1Y DD wmm 3 C. HILL, Editor and Proprietor. 3feSfiT FEJ2R JVOT." Wilmington, North Carolina: - VOL III. JVO 30. AUGUST lOtl. )l838;; WHOLE NO. 134. K frtta Y 4 4 ' i- - 9 -I . PUBLISHED EVERY FRIT) A Y MORNING. AN'N'CM. IN ADVANCE. A.OVK.aTISKM'S'iyTri tae flrst, V:i DOT. LA U f'jf each subse- Twc.vrv.rivi; cent. jueotiiupeitio Noj Subscribers. ta'kiV, jf ir less 'hr.fi ct vpar nd all who permit tuii.-i Jbscrih? ion W'Am Vv r year, vithaut i vW nutV' ;u- C ;V.'-,"fc j .a uuuuu ior tiie second ycur, unti so on rr !. i. ceedinp: years. j ' No paper discontinue II nil arrearages arc paid, unless ai the (yp;ion!or 1 1 Editor. -,tC OFFICE on the-sout,;.: ide r.l Market Street', be- 1 uin.nun. uniisfi. WILMINGIVN RALEIGH R A 5 1, KO A L , A N i PETERSBURG RAILROAD. TRAVELLERS arc informed that an Engine connecting from the North and South, with the Wilmington Jiailrood Company's Line efS ages leaves Biakeiy every SunUuy, Monday, "Wednesday,' and 'Friday, and always arrives in tune at Petersburg to cotmect with the daily lines of Railroads and Steamboats passing through Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, dc. This line leaves Petersburg for the South on Tuesdays, (Thursdays, anil Saturdays, , in tune to connect with the Wilmington Railroad Company's Line f Stfttje. Travellers may rcly.upon finding on this Line careful and exj)ciicric.f-d Erfgineers,' attentive Cantains of Train, atad comfortable Coaches. Petersburg, December 15th, 1837. 101 tf Oflc of the Porstmonth fe ilonnoke R. R. Potrsinouth, V. May 23tli, 183S. Great Central lioule BETWEEN THE NORTH AND SOUTH, Via the Portsmouth and Roanoke Rail road, arid the Chesapeake Day Steamboats, 'MIROUGFl "irom Halifax, N. C. to New York,; in FORTY ONE HOURS, Vel'TilRRB HOURS IN ADVANCE QV -ANY OTHER LIME, and this without a Mo ment's night travelling vn rttilrcfad soih of Philadelphia, and Wl i'UOUT THE LOSS 'Of SLKEPr'l'ttus: From Halifax to Portsmouth, C 14 H 8 hours. ii u Portsmouth to Baltimore ii elil Pliiladelphia toNew YovK, ,?6 5 Stoppages 41 LcaVes llalifiix every Sunday, Wcdne 'driy and Friday, Baltimore every . Monday, "Wednesday and Friday, and Washington City every' Wednesday. Fare from Halifax to Phila tlalphia, including every expense, (meals, pbrler- To be published ur-ti! f-rbid in tile 'Augusta Chronicle, SuVainmh Georfciaii," Charleston Courier, Norfolk Herald,! Baltimore Patriot "& American, Natior.al In e!ligenc r, U. S. Gzette, Pennsy Ivanian, and New York Star, and ac teounls sent to. the Office of the Portsmouth & Roanoke Railroad Cmpany.'s 125 tf -f. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS. A LL Merchandisr, Ac. intended to be for--jHUwarded on the RailroaiH, must be sent bei Xween sunrise and eight otlock, A; M. Any Un:g S'jnt aftet that 'tune cannot be taken-on that tUy. Nothing will be received, uhlea ' it is put Up n t lie rn'i.-fi substantial man ier. EvKry thiu in.i-t have ilu owner's name liuukcd distinctiy .tin :t. and a bill accompanying rt, specifying" the toeigli, stating who it is from, .v ho it is for, and whoro it is to nc kli, r merchants wii! r, heia responsir;i m . i . 4 ... eTery cao, ilr the f-vi$r:uon ev.y thing sent-by ttis'it ilcrch:tii: hav.'ii c.oij'dir..if rU ot pr.Vi Rrtr.!es from tha' counu v, jii; I t'xa them ; ii-; c;:v i h it try v aviive, es .lie ComrAn v til net U? r.".so:i3Tli!fc.for any th s'liTpiert 'O reniain att :i? l-'pot nil niiriu. Articles-, wtd .be diivcrd jut, and takcnofrHni thd' following points ni io;i;'. viz. ii Point DcDot, .Vvsur oration, linr nuraw S vAnip, aiid Utc J)epot, ncarc-otirh t'aslii-ngtori. . 