i: J:mn i , " FVREIGti. . : Intelligence from Europe is up' to the I7thof- December." Cotton maintained its prices well, and the stock very much reduVedV The affairs of Canada wt.re in teresting the .British parliament a good deal. Another attempt had ben made to destroy Louis Fhilippe. by . means of an Infernal machine,' which wa sndljco ver ged before the-plan had matured. " met with the , following sentences, in reading, lately, a life of Swift, published soon -r. .... i.:. rni ' ii.. ;iiic- uci iiis juvaiii. A liujr is -cijr anuigi; .-- ' tr alive of th!e character of that. extraordinary man, and are valuable .as conveying sentiments of a man I v and honest dignity of feeling, and just lnaepenuence 01 spirit, , - : ' M He would not r. iff ir. even the negn tire incivilities from those who, if by their station. they had not been his superiors, would have been his equals by learning nOa' parts. J It happened, that having one day dined with Mr. St. John, " who was then Secretary of ; State" arid remarked ihat he a ppea red to be much out of tern per, he took' the first opportunity to see nim alone, ana warneti nun never to oe have to him with .silent reserve, for that he would not be treated 'like a school boy..!, expect, says he,-that, if you bear or see any thing to my disadvantage, you wouldjet ine know itjn plain words, and .not put. m in pain-to guess by. the c hange or coldness of your countenance or be- i naviour, lor it isfwnai i. would naruiy bear from, a crowned head, and' I think no subject's favour is worth it."i He wrote to Lord bfW thus, after the con nexion between them wa? broken off; -. . . - t T 1 I "When I wasjwithyou, 1 have1 paid - more than once, that I would never allow :" quality or station to. make any difference between men. I loved jyou ju?t so much Che worse lor vour station in your pub- . lie capacity vou have bfien-angered me to the heart, but as a private man never I was too proucHd be vairiof the honour you 'did me. I was never afraid of offend ing you, nor am I now in "any, pain for the manner I write to you in. ) 1 ' " Neither jvas this conduct the effect i of pride and self-sufficienry, bnt of true dignity of mind, for he exacted 'nothing whih, in his turn. he did not pay, nor asked mote for' himself than for others, i whose pretensions pr, circumstances were the same." -; f ; ' ;-.- ' ' " $ A ttempt lb Murder. On Monday even ing last, the citizens jof the heart of bur town weire alarme'diby 'loud cries of Mur der ! tin. repairing to the spot, it-was found lhata coloured man narnjed Ephiaiin lanitnond, had been struck pn the head wiih a .brick, by which his skull) wvas .shockingly fractured. Suspicion having attached to two white men, named Fre derick Jones and Allen Rowel!, they Aneiimiin't submitted to the Lee hi a ture of N. Y , shows the following to be the amounts of taxable property within that Stfte viz: real $498,430,054 pcr sonnl 8122,021,033. I ' . ' IMPORTED " t ci cy ri -- ry n O . - ' ' fraE STEAMER KORTfl C1ROLISA, .-! CAPTAIN KEYNOLDS,. From Ckarlcstonto Wilmington, January 23th. T. Randall, Rev. .Mr. Wightman. J. William?, N. T. William?. T. Garrett, A. C. Merrick. To aipk ins, T. M. Nevins,' C. Reid, L. S'vone, Child?, Ripplev, Jew ett, Stockbridge, Porter," Smith, Hollidayi $ptncef, Buttle, W.stsey, Dr., Peters, Thompson, Patton, dmrk. Kirk, Jacob?, L. B. Brown and lady, Lovel, Owens, Mr. J . Brown and lady, Mrs. r linn, Lieut. Swift, five servants. ' From Wilmington to Charleston, January'XSlh. Mr. Mason and lady, Mr. Erskin, Miss Erskin, Messrs. . Wilkerson. Hupp, Se: v o y, r r s k i n , i'e r ry , fie m i n g, yv eai u e by,, Jee, Cor bin, Arnbler, Gardner, Hen ry, Wright, Sullivan, Marshal and son, Parker, Jewell and twelve blacks. From CharUstoiKto Wilmington, January i ZOtk. Mrs London, Mr. London, Mr. Lom bard, lady and servant, Messrs. Claggin, Ingersfol, Ayery, Warren, Blaken Smithy Bristol, Lbdgee, Bogia, Lloyd, Boyd, Anderson, Lovejoy, Hill, Winslow. XPlattfceireir, Winner of the Grdnd Djt Michael Slakes, New Market, England,) k Jlrst Octobe r Meeting oj. I834.x j HPHtS splendit English Racehorse, T- property of Capt. J. A. J. Bra tford, jU S.jArip'yJwill make his first season in Amerif a, under the direction! of the undersigned, at &e Hon. Judge StranfVs 'Myrtle Hill estate, thfee miles north of Fayetteville, on the old Raleigh road, and be