x POETRY: SATURDAY AFTERNOON. I lore to look on a acena like this, -" - Of wild and careless play, :a ' And persuade Diyielf tljat I jaw cot old, And my locks are nocyet'gray ; " i For it stirs the blood in an ofd man's heart, And it males his pulses fly - 1 . -". To catch th thrill ot a happy voice; r ; . ;' . And the lijht of a pleaant eye. - . : . he Walked the world for four score years ; Add tlicy say jtlial 1 am old, , And my heart isjripe fur the reaper Death. t , A tay years are wen nigutoiu,' -..'It it fery trua; iiti is very, true; 'r I'm old. and "I bide my time Cut my heart will leap at a scene like this, Arid 1 half renew my prime. - . ' ' ' ' x !" " ; , Tlay on,1 play "on ; I am with you there, - Jn.the midst of your merry ring ; , : ; j eun feel the thrill of the daring jump, j . A nd the rush of the breathless s win g. . - 1 hi Ja with you jjn the fragrant hay, ' And I whoop the smothered call, - V And my feet slip hp on the seedy floor, And I care not for the fall.. , . T . . '-. :.' X am willing to die when my time shall come, And I shall bj glad to go; I .... Jor lh world, at best, is a weary place, . Andniy plusej is getting lowt Btft the grave is dark, and the heart will fall In treading its gloomy way ; And it wiles my heart from iu dreariness, To see the young so gay. j : .rv. -7 T- ! i : TSOM xus Lsxi.nifo (,Ky.) iftTnxiaBNCKK, Anj. 25. , ' BALLOON ASCENSION. j AfCJiNsioN -Mb. Clayton's L6g-Book. -At -5 o'clock, for the fourth 'rime, I took my station in my aerial hark; and at 8 miuutes f altt-r 5, I bade farewell fo the gay scene tnat surrounded me;! and ; darned into the atmosphere, or' apparent ' ly thq earth fell from my;feet.;. and in a few moments Lexington With her, splen did mansions and her -Streets decorated with tr ees, and j he surrdandiag fertile j and garden-like country interspersed-ivith .towns, country seats, and cottages, were all within my gaze, r and formed a scene truly encbantjngjr - ' '' f When tho barometer had fallen to 26, 5 inches, l ent loose the parachute which contained a: littlcj dog -it.lsoon opened, and I saw, it pass on the N. E. side of Ashland (the residence of the Honorable Henry Clay;). f-C . '.-: -I Was desirous to know at what altitude I should lose 3ight of the spectators., When, at. the height of three-fourths of a mile, they, and also the cattle in the field3, had shrunk to insect size, but it was dif Cirult to j ascertain! precisely at what alti tude they disappeircd. , ' i ; 1 be earth now appeared like a large painted map,' the colors of which, not de signating counties or States, but showing the products of the soil and Iruits of indus try the meadows the grazing lands the corn and hemp fields ibe orchards and woods all. differing in color or shade. In a short time vapor appeared to aa- ;ccnd from the earth and to form itself into 'thin clouds beneath me. Eighteen min tjtes after 5, 'I passed into a dense cloud, ana lor a lew moments vva enveloped in mist, and the earth was concealed from rriy -view. . , Just before emerging from this cioua, m iront oi me, l naa a perfect snad f flvv of, my balloon, -with the car, the corde, and myself 'plainly delineated. I waved ' my banner, as if to salute my. companion. The compliment ivas answered " . ,At 23 minutespast '5 o'clock, the bar ometer SO inches; the thermometer at 35 , degrees, course jS. E l rate 1 taile in 2 'minutes;;-, -v'-' ' '-".t At 23 rain utes' after 5,:when at ah alti- , tude of 2 miles, Tdiscovered that the gas had .completely 'I filled "the . balloon, and ; that the neck hud become entangled be tween the cords by. which it was saspend ed, preventing the surplus gas from escape ir and conuning the valve cord, potbat I could not open the valve. v I immediately busied myself in liberat ing the valve cord, and while in the act of doing this, the neck and "cord were .snatched