. ' . . " . - i v - h-. , '1 - ' : - J . . f 1 ' - . ' . ' !"..- ' - ' " - 1 '. . . ' . ? . - . . ' .... - -.--,.. -- ' ' - .-- , t' . . - - . I - - V j " . . :-. - . : - A . l'. . - . y.-V:;; ..a v. -. , .-. . - I" . ... . . A j '- . ' " . ... ,. ' ' ! - - .,- . ' . -.- I ' ; 1 - . . . I - ... . 4r ... . - - ... - - - ' : rabllshed every V'cdncedy 3Iorning, fry THOJIUIS JLOUlfiTG. .'.v.:-.. ;. f uaiws. . ; THK6 DOLtABS.rfiR ANKCif, I?T ADVANCE AQVEUTISEBIENTS . .. 'crt crcecdfng a Square inserted. a ONE.' DOLLAE the first, arid TWENTV-F1VH CliNTA for each sulsft 'int insertion. A ; liberal discount to Yearly Advertl- 1 U3-OFFICE tiie South bmJc of MkrkeV Street; bc tow tli Court House. . . ' atIauotiow. WILL bcold und ir the Court HouWin tlie .town ef VVilmington, oa llhiirsday the Hilt of Dccen.bcT, 7V; FOLLOWING PROPERTY The Wharf, Yard, Stores and Warehouses, at . present in possession of the subscriber, and occu pied by W, C. Jackson, Larltins & Wallace, and himsclfj fronting ou the Uiver 00 feet, and fun-' . i ling: bark to a stone wall about . feet. 5 ' The'Lot on From- Street, South' of; Mr. Jolm ; McAuslan' dwelling, including the" lee llouse. " The House and.'Lot oh Froiit Street at present f ccupied by Mrs. Lord. " ' The Lot on Markbt-sJrect, wbercon the Frank- i n Engine House stands. Two Lots at the North boundary'of tlie Tbtv;n, V.rtoyn as the Tar" Yard. x "A Lot on" the Hill, : south of the latercsidence rT ,WirJ4 tj. Ualsey, dee'd. V . .. . 023 i Acres of Land, below the Big or Camp bell's Island, know ii .as Lord's Creek. ( 201) Acres of Land on Long Creel:. ' -. . . 2(H) do do- on Moon?s Creek and Blaclf stiver. . " : . ' A IIous and Lot at Smitlivillft. situntfu) nn the f lay1 east of the Gitrrison, now occupied hy Mrs. L Lite. , - Also, a number" of-valuable NEGROES alt m winch wille sold on a long credit, -for bonds xvnti ttiMrovt i security bearing interest from, date. W. C. LORD. EJr.of JNo. Lokd.- At the same time will "be offered on same terms, a.. Tract of. 320 . Acrs's -of L'nd on Town Creek, the property of the Subscriber. W. C. LORD. Thy BOUND PLACE, with "SALT WORKS, &c. the jirojierty of the date J." R. -London. , . - ;. W. C. LORD.x'ry t ' J. R. London v':"' -Mice "Plantqtioii : '""T'lSIIING- to remove; from thif part of the : v V country, I uilY r for snle :on accommoda-Vm"- t. riiis, my ,R1G PLANT ATION.-As tlmst: wi l'm.iy bo dipiised to purrhase,1 would of bourse examine the jnvsnises, and.th plsce being ,: 'u: rally well kju-wii in the neighborhood 1 w -x if unnecessary -"to enter- into auv particular ii-i-rplion of t'u p'rocrty the land is good,, and' !i:;Mily .situated Kir cultivation and there'sid5nce a nanusome .one. - A. JTTILL. 08-Gt.- . fians-Souci, ? ov. If). '1A LLT persons are cautioned against tra ', "ding tor a Note, drawn y WiiaM Mjtcu- in favor of Nkiu MNortox, as said note itas uein lo'-t by the tsubcribf?r. The original f'tJin was 48 doilars,:tf which is a credit of S 13, 16'cents. ' ' . . .' . v NEILL M'S'ORTON. Nov. 10. '98-St.p. tlllJE 3S.ACS2S ov.T- this Course Avi3l com--' Jf. mrnee on A OMY. -20tli Decembef liext,- and continue THREE DAYS. - rillST DA :V. Mile Heats Furse Sl00. Kiitninc ' SnCOXD Tir.TvK) Mile Ileats Purse Entrance V I sTITlIlD DA Y. Ccst Thfee in Ft ye Purse ' V8ij)0. Entrance S10. . . v 1 ' : , JNO. A. TAYLOR, SeJyi; " 13dx NevcmVr 1831. v ': , . 