let to'inares at$5rt ijic: season, to insure, and fifty cents to the groom the money to be paid, :Or secured to be paid, before the mares are taken away. j The season will commence on th 15th Febru ary, and end on the 15th July. Extensive clover and grass pastures provided for mares, and sepa rate lota for sijcli as may have ycrttn" foals, and mares well fed, at thirty cents Der day; Evdry are will, be taken to guard against accidenls, cur i ne undersigned cannot be responsible lor any mat may occur, nor for escapes, uoiorea scrvums sent wnn mares, boarded gratis JfOllt OP IV I LIU I NOT ON V ! ARRIVED, Jan 26, Schr. Velocity, Kelly, from Xew York, I io uicKitisoiiTSt iviorns, " , 27 Brig Hannah; Gould, from Gauda loupo, to H. R. Savage. : -' 11 27, Schr. President, Douglas, in distress, (bound from -New York to Swai.sboru in ballast,) with loss of foremast jfec. ' ' ! '29, Brig Emerald, Pinkham, from Wis cassct, to' Barry & Bryant. ! " 30, Brig Cora, Goodwin, from Port Spain, :Trinidad, to Barry &. Bryant. Sailed Dec. 31, in company with brig Arethusa, Kin, for Porto Rico, and schr. Dresden, for Bonaire and fcw -York : . left schr. Roanoke, for ; Marti nique; in 2 days. Left at St. Thomas, Jan. 10,; sctir. iMupoleon, Cooper, lor y ilnnngton, IN. L . l'2th, schr.; Tribune, Dennett, not sold, uncertain.. Sailed from St. Marlins, 8ih Jan. s".hr. Maria Hopkins, for Newbern, and brigiBraganza, y ' for Norfolk. J : " ; V 30, Brig Napoleon"; Stevens, from Havana, to Dickinson & Morris. , . -: Ji0lh,Br. Brrg Alva, McLean, from St Lucie, to Dickinson di Morris. Feb; 1, Brig Sally Ann, Merriman, from Gau dloupe to do. . ' V- CLEARED, Jam 26, Brig Porto Rico, Do vt for Porto Rico, by J. M". Hood . '; 26, Schr. St. Thomas, Perry, for Apalachicola. by A. Lazarus, & Son. j. 27, Brig Splendid, Johnson,1 for Martinique!, .by Parley 6l Giles: ; ' 27, Schr. Martha Wood, Hammond,, for Bar badoes, by C. C. Stow. 1 . 27, Schr. C.-T. D. Cunningham, Welch, for Charleston, R. WvBrowhSc.' Spn. . t f; 27, bchf. Arcot, bhermaniforpt. Dotmngo, by A- La4arus, & Son. ? 27, Schr. Ceylon Delano, for New York,- by FLATTERER! was o-ot hv Mutev. fsorlof Orvillc(and tlje famous mare Eleanour,) andlis, therefore, half brother 6f the celebrated imported jbevialkantor Tennessee, and of impoited Mar grave, winner of the Doncaster St. LcgerJin 1832 ; his dam Clare, bred by Lord Egremontjin 1834, was got by Marmion, grandam Harpalice, by Gohannar, g. granddm Amnion, by Driver Fractious by Mercury Weodpecker Everlast ing by Eclipsed . Wuleyj the sire of Flatterer, was the best bred son of Orville, the winner of the St. Legfer, and a mott capital stallion, having cofered at as hrjgh as L, bZ. Urville is the sire of Emilius, now covering at 50 sdvereigns, and grandsire of im ported Priam, covering in this country at $150, Plenipo, coveriVig at 5 sovereigns, (all ihfee winners of the Deiby,) imported Sarpedon, Qxi yen, winner of the Oaks, imported Tranby imported Merman, &c. Muley is also the siie of Vcspa, winner of the Oaks, of Muley Moloch, imported Leviathan, imported Margrave, 4cc. Muley is out of ElCanpur, the best marc of &er day, having wpnboth the Derby and tho Oaks. Eleanour, (by Whisker, that famous getter of the aiuui sun,; is me granaam or importeu iuzyo-i rough, Whose get in this. country ran last year with, so much distinction, and is sister to Qrfes sida, Priam's dam. ' f Clare, Flatterer's dam, was out of Harpalice, byGohanna, the best four mile horse of his day, and as a stallion, eqnal lo any of anjf age. j Flatterer, like his sire Muley, who was said to be the largest boned,, thorough bred in the kingdom, ard to be equal to 20 stone, (280 Ibs.) is a horse of the largest size, full sixteen hands high, of immense power, large bone, great sifb .stance, good action, long stride, sound constitu tion, and excellent temper. His color is a fine buown, .without white. It will be seen that his pedigree runs back j to the famous old English Eclipse, in an extremely, short, and in as rich a line as ceuld be desired. fine tile should recommend hii to breeder wbo ' have small or slight mares. His action is re markably good indeed. I have ctvett his groom the requisite instructions, though I from his good Umpcr none were needed, j His health and ap; petite arc as good as can be. 1 turned him out during the training on account of diseased frogs. mad