IHri lUDscr.ucr uucis iwi aic i It is a ompltto and extensive Establishment, worked by a superior steam engine of 34 horse rower, has 4 planing machines capable 01. aress ine 15 W 80,000 feet of flooring per day, with circular saws and all the necessary geer, also a Urge pair of Mill Stones, which can grind .60 bushel, of Cora per day ; ao excellent sliding lathe, and a foot lathe ; beside, the mam building Sere are sheds covering a surface af about 13 CH feet for storing lumber under ; and Wacksmith wl!.r and mru room back, may be had on wharves ann i . , ,-u i.,mu. m. lease or purchase, now mwh6 . . : noUla nrii nri ih cmnt nf be haa ai a rcaii""v r. - -f improvement reviling, en excellent opportunity is presented for making money. For further particular, enquire of -f ' v - F v V A. LAZARUS. Wilmington, Nov. 30, 1838. !5(Uf. NOTICE is hereby given that the co partnership of JONES & MATHERS ha. this day been dissolved. All persons baring claims against the firm are requested to present them for settlement on or before (he '1st 'day. of January next. One of the members of the firm or their authorized "agent will be generally found in the Town of Wilmington until the first of January next, by which time they hope all claims against the firm will hare been presented. DAVID JONES, for JONES & MATHERS. Contractors for Bridge, on the - W. & R. Rail Road. Wilming'p.T, Nov.v27, 1838. I , 150 6t. I D3- TO ME MtJEJYTJEIM.i TU1E ST4QRE immediately below the 'Advertiser' Office, and one door luast.of the intersection of Market and Second Streets. The situation is peculiarly favorable to Grocers. F. C. HILL. " Nov, 30lb, 1838. S 100 RJEYVARLi. A REWARD of One Hundred Dollars is offered for my Negro man PETER, if de livered to me or isi iiwrJail of this town, within iwenty-five days. If not delivered within the time specified, the former reward of Fifty Dol lars will be continueda description of said negro having already been given, it is now deemed 'unnecessary, I am persuaded he is to and fro from this town to the sound about Topsail. THO. F. CAUSE. Wilmington, N. C. Nov. 30, 1833. 150-3t. ftr JVew Store. qiHE SUBSCRIBERS Having formed a co-partnership under the firm of S!jL BALDWIN' $ Co. respectfully inform the citizens of Wilmington, and the public generally, that they ore now open ing at their store in Market street, formerly oc cupied by P. Smith, u small but well selected -Stock of family ij . ' : GROCERIES, ii I "where th e respectfully invite their friends' and country customers to call and examine. . S A. BALDWIN, HENRY SAGE. They hnre for sale n la roe supply of CARPENTERS' TOOLS. JtMOSO WHICH ARB jj Double Iron Smooth PLANES, , Single Do Do Do ; - 4)ouble Do Jack Do Single Do Do Do COFFEE MILLS, JV large assortment, some of which are worth $5 . jper piece- - .. . CONFECTIONAR Y, J ' A large supply of assorted CANDIES. - COFFFE and SUGAR very good. Olives Raisins Soap and Candles, ' Havana Segars, first qua ityf Do Do second do;. Uuttcr Barrels Apples Barrels Irish Potatoes, v. - NUTS, '.-"-'J ' Chcsouts--Hazell Nuts Hickory Nuts. ORANGES, $c. c. A SMALL 6TOCK OF ' READY MADE CLOTHING, Avlnch they offer at Northern prices; consisting of Super Black COATS, do Blue do PANTALOONS, Fig'd Satin VESTS, Plain ' do- do. V:' &C. &.C &c. I . rtll of whiih will be sold low for cash, or ex changed on fair terms 1 for couiitiy produce, Nov. 30,1833. . : ' 150 tf.. , J. H. KOTIIWEL.L, x- AND K. G. kANKIN, JTAVING associated themselves under the firm of . ii KOTHWELL & RANKIN, foi i h. transaction of a general GROCERY BUSINESS, hivite the attention of lhir fi tends und the public, to their stock now landing from Schr. CAROLINE, from New York. S Their attention will also be giv n to the sale of LUMBER and TIMBER, and all other produce. They hope by attention o merit a shire of public patronage. .! Nov. 30, 1838. ; 150 4t. STOVES. .- - !. Cooking Stoves, Rotary do Conical do Parlor do Box do. A large and general assortment of GROCERIES AND READY MADE CLOTHING, For sale at the lowest prices, by - S. HUTCH INS. "Wilmington, Nov. 8th, 183S. f 147 tf V3-STOP AND LOOK! IS. Till WBST TTTT AS just returned from the North, and is jliul now opening a good assortment of DRY GOODS, viz;: S Cloths, Cassimers, Saltinris, Kerseys, . Blankets. Prints, Merinoes, Cireas sians. Silks, Muslins, Cambrics, Ribbons, Shawls, $-c. $c. Sf-c. ALSO .. .J - A good assortment of QUTLKRY, and a large aasortment of men's, Ladiea' and children's BOOTS and SHOES, H ATS 4p CAPS of the latest Fashion : The latest style of LadieV Victoria Florence BRAID BONNETS. also . ' I ' II it opening in the Store lately ocrupied by Messrs. Bradley 3t Dickson, a