f. ISO 98. I1VGTOIV, N; I WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER ID, 1834. !". ' '.V' '.-.' - . v- - ' ! " , " ! . ' ' '" ' I .' - "f v v-; v . . , 4x . . s t l" . - ; . ' . ' . f .; . .' - - . , ? .. , ". - ,.--" ' , ' -'-, c. v - . I v 1'ublislied every W ednestlay Slornlug, by TZJIllCg. 1 Tiiuee Dollars pkr asxcm, in advance. : ; , ADVERTISEMENTS t "'Not exceeding a Square inserted at ONE DOLLAR. tLa first, and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for eacl subse" .uit insertion. A liberal discount to A'earlj Adreni- fcers. : " '- "" iXTOFf'ICE ' lIl5 o"t of Market Street, bc- 'ow thft t'ourt House. . , FROM TTlf. CHARLESTO.V COCRfCR: THE AERONAUT'S RETURN We have the satisfaction of announcing o oiir readers the safe return ofUrEl !iott, after an excursion of 'curious and perilous' ad'eiiu.r.jrhe-fwi'i Iiasty narrative of his aerial voj-age, taken at a late 4hour, from his oven lips. . At a quarter past 3 o'clock, P. M. bore ji'.vay from his moorings with a, -North IJastt-rly breezev in a South Westerly di- rcction, crossing Ashley and- Stono Riv ers, Janies and JohnJs Island, and landing tit the plantation of .Hugh Wilson, Esq. on Wad malaw Island, about 20. miles from Charleston. Passed over several plantation?, and spoke the inhabitants with ' his speaking trumpet, and at one of them, toing as low -as" -600 feet from the .earth, '.was answered so as tor' be distinctly heard by Dr. Curtis., The greatest altitude ajt t i im'd, was-t'A'b miles and a half between J uries ami Johns Island, The . greatest alarm and commotion was produced a ino'ng the neroesJ at the different ,settle mehts on the route, at the passage of the Jialloon and its living navigator, through 'he Heavens wherever it approached they scampered away in great consterna 'tion some of them crying out that if was bird (rara avis.) others thiU it was an ..'.'hngel, -.and at one plantation, where- a ne gro had just died, they insisted that it was iiis'Satanic majesty himself come to fly away with the deceased -While passing one plantation; 'he lowered a cord within a few feet of a negro, and called on him to lay .iold of it, bnt the fellow after ga y.'ms awhile irresolute, took to his heels with great rapidity. After proceeding ' tome distance, cast anchor at a large pine tree, in , the neighborhood of a'; swamp,' r.rar which therewas an open field suita ble for a descent, but the '.cut rent of wind was so strong that the top of the trep gave way, and the anchor came in contact with " a large gum tree that stood next in place; ; There '.attempted to hauL himself down by, his chle," 300 feet in length ; but a flaw of wind striking the Balloon with great violence, the cable; broke loose from the -rir, tearing off a part of it, and he was deprived of the use of his anchor in a hea vy wind. As soon as the Balloon iva iJiseh gaged from the anchor and cable, weighing 15 lbs.' its motive power was so much increased, that it Tose at once half . umile in a perpendicular direction, theeaY Icaningso much on one side, that his bal last, and a bottle of wine and his hat were thrown but. Was then carried, immedi- ately over the house on IVIr, Vilson's place, and over a large field of cleared hinjj, where -he.again contemplated a de scent. As he oassed the housw about a - half a mile over head, spoke ihe inmat'es ' and found the whites, ready Jo assist him, ' iut the negroes too. much frightened