a: UU k ,1 VI i M ( L3VT t ' .1 . , I , . ' f . - - ' '' "". j Vr ' C HILL., Editor and Proprietor. V ,'' 44 V F; C HILL., Editor and Proprietor JTUST Fin jOT. Wilmington, Xorth, Carolina FRIDAY, A1JGUST 24th, 1838. WHOLE NO. 136. " -. .. - . - PUBLISHED ' Jsrriiy FeD.i y morning. 1 ' !- - I , ' ' Theee Dollars pea annum, iv advance. AUVE11TUEMI2.VT.S ! Not ececJru a Square inserted at ()'E DOLL All f tb flML-and TWiSN'l l'.riVK .CENTrf lor each subse- uent inertiun. ; f ; i No SubstrVbcrs taken for less' tjjan one year, and all rttji permit their subscription to run ovi r a year, .without giving notice, arc ccnsicleied bound for-ihe second year, and ao on for uli. uc-.l ce'iin years, ' i No-pft-ei- 'Jiscohrinued' until all arrearages are pali, un!3 at the bntion of the Editor:'' I Cy- OFFICE on the joulh iitle ul' ilarkct. Street, be law th Coiut Ilouar.. . . iter . ' Q.oe of the pirstimnHh ,t!Rninokc Tl. K. Co. ' I j Potrdtiiuach, V'u. May. 23tli, 1333. Great Ventral Itoulc -v'Jv I'frtjrilier l nn,rove u.niak. it absolutely r rmfmn 'frv that h-: l..u.!.t hcr.-at,r receive . i..vriablui advance, . , 1 . PKTVVKEN TIIK . Norrrk and south,' :lria -'Ac pjfUm'wtr'r. an t 'llozx.r.k' Rail '"'''. rJxd,iiiid the Cic.inpeaJc: H i-y .' ' -. .'.- " $le'i"i 'its, iIlROUCJH f7.a I i .l fitx. N. C. to X n;, v..rk. wi F-arv t;.!: iiouii im,jh.' L-'tit'.L o. fU: ao s. w.t ' .0;3EB'I' i iiii:-; ' ; . j-; . cl, tJ ho i.ir: ? Btuim i;e m i'ni! ,-!r-iiict. 6 Slonpas, 41 d.xv rivuiay. Li.iuiiu.ie i-viv j.U'jiiJiiy, ' WednsJy a'ul Friday. vi AVuihinUxi ('uy . eiry' Wednesday. -Fare fivui. ..laijiSx.n VUiUx-d-jipiiia, inc'iiJin cvey expensv-. (iiicar puiiti-' i&c.')$iB..:..- .v" - ... .' 1V b j paj! is'.led unti'. f ubid in ti.e A uiist i , Qhriiiic!, b Ivuiinrtlv Gi ori ui, t.iit.les;.n "Ooiu ier, N.rfo!k Herald, Baltimore Pa r ot &. Ain.-rkuii, Nu'.onal In elhei e r, U nMr.z -tit-, PeiuisYl'vauiati. ami iew loik atir, ai.U.ae- count sent M the 0:Ti.-e' u; tr.e i ot t.ditioi.ii.ii cc Ilt'a.no.ke-it i ; ! ro i I ( ,'oin'p u y 1C5 if NOTiCiu fO .'JltitWUANTX. ' -A LL -.Alerehan-lisp,.. iuk-nd.-d to b fi XM.'a:'d d mi the llaihoad. ir.us he sei.l bt: tveon 6'jniise li.id ' eiiit o'cio. K, A M. Any. ' thl'rt 'i.iVt.: aftei "that i:ui-.''s can;i.ii be tnKen on tnai day. .iithiii-AVill "' received, ijillrs it. is pin 'up In Vie fti-.t'.sabs;'iutiat laan .er.. 'Everything mal have th i owe..s nui.ne marked distineily oil Ij't. uiid-iJt tuil ,a;-f inpaiiyh' -it," specify ing tln- vtiz'it, stattns;"'vi'iio'ti is iVoih,;viio. it. io fi- t at.-i witeie it is to ho lefr. --v.--"-. - '.".''; . Thd mVchanis -v ill bff held responsible in very .ca'4aviVn- tlie fr- iuln on evj: y iiii.gset. by ta eai .' :1 ert l "n fa b .1 v 1 n cu 1 1 tn utevts' o f pro duce,. and oilier irt':cles ft nv tlto o..i;ilry,.iiias! Ink 3 ihV;m 'lv ay 1 1 n d 0 y t h 1 1 t lit y a 1 1 1 v e , a l H e Cunipuiiy w id ui i be resptuistbh t'-r ajiy. ilvus Sur.VaeCitio retii.isn at lite D j.oi vIl u.;l 1 Artiehi will be., do! iveid at, and tpKcn tiorn JoiIoWmV' p-nirs tri tne rea'5. viz.- ivt.ty Faint it Dcpbt, Wtu r Siation, near- -Hur-aw anp,aiAl the. ioior near.ooui w asmu-iou. A 'em of rrai:S!oitation. :.: If May 12th, F33 NOTICE. rTlTT oitWribV-r beitior about Io remove ; ' B . i..-.. . . 1 ;v .. ,.. ! notsi due hmi, ill ti.e h unt -r trnm 1 .b chic h o-v . .. . ,j I i ! M iller Atto.uv. for ctU. :u-4. i .' JSAMULi. ...XJ- CAXXOX nMin.wAus?. li.h)18S.J' 13a lUw. COALtj Uale-itooe of oo'd quality, '.40 piVcc..ttb.i Biijni. ioa lit rVUv I'.POVVJ & SOX 1 ll' - --" I " - S. B EVtjRETT. P.r.itSvUle, 15;h Au-:. loH. 133 tf. i'UUT SALK. O Vth27th ofl his month. I avi.Ii sel! nt Public 4uctiiai, in th nvn ol ! ay. ilnj tile. u tui. I i.:r ..