We give to day, an account of the amicable ad- j The 26th nuifcber of Atbcbos's Birds of justment of the personal difficulty which existed be-; America' has been received. Every man of taste twecn Senators Clay and King. See Mr. Webster's letter to Mr-Ewing, in this paper. . jeopards his character as such, if he does'not sub scribe to this valuable and useful publication. E UR OPE AN." The steam ship Caledosia left Liverpool on "What shadows we are and wutt shadows we jwrsue," It is stated says the Philadelphia'4 and 'reached Boston on the 20th, Saturday. North American, on good authority, that The news of the suspension of the Pennsylvania Judre Barbour, whose recent decease at Wash- u- s- Bank reached Liverpool on the 3d and Lon- inaton was so sudden, wrote a letter to his " " iuen, so mat roe etieu :t nad is hardly family on the cveniner of his death. He stat- known. PHtn thnm ilint hi health was never better, .Money was easy in Londpn. Good commercial and hi3 prospect of returning to his home in Virginia to him was delightful. The mail fol lowing the one which conveyed this letter, carried the heart-rending intelligence of his death ! "Wilmincto.v, March 18, 1841. To the Hon. XV. C. Prestox, Sir The Whigs of Wilmington beg that paper was discounted at 4 per cent. The State of the money market however, is thought io betray a want of confidence to do business. The political news is pacific. The McLcod afTair has not aaiu been taken up by the Parliament and the nation al feeling is represented as more pacific even than it is here. ",J,c'"ul Jfiiiicr, an American emigrant gave a large dinner party By the President of the United States nf America. President Harrison A FKOCLAMATIOX. at the White House last week. Manv Sena- "VTttTJlJfGTON lYTA!? Whereas sundry important and Weighty l?r? and sorne members of Mr. Van BurenV WHOLES 47 P P.rc ,"uTr matters, principally growing out of the ccdi- Cab,"pt were present. Men of all parties ,LZSALE PULLS-MARCH 25. - wit icicimc urn u na nces oi me conn- , v ...v.. uiKiuur, ai.u a ullouaa - . Ik trv . . l.. . .. . nritrn tor Hon J : . t- . . 1 - ; ....... U. "J -ppear io me io can ipr the consideration .- . ""j u uivnmg ai asningion. ; uui i lks. 2G a Phil. Xurth American. Po ter and Wine es B. Penrose has resigned : BKEAD, Pilot, gross, lb. mpff in iVio f.i.ti .. . . t Vfl (Ik Wl. Ul Washington, on the last Monday, bei nor the thirtv.fi rt ,!,.. -. AJ? " . j " ji .nay iiPAi. ino Porthr's da'is i,rct 'inr. Mrirrh Ofr 1 '4 I Million - Hi i r Sent, vie i 5J7t!Ve 5tors ad Rqre- o.,ti,m?d to r it cn. a -ral.iV. alon. pnreh iiwuvts men and there to HSsenible, in or- f,r exin h--ls f,2a; com t.rwvua quite lreH. ni OPT to receive such in- o;n .:. i prices currt-nt in thr cfirlv pu t i" ti. wk lrv been State rfl'-o I ' ;"Hrvuu ic mny mnm-.-nn. .1. Ti.e tr.tns.-:t:,ns cmbwf I90i in!s I . - " ...... ' 1 ' 1 W l it L ' J I irili. I -. i t.ill ,:. . 7" I I 7 l r . 1 . I i 1 .11. f..- . . A .i D . . Northern, perm. you will accept the compliment of a Public Din- r SJ1ILU m Liverpool for ew York on the ner, at any time that may suit your convenience J rejruary, witii 124 persons on board, ami as an evidence of their high rrgitrd for your public i - hours after, 20 miles north - of Holy . . . . i -n'J , --vise and ndnpt such measures as the ' Nw o.leus. sj 11, .mik.n5 at,tnl WS ; q -J OI UlP COUll.ry may SC. m to them, in the Xaeal Stores -Tuutme is inctivo, an,l we have ' exercise ot their wisdom and discretion to re- n" s '',PS 1(1 r"P r,r!- :i !,!,is Tar. jut recived. so!j .i n quire ' rj.hictiu-i fn'xh former i.-ites; t'v arti.-l is (riniv. ;rul i" testimonv whereof. 1 havo pnucrrl tV Kos n. 5c. st- ti oi me UnitPfl States to be hereunto affix worth and private virtues. With much respect V Your friends and ob't. scrv'ts., E. B. Dl dlet, W. C. Lord, P. C. Hill, Jno. McKae, Jere. Lipjtitt, A. A. Brown, Thos. F.-Rausc John Hill, Alcxr. McRae, Benj. Gardner, O. G. Parsley, Wm. O. Jeffreys, Jno. P. Brown, R. F. Brown, Joshua G. Wright. WiLMi.(iro.v, 18th March, isl. Ghstlt-mex : Pressing .engagements at home, Which have been Ing- postponed by public uuties, 'compel me ieau, by the Xottinhatn steamer from Ldndon, and every soul perished except the Captain and Mate. All were asleep except the watch, and she sank in one minute atfer the collision. ' Thejiews from the Continent is unimportant. THE DEEPEST .OW VET. It commenced snowing in this City; on the IGth about 10 o'clocK at night, and continued without intermission, unti.1 the s nne hour the next 'night. .It! is the deepest .Snow; of the YV inter, and measures some eight or tph inch es on a level. The Western and Southern Mail arrived on the 18th. but the R,iil Road was so blocked up, we had nothing from the North.