, .f . ,- - -v - X " " i . I - - , ..' . . . m-; M i ' , ' I : ' L.-v- ., ' ... , ' : -' - ' ' : ' ,. . - . . - . - - ' ' - ' . v l- . r ; 1 i I . . m . - - V . . ; - : - - . . .1 . : ;- - i . - - ' ' . " - - - . . ..... . 1t. ,. v 1 . r'!- .L " ' " s - - " .- . . . -.. . . . . f - "AJ " V - r , 85 , . . . -V , . ; - r - v f . - . . ! ' T-- t - ' - - ; -.i- 1 : s !4 '.' No::ioi; ; -f -1 'r. V Published erery Wednesday Morning, try THOMAS JLOhlJYG. ' ; . TZ2H2SZS Three Dollars per akkum, in advanxe.-. ADVERTISEMENTS .( Not exceeding a Square inserted at ONE DOLLAR. tl:c first, and nVCN'V.FIVK CENTS for each subse - jiieiitinsicrtioti, A libernl discount to Yfcarly AdverU- iOOFFICE on tlic South side of Market Street, 'be owr tUe Of urt House. . . HAS recently returned from the North, with a well selected stock of Dry Goods, Hard 'ty arc, and Groc.tfies, consisting in part of .Super Cloths Gassifheres 'ancl'Sattiitcts,'' " lilnnktts, Flannels, calicoes;-gingha.Ms,-end every othyr article in jlhe Dry Goods JLine. : ' - . 'Cross cut and hand Sdics, cast sliel Axes, Frying rPdns Trace Qhains, .Looking Glasses Sad Irons, Andirons and Fen der s, double and Single barrelled Guns Iron, Steel, fyc. " " " H fine Astral Lamps, it " v ' IZi kegs first quality Goshen jBiitter, l t junnowder, tmpeTal and young Hyson JJASr Loat ind brown Sug4r, : ' ' . Boxes best bar Soap, Bas Cofiee, , . Indigo, PepperV Spice, Ginger,&c. v - -Clr. Casks old Madeira. Alaluga and herry Wint-s, - ' '' '." ' '' ' ." ' 0 cait;3 Ladies' Wiue. ' . ' K' 'L f ALL persons indcUed to the late firm of T. .11. W. C. Byrne, eii'iier by'bot or account, will please cjill and settle the same with tJie subscriber, f v. 7' y s r flV U. BY IINE Dec. ? . V 100 if. T iVofice; "I A S I expect to leave tjtn; State of North Canv Josl. linti in Uie coiirse--of a fortnight, those to whom I am indebted are requested Jo jdenland im - mediate payment. ' . .r - Al. campbelVl. December 1st, IS3I. KXP2w MAVING Jetennined to close our business in til's place, wecall on all w'htf 6ye ua ci ili r by note or ,iccompt: t Settle tlxcrti,wUhJut ' lurthor. delay: or hty will it? .'indi-serrmnately pal in suit. It is with regret ive are dritfett to ndopl Itis.c6ui bc, but Lave 'nojaUc'rn'ative. - ' ' A. & J. McllAE. ." Nov. 2'Jih. - ' " x100-2v -, Sale. . - 4 1 A First Rate FAMILY HORSE. Apply at tfiis OiTi 'e. Vi!(7IiXl iS TATE ' L OTTER Y, VJr the tncfit of the J)ismal Swamp Ca ai Company. -Class Number 21. i 0 V Prize of 830,009 ;i5 -, 1 7 iJ.OOO j mm j. fl(JU ! l i x l ril 10 50 tt( 2 500! . i ,160 500 i 200 100 T Tickets $10. For sale by ,' JAMES SHAW. Dec 3. " : V i 1002wt JXhtice nnilE Subscriber having at the Court qf Pleas JL and Quarter Sessions htil for 'the County of Onslow, November Term, 1834, obtained Let- of Administration on the Estate of the late' Tlios. Foy, 'ilec'd. gives notice to all persons in-'di-bted to the' Estate' of said deceased to come for v;vnl and make payincnt" innhediately, and all who have claims against said Estate are -request-, 'fd to present them within the tini i prescribed by :a-.v, otherwise this will ba plead in bar of their ,Nicirs n. jsrixoN, . Novr., 1531."' V 100-lt COL.U3IIJUS COUNTY Superior Court of Law: Fall ' Term, S i. -'David and James Burney ) Petition .; . r.. . . V '-, y - for The Heirs of William Bunvcy. ) Partition. OtlDtRED, That publication be" made in uV Pebile's Press for six weeks,-for AnUiony Bra ntlcy and w i fa Ma i"y Am," E v tr i U N ichol s and wife Lucy, to appear" at 'the net Terra of this Court to plead, answer or demur to this peti tion, or that die same be taken pro confesaa as to them, and heard expartc. ' . , . , .' A true copy from the Ainutcs. ; ABSALOM POWELL, C. S. a . December, 3 1331. - 100-Ct. ';. COI.U31 15 US COUiVTr, SurciuoR Court of Law : -. , : : - -v; ,TVr.