with violence from me, the ur . per portion ' ol the balloon burst with a tremendous noise, and I and, the whole fibrip'fell two or three hundred feet, with the velocity of .a stone. -The rapid des Cent was then a little checked ; and now "the most critical moment of my life was 'tv hand a moment- that required calm He presence of mind and activity, for an awful scene presented itself. The Iover 1 paxt of the balloon tyjhe violent resist ance 'or tbe atraiophcrre, in descending, had rri pressed against the surface of t me nctworki and formed into a parachute of about twenty-qye.feet m diameter ; but t h ro u g b t h e" c e r it j& b 1 1 fi i m pe r fee t pa ra f hute I could behold the naked valve, the smnll 'mcshes of the net, a nd a great por vh'nA aNV. jIMT.1L. l.K L:l. HuuwvuiB utL.ojii rsitj sine, wuieji lor ru ed the resistinff surface hunff irf ribbands. . dashing, from side topside, and nroducinjr a noise likeA the shaUered sails of ship "a icuiuru , i uuriirauc uuiee was . u piouuceu oyjiue rapm uesceni a tone, - M1 oy the violent "oscillatory and rotary notion of the parachute. " At one.moment I wis almost in" a horizontal line I with the "parachule and then I waa dashed thVough the'air ; to a level on the opposite - ciue,. taws, describing: atijttrea ox nearly a semi-Qircle. the radhi3 of tvhich ' was a", .loot fifty feet; and at the tame time I and J2iy,car, were whirliner with sickenihj? ve locity. ' While in this situation I succeed cd in dashing - overboard all my bags of yauast wmca weighed about 80 lb. , -Id four minutes I. descended about a tnile, and reachedr'the region' of dense . clouds. At this time I untied the vpper end of my eable an! held it in inay hands, threw over my anchor and allowed it to fwirtg at the full lengih of the rope, ) 150 leet,) it was thrown 'at erery vibration, fir jfcbove the level of my-car ' ' On passing beneath the cloud, I saw tha town of Athens a little? to the south west of ne ln i fiva minutes inore . I reached the ground 2 with j pretty severe fihotsustiimng5i uoning; 1 ne swnoie t qauoon, or para cnute, was instantly nai on tne grouna, a mass ol ribbands.; A lew. dark faces'Tne- '-, : . , .. - groes; appearea : ni a suort distance irom ine, vitb,wlstretehed -bands, : screaming, frightened to 'death at the hose machine bat clme whirling over their beads; and still more frightened when they saw ine-t spring out 01 it. - t v, . The spot on which j I fell, was on th farm of Thomas'Ap Jones, Esq., iu Clarke county, id raues in me soutneasi airec tion . from Lexington four ur five miles south of the Winchester road, and one and a half miles from Comb's ferry on the Kentucky river, Mr. Jones and sever al or his -neighbors came to me, and po litely onered their assistance m securing the reman is of the 4Star of the West." I B. Clayton. Lexington, Aug. 22, I 83p. $10 Ilcicard. t ANAWAY from the Subscriber, abotat the 1 15lk uIl a negi p woman named . f II ANN A II, formerly the property of Cel. Etl ward .Will uns, of Onslow County, but more recently owned by Richard baunderis, Esq. Hannah is above the or dinary size, Wack compiexiou abtut Forty years of age She lias relations in Onslow couuty and at Rockv Point. She has. forborne vears past, been living with a free colored man named Isaac Scott, wIrj has left this place, and she might have gone off-with him. 1 will give the above reward for her apprehen sion, upon delivery to me at winnington, or con finement ui any jail, so tnat 1 may recover ner. ANN GUTHRIE. Wilmington, Sept. llth, 1835. 