choice lot of READY MADE CLOTHING, rand a well selected Stock of CLOTHS CAR 81 ME RES, PILOT CLOTHS and TRIM MINGS, of every kind, which can be made at abort notice. Tboaa in want of the article will do welt to call end look through before purchasing, as eve ry pairrs will be taken to please those who may call, and will be made arid sold at the lowest cash price.. , 'I : .: CttlJ. J838. ! IUSC 1. w - NOTICE. A PPLl CATION will be made at the next Seasion of the Legislature of this Stale, for a special act of the General Assembly, to enable the late Sheriff of New: Hanorer County , to collect thft Taxes due bin for the years 1833, 1331 and 1835, , October 4th, 1838. USStp. Saggar, Coffee & Molasses. OK HHDS. prime Muacavado SUGAR, 60 Bags Cuba COFFEE, 100 Hhds. New OrUn MOLABSES. rOB SALE IT A. LAZARUS & SON. Not. 30, 1838. A LOT FOR SALE, VEAHMTTSBOROUOH. A LOT of ground, containing 2 1-2 acre?,-situated one fourth !of a mile north of Chatham Court .House, on the main road leading to Hillsborough, Onjsaid Jot there is a firm, well built two story XXOTJSX2, kitchen, stables, and ie of the finest wells in Chat ham ; county all of which ari in excellent order. M , This situation is as liealthv as anv in North Carolina. Persons desirous of purchasing apply to a. u ivioore, tusq in my absence. GEO. MOORE. November 16th, 1838. , 148 3mo. FOR SALE fTHIHE LOT on the corner of Second and JJ. Dock streets, adjoining the residence of John Dawson, c.sq. THOS. H.WRIGHT. November 7th, 1838. 147 tf FOR SALE A two story HOUSE FRAME, to suit the above lat. Apply to Wm. A. WILLIAMS. 149 Ne. 2. Market Street. . NOTICE nS.hercby eiyen,.that 1 intend to make appli cation to the President & Dn'ectois of the Wil mi riglon & Raleigh Railroad Company for a CERTIFICATE, in lieu of No. 195, issued; to me April lath, 1837, for five shares of stock JOHN BUIE. November 15tl, 1838 148 6 w NOTICE. A LL persons are cautioned against trusting Aj. any-person whatever, for or on account of the bteam facket GOV. DUDLEY, without a written order trom me. as I will neither sign, nor pay any bill, without such written order hting presented as a voucher for.the same. THOS. J. IVY. Sept. 2bt, 1838. 140 tf DWELLING HOUSE TOR SALE. HE subscriber offers for sale that de sirable, fend p easantly s tuated HOUSE AND LOT, on the north si'de of Market Street, between Second and Third Streets, at present occupied by Mr. A. A. brown. 1 his is a large convenient, and pleasant house, and the let is unusually large, with every convenience, vacant space at both ends of the house, a large yard, and afine garden spot, stables, &c. and situate in the most iieaitny ana pleasant part oi wumington or particulars, apply to Mr. m Wilson. . T. H. BYRNE. August 3d, 1838. 133 tf HAIMilPER. pHE subscriber offers for sale his plan tation known as HANAPER, situated three miies above Wilmington, on the IN. E branch of . u . r r r , niiTi" mtttvt uic unjie r ear uiyer, containing jn r. nuii- UKEU ACRES of tide swamp, under bank and ditch, and about thn hundred of npUnd. .If hot previously 'disposed of at private sale, the above plantation will be sold at auction on the first day of January next, on a credit of twelve months. A. J. FULL. Esq. who lives on the adjoining plantation, will, in my absence, give any information required. in us. 11 1 l. L.. . October 3d. 1KW . 145 till 1st Jan FAMILY GROCERY STORE. HEADS of families arc respectfully invited to call and examine u stock of GROCERIES, just received by the schooners Regulus and Pilot, selected with care from the New York and Boston markets, consisting of Molasses, Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Nuts, Raisins, in whole, half and quarter boxes, : Malaga Grapes, in pots and liters, West India Preserves, Brandy, Fruit, Provisions, Oils, &c. Also, an assortment of WOODliNi WARE, and all other articles in his line df business, will be found at 1, MAItKET STREET, at the stand formerly occupied by Mr. Robert Simpson i 1 he subscriber informs the citizens m Wilminsrton, that he has received the agency of an extensive importing house, owned by F. J. Tobias, and will sell at wholesale or retail, the best of foreign WIXES AND LIftUORS. LK WIS H. PIERCE. Wilminston, Nov 23tl. 1838. 149 4w FOR SAL.K JBuchoi Plantation, SITUATED in B runs wick county, -on (he 7 West Side of the Brunswick hranr h nf thp t-rape I ear river, and about four miles from W il mingion. it contains 26uu acres ot tide swamp, 140 of which have been cultivated also fUO of upland, a portion of which has been cleared.' ana on wnicn is a dwelling house, with necessary outhouses, a larg; brick barn, and other improve ments. Apply to ' W. C. LORD. Wilmington, Nov. 16ih. l&3. 