-i834U;";7:, ; Ilttbecca Ann Smith ' A Petition ' ' .. ' vs. ' ' . for . "' ' Richard Smith. ; j : Divorce.' ' s - ; ON motion, ordered, that publication be -made m the People's Press for threa monts, for . the defendant to appear at die next Term of this Court, and plead, answer nr flpmnrtn'i1iino;;A.. or Uiat the same will be taken pro confesso. and A true copy from the minutes. " ABS A LQM P.O.WLL, V. S C. 3. ''.:-' -'v.-.inriw;: Dec rjMIK SUBSQHIBERS have just ira ; ported from ihevNotlh a jnew ' Str&p'OFtiOOEtS, which in addition tothetr, former stock, enables ihein to offer to the public . ah extensive assort mentof r ' i ; -j . Dry Goods, Gutter yHvrd fy Crockery . Wares, Grocer ies, S$c. alrof which will be sold at pri ces to suit the pre sent hard times, "i I E. & J- BRYAN. ,1. -v 1 - E. BR" AN would inform, the ' public that he still carries: on the Business i in his brofessionai way, at tlie State of E. &.J. B. ontlie wharf'.. A II ... 1 t l- .1 J. ' l . in pcisuns imiuug worn uone are retjuesieu iu send the money when the sanie is pphed for. . ' April 7, 1834 : . j 70'tt. JVoti HpHE Cooimissioriers of. the town of " ' Wilimng-tbn will on SadurdavT'evenhi": the Gth Detftmber. eleet a. Police Officer Salary aou iees, tnorei particular mtorniation may pc tiaa upon application to J. A.'I,II4L1NGTGN, T. OUrk: 99-2t. I4F Overseer rmHE SUBSCRIBER wis bes to employ, as :JU,, au Overseer, a man of sceady, sober habits, accustomed to tKe control of N egroesv and experi- enced i;i Cotton Planting ; Ashe Moof, vNovi 26: F. McBEE. I 90 tn ; JYaUce. ': t ". TP HE Subscribers have lys day placet! 1.aiM . nnil.. K'AnAlJntB li' the hands "of John P. Game, IZsq. fdr tsoUection, who Uiey hereby constitute their Legal .ttoruey, for the collection ot the same. WILLSON & GAUSE. Nov. 2G. 99-5L Ten Dollars A7"IL.Lfcbe jiveri for apprehending; aikI v V ""ring a fellov named ' "r4 '' swa- DIC K, who ran away in September list, and lias been frequently seen .in Vitmington. Hejs rather under ordinary heihtj. carried his "liead' erect,-Till I face, blac( smooth skin, -turns out his toes wlicii walking; about i20-years ' of j age, plausible in cnnver&ation 'had on grey satinet Jacket ami Trowsers. X apprehend he ranges in the. 'vicinity ' this Town. ' j : ' "!'. SAMUEL BLACK Nov. 12. . 1 '- "97-tf. Tin Jflaiiu factory. THE Subscriber's .hayino- connected 'with -th ir , former i;.T:.'.ne,-!.4';l MAKfUPACTORV OrTISJ, WiiminWon, on the South'sEdc of Market Si tne door -fntrn' IIrnhy A. London s, where eve rv article in that line will Bd made aceordinu to order, and generally an assortment kept on nana, maue esjieciaiiy ior customers o the best iOl T. , ami mthe neatest manner, Repairing of atlMnds done on Saturds W-f e.achxwcck. - - . . 0 They have at their old .Stand a full and exten-j sive assortment of - i ; DR Y GOODS, ch they will s letaihf October 15, 1834. j 93-tf. FOB SALS A T THIS O BFI C E, ! Tiie. Following: Blanks, Viz. Bills of Sale for Negroes, Charter Parties, Notes of Hand, j-.