' 1 -. k Published by Thomas Lorinz. 2 JYOT.V Urilmintotit N6rtli CaroUncu no. a r FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1836. VOL. ll 1 i !': ' : . -.r, : . ; : - -- : - , ' : . ' 1 ' , . - . - ' ' ; . ; ... .! : ' v ! I . - ' : . : i - i i , j . j PUBLISHED E VERY FRIDA Y MORNING. ' ' - ! ,. TSXISIO. Thbce Dollars rr.u axsvh, ik advance. , ADTBUTIS3I1IIT8 . ?ot ezceeding a Kuiiro injcnedm OXC DOLLAR t!iefinVaalTVNiV-riVL L'CNTif tut each ubse. No Subscribers taken ftr less limn rtno year; And all who hermit their subscription to run over a year, without giving notice, nre considered bound fur the sccondfycur, und so on fur ull suc ceeding years.; - paper discontinue until nil arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the Kditor. Yearly advlortitra, u li will u'cc to pay S10 per T&ir, will be alio txl 30 per cent, discount,)!) nil over that sum, and that sum iiwludfl, so us not to reduce their . yearly bill Im-Uw $19. rxT-OFI'lCR on tli outh side ol Market Street, be- NOTICE. TIIE Subscriber bcinr'anx- , tous to be einpioy ed, is will in Aecounu, posting Oookx, collecting .'or cIoKin? Accounts, draw ing up Instruments of Writing of all kinds. lie has taken an Oflicc, 2d door nliovc the BANK OP QAPE-FEAR. wImc he wiil grate fully receive and attend to all applications, upon) moderate tcruis. ' . I L, H. MAIHSTELLER. I Wilmington, run. 15, 183C. 2 3t. HE A L ESTATE. JJMBUACE this method of informing their friends in eencral, that they have open ed at MOORE'S CREEK BRIDGE, a well selected, us-sortmeut of . i Dry Goods Sc Groceries: . HARDWARE & CUTLERY; and well as sorted LiaUORS'; all of w hich they will sell on rnodera'.e terms. , Jan 15. y tf. Satin cater Bonnets. yl FRESH supply of this new & splen- did article, pist received per schr. Vindicator, and for sale' by . HENRY NUTT. Dec. 15.. . : , j :2 2t.. Just Received, 1J) BA11UELS and Tierces Judd's Winter LAMP OIL. CANDLES, 6's and Vs. ! 70 bags icen Cuba ) ! . M80 bas St. D .uiingo J COrPEIL" ,25 bugs Porto Ric ): lNrt Rico SUG A R, barrels and Hhds. FLOUR, in va.i. v. 10 hhds. LEAF TOBACCO. . : For sale by 11. V. BROWN, & SON. Jan. (J. 1835. j l-3 vv p. Information Wanted ilffiSSSSS iploNCKRsisG MrsiELIZABETnsPOOS, The Thaxtor BoT.The writer has w ' sUv ?lSl!SrfMr5of been indebted to hi friends for many of Wunmiirton. r. L. widow of Air. Hulory Aloore- . - ... . . , , , . deceased: If Mrs. SPOOSER should not be the ."Incidents', which he has gi?en to living, information of -any of er Heirs will be the public ; and among those which have .i i.r.. it.. ..,1,. n . u : , . . n i . . 1 e uuiiiAiiuiy icwiiui, w wm mm ui Buuivuuug Deen in us Kindly iiiriiisnea mm lstneioi l.&l at lUe 0ffice of lowing. It cannot fail to interest the read- er on more accounts than one. To see a boy, just able to wield the rifle, engaged in the de&nce j of his country during the American Revolution ; was no uncommon occurrence. But it was a most extraordina ry circumstance to find one not yet arriv ed at the age of maturity, fighting on the the VVilminston Adcerliser. Nov. 6. 1835. l-c4t. The I Subscribers fin AVE entered into a co-partnership under JJLJU. the firm of POTTER & PARSLEY, for the transaction of Commission and other business. Having purchased from P. K. Dickinson, Esq. his interest in the COWAN S. S. MILL, sid nf lihUrtv ! when his narpnt and all of his relations were zealous and active partizans on" the opposite side. -i . 1 mey are prepare", to receive ana execute or ders for Lumber, and having on hand a large stock of - 1 Yrildw add Pitch Pint Timber, they-will be able to fill ordcrs for Lumber of any dsscription. j l GILBERT POTtER. 