I i - r--- NO 97. WlLMIifGTOi, -N.. C. WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 12; 1834 VOL. 2. NO. 45 . t - ,;. ' --- - ! tV ' 1 1 : v . ! U ' ' ' ' ' ; ..-. - . ! i M ' i " ' . I I . ' .C: ;n . . . . :- ' i ' I . I . . ! - i : - nim 111 Published every Wednesday Morning, by 'THOMAS JLOMJYG. TEHWB. . .Three Dollars per annum, in' advxsce. t ADVERTISEMENTS ' Not exceeding a Hqtiare inserted at ONE DOLLAR t!ie flrpt, and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each subs- quentineertion. ;A 'liberal discount to Yearly Adverti ecrs. . . tCj-OFHCE on the South side of Market Street, be low thi Court House. i FLORIDA. Washington City, Ott 1834. Sir: In answer to yours of the 20th lilt, and agreeably to the request contained therein, I take up the pen to'give you a short account of the part of the Territory of Florida in which I have Tesided for the last ten years. The Tallahassee country properly so railed, is situated near the hend of the Apalachicola I3ay, and ranges from East to West, and 17 to 20 miles distant from the Gulf of Mexico.-' -.It has an elevation of 250 to 300 feet above the sea in the short distance above mentioned, and con tains an area of about 20 miles wide by cu in length, extending tromthe Ocklock ohy river to the Suwanee, and following tne ben l ot the gulf. This elevated sur face of area contains almost every variety of soil of a good quality as contradistin guished from poor land or pine barren, We have deep, rich live oak hammock, and we have oak and hickory, inter tpersed with dogwood ; we have rose mary pine, black oak, and magnolia gran- tla llora, an intermixed and growing to gether in the same spot, and we have al so rich mulatto and chocolate pine land It is difficult to say which of these ispre : ferrcd, because they have all, as yet, pro duced equally well. The soil of the a bovc lands is based upon a deep substan tial clay, which in many places goes to the depth of 25 to 30 feet. The face of this table land is rolling, inclining to the champaign, and beautifully diversified with little eminences and graduaUslopes, forming fine sites for buildmg and farm ing ground. It has upon it numbers of small lakes ol the purest spring water, full of excellent fish, such as trout, cat! brim, perch and other small pan fish, and soft shell turtle. ' In the winter and fall . seasons their surface are covered with wild ducks, brant and geese. There is to be found in the woods, abundance of game, su'h as deer, rabbit, turkey,! par tridge, Avoodcock and English snipe, also xvild pigeons, which make us a periodical visit, once every fourth year: This whole table of land lies in latitude 31, or thereabout, and possesses certainly the most delicious, as well as the most healthy climate in the United States. Its great elevation places it out of thje 'reach of the excessive heat, of summer,' and its low latitude precludes all the rigor of a northern winter Indeed, in two or three instances of my residence there, we had rrio frost'during the winter. We usually look for two or three slight frosts about the 15th to the 20th of November, and ne ver expect any more until the 15th to the 20th of December. This period until the ' I5th or 20th of January, is looked upon ' as the regular sason of frost : but is fW.- i quontly so light as hardly to kill the sweet potatp vines. r Of late years however, the weather in tKe month o January has been somewhat colder, and even ice has been found as thick as a dollar. The winter usually breaks up with a rainy season, which lasts eight or ten days. . When this is past our planting operations for the ensuing year commence anew: Our grounds are cleared up for corn and oats, or furrowed for cotton, which last we do riot plant until the latter end of March or Jst of ApnL " Our corn planting is generally divided into three batches ; one-third in February, one-third m