-fat'i-'A Re aider. f ' . ;. GREAT FLOOD. I The unprecedented quantity of Rnin, whic'i to decline the compliment you have so kindly ten-j "- recently lailen, has caused an extraordina- , , t- t .i . lit I r' rise in all our water courses- the Greatest, dried. Lnder other circumstances it would have , . c. i i- i i i - . ,. , -r , n i it is said, since 1791. At Smithheld, the riv- givcn me the highest ratiSiacUon, to acknowledge er ,a? overflowed its Western hank to the djs- in a personal interview my sense of your favora'-! tanccof nearly-half a mile, while Waynesbo- ble consideration, and to io'm in the expression of! ro' perfectly inundated. We understand, titudefor the signal events which 1,13 J lhe, inhabitants there, r.s at. Venice, visit ! eaen otner in their uonuoias tcrs tanops) the streets ani lower parts ot the houses bem- lint p !mvi" !i irhin.'-1 to noticp m jji ices. 1 ,ip r-ri r, A i . . " h-;h:?i itnns n! f! n-fck r-ai ! . aiuea me same w ltli my Jiand. paHv for expomti m 1 S3 u $3.12$ fur tmlin iry t. f ur; , i ie in n KiH is rip'.ions ore r lloize'L none, U VAN A. MARCH 3. Our List gnlos u! Fi e wee ihre'1 c ', in We!s:iv. iiw n hi'id ah nt Sio-t.-s. a Pi 120 J u :C-. fft fi m a the q-tot.;t!iiS nf :he 5t'i. '! ,! i?rs 1 a 2rs 4 I.nn! 13 a 1 1 ft rk O.TiO ke?s ,'-r.x.-v.n mi London 9 jpr cent prem . r..i.Tiin on tin' Nnrlli 3 a 3 pp.- rout d fc-iu.it." Three cargoes of llice svhi u,r 1 i rs . thorp nr.' n v fonr iimre .n IjanJ. in all SoO t,-s.: also tap II V,-ir. 2C. ! tc.' ! xctianjp on in- Mmtli 3 io 3J jt -on ;h . no en q'i:ry; on Ini! ia 9 j i cent prein.. ilool Inin. Cour bush. - bbl. - bus. ay de- roitT o? vii.'ii g rav,. n.vrtcii as. ARRIVED. U-iivh l'J. Schr. Cam!.!!. I ,r , Nrv- V..ik, boii-i.l t. Ceo. detowii, put in here in distress. t. Uickitisu'i oL M r- E. ri. rtohr. t-'hail j e!ir. terl n', D.niin I ser. ! -0. chr. Rirag n, Wihoh, Elizabeth fiiy ; iv. w . mown ! Schr. AH iruic, N.ckerson, Charle-ion I i o .i,isior, ! S.-hr Win Ilnrt, Cor To G. W. Davis. riiorn, Djivis, Njvv V.irk, t .. C. i'. Ir, Nsw York to LJrowa x D.Tli.s- Corii. To Meivhatitiize. n, New Yor'.c. Mcrzliandlzc. our common gratitude lor the signal - have lately marked the history of our counlrv, to which the State of North. Carolina has so eminent- - ly contributed. I earnestly hope, as I most firmly believe, that the recent change wiil be the harbin ger of many blessings, and that the wise and mod erate councils of the new Administration will so commend themselves to the patriotism and. enlight ened judgment of airsober minded men, as to rc ducc the pre-detcrniined and violent opposition to a mere faction. After the heats of the contest have subsided -an event which all. must desire, and al -Khould contribute -to consummate, I doubt not that tne goou intentions oi inc ivummistration will 1 appreciated and that they will be strengthened and made efficacious by a prudent ard deliberate public -opinion, advisory in its character, and altogether distinct from the wild and dangerous impetuosity of partisan excitement. IuJccd I feel the deepest assurance (snd upon this I most heartily congrat ulate you,) that our triumph hat; been for our country, and not Tom party ; and as all the ends aimed at have the dignity of patriotism, so the means adopted will be characterized by a corres ponding gravity and deliberation.. The condition of the country, internally arid externally, imposes an awful responsibility ,uand exacts the profoundest wisdom for its restoration. How this has come to ,pass, should not furnish grounds for mutual and unavailing .reproach but how it is to. be remedied; should iirse us Ho conciliation and united efforts. Animated by this spirit, those who are now in power will not consider themselves as victors enti tled to spoils but as -servants to whom are confid ed important trusts and the performance of high duties. , Again gentlemen, I thakk you ftr your favoura ble consideration of my humhb efTort-?, and beg vou to accept assurances of the great respect with which I am Your oht. servant, j . Wm. C. PRESTON. To E. 13. Dudley, I I. 3 Wm. C. Lord. Esqrs., and others Committee. Wi i.m i n o ro x, March 20, 1811. To the Hon. Wm. K. ICivr., Dr.tn Sin Your friends in this vicinity,' anxious, in some measure, to manifest the unalTect cd pleasure which .your presence among them af fords, have constituted the undersigned a Com mittee in their "behalf, to express to you the high esteem in which they hold both vour public char acter and private worth ; and to congratulate you for he unwavering, praiseworty and . high-minded course you, havq pursued throughout the unprecp dented and vexatous struggle that has recently agitated the councils of our common country. 