to r : indicate any such disposition." ; The valve - being in perfect order, opened it to. de scend, but goin at thc rate of not less than 40 miles an hour, came in contact with a grove of pine trees through which he was dragged for about tlirce quarters a mile, the Ballooii sometimes floating a bove the trees and at others getting en tanolcd among their tops, and the car dashino arrjiiist trees and breaking off limbs, and at times touching the ground nnd 'rebounding to a great height. When in this situation he was reminded of a si milar adventure of Mr. Mills, a brother, ronaut, who tvas dragged through a forest of pines in New Jersey, on v-hich occasion he lost his Balloon. After , be ing thus dragged through the woods, found the gas somuch diminished in rjuuDtitv that the Balloon was no-longer disposed o ascciid: and he remained sta- tionarv in ni3 .car, awaiting assistance, . ... 7 Avith the valves open and tne gas esca- lunfr.- Mr. Chaplin then came to his as- distance cai horseback, followed try about - - - - r 40 negroes. The negroes, nowever, ere very loth to-approach, and stood peeping at him lrom bcliina ie pine trees, and it vasrjot until they were re peatedly ordered by Mr. Chaplin, that they 'could bg induced lo lend a, helping hand, and then they did so with fear and tremblingtheir eyes fixed "on the iEIro naut in teirjified amazementsome ask ing if it was true that he was a Jixing inaii, aud all regarding him as' a super natural monster. Mr. J. D. McKenaee "next came up, and also'Dr. ThOv Curtis, "who united with Mr, .Chaplin in fender w ing all the aid and 'kind offices jhat the ' occasion " required.: The Balloon; with their polite and seasonable aid, was final . ly neatly folded up; with ! no other - dam age, than a small rem, riot more: than an inch square, occasioned by being torn by the underwood, when he had every rea i son to expect that itvould Save been torn to pieces among thepinesJi-and he him .erT escaped with only a slight bruised piissed his flags and on searching-for tndAhe .SPaQ Banner,5 unfurled an 4 waving n the top of a Fiae tree, as if it had been pla ed there by de; sign'i jand the tri-coldred Fla also wav ing" at half-mast in another pine I near; by, Was then escorted bv Mk Chanlin and the other gentlemen to tht house of the first named, where all jojned in paying him the kindest and most. hospitable at tentions. . . j J. . ; :;.-; I. ' After partaking of bountiful tefresh- mehts, retired to a comfortable! night's rest, and the next morning, having break fasted w lih Mr. Ch aplint was taken by him in a gig, Mr. J. p. Turnbull, ac companying on horse, toil Mr. Angel's. whence a boat was expected to leave fori me Kiiy. ine Doat not oeing mere, was hospitably entertained at dinner by Mr. Aiiiran3 the boat having afrlve;d late in the afternoon she was immediately manned with six of the; prim est "oarsmen oh .the place, andMis embarked, Mr. n- gel politely accompanying him for theci ty, where he arrived at a quarter past 8 V 'cKy i. xu. , tne negroes all tne way singing a song about f'Massa Elliott and his Balloon," which Tfhey had com posed ex tempore tor the occasion. The -tyhole; time occupied by the ascen sion was but -45 minutes, during which period 20 miles were traversed: and j in ' l - - v. ' - . t i .1 . . - r- one nour arter ne ascendea tne gas was discharged and the Balloon ;folded up! . Mr. E. ha enjoined Upon us to express his