36-3t ,9tli Sept. IS35. ftn HE Stockholders at their late meeting, hav- U-. ina invested Uw Board F Directors with power to. re-open Books of Subscription for the remaining Two Thousand Six Hundred and Eishty-eight Sliares of the Stock of this Bank, Resolved, that Books be opened at the same pla ces as before, on the 2d day of JNoy ember next, aud contuTue open for 1 en (lOj days. 1- ' : - JOHN HILU Cash'r. J-The Fayeueville! Observer, Raleigh Regis ter, Salisbury Watchman, and balem Reporter will please insert the above until the 1st iNovem- ber, and forward tueir accounts to the tsank or one of its Agencies. : r : 3(-tliN 1 Inspectors11 Bills, To suit the latest arrangement, for sale at this Office. V Sept,llf I 1 ' 3G-5t rOR PUBLISH! KG IN THE TOWN O' y : - WILMINGTON NC. ' a!f Weekly Weicjpaper TO SB tNTlTttD tHii WZXiXXXNaTOU ADVEKTISEH. (TTIHE Subscriber is unwilling to believe that ' U in the most commercial town in' the State. and adjacent country, one Newspaper cannot be property supporieq ; ana naving emoarxeu in tne business, is loth to abandon it until tne experi ment is fairly tested. v He feels grateful for the patronage anorded to him by the support received for the fEUPLKa rati; tut camtot conceal from himself and haa no wish to conceal from tlhe public, that iu decreasing patronage' will soon render a ' less xemunerauou man win oe expected by any person capable of conducting a .Newspaper." Unless the list of subscribers is greatly increased, (of which the past gives no hope) it must be discontinued or the size reduced. The editor may," indeed, obtain a sub sistence and keep .his establishment in credit but he expects more than this in return for bis ser vices; as he cannot consent to pursue any busi ness so laborious and , perplexing, without the prospect of competence, within a reasonable time. Under these circtunstattees the subscriber issues these proposals for the Advertiser a paper to be devoted to Literature, Commerce, Agriculture and the general interests of North Carolina ; so far as the latter may be consistent with the integ rity of the UniOn, with which it is believed they will always accord. It is'intended to be free from party influence; and it is supposed that a proposi tion of this cliuracter will decide the yet unsolved question, whether a newspaper can permanent ly and respectably supported in, Wilmington. If sufficient patronage is onered by the first of December next, the Wilmington Advert iskr will commence, on the dtil of January following. If not, and should the People's Press receive no additional support it will be reduced from 21 to 20 columns, and continued as heretofore. The Advertiser will be the same size of the People's Press, at S 3 per annum, payable in ad vance. - i '. -" No paper discontinued uhjul all arrearages' are paid unless at the option of the editor. . Those who fail to give notice of aish to dis continue their paper, before a second year com mences, will be considered bound for that yeur, and by the same -rule for ail succeeding yearn 13T Persorrs holdintr subscription Papers are "re quested to forward them to Wilmington, by Uie i si 01 uecemoer, tew. XjT Editors with "whom we exchange would cuiuer a lavor on us, oy giving tne aoove a lew insertions in their papers. ; " THOMAS LORtNG. :- Sept. 11. 1835. N T , 36-tf For Sale. W Rl HHD3. good MOLASSES, 0 ID 23 hho Prime Porto Rico SUGAR, 150 casks Thomastown LIME, r 50 bbls. No 3 MACKEREL, 23 bbls. Prime PORK, C ' la boxes Lemon and Ginger SYRUP."' 12 do. BUCKETS, 10 boxes Sperm CANDLES, " 3 bales GUNNY BAGS, 9 bales NEGRO CLOTH, 20 casks Nails, assorted sizes, RUM, j GIN, (double distilled.) - BRANDY, Cognac, fcC. ic. Apply to , j . J . BARRY; & BRYANT. August 14. ; " 32-tfl . '4 Qlfa' SoutJi Side of Market . Sire-jine , door above the ojfiee ofthe pJZO-' - t PLES PRESS. OFFRS his professional iervicet to Uxe.fM lic. . He is prepared to ofn n-JL rauona on the Txxth. He can .apply his patients with any fcnd off:l:Taay o h OIl nf ,ashea fox the Mouth, Tooth Powder of the Kst descrrptiori, and Drops for the tooth ache. -J y;MTiteuBstc- - tfi5; 1833.