1 y'c hail, with the msst lively emotions, your arrival. avaoi:j us among your old and steadfast friends and acwiaurtaccs who. with the genuine .spirit of North Carolinian arc evt'r Proud t0 3WJrd Tumour to whom honour ik so j1 duci and on whose behalf, wc embrace llie pri-je-1 "ourable . epportunity, most respectfully tot solicit PlCa" ure of your company to a public, dinner, -on lcU Jay as may bet suit your convenience. With sentiments of the greatest respect, .Your ob't. scrv'ts, , . Gabriel Holmes, entirely subnierjred. The "F;iyetteville Observer" says, that the River, at that place, rose 55 feet above low water mark, 'reaching within 11 feet nf Clar endon Bridge, and hacking water up Cross Creek, over four mill-dams, to the very heart ot the Town. Raleigh lieaisier. ' New York And Virginia. The Inspection Rill which recently passed the Virginia Leg islature, provides that any vessel whatever, owned in whole or in part, or commanded by any citizen or resident of the State of New York, or any vessel bound to any port in New York' from Virginia, shall be subject to in spection foreign and national vessels except ed. ' The design cf the inspection thus! ordered is "to see that no slave or "person held to ser vice in Virginia, or person charged with the commission of any crime, shall be concealed on board ' said, vessel." The captain or owner of any such vessel de parting without-inspection is subject to a pen ally, for the benefit of any person who will sue for the same. Every vessel as above de scribed th.it enters within the limits of Virgin ia is to be taken possession of by the inspector, and to be held by him until a bond vyith two securities is given by the captain or owner to secure the payment of any judgment -rendered' on violation of the act. If the captain or own er cannot procure suTt a bond, then his prom ise under oath, not to viol te any of; the con ditions U the. Act, shall be sufficient! Every vessel 'is liable for the expenses of her inspec tion. The Act is not to go into force until May, The Governor is also authorized to suspend its operation if the Governor of New York shall comply with the requisitions of Virginia for the surrender of three persons de- manaeo as iuguives irom justice, arm u the New York law entitled "an act to extend the right of trial by jury," shaW be repealed. Baltimore American. Spanish Mission. One of the mast expen sive missions under the dv nasty, which has just expired, is the mission to Sp;tin. The expenses' charged to tins mission, and actual ly drawn from the Treasury, from the 23d of September, 182:), to the 21st of December, 18o(, are as follows: . 4 . Mr. Van Ness, $0B.T08 31 Mr. Harry, 1 1,514 75 Mr. Eaton, MtrlG2 00 Secictary-of Legation, 11,500 00 SI ll;7S5 06 Xor'h American. of Congress at an earlier dav than its Wvt annual session, and thus form an extraordina- The Hon. Ch?.r fir aaa.. i . i h . ! ; judgment, the convrntie,, of the two" Houses Mlvania. and the Hon. John. H. Ewino-. of CANDLES, as soon as may be practicable, 1 do,' therefore. Washington county, has been elected Sneak-; Ta!iow, Faycucwlle, y "us my Prociainatioe, convene the two er in his place. Sat. In!. nouses ot nn,rrn i Cur r EE. Java, Porto Rico, " L:guayra, - - Cuba, - . . Rio, - St. Domingo, -CORDAGE, 'Jarred. 100 ibs Mariiili. - - - . Bale Kne. - - - COTTON. - - Do. IJuaiiiT. FEATHEUs. Hive,) - . !i howiOO iiive-. prii:; i-1 FISH. Dry Cod. - .Mackerel, No. 1, bbl. Do. No. 2. Do. No. 3. Herrings, pickled, Dj. dry salted, Dr. Itox, -FLAXSEED, tierce, 7 FLOL'R and MEAL, 'FayrlteviMe, New-York, Canal, Ualtinvire. (-'orn .Meal, FiiUIT. Kaisins, box," - Almonds, 1I. ... Figs, - - Prunes, -FURS & SKINS.Otter. piece, Raccoon, - - - Muskrat, - - -I Mink, - - - -j Drer. in hair, - . Ih. i GLASS, S x 10, box, 50 feet, I 1 0 x 1 2, - " ' " GRAIN, Wheat, laibhel, Corn, Cajie, Fear, . -D:. North County, Oats, - , scarce, Beans, whik1, IVas, black eye. Peas. Jl'oiv, i -GROUND PEAS, bashel, -GUN OWDLU.keg. - , -HONEY, gallon. HORNS, piece, -IRON. English. Swedes and American, 100 lbs. -LIME, cask, - - ' -LUMBER. P.P; Boards and St aniline. ytcam sawed, 1000 ft P.P. wide Boards r.o'y saw'd P.P. Flooring, MOLASSES, New-Orleans, Porto Ri e, 'uba, - - - - Martinique, &c. NAILS, Cut, 4d to 400. krg, 100 lbs. Wrought, - - - NAVAL STORES, ' . Turpemine, soft, (hard half price,) bbl. Tar, - - - I -Pitch at the stills, - 1 -Rosin, - - j - spirits Turpentine ghll. Varnish, - j . OIL, Flo "checkbox. 