grateful sense of the (kindness of the several gentlemen who assisted, and en te named him, and requested us to say al- tnougn ne nas travelled much, he can de- clare with truth, that he has found the warm-hearted sons ;of South Corolina, unequalled in' hospitality, f He bids therri adieu with. gratitude that-tjime can never eiiace or impair. r uu.u 1HK NEW YORK KVRNI.VG POST. ARISTOCRACY AMONG WOMEN, x-great manv npr!nh ii. that what is said about "Aristocracy " in thjs country, is totally destitute of real umnuation, ana intended only for politi cal effect. But it they would look a lit tle into the state of our.female society and compare it with the most;! Anstocratical forms of female siety in Europe, they would find the noint? cn slight that it would be hard to designate them. Such an examination 1V the most correct. method of a'scertatiiiug the fr.Ah on tins subject ; because, among working women there cannot N -any eahdidafes tor the Legislature selected to promote the designs of an aspiring money party, nor would the sinister viev of that par ty be in anyway promoted by the same '"Hulu sHirjl' woeraJity towards them, which characterizes their; political -dealings .with working men. - Hence the line of demarkntion IKa. .r,t s and vatricians hn Koanii: Hrwn . . r 1. 1 . . i. - . J me n : so that while nsnWnt tn 7K" mjs? pretensioris-tq the character of working men for, political effect, their wives and daughters would be consider ed as degraded by familiar and social in tercourse with working women. This is so, glaringly apparent in society! that no argument is necessary to . substantiate it : out tne.evils resulting from it thono-h of nuuicuec luuwnuuae. arp.-- mnst- iwhn v overlooked by those who are most seri pusiy aliected by it. ! '.", j 11 nas JenT women to jclice an Uinibro- per estimate upon a lifeof uxuriousease, and to regard, with an unue degree of deierence. thn eiationsL- - -. ..- I i ' ! . ! . i It makes the nonr nmnna thpm, ashamed of-their poverty or depeji deuce upon their industry for It learTs-them to "xtravatrance in dress ttndurnittire, as th only means of keep- inT Un their resnprtnhilifv . I It thus rots their virtue of its reward and their industry of its recompense, and leaves them hopelessly exposed to all the evil of poverty and -imaginary degrada tion. ' "' !-.- 1 In short, it reduces a large portion of the female community,' to! thatlstate of imbecile servility which -is characteristic ofn peasantry, under the most arbitrary feign .of. privileged classes, in despotic .countries. - ' f - .,'- These incontroyertihle truths establish the fact beyond all dispute that a; spirit of aristoc racy is prevaVent.among women to an alarming extent.) Biit for the dis guise which it is compelled to wear a- mong men, unde our republican govern ment, it would be equally apparent among thjcm. It therefore becomejs all good citi zens who regard oifr liberties as worth preserving, to loolc about for a remedy to evils of which there is so much ground for complainvand the present aspect of out political parties -should not. pass un heeded. Let it be borne in mind that our venerable President was called from his retirement by the poor, and eleyated to his present station by their Junbought sxif- f rages. u :. "A TAt.