0. G. PARSLEY. IXcfcr to i Gem. E. B. Dudley, Aaron Lazarur, Esq, lVm. Dongall, Esq. . : P. K. Dickinson, Esq. . t April 1,1835.! . 1-c-t 1 WILL sell at Public Auctioii', under the Court House, on (Saturday the 30di of January, iust. the lhwinff property belonging to ihu Estate of Richard Brutlkif, deceased. lsL GOO Acres of Cypress timbered Land. on the Island lying. betworo theXoi-Ui-wcst anl Black Rivers, ' believed, to contain um imioh kUnile tim ber, and of us good qualHry ' at any other body of . land of equal sze on the river. 1 r 2d. The WjrlARP iwnhc West sid 0 of the Ri er, nearly opposite the Custom House, running 133. feet on the) river, and containing 4 1-2 acres. V is to tbeaouth of and adjouuug the wharf of Mr.Savnga. j: . 3d. The LOT on Front Street at the corner of Hcudcrson's Alley, with brick walls siunding, of !iasy repair; formerly occupied by D Cu.uix. 4lh. The LOT ont'!w corner Dock ami .2d , streets, 40 by 06 feet, formerly lUc residence of Oen. Smith..; . ' ' 5lh The 3 LOTS on the south of Dock-street adjoining Docl. Harris on the west. . Tin 4 last described Lots arc certainly -a eligible situalitxis firj he, erect ion of private Rtdences us arc to by found in- the Town. j . Ctk.-Tho LOT onrthe Methodist Hill, opposite" (ho MMtiug House, .extending from Front street tthe River, and cmbracitig Jack Moore's sav-jiC is improved with several sioull dwellings. " v Also LOTjNo. 17 on Mubi'rry-strcct mnnins: fonPi-cnt-6tvcctio the River, 06 feci "wide by fwl in lengiK including Dr. F. J. Hill's, tim!er pen, and m of tlia most desirable sil4 for a Uir or lurentino yard in the town. f JOHN HILL, Ex'r. 'Jan. 15, 1835. - 2 3t. j Jan.lft. For 8ale, A H6,USE & LOT xppo?ite the residence of Gcrt. E. B. Dudley's. Also, a large lot of SHIP TIMBER. Apply 10 . 1 .. JAMES T. MILLER or JOHN S. JAMES. Assignees of J. K. McILHENNY. 1 tf Gig for sale. fTTlHE subscriber oflti rs fbr sale, on nccommo JLL dating tei ins, a GIG, nearly new and lately painted. W. J. POITEVENT. Jan. I, ISnC. l-c-tf. ,-, i,- ,i r, , 1 1 1 i' - - -""" Fire Insurance. fin HE HARTFORD FIRE lysURAXCE JL COMPAQ Y of Hartford Con. have appoin ted the subscriber-! heir Agent, and offer to insure every description gi property, against loss or uam 'uge by lire, on' the most favorable terms. HENRY R. SAVAGE. The Subscriber I WOULD inform the inhabitants of Wilming ton and its vicinity, that her has taken the Store recently occupied by F. & E. KIDDER, and has on hand a good assortment of , 1 Viz. C OFFEE,1 Sugar and Molasses. Imperial, Pouchong, and Souchong lLAo. Doublcicfined LOAF SUGAR Coir-Bnnidy : Sicily. Madeira, Port, and Sher ry WJJi&Ss UUlCIJJALtZi ; ?c. y-c. Cffickery and Glass Ware ; CUTLERY Jioston Atess ana ino. 4 ceet. wincnesicr s d. ..3 o-k rL Prime nnd No. 1 Pork., (October packed. .. ucu ... .jmuus yrs- . tnct. ah me meeungs 01 me j ones in It may wkh truth be said, that hun dreds and thousands took sides during the American Revolution from accident "or interest; whilst it i3 not to be denied, that the great mass of the people were actuated by principle in their resistance to tyranny and oppression. But it would seem that Jordan Montjoy espoused I the cause o: his country .in tne same manner that Sir John FalstafF alleged lo have known Prince Hal, in his encounter with the robbers. It was not reason or reflection, which taught him that right and justice were on the side he took,! for he was tool younp; to reason or have re flection on the -matter. ; Nor was he gov erned in his choice by jnterest for this wouid have prompted nim to have taken must then have known by.instinrt that lib erty was the true and lawful inheritance