March, and one-third in A i Pnl. It has: also become a custom with many of our planters to plant a few acres L,.COr"or r.oa!tin? ears on the memora- vh u ( Ja)Luary; the produce of wilM 1 r eSCape the fr05t in nuary, will be fit for use about the first of May gT r Uy Srowjtwo kinds of cotton, s and log staple; or common, o green, and sea island or brack seed A Prtif XP,nments hve been made with the I etit Golphe, and it has acquired irreat Hould succeed only in low lands and sea iuiius, unaer the idea that it WAS MA J soft, oamy, sihcious soil; yet we present the singular paradox of h ,LPZ resenti.M an-?l1land "ffion whose base s esentially argillaceous. But the solu- inn mld0 ,ea-V hy a recurrence to the .topographical features of the Tallahassee region I have stated above that the ta Jie land, compnsingJan arei of 20 by 80 iles, emphatically called the Tallahas ,?llntTy. has art elevation of 250 to S above ievel of thesear follow- and Su of m ?f C H otchi Xo m 5 Cxico' and d stant o.nly 18 will not & rr0m,the aea' (a Mature which Hn. o? f0Und,t0 xh on 'he whole NeversinT Sable to the ieversink Hilla in New Jersey) and onsequently eojoying the beneSVthi It V Xm V1 its Purity and vigor. vienr nt beCOme dalum the science of cultivation of this ml.KU a -TiDortaot tVnlJ'- tht u r . naot atiple that the eaiine proper- ties of the atmosphere are essential to its e r . ..IT . .... i . ' iructincation, and although it has I been planted m the uplands-of Georgia and South Carolina, and 'promised very fair, and becarre a thrifty anc. vigorous plant, its. produce was a mere aDortion. This saline property in the atmosphere of this elevated region, places the sea island or long staple cotton in the first rank among me agricultural products of Florida j. t The sugar cane has been, and is, cul tivated with considerable success, but the establishment of sugar houses, mills, &c. requires so much capitalj, that! few; have as yet, gone properlyJntp the business, to enable them to reap large profits, i Al most every cotton planter, however, has a small sugar house and mill, sufficient for the manufacture of a few acres of cane. . which he plants for the use of his own you, family and pegroes, which, I assure is not only a great savin k, but a comfort and a promoter of health in a family. I 1 nave made as good sugar,: in this small way, as I ever saw in any country! With regard to the priice and value of our lands', I find it i difficult to answer your query; aa they depejnd so much up on a. variety of circurhstances, such is lo cality, neighborhood, quantum of clearing, buildings, and other improvements, j Im proved lands have sold from 5 to $10 per acre. There are lans skill belonging to the United States, which are subject to entry at Si 25 per acre, situated on the a bove mentioned table Ian 1, but rather re mote from Tallahassee, but ,jat; the same time nearly equi-distant from' St. Marks, (20 to 25 miles,) a port of entjy and de- livery, to which all'our produce is trans- ported for exportation! i A srood test of the value of cleared land may be given in the pjice or rent. 1 have a miles from Tallahassee, Marks, upon whw-h are cleared 200 acrea fbr.which I get $3 1-2 pier acre; There is no part of the Southern States, where a planter may realize more money by his negroes. 1 have known seven I bales of cotton made to one hand on one planta tion ; but this is rare, five bales being the ordinary product of a full' sized! able bo died negro, besides a sufficient quantity of corn for his own and master's consumption.