f ' - . : - , ':v : " ; - u" - 1 .Lr !!..!; - ' - -v-fc. i . - y- , vi. . ' , ; . . . rl- :. 1 .. - ' - - . . . ! . . .? - I i i 4 -. . i ." . j i , - 4:- WUllMI K"CT(D- ADD VIEnSTT HSIEDBo 1 j -: -' ! WILMINGTON, N C. WEDNESDAY JUNE 2G, 1833 YOh. 1 NO 25. . - W"1 ' - - rr-r -rn 71 - ; ' - s : a 1 )" - -J i- 1 Ibel every .Hvcdneadny 3Iorin, by TMIQJIAS 1 Loll- ' i. ' . TXUIEIS. 4VktiTISE3IKXTS -HiK .mlTWKMV FlVE CENTS for. each Mihsc. " !,. rltjrurrucm. A liberal- discount to Yearly -Vdvorti- the (Viirt House. NOTICE T the Court. .f pirns and Quarter cssmn . onirv'ns-u-i' k Cnuntv, at June Term, 1833, . . -v-rnnnrm. tVir. lnct" Will allll 1 CStU- .. XT1 I T A AT lil! V A Ai dt CCiUSCir. All josepii J. BUY ATS. Jr.n-'l-2, 133, i'23, It. 'JSoticc. I HAVE .n rinifd atth- StOGc recently occupied b i.v u. j Dohskv, a Handaonic una jLreneiai ;s .rrin lit Oi , . . 2$W Goods A Groceries, 1:4:," 12. ::; ' -A-'-". ' ' Notice. PPLIC TION will be rftadc to the rreii l nt; Director? and Cc -panyof the. "Baiik irfVaiie Fear, for ihe! renew al uf a Cevt.flcat for ! ihfv .shares of the-Capital. UK.-k of iSa.d bk. i,V T .v-..:;.,wr.i ,f r,-Litikite for fifty , share 1 h .piiSd Stock of said H ink, at tlic exu.rat on fuhmMnontjKs fron, the date hereof both m the r wtnu uf John J ,Mai tinr the origmal Certilicates a?!'by THE EXECUTOR i APr;l 30, 1833. , 1 - Q. tv 1st Aug. For Sale. A'-A: By late Arrivals: gX SarXs handsome. blown Salt, &HlP do ground .Salt, 2(30 Brls. St 15 Ilhds. N. E. Rum. 1 N." Orleans Rum, Gin & AVhiskey, 33 Rrls. Mackerel chiefly 'No;; 3's. Iik3 Casks u csh' ahil good Lime; ! ';"v "20 Brls. M prime Sugar, n 4 IIla,R St. Croix, and P. Rico, V 3 Ilhds; -N. Orleans Su-ar, -ItK) Brls. Piimc & Mebs Fork, . . -M) - BrlsPlwr, chy:S-upcrfii-- Kichmoncl Box Tobaoeo. - - ; l ails; Bottles, .& : Earthen " are, ' ; I . "Vin. a Varit ty, ' , 5t. -Donuno'Cpllee, ' ; i, V d'Kcgs and JTtbs Goshen Riitter, I -JO 'Small Keg New York Lard. , J .1 R. W. BROWN. jn3 lm ''V-.l ' -": ... 22 lLL Person, irvdebtcd to the stibscnlKr are ' . requestetl U call and settle their Notes and oountson or be fore the first thy of July, orthey vU positively be placed in tne-iianus oi aiiwucu , :jr 'collection.' I ' v A.-V. BUXTON. June 5, 1833. v. 2-5c . Wilmington Academy. ' A T a mectinij of the Trustees of the Wil- m. nan '-ton Academv, in ihe Court House, Miv, 1833, " , ;r.! It was resolved U re-establish the Wilmington ( 'AcaiL-mvon lilxral principles. , ' , Tint "the Trustees' pledge themselves' to the .ix that no "teacher will be permiued to incnl--Won Llie iiidj of the students sectarian prin- i'h-a Thos. F. Divis, Edw'd B, Dudley, Wm. p ii. ,w n.,.i tilav. i TT Wi-if-hi' lie anoomted c '.v'onanitic to obtain subscriptions in aid of the A- M'.icmv, and to employ competent leacner to. r .ke vimrge of the Male Department. Also resolved that John Hill be appointed Pre-M-lent of the board of Trustees. James Dickson TrcanireT, and Wm. P. Hort Secretary. WM. V'.- HOR'l Secretary. ? WilmiRstCHi, N. C. June 5, 1S33. 2-t, Notice. THE Subscriber having qualified as Executor to tha last '"iviU and testament of Edmond H Watklell, at the Mrfrch term of Brunswick Co'uhty C'uurt: Notice is hereby given to all per-: soixs -having claims against said estate, to present them wi'.Uin the time prescribed' by law, or they lx barred of rcooverv. I - ' : Y. WADDELT. Exr. April 2Uh, 1833. 20 tf. .ir. Notice. subscriber wishing to close his oitsincss in Wibnington, o.llt for sale a i'li -.- nxl extensive assofunent of Goods. cOnsist- :v , f . .'. - - . . . "W.rji CooU, Hardware, Crockery Ware, Groceries Hats, Shoes, $-c. 4.5. ll" Persons indcbteil tuthe subscriber are earnestly uesd to call and settle. 