-. : 60-tf . A. tHAia Jiandsome, f new, cvvo $ story housed laielv built by the soDscriDer, near ibe ML i uuw a CHUftCH. . There is- a two- story piazza round the whole Loose; and there is a good kitchen stable, and other outhouses; and a well of good water. The lot is a full one, 66 by. 330 feet; and is well fenced in. The terms vill be accoua-modating.-. '' " - j - Persons indebted to the sxibseriber are request to come forward and settle u hhoat delay. - . ' - W&L C. JACKSON. ' - 1 1 . 1 t Circulating Library THE SuhscrihrVs LIBRARY continues open for those who mav4v. flitml ta feud. Books loaned at C i-4 Centswr week. NEW WORKS are expected daily. Applicants for books are re quested to send the money when tney appy' j FOR SAllE, ' i s?dHTsiYmrs Ipowbeb, ; WARRAN TED.) . ! WM. C- JACKSON, April 8, j tf.lt. 4 DWELLING HOUSE & LOT. on Orange and Fourth Streets, the house is generally knOwn as the MYROVER HOUSE,' and is in comfortable order, with good Kitchen, Stables, Corn Crib, Carnage House, and a well of excellent water hi the vard. There is also room for a large garden,. v I I will also sell the half of a tract of land called LOVE GROVE, about a niile atnl a -halffiom town, and too well known Wneed a description. Also Thc half of one Acre of Land, where the subscriber has'a Slaughter Penj about half a mile from the Court House. I ' ""I The above property Will be sold low. AH persons having demands against me are desired jto present them, an(J all indebted are re quired to make immediate jpavmcnt. . WILLIAM MITCHELL. Feb. 25. . 8r-tf. if Card. h rt AV1NG learnt that some insinnations have JOL been made, (probably with the design to in jure us) that our Firm is in luvor of the cause of Abolition, we hereby openly declare that such assertions are false and utterly unfounded ; and we pledge ourselves that all j the members of our House are entirely opposed; in principle to the vvews of the - Abolitionists, regarding the agita tion of the Slave question and interference in: the rights of the Southern Slave! holders as inexpedi ent, unjutt, and pregnant with evils. V ! BAILEY, KEELER & REMSEN. , 125 Pearl Street. New York, Aug. 15, 1333. 34-13L The Subscribers fin AVE entered into a co-phrtnership under U.1L the firm of POTTER,. 6c PARSLEY j for the transaction of Commission and other business. Having purchased from P.IK. Dickinson, Esq. Iris interest in the COWAxN S. S. MILL, they are prepared to receive and execute or ders for Lumber,. and having ou baud a large stock of .-: Yellow and Pitch Pine Timbcrt they will be able to fill orders for Lujuber of any description ' -. - . GILBERT POTTER; O. G. PARSLEY Hcfcc to i I . Gen. E. B. Dudley, Aaron LaxaruT, Esq. Wm. Dougall, Esq. P. K. Dickinson,' Esq. April 1, 1835. j 13-tf W UULU lulorm his trlenus and customers that he has taken the store on Campbell's W hart, corner ot Wood Uock, where he has a well selected stock of goods, (which he will sell at the lowest Cash prices, either, at wholesale or re taiL "j ' j - JAMES 1. BRYAN. - JUST HHCEIVED, 10 bvls.Viour, ' I 7 do prime P. R. Sugar, 10 kegs and boxes Tobacco, 5 boxes Candle?, 8 do best Soap, I ' SI firkins Butter, i ,: 200 Bushels Salt, 1500 lbs. Bacon . " Coffee, Pepper, and Pimento, Shot. &t. &c. by the bag, Chocolate and Mustard bv the box. March 25.- I ' 12-tf. To Ment rpHE dwelling apartments oyer the shop Of the subscriber, on Market! Street. ' Pos session given on the nrst of Octobejr. Apply tO r": ' ( .- ;. " T.OTTTR T TrTccrMsx September 4. .-; . ' 35-4u;: TIE SUBSCRIBERS E AVE dissolved Copartnership, by mutual consent. "A. A. BROWN will continue the Store, and will settle all; debla? either of the firm or-individuaL r . 1 ;.asaJa. brown! LYMAN BROWN. "Wilmington,' July 23d, 1835. : -1 2Mf. OfTiHHDS Sap Sago CHEESE, Sift li-ir . 1 A3tl J For sale bv iw . :' 1 i ; tv BRADLEY 2G, 18 00. 