V ,- . - 4': ' ... - y . M-t It - . 'if - if i :r . I .T " am. N : C; HILL, Editor and Proprietor pJEJTTST FE.m JOT. Wilmington, North Carolina. 4 '.m,., 2 YOJu. lump 37. SEPTEMBER, 28th!, 1838 WHOLE iXO. 14L y V -f 1 VT 2lM mm 1 '- : s i ' ,; v " at . . :. mm . .. - J I: :l ,. I. ).- . I . .! i I M ' . , ,..'- : ft" 1 i I 5 V i PUBLISHED E VER Y Fill V A Y MORNING. ". TEHITCS. Three Dollars Per annum, ADVANCE. ad visaTisEMEarTs 1 jNot exceeding a S ite inaerted at ONE. DOLLAR jtbcflrt, and T WUNTV-FIVt: CENTS jfpr each aubse fluent insertion. J io Subscribers taken for less than one year, and all who permit theirsubscripticjn to run ovfer !a year, without giving notice, ae considered 'bound for the second year, and so oh for all suc ceeding years'. s . I fio paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the Editor. . Ujr- OFFICE on the tfouth side of Market Street, be 'I jw the Couit House.. . I , - Office of the Porstmouth & Ronnoike R. R. Co. :-'') i rotrsmouth, Va. Maj 2Sth, 16'J8. j J Great Cert tral Route BETWEEN TllK NO RTII A ND SOUTH, fVta Mc Portsmouth "and Roanoke Rail- roaid, and the Chesapeake Bay Steamboats,' IMlROUGil froai! Halifax, ffA New" York, in FORTY ON -licln THREE HOURS IN AD N. C. to ONE HOURS, ADVANCE OP l - : ' i .... . . . , ( ANY OTtiER LINE, and this wtthnul a mo--4 orient's night travelling vn raiht Ad south- of f Philadelphia, and WITHOUT THE LO-SS 4 OP SLEEP Thus i v i' From Halifax to Portsmouth, G hours. !: . , rortsm-jtitlvto Baltimore' 14 Bulunioreto PhiLu'eliii.ia. 8 Philadclphiu tuNew Yok, 8 36 Stoppages, 5 f '. 'J" Leaves Halif.ix every Sunday, Wednes day and ! Friday, Baltimore eycrv Monday, Wednesday and Friduyj and .Wlushinton Guy ;CA3ry; Wednesday. -.Fare from Halifax to Phiia tfilphiar inciuding every expense! (meals, porler uge, &c.) J I s, To be. published until' forbid in the Augusta 'Chronicle, Savannah iGeorgian, pivarlesCon 'Courier, Norfolk,' Herald,. 'Baltimore 'Patriot! & American -National fn'elligeticrr,' U. S.Guzctte, Pensylvanian, . and NeV York Star, and ac counts seait to the' Office of the Portsmouth & Roanoke Railroad Company. i 125 tf n "i Travellers gbing North, r i '-:---- 1 i, - . ftV THE WILMINGTON & RALEIGH , RAILROAD , . . COMPANV'jSLINE, . A T C ' roistiiop t full ir infnmip.d that hfv vl v'vwi j i i J JJLfind the route through Halifax, Gary s, Pe Icrsburg, Richinoiid, Washington, and Baltimore, I the most expedvlious, the time from Charleston to iNew York being by this line (through Petersburg, f 5tc.) half a iay less, than by any oihet interior Tronic. . ' ' " ! The Petersburg: Railroad Company lliave always locomotives, with coaches, &o. tit Gary's, ready to proceed imoiediately for the North, upon the arrivul of the passengers; and travellers are referred to Mr, B-F. Halsey, their aenl at HrtlitMX. upon whose representations ilhey may iinplieidy rely. i . There no uncertainty or detentioti "on this, route. All the lines uorih of the Roanoke ! run ill regular connexion and the' engineers i jsiiig careful, circumspect, , and sober, and every ''other precaution taken to re'nder this line safe and Comfortable, tha attention of the public is invited ! tO it. A i- flo-fnt attends at Garv's. and takes 0 - - , j ''chai fire of all bagage,,and accompanies the same, wiliiout tronuie to ine iraveuci, .in ic way iy "Washin;toii . torchririr Rnilroad Can Dairy's Office, ; ) 4nti.H22d, 1633. ... - 1 137 tf NOTICE TO MERCHANTS. LL Mercliandise; &c. intended to ba for W, warded on the Railroad, must be sent be tween sunrise and eight o'clock-, - A: M. Any thing sent aftet thtt time cannot be taken on that day. ? Nothing will be received, unles it is put up in thetftdst substantial man ier. Every thing must. have the owner's name marked distinctly on it, aiisl a bill accompanying it, specifyrng the tatight, stating who ills from, who it is for, and where it is to be lefi. '. . ,Tbo merchants will be hjcld responsible in e7er,y case, fi5t: the freight on every thing sent by them. 