-t .iM.l niost ente.ns. v.t tSa.or.nj.fcnts cl JPritz and etiicincs, i . U VB 6TU F Y S. j . II ATT & US' MATERIA LS, ; Iu4h wte. Also, u qi tmhy of elijMi.t FUtl- Ni r0 it k. n Ait'auc u c ai ti a ess. m. ud dtuble. AUo, i-'i?y f FfV KM tG UiTENSIt.S, and two KEciit'ES.a tnch and f'lnW' .'' - " 1 'i .i ' ' ... VXk1-S Hr K''d?r,Casdi; all ever, 00 livi wt.h i.iii'f'Hl papci. i 'jciab'i? Bt hat.k. "y1" V4 -AiMlb' KIM'UAl,.L,.4iKi AurustT.b.lSSS. , , ' . ;-VXo hi chafttto .tU yettrvnjSe a.yri!l copper cofvur .uout'i4 or 25 years old ; httd on " ..r.; iu uni Mumv a coarse sun ot clo.hes.; H'is front teeth are somewhat defective, a i.-trrrv oick-spoken.-' It - in SiipposoJ he taJ he ;. -rr riiek-SPokeit.'' It w tuppr.su: he will wake tor Wihphigton, and he ran a ay 'some inAn, and by trade a brick mason, b ealh d hinidelf 'JtfUH La n d EJlP,v?Pft-' ton iaSeptaWtfiTAiy PCPR WJ10 P"?? Liiaio'nie oraeciwe him iaiail so that I gel hun, f.aii hve-th above rewards um . R. P. GORBELU Greensboigh, ,CJh J35 Zw. i THS ncA Stkrrs i.i at the South East corner of the. Town Haul at present occu pied' by Chaih Ni.xoi and Vr 1 ' ' p's.ou riven 1st Ocnber.jie.vi. App'iV" lii.uuJh .Messrs. TfTN avvny r-m the eubseiiL-creili Saturday iU?ni-ht lb, -lift iiist J a Nijro U.y'Ly ihev rt.V.nf"MS-rkbVui "Oet 10 inches !n-!. ; : XOTICE. TT HEREBY fowvasn all' person: fiotn tiwdirio' fl. for a.' Noe ff tlaud ive-n by ;lie ub.sicriber los John Cui i v, dotted s. nie time iv June Iat, six months aficr date for tinny ooliars, as 1 a'in tle- tt hnfnfd iiol io iii" f.n:u hute. as it was'iduui lidy cbtaiiud against ii.c. 1 Ausust J.1tli,'lS3S. 6 if. -7 7T' rPfPYril?' rit- iTCi Urms for the present Volume fX cons?qMnci :.of repeated jipplieatwjis for the Mtss'user fr a less period il t.i 'aiijeuiiru 4r. tlie l'u'.i.sher has iii !ud J to tit cusid:tuiis. for Ikz ihC tnl near only, so hi nf-etvc tew M bsri s tV-r thzrtitUiiiidcr i this Vii!urne-Jo c Uiiri Mi.ce wi:I ei htr the Mjny or Ji!v nuinlier tii- kioi:t nunihers will ostfi o3i: . s J ' , i - v ! - ti'j fix I'Uii-bers, torn ill v'r,) SU I f Tin; f the A h'e.ivy ' expense, v. Inch tie juibtiCAtion .ici-sen::ti i.i its t:resent style ren'ters ni.a- lid ilis of th. I VopneiOT sldt liees sub- -t(tcai -t j ue n made to te 'jrt q'fpiits. no t s i lieir just oue$. ' be cone. iv d. since it- is Sri esse .ecr. ib vv.oi Hi liio JiiiKijiUeM ri ; d f ,r u ;- i0 b; I .i c- v, !i:5h ikwJ 'be iue:i i r e tJ j- ih:n r !' t ot; IS kliOWiilb ICS ". h 4v. :: p. .iti ; ! .: ui.ii!,v s. ClM 1 V e o iiKiU I'ro, i icJt iv x !.- .iiri iin, :'i' -1A II l i d ill e-.UiiIita.l P!'t I jitrj'' Siii:si-: ;;.( w' no i;e .'i-i.n ' in arr-ari i. i!iu--. ?:.; !v - ill ' '.renrst. ih tt'i Hi . h y I'US, t Ti I Vf I V UV.I ! ' . j ir j v o.: in . .. . u- 'te;" ;t ,...w,'la( ot .01;-.. li. !! HI- ''I i.l .'i:.u Sli . . . . : I 1 !' ii.i.d- I'. m'lr.'eU'V" v-n.'d be fii.sblel I ' eV-.-4'.V ei.iuil i,ui:it ' lit puolietf! .- - I () lii.-Hi- 011 at I. -V. uid b:ii ul liidi nt x i.i.- :" .tiVii' cr 1.1 a. hew drcjS, and ill); J-l'ie it if 1. -i h r re.?foet3. I he ritK of ui!tti:i'i:"iui'; -UM5cri?t:ons bviftaKs IO'ji" every Mi -Tiij2tM.:K Iran-ni tt r t riiirnW-s.t; is 'rehirAKU t ib-s i-.ik i .ioier-t ;uf'.ce ol ii.e.:i. aoi tea-: ' ). 1 r :.i:t! n 1... iiu rai'diiin f the ii'f:nber a to I ptitij-ubir liiarhs a note- eut. li: iclrsi v)'!, July. ! H.'-8. S., l li'J, i 1) WILLING HOUSES 'J.IE subscriber ofi'ers for Sale that de p :j;is;iniv s tuai!4 liv, die 'n'onli side or 'Market ' 1 r-, . irct 1 n Se.e .!..! anil Thisd 8ijr.--ets, at prosen iil:e by Mr Ai A. Crflvvn. i ins is a larej ! Ven eiu ii);d rleisnt house, and ihe b-t i? usu.s'ly jare, wii,ievet y.ro'-nventenc'e, acai'f it if? a! i.e ; " ;i, :i i ti i..iup an'P. Vilio. eri'l .ijtiiie i;hiu n ... .. . ... .. . j , -, stables, eve. and s-tUHir in the! lntost. hcailliy and j)la?;u)i part of v' l'aniuton "Ivi'i. cottwenie 't and pleasant BTljlCK; 'ELL! lSGr vkh ' An exceilpnt -sroie- iitiidt r-1 neaih, 'si-Uiiivd i"sr ihf Tuv iHoll, and sidjo.i- 'i$;. Mr John 'Vv o-.sirrV, al prcWtt'.t occupied hy- .Vtrs. Ii.-ii "Vii'. i hi. i a vei y conveu.t nt .i;l If sam l.ouse, ' ill'. exerUetu-' n pii'r, .loar ill nj ii' Ke', ai.tl very '..i vt r, leivt to t lie. o...