THE DAILY PILOT. KUBSCMJTIOX HATKS. , ,. ne ropy one wk. . i - " . $ Ifl " nMntli.' 83 " three month. V: jl oo " " sinuantiis. 1 Addmxi all communications to The Pilot. Entered at, the Post Office in Winston- as second-class matter. Employ the Ciris. ' . Some day s ago we suggested the idea to out merchants of . employ ing females to take charge of their dry goods departments, and the very idea seems to have upset the equilibrium of the Kernersville News man's nervous sensibilities insomuch that he gives vent to his disturbed feelings : " To en courage the employment of female clerks is to sanction and endorse a plan that will rob them of their greatest chirms f i that wilfj steal away that which elevates them above the commoli herd." : This language is a reflection upon, the "true nobility" of the sons of the Southland a 'lack "of confidence in the female sex, for a woman can be a woman, in every sense, as truly behind the counter as she can over the washtub in the counting-room as in the cornfield; and we hope the day will never come when we shall believe any honest labor will rob them of a single "charm," or will "steal away that which elevates them above the common herd." By employing the girs we make the first step toward sending " the common herd " back to the plow handles and into the work-shop their normal and legitimate spheres. We do away with this everlasting lounging and gossiping around stores, d compel men to buy what they want and go on about their business. If the News man is afraid to "do homage" at the shrine of a female cleik we are not, n.ither will any one else who has th. best interests of the South at heart.- There rnay be ' other means a them of gaining a liveli hood," but there are not many avenues open for them among us now ofher than cooking, washing, sewingand we have known Voru eii to'die5 frotn the irksome labor of .running a sewing machine hoeing corn, and working -in to bacco factories. There are easier tasks in stores, and we say employ the girls. The Winston Daily, Pilot ' is printed by steam power. We think much , of the Pilot , It is n-wsy f . '. '.J' T: Moore, esq , left this week' for! Texas. .... Mt. Airy ahead. ..-A load of fine watermeH ons were oh1 the streets Thursday, Xov 1st. Tbxywcre grown 4 miles from town. ....Married, in Mt. Airy, on Sunday, Oct. 1 28, 1883, by Wm. R. Bray, esq., Mr. J. D, Avers to Miss M. J. Gardner all of Carroll county, Va. . . . . Mr,. Airy needs a Steam Saw Mill. Who has the enterprise to put one in motion? We believe it would pay handsomely.--Mt. Airy News. We are informed that one of the strange occurrences took place at Sandy Plains Baptist church last Sunday. Mr. 'W. T. Adams about 23 years old, was united in mar riage to Miss Jane McAlister an old maid over 50 years old. flas tonia Gazette. WINSTON MARKETS. TOBACCO. CorreettU Daily. Lugs, red, ' 6 00 a 8 00 Lugs, bright cr.mmou, - 9 00 a 10 50 L,U''s, Kxi. u una 13 Ml Lu!s, line, 1 1 00 a 18 50 Leaf, red fillers, common, 9 00 a 11 00 Rich waxv fillers, 15 00 a 25 00 Leaf, fine, 18 00 a 20 00 Cutting Leaf. , 12 00 a 15 00 Wrappers, bright, common, 80 (X) a 25 00 Wrappers. good, 30 00 a 40 00 Wrappers, flue, 4.00at5 00 Wrappers, fancy, 75 00 a 100 00 xi:w. Primings from -$ 3 oo to $ 8 oo 4 50.10 6 00 8 00 to 11 00 5 00 to 7 5 8 50 to 1 1 00 12 50 to 15 00 15 00 to 18 OO 20 00 to 25 00 30 00 to 40 OO PRODUCE. Corrected Daily. Red wheat. Fillers, common. " rich waxy, Smokers, com., good, fine, Wrappers, com., good, line, White Oat. f Com, Extra Flour,. Family " Pork, Lard,. Butter. Honey, Beeswax, Callow, Green Hides, Dry Hides, Emrx, Chickens. Irish Potatoes. Sweet Potatoes, Rags, Peas, Hay, per hundred weight, 05 1 15 45 80 2 50 300 10 a 12 cents Oft t 5m emits ! 9 a 1 i cents 25 cents 7 cents 5 cents 10 cents 15 a 20 cents 15 a 80 cents 85 a 1 25 cents 40 a 95 cents 1 l-2cte 65 cents 50 a 75 cents THE OLD RELIABLE arpm Store! OF GO AND SEE! CTCERO TISE, 1 HAS JUST IN, AND IS CON stajuly. receiving, the. most com plete stock of goods ever offered by him on this market. His (tL ASS-WAKE, OKOCKERY, AND Pfohl & Stockton,! fine china-wares, are a beanty to behold. His Main Street, ' WINSTON, N. C, Is the place to bny your Drv Goods, Cireceries. Agricultural Implement, ennkerj'. General Merchandise And in fart every thing usually kept in a first ciass Wholesale and Retail Store, at prices to snit the times. All kind of country produce taken in exchange for goods. Dried Fruit a Specialty. Oct 8 tf CARPETS are the NEATEST ever brought to this town, and the prices are low down. His Furniture Stock is unequal to anything heretofore opened, and hexequests an exami nation before you purchase. He is making a specialty of Tise's Champion Well-Fixtures, which are kept constantly on hand. Sept. 87 tf. V DRIED FRUIT REPORT. Cherries, pitted, 17 Damson, Plums, - 10 Whortleberries, 10 Blackberries, 8 Apples, quartered, 4 to 5 Apples, sliced,, common, 3 to 5 Apples, sliced, bright, 4 to 7 Apples, sliced, fancy, to 8 Peaches, dark, peeled, 4 to 8 Peaches, bright, peeled, 8 to 10 Peaches, fancy, peeled, 10 to "14 Peaches, quarter, unpeeled, 4 Peaches, halves, unpeeled, 5 The Shock of Battle! The Shock of Battle ! The Shock of Battle ! The Gallant Charge of the Light-Price Brigade I The Bugles Call i , Yon to take advantage of the Great Bargains to be found only at Long & i Sackerman's, Liberty street, opposite the Post Office. The Cannons Roar ( For our Low Expenres, which enable us to sell a Fine Cheviot Snit for ST.50. - The Mnsketrv ( For our great Specialty Suit worth $17, but which we are selling for $9.6o, ' Rattles ) The Sabres Flash I For the Fine Cassimere Snit which we are selling for $8.12. t" The Drama Beat ( For our Great Imported $15 Cassimere suits a bargain at double the money. The Trumpet ( For our elegant Dress Diagonal suit for $13.5o. This the bargain of Sounds t bargains. " The Shells Shriek t For lo.25 fine Diagonal BtJHinesa suit, cheap, neat and very dressy. ' ' ..' Cheers of Victory ( For 13.5o Fine Black Cloth suit, fit for the wedding, or to wear at the chris i trning of the first baby. , . The Band Playa I For oar well-tnAde and well-trimmed Pants for $2.5o, $3.5o, $4.5o, $5.5o. i and our good working pants for one dollar.'' Ambulance f which we are waging against thorn Call the ' For the wounded clothier who have fallen in the war against high prices, E.OBJG & S ACKBEirv2J, Liberty St., Opposite Post Office.