148 7w ;;- !' " NOTICE. THE subscribers having received an assign mentfrom W. A- WALKER, (mercha5,,!, of this town,) for the benefit of certain crediora therein specified, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the said W A Walker either by book acoiunt, note, or otherwise to come forward and make payment iromtdi. telv otherwise, delinquents will find said claims in the hands sf the law. THOS: C. MILLER, November 23d, 1838 ij- ; ! SALT- COFFEE, 80l"y Sacks coarse Suit in bleached sacks CP Opf extra sire. ' 75 bags St. Domingo Coffee, 50 bags Cuba do. i 30t casks Lim, ' 20 Indian bbls. bro Sherry Wine, fr.qr casks, and eight casks " htwv" French Brandy, " 100 boxes Soap, No 1 and No. 2, 1C bbls. Hogs' Heads, 20 quintals Codfish, 50 boxes do. . 80 boxes fresh Bunch Raisins, 9 casks Nails, assorted sixea, 20 " Wrought Spikes, 50 bbla. Irish PotatoesTr 20 Coila Manilla Rope, 20 bales 3-4 brown Shirtings! j just received for sale by ' V ' . ,ARRY BRYANT. NoTembcr 23d, 1838. 119 tf 0 mi Riinaways $500 REWARD. Jr a RUNAWAY SLAVE of mine, irboh as recently reached Boston, I will give the reward of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. To any person dsiposed to undertake his recovery, the necessary information and documents will be fur nished. As very little doubt can be entertained of his conveyance away on board of some vessel, 1 will give the further reward of FIVE HUN DRED DOLL A RS for the conviction and pun ishment agreeably to law, of the masterjor cap tain, and half that sum for any of the crew, or otht?r person, engaged in the felonious act. EU -V ARD B. DUDLEY. Wilmington, Jan. 24th, 1838. 106 tf $50 Reward. A YOUNG black, stout, coarse looking fellow of mine, named DICK, is also ruii away, and is probably purking about Mott'sj Sound, where he has a wife. For his apprehension and delivery to me, or my agent in this place, a reward of FIFTY DOLLARS will be paid. E.B. DUDLEY; January -24th, 1838. 106 tf TOWN LOTS FOR SALE. THEIi Dwelling Mouse) and r. i ssit outre on tne corner or t rant and Dock streets, now occuoied bv Mr L Frost, and the store on the south Market street, occupied bv the Messrs. Latimers, are offered for swle at low prices, and on accommodating terms. JilMES F.M'REE. October 19th, 1838. 1 4-tf DENTIST, Office South Side of Market StreeA thret Doors bdoio the Court House TTS prepared to perform all operations on the U TEETH. He has iust received la beau tiful assortment of XZXOOXlXlUPTXBXiE TEETHi which he will set on Pivot or. Gold Plate, from one to an entire set, pledgir g him self to give entire satisfaction. ! j Wilmington, Dec 22d. 1837. .1-01 tf Mackerel, Herring, Flour, Qrfh Bbls. No. 3, fLPHy 5 half Bbls No: 6 " do. No. 10 Ur. do. do 40 Boxes No. 1, 40 do. No. 2, 20 Bbls. ; 20 Half Bbls. J i MACKEREL, J HERRING, J SUP. FL0UR, 2 Crates Onions 1000 bunches, 10 Bbls Potatoes, 5 " Beets, 10 Boxes Sperm Candles, 20 ar. Casks Sweet Malaga Win, Just received from Boston and New YorK, and for sale by 1 I BARRY & BRYANT.. September ;th, 1838 L 18 tf Jflarble Jtlonumen AND TOXVXBSTOXrcS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Manufactured at Norwalk, Connecticut by C. T. DUNCOMB. MATTHEW LAWTON, Wilmington, CALEBB BEI.L, Newbern, WM. O'CAIN, Wi.ahiogton, N. C. i CHARLES MOULES, " Affnts. 'SCf- ORDERS are solicited and re ceived at the Cabinet Ware room of Mr. Lfjwton, where spECiMKNsmay be seen, and all necessary information given. j i Wilminoton, Sept. 21st. 1838. ! 14D tf Valuable Real JEstatc. riTlHe Subscriber offers for sale that VALU- il; ABLE REAL ESTATE, on Princess street, beloneine to Marsdtn Campoell, Esq. of Louisiana,' including the Wharf and Build ngs For terms apply to GABRIEL HOLMES, Attorney for M. Campoell. . Wilmington, Angust 1 1th, 1837. . 30 tf FOR SALE, PRIME PORK, Goshen Butler, Soda, Sugar,' and Water Crackers, Hams, Sides, and Shoulders, N. C. 100 Bundles Hay, 50 Floor Cloths, 5 yards square, &e. I .. C C. STOW December 28th, 1837. 120 tf FOIt SJ1LE, At No. 12, South Wharves, i<Thtffh LH North Carolina BACON, WM"iy ..ssorted; 30 barrels N. E; RUM Cognac BRANDY, Pipes: in Pipes ant Half Lisbon and Malaga WINE, in ; Casks ; j, LARD, in barrels. Quarter CYRUS C. STOW . Wimington, August 11th, 1837. 30 k-f , ; C. C. STOW OFFERS FOR SALE rTfxNE pair of elegant bright bay HORSES, HJ' well matched and gentle, One pair of elegant coal black Horses, do. !do. One pair of elegant white Horses, do. do. '.: Also, a SINGLE; HORSE, of high metde, a last trotter. , rVPersons in want of Carriage Horses would d well to examine the above, before they send their orders abroad, as they will be sold low, if immediately appliea tor. The subscriber has also for sale an elegant BAROUCHE AND HARNESS Apply at No. 12, South Wharf.; r t C. C. STOW. JJecembor 2th. 1837. 