34 tf rmHATJtrce DWELLING HOUSE,' (thrt ji. .,rvpaijr . uc "re 01 j. n. JjOndon V on the South Last corner of Market and Front Streets, with stables and other -om buildin. -mnd nient at a Boarding House for men of business: Alao, the two large 5 1 ORE3 below Poascs swq given immedialely. , Jl' ' ; : r'V Apply-to--:"..,;.- j .. 'fv .y, c. lord; i:VrKor 1 T H. A- JUONDONJ . TJ6 Rent, ai irui axoa. orrnX iaro nx?t - : 'V. SfoxUs Bid of WF JIxltst street Tlh ASjust received from the north a large sup HATS and CAPS; Also, a largo assortment of . ; :;. rBOqfS .and.MIOES.' tie naa in his assortment , GeniietMTfSj Boots aid Shoes ; . Ladies' Beolees and Shoes ; ' Children's do dov UmbrellaSr Slocks, Collars., c. 4 c-. -He will receive by nearly, every packet fiom New York, an addition to his Stock, which will always be kept complete, having an Agent in that cky, to make purchases to the best advantage, by which means he can sell at moderate prices. . August 14. I 3.- ' ' . 32 8:no. AUCTION !&. COMMISSION It jTayetlevillC) J C. THE Subscriters have entered into copart nership nndeif the firm of WlLLKlNGS & BELDEN. Thcv solicit a continuance of tlie Business of Winkings &-Co. 'v. E. W. WILLKINGS, . ROB'T.; C.JBELDEN, ? Fayctteville. N. C. August 20, 183a. 3 1 3w D E A R BON'S P A TE N T , i ,-- i . ... Balances- AN ASSORTMENT ?f the above BAL ANCES and Appa ratus, constantly on hand, from ihe Pro prietor, and for saic by BARRY & BRYANT. 1S35.I .;.! 1-c. January Runaway TCI ROM the Subscriber on the JC 25th May last, a mulatto fel low by the name of DICK, The said Dick is about 45 years of age C feet high, and has a con siderable stammering in his speech. He is sup posed to be lurking about Rocky Point, or on the Sound. V " j ,v r - - -1 will give a reward of Ten Dollars for his ap prehension. . !- M rrTFIFTY DOLLARS REWARD will be ''given for iufonnalion tHat shal convict any white person of harboring the said Negro;DICiCr ; i - : t. cowan: . June H, 1835." -I - ' i. . Til-tf Dissolution. rniHE Co-Partnership heretofore existing be U tween tlie subscnU-rs under : the firm of GEO. R. FRENCH & CO. is this day, by mutual consent, dissolved. All persons having demands against said firm are re quested to-present the same for settlement, and all persons indebted to said firm,' either by note or book account, are desired to make immediate puy meut to G. R, FRENCH. .. V ; v ' ? GEO. R. FRENCH, ' ' I ;;; - S.' M. WEST. ' AVflmington, 14ih Aug. 1335. Tne Business will be continued by GEO! R FRENCH, at the old Stand immediately under the Printing QJiSt. Aug. 21. 33 5l Furniture. A LAlitiE assort meat of Fashionable Furniture,' consist ing of Bureaus, Ta bles, Sideboards, So fas, Field and high .post Bedsteads, fancy and Windsor Chairs, . Rocking do. toilet & Wash Hand StandvCjibs, &c. &c. Constantly ,on hand and for sale, by V " , BARRY fit BRYANT January, 7, 1835. ; ' ' . r . ' Ic ron SA.X.& ;j-fA T THllS OFFICE, The FolloWlhs JBlanlis, Viz, - Bills of Sale for Negroes, . ? Charter Parties, Notes of Hand, Deeds, : ! . . " . ' ' 1 . Bills of Exchange ' -. Bills of Lading, . . !. f Shipping Articles, . ' ! - - Wnu of Ejectment, vCrew Lists,' j .. . Js t 'Inward Foreign: Manifests, . Outward Foreign Manifests, " j . Entry of Merchandize; ; Cape-Fear Bank Checks ; Bonds to appear and take the benefit of th . ' Insolvent Act, V . . ; -Warrants, ' Ca. SaV-Justice of the Peace, V F. Fa' s Justice of the Peace, ' .Subpoenas,- , . .;" ! " f ' CaSa;a SuporwrCoiirtr ; ' I ' BaiiBonda, County & Sup: Court, '! Subpctnas, County Courts A"r ' . - . ' ty Court VendiUonl Exponas, Marriage LarnA Appearance Bonds .Justice ieacs, " Slave Mardfd ' ? ' r Guardlan'a Bood, "J-Hr -.' Vx'IftroecSor'aBilk.-w ; ; p.oiea or uand, bound in Books ot a .uaire I - " Constables bondalbr tha dcUVerf of popef- -; . .r unuer exeennon, , - -tt; v Bjlla ( Sata for Vessels, : , !, -S 2.ilhnfSa!e, f CijV Cott"t!s, 'V v" v oi croia ooina r ; .