1 - L. Ii. H. SAUNDERS, " ACi't cf 'i'raiisoortailr-.. Mny 12ih,:Sa. . ' 12 u Pittsborougli Acadt ziiy, N. (j. B1 HE Trustees of this Institution take jreat M !lesur6 in announcing sao t'i? ti tends ot ! -education througJiout tne Staje, that they have ' enoa,red the --valuable services of Mr. J. M. I Lovejoy to take charge of this Acad. my. The Trustee -have' received' very, flattering icstinio ni ils, (both as regards his ' qualifications ns a 1 tervchoi, and his habits as a gentjetiian,) fVom 1 several . gihtlcmrn of Gi eanvilie, N. C. wiiere,. i 'in coiU5cqfianc9 of the sickliness of .the. climate, 1 Ir. Lovejoy ha ben r compelled- to abandon a : Very flourishing school, nuniocring about seventy boys ' which, in addition to letters received from V Greenville, is an evidence of the estimation in i whicJ this gentleman was held as an instructor. Mr lvejoy i a grJuate, is said in be a first rate mathematician arid linuist, and (what is of irroUt importance,) is said to possess the ra.e faculty ot imparting knowledge with facility. The course ot instruction in the Pituborough Academy will embrace all the lower and higher branches of education, including Latin, Greek, " and French. . U is designed to make this, as it is believed it will become, a first rate Pxeparatory School, for such ns are desirous ofenttring either oahT classes of the University. Tlrssion 6f the school will commence the 4th Monday Julv inst. Boanl can be had in respectable v famiiiesitt SIO a mouth. Tuition at the ordinary IUUunnteessarytospc ta Pittsborough offers m point of health and i locSy as it i- believed they are superior to those H Racretarr to Trustees. ,ly ilth. 1KB. V., "Xb? PrSy tnd Elizabeth Chy Phenix wUl PubUsh the W :." - 2TV .borourh abore their accounts 10 me f uiuiiw , ccoc IMPORTANT FACTS Upwards of 150,odo of DRi LEIDY'S BLOOD I. ILLS Have been sold in Pennsylvania alone the past six muuhls. J rg'tlinSE Pills are recommended to all person ; ':. i,.-wever sfflscied, as a sate, gentle oi active j 'Ugauver re mating '-and o!earrne the,stmach, ! P1r!',n the b'ocl, and rr;ovatink thej' whole j-yMni, requiring no reclaim tVem Lccypution, l-e.'iiperate living. Tlic V ictor Woii? v i- After loog. ted.ous.and xpensive experiment, Dr. Eci i' ha, d.sciovf.'i-pd a inetholl whereby the virlLe of Sarto-rarilii is extracted, so as to lie . I'onucii in:u !ils, Qiith?aL destroying its ejjLcacv. iitiiu'iiirable attcmrfs l;ave been npade to ac cci'rnplish this impot ti.u:i c jcct,Ebut alt failed. It is liiipo.tant, b'ccjtise tue iSarsap'jrilli. as a '.jMdieine. in all disease-? to which ioir.)und is suojtjct, is yroducLxi e oi more real govd, than the w.tiote catalogue oi meuicines in use. Ask all respectable physicians the questfon, 'I What is the most effectual purifier cf the Hood, and the inosl popular medicine used? I They will answer unanimously, Sarsaparllla. "What better recommendation can be asked t ' . DR. LEIDY'S i j Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills, ; Price twenty hve Cents a Box. One box of these Pills contains as niuck virtus of the iSarsapaniia as one ooU of (he various preparations of tfarsaparilia. uhidh test one dtllar a buttle. They must sorely command preference, for they are not composed cf Sarsaparilla alone, but contain in a concentrated state, in i the for net a pill, the virtues of the principal lngidiems Syrupa, and other preparations of Sacsapariila. They are highly recommended bj numerous physicians and ethers, (see directioins around each bottle, in' ' ! t l Rheumatic Affections, . Scroiula, Er8ipelaa, JaunJice, lieariburu, DUeuses of the Livar, tSkiu, Bones and Glaudfl, Pato of the side, along the Back and Cpme, over .the region of me Heart, Htid ttomJch,'' Li ward Fevers, Jiad Taste In lha Mouth, Foul Breath, Flatulency, Indigestion, Ulcerous Sores of ths aose, throat, and body, fecal t eruptions and! blotches of the SKiu, j it Drj aod" vratsry Pimplss snd Pustules id .