1 HENRY KUTT. . : M.iah2T. . s 12tf. Caution. A PTsons jiro hereby' cautioned against SrJ i'"s a,ferta NEGRO MAN, named .7, - yyUow complexion, now in Jail in U ilriimgti.n, .and .claimed- by DANIEL B. BA KER, aihl was by hini cominuted to prisoiK The '"ilo.Vt najned liegro I claim as my o,bv aWal li-gV.wIlicli right has never been transfcrreSio my pcrsin. Said negro was stolen on the niht .of tlic Idth instant, from the plantation of vfl idAM HANKINS .in BrunswicrCoumv. , -! ' EDWARD CLEMMONS, Sen Lrwisvifk County, June 17,1833. 3t : iilp 25 Reward. .npHE subscril wilt give TAVENTVvFIVE j: lLLAIiS fjrthe apprehensipn and deli- rdk.i.t 14 vens.ofag"ei belonging' to the, esu the Utc J(j,U QJX IJe is 1 'A : ot. a bov bv tlii name of ESAU t. ate ol fc... ...... : " well 1 1 j , U ; hyn of Wilmington '-R''ORBETT'S.- and in the Ct 21 COWAN. Riil. . . j ' i.,: nwliatcAnavmem.' and those who have I thc North. - Maittrs ot f.esscls and all others svv j. I.uins a":unst :iid rstate, are also rec,uest.-d torc ibrewarned .from harlioriii, enunoyinir. or j i-,.,t,i.,,it thffti-within the tiwcroqiuretruy.iaw. Carr-ai? him awav, nmVer tne ppnany 01 h.. A. A. WANET; ; : AreAvar.of$15 wiU be paid lus apprehension j loirs ILL be soKl, on Tursf'nu of September Cuiintu Court, all .tM AEGllUtub be- lQni'iiistothe-'catate o JOHN W. VALKLK, h deceased.' edi a credit of isix riioriths. S A 31 U a JLIt A a ii i) xecuior. June 19. 1833. ' ! ! 1 ! ' 11 8t 21, 25 Dollars Iteward. MAN away from t)vs subscriber; on Sunday last, a Negro Man named CAXSSAH. II is abmit1K)yeartof agcfcet9or 10 inches hih; slender" made, blark complexion and speaks and moves qnicKIr: He liad a boarse white cot ton Skirt and Tro'wscrs, a Uack Ijombazette Coat, l.lnk rhvh Pntulo6nsJ and a black hair Cap. He was seen on Monday mouun Jast, .on.thc Wil-jnins-ton Road, about 1 mile.s frW Newborn, -and it is probable that he wilK ndeai or to get on b-ard t iiinitsofthis State, andj$3p if ir;Uendcd out of ,h :ltC WILUAM V. BARROW. Craven Couutyj I2th June. 1833. j ; 3t 21 ,.l-.fiArti.f.i.fii Jail, it !Hi be taiien wiunn mo Corn afloat. Tl 4ThAlk ULTSIIELS, oj board the schoo jltPtl tP ner Sitsan md; Louisa, - ln Sale b ii 'if - i'l' i!-' MI ' : " G. W. DAVIS & CO. June v.. , ' Mi;. tiHi.i i! . it-2-t. Notice IIR Copnvtiir?ldriu4re existing under , the Finn of F. IjXJBECK, & CO. h thiTdav dissolved, by jiiutaal coiint, Ail those, j ivcrsons ind1)ttd to tlie Coaepri come forward and "settle iheif fccomUs ai.l1u.1moi.uiU.0j omits with Mb. j i IlKNRKaK.t s. 3nd all I persons havMijr demands.) against the Content are ictmctld to present them for navment to him J . -r r tt n F. LUDECK June 11, 133. It 21 LiOSTi ETWEEN .Monday morhitj the lOtli and Tuesxlav evening the 1 h inU. a leathern Pocket Book contents jas follow: . One liote of hand tlrawn by Ir. John A. Tay lor in ntyfavor on or about the 5lh November last, for j?8G5. v '" : j : -i - : 4 - My Check otv Uie Bank of Cape F;ear, payable to 4iJ K. Mellhenny brbearer for S81 4 dated 30th April last. Also a number of other papers nf hn valnn r rernt tn tlie subscrijCi-. uind alsO, 1 be lieve,, a si bin.; 4!":. "lf; All persons are hereby: forwarned for or receive said note or check as of both have been stoptu-di ! i notio trade tlie payniLUt A reward of ilO will be pa d for the ddiv ,erv of thebook and papers! 11 1 1 f : il i UlLBERrl POTTER . Wilmington, June 18, 1833. j 21--2w. - 200 bottles of . A siipcrior article, Fon SXtiH nv, ' j'. S.lNj CAiNNON lMotiee1. THE Subscribers .have entered ito Capart nership in the" " SAiL-M A KINOl BUSINESS, under the .infi of . 1 i '!' MAC03IBER & ItAXFOUD, Campbells Buildings, Steam E oat Wharf; where thev w ill e happy to serve t ic irte.rehants and all others t&at luay oblige diem witlii their patron age. ROBERT vIACOMBEIt. GEORGE P-HANFORD , AVilminrton. Mav. 11 1833. J l'2t 19. I-" - , I .:'): : Not many: years ago, it happened that a young man - from New York visited London. 