- - . ..... enditjona Exponas. l yV ij t-:'t . : - - - wUcdlchiei; BO. for several years, has devoted his lire attention to the treatment of cArau or incelermtc diseases,' in ihfieret elimafes, baa succeeded, by chymicai 'analysii ami lyntUeaiSj in forming a -'combination, of several piojfioiaio vrgcta Wpiu;ciplcsl to h hich he ' has jiven Uc name MeUicuis SiomacLica. et Ucpaikai ; w has stood the test of exrxrieucd and proved fr more ethcieut th;ui ay rtmtdy Lcetoforc disc ered, in cur iug those duucising diseases of. the mini aud bij which arc generally ctHUprehsn ded utidrrthe sweeping' terms, Dvrrn aiJ Livft;-voMf uikts. It u a ua)t ccrtaiu cure iu enlargement 0 f the Spiekw. . : Among the symptoms of Dvsncpsia and Liver- conipluiuts. - ore flatulency. Mxuue&s or buruing iu ine siomacu. irritammv. uisarrecaiic ursic m the mouth; great irrcgiilanty of appetite," u tuck is somctimck voracious, aud at other times great ly deficient ; thirsts, fetid breath nausea, weah ucss of the stomach, acid ei-uctions. ahnlatkm, drowsincs, ' irregularity of the bowels, " prcs- sure on tne stomacn alter mtaia. l-tun luu? head, dimnes or vertigo ; ovifiu'in of mind, at teuaeu. witii loss of memoiy, a gnawing iu U.C stoniach, when empty, , chilliness, afioction of sight' and .heariu":. pain and weakness in the 4. back, langom', disturbed sltp, cold fectaud hands, tremor; uneasiness, in 'the throat, cxiugh, paiu in the side op breast &.c. The above jkalad'us lead to organic affections of lheltoihach, livcrj" and heart, termiuaiii.g in Dropsy, consumption, Apoplexy, c according to the climate, habits,' age, sex, WI ttifii jrauiei.t of the patient- .. .... The above Medicines consist of three different preparations, two of which arc taken internally, the other, applied externally, over th discaied part. . V ;V: ' ' They are riot unpleasant to use, and their qual ities will remain unchanged fur years, in any cli mate. Persons journeying,. can use Uu.ni us ad vantageous! y, as at their owu homes- Women in the most delicate situation, can use them vith out uicurring auy risk. , ' Tlie Pills ore slightly aperient or laxative, and they posses tonic and deubstruen qualities in .an eminent degree, thus strengthening the patient, wltile they remove. obstructions in particular or gans. . The Embrocation is calculated to rtliev die teiidcriiess and prcterual contraction of the abdominal muscles, to increase and equalize the cutaneous transpiration of the parts to which it is applied, at the same time acting, in conjunction with the other Medicines, in rousing the torpid functions of the chylopoittic viscera, or organs f digestion.. ' ' . j , . " The Tincture acts upon the sccenient function, increasing-njrspiffatioii, and equaliiiug the circu lation cfuic general mass of fluids. . These medicines have been found so eUectuai, in removing the complaints fr which llify are, recommended, ;that'physiciau frequently have recourse lo them for their patients, after having exhausted .all their skill, to Rule or no pyrj-ose. The above Medicine-are put-up in 'parcels, each parcel being included in a box, willi full di rections for use. A"1xx will last from -rlftecn to twenty d:iys. From one to three boxes will be necessary uncomplete a cure r, ' . .THE PATENT Vegetable' Medicine Stomachiea tt Iltpatica, -Arc prepared by J. P. PETERS, M. D. Inventor and sole' Proprietor. Price 64. Dr; Petf r' " Patent Vegetable UcpcUic or An-ti-bilinvs Pt'ZV-thecheapcst and moat approved Family Modicine," rvcr.olTtri to the public. Each box coiitiihs 40 i-ills. Priced) Cents.