so by standing in a foul stable at the North. W. L. tyorbm savs of him. "4 am sure he will fulfil the promise expected of him tin Carolina." Mr. vhite,"of Northampton county, who was desirous of procuring Flatterer id stnd .in, that county, says " I feel convinced that Flatterer would be excellent stock fdr this section, as we have a large ncrmber of Archie, Hal, Tonson.and Luzborough mares. Such; material, when built upon by such bone as Flattdfer',) would insure good produce. Our Tonson's,! Lutborough'a, and Hal's, all lack boot, i Flatterer, haying a good share of size and bone, would have added much -to our stock. Upon the whole, 1 am much pleased with him. His rear parts 1 think first rate, and his sountenance, to a! man of soul, is daily bread." . f t .In a letterto the owner, dated New York, Sept. 25th, 18J7 W U Corbirt remarks, 44 Before touching on your proposition, I: will' lemark for your edification ynd benefit, what fell from" the lips of a notable fancier of ihe blood of noble breeds" this morning. Mr. Boardman, of Ala bama, now here, cJwmced to be allNew Market, Engiknd, when Flatterer ran,. and says lie gave grea promise, and stood high :in the sporting circles, as does a!l his stock. i "Katterer is yet untried ; as a stallion but as all hia stock in this country have established a high reputation as sure foal-gctlers, it is expected he will maintain it. i Ti The undersigned repeats the assurance that the strictest and most careful attention will be paid to mares sent to Flatterer, And pledges him self ro deliverthcm in good order and condition, when taken away. , And He w (11 remark for the information of breeders who may be desirous of obtaininga cfsa of as noble- Wood fts ever coursed the Veins of the horse,' that, as advantageous oftrs have been made for; his services in the race-horse region, this will be thte bnly season he can make here. , . J I MOSES BRANCH- January I5.h, 1838. . 1 107'4w Jj" To be published four weeks, and the ac count presented to the. office ofthc Fayetteville Ubserver. i MEDICAL NOTICE: DtlnoBimTr. TnTAS located himself in Wilmington, ritb a view; of pursuing the practice of hit profes sion, in vt various branches, and hopes, by undi vided attention,, to merit a share of patronage. He may at all tiroes be found at the store under the Railroad office, unless professionally engaged. The poor will reeeive attention grati. ' ... I N. B The Doctor has. connected the DRUG BUSINESS with bis profession,, aud has opened a general and well selected - 1 ' ASSORTMENT OI j Drugs ahd Jtledicines, Paints, Oils, Dyostafib, which may at all times be procured at his DRUG STORE, between the Court House and the Market. Counuy mercnants ana pnysiciaps, whoare in the habit of sending their orders to the northern cities to be filled, will find it to their ad van' age to purchase here ; for the subscriber feels mnfidftnt that be can supply them on as rood, if . .j. i. . . " i ... . . . not better terms: The following is a catalogue uippie shell in part. ' , . UCall and examine.- D bl Caaul . Bona Fcrctpe Dissecting do Dressihr ForeeM Breast Glasses and Air '" Pumps (or drawing tie oreast, in case Silver Stiles Prrbangs Silver, Probes, T.Hirniqutts, Trocars , Scarificator, Am. i . Uerman it" : - Tooth File Gum Lancsis Tcntaculums . Abscess Lancets SetonvNeedles Silvav Mala daiUl Fleiibl Met! Catheter Curved NcedU seaipe't ; Tjephirw ; ' Amputating Kntve , . ,;8aw Catltna M - . Harelip Ptaa. Spri n f Lancet Blade TooJiCaw Ivory mnsing: TaWa, new articla Metacarpal Saw Hay's Sawt Stetheaeopca -. . V Maw dorrwstiIatw -I tnents GLASS WARE, e. Breast; Pipes Eye GUnti Capping do FunneU, assorted Uraduate Measures, 1; i, 3,4,0,8,12, and ICot. it were taken up, and after exarnmalion, fully committed for trial. There is lilile or rio hone of Hammond's su-viving the Dickinson & Morris initirv. ' ' . ; r I 29, Brig Eleanor, Hall, for. Havnnn, by do It would be imDroner to detail nnv of I -'-23, Brig Castor, Flitner, for Martinique, by: the ; circumstances -connected with this horrid aflair, except' to state, that it ap pears tdjhave bren produced by an occur Ttrildejori the same evening, aba gambling table atjone of . those sinks of in;tuity, a Gitis; shop ! kept by one of the prisoners, and iu the same buiftling recenily occn- . pivjd -by Win. M.! 