- We usually plant five acres of cot ton, 20 acres of corn to tlie hand, besides potatoes and sugar cane for plantation use. We have two Banks one of which has been in at Tallahassee, operation for two or three years: and still continues to; re- deem its bills, and maintain. its credit The other, called the; Union Bank of Flo rida, it is expected will bo in operation a- boul the 1st of January next. This has a capital of two millions of ' dollars ; one Ml? . . P 1 11 111 1 .1 i munon oi wnicn nas Deep paid in, Hav ing been borrowed from, capitalists in' Hew York and Philadelphia. This w.v jciiu-iuwury uri icai boiulc ui negroes, or both, upon th4 simple note of .1-1 . i tne -oorrowerj renewable Once a year on ly. Its resources are very great, and all planters, who have real estate or negroes in Florida, may obtain two thirds of their value, for their present fuse and accom modation, by placing them in mortgage in the Bank at the extended time of j 21 years. When thisrfict becomes known, there is no doubt that the other sunerior advantages, enumerated above, j possessed by this country, will induce a rapid em igration, and introduction of property. j ( -You ask me "What son generally emigrated, and of this species of people have compose what is called the society of tw There is no query that you e country ?" have nrooosed to me that I shall take greater pleasure - - i m answennp;. To you, w ho are a good judge of these matters, anj d are well ac- quainted generally with tn e "gens comme il faut" in the United States, I have on ly to enumerate a few of the settlers from each of the States, who pave taken up their abode and cast their lots in this charming country. We! nave the Ran dalls, the Wirts, the Dorseys, the Craiffs, the Wellfords. the Willis's1, and the Ring- 1J r ft It -1 I .li I 1l l oiusj, irom iviaryiana; tne c-aDeiis, tne Barbers, theTaliaferros, Jtlie Bradens, the Browns, the Fauntleroys, khe Jones's the Prestons, the Gamble's, the Randolphs, the Eppes's and the Washington's from Virginia ; the Sheppards, the.Nutalls, the Allstons, the Parishes the1 Croomes.'the Greens, the Macons. and the Branches, from North Carolina ; the Gadsdens, the Holmes's the Prioleaux, and the Sea brooks, from,South Carolina i the Wal tons, the Savages, the ! WycofTs, ! and the Berthelotts, from qeorgia!; the Butlers, the Williams's, and the Calls, from Ten nessee ; thH B lairs, the Greenups; ihe Adairs, the Whites, and thte Duvals, from Kentucky ; the Ployds. from Indiana ; the Worthmgtons, from Oiio; and Prin ces of the dynasty of Napoleon,! and Ex Counts of Louis XVIII and Charles X, and members of the Leoion of and citizens of France, settled under the- auspices oi iaiayette on r4is own land all this being a well educated anrl pent people, who have travelled much ; and seen a great deal of the tips and downs of life, imparts to our society a" relish and tone, which I will venture to assert, is hot equalled by any newly settled country uuu yiiuutxuiy uuv suipasscu uy uay in (Oc United States. In fact, having within ourselves all the materialsj education, ur- banity of manners, and ch uaimy manners, ana cmvainc ieeung, ashed ts morale affluence, it is !no wpoV valric feeling, der that our society has so justly acquired a character ior its taste, elegance, and re finement. M ' . Need I state how much pleasure it would give me, to add to the list of those distinguished families from Maryland that ot , a name so identified with our early struggle for independence, so vene rated. -nriTa ntn irrmW" o.rl intimately associated with all our ideas . - t""v"t " T . ' . , of wxirtb, excellence; and virtue. . I have the honor to be, with great re- specvyour obedient servant: - SALE OF VALUABLE I WILL sell at reduced prices, and on accom modating terms,, the following- jiroperty be longing to the Estate of Richard Bradlby, de ceased. . t j 1st. 600 Acfes of Cypress timbered Land on the Isiand lying between; the . Northwjest and Black Rivers, believed to contain as much shin gle timber, and of as good quality as an other body of land of equal size on !the river. . ! 