-- Both the abive muJicinei Iiavc Dr. P's signature oinhe prit-cipal Labcl. M. A. F. 1IAUUISO.N', General Agent. j " .c For- salc.bv ' . . " ' ' T. LORING, Agent . Wilmington, A pril I, lj5. - .12. k DR. JE VERS VEGE TABLE 11EPA TIC ANTI-BILIOUS FXXiXaS. - riTHESE pills are"ei.ti cnitty miid in thtir opc JJ ratiou, neither causing sickness of the stom ach, nor any unpleasant sensation in tlie system. as is too frequeiidy the result from medicines' giv en to act upon the bowels. .They act tjecificai1y upon the Liver, when in a torpid condition, carry ing otf Urge quantities of bile, through tliccxctr nent function, whicli, if suifcied to remain in the system, Avouhl : produce cither Jaundice, Liver complaint,- Bilious Fever,' Fever and ague, or Some other grievpus bodily affliction. In uIl ca ses of torpor of the bowels, they act like a cltarm. In recent cases of Dyspepsia, they arc a certain cure''- Many persons wlio were subject to violent attacks of sick bead-ache, have been much bcuent ed. and several nerfectl v cured in a few weeks, bv 9 a T T the use of these pills. Women during pregnancy often need a mild laxative, in such cases-tnesc pills, will be fouud superior to all other remedies. Persons going to sea. or to a Soothe rn climate should bv alt means take some of these pills -will them. Their virtues '.will remain unimpaired for years in any climate. '-No family sboulu be with out these pills : a portion of them taken occasion ally, would be the means of preventing much suf fering from sickness. ' It is from neglect of keep ing up n reguhirpeiiostaltic action" of the bowels, thus suffering lo be absorbed -and mingled 'with the blood unassimilatcd -fluids that most diseases are produced. Dr. P. feel confident that jio per son who gives these pills a fair trial, will ever af ter feci willing to be without hetn. ' The lesuaso- ny of thousands speaking in the highest terms of the enicacy.ot these pills milU be udueu.iiut the very high reputajion Dr. P. has.aeqa.rrd us the inventor, of the "Piilent 'Vegetable J ft did nee Stupwthictx tt IlejMluxe," for the cure of Dyspep sia and Liver complaints, is thought a-sutEcicnl guarantee to those wnhing to make a trinlofhrir virtues. Ther coiitain not a rmrticlc cf Mercury . or any ingredient tlialdoesnot act in harmony witii health,' and oppose disease. : " " . ' -:v 1 , DIRECTIONS." V, 1 '- When a mild laxative only as required as is the case in siek Head Ache; Dyspepsia, Liver ecnt plnint, diC one or two" of the pills are suificielTt, and may on taken, either on retiring to bed, or an hour before breakfast. , In Utq above complaints,' the nrst portion -hnd.bettcr be sufiicitntly. large to produce several ev aviations.- In easca wliere an active cathartic Ls necessary, for instaiice in Bil ious Fever. Fever. and "Amr. &c. front two toi four will be necessary, and sometimes a still lar ger number." ! . ' ' ' ' -V . 'Prepared by JOSTRIESTLY PETERS M. D.- inventor; and -sole Proprietor.? Price, S( Cents.' M. A. F. HARRISON, General Agent. ' , " The above Medicine ii for saley"-' - - - kr UOM AS LORING . Office of. the Ptoric'sT'nEss - April I; . yX ia-IX AMWD':JUI)'EE. : jutt recti reoTarid for ale by . : - R.. BRADLEY, - August 4' v 31t I Tf Vfr4r HHDS.aurieriorreUUing'MOLAS liUifBES,jwtrec'd pe Brig Franthn auu xor saie dt-- . : v - ; - " - 4 -vz-y-BABRY-fc- BRYANT.. June 30th; r ffEA Th Y. EXEC VTMJ) TT AM'dctcrtoined to wind tin my aCairs ta7&'. IX. mjrvnorL and 6q low iai 1 6a all iUmc iiidett- rton, ami da bov a:l on aU thtwe iitdtLu pi to tne, laoouefirwrarvl arjd nuiLe adtue kiod of srttJeniefltwiihoul f urj r If ouble, before the first day jot April nfxt. "Ibose svLo havtaccooouaui. cuniMt pay, inul jtie notes, aial those who hara rKKts must pay-s -it will ba ioiposxIUa Uit pa .THE STORE-at prctCot ccrvnirO by xnyadC mm wrf n niu.