-.iuess parli nif Ui.e ttp.'n. the h: . e:ai bds iroia. viathet b: r-t t b .ck to en ::i y. j - M For pur;i.euia., el-ply to ATr. u nt Wi1ftn. T. II. DVUK. Aausta , ic3S. if Torim Ayr j acted. ' '68 ASLOCiS Veso tabic -Powd'sr and For Disea'trs of I c LUttgst Liver jAu liiis, Dyspepsia-, t-uug-is. CtttJs, Co ml m ij r ij .1 a,-, a. ' it .a j ' 1 w. st-Jt ia.a . & r. Sr,''iK 'oper;iiion;oi 1 his Aiedi.-ine is par iii.ii.iiiv uiiiw.aiiii.s'M3. j 1 jiiu ;ioo:s t Ken ucj tin lieat'thtui t eu-ptratioi.,- ar.dvcnc'et s lUoihiij and bcriiiClouxS'A-.'tun.i's i relieves ehroiint wtr.e.- Jiotss and tiia-e;ior..-u; -ihe Inn-si; asfivie r- - . oi2h:-.pront't'K'a ir-e i.hd t .1 1 i ! . . x 1 'c e t if . i : i t : 1 ; t.l CAM.T-. l it !... ill'.. .Il iC...... .I.i-. .f..i. t- B. - V..1I1A - , , , , . .. Lrii.aes p.it.is fi.'i"n tue chest; relieves sisl brdiiiicuil ivsptra'lir.ft ; corrects obstinate c n S3, ' i'i.V'd leaves the . bowels in a reul h idiiiy st.'ie. 'I'htije nainfid svnintoh;r ciiMtive iic .-.nd t r.iuo oanoi'i syniritomr ivniclii liMln-atedneased iu'n's readdv ie i! to tli di .v.sed hia"5 readdy yie.d to tlilis.ee:-) jain lemedy, v, ,,.!i v;ns(!itt!!y n sorled '0 ; a lestoi s t!io p.iti. .ii. t: i lift ti.i lily yior V. hih tl nd vaittug" disov H'r," he co.nsunn-ii.ln, if Jell to! flu luiturai o'p.-rvti" so surely dastco'ys, TO PU3IC. Ve have l-'io icr!.. tu jot oj.j.iiuj.utes Oif con- :h ur rtr.jni!i fauces at tl-se (south, f .who Imw. u.s-d llai'l.,ek's V EGETABLH MR- iitCl.NL. n.airytil whose na:v.es ureaitilrhcii toil1 piis tertiiicati l iVt m ourk.nnwl.eiv v f theirr jretiectaiility,' and the benefiis vc hich ;'it -y.up-j .jjienr;d to haw dta'l.ved Item ils use yli'huvc no! UlfsilililOU in fXuVi s .iii.' .'u'ir ' bhef lltAl .it - i nl jvuluab-e Medieire. tor;. i hi- i.urp'.so.C.r- wfhif.h ittj Unified to the public ai.d a uch we ehetertuliy i Piiov ao n tlTTVr, 1 Late TVisa.r of the rrcsbyttriim - lhiinii. Vi!niini''?on, C. . tl". A. ROWLANfV Pastor OT tn- Pt :! i're: '. Chnrch, I. Y. j Th -.Honey of, Ins, -.ledreine hasl.t-eu njfully ft. f-tnl. ti,;.i.u .!: of c:il;ti Mi s i.ivi' inichtbc if'ioiish.ol) is i'.- r.u'd. uiiiitCc-ry. it ikiay bo t o t-iiuU l the s.v;m.i .... r. Wm O.JFPFRBVS. Vilruinstbn, rifcenibti 1st, 137- 4irif Mr.JluJtift a,l Txas- Nr. Biddle in taking the 'iVxa loan of t wo millions of dolikirs (accoiding to. .the papers has given ki new impulse "to the .young. Repuh lie. The notes of the Uulttd States Bank are to be utken in pavmeia of . Govern- dues airfpecie. in thus furnisi cu rretiVy to Texas n stirnules w in 2 U "be d'this given to the commerce bt tween it an country, whii!i will draw forth -itsfener eits and iesot:rces in a manner gretiily beneficial :o its pfosperiVy. It ;s further Raid that. Mr. B. is to advance on the cot tori of the planters' nt a stipulated'tfite. Which is lo be shipped to his agents in Liverpool. ' 1 be New Orleans Bulletin! thos states the effect this news had on that market : " The heusf the arrangernenti between the Government of Tex?s and the U. S. Bank of Pennsylfania has created quite a sensation in the ' money market. Texas notet have risen it) price fifteen per cent, and holders a re a o wil-i j ling to sell at the most liberal rateaV i e i a- l i i. 1 , Richmond Ccmpller. t' Frons Chambers' Edlnburg' JouruaL TIIK' I XKSO v X t i x t 12 ii ,i ool1 sumnier morth a.bouil aexerai ycutas; cl Seville Murillo, pulling his ear. I app.oached the dwetiing of the. celebrd.; one. master, no one.1 rep'ied ihe ted puimeriVItiril,o. u here theyiarrivedf tremblina Stbastian vvith:ea?erpiS.n nearly at thime tfme. Alter h'e uu. 