'fl 98-6t. 3?OH SAtB A T T II I S O F JII C E. Tllrt Followii"" ' nimilr r:.f pVn w " ' VlZ l.dls of Sale for egroes, . .. - v iiauer rartiss, Notes of Hand, ' , ' lecJs, . " ' - , Ms of Exchange : ' : t Bills of Lading ' -- gJ"PpTnS Artis!eS; A ' ' - ' .tus of Ejectment, ' , ' ' " ('fcw Lists, s Inward Foreign Manifests: - . ' , Entry of Merchandize, - - i. v Cape-Fear Bank Checks, ' " ' " thebcncntoftl Warrants, ' . .' : " Ca. SaWusticc of thcPetcc, ' r -. 5Sa;s Superior Court, - . tf. Lountv r.. ' Boil Bonds, Countv c c . '-"'". Negm Bonds, y SuP- Court . - Inspector's RiHa " N0lCcfhHand' ioin- Book,; of I Constables' Kj .T . .. ' - - tv under r - r lDe livery of prope Bills Of SnU C... ir ' , ofGVc"VC..'' ; endmoa Exponas; ' . 'r Hospital Returns. " Ot-Tolcr 1st, IS31. qj tf CLOTH. &lc rTnftS-Subscribers hsjve Teceived from U "Roxbury India Rubber Factorv" an , sortmen t of Water Proof i CAPS, PANTALOONS, nd ? WM - - Proof CLOTH. - They expect a regular surjmlt mf artlrTZa mL tjfactured at the above hiekioned establishment- and orders will beecii A-,A. BROWN & CO, nor duality II AY; anu tor sale by barrm & -BRYANT. October 2Sth. - ice. Hfe Subscriber1 inlftnli 1L ness in this place, rehues'ts all those indebJ u . i mm to call . amv sett le their accounts and ots previous" to the 1st January next. He has on hand, a genei-al assortment of - whidji will be sold only. October. at reduced prices for. Cash f BRADTJEY. fh2-l'2t. William ilibmsdh; .Clock and Jzkttch flalcer. On jhS north side of Market .Street, .; OPPOSITE TX1B M.ljnSET-KOUSK,' METUItNS his most (grateful thanks to the! public for the liberal fencouraffement helms 1 received, and hopes f: by Pjttentioq' to business to: deserve a sliare ot patroriige. He has just re fceived a supply .of . .1 . i i. ...-!'' Ladies' arraXent'e5neh'sj Gold .Lever Watches! . Oliver, Lever, Horizontal and Vertical, do.j . Conielian,' Coral, and pjnatrielled . Ear Rings, with Bipoches to matchl ! ' . Finger Rings, Brooches Lockets and Breast x- ins ; witn avaiieiy oi ouier articles oi . jeweliJery, - f 'ft'"- Also Silver plated Brqad Baskets, Plated Castors, silver edged, - ; . Candle Sticks, Snuffers, iTrays, ' " ' -Ladles, Table and (Tea-ifepoons 1 , Pencil CaseSjpectacles, v , i Dirk Knives, Rodgers1 jKnives and Razors, -vv v. a vr4fcks VVWj MW V-V : , --Nov. ia- f "7tf. i THE Subscriber hav ing made hew arrange- r in Business, calls on all perspus mdebted to make immediate payment, land piersons having claims against him,' to present them or- payment tp S iAl.. VVLs r, VTio is author zed to settle the same, R. FRENCH THE Business hereafter will be conducted under the firm of ' GEO. n. rKESCII Co. at the spacious stored of Ei B. DtJDLEY Esq. di-rectly-under the PRINTING OFFICE, where they solicit tke patroirage of t.hefr"friends and the .t.i: : i Til.r 3 ,i t a.i eeping Jul ei- tensive assortment of G&XTLEMEXS' & LADIES' BO OTS. a nil SHOES ; the most of which will be expressly made for tnem, and will be warranted equal to any,, tor neatness and durability, to Itct. ' ' n " be found in this mri 4 i -! FRENCH, GfiO. R . S. JVI..W EST. August 20Ui,-1834.1 I j 85-tf. At the sign oC the large SHOE: -TilE t ! . - . SUBSCklBERS returned from the tlieirl; old Stand, with a fill assortmerit.of j BOQTS & SHOES,,. 