hnt although "tho Constitution secures to Cori Vgress tlio exclusive, jurisdiction u-; guished English lawyer at the time State, aro controlled ,md qualified ; of Lord ManSfield....tba. being u,2K'i.'SfcS house, or for whatever busineiiib or employ. ment their parents or guardians may e. sign thejn the Echoiars of both departments will be lrequeatly exercised in composition, declamation, dec. The object, of the sub scriber being to prepare his pupils fer use- , fulness, and the business of active life; aO ' bains will be spared to attain these, impori tants objetts. Those who patronize tlirj Institution, may therefore rest assured that every exertion will be made to merit their i approbation and suppoit. L ; . , ' The morals and deportment of tho&d. committed io his care, will likewise tse at tended td. , ' , . : t.- An experience of tTrenty-nvc years, tKe greater part of which he has presided over Seminaries of learning, as reEpectableja any in the country, may be furthei; adduced in support of his pretensions as a public Instructor The situation bPTTarrenton, fta charad- Cip:j'n Gabriel Winters f.t very ' "within tho District ceded by the ptn opriate name has nccrrrding to j States' to the Federal Government, "yet we 'should deprecate any action he Planters Ad vocuta of Dona lds vn- .ville, .'Louisiana, made nil ingenious ajiparaius to pretent fires from the siTi;ks of steam furnaces, it is syp-rMy--pd it will be of much importance to the stijar planters I wiui uso s!r?arri porter. 4 "on the part of Congress, towards liberating the skives of the said Dis "trict, xcilhoul conseril of their otcntrs. Dliv.l w a - o - . . dividuals in slave property exist to - oint. rnli.l - I ionic silver : families, on reasonable tema. Ttie sub. , , .4.-- ... ... . 7 , , , . i i u . i jScnber would in a short timebe able to eci tue same extent that they did under . because 1 could not get gold; but 1 , commodate a few boarders, to whose im'. the laws and institutions of Virzinia ! took fevery sixpence the fellow had . prrovement, deportment, and. comfort strict attention wouia De paiu. . Texxs, s&ch as are usual in other respec table. Academies, and which may be knowtt by application to: the subscri&er, or any of the 'board of Trustees. ' ' I EDWARD itUfiftES, Principal TFaxrenton, June H. lwC . -. Female Academy t wiU also 14 -need CnacT me sujjoruiic.-K.-v. . irh.iinil ber daughter. -Th3 i branches usually called for in the moSt rei ,1 U . . -v . ' " i . 'i in the wold, and I hope you don I f Pand Maryland (for I presume that n th disgracing the profession." tne terms oi cession are tne same; . .. , ,. and the ordinary, legislative powers A parisbDner complained to his of those States over such property; parson that his pew was too far from and no other or greater, were de ol. the pulpit, and that ho must purchase : ved on Congress as the local Legis- J one nearer. "Why," sud .he pr- cHe , , f. . ' son, can't you hear distinctly .... jurs. ilui llitu Tll.o District.- Now no ticubis ih.-t it is withiti tb one 41 vuci f n Jifnr well enoa tence of the Legislatures of Yiitrraia can see nerfectlv well." " "Then m -tuw. and Maryland to liberate slaves itith what can bo the trouble V Why, t . "". ' . e" there are so many in front, of me, the consent of tkeir owners-for those ch:whaiJ70U say .firiN at States and all the Southern 'States; by the time your.words reach my and none with a more liberal spirit cars thev arc asflat as dishwater.,, !',., vhu p..i;na i,cn uosion rest. ' . that power ever since the foundation of their respective governments. To "Yes, 1 ; spectable FemaleScminar:cs,willbe tapgh as a nreacn ot iaun to varos inordenv. therefore, this onwer to L-on STRAYED, fjnWd lixe i31coded JL , Bay mares, five arid six years old, black mane 3 di tails-, without any, w bit J marks. These mares were senito my car"3 froid some gentlemen in the South fo" the Horee, and have just returned; pofesiily iaty be on their way home, or to where th' were raised. An perron taking them up Th Governor of (jeorgia has "ceded; and will regard such an in. j the rights of the slave holder and by AUGH ths bases are l0XJ " Getttsbchg, ( Pa.) May 23. ' - 11EAYY, LOADS. Two teams of Mr, Jonrr TAron- fhall be well rewarded and paid for all ex koBT. ftANSOM; brch as wel l as their master, of this . Tpion, N. C. JcmC4, lBZtri nUci lor three-haltalions oiUaitin, terference as the. first step towards consequence, aiolatton.of the ces- countrv drew frorrt Philadelihia -to .to 'tie raised hv voluntary enlistment,?... ...tn. . . . . ' , :.t i . . ' ! to no ratsea i0 voamuip em,,m.n, .,j ;slali?e flciron with regard U our sion aefs; in as much as the right to I to protect the- cstcrn O-Oiilter of - - . . . T t - 1 ...' . V ; r. - u.u I'luu. .t:jhm was iioerate, wneoever an -aci numons- ;. tfv.it ' Slut-1 fronTtho hostile- incur s".on oftlio Creek ; Indians, This .n?q j:si tion is made chiefly from the Ch itta!iooc!iio Corinlies, and will, .wi:U that under Major Howard,1 con- Fti4ote tw.i. full Regt.iicnts, to serve 'r.jftl:rc'.-j:'nwRl!l5.r'''- ' '"' ': otfered, by way of amendment.: a substitute in "the following words : l!Resolcea That although by the "Constitution all legislative power over the Distrlcl of Columbia is Pittsburg, a lew days ago, the astoir j m G W k II a - . u il -U- SJLy JlA jngicanbe obtained, has always been regarded as a benefit or privi. 'ecc to ths master himself.. I The sale of valuable cattle at Pow- SAm authorised au3 empowered it pur chisse fcr some gendemeifintheSouifi", a e.W fine thorough bred mares ort fillip and one Horse Coll. Those who hav V.ton, on Saturday was numerously fWT " ' V a- r.1 111,- : vmrwr. n IkTCrtr The mistake committed somp i i ,r. .C ill.-. . , . T . . , ailcUUCU IT Vllh iailUU9 vi.r ."V , njlnds on this subject seems to me country. , Twenty three ; animal- " ROB'f . RANSOM Warrcrttoa, Jcrte 1 1636 rt ' " v- ' J . .' , ' ' ' ' 0 i - ) r

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