IVO 151. N. a FRIlSiiY, NOVEMBER 27, 1835. VOL. 3. NO. 47 : 1 ' tablUned every Friil - . -r mimu jr ': J TEIlfiUL . TlttE DottASS PE ANXUM, TV ADVANCE. ; r AD VKRTJSEBIENTS Tint exceeding a Aiium intfcrted at OVE not I ar No Subscribers taken for less than one year: nd all who permit their subscription to run over a y-tr, without ?jvin? notice, are considered bound Tor the second year, and soon for all suc ceeding years. 4: v ,. , ; v Yeurly advertisers, who will agree 'tn nay $10 per year, will be allowed 30 P"T cent, discount, on all over that sum, and that sum included, o as liot to reduce their yearly bill betow $10. . ' CtTir,'ICI?.An tU uth w f Market Street, be- Shingle Bolts VV&nted. rrflE SilbVrib'rrs vill ' p;iV Cash for CYPHERS SHISGLi: Ii OL 1 20 i r, cheslorifij, t d:to iiyrv,e about 5 by ly inches? to be of gflAd qdaljfv, suitable loriv- out ShniH.-s j-Also, fat JUSIPER SIUXGLE BOLTS, 4 inches long, and Jo averu-tf abcu; 1 by JO in-dies.- . p i . v I t ' SAVAGE, & CO. BIUTISII CONSULATE. ) Charleston, November 1 3, JS35 Fin HE undersigned, His Britanh'c Maj'stv's OJ Consul for the States of Nonh & South da rolm, bfigt to notify to the Masters aiid Coi:s- t1H flf Rrnk I- J II 1 y 3ci nw an otnrrs whom it ; " I- uTT' - S f.1 T frq"entinff the ports yrnhm 1 iMIimiit of his Consulate that by virtue an nci passen ourmg the Tate session of Par , ....n.r.u, rnuuTO vin Act to amend and consoii- r X it VFIMIB'w tnt' Mwhant Seamen . or the United Kingdom.' mMtrAr. o: tish ship, m his arrival at any foreign port where ted to deposit with; such Consul or Vice Consul ..M.u,ni, wuii m snip s.crcw, under a pnal . Z :fJWr nm?" P:1- PV lhR me Act iris al- p..jrn,-;a, .n no mastet shall discharge J ai of h.s crnw, Whether British subiect or foreien. at any port dr place abroad, without the ni any er. , wnrtl0Yin ritinof tlie Consul or VicACon.l us in re, wnosa duty it s mnde in summary wav to squire isito' the grounds of an y Sucb proposed discharge, by examination on oath, and there up. on .to grant, or re&ise sueh sanction according to hi ncuap , l.or is any Master to be at liber. y to lr.ivehind at any pce abroitd any porson, of his crew, under any: pretence whntsoeverun Iss upon a previous c.f rtifi.ate in writing, from tlie.rpnsu! or Viceorisnl thf-re, who is enjoined likewise to enquire j by examination on oath, into the circumstans, a.id to give or refuse such cer tifirMe arrowing to the result of such -exam .ination. And every .Master ofFending against wner ofjhese enactments, is to be demied gui'ty ... ....u,Vneanor, nd to sntfrr such punishment w,,r. 7r "Pr nmon or both, as the Court be- a j ir" .h" sh,tl1 h" cnn vio,ed shil1' nr mcef . 1 .u . hy lhe 8aid Art ' is furtr cnacr- e-1, that during the ay of a British ship at any . foreign port, no senmm shall be shipped by the Mter, except with the privily of th.'haul or vice Consul t hero,, to be endorsed or certified on the agreement, umler a penalty of - twenty-five . pounds, to be forfaited bv the Master for every eeimnn who shall be so shipped in breach of the said Act. ' ' ' (Signed) WAI OGILBY, Consul. ; i-" i -.. , -1 m-lttsh Vice Oonsiiltifp. ) : Wifminpton N..C. 18A iWl835 ' 'JIH.E Masters! and Consignees