1 His father being j connected with several of the magnates of the Bri tish Aristocracy, i:tlieyoiingj American was introduced "into tlie fashionable cir cles of the metropolis, vvihere in conse quence of his very fine 'personal' appear ance, or that his father was reported to be very rich, or that he wits a new figure on the" state, he attracted rriuch " attention, and became quite the; favorite of the' la dies This was iiot at all jrelislied by the British Jbeaux but as no very fair pretext otTered for a rebuff, they were compelled to treat him civiljy. j Thifs matters stood when the Hon. MT P, and his ;lady made a. party to accompany them, to their coun try seat iu Cambridgeshire, arid the A niericah was among the invited guests. Numerous Avere ; the, (devices to wnich those devotees of pleasure jresorted to kill t heboid fellow who will measure his hours, when he ought to, know th!ey are nofe wan ted, and the ingenuity jbf 4very one was taxed to remember or 1 invent something novel. .. . '-."-- : fl-lfl- f:;i-" -,: " j The yankees are pro vefbially ready of iuicuiiuu, aiiu xne umerican aiunonor'to his character as a in iacctistomed "to freedom of thought. was! "frank and gay, and entered into ! the snorts and a musemcnts, with that unaffected enjoy ment which communicated a part of his fresh feelings , to, the! mok Worn out fosh lonists in the nartr Hi! AA nnt,.ro vvould haveWn sneered Jat by some of the proud cavalists. bnd v,.. ;L .,u a capitol shot, and he niht havt3- sucn been 4UUCU "uu lfie laait, won by His --r-""' rr-tr ''f Ilues ana con siant attention in ine arawmg! room and! saloon, always showed .themselves his friends. But a combination was at last formed among a triojbf dandies, stannch patrons of the Quarterm . to annihilate proposed to -vary f-iimrr inr! Tininor. by charades and playing various games,! andihavinsr interested one of those inde-:. uiug Mr fatiable ladies, who ahyays carry their point in the scheme, it was voted7 to be the fhing. After some lew charades had been dis posed of, one of the -geiUleaten begged leave to propose the1 game called Crovn ing,the Wisest.' This is played -by 'se lecting a Judge of the game, and three other persons, either ladies or gentlemen, who are to contest for the crown by an swering successi vely the various questions which the rest of the party are at liberty to' ask. The one who is declared to have been the readiest nnd happiest m his alt ers receives the crown. fi.ir American much against his incli nation, was chosen among the three can 'rlHlrkw He was aware that his position. the society with which he was mingling V omUrl of him the ability to sustain himself. He was to be surest rpatecT with distinguished attention; by his host and hos ess, and generally by the - party, but was a favor to the individual, and not nf iho fomnanv understood the char this acter of republicans or appreciated - the Republic. The three worthies had ar- one ! ranged that their turn for him shoutd tall in succession and be-the, last Ihe tirst one! a perfect exquisite, and with an air oft le most ineffable condescension put is question. 'I;f I understand rightly the government & your country, you,, unkuummg.uu nc ,v,u .ncominnrliT irmi r.nri if"-""a ; J havb no court Standara lor tne manners of a frentleman: will Vou favor me withJ infblrmation where your best school of politeness is to be found?' 