'Merchants having consignments of jvro duce, and other articles from the country, roust take them away the day that they arrive, as the Company will not be responsible for any thing fcuiTerecJ to remaiu at the Depoj all night.. Articles will ba deliverd at, anil uken from; lho following points on the road, viz. Rocky Point ; Depot, VVutcr I Station,-' near Burgaw Swaiup.and the Depot near South Washington. .1 ! : b. L jU. SAUNDERS-, ; . .' ' Agent of Transportation. Moy 12th, :33.; 122 tf - ; RATES OF TOLL --: ATNIIE NEW BRIDGE, NEAR HILTON. YCOR a Gig, ory Sulke y and Horse, twenty JX: cents (20 cents,) Wgon nd four: Florses, fifty cents, (50 cents.N a four wheel Wat on and -two Horses, twenty tve cents, (25 cents,) for a .Carnage and Horses, thirty cents, (30 ceats,) for a Cart and one Horse' sixtfL. .nu fin V Ur .a lan and Horse, ten cents. ( 10 for a Ckrt with Oxen, twenty cents, (20 twenty five ceBts, (25 cents, for a foot Passenger, two cents each, (2 cents,) for Tuikies, one cent each, (1 cent,) For single ilorses, four cents each, 4 cents.)- -' V ,.r if ? A Crue copy frdin the minutes. - ; - 2 TiipS. F. DAVIS, Clerk. : Lv NOTICE, siT- HEREBY forewarn an persons from trading JLL for a Note of J.Hand girenby, the.subsctiber to John Qurry 'dat'ed some time in June last, six months after date for thirty dollars, as 1 am de- cents, cents,! t . l Lcrtuutcu boi w pay aaiu note, s ty wa n lently obtained against me. 4 . '-?. ' . ' .,'. '. . . . S. W. MOR5E. , . AagURt 13th, 183d. r.'- 135 If. K SPUING VILLA FREXCU AND EXGL1S1I SEMINAR Y For Young JLadirs, J BOBDENTOWN, NE"W JERSEY. IHE duties of this Seminary will be resumed on Monday, the 24th September next. . - . ' The peculiar feature of this establish ment, consists in its being essentially a French School, that language being constantly spoken by the pupils, in their intercourse wii"h each other and with their tekchers. The department of modern larifftiages is under the charge of the subscriber himself, assisted by a lady lately from France.' The English department is entrusted to Miss M. Turner, from Bosumwho is assisted by Miss E. Lunt, from Portsmouth, N. H. Music is taught by Mr. Edward Hansen, from Denhiark". Drawing, Mr. Engstrom, . Dancing, ' Mr. H. Whale. For inforiiiation concerning the charac ter of the Insjitiftion, the subscriber begs leave to refer to Col. J. D. Jones, and Levin Lane, of W il mington, Mr. Winder, of Smifhville, Gen. V m. Hill, of Duplin county, and 'John Burjiwyn, of Newborn, who now have children ufTOer his care. A catalogue containing terms &c. may be had fit this office. For further particulars, application ntay be made either personally, or by mad, to 1 ; . ... A. N. GIKA-UL T, 138 If Principal. .To ; 'Printers aiul l;ublisliersj flUlE subscribers have just .completed . .their rtv specimen book of light factd book and job printiltg types, flowers,' amjL iinamenLs the contents ff whuh are herewith partially, ijiveu. . ' ' 'I - Diamond, Pear!, nos. I and 2, -''.-..Agate, nos. 1,2,13, . j A gate, jdn Noi ;paiVi'l . body , , '5 Nonpareil, nos. 2, 3," ui;d4,' Min lunette, nos. and2, ' ;j Minion, i;os. 1, 2,3, and 4j , 1 Alinionon Brevier body, ; V Brevier on Alio. on Lody, , Brevier, nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, -. Brevier o.n Bmgtois body ', 'i .Brevier on L6i:g Primer body, Hurgeois on Brevier body. Burgeois, nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, - Burgjfois on Lbfig Krimer body, . i Long Trituer, nos. 1, 3, and 4, Long Primer pn iS 111 all Pica body, ji Small Pita, nos. 1 aiid 2, ' Pica on fcmail Pica body, ' . . ? -Pu a, nos. , v, and 3, " Pica on English body, , I English, ribs 1 and 2, , . Great Primer, Paragon, Double English, Double Paragon, Canon, 'L . Five line Pica to twenty, , j Eight line Pica Gothic, condensed to 25, ! Severtline aiid ten line Pica ornamental, 6, 7, 9, 12. and 15 lines Pica shaded, 8, TO, 15 and 16 lines antique shaded. Also, a large and beautiful collection of ftowers, from pearl to seven lines pica, which are not. to be found in any other