of Brit ish Venols1 in the Port of Wilmington an the Ports vjthin the Slate of Surf h Carolina are ; reouosted to regard the above notification, ns 6n'f to be pariirplarly attended to, as it may be rigo rously entorced. " , . ANTHONY ME I LAN, British VteetConmt. PROSPECTUS I OF THE Congressional Globe. The successor the experiment we have made to fur Misna mcM history of the pneofni of ml fTaimy today, with .ketehes of the Dl.ates7 hidS lh undrntinH to perievexe in their plan loextei d and r"- They have resolved that the r7m7rei,,nal Din I1.1 shJ?n ',,8', frninvan Appends, which Iff i V " th.t rao,5t "TPWtMU robjects, wrtfteH wit hv , we mem hem tlietnselvha " , H 1 "? ,fketchen of the Reporters iketchei.oftRrnorters "ous aBa P""W i nr woncref!S!oaI Ilsnen wo . : j V " """ ii, tor ine sessron. It mnv he ere, ai mie dollar for the noaamn i. m l ' w..., .,o, oc piioiiKnett for one dollar. mbM iTiat the next session ofConeress will weea fmjr and live hundred pajes, and will be pert pubneaftoo perhaps in the world. ; coniiiine near ; tsta. between theeheapert m. ' . . r -"""" n" nnriu.' eventful on Vhih h. oVcnrr VAr m3 "STl : n lU-Xiacmioa ot l-onreas urill nn.K.i- will certainly be rtnlete with interest SJtZLl' ave ffre.t lia'. " 'V.r W" 1 V 1 yiiiAm in- ues'inv ot Ihe Rermh. lie for renrs to corre. Immediately precdin?. as it 5 the next Prei(1rni inl -Win ii..,:lV . i TJa a! ",te onn,'n Prti-s tn the countrv. de"? snd abiding InttrtRta will attend the debates. The wioS urauia wm oe laiiamilT rih hit ln ti. rw GIote and the Aihendix. he Ai.h.i . ysrt:.nai 7 hve alrwtljr prttTtded for our reportinff wrnfi T l?52L.b.li5L " J" branch oflJonSs?5Sfi We have aln we expect to ohtiiin an adennnt Minr.; pss, and pnfof cana- I ur own WiSheaand the expectUona of the MrinS-l - .beifAenrT.i 0,,n'l wprtsrly, and be made r rmanenf, tuthenti, and therefore hichly riseful all SPL diL 1 U to their bcrlpUm the next ses- j ai. . r - J :. v . ) ' 1 . ;'' ;; ' TERMS. JSif5??iTJ TV1 ,f our ttiiortt shall be i?larWw5 aKPen' OE-chanp, List ! Iflved. Tt Pe-pjiag Bank will be, re ; the nuneu aenmpaHw it. or nnlo.- .! - fBLAIR fc RIVF.S . t Washucotoii Citv, Oct 14 1833. .v 45.5L;. . Insurance. ffTlHE HARTFORD FIRE IXSURAXCE Jl COMPAXYotmnroril Con. have appoint ted tb ubscriber their" Aent. and offW Te7 description of property, against loss or dam. ge by fire, ou the most favorable terms.' ' J , JHENRYR. SAVAGE Udrember, 1835, l - 4,ii 45 tf. lilegrqes; i V AYE wish to hire, for ihe W. I TOiOtf year. Stable 4odiea active Negro lows, at ine uowan steam saw i POTTER & PARSLr.Y : I :.. i " : 1Q BARRELS re6ne3. BARRY & RRYANT Not. 6. , .; - , . - - , 4. KT2Q0O lbs! aeon. L ASSITBit, maker, tor. salt Iv v R. BRADLEY. Oct a. N.E. Ruin 5Q BARKELS pure Bs .or Mate oy . v B ARR Y & BR YA Nt. Not 6i.K 44 tf. HENRY NUTT. J ; - -44-tf. .November Cthi The Subscriber BW.uV1'D nform the inhabiianisof Yilming- V ton and its vicinity, that he Inis" taken the a u rRceny 'cupied by F. & E. KIDDER, un uaiiu a gooa assortment of WEST INDIA GOODS, vurr(,D, ougar ttiui ivioirtsses. ; , Imperial; PoocJiong,.and Souchong TEAS , Double refined LOAF SUGAR. I Cog. Brandy : Siciv,-Madeira, Port, and Sher T VALVES; CORDIALS f fc. c! . ry crockery and ii lass Ware ; CVTLERYi n. m A 1 hoston Mess and IVJ. I Beef. ( Winchester's b. rnme ana iotl ForK. j October packed. 