'Anderson, who, drily tit! weeks a iro. vacated it to take up nis abode in 'Jail lot the murder of Madison Alleti.... U. . ; ' , ; i; ; . ' . ' When will our County Court do us: duty towards the supnrt ssion of thesa buisancs ? ' Faye lie vil I e. Observer.' -L V Fo?n the 'y; V. Jttumal of Commerce Mouse's Electric Telegraph. . 'I'he MorristownlJerVeymaii announces; what we had learni-d .verbally, that an xperimenul telegraph has been construct ed near Umt place, by lrof. Morse, in elm nixinii Kvith a : nractical mechanic., the w; re be i n g 1 1 wo miles in I en g t h. The ex nnrimeni succeeded Derlecilv. bays trie jerseyman, P.ar'sle'v & Giles ! 2'J, Brig ArsHli, Shaw, for Cuba, by P DioUersOn. . I ; ' SO, Britr Columbia, Dexter, for Battimofe, by Dickinson &. Morris. ' ' i 2lJ, Schr Endcavot-, Rogers, Charlestpn, by the master '. , .i i '. .'' ''' '2d, Schr Henry Cammerdonj Goldsmith; for Porto Rico,' by Hall IMcRae, & Go. 30, , nriir William Davis, Cornish, for St. John?, hv A. Laritrus, & Srtn. ; - -. 30 Schr La Gratrge, Patterson, for St 1 noma?, or iwrvv ot orvant. r ; , , 3' Br Brig Augusta, Birg,e, for Jamaica, by .A. La2ai-us,-& Son.T ' ! 30 Brig-Ward, Card, for Trinidad, by Dickiiii- son & Morns. ' 31 Br BiigAilantic, Lewis, for Jamaica, bydo. 31 Sclu- Manhanan,'Colly, fbr New Orleans by. the master. ! ? 31 Schr Urozimbo, Sargeant, fdr iNew YorK, by Dickinson MaTis. , f' Ft b. I, Br tins iventviiie, uusten, tor tsaroa- doeSj by Barry & Bryant. '' ' ' 1 2 13 Auction. ma ILL be sold at Auction on Saturday, evening, the 3d of February, at the A lit- t 1 ha communication which we saw tion otoreoi ijukk & uuh vvs i ,k, a "targe nde through a distance of two miles SCR AP: BOOK, containing about three hundre was the folio wii g sentence. Railroad ears wsl arrived vassenzsrs. i nese he in me i me kill about lever of words were nut into numbers Irom Dictionary-; the numbers were set up the Telegrahic type in about the same li ordinarily occupied in setting up the sa ; in a printing office: They were then i r: . t T . i , i ' passe tfornpieie Dy n: i'ortruie in : , half a minute ach stroke' of the of the rortrule at one extremity marking on the Register a the olher, a distance; of j 'a- ! . . i .. tir . i i two miles instantaneously. ue waicueu the spark. ,at one end and the mark the bencil at they other and the were ' i simultaneous as if the lever itself h ttruck the mark. The marks or numbers 1 ware pasilv leVible. and by means of the dictionary wre .resolved ? again words. 4i r: -y.:'-- ' j ' The superiority, of this Telegraph over all hitherto invented is, that ;at all timf?, day pi- night, in clear or in? foggy v weather,; intelligence can bo sent, arid thai too, instantaneously. , The advanta- gel to the goyernment and the tountrj' of such a means at communication are in calculable. hundred Paintings and Engravings, seventy seven of which are intended for an' Optic Glass, as well as, the Glass also, in addition to a number of se lections too tedious to mention. 1 he Book has besides, about three hundred and fifty pages of print in both poetry and prose. . - j w iiraingion, t ebruary a, imti. . j i" District and Port of Wilminglhn, N. C. ) j. : , Collector's Office, 1st February, 1833, npHEBank of Cape Fear having refused between it and myselfr respecting the reception of the notes of 'said bank, in payment of dues to the uovernment, JNOllCiv is hereby given to all concerned, that from and ' after ihts date, no thing will be received in payment of duties and as dues, but specie, the notes of specie paying banks, A or 1 rcasury ISoles. . j 107 3w Collector. into -1-i' Old Sicily Wine at ; Ori Thursday; the 8th inst., will positively be . sold by. the subscribers, . V. 20 CasksOld Sicily Wine." , 1 BURR & BREWSTLK, Auctioneers. Feb ?t 1838 , lr " i:': ' ' '-.- ': HISTORY AND PERFORMANCES Flatterer was bred by Mr. f No well," in '.1331, and run in England by Sir Mark Wood. , jHe was imported by Mr. Wadsworth, of Geneseo. N. Y. by whom he was placed in ths stableiof Kobert L..Tstcvcns, t,sq. .near the Union Course, Lonj; Island, who trained and inn him in this country .4-fiis performances,' both in Englapfid and this country, are creditable to his noble sto4k. His first .appearance in England was in his thr&e year old form, (In 1834,) for the renewal of dac two thousaud guinea stakes, at JNew Market, when he ran a capital second to Glencoe, who has been imported into this country at a high ngjure. i ne touowing is the record : j " New Market First Spring Meeting, ! 