j .: ' i .. . . ; T' .1 TOJ1S YJIAC HHT r r:: i.- r Lot t i -M..a -. , j i oi A i feife nrn II nR J II IF It Winston, K G., Mojouj, Ta re ixa 4UT Vol. I. THE DAILY PILOT, .rv-izava 7;4:r;cu;-i PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING. N. I. J. C. STEWART, Editors. ADVKWTISMKj RATE St Om inch owe day IS u on vwk oo - ".HiwuiMi;;, f iHni iiJJ On eolnma ooe day SW " aniiMk !. '' lotli.J'''' 'JS " three month 4000 to fartbr partkmlar mod special cash rates, call o or addreaa mttt m M Ml nr'wr ffl U IVH Vl .anMMiH EUGENE E. GRAY, WCCTTOIC, W. C Office over Wachovia Nat. Bant THAD. M. BUTNER. TE W f iT I t-iafcs AND DEALER IN CLOCKS, . (Xaxt door to Pfohl A Stockton' store) WINSTON, N.'C VteSClocka and Jewelry Retired. nd satisfaction guaranteed. Oct. 1 im. Pressed to Death. In wlf times it was considered that criminals accused of felony could not be properly tried unless they consented to the trial by pleading and putting themselves oTOhe country. After. reading&ie indictment to him the question' was put: How say you art you guilty, or not guilty?" II hdsaid was, Culprit,' Kwr ttrill you be tried? " To which the prUoner had to answer: "By God and mjf country. If he willfully omitteq dtheitioftMt answer h wassaid toVta'nd mute, and a; jury was sworn to say whether he stood mute of malice or mute by the . . . r i n ot uod. It tney ipuna kM muts rt ma ir max; was equivalent pleading euiltytf cases oi treason or misucuicfuvi , btit in calfcOf eloliy he was con AmnA after much exhortation. tO me pane joru umrt wat Jf I iked- on bac t,T Ryttenberg: Bros.. All goods marked in plain figures. We-; have the finest line of Silks, Dress Gobds Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, ever shown in this market. Girtf i'and Blankets at New York nrices. See our line of Jerseys, Cloaks, Dolmansi Paletots, New Markets, ' T . ( t ' . - 1 P H. WINSTON, JR., ;ca t Winston Hi- Ci - J ' ' 1 ( Office Cup stairs) in Bitting Block Wl T and to have iron laid upon jbira. as much as he 3cbuld : bear,! and more, and so to continue, fed, up on bad bread and stagnant water on alternate days, till he either oleaded or died. . This strange rule was not abolished until m when standing mute in cases of felqnj masi JPde equivalent uo a conviction. A case actually oc curred as late as 176, when one Burnwater. accused at Kingston Atsifes r0f tottrdfrl refused to pieaa, ana wt hour and three-quarters, -with ...rtir inn wr-iVht of iron, after Which he pTeadednot rgmlty,! and was conyicica.uv at, ) 1658 a iajor! Stiraneways was hressed to death: JThe object of refusine to plead was tha as in - - . t . 1 tha case. there;waa npconvicwU no forfeiture too puce, anq ui prbperty of the" accused person was thuk preserved for his heir. ; . FOR Watcino IN A WELL. ADOUt 2 SANTA LAUS o'clock Christmas morning, a coiored man, named Bob Terry passing by a well in the old Livery Stable lot, f11it 1 Th wpII i ahnrrt fortv feet fdeew I Botl fQfindi py "actual measurement tnat me water rca,u ed his shoulders. He says that he slept very well, but was rather cold when he awoke. He remained. there quietly until the next morn? um afteftwertlxree'Piickets of water rld been drawrt, f rom; .,the ieUiaait tot sap alything to the one drawing, lest he shouldjJbe killed by the bucket being turned loose. ....A few nights before Christmas some villians went; to the house of Mr. Sam Mason, nr PnivV OiaiwK and broke inr tW a- Ousel ttn taming "some corn. The family consists of Mr. Mason who is old, deaf and almost help less and his daughter Miss SaUie Ifasoner-JnsO tie! rscals; iiad Most judges do not know what they can' do with a case until; they try it, - .; -l 1" nlledftwo sasflMissMason heard them and went out and they .an off leaving the corn. She carried , the corn into the dwelling and emptied it out of the sacks. Then hearing a noise she took a light went to the door and looked; put. One of the rascals caught her by the throat, dragged; her .out-pf he ifoiseV'ch-oieliertintf threatened to kill her if she did not 'keep quiet The other one entered the house, refilled-the sacks with corn and went off. Franklinton Vyeek Says the Wffmmgtbn Star: t ,-Aoi effort will be made to secur the passage of a bill. during the pres ent session of Congress to erect s pCbCC fiWudiSf ?here, to cost free? ooo, for use as a post office, tJnit- ed States court room, etc. iay- id thetettevUle is moving for one, to cost $7S,ooa - " RiCHmoND, Va., Jan. 4.-,-Ge0.j H. Swann was to-night nominated PRIEP.FRUIT, REPORT Cherries, pitted,!, Damson Plums,.-,, t wortieDernes, , Blackberries, " Apples, quartered, ' in-n-- '4' to Apples sliced; common; $ to Apples, sliced, bright; b 4to Annies. sllcetLr tanCV. . . v r, lO Peaches," dark, peeled, 4 to Peaches- brieht; peeled:1" 8 to Peaches, fancy, peeled, io to 1 Peaches, qnarteri unpeeiea, 5 Peaches, halves: unpeeled, ? 4 17 10 10 8 5 5 7 8 8 8 to 10 a.- .i,M wantsH f nr The TJvflM of all the Presidents of the U, 8, The largest, haM- nmtr toat book ever old loc5e than twice oar price, .The latest telling book in America. Immense profit to n Wntne a sncceaefal aeent. Terms free. Halut pootCo. forUaad Maine, , ' EUGENE E. GRAY, 5n 4 Winston; iN,..v;: ,'; : 1 Wfoliowtor ftnicbliy flw Ininrance Com- nniea reprsaented; North Britteh and Mercan tile; Hartford; London Aasnrance Corporation America: Commercial TJnlbn; City of London; Home: ,Virrtni FttSf-wd -Hnine; iter German; Germaavi wrt. ttcat; Wohm Aaaormace aa4 Li- Fwe Inanr- anee Com .a n SUBSCRIBE TO ?.-., ifil'f : Plot L ONLV 3S CENTS A MONTH. so Mi J. &IEDWEXL, .1 ! lootfShoemaker OVER BREWER'S BARBER SHOP, Vlnbton, rl. C- 'Vamprepared to do all kinds of work in my hoes with neameM auu yiiw-T', ,iif gat job hefoweoiitnM.eJiewhrfciii Itf. bythe )empc' JojJudge'bf Botetottri county. . ; 5 Q00! put von Lb the few days than y for toe working ekae. 'Bend 10 Ante nnat.CM and will emit. . w, . , , mail yon free, a nM'jwhuble i ..mnl ennda that will , Vt B . wsy of making more money in a ri.,. than Toa erer thought powlbie.at any basinet. Capital not w. Yott.ean .wora. w " --- ; mk. MtArlr i nhlTflraallr adaDtea to SSh .Sei, young and old.. Ypo caneadr earn him tocenb to s erery wening. That all who Iran work may test this bnaineas, we make this """n.u to .11 alui ara not well satis- writinffna. run pi'i""-j" - aentfree. PortoW. wilHe maUe by tie who .v , um. work. Great snccesa Dent delay. Start tow. dreas iWCTsoii 4 CoH Portland, Maine. Ad-