-TemDerance has here O- fore been called a. M sectarian thipg" and this charge, although nearly obsolute, 15 truer than it evejrr was. 4 It may now be called a ''sectarian thing5? in goodar nest forsects unjte-in it. -p-It- is aCoh; gregational 'thin;g, 'a 'Presbyterian? ihing, a Baptist thinff,;an Unitarian thing Tao Episcopal "thins, a uake? j hihg, la Sha- fcet thing an Univefsalisi thing, and wiH be A uniyefsd tUir"" ' " r " ' 4 Sales at Jluctiotu 1 -j d at public sale, at the sub be S Rice Plantation, on Tnrsrfav the. ei;s Rice Plantation on' Tuesday. t if fair, if not, the rst. fair day after, DUxinst. if imp, if not, the .first, fair day .after, a-' bqut sixty head of CailU, among which are teii yoke of "prime, w?ll brok OXEN. Forty head of SHEEP, well crossed with the i nit ui eeu Tlwee FLATS, fane Will carry 2000 bushel of; Rice, built by Mr. Sam'l P 'materials, aniiis nearlv new.- Rims of the best Another will carr ry irw, and the other 700 bushels. PLANTATION UTENSILS. Consistinir of a (Hp: Carts: Plnuirhi Cultivators, Hvesr of different kinds', Ream Hooks, tyc. . " Blacfosmitirs BELljOWS and ANVIL. . Hot;s3hold FURNITURE, &c. &c. 1 CON DITIONS OF SALE. For sums above Twenty Dollars six nfonths crtidit aliove Fifty- Dollars twelvu moths Notes to be approved. Clarendon, Brunswick CAMPBELL. County, 97-2t 10th, 183 1. Iov r Bargains! Mar gains ! ON the. 27th instant wfli'be j$o!d to the. high est bidder on a coinilrtodating terms, A large Tract of well timbered LAND, with a iood .Saw-Mill an Grist-Mill, with two food Dwelling Houses, hVus.hpld and." Kitchen Fnrnitujie,' Carts, and four! yokes .of good' Oxen. AH to be. sold, at my Hon from Wiliuingion to Ch.u miles from .Town. I ' SAM Nov. 12. ; on; iton: the Main Road and just 13 1-2 P. RUSS., 972w. UEIi For Sale or Rent k comfortable 2 story Wbodpn HOUSE, sit- ifi. uated on the corner of R. cl Cross and Fourth Streets, v.'tth all neceBsary odiliousi-s, and a gar den spot weli enclosed, comprising 3 Lots. j Apply to j j JOSHUA JAMES, or In his absence to J JNO Nov. 12th JAMES & CO !)7-3t. .1 Ca r d. .ESIGNING to remove from the -State as soon as possible, 1 must dv-cline tin-further practice of Medicine in this Tq wn. in order to bring my affairs to an iihrnelihtc settlement. I have placed my accounts in he hands of Mr. Jki'h Nichols, for settlement either by Cash or Noti. - - I : ' WM.il HORTv oG-31. ' . o' l William Tiiomson, I r. J - ' Clock and htntcm !?ji.akei Oh the north side of Mafic ct Street, OprOSlTE THE M4n'KBTHOfK, 1TB ETURNS his most fer'ateful thanks to tlie JLi pnbiic.for the liberal encou recivd, and hopes by attentu ragrement he has n to business to aeserve a snare oi paironage. ceived a supply of .('"'.' Ladies' and Gentlemen's Gold lie has just re- jever Watches; Silver, Lover, Horizontal and; it'cal do. 1 Cornelian. Coral, and Enamelled Ear Rings, 1 with brooches to match Finier Rings, Brooch k, Lockets and Breast .Puis : with a variety lot other articles ot 1 RWRT.TlFRY also oilvv.r ntateu ineau Da . . i . . j r-i I i Tl skets Plated Castorsr silver edged. Candle Sticks, Snufters, I rays, Ladles, Table and Tea- Pencil Cases. Spectacles, x r 1 noonS. Dirk Knives, Rodgers' Knives and Razors, Belt and Pocket Pistols, dec. ode. . . I Nov. 12. ' ' :.' 07 tf. 8'A1EB.biL3& OF SiOiiTii ti-AsUiMA. , Ir i i . . . MOTICE is hereby givbi to all whom it may concern, That the JSotes of tlie issue of the Whmintoi Branch otthis Bank will m tuture be redeemed at the Counter of the Bank of Cape Fear in Wilonngtou at any timej when presented duxitg -Bank hours. I n . j , . D. W. SlTONE, Cashier. . Monday, 10th of Nov'r 1834.! 