-Deeds, . i : Bills of Exchange,- Shinpiuir Articles. ' -Writs of Ejectment, !( i i ' . Crew Lists,1- Inward Foreign; Manifests, v Outward Foreign Manifests, fcaury-ol iVlercnanuize, Cape-Fear Bank Checks, Bonds to appear and take the benefit of Uic insolvent iicr Warrants,: j" Ca, Sa's-r-Justice of the Peace, tub its Justice of the Peace, -ouopoenas, . . r Ca Sa's Superior Court, do. County Court, t - Bail Bonds, County & Sup j Court; -iegro oonus, InspectorVBillsl Notes of Hand, bound in Books ofl Q.uIrX - -v acn.. -f-' ' ; ir v.ij- - -: j ,- -r , - Constables' bonds for the delivery ofprfjpe y uiiucf execwuonj Billsf Sale for Vessels, Power of Attorney," ! Bills of Sale, of Goods and Chattels, A nuics ui uroiu looins, . v enuitiona Exponas. nospitai iteturns. October Utri834.l iDEARB ONlS PATENT M B alances. AN ASSOJITAIEKT 1 oithe4bore BAL 'ANCESAppV ratus Icopstarilv hand, from the Pro- pnetorriantI for -sale i i k Oc; jp;1833 ! )wy b 7L4im? v " ' ' a n I oozMczaxaszozj aosztt, Consignments solicited. Sales and Remit tzn'e'es made with despatch. iLUttv io ' ' ' ' . - GEO. COGGESIIALL, Esq. Slesars. A1XH. Y & BRYANT, "l&ILMfXGTOX, N. C 89-tim. Sept. 17, 1831. JUST RECEIVED, lOHhdsSUGAli "f- I Pipe 3 ;qr. casks Madeira WLNEL -50 Brls No. 3 MACKERELi .. 5 Casks llefined VUale OIL, ' 12 Casks Patent Ship Spikes. asJ sizes, 50Boxes Bank COD FlSk ltX Boxes SOAP, No. 1 and-Extra, 1 Case India Rubher'd Clothing 1 do i do Ladies') Prunella Shoes, 2 eVaies Crockery WARE, . - A large assortment of Furniture, viz : - . Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bureaus Sideboards, Sofas c, Jc, B A R It Y BRYANT. Nov. ID. fl8-tf. Furniture. ' j l ! I ; A LARGE assort irrent of Fashionable -FuRNiTUHE, conSist ' ing of Bureaus, Ta bles, 'Sideboards, .So las, Field and liiirh j. ' post Bedsteads, feiicy und .Windsor Chairs ' "Rockinjr do. toilet & "Wdsh Hand Stands, pribs, &c &c., Constantly on hand and for sale, ty ' . . - I ... BARRY & BRYANT? Octo.)th, 1S33.! ' V- 40 -tfreow.'ii 72 Mumiiigton Haccs V FBTIHF RACES ov d this . Course wii-i com- i N , moice on MONDAY,'. i9ih De-ocmbor next, and continue THREE DAYS. h'WSV DAY, Entrance. sfL -Mile II cats Purse. 8100.- SECOSD DA?i. Two Mile Heats Furse Sir). Entrance $10 THIRD DA Y. Best Three in Five-Purse S 1 51) 'Entrance 610- JNO.i A. T AY LOR, Sce'y. 9H (it. 18lhNvec3ber,jl831 YaluuMq Ileal JE state AT jAUCTZOKT. WILL be sold underlhe Court House in the town -of VVilmiiigton, on :Ti'uriday the 11th of December . j THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY J The AVprarf, Yard; Stp-es and Warehouses, at present in possession of I ie subseribrand oocxk pied' by. W. C. Jackson, Liirkius & Wallace, and himself, fronting on the Rivf r 90 feet, and run ning back td a stone waujabout feet. : The Lot on Ftcuf SlreLt, South of JNtr: Jolm MlcAuslan's dwelling, including die Ice House. - The House and Lot on! Front street at present occupied by Mrs. Lord. - The Lot on Market-street, vyhereoiy the i? rank- in Engine House stands. Two Lots at th North known as the Tar Yard. boundary of the Town, A Lot on the Hill, south of the late residence of Wm. II. Halsey, dee'd. ' 3i20 Acres of Land, below the Bij or Camp- id Black River. A House and Lot at Smithville, situated on the Bay east of the Garrisou, uov occupied by Mis. Elfe. - i Also", a number of valuable NEGROES all of which will be sold on. a long credit, for 'bonds vul approved security, date. ' - , bearing interest irom JW. C. JjJZD, EJref Jno. Lokd. At the same: time will be oflered on same terms, a Tract. of SCO Acres of Laud oa Town Creek, the property ot UieoabscriDer. " - -. W. C. LORD. ? St ISO ' The SOUND PLACE, with SALT WORlCS, &c. th property ; of the late J. R. London. " j WV C. LORD, Ei?r of ' ' ' . J. R." London. . November lO. ,l U - p4i. ' I . tS3"ill bell's Island, known as Lords Creek. 