1 Of their own manufacture,- which they feci dis pos d tn sell cheap, ii J , ' - " ' Manufactdring and repairing done as usual. . Qi & C BRADLEY. ; 976m. Nov 1-2. Wm. J. JP o i tc v e n t ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that! he has iustooened.' at his Store, South side of the AMjket-ILmsfi- -one door i "i .1 I . : ; .: h-l - . t T a- " y-t TV neiu sv uie siana recently pcenpieu oy ,Jr. . vr- iv I reiich, an excellent Jatock of STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS; . ropiner witn nn extensive nssonment m uitu tolvr with an eitns SERIES, whieh e or cxcn'ange.on fair ten .vil scll cheap for Cash ansa on lair term tor country troauce.. i Purchasers may rely upon getting good, and cheap articles at his s&tore. Amongst his assorUrfcnt may be found the fol- lowihg Super BROADCLOTHS j various colors, . Hattmets, JNegro OioUiS Silk VestingSi - Blankets. Si5uii Coflon best qualify, Sheetiners abd Shirtines, Pocket Handkerchiefs: Combv Brushes. Perfumery. LVctfer-Matches, Srtvu &c 'Sifi. witb abncist every description of Dry Goods. ' I; ;v ; A " i Cheese. Butler. Coffee. Sug-ar. Moldssis Teas, best qualityirranred to bf good, or no sale.ln short nearly very anicie in mevruc.crj ; Including Pocket afcd Case KniYeSi.a splendid dsnrtment'. cross cut" and! hand Saws, Locks, Smoothing Irons. Shovels iind Tongs, atchets, n.l 5 boxes AXES, brilliantly volisked, and warranted to cvX vith as 'Utile did frii Human hands" as any other fb be touna in tnis jiuaraw GUNS and PEKU.USSlui VAr. Best CKEWCSTG ,TpBACCO.; r A rood selection of 0X100x111X17 And BLERS and LAMPS 1 : v' U : "4?0 WpER (urarranted) and STJQTand many oilier arjicien, loo reawtgs IQ cmimeraie fO T?. i7tv 7a,,ffT! m . ' JYoticc. 1 jpHE Subscribers have this day placed k . -all heir. notes and accounts in the hands' tpf John P: Gau$et Esq. ia collection, who they nert-oy constitute their Legal Attorney, for! the cunjegiion 01 ine same. WILLSON & GAUSE. Nov. 2G. 99-5t: . ,1 ... DEAR B O N' S P A TENT Balances. AN ASSORTMENT of lhe above B A L Atc3ES and 'Appa ratus, coiistantly o11 '.'baud,. from ihe Pro- -pnetor, and lor sale BARRY & BRYANT. " eojv, b 71. 40-tf. T)ctov0,I833 OF NORTII CAROLINA. "RXT-OTICE is' hereby given to air whom if 'may JLI concern, That tbe Notes of the issue of the W ifmington Branch of fliis Bank will in future be redeemed at the Counter of th? Bank of Cane Far in VYilmingtoii at any time' when presented duriug Bank, hours. . . - : f , i EL W.-STONE, Cashier, Monday, 10th of Nov'r 183. 97-4t.pd. rnititrc. -1 A LARCtE assort :rnent of Fashionable ."Furniture, consist .ing of Bureaus, Ta bles, Sideboards, So fa's' Field and fiigh post Bedsteads, Oancy and Windsor Chairs, Rocking do. toilet & Wash" Hand Stands, Cribs, &c. - Constantly on hand and for s;le, by . . : ' 1 BARRY & BRYANT. Octd. fith, ' 4n-tf eow. b 73.'' T! ifVHHDS prime UuL ASSES, JL y 10 bags Cottle, j' Cheese aitd Butter, j Fresh Teas. C lbs and 13 lbs BoxK - Best Fairiily. JFJurbarrels and half barrel?, r ButSwhit tn -quarter barrels, - . ' 1 - b ayettevilre ;I iour, - ' - Superior Madeira Wine- aniCiampaign. - i Ur. W. BROWN 12th November. 1" : ' " 97 3t. A A'ND; -;' . COIVZXVXXSSXO?? AGSIJT, - CoNSI&NJttifiNTS SOLICITED. Sales and Remittances made ibiih dc itf fer to ' I. ' . Slcssr. RA11UY & BRYANT, "' WILMINGTON, A. fC Serih 17. 131. I P9-Gm. . ' . ! 1i f JUST RECEIVED, , i O Hhds SUGAR, , J Pipe & 3qr tosks'Ala'dniisl AV'INE, 50 BrU No. 3 M AG KEItEL, 1 5 Casks Refined Waie OIL, l.Casks Patent Ship Spikes; ass'd sizes, 50 Boxes BanH GOD FISH,. 