'liesdav. AprWKUh, 1831 Renewal of the 2000 Guinea Stakes, a sul scription of 100 sovereigns' each,! .half forfeit. For three year old colts 8s t. Tibs. liy lbs ; and fillies 8st4lbs. 116 lb R." M 28 subs. Lord Jersey' ch c Glencoe, . Robinson, Sir M. Wood's br.c F.atterer, by Muley, Afr. Yates's ch c rlentlev. M Mills' b c hrotlver to Kate ; Lord Orford's b Par is, out of F'osthuma ; Lord Lowther's bf c bvf Reveller, out of Trictrac; and Mr. Gully'' Viator, also started, but were not placed." On the 29tn of 'May followiug, he started fpr the Derby at Epsomp won by Plenipo, and wfs noi placed. 123 subs 22 started, three placed. 5 At the New Market, First October Meeting, ht iron the Grand iuke Michael Slakes. . ! " New Market, First October Meeting. I Grand Duke Michael Stakes, of 50 sovereigns each, . For 3 year old 8st 7lb (119) and filliesjS,) 3t 41b (llblb) A. F.3 s-ubs. I Sir Mark Wood's br c Flatterer, by Muley, 11 Mr. Yatct's chc Bentley, ; 2 Duke ofGrafton's ch c Olympic, by Reveller, 3 Lord Orford's b c Paris, by W aterloo, 4 Mr. 's Dick, 5 Flatterer was now purchase for. Mr. Wads worth, and shipped for America Atferan umi- 'suallv lone- oassa?e. duriiHrwhlch.he never lay 'doicnhe was landed at iNew YorK tne latter part of July, 1335, was put in training without the possibility of prepavationbut, notwithstand ing ran two very creditable races, one of wtiich, mile heats, he won, beating two Eclipse colts, and a filly, by the same horse. : In the following spring, he was. beaten by Mmgo three mile heats, running second to him, and beating Cad mus, by Eclipse, Sydney, by Sir Charles, and the Jewess, by Henry, in the first heat, when he was drawn. Of this race, the New York Spirit of the Times contained the following account: " Cadmus had the pole, Mingo the outside. They got away in a cluster, the Jewess making " a spun Dciwepi the .stand and first gate,: that quite used her up, when Uadmus and Flatterer tooK up me run ning, Mingo and Sydney lying well up, the first under a hard ull. Finding CadmUs disliked the pace, Willia held him up after the second mue, ana-Mingo .neaaea we new wu sa. Flatterer maintained his stride to the end, run ning a very handsome second to Mingo, whib, fo a single three miles can pull to the fastest horse in the country,! and come' home ahead. Cadmus could not run in tbft mud, and his friends did not expect much from him, though lie ran second the next eat;. Flatterer naving pecn R. V. Brown, JSon, Have on hand, for .Sale, jjJ BBL.S. Fayettev'ile Flour, different 25Bbls. best Canal Flour, 35 Bbls. Richmond City Superfine Flour, 25 Bbls. Philadelphia Ale, 25 Bbls. Domestic Liquors) . 40 Pieces Cotton Bagging, j 100 Coils Bale Rope new, j 20 Boxes Glass, assorted qualities, ,100 Kegs Nails, 4d to 3pd, i ' -12 Hdds. Prime Molasses, hew, O rinus. o.ugar, ; 30 Bags Coflee, i I 12 Casks Cheese, goodiquality, 20 Boxes best Brown Soap 100 Bags Shot, assorted,! f 50 Bbls. Prime and Mess UNew York Beef and Pork, . '. j j ' 100 Rcam.9 .Wrapping Paper, 25 R'ams Letter do. i ! 1 Bale Corks, 1 5 duarter Casks iMa!aa iWin 5 dr. Casks superfine Madeira and Erown Sherry Wine, ' 20 Boxes best' Madeira Wine, put up in Madeira, i 10 Hdds. Leaf Tobacco! - 25 Hhds. Manufactured Tobacco, some Rich mond best. ' j ! ; 20 Kegs and Firkins Butter, 10 Baskets Champagne'Wine, 15 Cases Bottles, groce. each, 300 Bushels. Pennsylvania Oats, 50 Bales Hay, very, superior, A lot of English Stone Jurs, I And' Antimony Tartrate, Alcohol, 36 deg. Aqua Fortis Eihiop's Mineral Arsenic, white pulv. " Fowler's solution A mmdn. Carbon. . Acid Benzoic Citric Muriatic' Nitric- : ' ' Oxalic " Pyroligneous ' Tartaric, in cry st l' Prussic iEther, Sulphuric. Aqua Ammo, i . Anodyne, Hoffman's ArgcntSWit. Blue Pill, Eng. Blacking, Pasta Bole Armenia Bore, reined, Brimstone, roll flour Bismuth, oxide Blood Root Beeswax Bedpans, earthen Burgundy Pitch Barbadoes Tar Balsam Cnrpaiva, " . Peru : Tolu Black Drdp Cantharides ! ' pulv. ". Cobalt v , ' pulv. Cayenne, American " . African .. Cera alba C austic Potanh Cream Tartar pulv. Creta Ppt. Cort. Fern. naV. U Hi. I " pulv. ! " rub. : rulv Canella alb. Cascarilla Cort. Anchusa 11 Angustura - Sassafras , Vials, from l-t t lo6w Assorted Vial Uaterrran's do s Britisn