(lis lacs and body, Tetter and Ring worms, Dwelhhgand hard suiug of the Glao.de oi ths neck, in the groins, breast, &c.fetiimach Cwuglis, Liver Complaints, ! Water brash, wantol appetits, ; bour Lructations, and Acidities ot the :Slom. cli, And all the whole train of diseases resulting from Impurity of the blood, constitutional Dis eases produced by Mercuiy, or other minerals, or the consequence of Syphilis, Lues Venerea &c For convenience of taking, as well ps making but u small bulk, being in flat square foxes, con venient for carrying in the pocket or for travel ling ' purposes, they must be preferable to all other preparations of oarsapanlla. Aiso, -within the past six uiouih?, I Were sold upwards of 4UUU bouiesot DR. LEIDY'S MEDICATED FLUID EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, Recommended in all the above affections, wherein the Sarsaparilla B food pills are reeom mended, and forming, an ex'cettent aufxiliary to their employment; tot as the tnorbirl tiiscaed humors, and other impurities ot the wlood, corrected by the Medicated Extract fof Sars panlla, they are gradually and most effect ua removed from the system by the purgjativo pr perties of the pills, which contain also A poraon oi barsapartila in them. oo superior to ah other preparations ot otrsa panila is the above, that Diuggists and dthei are in the habit of procuring froul the ppprifetor's Store, one bottle, which costs but one ioilar, and making therefrom one gall n of fcSyiiup, ( Con pound cJyrup, and, as some call it, Cohceiitratexi Comp.ui'd Ciyrup, which t'ey sell froni nfly cents to Ooe d liar a half pint bottle, costing ilcm but T O.DOLLARS PER GALLONi tl he fol lowing is the way it is prepared, i I 1 aue olbs while ougar, cost abouj 12 cent? per lb. 6 pints of Water, boil to cdnsBtence of Syrup, then add one -bottle of Dr. Lady V b trac'l of Barsapautla," the whole nfikin one gallon of Syrup, and costing bit TWO DOLLARS. ; . ; lxunierous recommcmiations irom 3hysic3ans and others, accompany the directions areliind each bottle. Besides, usu all repe.tabie fljysiciaiis the qi estton whai is the most enecit of the blood, auu the most popular mcdiisne used t Fliey wili tell vou ur.aniuiv.usiv. SARSAPA- KILL A, the component parts ct the! foregoing picparat'ons. i - n 'I i rra v-:-rs, Mid aM persens, i;i la ii u mm a r sns r ihty are particu'arly rccurnme 'iiv.d'-u!. n symiuer- excursions wiu-'j-rv lisel'i. .did- ln- finu them riU'JE. ONE DOLLAR A BOTTL J'rrepa.retl snd sold wholesale anjd ret,ai!S, i'r. L.:u s .ilcaith cmponuia, lid bdrsel e3ja VmeNo. 12.1, FJaladtlphia.- .' ' A I. SO, Sc!d 'aUbe eff-ce of in, Wilmington, N. C. July SOth, 1838. 131 1Y t.ork, Hum, Sugar, 20 BARRELS Mess Pork, i0 Hogs' Jo! es, 50 " . L.Tltm, ; 10 Ildcis. Porto Rico bugiir, 6 " Cuba Muscovado do.4 f0 Hags Green Cuba Ccftee, 100 Casks fresh Thomasion Li 800t feet White Pine Boards, 5000 Gunny Cage, S40o0 Prime Principe Segarw, 30000 Curacoa do. 10 Cases Boots and Kip Crogane, LJ.0 dozen liuckeiSi . . 100 Boxes Soap, No. 1, i, & 3, in Urge' 1 1 and small oxes, I 0 Kegs Nails, assorted sites,.? iO Wrought Sptkes. jdo: 5 Puhcheons Refined Oil; Molasses, Sugar in Barrels, Flour, Rice. Wine, Vinegar, Bacon, ac. FOB SALE BY barry&brtant: Jun 25th, 1838. V2 tf superior duality Socar, bi Hhds. ) 28 Tiercea, MOLASSES, 2fi Rhla. Just received bv the Clara, and for sals hr V BARRY & BRANT. July 6th, IS38. 4 129 tf Wanted to i Charter A - VESSEL or Vesiela : to carry 135,000 Al BRICKS to Savannah. Apply to . J; , R. W.BROW!&50N. vr;tm;rton. JulrSWi. 1838. ; t 133 tf ! " To the Afflicted" ;. ' MUCH IN FEW WORDS Kv tacts speak -Jor; themielvei. jC trial of w jouwing preparations-will . 'i: ' 'confirm the fucts. I -"gITHlN thejpast six months Vere sold V V upwards of J0 bottles ef ! Dlji. BEOHrE!tS P ULMONA R Y PRESER V,A TI V E For Coughs, Co!ds; Asthmas'; Calarrlis, lnou enzas. vV hooping Cough, Pain of the Breast . and Side, Spming of Blood, diseases of tiie Breast ai.d Lungs, and aj proach- ing Consumption. I This medicine has been emnlovd tnr ihrouv huutthe various parts of GermanV, and is w(c jHcuLciTie, iv. wnicn confidence s ilure placed for the oIojlc objections, ltisttu re em ployed ' by physieiahs themselves, and univer sally byeail. Certificates and recein'mifndaiioiis accoinpiiny the directions. . Price filly cents a bottle . Also, withm thei past six months vr ere sold uproar As of bottles Of i DR.? LEIDY'S TONIC AND AN riDYSPEPTIC CORDIAL. An effectual remedy for Dvsoeosi a nrinHi tion, for general debility or sveakness, Flatulency, Loss pf Appetite, Sour Eructations und Acidities or tneijtomachosiivencss Headache, Jaundice. miuieni ana vinous oolic, &c &c. 6ic. This medicine has cured rmnv cases. 