'or your benefit,' replied the Ameri can smiling, calmly, t4I would recom mend the Falls of Niagara a contempla tion! of thai stupendous wonder teaches humanity to the proudest, and human np thiijgness to the vainest.. It rebukes the trifler j and arouses the most stupid; in short, it turns men from their idols; and, when we acknowledge that God only is Lord, we feel that men are our equals, A tf-ue christian is always polite' There was a murmur among the au dience, but 'whether of applause or censure tne t American could not determine, as he for did not choose to betray any anxiety the result by n scrutiny of the faces wb ch he knew were bent on him, 'he second now proposed his qnestion. He affected to be a -great politician, was mustac hoed and , whiskered like a diplo matist, which station he had been covet ing. His voice was bland, but his era pMsis" was very significant. Should I visit the Tnitei d States, what subject with which I am conversant would mo?t interest your people, ana give ill . 1 l' me an opnortunny or enjoying tneir con - r l 4 - . 1. - . - f n rc ofircn 1 '.'You must maintain as you do at pre sent, that k monarchy is the wisest, the! purest' tlie best government, which the! skijll of man ever devised, and that a de mocracy is utterly barbarous. Mycoun- tryfnen are proverbially fond of argument, and will meet you on both these questions, and if you choose, argue with you to thej end of your life.' The murmur was ! renewed, but still without any decided expression of th feeling '.with which -his answer had been received. The third then rose from lus seat, and with an assured voice; which seemed to announce a certain triumph said ! 'I require your -decision, on a delicate quCstion.'but the rules of thepastime Avar ram it and also a candid answer. 'You hafe seen the American and the English ladles which a re the fairest?' f The young republican glancctl around thel circfe. It was bright with flashing eyes, and the sweet smiles which wreath ed jmany a lovely lip, might have won, a a less determined patriot from his alle giance. He did not hesitate, though he bowed low to the ladies as he answered. The standard of female 1 beautv is. I believe, allowed to be the power of exci tinlr admiration and love in bur sex, con seduentlv'those ladies who" are most ad-f mijred, and beloved, .arid respected by the) gentlemen, must be the fairest. Now a.ssrt conndentlv. that there is not a na-r tioiji on earth where woman is set truly belbved, so tenderly j cherished, so res pectfully treated, as in j the republic of the United States; therefore, the American; ladies are the fairest.! But and he a-j rram bowed low, i 'if I the ladies i before; whom I have now the honor of express in of my opinion, were in my country, we should think them Americans. The applause was enthusiastic: after the mirth had subsided so as to allow the! V . i t j ' 1 i j i .a r Judge to bheard, he directed the crown! td the Yankee. iDisTRkssixp Accident. On Mont day last," J one 3d as a stage from Anurn j with 7 passengers on board, was passing over Tjllmah's bridge at Seneca Falls, the! bridge rave way, and the stage, wi:h tliei passengers, was precipitated into the waier oeneuui, wnicn; was aooui 10. icy deeD. With exeat exertions thev wereaH rescued 'except one, . - . i Mr. Anthonv H Crpagh," of! this city, for many rears a clerk in the hdnse of William and Jonri amc?,. wno was uniortunately drown?" the American. They the eternal evening wa his body having remained in the water about an hour and a qoarter. '; Two of the others were so much exhausted before they were taken out! that their: recovery was fox some time doubtful, j Mr. Creagh wai a very worthy young man about '21 years of ae He was a member of the Methodist Church in Johnstreet, and Su-1 penntendent of the Sabbath 'School. On the Sunday previous to his death he visi ted.a Sabbath scjiool at Auburn. He has left many friends to lament; his sudden departure, :. ' i . . '; A letter from the Post Master at Gene va, dated 4th inst states that the mail went into the river witlr the passengers, but had been recovered, except the way mail, which "ia lost entirely." . , Journal of Commerce. The Richmond Compiler says that the particulars of Mr. Randolph Will have not yet transpired.) It is estimated that heowmed more than 400 slaves, which ;it is said he jhas directed to be emancipa ted; and that he has afso left 120 blood horses; &c. ! ! !' ' i ' ' I ;' ' .' SABINUS AND OLINDA. 