lis. TI Jt 1.1 I 1 11 11 I X. I 1 afi H m mm- $- & rati IT 4it vf" V A Vol. I. ?To. 110. i t ' ; J THE DAILY PILOT, PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING. M I A J Cm STEWART, Editors. ADVERTISING RATES: One Inch one day " , " one week " " one month " " three months ; , One column one day " one week . " one month " three month $ 100 800 5 00 1500 5 00 10 00 an 00 4000 For further particulars and. special cash rate, rail on or address THE PILOT PUBLISHING CO.. Winston. C. EUGENE E. GRAY, Attorney-ai-Lawr Winston, :n. c. Office over Wachovia Nat. Bank. THAD. M. BUTNER, : AND DEALER IN CLOCKS, (Next door to Pfohl & Stockton's store) ... WINSTON, N. C. ORDERS IPORATCSES AND JEWELRY prompt!? filled. 'Vitrei. Clocfyi an4 Jewelry Repaired, and satisfaction guaranteed. Oct 1 Ira. Ryttenberg Eros... -ITS' ' Price-Store All goods marked in plain figures. o We : have the finest line of Silks, Dress Goods, 7 Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, ever shown in this market. : J Carpets and Blankets at New York prices. See our line of Jerseys, Cloaks, Dolmans, Paletots, 'New Markets, &c, &c, s r f. ,a r;; tii " P. H WINSTON, JR., ' Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ' .... ' yi 'Winston,' N.' C:- H -: Office (up stairs) in Sitting's Block A Romeo Endeavors to Secure His Imprisoned Juliet by i J Writ of .Habeas Corpus. Fostoria, O., Dec 30. A re . . . markaDie sensation was caused on our streets at a late hour night, before last by ihe announcement that a sheriff had arrived here from "Tiffin, O., to serve a writ of habeas, corpus on the daughter of one of the prominent citizens of our town who was said to be locked up in her father's house It seems that the young lady had a lover that the parents did not lpkCirpdri with. 'favor and who was forbidden the house. But the two met clandestinely, courted, and became engaged. Meanwhile a second lover made his appear ance, and for the last six months- has, .paiU her t marked attention. Lover No. i, finding himself in danger " of losing his prize, made arrangements to ! elope, : but- - iln- wisely confided the secret to sev eral friends. - The facts came " to the hearing of the girl's parents, who, it is said, took effective measures of thwarting their de signs by locking the young lady wher hHrse. Lover No. i, who, by ther way, is a prominent young German business man of the towri, learning the facts, went to Tiffin and had issued a writ of habeas corpus, intending to marry the girl as" "soon as she appeared be fore the judge. When the sheriff appeared &t the hduse iheifather became white with rage, the moth er went into spasms, and for a-while- her, - life, was despaired of, , while crowds gathered at the house with revolvers, causing intense ex citement, i Had the lover appeared at the house with the sheriff there is but little doubt that a terrible tragedy, would lhave occurred, as both parties are deadly in earnest' Inthe dilemma the. girl's parents sent for a minister and endeavored to have her marry Lover No. 2, who was by her side, but she re fused, 'and,, under the circum stances, her1 mother lying- uncon scious in spasms, retused to go with the sheriff. Thus matters now stand. The case creates in tense excitement on account of the; high; standmg of he giH i4t very pretty syotrng iadyabout 2? years old. Lover No. i"had furnished her an elaborate tron seau, which, it is stated, she made up at the house of a mutual friend Publid sympathy's eveoly,divided between i thtrparentsf of i the gir andihel lover 4 An Alleged "Goqd". Story by Vance. Senator Vance, of North Carolina, spent an hour in my office this morning in general conversation, fie is not.' only, a good Democrat, but an excellent Stprj I fclitT Dob .t hiSbest. is concerning an old colored preach er in "Rale7gfi, who collects his salary from the. devout of his own race without the aid of deacons. Meetijigone otjhtl corrgregation recently fte fiafleo? hfm ivith Good morning, Brudder Bony. Has you any gift to gib de Lawd dis mawnin' ?" . Yes, . parson, sartjn I , has. Heahs a dollah. J And "he pulled out an " old greasy pocket-book, from which he fished a greasier greenback, and. reached it toward the-'epecfant-paTson.--'Irawing it back again, he said.: Does you expect to see de Lawd yo'self, parson ? " Course I does," said the reacher. . - - " When will yer run acrost H jm, d'ye tink?" niiqiiiWH r "Oh ! sometime in de sweet bimeby," responded his reverence. "Well, den," said Bony, "I'sc jes keej ,dis ...greenback t well de sweetbimeby, an han' it to He myself And he stowed it away. -Dunbar in Hawkeye. DRIED FRUIT REPORT- fa Cherries, pitted, v-? Damson, Plums,,., Whortleberries, Blackberries, ' Apples, quartered, ' Apples, Sliced,1 common, Apples, sliced,, bright, i Apples, sliced, fancy, Peaches, dark peeled, .. Peaches, bright, peeled, Peaches: fancy, peeled; Feacnes, xjuarter, unpeeled - " 5 Peaches, halves, unpeeled, :ri 4 - ; 17 t 10 10 8 4 to' 5 3 5 "4 to 7 .ito- 8 4 to; 8 8 to 10 "10 to 14 AGENTS wanted for The lives of all the Prtfidentg of the U. S. The lamest, hand somest best 000k ever old forces than twice oar price, , The fatest selling book in America, Immense profit to -agents, - All intelligent people want it. Anyone can become a snccecsfnl aMnt, Terms free, Hallett Book Co,, Portland Maine, V EUGENE E. GRAY, Fire Ins. Agency, ' ' "' Winston, N. C. . . The following first-class Fire Insurance Com panies represented: North British and Mercan tile; ttanjora; ixnacn xissarance lyorporauoo N. C. Home; Insurance-Company of North America: Commercial Union: City of London: Virginia Home; Virginia ' Fire and Marine; Rochester German; German-American Connec- ' ance Company. , . . ; Ang. !H7. tr." - 1 - SUBSCRIBE TO laily Pilot. ONLY 35 CENTS 4 MONTH. J. S. ED WELL, Governor Jarvis has pardoned Elisha Mull, of Lincoln county, who for assault and battery was sentenced, to;. ix rnonths.-impris-onmentNewlandCHbsefver, I BootShoemaker OVER BREWER'S BARBER SHOP, Vinston. H. C. I am prepared to do all kinds of work in my line, such as making and repairing boots and shoes with neatness and at low prices. Call and see me before contracting -elsewhere. - ttf. GOLD; for the working class. Send 10 cents far postage, and we will mail you tree, a royai, vainame box of sample (foods that will pat von m Hie way 01 mailing more mouey m few days than yon ever thonght powible at any business.' Capital not required. We will start yon.: ! Yoa an work all the time or in spare time only. The work is nnirersally adapted to both sexes, young and old. Yon can easily earn from So cents to J 5 every evening. That all who want work may teat this business, we make this unparalleled offer; to all who are not well satis fied are will send $1 to pay for. the trouble of writinzua. Full particulars, directions, etcetera. tet rose, r orvouea wui vo wh ujr " rive their whole time to the work- Great success . . . v J 1 . a hanlntelv Bur. Don't delav. Start dress Stinsom A Co., Portland, Maine. ccess f