30 llasks, t rench. basket 12 b!s. Linseed, -Whale, ve, toperm. summer and fall,j Do. winter, OSNA BURGS, -PORTER and CIDER, London Porter, Cider, Cider, bottled, PROVISIONS. Bacon, N. C. Hams, Bacon, Sides. - j -v Bacon, Shoulders, Lard, U - 4 - Done at the eitv nf W-.icl.In.rtn tUB and SoVJaa 3.37J f'r a m 1 m ii. ,.!!". f '. 7 - nearly b-.r of pr,:oq..-il:tv Others! seventeenth d :y of March, in the i.!eiitv. and ir. but lini,. ut. . L. s.j year of. out Lord one thousand eijjht hundred ami fejty-one, and of the Independence of the United States the Sixty-fii'th.. ; I W. IT. HARRISON. ! Ly the President: ; Daniel Wedster, j Stcrc'aty (f State. ! EXTRA SESSIONS OF CONGRESS. ' The number of yhvs? which luve convened! during the existence of our government is as j follows: j, I John Au mis wns in-.ug:ir,ited on the 4th of: .iare.i, i 4 J s . lie convened' Congress M 10, 1797. His lira '.iniiual address was livered Nov. 23. 17!'7. Thomas Jelferson wa? inriuguratt-d on the 4th of .March, 1S01. Ilo ordered a called ses sion October 17, 1803. James Madison was inaugurated on the 4th of March. 1809. lie convened Congress May 23, 1809, also, on the 25th of May, '1813. Martin Van Buren was inaugurated the 4th of Mareh, lS37..and convened Congress the 4th of'Sent mnr-r, 1 OO I , s,-hr. B-mti.-r. Taiburt, U.tstoa. Ice a:i.l Merc'iarsdize. To l'..tt r ti Kidil.-r. evis. llalla-t. To G. 21. ti.: bVVl .I;iitl.oi..! Cin The Xf-w ",. , o. ,.c ti. r;. I W. D.ivis. (ifnil Viir !n orr;..i ; . ' , ' br. urlew, f?mitii. B ilrimore. 20 days, having exp-- uc.n ..ii .corrnas arrived in that city, on his rio-iwi be ivy -.les; was knii , i"mm- b.-u.: e..js, way to the Niagara frontier, thre te take P1'' :, s!i'ite,u-jr,"), ic. To llin v i liryum. measures to repel any partisan outbreak which G " .l.vls'1'"' P'"':ien' N" V"rk- migiltaiise in fonsequ-nee of the approaching i -'cbr. Temperance, Se-n, C: arlston, toDicki son" & tria nt A p on, -.t I -tMortrtr- rumored at Washington that. Mr. Crittenden, the United States Attorney General, will he T , - , present at Lock port during the trial, to act on behalf of the United States as circumstances may require. X 1. Gjur. $- ;;,?. A Query. A correspondent of the Ricii mond Whig asks: "What authority had Mr. V an Euren to nomin.iti: Judge M ison to "the Judgeship for the eastern destrict of Virginia At the time of nomination 'there, was no va cancy Judge Daniel not having resigne.. Is the appointment, valid and of any Jorce? Certainly not, unless there can be two judges for the same station at and the same time,"" Sir David Wilke is;now at ('..nslantirjople completing a portrait of the Sultan, which has been expressly painted for her Majesty Qeen Victoria. .AW. ,;. It is said to be in contemplation to create the Province of New Brunswick into an inde pendent Espiscnpal See. Gljbc. Gen. Harrison rises at day break and it is said that he not a little astonished some of those who had business to transact with him, by making appointments for six and seven o'clock in the morning. To these primitive habits, Gen. Harrison is probably indebted in no small degree for tiie robust health which he enjoys. Tlie St. Louis .Now Era says "'the Legis lature of Missouri adjourned just in time, for it i literally true that there was not money enough in the treasury to have paid the mem bers for a single day longer. New Jersey. iJeorge.P. Molleson Esq. of New Brunswick, h is beenolocted Attorney General of the St.it;, vico'Eield, resigned, and Daniel Elmer, of Cumberland," Iudge of the. Supremo Court, vice Dayton resigned. One Tkrm. The joint resolution to amend I the Constitution of Pennsylvania, so as to nr. s: Davis. ir. Clyd,', C.snn, Antigua. Ballast. To G. W. CLF.'ARKD. March 1 ?. ffchr. V.'ui. l'ir.riii,:! n, ItanJail, Doslun, ;y Dickiiismi oi Morris. IJ. scbr. Mars. Sprout, 11 ston, by Barry ti Bryant. 120 Bi i us !ler. N i: i i, M irtiil i pi ', by A. 1. a, tins. sScbr. L" inline, Harding, Havana, by Dickinson & Mor ris. Schr. Rliz ibetli. I. rin, B-iston, by R V. Brown. clir. PlKEbe Miriret. II ileverson, C.ai l st.iii, by Jirovvn t"i Delto.