1 In a fair, rich, and flourishing country, whose clifts are washed by j the German ocean, lived) Sabinus, a youth" formed by nature to make a conquest I wherever he thought proper; but the ' constancy of his disposition fixed him only j-witn'Olinda: He was indeed superior to her in' fortune, but that defect on her side . Was so amply supplied by -her. meTit that none was thought more worthy of his regard than she. He loved her, he was beloved by her; and in a short jtime, by joinirfg hands publicly, they avowed the ! Union of their hearts. But alas! ; none, however fortu nate, however happy, are exempt from the shafts of ehyy, and ! the.. malignant effects of ungovernable appetite. Hoyv .urisafe, how detestible are they who have this fury for their guider How certainly will it lead therrt from themselves, and plunge them into errors they would have shud dered at, even in apprehenson; Ariaua, a lady of many amiable qualities, very near ly allied to Sabinus, and highly esteemed by him, imagined; herself plighted, and injuriously treated, si nceh is marriage with Olinda. Bv incautiously suffering this jealousy to corrode, m ner oreast, sne oe- gan to give oose to passion; sue forgot tnose many virtues, for which she had been so long1 and so justlyjjapplauded. Causeless suspicion and mistaken resentment betray ed her into all the; gloom of discontent; j she sighed without ceasing;! the happiness , of others gave her; intolerable pain shc thouirht of nothing but- reyerizre; How tinfil-what sh wras when i the cheerful. the prudent, the compassionate jAriana! ' . She continually -laboured te. disturb a? union" so firmlv. so affectionatelv founded, and planned evefy scheme which thought most likely to disturb it. . Fortune! seemed willing to promote unjust intentions:! the; circumstances oil Sabinus, naa Deen long emoarrassea oy a rt lono- embarrassed by a tedious law -suit and the court determining tne cause uiieApeieuiy in !iuoui oi ms opponent, it sunk his. fortune to the lowest pitch of penur3-from the highest affluence. From the nearness; of relationship, he ex pected from Ariaria those assistances his present situation required; but she was in sensible to all his! entreaties, nnd the just ness of every remonstrance, unless he tirst separated from Olinda, whom s she regar ded with detestation. Upon a compliance with her desires in this respect, she prom ised that her- fortune her interest, and her allv'&houUJ be at jbis command. Sa binus was shocked at the proposal; he lov ed his wife with i nexprcssiblej ten derness and refused those offers with indignation, which Were to be purchased at so high a price. Ariana was nb less displeased to find her offers rejected, arid gave loose to all that warmth, j which she had so long endeavoured to suppress. Reproach gen erally produces fecrimrnatibii; the quarrel rose to such a height. that Sabinus wasj marked fir destruction; and .the very next day, upon' the strength ofan old family i f . l J ; ...:.u w. v "., aeot, ne was sent xo ijaui,. wu.