'of from one to fifteen years' standi,;, and tchere cdlvther specijica, as, lotll as valuable meatcn.1 dzd. had Jaikd to Cure, lis known reputation a suffi cient warranty for its future success. Dyspeptics are earnestly requested to make trial oi ii. 1 uay will not be disappointed in its effects. Numer ous recommendations accompany the directions. , Priee one dollar a bottle. " LEIDY'S j VesrctaMc Febrile Elixir, Warranted a permanent and effectual .Specific for Fever and Ague, lruermiltent and Remit-1 lent Fevers, also, highly serviceable;, in the BlauK Vomit, Typhus aud j ;,..'' , Yellow Fever. This medicine has been employed throuffhout the different Fever and Ague Districtaj in -the United States and Mexico, with uncommon suc cess, never having heard of a single failure. . l'riee on dollar a bottle. fThe foregoing; preparations are' putiin half pint bottles, with fluted corners, and the! words' " Leidy'8 Chemical Laboratorie, Phila.' blown in the sides, and the signature of the proprietor accompanying eaeh. . j N, B. 11 the above preparations are prepared by a regular physician and apothecary, and warranted tree from Mercury, minerals, vr any deleterious dings, that would require restraint from occupation or temperate living. or sale at j I Dr. Ltidy's Health Emporium, -. tiecQnd Street below Vine,' I :! Philadelphia. jTJrFor sa'.e alo at the office of i W. WARE, Agent. Wilmington, N C. July 20th, 1838. 131 1Y THE undersigned, or in his absence, (Linton James, Esq. vriil receive until the 15th of September next, proposals for delivering on board of lighters, in the Cape Fear River,! about seven miles below ; ihe town of Wilmington, 2,000 perches of such stone as would be con sidered the refuse of quarries. The stone to be heavy and durable, and no one stone to weigh less than six pounds, . Also, at the same place, 1,100 blocks of heavy and durable stone, the length of each block to be about eight feet six inches, audits breadth and depth to vary from sixteen to eighteen inches. Also. 1000 tons of I heavy and durable stone, to Be delivered at the wharf at Fort Caswell, 500 tons of which to be in blocks weighing not less than one ton each, and the remaining 5001b be composed of stones weighing not less than, fifty pounds each. The delivery of all the above Iojs of stone to commence by the iirst of November next. I . ALEX. J SWIFT, Capt. U. S. Engineers. Wilmington, July 2Gth, I83S. . Lte'bw i f!3r The Fayeltcville Observer, and Jodrnal, the New. York Evening Post, and Star, Phila delphia Gaiette, and: Enquirer, Baltimore A me rican, and Chronicle, will publish' this adver tisement, until the 1st of September, and send their accounts to the subscriber. 1 Proposals for Pilee. j rElHE un lersind, or in his absence, Hlnton H Jarpes, Eq. will receive until the 10i of Septesnbo: next, proposals. for delivering al the j.Ate.s' l.low Wiimiftg'cn, TvO PILES, vary- WMalfs to be of pins i'bcr, and srbared'.bnj two opfTcsiie:icesL so tnat the jttistance tiom taf-e o tace .shail be twelve inches.-- 1 he dei.very to the .first t-f Oictrbr ntxt. f J ALLX.J. SWIFT, j cofnnence by ' j r. Cap: U. S. Engineer. Wilmington. July-Ch-h, lS:. i: TW iiANIk iii (.'Art i t'.v 26th Julr, 1S3S. IS A T ameetiqgof the Board of Directors his . ji.dav , I 1 I . iccsolved unnnimmslv. Thst this Bank ib on lo-hiorrow resunia'the payment olits liabiUtitt in specie. ; ' Copy from the-minutes. ! 132 tf JOHN HILL, Cashier. WILMINGTCN, NPC. July th, Viee Conau!ate'o! Foriaal for ) the Mate of North Carolina. ALL persons- that are bound to any of the pt.rts ofihe Portuguese dominions re requested to apply to thi"Vice Consulate for their pass ports, the strictest orders having lately been received from the Government upon this subject. 