41 itw oujn;riur fllifio. I Boots, SIlogs, Hats. Dry t:- Goods, &,c. A 'nnd manv ntliA. nJl.t . . u. eery oiore, ,au ;ot, wnich will be sold kt fair ... s '. . . ' u prices. r--i : , BENJAMIN! ATKINS. Nov. 13.: 4.rVr-r. Salt - V, tn Doara tne brig 15 ru- jcui sure oy 1 ' A LAZARUS. 260 Casks x liuiiKlSlOWll L1M )K, br sale by WUGALL. Oct. 16. 41 tf. For Rent, ,u Jnsi0n iven immedatelv, the STORE & WARE-HOUSrSN adjoining Wm Lippitt to.,thi, ,.,;.u TT- " f 'Privileges, as la ely oc ed by W. O. Jeffrkvs. Inquire of i cupit Nov n r ; J DE ROSSET. v13' 1 45-tf. informs he)r friends and the PUbllf thr clio ,.,;u . YT5TE?S furnished, at the shortest ifi ' Vo , 11 w establishment. To Rent, AND possession eiven; immediately, that comfortable DWELLING, at tzaeui occupied by Mrs. fcjpicer. Apply to , ' . ELLEN P. IIALSEY. Nov. XX r.-i- 45 tf.' ' Livery Stables. THE subscriber; bavins purcha sed the large ' and splendid estab lishment, lately owned by Mr. H Brockett, can accommodate Horse Drovers- ,and others, in, anv Wav they may wish, j In the Stables, i.LL n. i' i . . : .i ' sianos unnaitered by tfte necK; there 13 ,arf-'e and convenient lot, with a well bf ifocfd water, and a pump therein. , . The subscriber solicits the patron ao;e of the pub lie i tr: , ' 1 r , 1 .. ... &Liicirti. iia iiuuse sianos opposite to tne( uiesvaira in me lormer he is ready to accom- mouate travellers, on the most reasonable kerms. w. ':. . V - WlLLKINGS yOV.13. .. v ;... 45-tf. Valuable Town Pro perty for sale. HTUIE SUBSCRIBER will offer fnr Lu 'JJ. Tuesdav. the second dan of Cony Courtrnext, ivn a credit of six mobths, ai the sue of the late XO. CAROLVfA STEAM rc-c, MIL.U. the SJlTEofsaid MILL and four adjoining LOTS; also a sett of CARr&NTFR's IW'U a SCtlOt tSLACKSiflTH Tnnt 1.1?.. gine and Boilers that belonged tasaid Mill, and a great ueai oi Ulia irom.- . L v W. H. BE ATT Y. 'Kov.13. . 45-5L CHANCE FOR A PRINTER. fnHR sK:eriKer iln.i J. - .11 ' . uvsiiuut m ucoun" nm ml JJL. tin aUention to other business rffVr ura uiuoiMiLl JDnntT n T. i.V I usnmeni, connected with thebmce ta ail the tenet .necessary lornnnuns th paper, and for do-.1 J? r t "y onered at a country an excellent 'One. ef Petcb . I tCnt W?PU WAe has a respec-1 table, and lnereasmv enwiitrfAt I ; , -. a aureni9-i uig patronage rafro?rio cwyitiy paper. in the Southern Statcsr To a PriMsnnaWar 'vV-i .i! at , . , ,. . r--i- i9uruiE ine 1 . duties of Editor. fand deVoting". part ofju. Hme purcnase tnav particuiart, by addressing the subscriber, postpaid. November V 1835. vl5-2j4rvi Il9l; I a m ik!H Domingo COFFEE,' BARRY & BRYANT. .-not. Information Wantoil CONCERNING Mr. John Avfbitt liWr T , a9 tuiiiuseu fo oe in f noes see: the second m.,u ' -. ., and ihft last in fttt 1 - - - " C5" I Adam. fonherWlAf W;1:T " :.r vvvirii. ai 11 ina p i - a " aAUWUKRS, esq. Post Nov. 13. 45 3l DE A R B ON1 S p A TEN T Balances. K AN ASSORTMENT of the above BAL ANCES and. Appa ratus, constpntly i on haud, from the Pro' prietor, and for saic by . BARRY & BRYANT.1 1833. c. January 7, $ 5 Reward, WILL be given for the delivery to me of an indented mulatto servani nml Rtttv. JAMIN C. BALDWIN, atd about 4 or .W.