100 Boxes SOAP; No. 1 and Extra, - rlifi RnHbnr'd Clothirisr 1 do do Ladies Pvjunella Slioc -2 Crates Crockery WARE, ; A large .assortment of Furniture, viz: i Tables, Chairs,Bcdsteads, Bureaus, Sideboards, Sofas tc, tf c. BARRYf& BRYANT. Nov. 19. - ' j .' . ' 58-tf. r Tin Jilaniifactory. j THE Subscribers having connected -J- with thif 4hi wr ls" the-- ' 4 PIAIMUFACTOH OP TIM, - in WHminirton. nn the South sideof Market St. nn. rinhr frnm.HKNRV A. LOVDON'S, where eye- ry article in that line will be-mad": a.ccorajng;i tn nrArr vVd .eneratlv an assofttnent kpt o j liauuj iwiamw j -y of T i N, and in the neatest manner.' Kanrt. nriarlA osnAAl N. B. .Repairing of all kinds done on Tbey Wve W thew eld Stand a full and exten sive assortment or vDlVYGOOD nit r.r.eived-fwm llW North, liich they will sell iow.fof-CA at-Wholesate and Retail.- .; j PORTER & BYINGTON. :OctobeVl5,1834. H V, t J Dollars en ILL be given for apprehending taul sedu xing a fellow nUmed . ; ; i;. 3 . '. :r':mi ;;;--, wlbiolran way in Septetnber 'last, and Sas, been (reqwntly cen in Wjhnington. .He.via lather under ordinary beih carries his.hea4.ercpt, fiSl face, Bliiuooihr8Jtinv-'!a':WJiw fex when wftlkin bout-2tTi years; oflaffe plausible -in conversation--liad. on grey patiwt Jacket audi Trowers, 1 appjtenaocrajvcsxiuuiv - . r i SAMUEL BLACIC " VROX TBS BOSTON A TLA. TRIAL OF THE PIRATES. The trial of the thirteen, individuals rged with having committed an act f piracy oh1 board the brir Mexican of aleai, came on yesterday in the 'Citcuit Court, bpfore judges Story arfd Davis. The prisorjers were placed at the bar a iltlebejbre9 o'clock, and shortly after- rdsuhe qoors were opened, when an etdous rush Was-made bv the crowd pnvhe outeide ano in less time tban we caritake ti swrite it. every nook and cor- rier'of thetburt was filled with anxious arrj deepfyj interested spectators Mr. Ghlldi or of the counsel for the. prisoners, aautesseoitne court m relation to a mo- 1 fit . t! . . I tion woici ae naa iormerlv - maae res . 1 1 1 - . I i t t ! pecting t Jejl og-book of the Panda, (the alleged drajtical schooner) and rend an afTadavit Tom the mate of the Punda and others, slting.that ther log-book vas, in possessjOji f certain parties in Ports mouth, bngL; that the manifestoej: of the cargo, &. of the Panda were also at the Ha vanaianp might be had for by send ing for bern. Time- was .requested in order t (at j these necessary documents mioht bpTpcured court overruled this riotionUrTthe ground that it could issue po prjess which would be effec tive in proving the papets alluiied to ; it had; no autdority in Grat Britain.- On a. former ocJcsionjit had asp,been! stated by ah English oiBoer who wonldjappear as a witness and who -was otie of, those who b(ardedthfo Pandathat the leg book of that vessel had never been discovered. Another motion of Mr. Child, to have the prisoners tr(ied"separately; vas also over juled. V Mr Dtnlap, for the government, then addressed te jurj and gave an out line ofjhe epmmision of the aijt for; whiVli the prisof stooj indicted,. He srtukhat the bWg Mexican, belonging to jSaTvim, anil ownedj iby one of the most epinent merchanls'of fhi4place, " havinsr crj bord a -valuable prgP and 820,000 in specie, sailed frompalem for Rio Janeiro: on the 29th Au2r.18S3, under-the command of VapUiiuK(iinan. ' W hile quietly pursu- ing net vvnge .over tne common path- way 6fnaidns, and having arrived in :33 ilte.rfyat.