00- Acres of Imd on ILonir Cec. "200 do- do on "Moore's Creek a i Williain Thomson, Clocland-Jlch Maker. On Me norM side oTarkei Street, OPPOSITE TH1 MACKET-HOCSE, BETURNS his mo$t! grateful thaiiSs to-the public'tbr the l iberal; eiicouragemcut Jiq lias r-eived., and hopes by httenlidn to business to deserve a " share of patronage. -Helhaa just re ceived a supply of4 , :m .- ' ' -v Ladies' and Gentlemeu's Gold Lever Watches; Silver, Lever, Horizontal amLTertical di. Cornelian, Coral, and Euaiuelled Ear . Rings, with Brooches to match. . Finger Rings; Brooches,. Lockets and Breast t;.Jins j with. a variety o other articles of" :JEWELtERY. Al80 Sihrer plated; Bread. Baskets, " ; Ped.Castors.:ilver edged. ":. " " " '', - dandi. Sticks, SmuTers Trays, - r; Ladles, Table and Tca-jSpoons, " pencil Cases, Spectacles, - " : , DUk KniVes, Rodgers Kles an2 Jlazocs, ' Belt and Poccct4PlstolsJ ic. c7 " , .. Noy.'lS'i w.- ?xMj-:-- 07if.- A NIGHT ADVENTURE IN PARIS, j 1YanslaU4 for the Perinsylcaiiian. Hist! hist! Are you. still at your post ? Here we' are. both of us Have you. seen him j j Yes, the scoundrel. I have made a, last attempt to g-et lrom Jiitn the articles we seek, put with no rnore 'success than befpre. .Now, since violent measures have betome indispensable, let ti carry our 61a)i into effect. Kirmann, cburaglt my fed! . Twelve o'clock will strike; di rectly, and: then for our; man. Follow him till he reaches some obscure and dark street, and then with your! finders on your triggers, wrest from ;him. his ill-gotten property .No relenting, ihow! swear to have no pity on-him ! -We srearfr ' ! ' ; Tis'.welK I shall watch your cpera jiorts frcn the neighborhood. ';' l. The tire'e individuatsfHvho thus con versed U gether had not the appearance of ordinar jl ruffians. The one who d irected the enterprise seemed to be one of those stout buit, fresh lgokiug, jwell clad citi zens, thai one meets so often on 'Change; with a handkerchief full ubder his arm, or empty ir iis hand. Something ungainly in his atitudV, and a twist in his shouldet seemed b point him-out, as . following some mun .occupation, but which for fear of error, we shall- not yej Attempt to desig nate. . ';:--'; , . I Ktrmt nn, the smallest ofthe two othersj had a fiaireof the most grotesque charac ter. A iefy prominent nose, curving! up wards to yatds the. eyes, and apparently made loritne purpose oi supportfu .of spectafclesr was" guarded moutfi nanited dv a row Lthiuly Scattered teeth whi was ornamented, bv a huniu inensioris. It couid be seen by tbw light of the sjreet lamp, which swung to and fro in tlic twening '-bfeeerthat the short sightedidwarf was gazing:!tfa'gerlyat the pistol in his right hand, with an expres sion tha seemed to say, ','Npw, let him come 6, and six shall settle our accouni wth bin." " i y I"; V'l'helliird member of tbe groujraffordj eE iPs'tjS'kirip- contrast to bath the others. I V. .