-iJUiai. auJ AIU. waii the adjotitiiig iUe, latclr OCcnpud by JuL Nor.t, g tveii immediat ly. Xlniurancc rt Try jow:) -Tba property is loo w Ul ano u to rt-qvfire any desci ip- tieu hctc sutficc it to wy, rt Ut uo Mipenor iu Town la situation of convenience Cor country tr barterihg'busiiieas.' "j w. i Ail" fully aware of, tbedprceUiion of tLo Talueif Ileal Esiatp, from the dose-fitted policy of our Legislature; bnt am ifi ertod earnest aitd de tennintd to SELL, BAllTEll ur THADE to the I rst fnirij'ulder ; 4he terms shall be acccsiuioda- in -Ten Years1 credit if rtquiretl." .' 'My WHARF is alw fur sale. Also.- . A rood Urct&. tn old -SULKEY a fewbar- rtUuIt LAJUK, and a frf boxes prime CATC ; DLES, and cat other t nt-yj1 rLZ oou aruos, jtot. woru 1 -. 1 .. .... iTfJk-tfi amlnc,oul wLicn will - TJr" . -U sokl low, at the 014 Stai,todosoapoof.coaceTiu '.. -.' -7! . DURING my alscuce,-wy Clerk, A. B. Icf , GILL is anihorised to setire bi buxinrss, . 4 :f . IiENRY.NUTT..; RitUFanciftih 7n . SIMPSON has just relurncd from iiU lhe North with a full .and Com" plete assortment of . - - Dnr goods &. anoormiHS- to tvhich he inviles the . attention of pur chasers, as he is determined to' &ell Dt a. very r&xionahle advanccfor. CASH .or in ktjter for country. produce, llit stock consists, jn rart oC;- ; . - ' Broadcloths, Casiraerei & Satinets ( Figured Shally, (a neiDarticlij) j ChinchilJa Cans Fur, Wool and Silk ; -'Hats,- i ,:,'vi '. f Handkerchiefs, of all decscriptions, " i Thredd Inserttngi.Laco Caps, Uobiiiet and lare edging, ' . . ! Blond Veilsr Boreige, SUk Aprons. ' Satin botved Slocks, Uloves in variety, j AssortedBvlts, Figured Velvet, - j Bead Bags and-Purser, t Canton hnd other Shawls, i ; Bobluct Copes uud Collars,' ' i TVVrktd CoUars.-'Capcs, -v . I Corded Skirts. " -. - - fA splendid assortment xf CltUdrtrCi', . TOYS, and dressed DOLlS ; " ' r:UllRELLAS, Cotton and " Sill . Brown and Bleached ShirtitiL's PiarJ Lindsey Red oC F tncy.Prin!s--iFrt';Kh and Jinrrlish Alt iino-Indliio Chccki-i- llose'ond lialf Ilo.-c (JJuaburs lrI, Linens. '- . - . " - V . J. FLuVNNELS, all colors Shoe and Boots, Gentltmeti'a and. Ladies' Roso and Point Blankets. Bleached Jeans. " i - a, - - -, "Av'Ftill assortment of ! SiHOLlOW WikUXI. T.DIHLlilNG Cunibrics, white and col'd Muslins--Bed Ticking Bom ba zelte; Pearl & other. Buttons; Suspenders. j China.ldiats; Crockery WARE.' i - . . ' . -. The aa&orlmeiu of these articles is yo ry beautiful, and worthy the- aueniion of those m need. - v GUNS, PISTOLS, & DIUKS, . - SOME VEKY SUrEUIOR.. I Heady made CLOAKS, Gentle- ' vien's and Ladies'. . TOI LET, fV NT LE," & PAULOlt . v v GIailSSES. , j.- pioughVhd Tyre iRO$-rSTEK 50 ITegg rJ TfiS, .Vgog.ld to"20J - WHITE oi; Brown Sugar Molasses Imperiaj.t Hyon, "Young Hytonr.r and Hywri kin-TiJSCotreei-Loaf anri Luiih Sucau-While and Browo Loir. Cog. BRASDY.'Javu & N. E. RUM. Port Malaga iWIXE, WHISKEY. APPLE.'JACIL (JIN.-Ws 'X ' .-80 Kegs PowDti, 100 EagsSiibT, Salt Pet re, .'Copperas Cassia, Natinege AllspicePepper, Snu&.Tolocco;tJiriX cwp) Spanish aud Amencaa Segars. : Coffee iiOASTKUerXParenL' Cloth Poeket Kn ?.v f )NEGR6'6'tbTnk-' " dark .extra Superior ;'AXE3," Para sols,' Iro3 and Neexllt'VCro'ss'Cui Sawi, Gun LoJrH6fe.Fleacis; Cumin PinV Stbrexatoved.(&re 4r 'West f th old. October 15," 1834. 93-tH St. Aurastlne.. TD LORtNG rtniectfoilT icferxria hii fntada JJ.U'a . knl the public generally, that be baa re- . ccfiUjr compiled a large-' and eounnodioa" bcild- Ing. foe the BrrrrninoJAi-m afthaxm r hn trfa y frcf him with their patrmae.-. Tbr- aituation la ia peorgt' Street; a few doora frlm Uc- FUU, f, ami u pcucrtaio ue,in au rerpecv trcov site; Befrnjea the aonericr uccotzmod-. turrr it ia entirety free from the arrao; j: - - tcAieneca d hch other 'slallULiacu . kind are exposed, which-ur' situated-sucici' mediate N. upon tha Water1! Xde. . - " ' -'C iy rij tt 7TT CapvKnives Fo rkf , Po ' G, ives. Violins. Fringe." CutkV- uKwwinraiue in tae. city ; parucaiaita Baxin been taken br the mtronttcr.-rrerkt ' " iLe trw lion of Ihabuildinr llo ackct the x 4 Si 9 n. aospuai ueturns. AT .THIS OFFICE i --