of his countrymen, and that duty required him to forsake father and mother, and cleave unto it with the ajrdent and insatia ble feeling of love. The pti rents of Jordan Montjoy were tories of the deepest dye, nnd their housfe Was a place of common rendezvous for the Novemljcr, 1835, l-c-tf. Fury ATE BoaVdins School, For Young Ladles, at Kelvin, NcarPITTSBOROUGJI. j fjnillS Institution, long known ns Mrs. En P wakO Jonks' Scuckii., will hereafter be etn duclcd u:idei) the ' joint superintendence and in struct inn of Miss dAtrMlc C Jom:s, and Mr. W. K. Itardin,.- The BeXl sesstbh will eonnnence on the first Monday in February next,., and continue untiltin middle of . July, including a short vaca tion, (when tho second tt'essiou of die year 1K1G will continence ; which av ill terminate on the 12th of Dec.eniler. A conip.:tent Assistant -will be em- p'.oyel,- if ne:essary. It is in contemplation to enlarge the accommodations foj tlis Scliooj, nnd before the bejjjinnin of lh next session, it is ex toectrd ! that everv School-ruum convenience for ' each Young Lady will have been provided. As it deicnnined tp preserve th private cha-1 racier of the School, the Pupils will board in the families of thjo Teachers ;. exception's to this t ula -will only "be made to meet peculiar circumstances and Um special wishes of fiicud and relations.: TER;MS- Board, (inelodin.cytry necessary) Tuition, Stationary, and the use of Schobl Hooks, J "5 per session. ' ' '. . Music and Drawing will form separate charges. , Bdnks and Stationary will be fiunished, to the dny Scholarsj who, reside in the Village and Vicin ity and those who may board in other families, at , nioOcrata prices,- ' I W. H. HARDIN. Near Pirtsbnroogh, Dec. 20, 1835. 2 - 3t. Liist of Letters, 1T EM AINING in the Post Office at Wthmng- JJLti ton, r. C. on the 1st d;iy of Jannary 1836, which if not taken out'' before the 1st da v .of April next, will be sent on us dead letters to the General Post Office., Those whose names appear on this list are icquosted, when they call, to inquire itor uuvcrtiscu letters. Lowry W. Aloni.2: Avery & Malette, A. A vines. 2; W. J: xVudrews, John Alexander, David Anuorson. , Jatnes I. Bos worth, 2: John Bunting, II. & D. Budsey,.Ldia Brider, Win. S. Brown, Mrs. Ann D. Bats', Mrs. Ann M. Belts. Wm. Brans enmb, Miss Sarah M. E. Blanks', Mrs- Mary Blanks, Joseph Brown, apt. Brown, Miss Mary LJray, AJfs. tninia thrown. - , , Miss Mary Costin, Hiram Clark, Fred. Curtis, Huh , j. . CosUn, Mrs. Coxctcr, T hos. F: Caps. EzeUiel Chadwick, 2; Isaac Caison, Miss Eliza June Chaise, John Corbett, Andrew Jackson Clifton, 2 ; John Cumalt, Asa Curtis, Robert Cas well, Jacob Chapman. . r A few superior I HA3IS. Boots, Shoes, Hats. Dry Goods. &c. and many o'her articles, usually found in a Gro cery Store, all ! of which wilt be sold at lair prices. ! " BENJAMIN ATKINS. Nov. 13. j l-c-tf- I $ 50 Reward. RUN AWAY FROM the Subscriber on the 25th May last, a mulatto fel low by the name of that part of the country were held there, and .their schemes and plans of murder and devastation ' were there formed and concoctea. , io wnis ever visitea tne house through social intercourse, or deem ed it prudent so to do. under any circum stances, unless with -a strong escort Jordan associated with none but the friends of bis father, and seldom saw any. of those who were ; opposed to him ; yet he felt a secret partiality for those whom. he knew not, and whoso principles hi never heard mentioned except with execration! He was thought by his friends t be too young The said Bdt4s--irbinut 45 years j to be of service to them, md was there of age (rfeet high, and has acon- I