- . . - . -fefr;iruk :a"hdfaler XfntxHrw fiae raiseirns if to boint bis weapon at the ' . !-.! - - .'jr.- breau ol some giant, ne was a penec lac sun ib' or a ri bliet, a lm-rt tremor Ould be sen to runj throuo lights fraine f fom time to time, but whetherj occasioned by fe ar or cold, we cannotBav. iieighbofinfif clock diled twelve! ittention ! be on your guard ! repe led themselves, but lis often disappointed, yere ooliged again their hiding pi 1 v to belakei tiiemselves to uce- At length their eageT eyes lig-hted .on tlieman. ley jwere in search of. Hi seemed to be a young buck of the first or - y- li- i per. frizzed, perfumed, and his threat emJ belltshed with a cravat of great amplitude. pace, as if wishing to avoid being overta- k'en bv the footsteps which sounded be-j bind 'him' hut snnn chanL'inO thtS annear - ance of Year to boldness, he stopped sud- .....v. " ) -r - r O J I I I denlv and irave those folhrwing- him an opportunity to come up with imn. Stand! criedbne of the voices money or yourHfe 1 i your What:! what! 1 Your money or your life ! and barels of two pistols glistened under nose. . ' . - . ! . the his One word, and vuu are . a .deau man, added both the voices. , j , .-On ihe honor of a g-enileraa n,' I b;i vx nothing- to give -you. -r-'I have nothing; -; bout me but this watch, and it is only pinrhbaeh. I .; '''- ' T YVe don't Want your trinkets, genuine or ialse. .1 our money, or. your me is what' we seek. I i -"' But unfortunately I have just lost my - , three lust francs at ecarte. Off with your coat, then ! Content vouf selves with my hat. gen- tlemen, for 1 hav Jately made the most enormous sacrifices to clothe myself like .gentleman. My good mother Era's drjiin ed herself of alfher little sa vings to pa'y mv tailor's bill! " ''- v; i -,-' - - j Liar ! off with your coat inamediatelyi or else- Down with that cane iu thc first place ! sake--. ' Gentlemen, -for-mercy's ' Do you hesitate f ;4K. -There it is gentlemen my exqu black coat if my tailor speaks truth, can get a hundred ind twenty frames it any where, .f'.;.. j., - Now your 'waistcoat I ' Site yod for Do you. mean then to send me home ta rhemisef' ' -' 1 ' ' - ; I Precisely. OfThow wilh yoar -pahtaf !oons,.ana quiciny too ! - A J bave some raercv, fo'r heareriV sake l. v Now that you are plucked of Vonr fine feathers, pff with' ypa, and' Vta look: beh ind yaut4- ; 'fr'r;r j-.- f Ths riocr irrelih so,streuhpik'iM: "a'"M V I - n, , f . . L I ! ".jr iuuch i.ig lqua Indians, now . sotilod 'diIiin!.;-.-. r Fiomahouse vvel known in the qvar-j us, and which may only be made. to blaz- j Bamstublc Jrcunt y.- op;osite Mil!:'. lur-tl. Jlarh: slowly issued adoze , -put moro furiously and utn;clively than Vilu.vartj) Massachuelts. They ar- dividals. . As ;each one masieln? appear-ever, by the u-m;;o;-:S pchcy which If, bout 500 in number.' 'At the commix- ance our two acquamtainces stepped from j favor . ' I ixilnt of the 'Revolojiaii .thvv wero jndac- WAV U I LV. V 111 ,x ..v vmw-. i m iiil; t7l.LL4.lLI I (111 1 11. lO V Li i IL V-i 101L1J UN t h .. tie plaiiteu mmscit in tne mioute oi u.e , repudiate toe iuea ol nuy alleoiance rby ii seffiion preached Td WestfTeld; by pavement, and hunj'niing a fashionable air; whatever being dije to the Siaten-nnp j,-. Ir.Apes, an lndiau preacjM'f, they was soou lost in one of the thousand j "that if he "entertained any views of the ctii0jicd thv'' I eiiiiture- for -a-iedrWs of streets that branch out