'Thai is false exclaimed AluriUo. V, mOU!TT siudio. ,,' ol X01 u,"rtv andjeaeh. ofl t,i pupils wafked up quickly to his easel tnur e e;raini nau Cried, or per-f uapes to auuitie ills. tv.orK.oi the previoasl' Vil S' - l, ; i , i .ay genemen, excltned Itturnzj! angniy, u hu-h of, you remalntd behindjl in the sluuio last iiit'h ?' . irri - .. . . v .... uiu.u ijiirfiiuii . ifjiifu,. Lotuavb ; -doiif t you recollect that uea!"H! uaqjrvuy, tier i i liis is n .foolish Vivst, ffrntlemen.' sweredTuriif ; 'laa eVeiung I c lea ued my; paleite -wwh the greausi caie, and!; now it.is asdirjty as it some one had uedfland yhn, gentlemen',! to work." -L it all nifftu.' ! ; T?r. nrt,,i...i.!lt ;!! .i-'Lr. Lock !' exclaimed Carlps, 4l:ere is .a! ftnui. nure tit; iht-corner ol mv canvass, - 1 1 r - - . 1 ' . i! : and it .isnotba'dly' done. .1." should hkejl pencil to alloWa woid to be spoken tut to j' know, who.; it i- that amus'eslhimselll u'hat regarded their occupation, lut the . very morning with .'sketch. 11 huresf momei,rhe dippWred, ih pupils made sumtlumes-on ny caitfais, sunieiitjiies ofif ample amends for ifis restraint ; and as the-wnl's Tli.ete Was one yesierdayon jj.ihe unknown painter iccppitd all their your easel, FeiJJirjanq.' . . tiiounht;, the conversation naturally turn- -.- It must be :lM.;ti.z,' Jsaid Ferdinand.); t-d 10 that subjeirt. J: l H.cnucmen, rej-.lied Ut-i'uz, I .pi oiest ' 'YiJU netd P.ul praiel, ve aii know j vu are iii los :L not I'ajVaLie ou ' . . " i ketehitifr- tuchja riureas mat.' 'Al W r.t oui5-; une yiu:d thiiiU tiiut vou had? doue u in r-si ? ! J And-my 'pencils are. quite - wH,' saidi'f Gotlaio in hs ' turn. ' Truly 'isiraiigtj thines o on here during the niglL' 1j J)) you not think, liue the nero Goi'i rne'4, that if is the yiinbi wlio comes and! plays aH these (licks?; said Isiuntz. I Truly,' saidlend z, who had: not yet spoken, being absorbed in rahniration olj the various figures which- were sketched? with Uie hatjdfpf a master., in dillerent; p tr(s of i!ie s;udio, 'if the Zombi of the! negroes draws In this manner, he wouldj make a beautiful head of ihe Virgin in! rny !)i 3cent kon the Cross'.'. - I With thise jwdrds, 'Aiendrz, with a careless air, a pfero-.iched his eaiel, .whewi aii vxclauiulrouj!! i'.astoiiishm'ent scaped tiitn- and he' gazed in mute surprise on his . - canvaSt;, oh . wliich: W ,s liiusiliy sice fc bed a mot beautiful heiid of ihe Viroin: but theii expression was so adini ble, the lines so cl-vir, ihe cotitoor. so graceful, that, compared, with the figured uv yvMiicn' it wai encircled, it seemed n$ if suthe. heavenly vioitani had descended among triem. ' A'i, v. hat is the matter V said a roneli voice. The pupils "-turned at the sound and all made a rtspectful obeisance to i ht Qfreat mas. rr. l s Look, seuorMuiillo, look l' exclaim! ed the youths iisthey pointed 13 the ease of Mendt z. ' ; ' ' . . j- L - 'Vho has painted this who hns painti ed this heatl, gehilemen V asked Mai iifojj, i agvi iy. 'Speak, tell nre. He" yho. hai sketched this V tigin will one day be ti master of us all I Muriilo wishes! he ha done it. What a touch ! what delicacy what skill ! Mndcz, my dear pupil, was it you t . " .'.',!.. !-' 'No, senor,' replied Mcndez, in a sorj rowful tone. ' ,.. ; Was it ydu.ithen, Isuritz, or: Ferdir nand, or Carlos V j But they all jave the same reply n$ Mendez 'it could not, however, co iie j here .-without hands,' said rJurili6,iinpu-'j lientfy. " T 1 1 (think, sir.' said Cordova, the youngf est ol the pupils 'that these Jtra-ge pic lures are. verv alarmintr: iude dl this 'is- iiotihe first unaccountable even vhicl has happened th your .studio. To tefj ve hart - truth, such . wohllei ful things have hart reneuV here, one scarcely knows what lb i iiCT.irc. What are thev?' asked Muriilo, stifl lost in ndmiiation Of the head of the Vir- gm by ihe unknown artist. 