102 tf NOTICE. I HEREBY forewarn all persons from tracing for a Note of Hard given by .the subscriber to John Curry, dated some time 11 June 10314 months afterdate for thirty dollars, as I ami il termined noi 10 Da- said note, as it was fraudu lently obtained ogaiTist me. I . ' 0 ; S. W. MORS. Aueust 13th. 1838 135 tjf. NOTICE. T'HE subscriber, being; desirous to to chanee his business, findi it necessary; enable him to do so, u CJuJon.aii against w u k.. nr nrrKinii. to come forward horn and pay them. Thoae who fail to do so by the iw of June, will find their notes and accounts in jibe hands of an officer for collection. FOR SALE, Sportsman's PO WDER, American and English, I Also, a quantity of Miscellaneous BO 0H3, which may Jbe had a bargain. J 7 I Wm. C. JACK SO NL M U9 mw.. w. . t Wilmington, May 4th, 1858. 120 ti i:::i i side of , IMPORTANT FACTS. Upwards of 150,000 of DR. LEIDY'Sj BLOOD FILLS Have been ssld in Ptnnryltania alone the past six nonkts. rXIHESE Fills are recommended to all persons however afflicted, as a sate, gentle or active purgative, regulating and cleansing the stomach, purifying the blood, and renovating the whole system, requiring no restraint from occupation, or temperate living, j The Victory Won ! After long, tedious, and expensive experiment, Dr. Leidy has discovered a method whereby tie virtue of Sarsaparilla is extracted, so as to be formed into pills,) nitkoul destroying its ejficaey. ' . . Innumerable attempts have been made to ac complish this importunt object, but all failed. It is important, because; the SafsapariVa, as a medieine, in all diseases to which mankind is subject, is productive of more real good, than the whole catalogue of medicines in use. Ak all respectable 'physicians the Question, " What is the most effectual purifier of the btood, and the most popular medicine used?" They will answer unanimously, "Sarjaparitfa. What better recommendation can be asked 1 DR LEIDY'S Sarsaparilla or Blood Fills, Price twentyfivi ' Cens a Box. One box of these Pills contains as muck virtue of the Sarsaparilla as one bottle of the various preparations of Sarsaparilla, ichick cost one dollar a bottle. II: They must surely bommand preference, for they are not composed of Sarsaparilla alone, but contain in a concentrated state, in the form of a pill, the virtues of the principal ingredients contained in the Compound Fluid, Extracts, Syrups, and other preparations of Sarsaparilla 1 hey are highly recommended by numerous physicians and others, fsee directions around each bottle, in Rhromatic Aflections, Scrofula, Erysipelas, . I Jaundice, Heartburn, I Diseases of the Liver, I Skin, Bones and Gland, Pain of the aide, alongt the Back and Spine, over the region of the Heart, and Stomich, Iaward Fevers, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Foul Breath, i Flatulency, Indigestion. Sour Eructations, and Acidities of the 8tomneh. Ulcerous Sores of the n oae. throat, and body. Scaly eruptions and blotches of tne sum, Dry and watery Pimples od Pustules of the face .and body. Tetter and Ring worms, Swellingand hard ening of the Glands of the neck, in the groins, breast. i Ac-Stomach Coughs, Liver Complaints, waterbrasn, wantbf appetite, And ail the whole train .of diseases resulting from Impurity of the 4lood, constitutional Dis eases produced by Mercury, or other minerals, or the consequence of ISyphilis, Lues Venerea, For convenience of taking, as well as making but a small bulk, being in flat square boxes, con venient for carrying in the; pocket or tor travel ling purposes, they roust be preferable to all other preparations of barsaparilla. Also, within the past six montus, were soia upwards of 4000 bottlesof UK. liti lUl o MEDICATED FLUID EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, Recommended in all the above affections, wherein the Sarsapila Blood pills are" recom mended, and forming an excellent auxiliary to their employment; tor as tne morbid, uiseaea humors, and other impurities of the blood, are corrected by the Medilcated Extract of Sarsa parilla, they are gradually ;and most effectually removed from the system by the purgative pro perties of the. pills, which Contain also a portion of Sarsaparilla in themt So superior to al- otHer preparations of Sarsa parilla is the above, that Druggists and others are in the habrt of procuring from the proprietor's Store, one bottle, whichjeosts but one dollar, and making therefrom one gallon of byrup, Com pound Syrup, and, as 6ome. call it, Concentrated Compound Syrup, whiih tbey sell from fifty cents to one dollar a half pint bottle, costing them but TWO DOLLARS PER GALLON. The fol lowing is the way it is jprepared. Takefilbs while Sukair, cost about 12 cent? per lb. 6 pints of water, :boil to consistence of yrup, then add one bottle of Dr. Leidy's Ex tract of Sarsaparilla,! the whole making one erallon of Syrup.