-, -who was stolen away from me by his mother cema Baldwin. She is supposed .tu-have taken him into Brunswick County. j JAMES GARRISON Nov. 6. '!'. AiAt . ' Information Wanted Concerning Mrs. ELIZABETH SPOQXt ER. sister of the, late Mi's. Ann Moork nf v iiiiuugwn, n. ks. wiuow 01 xvir. tiuiory JMoore deceased. If Mrs. SPO OXER should not be living, information of any of her Heirs will be thankfully received, who will hear of something to their advantage, on annlication at the Offirp '.The People's Press $ Wilmington Advertise?. oov. o, I j 44 13t. To Rent, FROM th first day of November 1835. to the 1st of October. l3fi that : comfortable D WELLIXG HO USE situate ori Princes Street. 1 nlA U .U.. :l J ' ' ' 1"" ujr uc auuari mer. i HENRY BATCFR ccrooer u. 4.f Fresh Fruit, &c. JUST RECEIVED, per srhr. Charles . laori, and schooner Olive; from Niw-York. . I 05 boxes fresh BUNCH RAISINS.! .ut null , ulj j qo QO 10 quarter do I do do I bbl. Madeira NUTS, 1 bbl. Currants. 1 do Filberts. 3 barrels Cranberries, in fine order. to halt bbls. Buckwheat. V 20 qr do ;' do 1' 50 lbs Sapsago Cheese., 12 Casks of American do - 3 Brls Butter Crackers, ' ' ' , ' 3 do Water do I 5 Boxes i?perm CASDLES, iu mis prime. runii, . 15 do. Mess do. I 10 half Brls family do. pickled, and Fresh, war 2 Brls Beef Tongues, smoked and Pickled. 12 half Brls No. 1. MACKEREL. 25 Brls: super. FLOUR. 12 half Barrels - do. , iwnieu stnina. 2 cases East India PRESER VRR. 2 do , West do j do . 2 cases GINGER, j ' One case PRUXES. 6 Baskets Champaign VIXEt comet and key ' wauu. 1 Box COCOA &q:i '" j and for sale by ! R. BRADLEY. 41 tf The Subscriber returns his .thanks Ui the inhabitantsof Wilmington and its vicinity, for past favors, and now wishes to inform them that 'he has recently returned from the North, wiih a full &gene- thing iri his line, consisting of r T - - u ritl , as.snMmsnt vf . Gentlemen's fine Calf-skin BOOTS & SHOES do do morocco Hoots. Piipips, of all descriptions. Jackson Shoes. White's do. Navy Ties. do do do do do do do do Also, iT.X.mmmm - m. Ha PriinrwIlB on-MvtM ! do k do with heels, do do : do Bolivarsr - do do ' Shelees. do . Seal-skin Shoetees. do Kid and Morocco Slippers. do ' Morocco Boots. I Also, Misses nrnnena'Slinner On , lnnvivi rlrt r. do rin .Vhoetee- do Seal traps., 1 pys pne Uait-skin liootccs, sewed. 00 oo 5 'do twt ' rA-A ffl soppily-of all kh, of cOili? .ctrriEe di..u.J ir 1 . .afii " v-"v t u umu, teainer and .vu. nW Finding. ar,Ti riir r". materi- ne aMV rtiJeK Jir nTiK t . ' - ! . wu wuiwiicu. ucin; select mi dealof earetotthiikit 75 Bags St. Notic e. - Hollas, as Guardian of John and Sar.h Green, are requested to settle ihem by the 1st of January uw-tts longer indulgence cannot be given. ! J. H. WATTE RS. ' Oct. 30. 43-Ot. Timber Wanted. WISH o contract for 250 Micks p.ic-i pine TIMBER, viz: 212 pieces 26 feel loug, ! 38 " 29 " do. Not less than 17 inches square, well butted, c!ear of splinter ?raws, well h, wed to show heart 2-3 of Uie way ou evtry side, from end to end. , ! P. K. DICKINSON. Nov 6. 