97-4t.pd. Af the sign of the large ' - SHOE. I - . : . THE SUBSCRIBERS have just returned from the north, tp their old Stand, with a full afsortjrient of BOOTS & SlldES, ; " Of theif own manufacture, which they feel dis posed to sell cheap. ..J , r aianutacturing ana repanringuone as usuai. i G. & C. BR ADLEY. Nov. 12. V ! i : 97 6m - Take JYbtice. t - ... li - j : r -.: ; WHEREAS,.on the 1st inst. Qaptam Hen ry Taws, ami the several persons white and colored, composing the erewjof thfe: Steamer Henrietta, ware arrested a& the instance of Doyle O'Hanlod, for a trespass ri et armis by "takmg two' cords- f Wood fromCiweirs Wood Landing, and whereas, the said Capt. Taws and oikei-s 'were acting under the directions of the Henrietta Steam Boat Company j and for whose acts and doings the satd Company is -responsible : And whereas, further, IJiave been assured ty the A- gent aeuvenng .vvoou at saiaiandiog, that the said Company has the privilege of taking It atlall times, which to GapC..TawJwas made known, ... I, therefore do publicly ;call upon all Gentle men supplying Wood at the said Landing to give me either a written notice, or to notify pie through the public Press, of their assentor dissnlto the said Henrietta Steam Boat Comnanv takin? Wood at said Landing in future. - And Ehitdd"arry one! at said Landing be disposed tomake a contract, ex clusively with said Company, to deliver Pine or Light Yoodatsaid Landing, ifcasbr-fehall at al timejsbepau toany rpotisible person on deJir ' ;i 1 - '-"' - - j - - " -l Agent zi. s. l FayehevUle, Nobtr 3, 163 .t- poat CovrfevxTf D7 3L Sales of Real Estate "WS7"ILL be sold at public Auction under the V V Court Hpuse, at 11 o'clock on Thursday the 27th inst. if die weather be faiiyif not, th first fair day after, a DWELLING HOUSK and out BUILDINGS, with about 250 Acres of Land on liSonborougIi bound, the summer residence o the subscriber. -.- ! , I .0e hundred half acre LOTS, adjoining tm North boundary of Wilmington, a plot of which can be seen at Mr. Henry A. London's Store. Syveral vacant mineton. LOTS in the Town of Wil- 320 Acres of Land near Town, and adjoin- m 'Li ve Grove 420 Acres ofi Land known by the name of Mnrsdeii's Savannalj-bn the road to Wri&hts'ville. 610 Acres on Watson's branch between Town ad the Souiid, and two Lots iu the old Town of Brunswick. . ' ' -'!. ' I ' '" ' Also a Tract lying on the Banks adjoining Ma sfnboro' Inlet, (a g;od Mullet Fishery) withpys tcc Banks and Mfirsh attackid, belonging to the Estateof George MacK'inzieEici. dee'd. . j ; , I M. CAMPBELL. Nov. 10th, 1834 U72w rmWO YOUNG MEN 1 single would be pre 1L ' ferredY who: can be 'well recommended fer iirKCTityj sobrietvj and industry, willing to go to a healthy part of Louisiana as overseers on a cot- j ton Plantation, can make.au engagement by j ma- king early application to the subscriber, who ex-1 pecs to remove eaVly in December. ! j ! M CAMPBELL. 