'According , trj vour orders, senor.' arj- severed Ferdinand e never leave t! S'ndio without putting everv rhing in or - Jer, cirauiuj cur - hah ties. ' wasiiing ouj .brushes. anJ arranging our easel ; bi when xve return .in the morning not only fe' v t' is ein ry tinni' in conujio:i, our uiua.ixp; mbVf r,kr HiVt.rl loii 1 nere and there fare sketches (beauliftll enrsi ihc ir i.iry uir, auniv mu. of the head of ah angef, sameiimt s of 'M demon, then again the profile of a youiijg. nirl, or the figure of an old man, but hjiI ad rhii able, seror ' . as you have seen ydurseif, This is certainly a curious afTiir, gen t It'n. en,' observed Muriilo, ' but yce AvaV socn learn who i!s'.lhisV.ihtlv' visitant. Sebastian,' bn coii'inued, addressing s;i l:tt!e nmlatto boy about fourteen years old. who appear. d at hii call, 'did I not desire you to sleep bera every night? J - 'Yesl master,' said the boy, with' timid uy. ;.. . 1... t ; v.i., ;. j. And have you done sdF ; i ; Yes, master. ;,...;'''. , L ; '.A e Speak, then who was here last nigjHt and ihif morning before fhese gt hilemen camel:1 Speak, slaref or I &h,all tnake you acquainted with my do ngeoh, said JUuriuo angniy iio tne aoy, wno coaiirru ?At Ivf.s1, aiin t red. Is tit iiz,. 'I have you hue made it yellow enough alreju lev.r'mUwe'u $ke!ch ts ' bud as that ofHaiid as. to tfte eulpiit- I haVe already to id rd to i wist the band of his trowstrrs with iuit PiirJirm -v. I :;' - 'Ah.yuudo not choosefto answer taid 'No one hut me, I swepr to you, raas-f ter.' cried the. mulatto, throwing himWifj on his- k.ee$, in iheimiddje of the studio, J holding out his litti hu'nda' in sun- pjicatioti before his master. - . I Lifen to me,' pLrs.d .. Mfcrillo wih to kno.v who h;is skeu-hed this head of the Virgin, and all the figures which ,.,:,.;!, i ....J... u...... coininfr to tne studio. 1 nts n irn:. in puce 1 1 it i M h f ( r. i r r i.i rl . . . of gonS to Bed vou shall keen watch: and if by to-morrow you do not discover w-ho' an-ihe .-nlnrit"is. Vou shall hnv tvvfn'v-fivf strokes from the lash. You hear I have sa5k it: now. so ahd fjrmd the colors: m i na ti o n o t h e h our of . in st r u c t i o n , M u - L lUlllx l.iv .U.IMIIVIIt.l llll III till Illl l I' rillo was tdo mucli absfrbed Hvith his -Dew are, Sebastian -of Hhe Mash? said - Mend(.'z. 'and wafch.well for thesCiilor it : i - - 1 - - .V t i but y it e rue t he INan es-.ve hnv ' 'Vou. do net need i'., Senor Mefiez : , 1 j I vou that 11 is the Zombi. 'Are these'.ne2roe s fools or asses with t!:eir Zooibi'?". said 'Gonlalo laughing; 'pray, u hat is a Zombi ?' j 'Oil, an imaginary beinjr of course. But take care jSenbri Gonz.ilo,' eontiniud ciVbastian with a mischievous glance at hhs easel, 'for it must; be tile' Zombi .who has relched ;the. left arm of your St. Julin to such a length,- that, if; the right resembles it, he will' be able to untie his shoe-stiings w ithout stooping.' 'Do you know, gen tie in en,' Said Istu riiz, as he glanced -at the j-painting, 'that the remarks .of Sebastian are extremely just, and much to the point. 'Oh they ay: that negroes have the face f an upe and the tongue of a parioi,' rt'jvtiued Gonzola, in a tone of difference, 'With this distinction,' Observed Ferdi nand, 'that tile palrrot repeats by role, vhiie Sebasliau iius judgejuient in his. re1 marks.' ;'"' . ;." . 1 'L.ke the parrot, by chance,' retorted Goiz.i Io. J t 'Who knows,' said Alendez. who had divesi'ed the Naides ve-lfovv, 'that' from 'jrindino; the colors, Be ni:iv one da; y as- tonish us b' showing he knows 'one from another ? 'To know one color frct'n another, ad to knw how to use them . are two very d:fF. rent thinks,' replied Sebastian, whom the liberty of. the studio ajlo.wcd to join j pupib? were not Icss.asiorushed at the cio in the ,-ouveryatioti; of Ue pupils ;. and i covery rhey had made! , . truth obiiges ua to confess, th-it hio taste j Murillo having, with a gesture of-te Wiis so exquisite, his eye so correct, that ) hand, imposed silence on his pupils, who; luanv of. thet'n did ifot 'disclaiu to. follow ! could hard I v lesttain therYiselvts from' the advice he frtqacntly gave them re i n . i pectin g theirrpaintihs.