44-tf. Jttan Away, FROMihesubs rrihr on .Jitn. day night, the 31st of October a mulatto slave named WILLIAM MOORE. He is a dusty looking mulatto, about 35 years of a-c 11 o iercJ, and sioap, m n dI.i t it" i watKu ii'umu siiouiuereo, and a,idS,uth Washington. All persons a f"n tn' h is well know slmpe whatever. IwilU veFJVr nnr r a ZI rewlTrd for his d.livr ZIE ueighborhood of Londeek.' Ue " L.ong veK, ISov. 6 444t- "pr. J P. Peters' .Vegetable Medicinet Stomachic ce tt 1 Htpatipa, A Sovere ver, &c of which abundant certificates have been given, and which can be attested by evidence in this section. ALSO ; DR.J. P. PETERS' Vegetable, Hepatic, or And-Bilious Pills, AN EXCELLENT MEDICINE. For ' sale by T. LORING, Agent. ' Office of the People's Press. $J 25 Reward. RUN AWAY FROM the Subscriber on the 25th May last, a mulatto fel low by the name of , . DICK, The said Dick is about 45 years of ae 6 feet hish. and has rrin. side ruble stammering in his speech. He is sup posed to be lurking about Rocky Point, or on the Sound. ' .- . . I will give a reward of. 25 Dollars for Lis ap prehension. SI3-FIFTY. DOLLARS REWARD will be gi?ea for uifxirmatin that shall convict any white person of harboring the said Negro DICK. - -T. CO WAN. June 17, 1835. 04. tjfsi Received. From Boston and For Sale by 5 BOXES Shaving SOAP, ' 20 (Jo Winchesters No. 1. ) in small boxes SOAP, ( for 10 do. do. o. 1. EXTRA, family use. 20 Bags St. DominSo COFFEE, 10 Boxes TEA, ' 4 thousand Spanish SEQARS. 70 Kegs NAILS, 5 Turct s Winter and Fall strained OIL, 5 Tons GRIND STONES, , ' 1 doz. qft. JERKINS." 1 doz, q't. ONIONS, . ' - , 1 doz. q't. P1COLILLV, 1 doz. 1-2 GTn. PEEPERS, , 1 doz. qt mixed PICKLES, ' J ' 2 doz. q't Pickled LOBSTERS, " . 1 doz q't. ANCHOVIES, , - I doz. JOHN BULLS, 1 doz. QUINS, Essence ANCHOVIES, ' ' WALNUT KETCHUP, ' TOMATO KETCHUP, - . -French OLIVES, MUSTARD. . j 4L60-7- X2M STOHI!, Casks White Wine VINEGAR. Boxes irrigated SOAP, (Hull &'Sons mat nu factory,) 1 1 Barrel R L. & Ai Stcart's Treble LOAF oUUAK, for extra occasions. 6 Barrels Double LOAF, . 10 do: Single LOAF. October 23. 42-tf Look Here ! t WISH to sell the HOUSES and Other J-rSS me P05908 ELIZABETH j t u nepi as a place of Public Entertainment. A ntr ftoi'rinlirtTi nf it.' . '4 -v.. uie pnipcny is needless, as it is pretty generally known, and no rwrrm r hivu. ing to buy, would be likely Id do so without first rcYiewingiue premises une peculiarity, how- V ' . uc ai an times apparent, is, that it has beeo fir years the place of rest and re- iresnraaii ror me moat respectabkejass of Tra vellers, and for which I bee leave tariffs iW, m grateft! aeknowlednents : and required ! than clean beds and good provisions for ..i., tu ensure - success in the call in. My principal reason for wishing to sell is. next to the want of money, thai I cannot hare suitable assistance in managing ihe business' and bavins ouaiai" t",Q wiucii vi fwuenng and directing about house affair, my attention is too much di- venea rrora my mercantile ccmctrns, which I am also desirous of bringing to a dose. - , EuziBETH Town ft, bdeariy indtftttedby the present state of the River on which it is situated, aiKjaurPuurvded as it is by fine streams of water suited for purposesof outehineTy, U destined to bc a place.of considerable importapce, and with a small capital em ploy i in. Trad much may be aone, and for whtch purposs there" are Houses' liradycnhertedwithheeaUihrnent -! gd BUILDING LOTS in the town, & Tfrl Thousand Acres of LAND, can be sold in corinexion with the above, nr'ntherwisai WW 0- DtrilUlUAIN. 