specimen, a new assort ment of ornamental dashes, a variety of cferd borders, near two thousand, metal ornaments, brass rules, leads of various thickness, astrono mical and physical signs, metal and brace dashes, trom li to oO e ns long, great primer anu uouuie pica scripts on inclined b- dy, diamond, and non pareil niusic ot' Various kinds, antique tight and heavy tVce twe line letter, full face Roman and Italic nonpare 1, minion, brevier, long primer, and other blacks, nonpareil, minwn,' and brevier Greek, Hebrew, and Saxon. A large variety of ornaments, calculated par ticularly for the Spanish and South American markets. Spanish, French, and Portuguese ac cents furnished to ordtr, with every other -article made use of in the printing business' All of which can be furnislu-d at thcrt notice, of as good quality, and on as reasonable terms, as at any other establishment.- ;-! ;.:' , CONNER & COOK, ) ; Corner of Nassau and Ann streets, New York, il August 15th, 188. 13U3wr f3Propriet.rs of newspapers printed within any paitof tht Uuitcd States, or the Canadas, who willeopj the above advertisement thiice times, and forward a copy containing the same, will be entitled to their pay in .'any type cast at our foundery, provided they take twice the amount of theif bills ill type. l DWELLING HOUSES , ' FOK SALE. L - PHE subscriber ofiers for: sale that de sirable, and pleasamiy s touted HOUSE AND LOT, on the north side of Market btreet, between Second and Thiid Streets, at present occupied by Air. A. A. Brown. ; Tins is a large, convenient, and pleasant house, and the lt is -unusually large, With every convenience, vacant space at both ends of the house, a largj yurd, and aline garden spot, stables, o:c. and sikle in the most healthy uud pleasant part of Wiunmgum. - ALSO, " ' : . Thai cotivenier.t and pleasant BRICK DWELLING, with an excellent store under neath, situated utar the Tdwn Hall and adjoih ing 'Air. John W ouster's, at present occupied by Airs. Latpey re. Thisris a very convenient and pleasant house, in ex!eelleiiL rtpair, near the market, and very convenient. to the business part of the town. T'h'e lot extends from Alaiket Street back lo an ulley. - For particulars, apply to Alr. ,v m. WiLon. 1 T. H. BYRNE. August 3d, 1838. -. .. '!.'.,-:.- '433 tf JHarblc JflomimcntSyi AND " TOBlBSTOriKS OF EVERY DESORIPTION, - !j Mahufacitired at Nor walk, Connecticut, by 1 CjT.DUNCOMB. MATTHEW LAWTON, Wiliainston.'l CALEBS BELL, Newbern, '. Ar.nf WM- tFUAlN, Wfshington, N. C. f CHARLES MQULEjS, . " . J . 53- ORDERS are solicited and re ceived at the Cabinet Wareroobi of Air. Law ton, where specimens may be seen, arid alLnecessary information given. TV .'; L Wilmingtou, KcpClsti lb38. u 140, it JHE subsdnberv having -iquaJiiwfi at "-.the laU terra", of the : Court of Pleas, and Quarter Sessions r New Hanover county, as deceased, requests all persons indebted to said estate to malyr pay rneut to herself, or to L. H. Marsleher. Em. who is legally authorized to act tor crj and all persons having claims against said estate to, present them within the time re qutred by jaw, to either of usforipayroenmr this uoucc wfll be plead in bar of recovery. :;: & - . .y. r M. A. RIVERA. ! -f :- ' ' . - .-- C" Adjoinistratrui f W ilmingtop, Sept. 17th,1838. '- 140 3 w' ; EXECUTOR'S SALE. ' rilHE subscriber, as Executor? of Mrs t Sarah Stone, late of Raleigh, deceased, Will ff S P"blJc auction on Manday and Tuesday the 29th and SOth days pf October next, at licr plantation, about ten miles eait of Raleieh toll the crop of COTTON, CORN, and FOD DER and all the stock of riORSES, C A TITLE, arid HOGS, and the PLANT ATION UTENSILS eonsistincrof P -"A RTS WAfjoK' nf nrtoi,' &c. and on Wednesday the 31st of October all the NEGROES belonvinv in tM Jj,.. SiX in number consisting of men, women, Lois girls, -and children, will be offered for sale. The negroes will be sold in families, rursuamlo the directions of the will., ; . TEHEES." -! - . I i he crop and plantatjon utetjjsils will be sold on a credit of . six months, for all sums over 510 for $10 and -under, casu. !a part fof thenegroesj to the amount of about 3.000, will be sold on a credit of; six months, for notes neo liable and payable ot th.