fnr cnfTrpd tr remain nt lnm in nonrt. siderable stammeiing in his'speech. He is sup- j 1 ni i , 1 i t 1 n . ..I rj e x - hesitation. Jordan, complied with the old ! lady's request, took his pistols, mounted ner horse, aod rod: to the creek. Whilst the horse was drinking, he discovered an Indian slipping from the bushes on the bank nearest tne fort, and before he could wheel, the savage had his bridle rems in his grasp. With the quickness of thought Jordan drew ' hia pistol and lodged the contents of it in the bosom of his assailant Such boldness und pres ence of mind, such perfect command of himself, under circumstances so well cal culated to try the nerve of a lad, acquired for him, very deservedly, a high character amon? his associates in arms. Many other incidents, similar to the above, might be related, it is said, of this youthful hero of the revolution. He is yet living in Spartanburgh District, bat very infirm from the exposure and suffer ings of the revolution, which have brought on a premature weakness of body and mind. FROM TH 83TON MOftXINO POST. A SCENE OP THRILLING INTEREST. Police Office. Misery is well akin to guilt," is the maxim of an American poet; the truth of which philosophy and experience unite in confirming; nor are its unhappy effects merely confined lothe guilty agent as a-most distressing exam ple, exhibited in court yesteiday, will il lustrate. A short-tirne since, a lad named David B Bragg, offered some second hand books KM fcaiC 4t tUC aiulum lwW o. . Cornlnll, kept by Mr. Burn ham, where they were recognized as being books sto len from Mr. S. G. Drake's store, nexl door. The boy was ol course arrested, and implicated two other lad? as bjs con federatesDaniel O'Brien and Michael O'Brienbrothers the former twelve, the latter nine years of age. The boy Bragg was ordered to recognize for his appearance' in the municipal court in the sum of 8120, and warrant issued against, the O'Briens, who were brought up yes terday, and having confessed their privity to the theft, were also reauired to He boy, who also stood id similar auittrfi opposite. A consubla bow attached his weight to the boy's rear, mod after pallirji? and hauling some seconds, M split the dif ference" between tho mother, and ton, drawing with him the cloak, and tht mo ther, falling prostrate on the floor, by lire force of gravitation. She fell her whole length; and heavily, and appeared to fed somewhat stunned by the fall, ami before she could rise her bzt boy was consigned to his cell. Perceiving thst her desperate Btruggfe had been unavailing, she tmdemrored ta regain her cofnposare, and idjnst net dress ;' but her agony was too harrowing to exist without some external note, nod though speechless and unobservant of the place and. its functionaries, she comraeti ced clapping. her bands in the wry cxas- . Deration ofaespair. - Twice did the cr der to leave the' court fa!lrf unheeding! upon her ear, but the third summons she obeyed, and as all present supposed, left . the premises. But five minutes after she was discovered, lying senseless, just be yond the door, sod upon being moved, she fell into convulsions, with loam and blood gushing out of ber month. As soon as a carriage could be obtained she was removed, in some degree retired and pacified. By this time, the excitement and crrri osity-occasioned by the singular .crntesC which had taken place had -in .tome de- . gree subsided, anfl the spectator had UU v aur.e to reflect upon the nnotWrable an guish he had witnesst-d. li wa an ex hiWiion of human ftdingcl a mother's affection blind, perhaps; ignorant cer tainly but yet as human and natural; as it was deep and dark. ;When, eihsusted with the array's toil, and intensity owoe, she reclined against the carriage, pale as death, it was ixnpoesiblc to relrain from inrjuiring - - "1 it Heaven's will To try the fu5 it kiadiod for a day AV'ith infinite ngonj 1 - " posed to be lurking about. Rocky Point, or on bound, or in Unslow. I will give a reward of 50 Dollars for his ap prehension, i j D3- 100 DOLLARS REWARD will be given for" information shall convict any white person of harboring the said Negro DICK. D3-the said DICK is OUTLAWED. T. cowan: June 17. 