10ih, 133J. ; 97-tw. - $iO0 .Reward, 1 WILt. be givt n for the apprehe nsion of my Mulatto Man JO: (known in Wilming ton as JO: GRAXGE) or for such information as will lead to my recovery' of hum He is somje 25 years old rather robuydy made; stoops consid erably when in motion.; has something of a limp in :his gait, (tho' nb natural defect:) is aboutjfive feet seven inches high ; when addressed speaks slowly "and Uimperingly. He 1ms a full ft of hairj gray eyes; an .unttsuul number of wrinkles about the angfe's of his month, and his'teeih much discolored from the use of Tobacco. He has a scar upon his breti'st, occasioned either by a bum-i or a buster his chest very hairy. He has jaisq ti strange pecnliarty about his feet, viz. the .two toes next adjoining "the great to, on each footarc connected u gthcr, one half their length, or to the middle joint of each. ' ,He is-two thirci whitend when Cleanly dressed,y fright 03 "fot A white !' It if expectep he has taken hipping- for the north,' ,and if so. I wii: further give S 100 for sue h evidence as may convict the person or per sons concerned in his afv.iucnon. ! He left this between the 21st and 30th u!t II. y.'WADDELU Nov. 12. 97 tf. Dollars n7ILLbe gH .Vti-chendiog and secti-i -r D ICK, i ' '! who ran away m oepiemoer last, arm i as pecn, ireqaentiy. sien m . y nuimgi ixe ; .i j 4r . i.. . . .. if. : . l. nnuer oruinary up.igm, carrier u. uea-. ereei,, u. iT-.lbirtr nHniit 5?0 VRSrs nt ao- nl:iii-ihtfl in conversation hadj on grey satinet ' Jacket jand """""o . - - j - i- . : Trousers. 1 appreliend he ranges in the vicinity Uii3 Town. SAMUEL BLACK, Nov.-12. - 97-tf. Ti Th dHDb pvime alOLA&o1S, -U 1P 10 bags Coffee, ? Cheese- and Butier, . i ' Fresh Teas, 6 lbs and 13 lbs Boxes, i Best Family Flour, barrels and half barrels, ! "Buckwheat in quarter barrels, j Fayetteviile Flour. ' Superior Madeira. Wine and Champaigtl. R. W. BROWN '12lh November. 97 3l O gfi BARRLLorAlKHIiY n.OTJIl, QjDxJJ Just! rec a and ion sale by I BARRY & BRYANT. . - 97-3L . ( THE Subscriber hav ' ing made- new arrange ments in Business; calls on all persons indebted to tnake immediate payment, and persons having la,ans against him, to preWu them for payment to S. M. WEST, who is authorized to seuieuie same. C5EO. R.-FRENCFL THE .Business hereafter wll be conducted under the j nrm ot - . . GEO.n.'VRESCII fCd. at the spacious store of E. B. DUDLEY Esq! di- rectiy nnder the Kiiiau vjr r tr, ; wiiere thw solicit the patronage- ifrziT friends and the public in general.-1 They intend keeping an tensive assortment of j CRvr.ElfES' &. LADIES' - If BO OTSlanrT SHOES; t h most of wliiKl will be exprcsslv maueLfoT themi and will. be, warranted equal to anyj for neatness and durability, to be (rfbund in this, ma- Keu GEO. R. FRENCH, S.M.WEST; AogustCOth; 18M. 85-tf. -rt fXnV .BALES superior quality ,HAY,i Ji AUHy y Just ree'd and or sale V . B.VRRYi 6i BUYAKT. OetoLsrSStS W-tf Ten . i ' i ! Nov. 11th Just . Received Per Brig Levant, from, dfdti BRLS PRIME PORKr 40 " Mackerel, No 1, 2aid 50 ' yellow Potatoes, : - 4 boxes Tallow Candies, - ,, 10 half barrels Family Betf j 100 buYftiles prime lar, 25 barrels Gloucester Rata, ' IN" ST O RE. 50 Illids Molasses. ' 60 brls Navy "and Pilot ireat), 100 boxes Soap, No. I , , ' 25 hris New York Prime BEEF, 2 puncheons old Granada Ruin, -Lot olJ COPPER, - Fo sale by - . - G. W. DAYIS Sc CO. October 29 ' . - 95 4t. JYbtieci THE -Subscriber offers for sale on acconinio dating terms, the . HOUS and LOT for merly occupied by my self? an(f for ihe last year bv Aire. Lasiievre. The' situation nearlv ouio- site the Acadeinv. A!io. mv household nd kitcjlv -en furniture. If not disposed of fcefore Uief2Uihpf iNovember, wyl be sold at Auction. i ALEX'R .MILLER. ov 1th, 1531. ts. Notice. A LL'' persons indi-btQd on wxouct to HAUL' & ;LQNDOiN'. arc renuested to settle t le sam'e, bv Note or odierwi,ss, by .tha 2-2J oft present month. I hose who tail to 0:0 s-j v:n n their accounts in the hands of an Otcer for col lection.