1 JOSEPH A. SINTAS, j 1 t30 4W i Vies Consul fr Portofs!. VILMlSGTON,23 Joilliq, I8W ! Vice Consuladode Portugal par' b Estado da Carolins de Norte. TPJOR ordem superior sao eonvivados todosos Portugueres, resicnies n'esta Ciudhdsj do Wilmington,! a ; coaiparecerem no Escriptari cTeste Vice ConSUlad sn Second Street, nojdia 24 do coiTiente das 9 horas da manhan ate as! da tarde, afin de darem o seo jure men to a nova Constitoicao da Blonaiquia PortUEWia. i s JOSEPH A. SINTAS, ! 1 132 3 " '! 6, CojstiI de PoriajaL GaltBoxca Snfjar, and Pork 3Q)0 Tork'' 16 Boxes W hit and Brown Htva'na Sugar, ' 9tr Barrels clear Fork 1 25 do Joles, I? I 50 do'fresh No. 3 Mackerel, . .. I Just received for sale, by i f 1 I - BARRY & BRYANT. : JalT 27th. im ii IS3 tf Frovihe N'ctr York American. . Good, wine needs no bash,' and goo.1 verses no praise. Oar readers of taste will agree wrth us i:i cj!1 iug the follaw ina, bj Lieut, PaUc;, poetry real poetry : TUB TWO VOICES. BY; tltUT-.O. V?JPA7T$S, U 3. AUY. TAVO voices swelled ?l'Uwarl the lea,.. I haicut-d while ihey sarg; One. s i"i as lute on summer sea", One hniili us trumpet' & clang. 1st Voice. Dau;:ht r, rest ! No cloud of sorrow Uuws thy urow wtin tears ut slam ; Sleep to-ight ihedawnirigmorrow fcioon for thee will smile again. . Starlight siceps upon the water, Sunlight slumbers in the West- . Close thine eyelids, ijcniie daughter, Nature's oiccs whisper- rest! i - .' Daughter, rest, T smooth thy pillow, Lay thy heud upon it, sweet; Here doth nevei roll the biliow, . Here the. drum may never btat; Light of war will ne'er come o'er thee, SjuuikI of conflict rent! thy breast, But, thy Father s lips before th-.e. in thy dream, shall murmur "rest!" Daughter, rest No thorn shall wcund thee, 'AJid thy dream of roses wild,! : Mother's arm is clasped around thet, other rocks her widowed child. Sleep, the weary hei'd ia folded, . Drowsy birds have sought their ties, Hush! the song which :. father moulded, Dies in slience daughter, rcsll i . ; v . - Two voices swelled jathwart the lea, 1' listened white they sang, One 6oli as lute on summer sea, ' One harsh as trumpet's: clang. 2d 'Voice! Forward ! 'mid the battle's hum, Roughly rolls the daring drum ; Victory; with her burned breath, Calls ye, from her mouths of death, . War, with lumd of crimson slain, ' Waves ye to the front again ; Onward ! ere the field is won- , ' . Forward ! ere the fight is done. - ' i. - 5 i j - Forward I raise the banner high ! Toss us spangles to the sky, : Let its Eagle, reeking red, Float above the toyman's head, Let its stripes of red and white, . Blind again his dazzled sight. Onward ! ere the field is won Forward! ere the light is done. . j 1 .'- . - Forward ! to the front again I Urge the steed, an'd loose the rein ; vSpur! amid the rattling peal! -Charge! amid the storm of steel. O'er the stream, and through the glen, Cowards watch the strife of mens Onward I ere the field is; won -Qnward ! ere the fight is done- t Buwanee, Florida. " . PnAablv alludins to a certain battle, in which it was sard certain troops could not be brought into action. Life preserving Vest.-A. new fashion ed ie preserver, in ithe shape of an ordi nary waistcoat, has been invented at Hart ford, Con. . It is made like any common vesLwith the exception that ifie breast anqa portion of the back are lined with Injia rubber, which jean be inflated by thej breath, in a few moments, and as well in 'the wafer as out of it. It is not intend ed that these shall be put on only when immediate danger threatens, out worn at all times when travelling on the water, a the India rubber, when uninflated, does riot injure the appearance I ; Am Com. Advertiser. DWELLING HOUSES roa sit.ci TME subscriber offers for sale that de- sirable, and p'easantly t tuated HOUSE AND "LOT, on the north side of Market Street, between Second and Third Streets, at present occupied by Nir. A. A. Brown, This is a large, i conven ent, arci pleasant house, ami the is unusually large, wiih every convenience, vacant space t oih er-os cf ih4 house, a large yard, and a tin" grd-rt spt, stable!, &c. and sitoate in the most hea'.tiiy aud pleasant part of Wiimihgton. Th?'