if- SSI -ii i i I. I J Vol. I. Wixstox, K C, Saturday, January 5, 1884. Ko; 106. "t O , i s n Y -i i A THE DAILY PILOT, ' - : . ; , . , . ; i , i r : j. 1 - i . PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING. H.I. & J. C. STEWART, Editors. ADVERTISING RATES: Ot inch one day $ 1 00 " one week 8 00 " " one month , 5 00 - " three month 15 00 flat column on day ,5 00 " one week . 1000 " one month 8000 " three month 40 00 rartW particulars and special cash rates, all oa or address THE PILOT PUBLISHING CO., , .' Winston, EUGENE. E. GRAY, Attorney-at-Lawrt WINSTON, N. C. OSce over Wachovia Nat. Bank. THAD. M. BUTNER, AND DEALER IN CLOCKS, (Xext door to Pfohl & Stockton's store) WINSTON, N. C. AHDERS FOR WATCHES AND JEWELRY vprompUv filled. TitcW, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired, and Miction guaranteed. Oct. 11 m. llytlenberg Bros., OBJ2S n ice Store, All goods marked in plain figures. o We have the" finest line of Silks, Dress Goods," Ladies and Gents furnishing Goods, ever shown in 'his market. . : Carpets and Blankets at New Vork prices. Sf rvnr li'na r( Isrcpvc flnalcR. Dolmans, Paletots, New Markets, According to the census of 1880, there.were, in this country, in 1880, 3,800,000 colored persons, includ ing Chinese and Indians, under 19 years-of age, while there were less than 3,000,000 over 19 years of age. Figuring on that basis, we find that there are probably 4,200,000 negroes in the country now under 19 . years of age, and 3,000,000 over 19 years of age. Those under that age were born since slavery was abolished. Be sides, there . are many old-time free negroes at the south and at Jh8 ttarjh Ojrreyeiyerefirtf sla very. And so it appears that a large majority of the negroes now living never were in bondage at all The following from the Wash ington letter in the Richmond Dispatch concerns North Caroli na: "General" Scales, of North Carolina, has introduced a bill which provides that the homestead and personal property exemptions under the laws of each State shall not be liable to execution issued on a judgment obtained on any claim due the United States, but said homestead and personal prop erty exemptions shall be exempt from all claims, judgments or oth er liens, and all executions under the same to the same amount and to the same extent in all respects as now recognized in the State under its Constitution and its laws.'U 1 : ; P. H. WINSTON, JR., Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Winston, N. C. fiie (up stairs) in Bitting's Block The cotton warehouse of Phin- izy & Co., at Augusta, Ga., was burned on the 3rd, inst., with 3,600 bales of cotton; loss on cotton $150,000, with insurance for $145, 000; loss on warehouse $20,000; the warehouse of Wheeler & Co., containing 800 bales of cotton, was also burned loss on cotton $20, 000, and on, warehouse $5,000, which was well insured. The Fox and the Hen. "How' big a "brood shall you have this year,' madam ?" said the Fox to the Hen, one cold winter evening in the barn-yard.'- '. "What's that to you ?" said the Hen to the Fox. , "Supper !" replied the' Fox, promptly "Well, I don't know," said the Hen, in reply; "I may have ten; but I never count my chickens before they are hatched." "Quite right," said the Fox, "neither do I; and, as a hen in the present is worth . ten chickens in the future,' I will eat you now? So saying, he carried her off. The next morning the farmer, seeing the tracks of the fox in the snow, took his gun and went out and shot him. "Alas 1" j said ' the FkHIsh6ti!(rvm!ted for the ten chickens; there is' no snow in summer time. In St. Nicholas for January. " ' ' Old Simon Cameron says the Republican outlook for . 1884 ; is just lovely. Boo ! ' ' " ; , The clergyman in Hebrrm, Coa., who fired a Broadside from the pulpit at one of his members who was enjoying the felicities of his fourth ' marriage without having ever attended the funeral of eith er his first, second or third, is likely to be fired out of the pul pit himself. The aggrieved and sensitive deacon whose feelings were hurt by being tailed a polyg amfst at first moved out . of town to avoid the notoriety caused by the plain V preacher's sermon. While apparently absent; however he quietly took : a census of the other: members of the. congrega tion who were " divorced and of those who wanted tobe, and, as these constituted a majority of the communicants, he has. moved back and boldly headed a move ment to procure the dismissal x( the ; pastor. At present it looks as though the preacher would have to go. Philadelphia Times. Never judge a giri by. her color. She may not be as bad as she is painted. DRIED FRUIT-REPORT. Cherries, pitted, j - m 17 Damsonv Plums,:, - ,j3 , 'r-h hl? 'J, Whortleberries,-; ,j ;, , ', 10 v,. Blackberries, . , . . 8 Apples, quartered,- '" ' ; 4 to 5 ' Applesj sliced, common, 3 to '5 Apples, sliced, bright 4 to 7 ADDles. sliced, fancy. t , to 8 Peaches, dark, peeled, . . . 4 to 8 reacnes, Dngnt, peeiea,.: ,010 10 Peach es;'fancy; peeled,- , to to 14. Peaches, quarter, unpeeled, J 5 Peaches, halves, unpeeled; - . u .4 1 AGENTS! wanted for The TJtc of all the Prosldents ol the-' U, 8, The largeBt, hahd someet best Mok ver sold f orjess than twice our price,- The fateet selling book in America. Immense profits to agent, All intelligent people want ity Any one can become a successful agent, Terms free, Haixbtt Book Co,, Portland Maine, i ; ;; . 1. EUGENE E. GRAY, . Fire Ins.; Agency, Winston, N. C. t.-'; The following first-class Fire Insurance Com panies represented: North British and Mercan tile; Hartford; London Assurance Corporation N, C. Home; Insurance Company of North America; Commercial Union: City of London; Virginia Home; Virginia Fire and Marine; Rochester German; German-American Connec ticnt: Western Assurance nd Lion Fire Insur ance Company. . . Aug. 27. tf. - SUBSCRIBE TO laily Plot. ONLY 35 CENTS A MONTH. J. S. EDWELL, Boothoemaker OVER BREWER'S BARBER SHOP, f Winston. N. C. I am rrepered to do all kinds of work hj mr i:n mm m.kinr and reDairinz boots ana 8noes wun Desuicua 'K"" sea me oeror conmcuus . Call and Aki am for the working class. Send 10 1 f 11 1 ' llcent toT Ptage Bnd w? T1,11 I 1 1 1 I Imailyoo free, a ronl, JflnDA'? U ULUboi of sample goods that will few day than yon ercr thongbt possible at any i ( r wnirMA MB M Will Start yon. Yon enn work all the time or in spore time only. The work to universally adapted to both sexes, young and old. You can easily earn from 5o cents to $5 every evening. That all who want work may test this business, we make this unparalleled offer; to all who are not well satls nedwewill send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, directions, et cetera, sent free. Fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to the work- Great snccet absolutely sure. Don't delay. Start now. Ad dress Stiw son & Co., Portland, Maine. r