2d. The WHARF on die West side of the Ri ver; neaily opposite the Custom House, ninninsr 133 feet on the river, and containing 4 1-2 acresi It is to tha south of and adjoining the wiarf of Mr. Savage. - lj v y ' ; 3d. The LOT on "Front Street at the -ca ner of Henderson's Alley, with briyk walls standing, of easy repair ; formerly occupied by D. Caaux. 4th. The LOT on the coriir of Dock and 2d streets, 40 by b'd feet, formerly the residence of Gen. Smith. i 5th. TKe 3 LOTS on! the south of Doektreet adjoining Doct. Harris on the west. The i iast described Lots are certainly iis eligible situations; for the erection of private Residences as are to be found in the Town. j , ( Cth. Two LOTS in Jennings' Alley. The one adjoining the ware house now in the occupant cy of Mr. Calder. 25. by 17 fet. v.'itb brick walls standing. The other iiriniediatt-ly to the east, 41 by 14 feet. 7. An interest of one half in rise brick House and lot extending to the River, on the corner of Front and Mulberry streets, House. : . ' ' ' called the Gautier 8. The several Lots opposite die latter, to the north, extending from Front street to the Rjver. vv The LOT on the Methodist Hill, opposite the Meeting House, extending from Front streei to the River, arid embracing Jack Moore's saw4 pit. It is improved with several small dwellings. i 10. 35 Acre's of Land, lying between Hogg's Folly and Hilton. - I i U - I H". 2000 Acres of Land on Holly Shelter, wan good mm seats, lovmeny jonn rugn wn i;Jm.r 1 ! i i r JOHN HILL, Ez'r. 91-tf. 1st October, 1834. The Jurist. : j r ' Edited by the Hon. Wm. Cranch assisted by Rufus Dawes, esq. Counsel lor at Law, is published in monthly num- 1 ' - C rs- i. . . t 1 ! i . oers, oi zou pages, at iu per aunuui . AND Register & Library j Medical and Uhirurgical Science; I A vr iUJJ -a;a w ville Sharp Pattison, M. D. Professor of Anatomy in 'Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, assisted t bjr James Hagan, M. D. published by DUFF GREEN, in the City of Washington. m Subscriotions td the above works received at the Urhce ol Press, where specimens The People's of them may be seen, and those desirous of obtaining them may satisfy themselves of their cheapness ano vaiue. 3t. & m. 12 tn. Nov. 5, 1834. . FOR TH ! CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE. The Coxgressiovau Globe, which w6 com menced publishing at the last Session of Congress, will be continued through the approaching one. It will be published in the same form, and at the same price ; that is, once a Veek, on a double royal sheet, made up in quarto form, at one dol lar per copy during the session. When any important subject is discussed, we propose to print an Extra sheet. Subscribers may calculate on at least three or four extra sheets. At ihe close of the session, an Index will be made for the 1st and 2d sessions, and senji to all subscribers. We shall pay to the reporters alone, for pre paring the reports that will be published in this paper, more than one hundred dollars a week, during the session. In publishing it, therefore, at one dollar for all the numbers 'printed during the session, we may boast of affording the most important information at the cheapest price. ! i TERMS. 1 copy during the session, - - SI 00 11 copies during the session, - - $10 UU Payment may be made at our risk. The notes Bank will be received. by mail, postage paid, ol any specie-paying JAa attention will bepatd to any order, -ess the money accompany t. Subscribers names received at this office. November 5. I ; 1 96 3t. V 9 J JYbticcl jj -i fTIUHE Subscriber offers for sale on accommo U dating terms, the HOU$E and LOT for merly occupied by myself, and for the last year by Mjrs. Laspeyre. The situation nearly ovpo site the Academy. Also, my household and kitch en furniture. If not disposed of before the 20lh of November, will be sold at! Auction. r ALEX'R MILLER. Nov. 4th, 1834. l, ' 96 is. Notice. ? ':!.