I THE DAILY PILOT. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. One copy one week. " " month. " " three months, " six months. ' one year, $ 10 35 1 IK 1 9o S5o Address nil communications M The Pilot. Entered at the Post Office in Two Cousins Have a Fight About a Girl. On October the 5th two youn men, cousins, named Austin G nth rie and Franklvn Meyers, near Black Creek. Choctaw Natior rivals for ejections of a youn girl quarrelled and proceeded to blows on horseback and drawin Winston as second-class matter. I knives commenced a contest which lasted several minutes, both receiving fatal wounds. Meyers arm was almost severed and' was cut about the face and breast hor ribly. Guthrie vras fearfully wounded in the head and body 5oth fainted and fell from their horses and were found uncon scions in a pool of blood by the roadside. Northern Mockery The savage custom of pursuing convicts with blood-hounds still holds a place in Southern meth ods. Much real progress will not come to pass - down there unt Christianity finishes the solution of the negro problem. Lititz i Pa) Express. Will this Christian brother tell us when he thinks Christianity will finish the solution of the ne gro problem down here! Just such inconsiderate, fool-hardy ex pressions as the above tends more to keep up sectional unpleas antness than all the negroes and blood-hounds in the country. And whenever the north has made progress enough to find out what methods of treatment are due their brethren at the south, the negro preblem will not be from solution. fai The Next Covernor. Considerable speculation is now going on as to who will be the next gubernatorial niminees. On the Democratic side of the house, Scales, Bennett and Davis have the lead. General Scales will doubtless be nominated. He is a very strong man. . For Lt. Governor, the Demo crats will probably decide between Carr, Holt and Craige. Scale.s and Craige would be. the strongest ticket that cculd be nominated. The Republicans are more at sea. Russell, Price, Winston and Dockery are spoken of. In that party we hear no talk of the Lt. Governorship. It is earnestly hoped that both parties will put forward good men men who will reflect credit oh the State. Switzerland will Protest Geneva, Oct. 8. I wo Swiss officers who were sent to Havre to ascertain whether the report was true tnat the f rench were erect ing foitification, -there, report that several military works have been constructed in the neutralized portion ' of that territory. The government of Switzerland wil theretore make an energetic pro test against.this breach of treaty engagement. The Chilians Evacuating Peru. Lima, via Galveston, Oct. 8.- Advices from lea state that the Chilians evacuated Chinicaon Sep tember 28th, and that preparations were being made for the evacua fion of Pisca on the 4th instant. Peruvian papers state that the sol has risen in value one penny, and is now worth three and a half pence. Farmers inform us that"' in a good many1 places where the cot ton was blown out in the recent storm it has taken root again and is coming up and looking finely, and that it would take but a few weeks of good growing weather to produce a second crop of the sta- "ilmington Review. An Authoress Exiled. Sr. Petersburg; Oct. 8. Mad ame Naskow, the authoress, has been exiled to Siberia on account of her connections with the social ists. ' pie. Wi John Smith's Hanging Appoint ed. Annapolis, Md, Oct. 8. The Governor; has designated Friday, Nov. 16th for the execution of John Smith, colored, of Garrett county, wlio shot and killed Josiah Harden on May 15th last. Smith is the man who escaped from Oakland jail a few days ago but surrendered. What an Indian Medicine Man Did. Quincy, III, Oct. 8. A full blooded Indian medicine mam, who has been playing his profes sion by incantation among the people of this neighborhood for several years and was married to a white woma,n, this morning mur dered his wife and then killed himself. Ryttenberg Bros.. rice Store. All goods marked in plain figures. y We have the finest line of Silks, Dress Goods, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, ever shown in this market. Carpets and ' Blankets at New York prices. See our line of Jerseys, Cloaks, Dolmans, Paletots, New Markets, &c.,-&c. BROWN, ROGERSTCO., HARDWARE!!! Household Sewing Machines! GOLDEN HARVEST AND CHAMPION STOVES, CHAMPION GRAIN DRILLS!!! (Simple, Strong, Best Fertilizing Attachment). CALL AND EXAMINE. I Aug. 27. tf. WE HAVE SATISFIED THE WANTS -OF THE- PEOPLE OF WZBTST023T. rHDR THE PAST EIGHT TEARS OUR MALE SEX HAVE ALWAYS DREADED THE -- time to bnv their clothine. Havinsr to contend with the old fi.-ov Ktvlm nd fore shown, and paying double the money to have them pent from cities "200 and 3 miles distant WHEN WANTING A FASHIONABLE SUIT Wc have remedied that trouble by DISPLAYING ON OUR COUNTERS A.T .T , TIEZIE 1TOVELTIES ! I EMBRACING PSEBJCE AIiBEHT'S, CUTAWAY SUETS -AND Corkscrew Worsteds and Pine Woolens in all the fashionable shades, of which we can show an endless variety. Our CHILDREN AND SCHOOL SUITS are a novel of beauty. LONG & SACKERMAN, FAIR DEALING CLOTHIERS (Oppowt Post Office). LUMBER, LUMBER. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUT UP A STEAM SAW Mill, wifhin 8 miles of Winton, will fill all orders for PINE or OAK LUMBER at short notice and on reasonable terms. Also New Wagons Kept on Hand and for Sale at Their Shop On Shallow Ford Street in Winston. All repairing of WOOD OR IEOM WORK - - A done with dispatch. Give us a call, ' Respectfully, BEVEL & 8TDES. August 30, 1883 im

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