. ccTer.iei"!t and pleasant BRICK DUELLING, wt;h ah excellent store ur.der-r.f-r.ti., siuistird near the Town Hall, and adjoin ing Mr John Wooster's, at present occupied by Mrs. La-p-yre. This: is a very convenient and plesatu h"use, in excellent rtpair, near the market, and Very convenient to tbe business part of the town. The lot extends from Market Street back to sh alley f -- .. For particulars, apply to; Mr. "-y'''0"- j I T. H. BYRNE. August 3d, 193g.' j '.'' 133 tf . tottecior'e Offlee, Wilmlngtos, N. C. ) AaaallBt, 1838t TOJOTES of the Bank of Cape Fear, and of l(ihe Wilmington Branch of the Bsnk of the State, of twenty dollars and upwards, will be received at this Office, in payment of Custom House dues. L. 11. MARSTELLER, 133 3w Col eetor. FOR SALE, A GOOD seconl-hand double panel nearly as good as oew Apply in w. i. WALKER, - . i At the Roekepring Rnrr Wnmington, August 3d, 18i. 13 lw NOTICE. 'PHE copartnership heretofore existing -1-under th-. firm of HOWEY &. ALLEN, was dissolved on thei 21st instant; b j rautul consent. '. ' ' - '. - Those who are indebted to said firm, either by note ot book account, will please call and sett's on or before tbe first or October, with l no, rj. Howey, otherwise, such claims tnutbe placed in the hands of ancfScer for c4 lection. , - ' - Wm. A. ALLEN. ; ' - ' rraos. h. howey. WHrnington, July 37th, 1838. , ISi 4w 1 l . From the Raleigh .Standard. No. 9. STATE AFFAIRS. Mr. Editor :' ith dijftrenee eoHliriued. All my ob jections lo ther plan u( lending cut the funds of the Slate for Internal Improve ment, stated in your last paper, assume it to be certain that every thiug will fce fairly conducted, that the Board will be-vijiiant in the selection of debiois; and thej debtois honest in applying the money solely to the purposes of Internal Improvement. Now in all this I may have ukemoo much for granted. . L"t the .Board be ever so ho!H tby are not capawlr of enforcing and if rapt bl they are not clothed witli anthori'v to inquire into the application of th;. iTiOney by oorrtpanit s which borrow it. Thes -are speculating tiftis, and though I coubt not North Carolina people ate as horns: aa those of any State, yet even the assein bl v of North Carolina is obliged ti& guard by thnir laws against knavery anij Trands, and he has lived to little purpose vyho has not discovered that we also need rjray not to " be led info temptation." It will oc- ptatK cur to minds less astute than thosej of spe culators and usurers, how easy itito take the covering of " a joint stoclt compnny to construct sorrie work for improving the means of internal transportation," and use it for the purpose of procuring a loan for I individual trajfic. A company mysi give security- the members of the company bein in the posssession of large jestates, will he accepted by tbe Board tbe com pany is entitled to the preference over in dividuals and after a loan is rrjade at 4 1-2 per cent, the securities being in fact the company, may each take his shir of the. loan and use it for private speculation. 1'ney, as a company, may oree to such a division of it until the company s ready to commence their works, and that period may, never come. In, the mean time the fOnd for. Internal Improvement is put outof the control of the State at an interest of less than the current rate, and used in the obiecta of individuals may not occur, but then it might happen, and if not, the cause will not be found in the system proposed, nor in tlje vigi lance of those who would adopt it. No system could offer a stronger jempta tiW to the cupidity of. the wealthy, and consequently it ought not to be enlenain ed nor can it be amended so as to meet my objection. The defect is Radical, It exists in theprincipleand not in the de tails. The Board cannot control jhe ap plication of the funds after they arejloaned out, unless the Assemoiy appoiniea om cers under