-. Bdnk of the State'Vfr North Corolina, in ila'leigl. ; and the balance wll be sold on a credit of six mouths f-Cond and satisfaciory security will be required (oi the pur chase money, before' tfie property is c langed. I V. , w '; D stoneJ .Raleigh, N. C. Sept 3d1838; 1M) Gw' fTbe Avetiser, Wilmington, Snectator, NeSvbrn, and Western Carolinian, Salisbury, will please publish the aLove for six wi eks, and foiwurd their account to the Standard offic. - I - -I;.-, . Price 84, 50. I x. STRAYED OR STOLEN, FINE looking, HOUND SLUT; she lis of a bindie or tan. tall and -crenliiW-Iv fin. i hei form, her face rather ki uv. indicating a'e. I will give finy person who wiil deliver herjlo meia reward of TKNjDOLLARS. - 1 Ji t H - VV M. S. September l ljli, 1S38. i lASHEl 130 3w A riiHE Brick Stores near the South East , I corner of the Town 1 Iaui., at present occu pied by Charles Nixon, and Dr. Vy. Possessk'n givjhi -1st October next!; i Apply through Messrs R,.W. Brown cc Son, to ' . ! 1 i s. b Everett! S,.o.ithville, N. C, 15th Aug,, lh38. 135 tf. NOTICE, ' f" A LL persons are cautioned against trusting JX any person whatever, for or on acccuntfof, iheSteum Packet GOV. DUDLEY, without: a written .oider from me, as I will neither' sign riorfpay any bill, without such wiitten order peingpresenicu as a voucher tor tne same THOS. J. IVY J: TO REM 7 :ND possession given on the 1st of October, the comtortable L WLLL1N;G HOUSE pn Maicet street, at present occupied by Mr. G. K.' Frerfch. I ! v 1 - Fi y to ' l - ' , I i . ! R. II. COWAN. f September 21st, 1838. A0 zwi , T SAJOU General;; JAMES B. WHIT FIELD, has appointed the following days fur reviewing - the several Regiments 11 ihe-3d Brigade of the Militia bf North Carolina, viz.?! The Ist Regiment, Eupliti Go. on tlie22d Otiti'ter net, 2tli ' Onslow1, " 241 h j , : 3f)tli New Hanover, '27th ' J 3tti - M ' ' -Brunswick, " 29th ' j The Commanding. Qfiicer of each Regiment abovi; named is hereby required to have his Regi ment?, in complete order;, ut the usual place review, at nooni on the appointed day. . I By crder of AJajor General Vhi field. S : - 1 JESSE PIP K4N, ' Aid de Campi 140 4w Lefioir County , 4th Sept. 1838. Megimental Orders. rtIE companies Composing the 3.0th - Iegiment North Card! in a Militia are hereby requed to parade in Wilmington, on! Saturday the 2J7th of October next, for Inspection and Reviw. Line to be formed at 10 o'clock- j ByJ order of Major General J. B. Whitfield.! Tle Officers, N oncommissioned - Officers, arid Alusfcians, will meet in Wilmington, bn Fridby the 2th, at 10 o'clock.-for inspection and drjtil-, prepared with their returns, as fey law required ' -Tle 'Commissioned;; Officers ; will J meet fin Couij Martial, at 4 o'clock. P. M. of the 2Sth,to elert Lieut. Colonel. CaptrThos. W. Browr;, of th Wilmington Militia, will superintend the clectibn, and certify the! result to the Coionel. j Byj-order of L. H. Afarstelb-'r, Ci loncl Ccm landing 30th Regiment N. C. Militia. j "'.. R.iF.-Brown, Adjutant. '! y eE-t. lyih, LtiZti. . u 140 Gw PJ"O.TZCE.! TPLICATION Will be made at the nkt ifeession of the Legismiure of this St-ateflo ameiHd the Inspection La-ws relative 'to lumber i if- ,!.. a 'I it 1 -i I--.- anci jimuer,- to rar as ue pon 01 j v linnngioii is concerned. - j j September 10th, 1838. . ' . 140 3Wr Il A HINT. THE undersigned resned fully invites nil those in his! debt for freight ! or 'passages, 10 rail aind settle the same with Major James T.; Alillier. Piepring u go south Iwith my steamboat, 1 fiid it very difficult to buy articles for the many uies required, without collecting vihat is due tor rjst services.'.' ' 1 f : - - . j . 