- his arrangement -will hi; adopted.-;icUt out di sen mi na.ii ou. . HALL LONDON inv. l JTotic FTHHE Siibseribor intending to "close U l.uit-. J3 uess in this place, requests all. those indett d to hint to call-and settle their accounts jcm; oles previous to llio 1st January next. 1 T -1 I. 1 I i - iie iias on nanu, a geueini uisoruueiu ui t . which 'will be sold . at reduced lu.ccs lor Cask, only. ' - R BRADLEY Or'oher f2-l2t. To -Rent nHHAT commodious Store, with a Ware! House in the rear, atpreseut occupied by - MACRAE & PEDEX3:. AfplyQ JAiESCIcREEJ ?- Septcmt)Ci 24. J)0-tf. JVm. . J. Roitev en TOfcESPECT FULLY informs his friends ar d Jife; the public, that he lias iust onentd, a -h : otote, Somfi aide of the Ala r':c.t-Hiise' one to r i j below the stand recently occupied by Mr. G. Is. I reuch, an excellent blocs of - STAPLE ind rAXCY J)RYmGG6j)S, j tngother '.v'th an extensive assortment of GR.0 ! CERIES. which he will sell ch.;m for t u.s 1 or ext native on fair terniii for Country Produce Purchasers may rely upon eetlin'T Ciod. and : cheap articles at his Store. Amongst his-assortment may be found the fofi i lowing : ' , SupeF BROADCLOTHS, various colors batUnets, IN egro Cloths, S'Jk Vestmgs, , - . Qt,;-,;,,. p.t H.ulWrH,w f - - Combs. Brushes. Perfumery. Lucifer Matchek , gnuff &fc wi,v almosi evory description if ! J -tt . r -.; si r- e nr. i i.iccse, iiuiier, Knjjce augar, uuoiasse Salt,. La m p Oil,;Sfc. fyc, Ti:as, best quality warranted to be good, .or no sale In short nearly every article in the Grocerj' line. HARDWARE and CUTLERY, : Including Pocket and Case Knives, a splendi assortment ; cfosVu-ut and hand Saws, Lock Smootliing Irons. S?ovels and Tongs, Ilatchei and 5 boxes AXES, by illitzrttlii polisJtcd, dm fnar ranted to ciU with ps little aid from, '"hitma hands7 as any others to be found in this Market G UNS and PERCUSSION CAPS. Best CHEWING TOBACCO. 11 good selection ot JliU Uliiiii. Y an 'Jii33 33 sonid eiegant cut TUA BLERS and LAMPS. v POWDER (warranted) and S LIOTahd many other articles, too tedious to enumerate. Oct)ber29 , . ' 95-4L WMidmJl.. Williams; At tlie bid Stand of Savage Williams, on the North side of Market Street utxt door to Mr. IlitrlhatCs large Hat, ' ! "IOTAS just opened a large and well selected as HS ini. sortment of DRY GOODS. sixitaUle to tlie season, comprising every article in thctlry goots line for Ladies and Geuilemeji,' which tie will sell on the most reasonable terms for Cash only or a short credit to those who are punctual, in the r payments, finding it (from a few y ear-,' erper ence j unpossible to do a lonrcredit business wiUa au vantage enner to uie purcnaseror jiunseiu . In his-assoruneut is a small and handsome va riety of. CASSHIERES, VESTING S, SAT- TINE TS, NilGlibXCLO TIISt , - .AND ' . - . AioT'gr : the" assortment of Cimr is n piece f i Extra sufr TvcilUd Black JCLOTII, worthy die attention f anj; one who wishes j new CoaL - ' ALSO,fc ' a newLsnppijoi erst quamy 1JAJ, J GARS, aiKl other Qroceries. . 'up The, Hygeian .Vegetable Universal Medicines of the British, College f Health w men nave nuainea mat ntgn Oegree oi ceifcorny which wfhdeTs ifnnnessaryto'ixpaiiate largely on weir virtues ano power, are tor saie n uxa a , October 25th. . X r, " tf. NEATLY EXECUTED . -, ' ; .,. 