-bnd 34..30. W. long. she. fell in withr a suspicious looking vessel from whiqV4he raade niarvy efforts, by t tinsue cessliilv, to escape. This vessel, a schr. havirtome up with the-Mezic-an fired a gu;j nnd the captain of the latter see-irr- tLt the schooner was r.rme(d with omr I iii; n;i 1 small guns, and that 'her clerkskveie crowdV'.d with" men, felt himL seU olliged ta.submit, and' accordingly hove-p. tie was then hailed .sind. order vessel, ed to orne on board' the strange whicf, mm date 'he, obeyed - in his own boat, lilt on reach rnxr the schooner, five men'jiiinpec into the boat and ordered it to be ;owed back to the brig. On arri ving" on bor rd the brig, they directed tle captain to accompnny t.hem into into tho rabin, ui;erK brandishing their; knives, threateningjand beating him, they com pelled him to acknowledge and give np the money jvhich was in his possession A communication was then made with their; companions on board the- schooner, who sent aiaunch, andcarfied away the treajnire. Thc pafty on board the Mexi can then left, after confining the cj ;ew lje: lo'w breaking .the compasses ard des troying thel rtggtg1 and Jackie.. They also set-firejto the caboose, in which.they placed i tub of combustibles, andJ lower ed the mamsail in such a way thiu it would speedily ignite, a Short tjme ai 4 terwards, however, the captain contrived to cet upon deck and extinguished the lire before it had caught the' naairisa.il. Thev then repaired, their damages as" wel j as thev were abl.e, and returned t6 Salem, where thev arrived on the 2d Oct. In- farmalion of what had taken place was i limmediatelf disseminated throughput this and .other (countries',., and 'reached the coast of Africa, where, CapU 1 rotter, cprjrnanding tbe British. bn f)f war Curlew; was then cruibincr. ! Circurn- stances led ib'at gentleniah to believe that the schooner Panda-, then Ivmg in . the river .Nazareth, was . I he vessel which .4 had captured- the Mexican. He immedj-J ately therefore proceeded to tatte measures against jh'er. These measures resulted in the capture df the Panda, But the. : ea rn pe, foir the tiine, of heir crew. . Np ship's papers or log-book were found on aboard or-ner,' aitnougn atngemiy sugiatiUF, and owiucr ko some accident ehejsliortlv afterwards blew tin, thereby killing seve ral "of the Curlew's men. Capt. jTrutter then, sailed to 'other ports, iill malting ef forts to discover the cjew cf theJ Paiida. arid at last succeeded in arrVi-ting six of the present prisoner?; at; Ferniindo Fo, and the "rerlainder nt Cape "lyips. - One of these meb, named Pcftz, jhad ; co nfes- sed and would appear a? a witnes?. ; r Thet misoriers Were all' neatly land cleafilv dressed 1n4lie: uuaV gartJjbY .ail v . .. . . . - '. - . i -. i four ors. Amonir tnem 'are tare .pr men 04 cojor 1 1'ernviana; au, one y- The7ace of the laiter is cariotlsJy tat: robed. ? The Mate and Laptain of Mhe Panda. (Bernardo de Soto jand r Pedro-. Gilbert) are both rioelooiiingnieQ. ine fo rrner possesses one of t he noblest .coun tenances We ever Hooked upQn, J and;ihe ofthe jatter. (t becaptiin) indicate the iia- li?o nf rrirrl'ncri jind rleision tO which he has been secustoraed.