1 ' The price for a passage to aiid frrni Snuh viiie ii tte Cotton Plat , hereaft-. wirf be S'l j&0 be.iiig as low as I can '.afford., I Ai$ no ' rsk for freight or baggage 'under any circumstances. Aly contract is with those that employ me. lf thty do not like my terms, they can go elsewhere. ' This notice is intended for all persons thjat may ant my srrvices!up the Cape Fc4ri as wjell as doviu to SmithViile !J . ! 1 ; DOYLE O'HANLON . ..Wilmington, Sept. 2 1st, 183. .MtJf. ! COPARTNERSHIPS 1 - y ' p , j f. f TIfE subscribers Have this day entered into a Copartnership. tuidtrthe firm of j I jrailiES COSTHT, & COi j for th transaction of a GENERAL COM MISSION BUSINESS. They will pay.ptr ticutarkttention to the sale of Lumber, Timber, aiid any otheyKind of country produce that may be sent to their care. They have 9 large wharf, and the lest timber pefi in the placp. which enables them 0 keep timber on baud fvir a price, without any risk of its being lost. ' - LMILES COST IN, I ! ARTHUR LEWIS4 Wi:iain2ton, N. C. . :; i Sept: Tst, 1838. f 1 ' t - 138 3mt. PERSONS having unsettled accounts with the subscriber, are requested to come forward arid settle the same without) further delayjj If thty should neglect to do so; they will find their ac counts In the hands of a collecting officer. ?- 1 TEE CAPTURED LEPR AUCTI KVS. A ,TAIE. ! The broad, rubjeund face ofjTim Daty, the cosey proprietor of the j Goat, arid Churodash. shone out vuh:rhbre, than usual brightness on the chill autumn even ing to which our present tv'ntinrr " refers. And so it well miht, loir many and mer ry were the faces thct frightened round the cheerfql turf fire upon his kitchen hearlh, and copious and' frequent wert? the demands for ale, pipes tind potteen. " Well, boysf" said old Shawn O'Tool, the father; of the fparty, sence it'is'my turn to tell a story, ril tell you a thrue one, that Mil make you know a-sacret may be some ov yous never knew afore. Becpo'rse.'yous all heertd tell one lime or another, ot a lenrachaun ?" Gartainly?" said Ned Ryan ; "they hreforjall the-world like a little quid man about two feet high, and they .have a bag of goold on their backs, and) they must give you the goold- if you're only lucky enough to ketch hould 6v one of them. But they saj- they run as fast as the very mischief." 1 j 14 Nabocklish ! Ned, alannai" said old Shawn, with the conscious smiles of su perior knowledge on his lips, and a dim pie of delight in his still rosy cheek that would have become five-and-lwenty " Nibocklish ! Ned, alarjna, don't b'leeve the half of what you hear. The thieves of the world, even if you cotch one of hem, '11 be bound he'd-find a way to slink out of the bargaiujift the same as the one that I'm going to tell you ahout." Why then, musha now, Shavn a vich ma chree, did you ever raily hear that any body had the '-.luck; to grab one ov them?" said Ned Ryan, who had often entertained secret hopes of catching a. le prachaun himself, and was now sorry lo hear that the immunity of the bag of gold could be secured tothe faiiy by any means whatever. 1 . -. ?: , . ; . '- " Patience a wee wee. bit, Ned a-chra ; I ni going to tell y.ous an account of a le prauchaun that was cotched by Baudeen O'Rnark (rest his soul 1 he and my father were' boys together :) but he cotched him in the round paddoclc at 'the back of his father's haggard, and he corning home from ihe patthern of TunrJheriristown one fine moonlight night, about two o'clock in the rnorri!ng.j 1 " The paddock was coshire at the time, and jist sarved for a run for the the little brawn pig, and they ltt, no other baste into it. fVThe patlhern vvas terrible well attind ed entirel jr. j Ten's, pitched on all sides fiddles playing pots ov beejf bUing dancingand mutton roasting and punch making in lashings, and hogsheads of porter rowling this-a-way and that-a-way, and every sort ov diversion you could mint ion going forward. "Buttruth's truth;, and the bojord wasn't cleared in a. single tent there trjat day, for a nater or claner boy than poor Paudeen sorrow one ov them could jcover the buckle like him and Viay be the girls didn't smile on him, and may be his own swee theart wasn't proud of him. " Then, sure he fan the fastest in the sack race, and when not a man among them could get more than ! about two fa thom up ! the long- post, IPaudeen clam bered straight up hv tiptop of it, and brought down the leg o' mutton and tur nips in al whiff, and sent;! theni straight home to his mother, for fear of accidents,- 1 ..i r r.