1835. j l-c-tf AT THE SIOS OF THE LAROE HAT. II. Davis. D. E. North Side of Anti-Dyspeptic Pills, FOR 8AL3.AT THE'OFFICE OF THE AVILMUIOTON ADVEIITISKR, Prtc 00 Cents pr ttox. THE Aii-Pyfjtej.tic Pills have been success fully employed in almost every variety of func tional disorder of the Stomach, Bowels, Liver and Spleen; such as heart-burn, acid eructations nau ;. sea, head-ache, pain and distension of the StMin ; stch and Bawcls, Colic, Jaundio, llatuleice, ha- .bitual costiveness, loss ofnppclttc, sick head-ache, dc. '&e. They are a sae an J comfortable Apc rint ibr Females daring pregnancy and 'subse quent confinement relieving sickness at the sto Inach, head-ache, heart buni,aid many of the in cident nervous affections. Literary wen, stu dents.' and most other ersonsof sedentary habits Hn'dthani very convanieht' Tliose wh indulge too Creel v in tha pleasures of the Table find spce ' Of relief from die sense -of oppression and disten sion which follow, by taking the 'Pills. Those wlib axa drfnkihg mineral waters, and particular ly those Croni Southern climates and airue &nd fe ver districts, will End them a valuable adjunct Those who are exposed to the vicissitudes of wen-' : fher en voyages or journeys, can lake them at all Urnea wiuit per tcci saiciy. i ney seldom -or nu v 'er produce- sicknese at the sto'much or trrinin. 1 The character of Dr. Beckwiih asanhvsician and as a man of istegrity ,is a sutEcient introduce tion of these pills to the notice of the public. But theix excellency in those diseases for which they are recommenuea py nun, are wen attested. A ' moo? the persons who have given certificates o fheit eficecy. are geutlenien, well known in this Si.t Tat DTobitr and intellirencevlriz: Gov. Ir. dfU. Capt Cuion, Dt. McPktettri, Uev. a. W. Vena,' Hev. U T. Btakt WtUon R. Gales,. Esq. IV, S. Mhv, Esq. . V. niU, Esq. SeeK-ja- ry or titaic, j ou-o hmsi , .sr. iszicrcnx, tsq, of Raleigh ; lacnara. aim m. -of Tarhoro' luclr Patter, of Fayettevflle; Dr. EliiuX Crsb of Duplin w; Dr. RMrl C. XKnk'Jt' of Halifax; Many in Wilmington and vicinity ure ready lo . Garney EUiSi Mingo Eajrlc, Brice Ellis : ' f. Jaiflcs Fiitterton, Revd. Geo.' Fennel. James Flim, James Farrow, David. K. Futch, Revd. Win. J.J? iiiulcy. 9 t '- ' ' O. .' J'osiah Gladding. 1? Mrs Catherine Harris, John T. Hewett, R: S llalsey, Feter Hannah, 3; Wni. Huntjngton, Win. 1 lody kins, Melius . Holmes, Hermou S. Hotchkiss.; , ' ; - ' T .' - ' ' ' .- 1 . - - Alexander C Joy,, H. E: Jcnks, Miss Sarah Johnson, 1 hos. J. Johnson. . Isaac Lincoln. 2 : Johnathnn Lumell; ir. 2"; James Lombord, v ; John Lcddcn, Thomas D. LillU field, llaugh Larry. Samoel Mason Jr., Cant-TVleVins, Tustram G. Mitchcl, Joseph Messcck, John Murray,' Ross Morse, John McKithcn, 3; Alfred Moore, Sa muel Milchel, Mrs.."' Lucretia McKittrick, Joseph AUlls, scar. , , . - N. .; Mrs. Lcnora Norman, Robert NcaL ' "': . ' V: o. ',. .'. Wtutcr L. Oty. 2 : Wm. IL Onnie. CapL Owen, y . . .. ' John Patrick.' Soniuel P. Park :$: ThosI C Peart,' Thoa. S. Pickett, James Pellaway, John V Pratt, .2; Miss Prudence Potter, Andrew Poor. ; - ' '; . 