-i-The TBpanisK notes TitEASURlT REPOIi. Finances of North Carolina. Ad Sti- al, we find it necessary to abridge the An nual Reoort of the Treasurer of North. Carolina, made : to the Legislature Oil and AVTednesda v list. " It " is ver v ionin may be curtailed without detracting foin its interest. -rL-rettfville Observer. It appears thatthe balance in the T ury on the 1st November .1833, was 877 24; The' receipts for the" rear end- ing Nor. 1, lc34, amount ta $202,127 2d, Making1, ith thtt above balance, tne Sum of $260,004:. . - Thf amount of receipts is made up of j 111c luiiuwiijts iieins-. Cash fi-our the Siientfs for the Taxes of I833r k fokd SGS,lp 36 xrom. State Bank for dividend of Capital plOCK - From do. ibr 'dividend of'proiit - 83010 00 5,536 00 Fom If ewbern Bank foE diviJend of Capital . . Frum do. for Tax, From Cane Ferr !ink for 3G,3)0 00 2,d6 35 $s05 5G Froin do ibr dividend of pVolit Fawn J l.. Henderson, Clerk Swrrem- ourt ' 350 00 ronr j. AliHer, Clerk Buncombc.County . ourti on hidgincnt auiiist him for . tavern licences : : " -6t5 CS. itent of lots 0 00 ."'. ncipal and intereston old bonds forlorjclA .' , sold . . . p 3 84 Sale of furniture at Government lloirse .352 62 Principal and interest -on safes of late Treis- mer Hay nrood's property ,3 V ,. .. .' .- ' . - 202,127 28 The disbtirserncTits for.the year ending 1st Nov. , I S3 1, amoiiu v to $l91,:rL 1 1 , consisting Xtbe fo.lfovving items i;v Genera! A-Sfju.bi'v, - S f2.-i2l 03 Reimildnig Capitol. . 68,5(i0 00 Judiciary, , : - v- -Treasury 'Notes burnt by com. : 4S1011 of 1633, - Finance ses- io53 4l L Executive DepfirUnerft, 2.5'?5 00 Treasury Department, Department of State, ; . Coniptrpller's Department, Stock ic the Bunk of the. Stat?, Library fund, " ; ; . . Contingence; . " Sisters of James N. Forsyth, 00 1 , 1 5)3 00 LOfy) 20.0O0 00 1)8 25 5,7f2 85 buerins tor settling tax, r.,i.i:v r-;..... " Vi O'M 374 jJo uUr j'en.sior:ers, - A djritaiM Cremrars OIcc,- Bogue Banks, ' 35 50 ;l'jr,5' i 11 which, deducted from the above amount of $260,004 52, leaves a balance in.the Trea survbn 1st, Nov. 1834, of 808,453 4!1. ' The Literary Fund ' The. cash in the hands of, the Ttca" surer, as Treasurer pf tlie Literary Fund, on the- 1st Nov. 1834. amount ed to v , , ' '.,..- H 17,021 61 The receipts to 1st rsov: lS31. a mountcd lo , . ' , " - on C' 3 1S- 'vlak a total o f 55l3f,443 0' The rrceipts consist of ' ' 'Cash forentries.'of vacant land, Tax ori sales at 'auctin, . Tax on Tavern lice rises, . Suite Bank, for dividends of capital, Do. for '-dividend of pro5?, rNe'A'bcrn Bauk, for dividend of ei'p uai, ' ' - - I '; . . ZZAW 3G 6 71 7 03 2.4 8,4S0 00 5 i4 00 2,S$0 00 Cape Fear Baid;, fti r divid nd of pro- at, 2,2$2 00 22.379 lfj The only ravment from this frind - is 6120,000 for 1200 shares of stoctt-M the new Bank, leavin g "a balance of cash 6h hand of 619,403 ?39. - : Internal Improvement Fan.i, Balance on hand ln v. I, 1833,- -' ' $9T 04 Rr c-l from bonds'for Cherokee lands. 1 .733 23 From Cape Fear Bantr, for; dividend on 13lo shares, (tbe dividend on. which is appropriated to litis fund)" " 4,0tl 00 ' . ' - G . 71SG 31 The disbursements. amount to 246 cO Leavin" a balance, Nov. 1 IS3L of C;5S3 42 T?n disbursements consist of Ealancc of Jas. Wvchels Salary as Super intend. mt.