- jr'j.. .1 anu a rflitiin nne ouncray umiier tney made for the family that Week "Well,! sure they were all s6 pleasant that thev niver tLought how time went: and sure enough it was purty Paudeen started for home; late when 4 Whether he had a drop in his head or no I can't say, but Paudeen mistuck his way slightly, so that it was nigh, two o'clock, buttv darling moonlight morning, when he leaped the ditch? into the coshire paddock, and then his mind was asyt for he considered himself at hpme; so he stuk his hands into his breeches pockets'and saunted slowly along the -grip p' the fence up towards the stump of the ould oak tree that Fin-ma-Coul (they say) cut down for a walking-stick. .All o a suddent, some thing or another put it into his head to stop, andj stop he did. first he looked down on the airtb, jnusiri? like, and then he looked up at the purtyj stars Vut when he tuk his eyes down again what the bla zes did he see setting on a jgooldand velvet cushion but a laprauchaun, sure enough, leering up at him quite cue and crabbed, and smoking a purty little dudeen of his own. j j ' : ;l ',, ' "'Save you, Paudeen,' says the le pra uc ha un. i 1 1 "Save you kindly,.ays Paudeen. " Why don't you slant) j steady V says the leprauchahn. r .; .!-.-. '. Keep a civil tongue in yhur head says Paudeen : lVs yourself that's rock in? on vour sait, and not 'me that's on- steady,': and at that the lapVaibaun laagh- ed hearty. .' --. - .-r ' ( V "Those that winjmay laugh pays Paudecn;jnettiedaVlittl4l May I ax what's in that bag.at your backr Ay money says the laprarbapn. Then let us have aj fair race for it says Paudeen.- :- -i " 'Liggum lathe V says thej leprauch auo, jumping np and cutting three capers, for all the world like a young goat " Paudeen made a grab for the velvit cushion, but sorrow a happulh he cought but an old airy mushroom " I'll be with you directly Siiys Pau deen. ' "'Liggum lath,' says the Kprauch aun; and, at that, away they both starttd like the very wind, as fast as their legs mi Id i-strryt i lii-m rK Ijnra n.hn nSn n -b. il . ....... Uvx--r- and Paudeen hot feoi alter him. u Five times rouiid and round ihe pad dock they went, at a rate of going the like of w hat never -"Was. St en or hee'rd its' I of be- i fore or ceense. ' "The sight of Paudeen'sr ves was half laving him when he pursaived that the thuving leprauchaun had twisted tail of his coat un till it was for all the world like a pig's tail. . " Oh ! is that the way wid you ?J says Paudeen. 4 1 often colch a pi itself by the tail, just this a-ways ' and with that he made a desperate grab, and seized the leprauchaun bv the tail, bin it slipp-d through his fist just as if it was soaped.- . . "'Bad scran to you ! says Paudeen, and round and round they wint again and again. J3ut x'auueen. cute eiioti'iii. wnne r . r'. .1 . li i i th ey were runntn?, stooped suuum.v . - i anu snatcnea up a line wisp oi coorse grass, and lined his fist with it (JiVi as von '-vould if von were jroinir to suie iiould of a bully big eel,) and tpen he pushed on afier .tbe leprauchaun very fast urely. x in" ' Here s at your sow! you 1 shouted Paudeen, hurling himself desperately for-, ward, and, sure enough, saizing the tail again, but, at the same time, dashing both! their heads together agin Fin;ma Coul's stump. "'.O, murdher ! murdher !' shouted poor. Paudeen, ' I'm knocked spaachkss but don t think I 11 iet you escape that ; it's myself that has a grip vice And sure enough he did tifihttiold : but a sort of swound lik lor all like a hold a e came over him, during all which he never re laxed his grip the laste. JksPut when he woke out of it, wirras thruer f.'what was Paudeen's supnse to find himself, at ten o'clock, with the bright