- : ' ALL persons indebted on account to HALL & LOUDON, areij requested to settle the same, by Note or otherwise, by the 23d of the present month. Those who fai to do so will find their accounts in the hands of an Officer for col lection. This arrangement will be adopted with out aiscrimmauoii HALL & LONDON. Nor. 5 !. P6 3t William Jl. Williams, At the old Stand of Savage & William, Hf north side oj Market Street, next door to Mr. Hurlbutfs large Hat, MAS just opened a large and well selected as sortment of DRY OOOnS Kilitnhlio tn the - f easn' cotopriinff every article in ihdry goods ,for Lad,es H Gentlemen, which he will sell " 0P Ve most reasonable terras for Cash only, or a oViuo tnose who are punctual ih their payments, finding, it ffrom f- W Venn;1 Uvnri. j I ad vantage either to the purchaser,or himse ""i'ussiuit; ioaoa long credit buiine ss with f. hiiis assorinieni is a small ana harid some va- riety or CASSIMERES, VESTING S, SAT TINETS, NEGRO CLOTHS, AS D Among the assortment of bi.OTHs is' a piece of Extra su'p'r TwilUd Black CLOTH, worthy the attention of any! one who wishes a new Coat. ALSO, A new supply of first quality TEAS, SU GARS, and other Groceries. The Hygeian Vegetable Universal LHeaicines oj tne ISntisfi College of Health ,..k.l, i .l-i u- -l i - I . . mui nave aita ined that high dt gree of ce ebrityj which renders if unnecessary to expatiate Ikrely I on thir virtues and power, are for sale at th e a- oove uescnoeu ptore. i r October 29ih; ' i or,Jtf Wm. J. P alt eve Tit TTBESPECTULLY infoilms his frjenils and M. the pubhel that he has just opened, k his e door Deiow the stan5 recently occupied by Mr, French, an excellent Stock nfj j 1 G. R. STAPLE and PAXC Y DRY GOODS, i tOr!h"r M ari extensive ssnrtmpnt mur CERIES, lich he will 'sell-cheap jfb Cash or exctiaiitfon f air terms for Country Prod ' Purchasers miy; rely upon i getting good and uce. cLcap articles at his Store. Amongst his lowing: assortment may be found t le fol- Super BROADCLOTHS, various colors, Sattinets, Negro Cloths, j Silk Resting, '; ( . Blankets, Spun Cotton best quulitv, 1 Sheetings and Shinins, Poekrt Handkereiefs, lombs, riruslied, Tertumerv, Lucifer Matches. SnuiL&c &c. with almost everv descrintiion of v -ryf jroous. - . T"i "N l 1 Cheese, Butter, Coffee, 'Sugar, . Molasses, ,K :,- Saltt Lamp Oil, ejfc..$f c. Teas, best quality warranted to be food sale. In short nAarlv evcrv at-tilcl m 'thnJ or no line.-, HARD WARE and CUTLER y locery Including Pocket and Case Knives, a sp endid assortment; cross eut and hand Saws, Locks' ornooinmg ironsi ohovels and Tongs, Hatchets, ana u boxes A.h.b, btiUiantly polisAedl and wyrramea lot cut, hands" as any ot xeiih as UUle did from ' -human hers to be found in this Market G UNS and PERCUSSION CAPS Best CHEWING TOBACCO - a a , . - - .- j, selection ot CHgC2BIl"Sri and aLSa Waiaasomc elegant cut HUM rj-ijti.xv.o ana .uiyj.js. .-' POWDER (warranted) and SHOTand many uluci ttiuuiKK, lou ieuious to eimmeiv.te, October 23 95-4t. H flQsfe BALES superior quality HAY, JL NLFXi Just ree'd and for sale by , BARRY & BRYANT. Octob-er 28th. 95-tf. Just Received Per Brig Levant, from Boston, gth BRLS 'PRIME.. PORK, IPi? 40 Mackerel, No. 1, 3 and 3, 50 " yellow Potatoes 40 boxes Tallow Candles, 10 half barrels Family Beef, 100 bundles prime Hay, " . 2j barrels Gljoucester Rum, - t I7i STORE. 50 Ilhds 31olasses, 60 brls Nvy and Pilot Bread, 100 boxes Soap, No. 1 , 25 brls New York Prime BEEF, 2 puncheons old Granada Rum, Lot old COPPER, b or sale by G. W. DAVIS & CO October 29 95 4t. For Sale! One Door North of Arthur Leici TTTJST received from New York, an assort II ment of ; ' I. :J I DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Cim LER Y, If ARB and CROCKER? WARES, sold for Cash, or bartered Wiiich will be for Country produce. STEPHEN D. WALLACE ELI LARKINS. October 29th. ! 