- ahd costing but TWO DOLLARS. i 5 Numerous recommendations; from physicians and oti.ers, accompany " the directions around each bottle. Besides, ask all repe. table physicians the question what is the most effectual purifier of the blood, and the most popular meaicine used 1 They will tell you unanimously, SARSAPA RILLA, the component parts of the foregoing preparations. ' I . To travellers, and all persons, in the summer season, they are particularly recommended- In dividuals on summer excursions will find them very useful. 11; PRICE ONE DOljLAR A BOTTLE. Jj Prepared and sod wholesale and retail, at Dr. Leidy's Health Emporium, 2d Street below Vine, No. 121, Philadelphia. aiso, . . rlr Sold at the office of is j : W.WARE, ($52) ' . ! ;i Agent. vVilmington, N, C. July 30th, 1838. 131 1Y TO THE AFFLICTED. HADljOCK'S Vegetable Powder and Syrup, For Diseases of tne Lungs, Liver Com' plaints, pyspepsia'Coughs, Cotds, 6fc. HP HE operation of this Medicine is par- ticularly mild and safe. . It promotes a gen tie and healthful perspiratior., and cheCKS morbid and. pernicious sweatings ; relieves chronic affec tions and congestions lof-; the lungs ; assuages cough; promotes a free! and mild expectoration; removes pains from the'ehest; relieves asthmatic or difficult respiration; corrects obstinate costive ness, and. leaves the bowels in. a regular and healthy state. Those painful symptomr which indicate diseased lungs jreadily yie.d to this cer tain remedy, when seasonably resorted 10 : and restores the patient to the bodily vigor which that wastiug disorder, the .consumption, if left to its natural operation, so surely destroys. TO TES FUI3XIO. We have had frequent opportunities of con versing with our Acqnaifctances at the south, who have used Hadlock's VEGETABLE ME DICINE, many of whose names are attached to this certificate, and from our knowledge of their respectability, and the benefits which they ap peared to have derived from its use, we have no hesitation in expressing our-belief that it is a valuable Medicine for the purpose for which it is offered to the public, and as such we cheerfully recommend it. . ! THOMAS P. HUNT, Late Pastor of the Presbyterian ' Lnurcn, w iimiugton, IM. U. H. AJ ROWLAND, Pastor ot tne Pearl-street Church, N. Y. The efficacy of this Medicine has been so fully tested, that a Hst of cert Scales (which might be published,) is deemed unnecessary. It maybe obtained of the subscriber. ; : Wm.O.JEPFREYS. Wilmington, December 1st, 1837. 46 tf H PROPRIETOR OF The Eagle Distillery, and Dealer inl Naval Stores, TTS prepared to supply- orders for Spirits of IL Turpentine, Bright and Black Rosin, Pitch, dee. Wilmington, March 24th,1837- Varnish, ll.t-f BALE; ROPE. Tf UST received and for sale 400 coils BALE y ROPE. JIALL, McRAE, & Co. 149 tf Nov. 22d, 1838. VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AND PH(ENIX BITTERS. THESE medicines have long been known and appreciated, for tneir extraordinary and immediate powers of restoring perfect health, to oersons sufferine under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable. In many hundreds of certificated instances, they have even rescued sufferers from the very veree of an untimely crave, after all the decep tive nostrums of the day had utterly failed; and U many 'thousands iney nave permanently se cured that uniform enjoyment of health', without which life itself is but a partial blessing. 00 great, indeed, has their efficacy invariably and infallibly proved, that It has appeared scarcely less than miraculous to those who were unac quainted with the beautifully philosophical prin ciples upon which they are compounded, and upon which they eonsequently act. It was to their manifest and sensible action in purifying the springs and channels of life, ano enduing them with renewed tone and vigor, that they were indebted for their name, which was be stowed upon them at the spontaneous request of I severaindividuals wbose lives they had obvi ously saved. ' . ' . " The proprietor rejoices in the opportunity afforded by the universal diffusion of the daily press, for placing his VEGETABLE PILLb within the knowledge and reach of everv indi vidual in the community. Unlike the host of pernicious quackeries, which boast of vegetable ingredients, the Life Pills are purely