- nun, Olinda to Jcomfbtrhim in his miseries: w. ' : Lfj:-. ii.A,.i;. gether with resignation and even with comfort. She provided the frugal meal: and, he read to her while employed in the little offices of domestic concern. Their fellow; prisoners admired; their content ment, and whenever they had a desire of relaxing into mirth, arid enjoying those little comforts that a prison affords, Sabi nus and Oljnda were sure to be Of the party. Instead of reproaching each bore a share of the load imposed! by ' Providence. Whenever; Sabinus showed the least 'oh- cernon his .dear partners accoaIl sac conjured him by the loye he bore her, by those tender! ties' which now united them forever, not to discompose himself: that so lonii as Ifis affections lasted, sheOvhed all thtxills of fortune,! and every loss of tame and frendship; that nothing could make her miserable but jbis seeming to want happiness, ! nothing pleased but hi? CTTODathisino with her pleasures. Aeon tmuance in prison soon robbed them of the little they had left, and lamme oegan to make its horrid, appearance; yet still was neither found to murmur; they both looked upon their ltfH boy, who. insensi lair Kio nilHiStrSfi. WaS DlaV ing about the tooilith inexpressible fmLh! when a messenger inform them that A nana was deacLand that her will in favour of a very distant relaUQnj who was now in another country, might easily be procuredj'and burnt, iff which! case alllier large fartune would revert .to him as being her next heir at law. j i I - Aproposal of so base a nature filled our unhappy couple with horror- they ordered the messenger . immediately! .out of the room, and falling upon each, other's neck, indulged an agony of sorrow for now even all hopes of relief were banished. The messenger who made the proposal, however, was only a spy sent by A nana to sound the, dispositions of a man she toy ed at! once and persecuted. This lady, though warped by wrong passions, was naturally kind judicious and meHi"' She found that 1 all her attempts, to shake Ihe constancy or integrity of Sabinus were ineffectual; she? had therefore began. to re flect, and to wonder how she could so long and so unprovoked injur sue!; uh- J common fQrtitude and ancctioh. She had from the next room herself heard the reception given to the tnesscn- gcr, anu coulu not avoid leeiing ai the force of superior virtue; she therefore re Dssumed her former goodness of heart; she Came into the room with tears in! her eyes, and acknowledged -the severity of; ner iormer . treatment, one i esiowc first 'care in providing them ail the 1 ' r . . r-i I 1 . I 1 1 mI her ! nfcesr sary supplies, andacknowlcdged them the i "if o From this moment Sabinus enjoyed an un interrupted happiness with. Olinda, and both were happy in the friendship and as sistance of Ariana, who, dying soou after, left them in posession of a large estate, and in her last moments confessed that virtue was the! "only path to true glory; 'and that, no wj ever innocence may for a time be, depressed, a steady perseverance will in time lead to a certain victory, j most tiesprvinrr. neirs 01 nert iortime. FOREIGN. 10 n do n, Mu y i).: In the Ho us e of Commons, last night. Lbrd'Mbrpetjh pbtained leave to bring! in a bill for removing the remaining disabili ties to which, Quakers .and Moravians are subject from their, objection to take onths, which prevent them at present from hdld- i ing ofiie under Government, or from ( serving as jarprs in criminal cases FROM TUB LONDON COIU1ER, MAY ll . nr. L;: ir' . J. " fiu: f .lli.".. -rej , : r r ' " ,. . ; ; r - urirrti r, i iu.n r i i 1 1 lu n.- i ur, iiiuiiit " anDcareu in a oecoua ruuiou 01 luciuu-i rier of yesterday: r ! We have received the follow-jng autheti ticatcd account of the Ministerial plan for 1 th5 Emancipation of the N ieirroes the West Indies, which we hasten lb lay ueiore our reaper. . .-. ! 