95-lL Ak Coils of BALK ROPE, EARTHEN WARE. - Liverpool and Lisbon Salt, Bottles CHAMPAIGNE and superior MA DEIRA WINE. i Shirtings and Sheetings, brown and bleadhed. Oznaburgs, whole and small pieces Burlaps 120 casks LIME. Fayetteville and Canal FLOUR. Boxes Virginia small and large plu; Tobacco, i HA Y- NAILS, assorted. lrfal ann juump is u UAH. rono ttico vJaXf SU&AB. in' barrels. Pork and (Beef, in variety. Sperm CANDLES. . PORTER & ALE. a W. BROWN. f Mich $ Fanciful. m SIMPSON has just returned from the North with a full and coin plete assortment of PRY GOODS & GROCERIES to which he invites the attention of chasers, as he is determined to sell at a very reasonable advance, for CASIl jot ock in barter for country produce.. His s consists, in part of, Broadcloths, Casimeres & Satinets, Figured Shally, (a new article,) Chinchilla Caps Fur, Wool and Silk Hats, Handkerchiefs, of all decscrijtions, 1 bread Tnsertings, Lace Caps, Bobinet and Lace edging, , Blond Veils, -Boreisre, Silk Aprons Satin bowed Stocks, Gloves in variety, Assorted belts, Figured Velvet, JBead Bags and Purses, Canton and other Shawls, Bobinet Capes and Cellars, Worked Collars, Cap'es Corded Skirts. ' A splendid assortment of Children luia, ana dressed UUlsLis. UMBRELLAS, Cotton and Silt- Brown and Bleached Shirtings Plaid Lindsey Red & Fancy Prints French and English Merinos-Indigo Check Hose and half Hose Gsnaburs -Inish Linens. READ Y.MADE CLOTHING, IN VARTY. FLANNELS, all colorsShoes and Boots. , Gentlemen's and Ladies' -Rbse and Point Blankets, Bleached Jeans. Fiill assort lit of HOLLOW WARE. ' DRILLING Cambrics, white and col d Muslins Bed Ticking.- Boidba- zette; Pearl &, o'ther Buttons; Suspenders. China, Glass, Crockery WARE i ne assortment oi-tnese articles is h-e ry beautiful, and worthy the attention of those; m need. , GUNS, PISTOLS, & DIIIKjS, : SOME VERY SUPERIOR. Ready made CLOAKS, GtnUe- j ' ; men s and Ladies . TOILET, MA NTLE."&, PARLOR GLASSES. Plough and Tyre IRON STEEL 50 Kegs NAILS, from id to 2M. WHITE & Brown Sugar-yMolasses, Imperial, Hyson, Young Hyson, and Hyson Skin TE AS CofTeeLciaf k ahd Lumf Sugar White and Brown Loaf. Cog. BRANDY, Jam. $ N E RU1, Port fr Malaga WINE, W HIS KEY. APPLE JACK, GIN 80 Kegs Powder, 100 Bags Site t, Salt Petre, Copp,eras, Cassia, Nutmegs; Allspice,- Pepper, Snuff,. , Tobacco; first chop) Spanish and American Sears. 4" Coffee ROASTERS, '(Patent.) Cloth Caps, Knives & Forks, Pen &l Pocket Knives Violins, Fringe, Clark's Spool Cotton, Percussion Caps. NEGRO CLOTHS. Clark's extra Superior AXES, Para sols, Pins and Needles, Cross Cut Sas, Gun Locks, Horse Fleams, Curtain Pir s Store removed throe doors West of tlie old ! STAND. H33 Call and Examine . C3 October. 15, 1834. 93-tf. OO1VIIVTISSI0U AOEUT, Consignments solicited. Sales and Remittmccs made, ifith desptite itcfer to GEO. COGGESHAI.L, q. ' aie&srs. BARRY fcBKYANT,' WILlilXGTOX, X. Sent. 17, 1834 W-H,, c PLjAjS TEH'S HOTEL,, Fayetteville, J Carolina THE Subscriber has opened House for the retention of TrL-1 vellers and Boarders, known by the - r , ; - - r-- t- - ; - name of THE, PLA TER a .HO TEL, and solicits a part of public patronage. The House being large and m the most elevated place in therTdwn, and close, to a large Fountain uf pure Spring Water. .His Establishment shall always be furnished" with every necessary that the country aaord s. MICHAEL McGARY. OcUiber 14, 1831. ' 94 6w. To Rent HPHAT commodious Store, with a Wi are House in the rear, at present occupied Ly MACRAE & PEDENS. Apply to JAMES F. McREE. September 24. 