-, Although t!iey sometimes amused themselves by teasing the little mulatto, h'iwas al great' favorite of them all ; and this evening on quitting the smdioi each giving him a friendly tan on the shoulder, counselled him to keep a strict wutcji, ana caica tne iV.mDi lor fear of the Saph. It was niht, and the studio of Maril- Io, the most celebrated pa i titer in Seville this studio, which during the day was so ch.erju-i and animated, vt as now silent 0s the gr.iye. A single larrip ..burned upon a mab!e table, anda young ..boy, whose Sablei hue harmonized : with the surrounding: 'darkness, but whose eyes; sparkled like diamonds at midnight, leant ' against an easel, immovable and still; he was so deeply absorbed in his medita tions, that the door ot the 8 udio was opened; by one who several llmVa called him by mime, and who. or receiving no answer, approached and touched him. Sebaian raised hi eves, which rested on j a tail and handsome jneirrof . 1 'Why dojyou come here, father 7 said ! hv;,n a uU,.cboly tone. j . o keep jour cotnpatiy. Sebastian,. . ' J re JSI u0 nd,! father ; I can watch ' t: .. i . , . , , .i . , 'But what if the Zombi ;shou d come? ; oo nn iear nim, re nuu tuc woy, . i i : .-I r - i - j L ,U . ' u u iiriunr ciinin i ..., - . ft e may . - -, - i carry voU nvSy, ruv son, and then. the poor negro Gomez uilf hive no on" to console him if) his slavery. ... Oh. how sad f-bjDwVd j-eadfyl it is to be a slave! exclaimed the boy, weeping biiterle. . : I ;5 :; It is the-will of Gcoy 'replied the ne gro, with an air cf restgr.ationJ ' God! ejaculated Sebastian, as he rais ed his eyes id the. orf,e :qf Che tudlu, thiough vvhich. the stars glittered, 'God ! I n ray constantly tihirh, my father, (and he will brie.; day, listen to me', that we may no longer be slaves. But go to bed. father, gor go. and TI shaltgo io mint" there in tbat cornet, ahdkt shaI sooq fall asleep. . Good nighl father good night. Are. y ou wjm not- atriid "of the Zornr biJSetisUan'y.Vr..i; . j 1 Mr father, that is a sapersutioo of oar country, tctaar iumo aas ajmreu me thait God does not permit supernatu ral brings lo appear cn en rth.V 'Why, thtn, when the pupils askd you ibo sketched the figures ihev'find herr every morain, did you say it was the i Zo-i.bi V 'To nmnse rpyself, fiither.-aud to! them lauirh: tliiat was all " i . 'Thrn,4gcod mehi. my son ;" and, bar in'ir kissed the boy, the ne-ro retired. The moment Sebastian found h'itnselfi alcne, he uttered an exclamation of joy. I Then suddenly eheckmff himself, he said. 'Tuerity-Uve lashes lo-morrow if I do not fell who sketched thes figures, and per haps more ifvI do. Oh. my Godj come o rny aid !' and the. li:tle muUttojthrew t. '. 1 1' : . L. ' i li iimieii upon tne mat wnicn servea mm Ho'r a bed, where he sbon fell fast asleep, rteuastian awoke at 'daybreak.: lit was only three o'clock : arry other bovM'duld piobably hsve' rrone lb sleep aain ; not so Stibastian,' he exclaimed, as hejshook himself awake; three hours are thine only three hours; vhen profit by them; the rest belong to thy master- slave. Let me at feast ' be my own master for three short hours. To begin, these figures muit be efi tced, and, seizing a brnsh, he -approached ihe Virgin, which vieWed by 'the soft light of the morning da win, ap-4 peered more beautiful than ever. 'Efface this! he exclaimed, 'eflaee this! No ; I will die first.' -. Efface-: this-Uthe.y dare not neither dare I. Nothat head she breathes she speaks. It seems as if her blood would fluw if I should ofler.to efface it, and that 1 should be her muiderer. No. no. no. rather lti me finish it' 1 ' Scarcely had he uttefed. these word.J when, seizing a palette, he seated himself at the easel, and was soon tolall v absorbed in his occupation. 