-for IS33, . -S25 80 His Salary and expenses for 1334, 000 00 Win. R. Hill. Sec'rv of the Board, - ftt 0O ' - Jtccopiliilation". The. forerotri2T fttatemehts show balan ces of cash on hand at the cloe of the bu's- 31sl in ess of the' fisdal yeo r, ending" on the Oct. 1334; as follows, .viz. . . Anrount Public'Trf asurer, 65.433 As Treasurer. Fund f..r bittruat lui prnvement, ' " f.&9 41 - te-t-2 As Treasurer Literary Fond, 19.403 irj 1-2 'S3 3 tt CO u c This 'arriount is dirpeaof (as d lTfC! ed by law) in the following manner, yiz.' -Dcnosltr:d in the State Bank of North Caroli na, at Raleigh,- 1&iJ3i 2- Ditto Bank bfNVrn, do. - 63 Ditto Bank of Cape Fear, Fav-,- eltevuie, 13,91 42. worri Treastrry nrvtps.-suver -hai."re, &c. in the vauit of the Trieasurv-, - ;.- 5,011 43 Making arrespcndihg atnpt:t oC ,S4, . Tiie State and the Literary Furiuo 500 122 Stock in the new State Bank, U. : share - In ibjs Cjipt. Fejr;Bjinki v in xna wwrn tianri, , lii the old Stat-Btiik;?:"-.: - Total shares, - ' '..,- 8.C31. The State- bas receive divicetids of capital irom; me.: fctate tsanir, amonpting to 30 per sUare and Irom the JSC oern tsanx, oi o4o per snare. v : j ,The whole amount of realary ,otes issued bv the State was 82C2,Q0O; of which, 8201,249 64- have beenredfemed and destroyed, and $4,035 .02 ate now in the vault of the Treasury. " Leavwig un: Consul was in attendance and took during the whole of the trial. .- redeemed ani in riT-uIatiorx R5o,H5 34. fJWe suppcseih6 greater part of these have been lostl V" , v - ,: m '.. - , i The Treasurer avrards praise tothev oiicnas jpr trmioTxa puacrur.ity in tnsir settieuieuts. --,. - ; Much of the Treasurer's time has beeri devoted. 10 the, performance of the duties assigned hrm under the act creating the Bank of t be. Stater Art he first meeting 1' fol stock holders, (May 22d,Y "individuals trad taken 4ab2b sharesr484 of wIHeh were Iorfeited by neglect to-pay tlie first instal ment ; leaving i6142i shares to be repre sented in tto meeting byindividuals. 4 SOO had been taken 'by the Public Treas urer, in the name of the State, and 1200 irj the name of the -President and Difcc- tors of the Literary Fund '4-in ul!l 500: shares tor the Stale: Upoh; indivitkinl. stock, the commissioners received and paid over Co the oaslui r he sum of 3.10 1 '- Upon'Siack' takwi ttr jk& State, . 112,500; According to the relative i number- of shares he4d by individual and by; the State, and in. conformity with the Iprov " sions of the chartereight directors - were' elecud by the individualtockhotders.- tDf.the othefftwo.'on the part of the. State; , the, Public J reasnrcr is one ex "oflicio, andXjbvin llbgg, Eq. inde'i theappoint njent . of the Gof rnor, -Secretary ; and " Comptroller, act? as the second A jhe requisite ariio.unt.fp.r- putting the Bank in to operation' had -not been received, -the , stec U holders adjpUTiied to meeLnain 'vn -on the 21st day of August, requirincr,' iri rthc mean time, thep-etsident.-aiid dlreetors 50 oneh bonks for filling np UieuiiSubscri- . be' stock, and to taif the ni-cessury step$ , for putting. the Lank into immediate opej rfinrv nr.nri f fvom "nrlit'Jb. J ' I of .the amount "specitK'd 1:1 the supple fto tho'diarter.' At the -meeting in' ment Au- gtrst, the wholeamouht of Individual stoc It was takeivaud-4norelthan the. amount pf money necessary, foregoing into oper.ilioni received. It vg;s, therefore, resolvei! to cornmetx?e Jmsirtess, wilbout riejay, and? Wednesday, the 1 0th day of Spptt-niberi ' upoaas4the first discount da V;since which time tlie fhsiiunion has b?M doiftcr .11... j: . J j'-? "' r tlm-Xi rsual'ahd- regular marine r, affording, :itis confidently, believed, the appropriate f.tcil nit s and relief to the community - ariticit f pated from its cperulions." ) All'tbe funds received in- payment- for tlie Stock have been cqnvertitl int'v spe cie, or its eqtiiyaient, apd. not a dollar has been lost in jbis process. : ,! vV-' . I'here is-no '. prospect jhat the.State will i be-able to pay for the- bibnce ( 450 -000. 