40-tC AT THE SION OF THE LARGE HAT.' North Side of BXarketstreet HI p?o? receiTe frotn nor,h a larC "P HATS and CAPS; Also, a large assortment of BOOTS and SHOES. lit has in his assortment Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes ; Ladies" Bootees and Shoes ; Children? do do Umbrellas, Stocks, Collars, tfrc. $e. He will receive by nearly every packet fiom JNew York, an addition to bis Stock, wbirh' will always be kept complete, having an Amu imk.t city, to make rarrhases to the best advantage by which means he caa sell at moderate prices. ' pnees. Auust 14. 32 8dkx tj . " ! .mini rti it f J " f UUCC i TP1 ?bVriberha.i? at the Sepfr. Term . ol the Court oriVas wkJ Qnar- ( Cnu.y of New-Hanover. ob T 7, ,? nnni.tration on the est.te of estate shall nrment ik; claims wirhin the time prescribed by law, or they will U burred of recovery, and all persona indebv ed to said estate aro required to make iinmedUte paymtnL 1 ; JONH HILi; AdnCr. epiemter h, I tip. 33,1. JYbticc. H ANA WAY from Nathimel L Mitrh-.n, a Negro mafl named LEWIS, abi twenty oner two yearn of age, a HtUe yellow cntiple-4-ed, an ordinary size, and supposed to be lurking wui luiu inu oamion.4 &aid ncn-o he "H by marriaee. One hurulr? llnliarc u,;7i for said negro, to be lodged m any Jail in Uie State umi aaiu mill. l J WV nuu J NATHANIEL L. MITCHELL, By EDWARD W. MONTFORT. Onslow County, Sepu 23i'h, 1835. 38-tf. Dry Goods, Slibes, IlatdivreJ iron, sc vqnjecuounrjy , ; Just received and for sale by , - 11. .Bradley. . ; if5! ?30 Cas St' Domingo 'SFKXSH COFFEE; " ' I inUnPnU .1. I ,"ft II 1 1 . 11 r vuim uu. aiiu A suiqm "5 T .,2r5 JllTa put "P fr family use . y j jinus supcrio ikW Urleam MOLASSES prime article t 50 bundles prime Hav : . 10ehfTiSU o' E"s- R"mi.WiJs. and bbls. Jaaoaici 5eivtl,,'a!J,jr.? Jan'ca Whiskey' WINLS7M.derra, Siciry; Sherry, Charrtpsig Comet brand, Malaga, Old .Hock, and Scuppe, nong ; mostly m small casks, tosuiuustJoerg say 12 to 20 gallon kc w uh, pient candles, said to burn clearer and giv a better light than Sperm, and not to melt to any climate ; FLOUR in bbls. and half bbls. superior brand Irish Potatoes, real buck-eye ; , CHEESE-Old American, and Pin Apple : 20 kt-gs Gosln Butter, prim article, (rn Or ange County; ... JO half bl)If family Beef, smoked by the fire; " Dried Vemou ; smolu-d and pickled Salmon: .Nutmegs- Cloves ! Spins; 25 kegs Powder, end 50 bas Shot; x Bror.ms; Baker'a No. 1 Chocolate; . . TEAS of all kinds Imnerwil Gunnowiler. lm. penal Hyaon, Pnuchon-in 3 4 and 1-2 lb. pa- ana one ou iu. case of super Gunpowder, r.Att tl .art ,c,c to be had Nrw-Yoi k j PlCKLES-of all kind,, fn glass jar; Confectionary of all kinds; Poland Starch ; scented Soap. in boxes; East India Ginger In stone Jars; Canton Ginger, in glass jars, new a nire article ; I case West India Preserves; Currants; Citron. Uuava Jellv.in inra inH Raisins, in boxes and halves. ' SHOES of all kinds j TIN WARE well assorted; Bnia mounted Cedar Pail and Tubs. . 