and souelt vkgktible, and contain neither Mercury. Anti mony, Arsenic, nor any other mineral, in any form vhatever. They are entirely composed of extracts from rare and powerful plants, the virtues of which, though long known to several Indian tribes, and recently to som eminent pharma ceutical chartist?, are altogether unknown to the ignorant pretenders to medical science; and were never before administered in so happily effica cious a' combination. The first operation is to loosen trom the coats of the stomach and bowels, the various impuri ties and crudities constantly settling around them; ahd to remove the hardened faeces which collect in the convolutions of the small intestines. Other medicines only partially cleanse these, and jeave such collected masses behind, as to produce costiveness, with all its train of evils, or sudden diarrhcea, with its imminent dangers. This fact is well known to all regular anatomists, who ex amine the human bowels after death ; and hence the prejudice of these well informed men agaiust the quack medicines of the age. The second effect of the VEGETABLE PILLS is to cleanse the kidneys and the bladder, and by this means, the liver and the lungs, the healthful action of which entirely depends upon the regularity of the uri nary organs. The blood, which takes its red color from the agency of the liver and the ungs before it passes into the heart, being thus purified by them, and nourished by food coming from a clean stomach, courses freely through the veins renews every part of the system, and triumph antly mounts the banner of health in the bloom ing cheek. The. following are among the distressing va riety of human diseases, to the which the Vege table Life Pills are well known to be intallil le : DYSPEP.S1A, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomachs, and creating a flow of pure healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind:--Flatulency, Palpitation of ike heart, Loss of A ppet ite , Heartburn and Headache, Rest lessness, Ill-temper, Anxiety , Languor, and me lancholy, will vanish as a natural consequence of its cure. Costivenesy, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent process, and without violence ; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. . Diarrhoea and Cholera, by removing the sharp acrid fluids by which these complaints are occasioned, and by promoting the lubricative secretion of the mu cous membrane, ; Fevers of nil kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular circulation, through the process of perspiration in some cases, and through a solution of intestinal obstructions in others. The Life Pills have been known to cure Rheuma tism permanently in three weeks, and the Gout in half that lime, by removing local inflammation from the muscles and ligaments of the joints. Dropsies of all kinds, by freeing and strength ening the kidneys and bladder, they operate most .delightfully on these important organs, and hence have ever been found a certain remedv for the worst cases of Gravel, Also, Worms, by dis lodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter lo which these creatures adhere, Asthma and Consumption , by relieving the air vessels of the lungs from the mucus, which even slight colds will occasion, which if not removed becomes ,mr- dened and produces those dreadful diseases Scv rs vy, Ulcers and inveterate Sorest by the perfect purity which these Life Pills give to the blood. and aft the humors, Scorbutic Eruptions and bad Complexions, by their alterative effects upon the fluids that feed the skin, the morbid state of which occasions all h.r unlive complaints. Salloie. Cloudy, and other disagreeable Complexions. The use of these Pills for a short time' will effect an entire cure of Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, and a striking improvement in the Clearness of the skin Common Colds and Influenza will always be cured by one dose, or by two, even in the worst cases. ' Piles as a remedy for this most dis tressing and obstinate malady, the Vegetable Life Pills deserve a distinct and eniphatie recom mendation. It is well known to hundreds in this city, that the proprietor of these invaluable Pills was himself afflicted with this complaint for up wards of thirty Jive years, and that he tried in vain every remedy prescribed within Ihe whole compass of the Materia Medica. He however, at length tried the medicine which he now offers to the public, and he was cured in a very shorttime; after his recovery had been pronounced not only improbable, but absolutely impossible by any human means. DIRECTIONS FOR USE. The Proprietor of the Vegetable lifk pili.s does not follow the base and mercenary practice of the quacks of the day, in advising persons to take his pills in large quantities. No good medicine can possibly be so required, these fills are to be taken at bed time every night, for a week or fortnght, accord ing to the obstinacy of the disease. J he usual dose is from two to five, according to the consti tution of the person. Very delicate persons should be6in with but two, and increase as the nature of the case may require. I nose more robust, or o; very costive habit, may begin with three, and in crease to four, or even fue pills, and they will effect a sufficiently rapid change to guide the patient in their further use. 