blessed sun shining on him, a.nd he lying beside -Fin-ma-Coul's stump, and houlding the poor little brawn pig fast by the tail. The crathur lay quite quiet and panting, for it was tirekl 'trying to es cape. . . --; . " But how he lce'm there instead of the Heprachaun Paudeen never could explain; for-he swore he never TrelaXe-d his hano, and he had th idintii al wad of grass un tcssicated in his fist that he saized the de luding vagabone wid the night afore., But at any tafe, the lepauchaun was gone, and Paudeen had no bag of goold; an!d that shows vus, hoys that a man "may I catch a leprauchaun and berjust as poor as if he didn't. " That's my story. Here's towards your good health, boys." Four funny Feilows.'VheQdor Cib ber in company with three others, made an excursion. Theodore had a false set of teeth esecojid a glass eye a third a cork leg--but the fourth had nothing in particular except a funny way o sha king his head. They travelled in! a post coach, and while on the first stage, after each bad made merry with his neighbor's in hi mrty, they agreed at every, baiting place, to "af fect the same singularity. When 'they Came to breakfast, they were all to j quint and language cannot express how ad mirably they all squinted lor theyj went a degree beyond the superlative.. Ajt din ner they all appeared to have a, cork leg. and 'stumbling about made more diversion lhan at breakfast. At tea they uejre all deaf but at supper, which was at the 'jShip' at Dover, each man resumed his charuc ter the better to play his part in -a farce they had concerted among them. When thev were ready to gd to bed, Cibber cried to the waiter ' Here; you fellow take out my teeth. ' Teeth, sir ?, said the man. Av. teeth, sir. Unscrew that wire, and they'll come out together After some hesitation, the man did as he was. ordered. This was no sooner done than -a second called out -'Here you ! take out my eye.' Sir said the waiter, ' your eye 1' Yea, my eye : Gome here, yoiji stu pid dog. Pull up tbat eyelid.' and it will come out as ea'sy as possible j ; This done, the third cried out' Here, you rascal! take oflf my leg s This he did with 1 less reluctance, be ing apprised that it Was cork, and also :conceiving that it would be his last job. He was, however, mistaken ; the (ouith watched his bpporttimty. a nd whilst the frightened waiter was surveying with rue ful countenance, the eye, teethvand leg, Ivinn on the 'table, cried in a frightful hollow voice Come here, sir take, off my head Turning around and seeing the man' head shaking like that of a chimney-piece, he danced out of the room; and after tumbling down stairs, he ran! madly about the house as if terrified out of his senses, Fltnctr of A necdotes. A man who expect tot do an intellec iual business in this world should, in thr selection of n partner throughiife, choose one who can bring; seme capital into the aron Smith, to one of those extraordinary sen' sations on whose "existence Plato Vfooncf ed his beautiful phantasy that all KnOvVT- lYric tvdge is only retiieinbrahce, iekceedrngl " In connexion with the nbenomena c: memo rv, may I be here permitted tdtatfe notice of a'cena?n n.ystery of rriaTVa which has occnsidriafly -pTt.pnfe'd -llsVu io me, and in voucher'of the eibiitice" which I have the experience dFrftbefs, icLi addition to my own. I mean that &trpg$ impression which will occasionnlly cboid w it hup expected snudennesson die fnfni that the- scene now passing, and in which we share, is one which in the very place ' and in the verv words, with the same Der j sons, and with the came feelings, we liaa accuiately rehearsed we know not whero belore. It is one which will-occur xtherjj ' in what is going foryaid there is nothing1" remarkable or of paitictifar interestih- volred. While we speak, our forme r words are ringing in our ears, and -the ! sentetirts vvhich we foim are the faint echdt s of a rutiveisation had ill olden Milne, Our conscious thought?, too, asthey rise, seem to, whis,.t r to each other flint this is not their