1. That every tslave,, upon the pats.n numeuoy uxs puyeaiy wi papuc, we regiMereu asua app.cuuu-u wwim. , o"51" "J J.1.1.Mw - ia- ; i nai tne terms oi sucu appremi 1V- ship should be- 1st. That the power of corporeal j pun- i t ishment should be altogether taken roin the master, anu iransierreu i ine iuay3 - - 2d That m consideration of food and rlothirifr nnd such allowances as are 110 W , ?' , i iL , . ii maue Dy-iawito uie siave, mu iauoit-i sliould -work for his master three-fourths of his; time, leaving it to be settled by con tract whether (or 'three-fourths of the week or of each day. " - j ' 2d. That the laborer! should have a Tight to claimj employment of his master for the remaihg three-fourths of his, time. m , ?, i - , r ;i -r 4th. l hat dunng such one fourth of his time, the laboreV should be at liberty to employ himself elsewhere. ! ' 5th? That the master should fix a!price upon the laborer at the timejof hisappren- 1 i h.i to be Wit -iU , i, i i w , ' . - master should betfr such a proportion to nasier zuv : tne price nxe oy ". u nf hi rarr time, if tnven to the master: i "--r--- ---- o . - the negro should receive 1-Uth of hi; nrir nnnuallv: and m nronortion foreaek 1 - i m rr-u . 1 X-l r. 7th. That every negro, on becommgan j ! f , , l apprentice, shall be entitled to a money-4, ri . in - r ,r,,i',i-!.i71l ' payment weekly, in Jieu of food and cloih- j YJ . mor should he urefer iu tho amouni to De! " , . - , e. ... fixed by a magistrate . with reference . to the actual cost of the legal pro visionJ , 8th. That every apprenticed laborer be bound to pay a portion, to be fixed, of his wages, half yearly, to an oliicer, to be ap pointed by his! Majesty, s U -9th. That in de&uit of such pdymeiit the master be liable, and, in return, j may exact an equivalent amount of labor with- ! oui payment in the succeeding half-year. -loth. ;1 hat -j every , apntnucea wsg to, on payment of the price fixed by his mas ter, or such portion of it as may from time to time remairi due, be absolutely free. llth. That jevery such apprentice may borrow the sum eo required, and , bind himself, by contract before a magistrate, fox a limited period, as an apprenticed la borer to the lender. , , ! i; , 1IL That a! loan to the amount of 13, 000,000 sterling be granted to the pro prietors oTu est- Indian estates and slaves, l ' 1 ! 1 4 . "I.-,, . k!' , ! came to she OI ims at:i snoum ot; ui nueiiv iu eiu.n, ? i i i r i J . r . i . .' . . :.rl ! uVJr ueiore tne protector oi staves, cumo 01 iuv r.irti her' IwirisUr or Mieo u'.uci uiulu i. .ou-in .' i i ,rfj. on sucn security as may te. approved ty dep. commissioners apjxjinted bf the Ilkirdsi i Commiisioncrs of his MajestVs IPrea-' iih sury. IV That such loan .be distributed a-" raonii the diUerent colonies in a ratio coirfpoundcd of the numocr of slaves, anX.. tne amount oi eiport. That the , half Yearly payment hereinbefore authorised to be made by the apprenticed negroes be taken In litpiidation of sp ruuch'of the debt contracted by the planter to the public. ' VL That all children who at the tinu;: of the jKissing of this act shall bounder the age. of six year be free. and", bo main tained by their respective patent?. 7 Yll. That -in failure of UclI mainten ance, they-be deemed apprentices to tltc master of the parents (without receiving wages;) the males till the age-of 2 1, Ihuf females to the age of 20, at vvhich periods respectively they and their cnudrcu, pi not prevent 1 -1 any, jbhall be absolutely free Vfil. That.this act shall his. Maiestv from assentitiiir to sUvfli acts as .may. be passed by tlie Coloijtial' Legisla ture Jar the' promotion of intju&try .or tht prcventioil of vagraticy, applicable lo all classes of the communiiy. I V IX That upon' the reaommendnf ion of the lcal. Legislatures, hi.r Majesty-will b jirepared to reeommciul l$ Pa rliamejd, out Jf the revenues of thii couVifrv. to grant stidi as may d c deemtil net"issarv 1 . . I 1 j lor tlie dtie support of the alliiiinistrnlic'w' of josstice, "of an efiicie'nt pHve establish-' niont and ol a "ener i system''! re-Jiinoii.-s aiiu ioral education. 1 N.nti.v, 'Saturday "Mavi 'llth-ThK Miniiterial plan for the ettiancipatic 0' me ifeijroe us now tu lore i'ti ijn.. ic. aiMl. I. .. - !" - 1 ,. .1 i , ,T, i$ it? W'hatvjilors it j cvcJ Let ul eo. what was wantf d.