'v" Mrs. Martha: ALJpiccr, Samuel A. -Silsby, Xohn Sartly, F. Spiccr, Edward Shchi, David Saplca. v-r. v " .1- - X .'--,.i .. "-. ' 'r- ! T. v i :' - Mariah Toomer, George A. Tjsdale, George W. g ibbets, tsenjamtn ller. r Rolaid Yarmua, Joseph Vanntui. . Winw William. 2 James -Williams, John Wolston, Stephen D. Wallace Mis Edith Wal ton. 2; Joseph WardwclL William Wttman. 2: Hardy. Weeks, Wni. B. Wort ma n, Mrs.. Henry WorUnan, gtephen Williams, George D Woos- ' T Those who owe for postage for the quar ter eliding yesterday; are requested to calf at the Post QSbcc and pay. without further delay or notice v ' . - '.- 1 ( '--' - - m - m-w " a. m m mm a imbu Market street prising, and daring partizans ofwhom the in thejr hearts, and. that they well knew, whigs could boast. He was always se- and again compelled a jetreaf by the mere lected to reconnoitre and snv out the move- power of their yells. It wa3 now evident ments of the! tories. In one of these d-1 that the prisoners must be pt-rmilted lo co ; mav rmn them. If Mr. Dummrft LaJ addiXonenT hVskP2h will wniurea! near his father's house, he met at large, the process of the law nullified j had tlie (brethoojsht f Andersoa'arivrf. cornnlete, having an A gent inthat n company, of the Torie under a noted by screechifieation, or violence and main ( the wretches oold'bot have thfseaassif 1 .1. S m. .1 a I!m 1 1 .1 . 1 I . . B' ' I - 1 a jU 1 1 .1 mm9 A I ITJTAS just received from the north a large sup lnl ply of i HATS aiid CAPS; Also, a large assortment of , BOOTS and SHOES. He has in his assortment GenilemtVLi Boots awl Shoes ; '- Ladies ' Bootees and Shoes ; Child r en? bi do do. Umbrellas, Slocks, Collars, 4C- He will receive by nearly every packet fiom JNew York, an always be kept city, to make purchases to the best advantage, by wnich means ne can sett at moderate prices. August 14. l-cr3mo. Fresh Fruit, &c. JUST RECEIVED, per schr. Charles E. Thorn, and schooner Oltce,fron N tie-York. OK boxes fresh BUNCH RAISINS. h-lt" A , Hrt tin 10 quarter . ' di do . do I bbt. Madeira .iuio, 1 doi. currants. 1 do Filberts. f - . 3 barrels Cranberries, in fine order. . It) half bbls. Buckwheat. , 20 qr. do 00 a01U,Sap6ago Cheese. j 12 Casks of American do t. 3 Brls Butter Crackers, 3, do Water do - , 5 Boxes Sperm CAXDLES, , IQ Brls prime PORK, 15 do. Mess do. zBiU SawLed BEEF. 10 half Brls family do. pickled, and Fresh, snr- ranted soma 2 Brls Beef Tongues, smoked and Pkklcd 12 half Brls Nov I. MACKEREL. 25 Brls. super. ; FLOUR. "... 12 half Barrels on.. . . w - ! w-k rw sr w ww e? m s 2 cases bast inaia riic&iuti yabl 2 do WesC db do 1 2 cases GINGER, One ease PIZUSBS. 6 Baskets Champaign comet and key . brand. ' 1 iUox COCOA'&c however, Vere not concealed froth him. and he had free aecess to ill of their de liberations and meetings. It was during one of those meetings of the 'bloody scout," th u he tecome cogniz ant of a deep laid scheme x surprise and capture a company of- "lilerty men," un der the command of CapC Thomas Far row, of Laurens District. No sooner had he Ireard of jail their arrdng'ements than he mounted a fleet horse, ind put oft post haste to inform the whigs If their danger and contemplated destruction. Capt. Far row immediately determined to take ad vantage of the timely warning, and sup prise the tories by an afack that night. This he did successfully, and thereby turned tine scales against the 'bloody scout,'' to' the terror and confusion of their friends in. the neighborhood. This trai torous act; of young Mohtioy became known to the h tories.