'These Pills some times occasion sickness and vomiting, though very seldom, unless tne stomach is very foul This,, however may be considered a favorable symptom, as the patient will find himself at Once relieved, and by perseverance will soon recover. Thev usually operate within 10 or 12 hours, and never give pain unless the bowels are very much encumbered. They may be taken by the most delicate females under any circumstances.. It ir, however, recommended that those in later periods of pregnar ey should take but one at a time, and thus continue to keep the bowels open ; and even two maybe taken where the patient is very costive One pill in a solution of two table spoonfulls of water, may be given to an infant in the follow ing doses a tea spoon full every two hours till it operates ; for a child from one to five years of age hair a pin ana irom nve to ten, one pill. THE PH(ENIX BITTERS are o called be cause they possess the power of restoring the ex piring embers of health; to V glowing rigor thoughout the constitution, as the Phoenix is said job restored to life from the ashes of its own dissolution. The Pbctnix Bitters of are entirely vegetable, composed of roots found only in eer tain parts of lh western country , which will in fallibly cure FEVERS AND AGUES of all kinds ; will never fail to eradicate entirely all the effects of Mecury innptely sooner thaa the most powerful preparfions of Sarsaparilla, and will J?2?ial,?.care termination of BLOOD TO THE HEAD; never fail io the sickness in cxdeni to young females t and will be found a certain remedy in all cases of nerreus debility and Mtiuss of the m;st impaired tonstitutioni. As a remedy for Ck,oic and InJldmaUr Rhfumalism,xhe efficacy of the Phanix Bitterl will be demonstrated by the use of a single bottle The usual dose of these Bitters is half a wior ' glass full in water or wine, and this quoantity may be laker, two or three; time, a dJy, ..boot half an hour before meals, or W., quanS y.m.y be taker, at all times. To those who are afflicteS with indigestion after meals, ,he. B.uer. will prove invaluable. M they greatly increase th aciton of the principal viscera, help them 10 per form their functions, and enable the stomach to discharge into the bowels, whatever is offensive Thus indigestion is easily and speedily removed appetite restored, and the mouths of the absorbent vessels being cleansed, nutrition is facilitated and strength of body and energy of mind are the happy results. , For further particulars of MOF FAT'S LIFE PILLS and PHG2N1X BIT TERS, apply at Mr. Moflatt's office, No. 367, Broadway, New Ycvrk, where the Pills can be obtained for 25 cents, L0 cents, or SI per box ; and the bitters for $1 or $2 per bott$. fT Nu merous certificates of the wonderlul efficacy of both, may be there inspecteJ. In nome obstinate and complicated cases of chronic and inflammatory Rheumatism. Liver Complaint, Fever ar.d Ague, Dyspepsia, Palsy files, injuries from the use ot vurcmry, quinine, ad other diseases of long standing, it may be necessary to 'take both the Life Pills and Phcs nix Bitters, in the doses before recommended. N. B. The Pills and the Bitter will get all mercury out of the system infinitely faster than the best preparations of Sarsaparilla, and are a certain remedy for the 'rushing of bUod to the head, or all violent headaches, ticdouleurevx, 4re. All persons who are predisposed to apo plexy, palsy, dc. should never be without the Life Pills or the Bitters, for one dose in time will save life. They equalize the circulation of the blood, draw all pressure from the bead, restore perspiration, and .throw off every impurity, by the pores of the skin. - . IFor further particulars of the "above tnHi" cine, see Moffat's Good Samaritan, copy t which accompanies the medicine. !A copy can, also be had on application at the office of W.WARE, Agent or the same. Wilmington, Jure 20th, 1838. t 28 1Y " To the Afflicted." "MUCH IN FF.w wnnhs" . Fads speak for themselves. A trial of i j -"-"ft "wiuhiu nut confirm the facts. 