the Board to overlook the ope rations of each company which borjiowed money of the State; and the payment of such officers for their services would ex haust all or nearly all the Interest re ceived for the loans 1 A Boarc sitting in Raleigh cannot supervise at once the eon- duct of comoanies in Buncombe INew Hanover and Currituck, &c. 1 need not dwell on the demoralizing tendency of such a state of things. But if none of the objections mentiobed had any weight if the plan were free of fault in the points already presented, I ask the reader to elevate his View above the calculation of pence, and look at this, sys tem with the eye of a slatesman,jxnd see what will be its effects updn the legisla ture of the State ? Regarding it in this light, we may sup pose the security for the money unques tionable, the works which it is loaned td foster certain of being executed, and that the borrowers will faithfdlly app y the money to the objects coQlemplated, and. still it is questionable whether ibis system be not a bad one. It must be conceded that anv company on obtaining aj loan, will be seriously embarrassed and probably ruined by its withdrawal before the colii pletion of their works or Soon afterward. These borrowing. companies will be scat tered through the Stale, and each one will have its friends, local, political and pecu niarv. Kacb will require indulgence from the State, and if need be, ALL will club together to get it. For this purpose each one (after a .while) will send its agent to electioneer with the Assembly, and it requires no prophet to forsee the fijuit? of their mission. " Log-rolling" legislation will become the order of the day tri the house, according to those argijiments which have been made out of it during the bight proceeding. These debjts.wilt in effect be' turned into perpeiual loans and the mbney spent in discussing the phtyers fbr indulgence &c. will consume the interest received and probably! more. ,Nor is this the worst ot it. The evil habit of " log-rolling" once fixed upon the legislative councils of the State will ex tend itaelf tb other topics And ultimately destroy all wholesome legislation.! The greatest evil lbat ran afHict a free State is to harts the people to suspect the! repre sentatives distrusting the honesty of each other I beliere next to a legislature that is really corropt. this may be considered the very greafest political eril in a free government ' Who will say that tbe pro posed plan of lending out public money to corporations and those' corporations year after year soliciting indulgence, &c. does not have a tenancy to excite popular sus picion ' A boJy of lobby-members, a class .of lectionerriug agents of corpora tions selected5! Atheir address, and aim- i . . . ing only at success in procuring money i - or delay of payment for whether ha? got already, cannot fail to d(Trouch, mis chief and will excite jealous and distrust among the people. These seem to brie? Kimtle consequf nces of( the system pro posed by the Committee of 26 Fortu nately the General Assembly of North Carpi ipa rejected it Not a member of.; that body is thought capable of advocation o system which he, believed could be pro- . ductire of the ills I hare alluded tcs 1 do not mean to be understood as chang ing these Vvho .voted for this plan with be ing less honest .than those oppo to itrr I-think, however, they weje wrong, and in giving my -reasons for it, 1 "attack tbo 5ys!em the plan that was proposed an4 and not its authors or its aarocaie. The next question that presents ilkelf is i Was it proper to invest the Tnone- in t,he. Raij Roads as proposed in Air. Hoke's resolutions ? i will endeavor td answer this inquiry to the satisfaction of every boc'y. but-1 am forced to postpone it till nother opportunity, or else inakelhia essay too lon. MENTOR, From the Raleigh Register.. itiPROVEMEST OF OUR SEACOAS7 We. ha ve before us a Report transmitted to Cohgrt s? in May last, by James Ream n EY. " the Engineer cha rged with roa king a survey, with a