-and they threatened his . death on sight In "consequence of their threats, and. the high displeasure of nis parents ana relations, tie naa to -leave home forever and take up his abode in the American camp. He became in a very snort time one of tho most active, enter 1 1 I., - . Donas ; ana oraerea to oe comroitleU to jail for the want thereof The mother of the two brothers, a widow, was nresenL but did not utter a syllable till the exami nation was concluded and the result an nounced; when she arose from her seat and asked what they were going to do wun ner Doys. "-They must zo to iailf unless thev can be balled," replied ihree or four voicvs. My children shall not go to jail they are innocent," she answered " That must be for a jury to determine," ' was all the notice her remark elicited. She then moved in the direction of her boys, and siid 4 If you take them to jail, yon shad take me with them?' DoVt eo to ma king a fuss about it ; 'they will be taken care of," said the officer, interposing to prevent her approach to them, but she glided by his side, and folding her cloak around her boys,, stood literally like the hen gathering her brood under her wings. Apprehending a conflict, yet unwilling fc resort in the first instance to physical force, the officers essayed the art of per suasion, but were unable to prevail over her prejudices by the 'beatitudes of the prison they so pathetically pou rt rayed. The more they argued -tne more she wouln'ht be convinced: and the loader they called upon the boys to quit her, the more firmly they clung "to her waist, till k became apparent they could not be remov ed without a scuffle. "' ' : . The officer raid hands pn one of them bat was actually driven from bis ground by the screeches of the -boys, and the shrieks of the mother, ' Two officers then advanced toward them with words of hon ey on their lips, but with bars and bolts ..... . . . ... ; January,,!. 1836 8,C0.;!-?t. S 1 . . . I- ., 1 1 j ? n leader bv the name of Urav. t With the strenetn oecaneainio action, a nerce speeti ofan arrow he dashed by Gray, struggle now took place. With the ten fired his pistol in his face, and made his acfty of a tiger, the mother grasped the escape in safety. i boys, and they fastened upon her like For some-time, during the latter part young wild cats, and the whole three sent of the revolution, young Montjoy belong- op a mingled how! of horrible distres. ea to an American gammon 'on thclron-j that was trniy appaning. oeverai times tfers of Georgia. On one occasion, whilst! the hands of the officers were upon the there le volunteered logo with a small boys, but she as oiien wrenchea tnem detachment in pursuit of some Indians back" again. Now facing to the right, who tad been stealing horses in the neigh- and then to the left, she kept them at bay, borhood. The detachment was under the till, by the velocity of one of her evola- command of a lieutenant who did notfex- tioos, she untortanately flun the younger ercise that precaution-which Js absoloiely lad, that dung to her back, aside upon the , Smyrna men,'nndr DomtnKt) airrosnrtiaff . necessary lor safety in a ptirEurl of lodi- floor. Ueing mns aetacoea ixom nis j u 35, are aUUonetf at James .1 uiiaraa ans. 1 detachmt were' nrnriU frantic" defender.-, be. fell an easy prey to . Munza. - r ' and all killed excent Montioy and one his enemy, and was instantly led oft K ,t what a sitaatioo this town is U nf0T solely Nor. . le-tf. crossing the ti vrr, for what boats he driver) conld not bring away he t?ol3 pieces. -Their pmimce and perseyrrazi were remarks We. They hroeght s fitV . rite' boat up to the fliul-ovrr, aadthri took her up on thm shoulders, w'nh twt of the women in her; and brought all '7 miles over land. ' Their exrnio&s ta tzta Eroperty has been very snrprcirrasd -ave been accompanied by marks rr aTete tionate attachment, perer 10 be tofgesca. Major Putnam had taken a posiuoa at Ba low's. - Solano' troop (in which are tho other. until . 