THE DAILY PILOT. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One copy one week. J $ 10 " month. 35 " " three months, , .loo " six months, 1 9o " " one year, S5q Address all communications to The Pilot. Entered at the Post Office in Winston as second-class matter. The bill granting women the right of suffrage, has passed the House of the Washington Terri tory Legislature, 14 to 7. Two new trans-Atlantic cables are to be put down across the At lantic, and will be opened to the public about June 1st, 1884. The Lutherians and admirers of Martin Luther, the great " Re former, will celebrate his 400th anniversary at Concord, on No vember the 10th, 1883. The Association for the Ad vancement of Women, in session at Chicago, discussed measures for improving the condition of black women in the South. The Pope of Rome is arranging a convention with Prussia for an improvement of relations. between the Holy See and that country, and for the restoration of those bishops who have been , expelled from Prussia. t , A meeting of the bachelor mem bers of the Knoxville Bar Associ ation" was held last evening, and resolutions of sympathy for a prominent attorney were adopted, as it is feared that he will soon depart from the walks of single blessedness. - Knoxville (Tenn) Tribune, 17th. State Grange. The Roanoke Patron says the eleventh annual session of the North Carolina State Grange will be held at this place beginning on Tuesday the nth day of December next. All ar rangements necessary for holding the meetings will be made in due time and reduced rates on the Railroads and hotels will be se cured. Weldon News. The Methodist church of this place is being remoddled and re paired. O. A. Redding & Co., of Randleman have the contract. Asheboro Courier. Shooting Affray In Tennessee. We learn that a shooting affray occurred Monday in a saloon near the Kentucky line, in Scott coun ty, in which Smith Roberts was shot and killed by Josh Duncan They had been drinking together in a bar roornand left , the place seemingly friends. Shortly after a shot was heard and Roberts found in a dying condition. He said that he had been shot by Duncan, who made good his es cape and still remains at large. Knoxville (Tenn.) Tribune, 1,8th Last Wednesday a lady of our village sent to this office a potato that presents a marked resem blance o a turtle. The color and formation of the body was nearly exact, the head was properly shaped, correctly proportioned, and was marked with two-spots which appeared to be eyes. A well-formed caudal appendage of regulation length made the "tout ensemble " complete On the 1st Monday of the present month Mr. J. M. Vaughn, of Madison, resigned his position as chairman of the board of trustees, for Madi son township's railroad subscrip tion, and Colonel J. M. Gallaway was appointed in his stead. At the meeting it was determined that the township's railroad subscrip tion would be devoted to the con struction of any road through that township that would first secure means of transportation. In ad dition, there was about $10,000 of individual stock renresented at the meeting, and it was agreed that all theSe subscriptions should be pledged in the same direction. This will aggregate at least- $20,- 000. Leaksviue uazette. Taking the Baby Home Deputy Sheriff Edwards, from Stokes county, passed through this morning having in his charge a little two month old babe. Three days ago the mother was carried to the Morganton Insane Asylum, and the babe being refused, the sheriff was compelled to take it back to Stokes. Sheriff Edwards did the best he could with his charge and drew' a sympathizing crowd around him at the depot while waiting for the Salem train. -Greensboro Patriot,' 19th. The i Chinese government are actively preparing to close the port of Canton. Eyttenberg Eros.; OBJB rice Store. All goods marked in plain figures. ' " o We have the finest line of Silks, Dress Goods, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, ever shown in this market. Carpets and Blankets at New York prices. See our line of Jerseys, Cloaks, Dolmans, Paletots, New Markets, &c, &c. BROWN, ROGERS & CO., IIARDWME!!! Hoiisehcli Sewing -.Machines! .GOLDEN H A RY EST AN D CHAMPION STOVES, CHAMPION GRAIN DRILLS!!! (Simple, - Strong, Best Fertilizing Attachment). CALL AND EXAMINE. Aug. 27. tf. LQMSflCKEEOE WE HAVE SATISFIED THE WANTS -OF THE- PEOPLE OP tVm THE PAST EIGHT YEARS OUR MALE SEX HAVE ALWAYS DREADED THE -1 time to buy their clothin?. Havtng to contend with the old fogy styles aud qualities hereto fore shown, and paying double the money to have them sent from cities 300 and 900 miles distant WHEN WANTING A FASHIONABLE SUIT We have remedied that trouble by ' T " " i, ' ' - DISPLAYING ON OUR COUNTERS EMBRACING CUT&WAY SUETS AND Corkscrew Worsteds ' and Fine Woolens ; in all the fashionable shades, of Which we can show an endless variety. Onr CHILDREN AND SCHOOL SUITS are a novel of beauty. LONG & S ACKER HAN, , FAIR DEALING CLOiUlEHS (Op posit Post Office) . Lucua THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUT UP A STEAM SAW Mill, within 8 miles of Winton, will fill all orders for PINE or OAK LUMBER at short notice and on reasonable terms. - Also - H New Wagons Kept on Hand and for Sale at Their Shop! ---- i - - ' On Shallow Ford Street in Winston. All reoairino- of . - i X - , . , --....'. ... 4 WOOD " OS; EROBT WOHIS done with dispatch. Give us a call. Respectfully, August 30, 1883 ini. BEVEL & RTDES.

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