-set. 22. Brig l.ubec, Leach, Havana, by Hathaway PecU li.am. 15 r. bri'j Dovo, Cohb, Barbniloep, bv O. V. lavis. Br. bri Aryie, liifwn, Amlrcws, (N. B ) by Dick iiisun & Morris. !Sc::r. B siou, Moore, Fall River, by i!athaway i Peck- ll Mil. Scbr. Exchange, Pulsifer, New York, by C. C. Stow. 23. sscur. Arcot,, Buxtoa, .Li:nai.;a,by Dickinson tt Mor ris. MHMORAXDA. Cajit. Cann, of fie Clyde re ori-s having fallen in on the Southern dc nf the Cnlf with a ship, iipparently British', burnt to the water's edge. Sbe was Culion !o:i:l imI. Could .not see the name, as lipr s.ern was burned down. She 'could not have .been in thai situation but a f w days. HE! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF Wilmington are respectfully solicited to at tend a hall, to be given at the plant ,tion of Mr. Samuel Potter, on Saturday, the 27th of March 1341. PoTTKR,- s j. Everett, Managers. Jlir.r,3 March 25, 1811. : 2GS-U. gall. r a i ' ? I. 16 8 TO liCASS OR SEI-L. M.HE Subscribers are creenng, on one of the most eligible seites in the Town of Vil min Tton, a very commodious HOTEL, to be fitted up in a superior style, with generally single lodcr iii2T rooms, a Bar Room, Hatl, Parlors, ext -nsive dining Komi, Cellar, Kitchen in the basement. I .1 . . I g III 1 . LilSllll" lU ! p.uvu. ...a. ta.u -yvn 3.. 8 . , v. -"n vvith a -ood vve!l of water under the same, tozeih term in a ppiioa ct nine years, passed third i pr -t! ' nf. nr nvc. lienres. r0liuisite tor a f,rt d0Z. I he Wm. A. Berry, Jas.T. Miller, Owen Holmes, Jr H. L. Holmes, Win. . Ashe, Doyle O'Hanlon. Wilmingtox, March 20, 1841. Gentlemen, I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your polite invitation to partake of a public din ner,' and can but resret that the nature of my en gagements, will deprive me of the gratification of meeting ray old and valued friends at the festive board. The unwavering kindness, for so many years manifested towards me by the citizens of Wil mington, has deeply engraven on my heart senti ments of friendship and gratitude, which no time .incfi can ever eradicate. Be assured. Gen- Ul tk' tlemen, in whatever situation I may be placed, you will have my best wishes for your prosperity and happiness. Be pleased to tender to those for whom you act, and accept for yourselves, the as surance of my sincere respect and unalterable jre- To WILLIAM K. niu. - , Wm. A. Berry, The Whitrs of New York have nominated Philips Phcenix, aa candidate for the oifice of Mayor of that eity, k The JStatp of Delaware has a surplus of one million and a half of dollar. France.- The extraordin uy milit iry oper ations of France, are still irointr on. : fiesides the foitifieation f Paris, the defences ef'Cher bourir, Toulon, Lyons, Bayohne, Brest, Sedan, Dunkirk and Grerioble,'are tp he strengthened. One hundred and forty millions of francs have been appropriated for the fortification of Paris and mueh more will be called for. New barracks, military hospitals, store-houses and stibles, arsenals and forts, are to be construct ed. The standing army is to be kept "up to 5;"0,000 men. r reading; in the Senate of that State on Monday, by a vote ol 19 to 9. MR. BADGER. We learn from a variety of sources, thai the Secretary of the Navy Ins made a decidedly favorable impression at Washington, and eve ry body seems astonished tint so "great a man" has not been in public life before. lie has entered, at oner, upon the vigorous dis charge of the duties of his Department, and public -expectation is hih as to the reforms which ho will brincr about. There will be no rate HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT. At tached is a good sized yard; which opens on an alley ; the Hotel fronting south on Market street, near the s; ite of the old Town Hall. As this will probably he the leading Hotel in the pi. ice, it is desirable lint so no f itly compe tent .peron should undert ike its management; far which purpose it is thought advisable to adver tise for propositions (post paid) from such perrons as may be anxious' to engage in what must un doubtedly prove a profitable business- In connection with.. the above, may be rented the corner building, nearly ha'f the size of the Ho- disappointment either in this matter, llis gi-! tel. and whi -h is calculated t communicate vrry irantic mind seems to comprehend, as it were j advantageously, giving an entire iront ot nearly by intuition, every subject presented to him, -seventy teet, lour stones man, ot i.ncK. in all its details and bearings. lie has the j should any one be disposed to purchase,, the moral firmness to do what he believes to be Hotel, embracing fa o lots . running Irom Market v f Ahm r.r nnnoiiion. and street to an alley, will be sold on reasonable' to ahstiin from what he considers wrong, terms. TV ' llon. Levi Lincoln', of Massachusetts , Tuphiv last bis trust of Renresenta- resitrncu i . 