'Montjoy did not leafe th? ground She .had now bat one to protect, and with j crowded with tvomi and he had fired his rifle and two pistols, indomitable strength, agiUfty; and courage i negroes with 60 or 70 old children,-arid mm and boys and seen all his comrades, save one. fall she maintained ner resistance and dispo-i to protect it' - There must be most shame- by bis side. He escaped nnhttft, but had ted every incn, uueny rvgaroiesa or un- seteral balls iq pass through his cost aud conscious that the fastenings of herppa- pantaloona, U , i ; rtH hsdvnearly all grvea tray in the en- Ob" anotoer occasion, Whilst io'thb sstine coJn1lcr ;, , - .W fmfriaorL'the fnr!Jhi iwmw M imable- "The ribbon trim which her cloak was some that ft 'was 'dangerous to venture out tied bmeath hef chin, remained fehhful j fal nerlertor oismiriacrrstitsocewhera, or this would not be the case. We am w it boat any other than chance ccnnBtoni cation witlx Gen. Clinch - ' ' ' Another letter, dated Zi inat states that major Hrriot'a and Mr. Williams'- hocsea cnJkRLCSTOX, S. C. JAX. 12. FURTHER FKOM FLORIDA. In addition to the information received . from our correspondent at St Augustine, published in yesterday morning's paper, we have been favored with the sight of a letter, received by n gentleman of this city dated Su' Augustine, Jan. 2. from which we have mad the following extracts: ; - The intelligence conveyed in my IaV. . was but too true- there is , not a settlo- " ment leA south of the Tomoka. Hunter's; Dttmnirt's, Willixms. Darley's and An dcrson's negroes have got lo townr and their details are truly 'distressing. Du peyster's negroes were tra?tors, and must have beer in league wkh the Indians; they assisted ihetn with a boat lo cross over to Djiumctt's. There were not more' that ten who crossed over wbo oillacrd and burnt the house. The poor, old maa ! . .'.If " .,-.. tscapru, out 100 k wa a iDinj; svim ltnut nol even hi3 papers. . One cf the Oroond gang escaped. One of Mr,Hanfer's made his escape, after being in their service' as i Cook for part of-a day. and irports some of their pranks. Mr. II. has lost four. Not one of major Heriot's negroes has? been heard of - since the boy jnade his es cape. Mr. Dunham's hoaso was set fef to and exploded, there being 3 kegs cf gunpowder in the rtllar. The other es tablishments were fired the next day, all at the same time, with the exceptioo of -Anderson's, which was standing on Wed' uesday, whn Mr.' Hunter's man passed I have heard since that it was burned. Anderson's negroes be ha red with the ct most prudence and fidelity. They carried over to- the beach 2110 bashr Is of corn, snoT thatched it; and took 'every thing eleff that they conceived of value, und concraJ' ed it us well as they could, in the bushrs but we can cnlculate very little on them, as.IIeriot's and-OrmonoTs negroes must .. . nave Known want tney were aooax, ana at all. It wai at this hazard to go to the creek or branch whkh she water for her, to seVeral," 1 Of one's life the longest, but tLst at last proved treach withtn sight erous, andvith it Cell all her hopes of res- had been conscrmed, and thst the wbolccf major Heriot'a and I pettier a nrgrocs bo so oUigia aa to tisk his life ia riding J inclined tacktfardV aedtvas only r Jppcr- ; r ', 1 7r: 1 herhcrma wifer. 7tttotl wy ort ef'ted frod railing by ber cloak, held If C yeCC.ya es Csuhenx rr.ztl trg rt - Vjonttarjr S3." ' .V r T"' ; , v l-c-tf. '' -i 0