view to determine the practicability of opening an inland communication lor steam navigation, from the Chesapeake Bay to Charleston." -The object of the work is to proride a passage for "the accommodation of the coasting trade of the Union in peace, and its protection during war. The Engi neer reports, that the practicability a.n4 importance of the work are unquestiona ble. Although the surveys aje unfinibi ed, the. Heport presents in stiong terrna the advantages to be derived from the ac complishment of the work, .The Engi neer says: i - ' .V v " The coast between Beaufort, North Carolina, and the Chesapeak Bay, for a ThUfength of two hundred and jiwenty or twd I I I I - -I .1 ' I - nunarea ana tniny miles, is nearly, nna, in i few years, will be quite destitute of inlets capable of admitting even the smallet class of coasters. The closing of 'those which formerly existed, (and there hava been at least a3 many as ten: of them) hai been steadily progressive. tn my opin ion, (and it has been long and deliberotrly fprined, and frequently expressed, thei maintenance oft direct navigable com'mu1 ni'-ntion between either Albemarle, or Pamlico sounds arid the ocean is imprac ticable, n I purpose, in my final report, to attempt the demonstration of this proposi tion ; and I think I will be able to show that Ocracopke, the only inlet now capa ble of admitting thei passage! of coasters will probably also close in a few yeariC This inlet, which formerly had 13 feet at low water upon its bar, was last summer, reduced to a depth of 6 12 feet at ordinary high tides, notwithstanding, the efforts of the Government to resist the encroach trientorthejshfl 'upon it. By the storms of August, Sept, and October last, these efforts were paralyzed,vand the hope of improving the inlet was ahandoned?' The Report then recommends k. eon-. Inaction of the trade of . the Sounds with Beaufort Harbor, asserting itbaL : " Beaufort, since the tetflelinent of the country, has never bad lfs than 15o l( feet on the barof its inlet a h:gb, tides. It Has now perhaps, 23 feet at high lidesj I Ceruinly it has nearly thai depth, ano there are few bars to the toulliwarcj of it ! with more; at low water it has 1 8 feet. A navigable coinmunication tot Coasting vessels would, therefote, open for the trade of a large part of North Carolipa, at least one of ifie best, and, taking; ihe depth water at. low tides, the character of the bar, and the salety of the roast near it, perHaps the best Ailnntic harbor south of the Chesapeake Bay." f V - The Report alsu recommends that a Canal be cut uniting the vaters of. the Neure and . Cape Fear River, which -would suffice to open an inland coming nication for steamboats from ihe Ditrittil Swamp Canal to Wilmington! and to Ihe fVf.nn The line of the Canal la esllma- Ud hi 56 1 2. miles n length. ; . We Anxiously look forward td the Air when three works may r. accomplished, i It has always been a source of grief and mortification to bur cuireus, tlat oof tea coast possessed ucb limited advautagea ' for commercial business, The prodpee of North Caibliha has heretofore .found its way to tbe scaports of the neighhorinf " State, ie the great detriment and Josa of our reonle." This scheme of iroprorrnient. if accomplished, must operate lor trie en ter. Concentrating &9L it will the wtt;!e trade of the Eastern shore, and lea'djh it to the marts of Wilmington or BkauforU a great dis.id vantage will be overcome. and the commercial interest of the Stats , be greatly benefitted. - And if the eCbrta -of our citizens to establish a Ratlroa4 ll&e from ast to West, should be consumma ted, and. the fertile productions and mine ral wealth of Western Carolina find in easy access to : the ocean, our State will . assume a new position, a greaief .energy , will be tent to the industry of oar peopie. and the tide of emigration, now drainiDjr check, ' ' " ' - w - .! Walter Herrori, Esq, fot folk, deceased; boff Sefi SlCCOiotbeColoiu&aiou Society. : - . r ; for pay men c. ... , , . 1!- i