'Hour afief hr-ir pas- sej unlieeded oy aebastian, who Was too much. engrossed by the beautiful creature of hia pencil, Which seenied. burning into life, to mark the flight of time. ; 'Another 1 I ' fc ' r k. t touch,' he.c xelaimed ; a soft shade now the mouth. Yes, there! it lere opens those eyes--they pierce me through X whnt a forehead I what "delicacy!! Oh my beaut. ful ' and Sebastian the hour, for cot he was a slave, forgot lor got his dreaded punishment ill, all svas ob liteiated from the soul of the 'vouihJul'aT list, who thought of nothing, saw nyihing. but his beautiful picture. But who can describe 4 Ihe horror and consternation of the. unhappy slave when, eld the ; their on suddenly turning routio, he beh whole pupils, with his master a head, standing beside him 1 Sebastian never once dreamt of justify ing himself, and, with lii8 palette in one hand, and the brushes in ihe olfn r, he hung down his head, awaiting in iilenre the punishtnent he believed he justly me rited. For some moments a dead silence prevailed,for if Sebastian was. confound ' ed at being caught in the com minion ofj ; such a flagrant crime, Muriilo and hi j . . j . . . : i . giving way to their admiration, approach ed S e ha st i a n, a n J, c o n c ea 1 1 u g h u ern of to n , said in a cold and severe tone, .while he looked alternately froni the. beautiful head of the Virgin to the terrified slave, -whp ! etoud like a statue before him, j Who is vour master, Sebastian V 'You,' replied the boy in a voice scarce 1 y audible. . ' 'I mem vour drawing master.' said Muriilo. t 'You, senor,' again replied the bling slave. trem- lt cannot'-.-' be ; I never gave you les sorvf!,' said the a?'.on'shtd painter.; 'But you gave them to others, listened to them,' rejoined the, bo and I -m- boldened by the kindhes of his masrer ' . ' m la And J'ou have done better than listen ; you have profiled by them,' exclaimed Muiillo, unable longer to conceal his admiration;- Oentlemen, does this boy inV rit puos'shmen't or reward ? , . At the word punishment, Sebastian's heart beat quick ; the word reward gave him a little courage, but fearing tnt hjs ears deceived him, he looked will) timid -und imploring eyes toward? his master. A rewdid, senor,' criedthe pupils m a breath. ' 'That w xrell ; but what shall it . S;bastian began io breathe. , Ten ducati, at least.'; said Mend 'Fifteen .' cried Ferdinand. bef ex. No,1 , said Gohzalb, a beautiful new dress for the next holiday. Speak Sebastian? saidMurillp, look ing at h is sja ve, whom hone of these re wards seerned'to move, 'are taesej thing fmtto.' roar tasted Tefl rae what you wish for ; I am so much pleased with four beautiful com posit ion,th'atjr will grant any ; rfqusvyou may maJiie-aSpeak,; then, do not be afraid.' . ;' . Ohl master, if I dared. and Sebas tian, clasping his hand, fejl at the feet cf his master. lt.vias easy to read in ihe halfbpeed Upof the .boy. abdJiis sparktinff eyeaf some devouring thought within, yhich timidity prefented- him from uttermg.". ..';. . With the vewr of encouTaging, him, au"ot the pupils aggeted some favor for Dim to aemanc. ,. Ak gold, SebaitUn.' Ask rich dresses. Sebastian.' . A I 'Ask to be received as a puptl.Sebastitn,' A faint smile passed over the counte jtance of the slave al the last words, bu he hung down bis head, aod retpaiaoi silmt. j 'Ask for, the best rdace in tba studio said Gonzalo, who, frorabeine. th la! come pupilt bad the wont light foe fill' easel. - i ;;:i't-;iW : 'Come, take courage vsaid JIoxiKcJ ffaily. . . A-- ' ! i .The waster-is eo kinU,Uoday aitf'. ' Ferdinand, hall aloud, I, would rule, somethinii ask your freedom, Se bal tan,. At these words Sebastian uttered a crj of auguiht and, raising his eye, f.0 tint m i.ter, he exclaimt'd, in a yoice cboakecf with sobs, 'The freedom of my father! the freedom of my fulher 1 . - -'. - C. ', 'And thine alo?aid Muiillo, who! Tl? ( longer able t econctal his einolion, thre j his arms around cbutiau, and 'rrcasic- i him. to hisbirust. v a 1 V . 'Your pvncil,, he continued, 'howf that you have talent: your request prove! j that you have it beau ; tho arlut IS com plete. . From this dy 'consider yourar.t not only as iny pupil, but ua my. f on.--: H;ippy Murillo 1 ; 1 have done more tUaii paint i.have ii-ade a 4i-ioter. 