1 r tive in font"-"- : - which he was re-'' ome momns a2o. D.vm Buovso ( was last wee electee n KPDreseniative in . gard. H. I Holmes, Gabriel Holmes, Jas. T. Miller, Owen Holme, Jr., Doyle"0'Hanlon, Wm. S. Ashe, from the Augusta district in the Slate of vlce "I1-1-""' resigned. I of the NavvYardat Charlestown, Mass. on Thursday Morning, and was received with thV "uomavy salute. Gex. Gaines's Suit. Gen.. Gaines's su?t against B. Chew and others, is in a queer pre dicament. , i T Gen. Gaines wants to proceed in the Lou isiana Court according to the rules of Chance ry practice, as laid down hy the United States Supreme Court. The district Judge will not permit it. The Supreme Court say they have no power to compel hun to conionn to m use rules; and all that they can do is regularly to reverse his decisions on the question of prac tice, as often as it is brought up for j their ad judication. They extremely, regret the dis trict Judge's course they say it amounts m some cases to a denial of a man's rights but they are powerless. Sr. Lout Gazette. Butter. U js said that the excellence of the cream from which hutter is made and upon whfch the flavor of the butter depends, arises very much from the purity of the water which the cows drink. whatever inducements nny he used to influ ence his determination. Ruki&h Register. . . i Slate Credit. Joel Craw ford, Esq.. of Go. j who a year or two since visited England for the i purpose of tiegotiatiii' a loan i the bonds of) Georgia, wrote as" follows to a committee of the Legislature of that State on the 14th of Early arrangements are desirable. J. U. & K. Ii. WOOD. 'Sfi-lfU March 25. 1841. STATE OK .ORT CnrTT OF N 1 UAKOLLNA, w Hanovkr. 5 Court nf Pkcs and Q iarftr Session, March Term 1S41. RDERED unanimously as a general rule of thn Court, that after this Term, the County bush. HOtfe, !- id t pT 100 horie, 1 November, 1810: Bui!. American. j Court of New Hanover, will not grant license ti " The leading object at which the Legisla- ; retail Spirituous Liquors to any person in the ture of Georgia should now aim, with a view - Town of Wilmington, or within two mile thereof, to carry on her public works, is the e$tib!ih-: unless such person has given notice, before the SBnent if a hih State credit ; ami I take leave j County Courts, to the County Solicitor, that he to assure you, from much intercourse with j intends to appiy ior sticn license. capitalists on both sides of the Atlantic, thatj Ordered, further, that the County Solicitor, be adequate and stable revenue laws are abso-; requested ro investigate the character of such ap- lutelv indisoensahle. They h ive not, or ought 1 P!irrpants- Ar. not to have'any confidence in pledges of bank rrue Copy from , the nutes dividends or hink capital- They apprehend VVjtnc, rHOMAb F. DAVIS, Clerk of the that the State Governments dare not tax the f ou? of PI, as and Quarter Sessions, of the Coun- people to raise the means of niainta.mng thej1 ' ' rV ' r .i i- r-.u ,t.r,., ' uiH nmrplv Mart 11 -5, 1S41. I 26o-tf. pilOIIC I-lllll, illlU uiririJii- J " -j on it. But le"t the State of Georgia impose the requisite tax, ar.d such an earnest is given of her honest and resolute purpose to pay her debts, as will at once dispell all doubts.'" The Hon. M. Van Bcren, Ex-President of the United States, set out from this city on the loth inst. for his residence in New York, accompanjed as far as Baltimore hy Ex-Secretary Forsyth and Ex-Secretary Poinsett. TheV spent Sunday together in Baltimore, and on Monday the Ex-Rresident pursued his journey.1 Nat. Int. The Penny Postage in Great Britain, which it Was prophesied would not pay its expanses, has yielded 141,000 nett revenue in the first year of its experiment. Tennessee. aia,-i"r""u" fi"" elected by the Harrison Whigs of Tennessee, held at Nashville on the 4th of March last, Major Jones, of Wilson county, was nominat ed as their candidate for Governor of the State at tho ensuing election. 3rai. Int. FOR SALE MV SUMMER RESIDENCE on Wrightsville sound. T. F. DAVIS. March IS, 1841. 267-tf HSfUCEDIAIElST- THE February, March, April, Mav, and June, Nos. of the Casket for 1S40. The May, June, September, November and Jan uary, Nos. of the Lady's Book for 1840. The April and Si-ptember, Nos. of the Lady's Companion for 1840 March 18, 1841. JAS. G. BURR. 267-Ct. AD1WXWIS7I?A7 0I?S NOTICE. 