( I 1 life nnivers.il demauu ol the. coimtry.; and tjhe decision of Pai liaiueiitl;n;d lef -minejil tiuz abolition of Slavery in tlie t Rritith eominioii. The mode of cariy -ing ibto effect that decision n s the pro -vincx of. the Executive Gj crnmeut v What was wantetl, then, was that the pllin of etrtancijmtion should j rontote .the wcl' fire jf the Negroes do -justice to .the': Wei Iiidh proprietors and secure .tjj . natioiinl revenues. Does tie plan no posed b' Ministers' effect any one oftlieso oh'yx ts? Supposing that this wild mea sure were actually attempted to be put; 11110 execution, ine wenare. Di me noro. tivel iy m a worse position At pre.U't.it j i tlie- subsLstance of tlie negro from iuancy t . in ; to dm. age isc ured to him by hnv: hi? m.isier is bound at all times and tinder all Circumstances, to give Inm fdod, thoiigli.hp. he net able to Uivc lam clnplovm. ut. present plan, so far as ve are pile- foV fits . meaning, abolishes this ref lof provision! and leaves it to tho.. Lejrislaturr'sr to ena. tHivarirant lawr. hose -tsperalions the latrro is u te ctetl. We sii ill no I'UTsvie tiie n Ihe p'-int ; . t- what. L? !j can:i t get e oi the neuro v. tien 'u - or anu ntT(! tuere are r poor laws , jljal lt . lecome of hiih in- sicklies? , I . , j ... i . . . . , i !itin Cannot-work-, and in el4 agr. v l itijvu Jiv aj KiXkAcv nui nr if . nnAf .tt: n,... ' ; - i nlul -rnri v;,..-rnt ib,. i'h.Wu nJi f Tv . (M,nirmnn- -r the West Iudia at th; AVefst ! mectin of y,nhru ' H s 9 i . J rr :o wait oh to procure tan orcy, ana to enaeayor the postponement of .the motion for the e- mancipaiion 01 ine slaves. Which stanas for 'Tuesday next. 1 ' v . " have . reason to believe that thif ; Hotase of Commons will 'net' be calhi on next Tuesday for ail' opinion on the Miqisterial plan of Eraancrnation. 1 ' .' The excitement and dimuy among all those dependent on the protperitT of otir xr. Tli r i i 1 i J kV c v.oion es is oejonu cxprs . ra rH that if, i ,a" berjevered ,o bv.Mi t 1 entirey lost, for any usefdj purpescto feJh-cwThd;" ruin anu immeasuran o aistress u njcu -., , , . x.r - . . n TthQ breaking tin c Irestkouiaca. intliw ccAintry, is f-ar. . , I , i . T . .. "if -" w -. ..a. .yJv ww lliuiil lllll mi to contemplate. SO far as- we; can col- ,eCt Uinionsand so r a 'any opirln . 4, . , I . r'i " ' fit Jill rnn t frtrmpt -f o nUn r .r t,,oA - - ..w wi..uvu UI.UM eu LVIIItWI m its details,, and on th face, of it so ut- r1 -.-;. . r t . V i ferlv impracticable m execution, there is ' - 'l but one common sentiment m nnmujlified - j, -. c . - t 1 : vf condemnation of it. It is Vonsidered an t..i.r- i - -' ... rUilut"u!41 i aoonion. wnicn ancr ail noes not enuncii pa!ethe negro, but which does nlin the Wefcf Iiidfa PonxiHors,' Planters, and Mortgages: , . ":.: ; t , -: ! ; ' hjpnnmonses were is9itj last Qight for the asscrahling dfa Cahidi Council this rnoriiing at eleven o clock. Th 1Ili1lCll:l. t" ; hour i of this meeting of te Cabinet . haJvi girt-n rise to many- conjeeiues. TCRKLfi Paris, May'L o uovernjr.ent' has recived news1 from Constantinople to the IClh April. ; Op 4he,2rJthMafch, , 3t de Yerrinc the Jrst Secretary o(the King's embas sy in that capital,- set out for tho camp of f Ibrahim, with the Amei Amendji-Kffendi of tho Porte. He was the bearer of a Jiatti-sher iff, by the Grand Stigwor accorded to the whith i ii t Pacha of Egypt the invejsturt of the four ' Fa chalks of Syria, rumelJTraint-Jean-d' cre, Damas. Alepio Triixili, and their ndencies. ' ' :' ! : . :, . , , ' l-. . dc V'iireunes had instructions tri olw from Ibrahim ilat he ivould defkt i The inn ..nl t COiU taiiiJ I llC.1 o- ! i to tv! i ll i"5 i t 1 . -:h- 1.' Ih - "J -I ' - ' 1" " ! V " . !!": I'M !: " " . - -. - - it.- - t I .-i- -- ' . "H . , v - -' ' - -'.--4 I I .....I w . J. ! '". ' - 1 X U