1 u rillo kept h-j voidrand Sebastian' - Gomez, better known under tbd.natne-o.r Uie Mulatto ofrMuriilo, . became ono of j the mosr.celbratd , puinteia-'in Spain.- j 'J'here. may yet be seen iu tlie churcbef j of Seville "the 'eekbrated. picture whicii j he had bt cu found painting by his master;; a!so, at St. Anne, aUmirablv done,- a holy Joseph, which yf extrein-ly beautiful; .und others nt itrtf 'lug best merit. j , r ; I In one of Casimir do .la Viffuo' j dramas, 1 met with un expression whick siiuck me fjicibiy It wa aid of Dou Juhn, who was ignorant of his birth, Ui4t periiaps he was a nobody ; to which l1 replied, 'That a man of gootl character and honorable conduct could uever be nobody,',, I consider this, my youn friends, an -admirable reply, and I ; hav endeavored to prove this truth by the for,- . go:ng example. In all my narratives, 1 have shown you children born of obscuro and'iudigeiit parents, rise by their own talents and perseverance to the first'rank of society. If it is gratifying and .noblo to bear with honor the name of one's fa, ther, it is surely ""more poble to trnakea name for one's self ; and my heart tells me, that, among my young rvadersithera is moie than one who will exclaim, with: ardour, and with a firm resolution to fiilr fjf his proii.ise, i, too, shall make a name. ( f Tl.ia tale has been translated from lha French .for the Journal ; but, from the crele nesa of the distant carresfOn lent who furnished the version, I iei EdiUus ory uuabfc to UlC lh uaiiiu of liie original nuihor. , NEW TKEASUUY C1RCULAB: To Collectors tp Receivers of Ihe Public M$tf Treasury Department, July 14,1833. Congress having adjourned - without maki. g any additional provisions for tba securiiy or-safe keeping of ihe public mo'r uey, it is obvious that in' the present stato ot ho laws and the Banks, an unusual responsibility devoiyj s upon those who coiiecl the revenues . of the General Go vernment. 'j'iie l difficulty in obtaining- : tuitable depositories for il.'as well as io transferring or paying it out conveniently, j without the aid of that further legislation; jue necessity a no character of wnicn have been fully explained jn public jcommunu cations from this department, imposes on ai! Collectors and Keceivers the duty of extraordinaiy vigtianee and care.., j .. . 'J'he President expects, that' exertions corresponding to the occasion will cbeer ' fully be made by: every officer, at)d that no effbijt will be f pa red to have all the laws, as u ell, as the regulations aud io si ructions of the: Treajury Departmeot; scrupulously enforced. Aceu racy inyourV accounts; punctuality in returns; ..pronj'V ntss in your deposits and paymenta, and entire forbearance to use uny'part of the public funds for private purpose," will, it is hoped, chararierize the whole class cf; collectiuc officers. hereafter, Jnthe pra ?-nt condition of things, if any departoro,; from such a course abould uuforianatcl y occur, it .will be much regretted ; . and; however unpleasant the task, an eitem' plary and severe nonce ox the irregulantr will become necessary, in order to ccujhl: ihe gieat iu Uresis involved in the aubjept. Tfie duty on the part of the public ol'S' cers to abstain from the employment of tha puUic money for private ad vantage iatQ apparenC that no excuse whaterer fofi itC can he dehie4 'udmiaible. IleVpectfalljp f yours, .-' - 'f4 ivfj LEVI WOODBUttT. . ... -t Secreury of the 1sury, The fife Banks in Augusta,- GeVrgia; have in specie 8S56.631; and of ' notasr in circulation. 1,629,907, Due other Banks; $3 1 8,622 ; due from other Banks C6G9,- C27, and notes of other Banks' on hand, -" 804.79. The imcunt of 4 Depcsiles? ti 8527.823: The balance in : faror of tfco five 'Banks appears to be 0l27.24i. - ; Sixteen-individuals were sentenced to, dtatb, 00 ihe 5ihiosL, at ToTocto, Uppt Cauada,, for being concerned in the lfito. 5 j t si ur Dances, tourot tec Bumper wera I Americans. 5-Charge ta C&roUna patriot j. , ! ;,; ''

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