4T March term lS41 of the Cout of Please and Quarter JSessions for the County of New Hanover, the subscriber obtained letters of Ad ministration on the Estate of JONATHAN BR V AN deceased, all persons indebted to said Estate are Requested to make immediate payment; and those having claims against the Estate to present them as by law required or thev will be barred of recovery. AJ J MUJN Y A. WANET, Adm r. March 19, 1841. 367-tf. Pork. Nevy-York "Mess, b ! ork, Prirne, -Beef. Mess, Deef, Prime, Butter, Northern, Butter, Fayette, Cheese, - -RICE, SALT, Turks Island, Lisbon, Liverpool, ground Liverpool, ground, Liverpool, ifme, SHIN'tfI.ES, Common Cypress, (contract. Juniper, in bandies, - SHOT, Drop. bag, 25 ills. Buck, - - -SPICES. Casia, in mats, Ginger, Race, ? Pepper, -Pimento, SPIRITS, Brandy. French, Rum, N. O. Rum. N. E. Cin. Holland, -Gin, Common, Brandy. Apple. Brandv, Peach, Whiskey, Rve. STAVES, W. O. hhd. roug in the water, luuti, nonp, XV. O. hhd. dressed, - W . O.bbl. roui'h & dressilJ K. O. Hhd., rough, R. O. hhd. country dressefl, -R. O. hhd. wharf dresse W. O. hhd. Heading Pine, for Rice casks, -SUGAR, Porto Rico, Cuba. - -New-Orleans, -St. Croix, Loaf. Lump. - - -TALLOW, TEAS, Imperial & Gunpowder, lb. Hyson, - - - I TIM BER, P. P. per 1000 ft. TOBACCO, Leaf, merchantable - i - Leaf, refuse, - f - Manufactured, -WINES, Madeira, Malaga WOOD, Pine, - Ash, Oak, - - $1(10 Reward. MWILL give a reward of 20 for the apprchfri yn of my maid FOLLY, who ran away from men f hort time since. - Polly is a likely mulatto. abcut twcr.ty-five years r,Ul and well known about 9 00 a 10 00 tow- Thy sud Polly, I f.-cl confident, is still in 6 a town, or in Pup! in County whirr she went in the 5 a wa-jgon of a Mr. Cooper." As. I have roast) n to believe that this girl is harlot;rcd ami pro'ectc1. ty so.-ne one contrary to. the talr.te in ihiv ca.J nvule Igl an I provided, I will give a reward .of HH) for such 45 evidence as will lead tor the convic ti.m'of anv white 17 imn.-ofharlx-niriiig the said .mulatto, or 50. f.r 1 such ns will cn.itle 1:1 to convict any f;e jctson ISA ofcoUma. JAMES F. McKEE. IS 15 43 1G a a a a 111 a 12" a 1 1 A a 114 a U A a 4 5 0 4o 50 16 S 00 ih. i I: a a a a a a a a a a 75 a a 5 GO a a a a a 15 a a 1G a ! 50 a 12 A a 1'4 a 1'2A a a v: ll" a 1- 50 a I: 50 85 10 24 50 00 :r,7-tr. 1 oo oo 50 00 75 75 25 3 3 50 50 35 a a a a a a a 1 I2i a a a a a a 3 59 4 00 52 50 40 50 25 50 00 a .87 A a C 1 12 00 7 00 8 00 25 20 20 a 11 a 7 a 8 a a a a a a 2 GO 70 00 GO 50 00 00 50 50 27 March IS. 111. NLW BRICK ROW; OKT SIDi: OF MAUKr.T, last or rnbNT strkkt; IT N FOR MS tho ynh'.lc that ho h;;s jir.t T turned with an extrusive and well -selected, .ec.i of goodj in his li.'u siu-b as Ih-oaJcloths', of till colors ; Cutuiaires ; 1 Jyliitzs a fi.r ar.sorlmrrj ; 'Slocks ; ' j losomi ; Collars ; SuryCiiJa" f - be. c,v. i-C. I all of - which' are olVcrod at a low price. Clothes i made to order in tiio Ih-jI ctti J m v t fahionaMe style. . , ' IT ""' J .1 t " . f lie respect limy teiiuer. ins tiaiiM. to use. com munity fr the lihcral ivitron.v:re ho has TvVcivcd. and hopes by strict attrition to IXi-irie- .-. to.mtrit a i continua.Tce of llicir favyrs; j Cjr' N.'lj. All jvrsons indebted either by nolo ; or account, for w ork done l i -t ca i:;v reoeted . . to settle the same w ith.out further notice.' j AIarch 11. IS 11. 2H t. 1 'BH'E Subscriber . nvpcYtfuliy- i.ilhrm.- S.ii'l-Ma.k-j ers. Ship Masters--. Ac. that lie .keep cor.siant i Iv on ham! at his SHIP CHADLEKV ST')Ri:, No. SO Eat Bay.' Charlcst n, S. C, a general. ai sortment of Russia and ( tto:i l)urkT iz: i3i:niiy Hriskin. llinran do. C. .Pt.-iink; lY. .U?ht and heavy Ityv.'-rn, BiK-k, it!i . vwi-.-i. otlur brands. - : Consta-itly cn hand, a geiv-tal n--..-rte,.cnt cf nip l. naiidlt ry. iiie.iiiliti'jr iaritaml l.iini a corn age, from inch fa 3 inches diameter, both plaia -and hawser laid, irom the crlebrateil R-pc V a!ks of Scheinerhorn. Banker S:(''. New rk. a!s( hit'"". Con:-- 1 to 7 m.CiCr; nceiiuncr am; nr.ixrs i d p nr. . v. si j position and Copper Spikes m:d Aai.s, 1 i inch ; ltttiHT Uo'ts tie::". ' M l men i i smoke stack and boih-r Iron. K.r steam boats; v(ith j a general assortment ot" Paints ;:;d Ods t i tl.e f.itt quality, ail ol which will be sold on reasenao!" terms."' JOHN S.J ONES, Si) East Bav, Challe.-t. kl S, C. March, 11, If 11. ' 1 75 1 25 28 25 6 50 75 50 a 70 a 20 a 8i a a a 6 00 2 15 1 15 2 00 I 50 30 5 00 . 1)0 1 00 I 30 10 3 50 G 00 . - Oiir-I.."AI-:C23 ' Adopted by the ('ommissioneu- of th?. Tov.iKof Wilmington far the better organi.'