1 .., . 1 ' i, w . i . ; T, -- . . . . - . . :-t Tiri: mlaiiti factory. fp H E :?&jc bp pn t ttr a ha v i n g coo nected j withr iht-ir firmer business I - ; -,-" m&Nvr&vTonTZ or imf in Wilitiingtor.. orrjhe Sinulv stdo "of VrlM St. one door from IIk.v v A LoI():, w here- ere ry: article it that line veill be made according to ord. r nml7geijrlly an assortment kH Pn Unnd, itinde 4pcia'ty fMfustomef oftha. butt &f TJ .V ; ail In the neatest'oiRrTru r. , J "..;- I NBJ tiekaitin 'of aUlinds donfon l B a t U P d a y f r ack' iek. j ' , . They hare at their old .Stand a full and extcu- j--. DUy g e.o usp "Husu-eecfted fron tTie Xorthj which,theyill tU tow lor Cr.sh at W hoUsatC and iletaiU , . PORTER BYINGON.; - Apply & ; : ''' ' 2Si? OctoVr. $n R. W, IROWIv. tM I . . T . ;-bsr--'"-4;.''- y- : 3Zssrs,. BAUllY 4b BRYANT, 7 - Sept. 17T1834. I .69-6ni. Rich Fanciful. SIMPSON has just rrtujnetf from . the North with a full and com p-'We nSSortoient ol ' J .. ' DB Y GO ODS & XgRO CBIII3SS, towhich he "invites he .attention -if pur--chasers as he is di'terniiiied to.Bcll in parlor -lor country prcance. ins siock consists, in pa i t of, Broadcloths, Ca si meres & Sntinetr, i lygurjpd Shally, (a jicic ar?irVf,) T 1 Chinchilla Caps-Flit, Wool and Su'.j; t iiats - - ; - w ;- '-"fir: " "1 Iliitftlkefrhicfs, of all tK-escriptiont?, .... . Thread Insertinf!S, I. ace Caps, Bubinet and Lat e ed l-BlandeilBoreige, f ilk iVpron Satin bowed. Stocks, Gloves in varietj 1 Assorti'd Belts. Figured Velvet, ' 4! Bead Bags and Purses, . j Canton and-cthcr Shawls I Bobinet Ca'pcsind Collars : - Wiirhffl fuilnrs (Varies. tfr' "Corded Skirts. . A splenUd assortment of Children TOYS; aad dcsscd DOLLS. ! UMBRELLAS, ottonaind Silkw Brown and Bieached : Shirtings-Plaid Lindsey -Rtd & fncyj Pr'rntsFjCiicK and English. Men npIndfco jbh&fe- Hosc aiid half Iloser-OsoahurgslrtsH Linens. --.'" ' '" ' r:' ' READY-MADE. CLOTHING ;- IN VARIETY. V j FLANNELS, all colors Shot vaA : Boots. Gentleruen'i arid Ladies- Rose -and Point Blatikftf, Blearlu'd Jeans. t A M asirtnuMit o DRILLING aimbrics'ft hire o;.d col'd Muslins Bt'd Tici.iugs--Borniy-zette; Pearl & oth.er Buttons; Suspenders. : Chha,-GlMst $ CroctV WARIZ? The, assortment of these articles is-very beautiful, and wor4ayk the attentioUoI those in need. , ' ' X"." r '"-""' ''' .v feOME VERY 45CPEU10R. . ' Keagy imide; CLOAKS; Guuli f " : mctf and Ladies - TOILET, M,NT.bE: & PARLOR -" : CLASSICS. S ' Plough atU Tyrt IRON STEEL ' 5,0 ScsraJJJAH moit XA to , 11 WHITE TBknvp Sugar--AIolas?es. Imprriat, 1 1 1 Vson, You iig Ilysom, - and Hxson Sk In TJ J 5-Coflee Loaf and , fcufii uS u c ar W h ite d B row n Io r. Cog. BRANDY, Jam. N. RUM. P,ort $ Malaga WINE, WU IS KEY. hAPPJjE JACK, JflN. . X:X I B0 IveS3 Powder, lOO-TBags, Sucrr. Salt Ptre, Copperas, Passia, Nutmeg, Allspice Pepper. Snutt.Tobapco, Jirft , chop) SDanishind AmerlcanlSegarar ; ; Cloth" Caps, Knires A.'.Forks, Pen Pocket Knives, Yrdlrs, Fringe, Clarke Spool Cotton," lercossioo Caps. C : H "-: ' EGlfo CttTIlS:- V -aarksextraSupenor -AXESra-' sols. Pin and K."'?(o$.(Pt'9'i :.: Gun licks, Horse Frwms,.Curtain Pins: ; Store KMovtd tbr" doori Wcct St tlie e)3. ' t Call and; Exemiae i .October l5,'IS3Kv ,v C3-tf. 0tJNfXTG RQ0MS,-l-aT6RES, , , ar: tin- Ivtarf, ARE'Il'OtJ--'ses.-all 'jci And well aiuiatcd. " '-, 1 - - i 1 . r I .: 'J -v 'i V-: -l ;-S.-t.tf-i"i

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