1 of .Stock-xvhch it h;h res-rved the priVi-'" lege onaking. ' 'J he rfghtV to do ;so will expire tm the 1st Janu irv, lc37. t - .... -. Branches h.wt gnejato 1 fperationja 'Isir be r n a n d 'i a bo r ou gh . f Til e A gen -cies at Miltoji, Leiiksvifle. Chariolte and ; Morgantpp .are. iefayedf in consequence: -of the acctdt-iital qmissiori "of the act - to' ' give povyef to tHtcount. notes payable at I Agencies.. It is rt-coio mended -xh'at the , deposites, heretofore ;'made in the . NewT ( bern and old Statjj R inks, be required td be made in the new Bank.-.- r .tA ,The, ,lasr- dividt-nd of Capital of the; evvbern Bank atnountmp to 619,590. U?33 not yet. been received at tbe Treosuryj. A oiviuena aj;o per -centontne. lioncomve. Turnpike. Stoch isa lo due the State. The folio wjnV mrtorks on the presect mode 'of givirig in Jands .for -'Jaxaiiom present that imporiapt subject jn so strong, a light, that vve. should weaken its, force by any V ahrilcrtrrMnt: VVVe have hereto- fore .expressed . our Sujrptize ibat there r should be a nioment'a dlay in correcting system tht is so mariuestlv unjust, td the State a well as io -individuals. . and that opens tbe door to innumerable frauds. Ihtf present system, indeed, Can only -be; - regarded as offering a bounty for fraud. j - ' Thd great ,loss of- revenue (says lhe Treasurer) and the fraudulent ppciiceS- : growing out of the present mode? of listing A adsses6ing property, fdr ta xation :i h i'J , Stall1, were brought tphe attention of the " Jegislature irl thv last amiti ii report' fromv'--. this ( department, - Since htrt ;. ucre-. f .on I pains have bten taken to ascetiain ' the n- y, mount of ihe eviv where it exists arid the ( retruy. tvrder theexistirig law. riafsed ii ltty. :Vvt-ry person bound trtlist Jand shnll mam bis list .rijn oath, an it re-, v spects the nurnltr of ocrr?-, nYid ball afiix the value to, each tract oriand? including - iheiinpfovements theren vdt fe?s that ' the taint afpJxtl U the same Jfy ilk jlssV . iorsn4er ilie last act of &rfigTcsprGmi ding for the assessment p( the land of llj. , United Slate;.1' (Jannarr, 1815.) irta' ny event, then, the valuation on the tnx ' list, shdtlld beeqnql to that of 1813, find higher vhere "an appreciation in the value . bas- occu r red since that lime, either from - j j improvements on theiand ef otherwise; j The afcregijte Taluatipn of the laiids in North Carina at the period r ferred tPi Waift-Tb'txrMi:nnmtej, (iTtY tbreV and half millions of dollar" fiihe-tjiat ttrne. y.-'i and np io tbe lli st of t he yea r833.1?. 249,75$ acres of- Jand bave be.eptered, ; and-;palenfeiintheSMteomd ' crease by that riiirobf 'r 6f-ficff 4AMr mountripw Jiawe'io'yi'-.tWx.-- -. landa, estimated attbo areragefn.; iS104 ' ana aaea io max vaiuaiion,- mnice oo act ' . 1 .t ... Jf'..: - iv . i dollar . Hence it manlfft tba lhe a sesfrcnt 6f fB33juiH?rt tvbieh Yon tatte ' I f f if Tf" i I. ; '1'-i- OctrtwrSD