.atien ' tlie l ire Department. Resolved, -hall be annually el-cite! by the 8 a a a 17 00 a 13 00 i4 00 a a 10 a 12 a 9 a 3 a 25 a a a a 1 50 2 00 2 CO 3 1 75 20 7 8 9 1 40 1 25 35 45 -.27 15 9 00 9 15 25 5 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 30 a 25 a 12 00 a 15 a 20 a 33 a ofiiccrs of the dillvrrnt tire companies a C"b;oi En gineer, whose duty it sdiall be to act in eouccrt v.'ith "the chief ar.d assis ant l ire Wa dens; to know the capacities of ail tbe Pirn - Engines; the strength of tin ir 'company, where and in what abun dance water can be had, ar.d to Ci.i:i:maii-ate to the. Captains or commanders ol the :itier 'T.t Eire Com panies the views ar.d vi-hs of tin heads "-of the lire departments, at id to yve directions f. t formation of lines o supply ttje I'nciiif.; with water. 2nd. There shall be a t hief end as.-iKar.t the Warden appointed by the Eire Wardens of the Town annually, who, with the "Chir'f Engineer . shall constitute the heads of the tire, department, and w ho shall issue a!i ordi rs for t!.( in mnTcrn: T.t of tires for blowing up or teai h; a.owri. I'ltiidiu", .-. 3d. On the occurrance of ajht. the Krads ol the fire department will repair to the scene Vf co:;!l.; gration and take some commanding .position, near it, wheh they will rtceivc 'rejfrts of .its pregicsr when too extensive to-be over-locked bv thear per sonally and to issue orders. Y 4th. It shall be the duty ef all other f.re Var- dens to act as aids to U.e heads of the fire depOrl- ... jnicnt, and when iK'cessarV to transmit the. ordetw J and see them executed. . ' In all vyiuei ingii.cer io niwct tin- p of the Engines, the orders lor that, purpose- ha!J b-.-communicated to tM ('np'utiiis And ail onh rs to the Fire Companies must be im.de by the-Captain or commanding yfiict r f the sjmc , ! That the heads of the fire deprutmf i;t be dis tinguished . frorti the other lire wardens l y longer (staves with sijiall fhis on then:. -The following gentlemen were appointed Tire Vv'ardtns', Alcxr. Anderson, Dr. The-mas AVrhiht, Col. Mai'stelhr, Gilbert Potter and Ovveif Holmes. Under the alove organizatic n the fire War dens appointed James V. M'Rec,- chief fir." War den ; ""Alexander Anderson, assistant fre Warden; and the ofiiccrs of the lire companies ileclcd Charles D. Ellis Chief Engineer. Oct. 11,1811. " 2:7G-3t. 4- In all ca-cs w liere it' miv be nefef?a'ry f r the lief Engineer to direct the placing or ;"arrymring 00 20 18 ' 10 3J 27 00 00 50 00 00 25 10 12$ 11 1 75 EADDZ.2S. 3AIl?ES3B. TriTTriKe, C. 5TilHE subscriber oilers for isa'e a general nsrrf-' ; iii.rncnt of Scddhs, Rridh?,. 11 Collars,' Trunks, ('arjxt A Saddle lir..i, VulUcf. Whips, Stirrup.", Spurs, Ii.'tts, 5c. ic, warren ted of the 1CST 3IATKIIIA i.S &, WOKKJI , ytillllK.. Persons in want cf the above named aiticles ere respectfully invited to ci-!l ?ral examine btfure r:;ak- ,ing their purchase;:. - 38 i IV ORTHERN tanned sole Leather, upper' Leath er, Calfskins, Lining and Binding skins. hoc Thread, shoa Tavks, Sparables.' Root Webbing, Bristles, Morocco for Cuniug; Trimming, Coach Lace, Tufts. Fringe, 5cc , CI V C. HOTCHKISS North ftide of .Market street 2 doors L'a; t of Owen Hohncw' Ftore. : March 4, 1841. 2C5-tf Si a G a 6 a 01 a 15 a 13 12 90 70 5 a a a a a 6 a 4 a 8 a 75 40 1 75 2 50 3 00 a a a a a 10 8 8 10 18 16 14 1 10 1 6 o 35 2 50 50 2 25 3 00 3 50 A X 1J Next door cast oj the Pod CJft:?, fCilmin-tor, A 1.SO ;At Goldsborougli, Wnync county, N. C 4. $ t ; f . -- . 1 . "4 Z E 'lake luis ethed of informing our f. icr;d v and customers that the liUral enccurage- Boardmg House. mcnt we have received, lias infb;en! n in fct.ih- hi?ha Branch At Golshorou?:h in Wayne, cour.ly, where c will keep a good assortment of such ar ticles i are mostly galled for in that . eection, and will sell on as good terms a can be obtained in larger towns, and hope the citizens of Wavne and rHHE SUBSCRIBER VOUED RESPECT- j!11 counties will encourage the undertak- fully inform the publici generally, 'hat he has Sn as lt $ 8ave considerable troubte and takrti the bouse situated on the 8oc;h-Eaiit corner "pt"50' , , of Second and Market streets lately occupied by Toour.nld friends and customers of this nci$h Mrs. M. Spicer asahoardi- house where he l,oaFnP0, we would respectfully ask a continuation will accommodate Carders elit! er hy the day week f r liberal 8upport- or mouth. And he hopes 4 I able to give satb- JACOBS' fe FITNAM. faction to all who may favor him with their patron- .2' 181 L L "' wui Ljuuuirs, jjarness unit u.i t- are Otober 29tb, 1840 JEREMIAH WALLACE, Sr. paired or taken in exchange for new j. & r.