1 iVV K"i iuoniiui were sola V V upwards of 5000 bottles of j . I i i hiv frt u t .... . 1 . . DR. BEGHTER'S ! PULMONAR Y PRESLRYaTIVE For Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, Catarrhs, In flu- vi4,a, HwiruiSuoun, rainonne isreast . and Side, Spitlin of Blood, diseases of the Breast and Lungs, and approach. ing Consumption. ; . " This medicine has been emnloved forSn vmn throughout the various parts of Germanv. and it. the only medicine, iu tehich confidence is there placed for Ike aboae affectiuns. 1 Us l here em ployed by physicians themselves, Jand univer- ' viftiuvuii uuu ri.riuiiiriiiiaiiiiiia accompany tne airectipns. - 1 Kt ; met n tv tents a bottle. Also, within the past six months were sold upwards of 3000 bottles of L - Ls- U S- O An ejectual remedy for Dyspepsia or Indiges tion, for general debility or weakness, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, Sour Eructations and Aciditiea ot the stomach, Costiveness Headache, Jaundice r laiuient ana ttiiious Uolic, &c. &CJ&C. This trtprliriri Kn. ..rA mn.. - e r ' 7 , Z vui vv. uiaujr cases, oi iron " yea s sianai ij, ana yjhere all other specifics, as well as valuable medical aid, had failed to cure. Its known reputation. t a suffi cient warranty for its future success Dyspeptics' are earnestly requested to make trial of il. Thav will not be disappointed in its effects. Numer ous recommendations accompany the directions. LEIDY'S L Vegretable Febrile llxlr, Warranted a permanent and effectual Specific for Fever and Ague, Intermittent and Remit tent Fevers, also, highly serviceable in . the Blaok Vomit, Typhus and Yellow Fever. This medicine has been employed throughout the different.Fever and Ague Districts in the unitea states ana Mexico, with uncommon sue- cess, never having heard of a ainolp fkiiirr. Price one dollar a bottle. J3rThe foregoing preparations are put in half pint bottles, with fluted cornertiand th -nrH "Leidy's Chemical Laboratbrie, Pbila." blown in the sides, and the signature of the proprietor accornpanywig eaen. N; B. 411 the above-preparations are rrenred by a regular physician and apothecary, and warranted free frpm Mercury, minerals, or any deleterious drugs, that would require restraint ) rom occupation or temperate living. : . For sale at Dr. Leidy's Health Emporium, Second Street below Vine, , , - Philadelphia. JFor sale alo at the office of J W. WARE, Agent. Wilmington, N C.July 20th, 1838. 131 lY Snlt-RlitMinv IInf.Wrtt-m TetUr, Scald-Head, Barbers Itek A NDall other diseases of the Skin, are: effectually cured by the use of SANDS REMEDY for Salt Rheum. It ha within six months cured rising 3000 different eases of the above diseases of the skin. It has ; never been known to fail in curing any disease of the above kind, where n fair trial hn lirrn vivrn. Sarsaparilla in a concentrated form is recom mended to be used with the "Rfmedy,'' as it tends to purify and throw out from the blood and s v stem generally, all the unhealthy humor, nQ the application of the remedy externally, at the same time rniirely and thoroughly eradicates it frfm K tl .1 a ' I ' U i m tf.j-.aiMA i rl i f A t 4 liv lll true philosophy of these diseases, and we chal lenge anv ojdinary case to ;be brought forward where thl course of treatment will noreffecl a rapid and prrmarent cure, if the ditfetions are strictly attended to. In case of failure the mo. ney for the "Remedy', will be refunded.. Price $ I per BOX, - W. WARE; Agtnt. . W;iP ln0n. Oct. 12. 1838. M 143-tfL NOTICE TO MERCHANTS. ALL Merchandise, 6lc. intended to be for warded on the Railroad, must be sent b- iwcen sunrise and eight o'clock, jv. ca. nwj thing sent after that time cannot be takeo on that day. Nothing will be received, unles it is put up in the most substantial man-ier. Every thing muu have the owner's name marked distincdy on it, and a bill accompanying it, specifying the weight, stating who it is from, who it is for, and where it is lobe left. The merchants will be held responsible in every case, for the freight on every thing sent by them. Merchants having consignments of pro duce; and other articles from the country, must take them away the day that they arrive, as the Company will not be responsible for any thing suffered lo remain at the Depot ali night . Articles will be deliverd at, and taken from the following points on the road, vix-Roky Point Depot, Water Station, near Btfrgaw Swamp, and the Depot, near South Washington. r . . ti7'h saUNDERS. Agent of Transportation. Moy 12th, i 638, ! 122 tf job painviso, - OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, X NEATLY EXECUTED AT THIS ! OFFICE.