fro in la rue Qrcne-1 relations existing between the Federal an)! j thiir grievancestmi'have obtained' their; , tat- we Will suppose that; du, lienard . State Governmentsjyhich did not amourjt rt.qeet in iaft. The" how form a body AAV j f V 4 .J . .v..m ... . - ' -1 T . V u J I tC J Vi 411,, k I. t V 1 M J k I II V. I )did not urait for a Repetition of the injucc- Hon. He instantly took On his marclk' aided in his course by the fresh air of trje morning:, rand a smart blowiroro a switcir, wbich made his flesh tingle as h turned the corner of the next jsfreetT j : h He arrived at 'home, bathed a'persp'i ration, from the viplenc of,hieierlioos. How he slept that night is iiolt fcaowji; but on his rising the next raorning.a no'ie was-put jnto hiar hand, couched, in the foil lowing terms. '',"" :. 7' T'"J. "Convinced that you were sts 'reat a coward as swindler, I. last night posted my two apprentices, Paul and Ivirmaan, m the street through which you xvere to pass, each armed with a pislol cutout of a eake of chocolate. You could , easily liave crushed tp pieces thetr vea pons, which I had caused previously to'be in spected b my friend, vthe commissary ij)f police you have preferred jetu ruing me the clothes which I had furnished yo-3, nd the payraent far which you had tit) (hen evaded. ' You have done ''well, and our accounts are now squared. j Keep yourself warm if! you can, and accept iue assurance-oi ine n2n Tespect witn wnicn l nave the honor to De, ' Your very humble cervanC j ; " . , ; -B A LE M AR D, TaUor." FROM THKiliRl.KSTON Cot'itlR The- Governors Messages -This docw meet comes upon tis m the form, anld ; vviirt tne Janjruarre ot frrearnioueration. out we greatly fear that' it is wanting in can- iiii iu ics whu iu iut- rjAcuuiive rw;oiu ,',?.'.'., .1.- : . i . .i. 1 r.w ... V . .i,.: t.. ...J' that body", however, will adohi the Exec U-? tiv-e exposition of the meaning of theoatli, and whether that exposition, "paltering, as it does, '.-in a double sense," wilt prpv satisfactory td theUuioa party, are ques tions of doubtiul and moinentous issue We should have, much preferred to havje found the Governorr-ambitious ny til riiiiii uuic wiuf, wiJifii ueioijra r ,i . i : I n r t w. . , v i -. : t tnnnn nnM Ir, ,hiK- til mil m i-nini: ov.i tingu.snerontueliresoi CfMitention, which ! nave aj 4Uiiii auu f J iiriueiv 1 1 J the fact, that tljj Governor unequivocally urges t o passage ol the oatn, seeding-, however to disarm nostinty to it by da- I ! I I 11 ciiring that, in his opinion, the propose cjaring mat, in his opinion, the proposeu , oath is not con irected with any power.de-.! a j rived from the Convention that it should i i : . .i . i . - i i . ' i . ue oojecteu 10 uy nam-, cm tuose wno ut- . terly den y Statei Sovereignty, f S:ate, and the corresponding dutv of fide! ty and allegiance, he should have no lies I tntinn w hntHVr in taL-irio 1 h ronn.i! I . . . ... ; ,J " " ' - - t oath. 1'he object of these glosses cannot oe mjstatn it is to reconcile the Union party to the proposed measure but thefe is too much ambiguitVan(l mystification about them to inspire .rierfect confidence aor, ana tnat aeaaiy miscnierinrua under ; r m i -n r j- rvTv gapair ,tsonieU words.; It series one thing, l J"; T'l V . YL? -CrT;Z.TZ below My a beyond a doubu-Jfc the odious leU oath ."aic, wai.. '"v.- l1" of large ;and wU be engraMi- on the causlitutioTuifl a yiolatjpu fuhe Ccnstitu le his.back UAe State fox.