pH.Visls Turlington's do Essence Peppermlat 6 Godfrey Cordial Tills Haarlem Oil do Opodeldoc, Bttat's A ii II it 1C0 Tierces Rice, sopje s from the Mills, j A lot of choice old Hams.! February 2d, 1838. j superior, and recently 1073w JUST RECEIVED, Aurant. " ground Cochineal , Cowage down : Castor Fib. Colycinth pulvi ' Cloves Corros. Sub. . Charcoal pulv. Corks, .vial . bottle common Chlorine Tooth wash Dover's Powders odine ; vory Syria? r celand W Morphine Musk ! Magnesia Carb. j caltined Manna, Flake sorts . .V Nux Vomica Orris Root, tjt. j pulv. Otto Rose, pure Oil Anniseed " Wormwood Cubebs I " Valerian . Copaiva Peppermint Wormse'cd " Savir.e . ' Fennel "Almonds "Olives Lemon, pure Bergamot. pure 11 'Ricini opt. ; " Cassia " ' Juniper - ;; i " Organitm, pure Caraway ' Cloves, f ' . "Spearmint ! ' Tnnsy ' " : M Pulegi 1 11 Amber, rectified Spruce ' Fir C rot on, in vials Orange , Sassafras Linseed Precipitate, red. Phosphate of Iron Cassia Wood, rasped Quicksilver ; Rad. Gentian i " ptilt. Colombo India " pulv. , Ipecac. ? " pulv., Rhei India opt. '! " pulv. Gallehgsl Helleboro ' pulv. Glycy i , M Scillas " Serp. Verg. ' Senelta " SpigcIia.TOotsoa'y Jalap -Sarsnparilla Colchicum " Aachusa Sponge, coarse line bleached Nuning Dottlee 1 PERFUMERY. Florua j Water, tarja Da do ssaaU Lavender Water, fahay Hair Powder Pearl Powder Vege'ab'e Rouge Milk of Roses Cold Cicam Naples Comp. Tblts Pomatum, French, in pots do do in rolls Do I S pint hot. Macassar Otf, giS . Do imtiatiM Beer'a Oil, wgt siaa Do D YES TV FFS, Nulgalll t ie Ulue A mat to Logwood - ' Fustic Nicaragua Ground Logwood Indigo, Bengal " . Spanish float imall 4a ' a Madder Umbra. Blue Vitriol') Oil Vitriol ; Alum - ) Copperas V , White Lend, dry " " ground Air I ' !oit I Do No I and a Red Iad Black Lead ' ' Orange do Spanish Brown Veneti Red, Eng. "j '- Am. French Yellow Ochre American -dp: do. Chrome do " King's do f Prus. jBiue, Eng. No. 1 1. .Mid ) Do Am, da Verdigris, di jr I Rotten! Stone j Ivory Black Rose Pink, Eng. j Whiting Paris Whlta Turkey Umbe Gu.n Copal : , Shrllse Spirts Turp. Copnl Varnish, FarntL' uo sup. articis . Do 1 Coat Venetian Turpeotias' . Bronze, assorted Pumics Stons Red Chali Blue Paint, gruMnJ Putty j , - Carmine, N6. 1, B, as ChrcTme Yellow .; ' ' Green FUtc White ' Lampblack, Eng. Am. small psetl . Germentow i ii ii ii M ft H ii H K : I " H '. ALSO,' . i , The' fUiowing Sftrrlls, which are very popular I and saleable, arid exteniively used whercvar I ; . ' they have been introduced. . . Oarpibixter'rf j) j Compound Fluid Extract of SarsspirUlft j Compnnud Fluid Extract of Bachu, " Compound Syrup of Liverwort, : j j Oil of Canthoridin, . 4 ! " Saratoga Powders, ii Bark, Cubebs, Attd Pink RddW 5000 BUSHELS coarse white Salt 30,(KX) Northern Brick, 1 40 Bundles tlay, 2C Barrels Irish Potatoes, Now afloat, and fori February 2d; 1838. 1 sale by BARRYi & BRYANT.- 107 3 w 1 ICTCilUTIOM, tt M.MAnar ar hrpl.v warned against .r..;nr fora note of mine for THRfct HUNDRED DOLLARS, made payable to Mr. ' j J... : n th hnachinp rv A to rnrtiv the. f T-m T. Corbelt. ! etven to him ssmeume in ?nu" "li"-" 1 : ' -i ' "fv T iK. .a tarn determined not to pay it a tpitmwvi -1 . - until compelled so to do. . .' - i ; . ; . .; !;,-:" his i WILLIAM X SPEARMAN, ..i.y- mark..' ' : 10? tf January 27th, 1838. , The first stroke rang an alarm upon a bell," '.. ! ,ni!..n tVi NrAltirrv ! In rnivi fli' na put iu j intelligence ' ' We understand that the cost of the con traction 'per mile is about $600. Con sequently an Electric Telegraph extend ing from this city to New Orleans, would JZ pr!n million of dollars. No great affair for) the nationit is true" but some thing foraninmdaJ An itinerant vender pf marvellous news . t5--.i, -nnnrprf th6 Queen's speech at the opening of the session in the JoN T . i ... ?. . tl. i' her MaieStV S lowing terms. , y n j, vicinity, for the liberal patronage he has received most wonderful and astonishing speecn, pas( eTcningsani also bees Icava delivered Unto pailiamenton Monday last, to Vnform (i)em that the perforraancwilj b n- which, .spoke so much ol noeny. hen the! Duke of Wellington heard jt Exhibition at the IL DIAYOLO ANTO NIO resDectfully begs leave to return his thanks to the ci tizens of Wilmington and its peatcd this and to morrow evening when a va- riftV Ol new l eats wu w uuvvm'.v febraarv 2d 1835 