90-tf. Wanted to Hire. . i - -.. A N active negro or mulatto boy, of good dis jfli: position and character, from 14 to 16 years of ase to act in the capacity of "Devil" foil' a Printing Office, &c. . . Apply at THIS OFFICE rrnHE Sabscriber having received a supply of IL FRSH GOODS torn the " Northerners hem for sale at his Stand in Brick Row, near he Town Hall, One door south of Mr. J5. P. Hall's Store, where Ik; will receive with due gratitude all the ' natrons ge the public may feel wuiihg to place iu his waj' j and assures the public that he will soil J. as low as any merchant, in the1 place, which lie can well afford to d f.rovided he can obtain- a sutfiiency of public favor to require close ini conaumt appiicatioiu , - , , shoes: ! One' hundred pair Negro Shoes and Brogans. Uentlemen's fane calfskin welted do " T Children's sealskin thick soled do " " . Boy ris B rogans, various kind, sils and prices, Women's f.ne sen I skin Bootees, Ladies' Cue .sealskin Jackson, Shoes, ' Ladies' t)iick soled morocco walking Shoes, . Ladies' fine fancy studied Uiicksoled morocco ; walking Shoes, 7 Fine-prun'el do. v SHEETINGS. Fine bjeached S!-ietings and Siiirting, Conimen. do. CANTON FLANNELS, fine and handsmr.e. CALICOES, a good asorlnit-nt, some very fine and handsome, of an entirely new stamp ; Mus lin prints, Vcstings; Shaub, llamil.cichicfi?, Host-, h.df-do., sowv lirsunUf Lunu's Wool. 200 Yards NEGRO CLOTH. ' No Ca FLANNF.L, a dund.l.' article.. Fine Blue -n-i.d 5 Blade 13ROAD CLOTH; SATTI NE'l'SJCgmbs. ' - . ; : Hardware, Cult or y Crockery, j A large' assortVient of HINGES and NAILS GROCERIES. C"ffec- Sugar, TYpjK-r, S,i.-e. Cloves, Cin nanii.n and .Mac .; -Soup-Ot Candies CbvoW; Salt A: Iron, Senile very haudsoiiie.-- P(W1jI"IJ SHOT. MATS -if- CAPS. S al skin Ti-unkb, W'litini P:tptr, Ink Powder, rd ahd binck. -. ' - A rarii-ty of BOOKS, and n great n,a ny articles not mentioned, P. SMITH. October 20th. " 94 tf. (At his Stof, iiext doar to A. Lazarus.) II AS just returned from the North with a full-supply of . &ry floods r& Grocer tea, Among which are ' - " T Goshen Butter, and Cheese, - Rum, Brandy, Teas, 4 ! -Sugar, Cordials, c-.-A-c. He has a I si- a gcod svpyly of .. ' COIMFSOTlOMARY. r Alsoan assortuu tit. of - . - TOYS for CHILDREN He 'has aqso a variety of Consisting .-in parUiof hi-.h Poiatocs, ' Beets Onions, Codfish, ic. - . ' ,. . ' ,f ALSO: ' ' V-' A few Barrels of APPLES. Ail of which he will dsj -s Ofor CASIl'or country pfiduce, on moderre ttriiis ma m i i i - - ' " JVbti ce. I " j fSlHE Subscriber it,tt;idmjr to cltise his "busi JL ness in this place, requests all those ind . bt- d lo him to call and -settle their accounts and t s previous to the 1st January next. " lie has on hand, a genera' assortment of wuich will be sold at reduccu r.c;s lor Cash- only. A '-f'j:; , ' - i ..i R. BRADLEY. Oe-obcr 8. t 92-lt. IKTJST, Off re South Side of Market StrecTr&ti . door above ih offkl of th P&b 4 'I ' JPPLES jlRESS. V'JJ OFFERS his professional Sf r?ic s to thetb- " lie. He in prepared to Perform all oi.ernf jrailcnsoajhe Tkktu, lie can cupel v his r.nti. nt witL any Hnd oiarhf.Uol Teeth they may. pre fer, lie has or hand. -Washes for the.MoutJ:," rr. xlii I'owler ol thu best desenj'tion, and Dropi the tcxjth a.-lie., ' foi Wihniniif.rti, Sift. 05 To tent. jiTIO'UNTING ROOMS. STORES nvar vhe WhaVf, and W AREHOU REHOUV sev -all Brickanl well 'situated'. Apply to r w. brown.; . ':" 954 '?8;h October. p ' . f 1 (CH Jflau of Uifsincss, FUfP Ut.s work are rented to give in to uus voice, a siaxein ni or. numtjers not reo-iv ed, in order that the PrOxiiietor may ba informed bn the stibecL . Oct 29ih. , 4 ' 95-3L Tin Waiitifcictorii. m fTHHE SuBficRiiERs having connected wn men- rornier mtsmess the IVIAISIUFACTORY OF TTJ n Wilmintfm, on the South side of Market St. One door fiota Henr. A. Lc.vbo.v's, where eve- ry article m that line jPUi he made "according to order, and generally ' an assortment kept on hand, made especially for customers of the best Of TIN, and in the neatest manner. N. B. Repairing of all kinds done on Saturday of each tceek. They have at their old Stand a full and extcH' isive assortment of DUYGOODS, hist received from the North, which Xhey will ju& low for Cask at Wholesale and Retail. V PORTER & BYINGOR . Ootcber7l5r H04. - -if - t J