'HARDWARE'; Consisting in part, of GUNS, of various kinds .v- Brass Mortars ; AXES, short and lon.bitt, and. Macans Cast Steel; Broad Axes, Coopers Tools and Car penters' Tools, of every variety, . , Locks; Nails; Screws; Trace Chain oTsupe- rior quadity ; Otter Traps; I doz. Furnaces : and a few setts of Ivory balance handled Knives and Forks; a very fine or title. cnocnBnir. J .'. QfeTeryyftrH-ty; splendid Cut Glass and China Ware,; gilt and plain;1 Dcxnijofcoa, assorted , sizes, j t ; ! 1 5 TONE , WARE. 1 Jugs aad Butter Jars, with Tops, from 1-2 galloa to 4 gallons, aad a few Churns. Cart, Wagon and Chair Boxes;" Hollow Ware of every. varietjr. ' DHlf GOODS. Blue and Black. CLOTHS,, ':, . ! " Invisible Green do. , Violet t do. ;: Blue and Black Saainets, (Some extra.) Grey, Brown and Dark mixed do. Low price i?atiMif raaitrkalM . Black do. " . ; Linseys; FlssnelsJ.' ' Duffle Blanket; Rose da. ' "J Silk Hdkfs; Linen ; Cotton Hdkfa; , , . A large and Handsome assortment o( Calfcoet : " Rib'd wors d Drawers, d. Jurts,l of a uperioV Manno dy - . . do, . ' J 7' qoaUry. " Shirtings Brown and Bleached '? Cambrics, Cantou Flannel, Ae, -; ". . . , A fine assortment of STOCKS cf the Cnest qW Qcr t-l-ltf. GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE T aaGenera! Assembly of North Carolina; - The duty of addressing ihe represent rauiiur ptpif, convt-nHl to consult for the common good of thrir constituents. nas on no previous occasion been to roe the source of so great anxiety and per plexiiy a$ tbe preMfnL This embarrass mem arises no less from the peculiar si- tuation of our affairs, than from the men- . sure m progress to amend the Constitu tion of the State. j It will be some days before rt can be ascertained whether the oeir Constitute baa berp adopted or rejected. If it hat been adopted, a material change in the basis of repreeetjuuon constitutes ono of uamoa prominent provisions. This expression of the public will, made in the tnort imprv ng form known to our tostituUon?, will prebably hare a decided influence upoir your proceedings. You will not. .with out hesitation, venture opon any ladical change in the system of policy hitherto pursued, if it shall be ascertained thst the people have transferred ihe Jcglslatir. pow of the jBute to a Department whicii ' will be ccflsutnted .npoQ.prxnctpIa diflVr. jng ewentiallrfrom those which tr'fri lo the formation of your.'.bodf; Whaler vermay be jheconciusipa! which n rnay arnre on thu Subject. there. teem to be no rcusoo which Jihoold rer.ra.irjjhe ExcutiveJpaninetJtJnaV.citticmt; ry exprest'oa; ofoptnioTr uponUbe tae important iopict tyhtcha ?a?a miMi- temion.-- ; , ' , ; -, . State, the patt year, has been a mton ot raore than ordmiry , prospeTkv Th prodoction of articles necertaryAo the sns- " tenance of human lile. baa been abandant rand our great agricpltural ttarft bag ' ' commanded a higher price than has been ' r -known for many jara. Our chiwuf. & . Jv w.iys diuinguished for. prudVnce and. ' ' " couomy in the v management of, tbeifr dci . mesne atTairs, aided by the fohtiDite eir cumstancfS referred to..ar t t ' t probably less