1" withdrawn, after a ver creditable performance Sanford rode him in tin too style, and Aad he carried 168 lbs voSdd havt flung the mud in the tact of the best of them." Eai then Ware, Chifiai and Glass. Thomas J. Barrow, IMPORTER, Xo.J&5,ri'assav Street, Seio York. OFFERS for sale a coirfplete assortmentyin the above line, comnrisirfi: many, very choice patterns repacked to orderjfof country trade, or in the original package. Orders by letter :will receive pvery attention. I New York. Jan. 9th. 1838. i 107 Ow To be inserted to th amount of $3 1-2 and charged to the Kaleigh Register. - LUMBER FOR SALE. THE GEORGIA LUMBER COMPANY fTTfAVE now on hand at thetrdepot at uanen, JEIL a large amount of LUMBER for sale by the cargo, or in smaller quantities'; and they are now fully prepared to turnisn on snort nonce, an kinds of the best quality oi. , - SO UTHERN PINE IL UMBER, i.t-.. eanrd'to anv reauired dimensions," and at the mnst-favorable Drices. 1 j . . . . . . All communications mays be addressed to tne Agent cf the Georgia Lumber Company, at Darxen, and wilt receive prompi auemion. The Savannah Georgian, (fhirleston Mercury, Wilmington Advertiser, Richmond Enquirer, Norfolk Beacon, Globe, ar.d tJNational Intelli- genc-r, at Washington City, Baltimore vnron ir.Ie, Philadelphia Gazette, New York Courier & Enquirer, New York Gazette, Albany Evening Journal, Connecticut Courant, BostQn Atlas, Eastern Argu3, and New tjampsnire uazruc. Will nidi lih ihp above notice! three months, and send their weekly paper for sijx months, addressed to the Agent of the Georgia uumoer company, and their bills to No. 21, Wll-street NewYork, forpaymenL SIMbUjn. Jt m. , Lamber Citr, rrf Jan. 20th, 1833.1 107 3 " Chonapodii ,r Fennel J " Coriander Sinapis Carui Essence of Spruce, forfSem. Cardamom beer Rose ; Ergot , i ? Em p. t-pispastic . . iiydragyri Roborans .' Saponis j Adhesive, sup. I Diac. cum Gum i Simple Extract o( Jalap' ; ; Logwood j Precipitated Extract o ; Compound of Sarsaparilla, I . Copniva, " ; Corripomid Fluid Extract of Tonic Eztracr, I : r - Oil of Copaiva, 'i Gil of Cubftbs, Compound Cerate, of Copaiva, , Qompound Extract of Bonesat. Wilmington, Jan. 2Ch, 1838. . 105 tf Flatterer did not start in the fall nor succeed ing: spring. He was ; purchased by W. L. Corbin.Esa of Virginia, and placed in the stable of J. S. Corbin, Esq. of Fairfield, who furnishes the annexed account of his promise : "in regard tothe promise ," Flatterei,'' gave; while in traii in? bv me. of makin- a food racehorse, I can with sincerity, and, I thir.k, truth, ssy, that at was decidedly flattering. In his mils trial he beat " Whig." fa very fast horse,) several lengths, and exhibited: very good symptoms' it the finish." of an ability to run a long race snc- .11 . t '.. A 'un t yint I ftl a nrl last-spring twelve months, between him arid several other very sharp nags, two mue nei, a which Flatterer was a eood deal over 41 the foot of any of them. I considered him (then a better horse than ha snowed for, as he had had bulla poor chance to recbver from the unusually lon and rough voyage across the Atlantic, and the iriudicious races he had been mada to run the ntumn orevioas. very recently after his landing. Had his frog been sound when he went into training this tall, ha would, undoubtedly, have md duLinauithine and successful raees in the campaign. I would as soon breed from Flatterer from nv untried stallion in the country. His hfanrl ia aa Dure as any horse's can be. and his family all run! Ha runs back very shortly to the English Eclipae, and horse of uneemman ned himself, and! I think of bottom too. His Sal Succini, " Nitre, refined : " Diuretic I " Tartar " Ammo. Ind "V " English " Soda Butternut n Rochellc Hyociami 4 " pulv Gentian I - uiauDer Belladona' . " Epsom Taraxici Sugar of Lead, white Rhubarb Slip. Caib. Soda Valeiiah "s " " pu'- Rhatania Sulph. auinine Bal. CoDaiva sperm Ceti Cicuta Soda Powders Glvcv.ont. - Seidliir. refined aZO Flowers of Lavender Slippery Elm Bark French Chalk ppim oi jar Fol.iDixitales Syringes ITY " Senna Alex. best. India opt. tJva tJrsi Gun) ; Tragacanth Galbanum " strained Arabic, Turkey India Scammo Aleppo Uamboge .Opium Bank of Cap WmSx iaabary lrih, tsss. f i ii i i i ii i ii H H ii j rpHE late' Meeting of the Stockholdert ) -f- of I this Bank adjourned to meet again oa the 16lh of APRIL, when the new Corporators axa ! to' be ncjmittcd. 