- we cannot, for a uoi)l .y"!":, . ' . '-X of lare-di- flatter ourselves that the I.eiriatdrA'will I M lsP to-'gireioe upv peace-maker, and patriotically fear. ess 01 i i 1 t i t personal consefPioacos--reSoiutelyii,W I rolue mi Pr,val,e. ' f ' . tt-!::dl U'1 his face against the consummation of the inconsistent, with the oesire gcneml- . . . .-. i . ly unnutetf to him,of a seal on uhj Aj.-oeal , evil -nieasure, whioh is now the On! v sourcie r-; , , - , - . J - '' - - i- i - ' pi'ii-.'h, i-n the eutil ot tho-ro-or.jraniZ'utiotn-.. ol our domestic tIxv:sious. and endeavour- ; r .... . , i - in their good faith. If Governoj U aynH rcJitwed bv the last legislature,., bulk Nhad said that he conscientiously believed a house 2G feet -bv i8rf!eaitnd iiliiarr -1 . .1,-. i. I .U 1.1 I i 'A - ma i i uc piupoat-u uam twaiu uc toftjcic tiously taken, by those who believe in thje doctrine (almost universal throughout thje rest of the United States) of divided sbv- ereignty ana oiviaeu allegiance: m re- ference.t.o the State severally, and th United States- collect! j have beeu explicit and intell igible." But ui j der the form of e-xpresilon, adopted by bin J I w "ft there still lurks trie doubt, whether -he j does not hold one. who denies the entire ' sovereignty of the State, -'utterly 'to . denli; the sovereignty ot the state, and "the corresponding duty of fidelity ana alieg ance." We well know, that "divided sovereignty" and "divided allegiance5' orie f feattd us absardities by the partyof.whici Governor Hayne is he Executive head. and that they constantly accuse c- Unionists- (notwithstanding their earnest pro testations to the "contrary) of x- total$en- 'al of State jSoyereignty, merely becanse tbeydeny total 'State Sovereignty. . Wit out chargfng then an intentional e'miic que. on the part ofthe Governor, we thin t trlaKvvf af e Ayarranted in say ing. that ne has pseci language iiaoie toTnisconstruction. It would certainly hare been better and wiser, io relation to a subject so fraught wifh difficulty,, and in which iheconsc!i- ence of theiLCttrzen itrrcn js concerned, to hayei receding evening, and in the coutoC plainly that he wlioTurmastiChfr conversation iuformed the Oneral rwntten so m . read." But .gjring the Governor Jqti credit (brthat honesty-of purpose whiclh be claims, - his opinion is but that of a high lunctinary, having no parf ?eiiher in me maKing or .interpretation ol laws .indamerrtaf or ordinary. 'Tbe great quel ies- tion is,"jn what sense-Avilf the Legislature pass thfr OtthT' -His, not :h'eterrn,:ill- iance been defined by a declanitoTV T? sdlutton of a T pfetioas Tjesgilature, as well as'byj the Ordinance of thesConver tion j arfd inot the present Lei&iatqre t be taken as 'acting oh and fcound by tlkt definition, unless they declare the coiitrV ry by another resolation AViJI, not t!W i new Judges (supposing the Judiciary tq be remodelled) sustain the (tab,' as one of exelusi ve allegiance to th,r StaV I - Tbes- are questions which'the ' IgURiture and thv Judiciary only an solve,' and ns to ernor are 4,vo.vf pfetereh,iiihil.,, We have alluded to ra. want of candor in the Governor -e: have particularly in.vteW that part of his mesSago, la which he says--"V hav the emphafic decla ration of ihe very Court, which annulled the Oath in tlu Military J5iH, annoflr.Hng ' before hand,' tlrat lif the' people shou,d " think fit so to