involved w.pecnoUrv difa caltiea, than at any p re riousj period o our history. NolHithsUi.d.nVihtse cl-ar evideucea ofthecomrarativyprrout condition of Uieeommurjtty.. ih'e tul ot emigration continues to flovrrva copioin and sttadv current tn ihp d,at' i -lerritonea of.the West, and r .,;,. constantly losing many ol our mrt w.aK toy, enterprizinxaud irueUisrent citirena; I Z ''-'P"3'"? lat Ilk'jiniirTsal nd laudable d.spostuoo itrikinjriy character istic of the Amerkao people to acauirea. perruanent intereu, in -the.. soil, should prumpt remorais irom aos old and dense ly populated-couulrr; to snafstr iil regions ivhere good lands may te acquiv ted afW pricet That the causea nave in many instances produced emigra tion from this State, is admitted: but tvq deprive ourselves, if u tnn it,.. is to be attributed to tht m alone, la eeju-ral salubriiy. variety of cliraate and co.isrqut-rit variety of productions, av.r age fertility ofaoiand wide extent of sea CQasUorth Carolina is acircely exceeded by any oJ her sister States Other can ses. therefore, than natural ttfadranta?c, have m.a greater or less, decree afTerte4 the irrowth and nrarrU kr.ki c... fIrryJ5 ,ght "'"oce with-the facts, will suffice to shew that a lar nMMf. lion of the citizens who b- Irom our borders within tK - - . ..... iaf,iru ff4r3 have contributed to augment ih- rJ,U. tion and resources of Suttea more denselr peopled than our . own. Wiih ri then to the latter class, and tn ihn,. u hn are liable to be influenced by similar con siderations hereafter, it becomes impor tant to inquire, what causes have produ ced the evil, in order that you rnav ascer tain whether a remedv ran . i ivithm the legitimate range of your pow- Wht en we consider that ... - single collegiate institution in the Sute but few respectable academies,1 and that' no adequate provision b kn .1 luuse eren the plmt.tn. -m education amonc the poor; thar-ih.r- ;. not a single work of Internal fraprote--ment in progress, and no fund ihat serves the name provided for the1 future detelopement of mir resource!; it ceases to be matter of. aurprise that) even our younger sutera, mani6cerrtly pros ided for in all these respects by the bounty of the UeneraJ Governmeot, sbouja outstrip u id the generous contest for physical and intellectual improvement It but natu- rai tn.it under such circumstances the joung. me ardent and: the enterpminrf among our own citizens, should sever the ties that bind them to their native boraea. j , utc ana Distinction OD- uer neuer auspicts. It atforda me no' pleasure to present this picture of our con ditioa. It would indeed be the source ot extreme mortification if I reoarr! .V... proceeding exclusively from our own au pinenrsa and neglect That we bav.t done Jen than we rm?ht n4 - Hj have done for the accomplishment of certain; but that oar exertion. hir constantly rcurded by the rystera of Fed.? eral legisbtion adopted wha regard to ua. is not less manifesto . '" , ' This entire subjert was' so fully diseusi; : sed in my last annual message tho shall content myself with a mere rfferefrtaV to that paper, rather tkyo: an VxterJr j ,j consideration of rt iq lMs.v-.lt was' t bra-- attempted to be sicwn; ih grtinj-i