fiiM appearance in thia place. In $hoit, all thai is now beloreuft set ms the appiratinn of a-dialogue long departed tne special ' resurnction - of' scenes and transactions longfgon6: by: )t I V . kk T . we may be said, by the rniinory gleam ot a uasn ot reminiscence io oe reviewinif in a mysterious niirior the dark reflec tions of times past, and living over, in minute and 'shadowy "detail, a duplicate of the incidents of some pre-existing state." The above is a vry beautiful and 8CCU rate description of a phenomenon which, every one, jwl ose mind is not' entirely 'matter of-fa?.', ha,s experienced at some time or othj r. There are few indeed who will nof recognize in the description feelings which they, perhap?, had sup posed were peculiar to themselves, and will be astonished td find that the sup'pb sed mental idiosyncracy is a characleris tic ol thy human' mind. We have seen it stated that Baron Smith was the first to pourtray this phenomenon. This jia not so. When but a boy, we were startled to find a description of what we -had pf ten felt in the then recent novel of "Gtijr Manoering. Brown, alias Bertram, when standing before the castle of ElUin gowan, from which he had been stolen when a nieri child thus soliloquizes:-- "Why is it that some scenes awaken thoughts.;. whicfK belong as it were ltd, dreams of "arly shadowy recollection; such as rny oild Brohinin Moonshie would ha ve oscribejj to a state of previous eiist ence 1 ' Is it! the viions of our sleep that float confusedly in our memory, and are recalled by the apptarance of such real objects as in J arty respect correspond jtd the phantoms they pr sented to our ima giuation?" How ofu n do we find our selves insociety which ye have never b fore met, and yet feel impressed with a mysterious ahd ill defined concciousness, that neither the' scene, - the speakers, Jibt the subject are entirely new; nay, fel aa if we could-janticipate that. part of the conversation which - has hot yet laketi place?' j DugaldStewart, in the last edition of his great work on the Mind, alludes td this paragraph, and says Scott is the Erst writer who hs embodied in words' this strange feeling. When, before, did tbo Metaphysiciaii condescend to quote as au thority the. pages of a romance? and yet the Waveriyi Novels, caVcfulIy studied, are calculated to unfold the workings of the human mind better than the pages bi all the Metaphysicians that ever wrotP. I Frtdcritkiburg Arena. " I,'-: SCRAPS; ' . -' Ureal ie7i.-T-AleXant:er tail a my neck; Williani the CofHjuerpf. jrj hV lat ter days, was1 scarcely able' to move from corpulency ; Hannibal and Philip ol Ma don had but! an eve apiece; Csesar ahd Mahomet were troubled Hvith the falling sickness; antjl the noilhern hero, Odin, is said to have been little ele ,t ban a Vora pound of diseases. When Voltaire" was first introduced into tbV Prussian Palace; he was di sired to enter n clojel, where' be found a little tent led, ttfith the curtains closed. -The curtains -were tfpened, and he saw a little withered figuie under the clothes, shivering with the ague t was . Frederick the Great. . . 5 A ni 'mtnl Mnimttism Outdone. It is said 'that Mr. Perkins has invented a compound which he calls the "-concentrated essence of the sublimated spirit of stVa"ro." A person has only to put a 7ial of it it in his pocket, snd it will carry him along at the rate of fifty miles an hour or by merely "swallowing three drops of it when you go lo bed at nigbr; in Ihe morning yfu will wake op in any part of trie world you choose. Alhcnaruvi. The SDlendid Bridge over James Ri ver, Richnfond, for the use. of the : Rich mond and Petersburgh Rail Road,vas passed by the Cars' on, Saturday last. This Bridge is nearly 3000 feet in lengt.' Il festi upon 19 stone pier, the arebe? a span of 160 feet. Tlie' floo r fs 60 feet above the water. The cost of the whole The following allusions, by B t i t MILES COSTINi work was t 10,000. September 1st. 1838.; ! . ,13S 3moJ - Ltgotm latbb as you lika i i concern. 9 - . (v. i : '. P r- -