10$ 12 w JOHN HILL, Cashier. I ? ...... , 1 .;. ,. ' j WHOLESALE PRICK! Cl'RIlKJIT. ! VV ( lnii t n jon ,-N . C. ( ctrrte ltd icm A7y forlh AdrrHf NivikL Stores- .,! --..- "T V---. J ;. Tup'tiisoft, in the water pr r brl. , 1 60 a 1 W I'M. ' 33 30 a U TUOTICXL a I T urA.r indebted tOlLI B. PHIPf IS, will A nlease call and settle, or their accounts will be given to an officer for eoUrtion. ; 5 C. H. DUDLEY, Assxg January. 26, 1838. 106 3 w. race. Received by the Schooner H. Cammerdon, AND FOR SALE, besides the abov OF it ii H ii ii i ii ii it ii ii . ii ii ' ii v I II It II II female I ot Sox 10 ox ' 16 ot self l scarce do. ot in bolea 10 ot " lOot "i. 6 ot ; Spatulas, from 3 to 12 a, ii ii ii ii t t 9, Camphor 1 inches, assorted Myrrh, Turkey ITirusses, common Myrrh, India " paien AsiafcEiid, best IT in Toil Elixir vitriol Tamarinds h Tonqua Beans Turpeth Wintral Tincture Mur. Iron Ung. Stramonitum Basilicon Benroic Kino Ammo, opt Guiac. Aloes Ginger Root " powdered ' Jamaica Clyster Pipes, Horj pearl Honey Lint, English Lemon Syrup, opt Isinglass, Russia sheet u If . l( u Mere. Fort i Mil; Citron Simplex Carb, Zirlei ' Wafers opt, 2d. Pills it 31 BOXES superior Champagne, 6 do. SwaimTs Psjnacea, 35 do. Windo w Glass, assorted, 30 Kegs White Lead, a superior article 100 lbs. rutty, 5 Kegs Black Paints, 1 V do. Green do. i The subscriber has recei vejd, articles. I A FINE STOCK DRUGS. PAINTS OILS, AND r DYESTUFFS. : RlF,PURNELL. Wilmington, Jan. lth. 1838. . 105 tf 1MOTICB. THE subsciber has placed his notes and ac counts in the hands of Mr. J. Ncbo'.a for collodion ; persona indebted.wUl please call and settle, tie is led to do this inasmuch as he has closed his old concern, and asltis out of his pow er to attand it himself. m 0. WALLACE. JaauvyS4, I33S: lOS trj. f 1 - 1 I .: . i ! : : i ' 1 ! .. - American PATENT MEDICINES. , Anedrson's Eng l Bitters, Stougnton i j " Am. j Hooper's Eng. Tar do do do Pitth at the SliilSi Rosin, ;do -SniritsiTurpentinej do Varnish. do Pitch Pine boards and Scantling; sawed at tk Stedm M ills, acording to lengths, j per Al. - . ; ; '-. 1 R. Lumber, wide Boards - , 8 J Flooring do. 10 " J Scantliug - (8 Timber. - - , - 6 '. Staves ; ! , j, . Vf . 0 Hhd. rough, in the wateri.pet iI.lieM. do do dressed, on the wharf, 34 ' :' a 40 ' do do Bbl. rough n the water, it. O. Hhd. rough, in tha water, : 13 Do. doi staves country dressed, 18 do I do dressed oil tha wharf, Heading, W. O. Hhd. rough in the water, ' X .- 33 ; i SutKdLCS, M. ! - - . 8 60 j COTf new, 100 IbaJ 8 . I FLoea, per barrsi, Fayettevwle j . super. 1 v . - ; r ;!' - i - gm mm w ji Rick, per lOOlbs. ; j Tobacco, leaf, Msrchantabls, do do n Refuse, "j Coavj per bushat, - Hat, per Cwu Pxist, blatk eyed, per bushel, IS Bateman's Drops Cephlie Snuff Dalby 's Carmine tiv e Essence Peppermint Godfrey's Cordial Go w land's Lotion Salts of Lemon Worm seed Oil Effervescing Magnesia Patent Barley u papers An Rush's : Opodeldoc, Steer's Liquid ttch Ointment ' Haarlem Oil ' Balsam, Turlington's British Oil SURGEONS INSTRUMENTS j '' . VnT1 tiinr fiK-i crum tootn KaysT Common dod-ca Sospensary bandage Evan's LaatetSj best I tmitation (Common i do. thell handiest 1 ; Qcun Elastie Catheters 'Boogies II Nipple Shields H Passartes j S M Betons . ! StomacK Tubas Rectnm bougies Amputating Cases Trepanning ' Dissecting ' Couching Pocket Cases, 12 tnst'a. ! 16 do 23 do Amar. 6pring Lancets Germari n . Ivory handle spring bolt .tooth keys Ivory handla pivot bolt tenth ksya H- " v . Eb4ny handla . spring ijfi; boltsootn I ejrt Ho w or Common. do Ground, do t Tii.i.mr. l ib. ; ; Bees WX, Jo searoe, ! BcoH,hogs rouna; j Laud, . da ' k .'; ! Hams, do j Savt. trxt j Lime, Cask r j PoaK,Mess bbt I v i Prima, do , j . Fresh, j lb. f - 1 CaKOtts if. c. ma lb. Sperm, - j ; j tfo O ife, common, whale, gt ScMMta, do a WtHKi, i -- H ' - 'ij . BriEiTs, ii. s. vest. ! . - Ami G i jr. Afrtx Biukot; Whisxxt, Soap; brown, Seuiat brown, Corrx, -MbLAisrs, Micxtaxu Nc do Wo. 3, do No, J, SHXKsr, lb. Wood. f Ash, -Oak, 3 H a 4 10 3 50 a i 20 CO a 10 at 834 11 at 16 40 1 SSat S 19 150 11 to t 0 111 1 If 1 9 fit IS 11 13 4 in 5 U .3 C5 a i. l ; i io SO :- t 1 ' TWM'-V- 50 Tst 8 10 a BOB. K 10 ),J i Ms u: 10 M : i s. jfq r tr n ji U went into a fit "London papr. l , s .

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