afnend tbe Constitution as -tolauthofize theadhiinistratioh of tlu Outhj Of -AJlegiauce, in the form prescribed Cj ! the act of ike last $essiehx of the Leisla- tun, there is nothing in.tjie lok$!7 (utloa or j iik U.tiTKU States oppo8ed to it." NoW.it is welljknowi and iX deetl if-.is lo be collet-ted irtjim another pai t of the message itself, that this the iudivldukl'declirninm of Jude Joiik son; only and' not trlat of the Court;"r.:i i. , it is due to Judge JoiiNsoar to i!dT ' that he came to,; this '.concIusroiH tftcr a process of reasoning:, in .Which " ho re- con t-iled the-, nronosed Oata Jo. the dM ' tritve ol'dividedAlh'giahtfaiiU- another - j i - . . iluart of his, message; -enor crtut ir If Ave uiidcrstatid h imlifinht, ha impliedly reeommc-iidstlK; Legislature to alst a .eoislature to abstain from any-iegisla- lion on tSe subiect of State treason, jiud perhaps alsoon the snl ject of the Judicial rf-. ? ITUiese two- points,, and5 especialjy th bttet, be .Uk Untouched by tb inbovut- nana oi pu.y, wev iiiiiwu. ufm u , bope tliAt theVii' pf.-our strjffiWt far distant Ve observed a Iro Oiat'the GoV- or.nuiuericaj lucrfAe oi i'wi uuii1 l i :-lt ldi.ui Kemnant. i here iia yira . - ... w j . rt.lI1Mant of th,v' onee nhwoiAl tS.lt by -a li j hh-j&inws that n-i rl-.t '-sem-d 1) it ------- t j iut lhe ,van the State Legislature 1)l(,ct.j tiem ,inr a board of overseers ;,.ttn.m..iu u. 1 nfl nnmu '..v. ! actions of them comnellin them to labor' i t- z, z i ... . ahdDnrooriut n? the nroreetls to their " Iast" inter, as-' v.Jeam pontic aiiai appoint Uie usn; Ctrs.. They have nbour ifip hbuse.s, none of u hich cc.ist moTe than 1 O J dollars ; their hirnlture is nrofioriionaik- cl eafi. Orm j .!,UMtred of thm caji reau the 15ible;for- i .four can v. rite, and a. few can cypher t They-have-a church of about fifty me ht,r6 They have eight leanis, thirty UowsV and a few sheen. Sine thev irefe I T : i . ' " . , -'-.-. for.a school house and au- jiart tor a dwel ling house for a teacher. . They intend to employ a white teacher, who will feel au interest in their welfare, and absolutelyde ' j". i vote, himself rot he building up Sc Irnprbv p ' ing therr town.' They own lO.SOQacres l" I f n -ic r rrn,iA kilt fi i r-ct ti frf rf .a sea may e; i;Aae, mx oaucti ve t . ,r cbr..r': rn '-f Too Much 'freed fry breeds dcsjSt" ... At a recent election in the town of P. th kgoodociety,r' Whigi- iriade great exer tier's to obta i n? all the negro- ptes ab necessary funds 'were forthwith subscrib ed and the r.egr's held n'sieigg-eryby lhci&ielve?, after the' moU approved fasJi- . ion. The next worn: ng Coear.nj 'of th e i r n uxuhe r, w ho m 6au red, six - feet tky o in his StrckingSi encounU;red Gen. F- a tlt itnrtttVii4 'Wlil" ltaA-r li'lm hrl fjn ciftffy , inkramentil in; raisin the funrfa ntccrv u funds necessary' to defray theeXDenses'ui thejtifirrcry. After; they hau -shaken linds and passed the -compliments ofthe da v. Caesar ban- to expatiate urvon the. that he was toasted oh'the occasion witfi rapturous eppiause. A 1 -Cossar l arid what was. the ; toasKea,'e .jGcncral,' impatiently.4,! - tell you I Massai, replied Ccesar, J gib ue" toast; arid; it was as lows. Gm.F L" nigger's friends lo i hib aArniTi; iAcr, bin a slack reakt !' isc o i i tvefc so entirely successluVhat they fel ! it their duty'aher the election to give theiv colqred friends an' entertainment, -'hc Histcii7!txr X -.'