Sergeant Mason says he intends to settle down to farming as soon as his contract with the Philadel phia Museumls up J . f THE SUBSCRIPTION RATES. ne eopy one week. . : $ 10 " 44 " month, - 85 " " . three months, . , 1 oo ly monthly: 190 SSo " on year, ' m Ex-Governor Gardner, of Mas sachusetts, wants to be Postmaster of Boston. Address ill communication to Thi Pilot. II Entered at the Post Office in 11 i Winston as second-class matter.! THE DAILY PILOT LY- II Dr. York is standing by his con stituents. His bill for the aboli tion of the internal revenue taxes appears on the outside of this pa per. , . Handle Winston real estate with a pair of the longest kind of tongji. Mark our prediction, beilding lots in Winston will take a tumble within one year from date. The reaction is bound to take place. Sentinel. Has a prophet risen? And is he out of his own, 8country?t By what magic does he dip into the future, and see the chaos spoken of by the prophet Edward? Su rely this is the beginning of the end. Men who have had an opportu nltv of knowincr. tell us that hnif- -ding lots are much higher "ta-High Point, Greensboro and Danbury than in Winston! Now, if this prophecy should be fulfilled, what will be the condition of such towns as those mentioned above? False wizzard, avaunt, Your beard is too short And your visage too gaunt. fc Mr Anderson has introduced a bill in Congress and it : has passed its second reading making an allowance to post offices of the id class for fueL rent and sundries. w - m : farmer who is struggling with, ad versity! orj aj j tradesman ;whose bank 'accotmr is- extremeljr short, or for an -it?rn vhnci famtlv has t;o be; denied not f only all the luxuries but in tens of thousands of instances, many of the necessi ties of life, to know that there is a surplus of over a hundred- mil lions in the Federal Treasury which he has been unnecessarily taxed to create, and that under the system of protection some five thousand . manufacturers are get ting rich so fast that in a few years they will be able to run the whole country and make the pres ent land-owners their serfs. THOr.lPOON'3 Compound Tonic WILL BE ISSUED EVERY, EVENING. BFITERS I A Gplendid Tonic for t'. ' -J .-. . : r All Invalids. A good appetizer and cure for Dyspepsia and General Debility. Thompson's Toothache '.. Drops Will relieve toothache in 2 minutes TRY THEM. X ? J.H The Pilot will be devoted to all matters likely to interest the peo pie, and will be delivered to city subscribers at their homes for ThirtyFive Cento Per Month, , Our circulation now being scattered over several of the States and Territories of the Union, besides a more extended circulation in th two towns than any other paper, ourcolumnswill be found a verj cheap and easy medium for advertisers. THE PILOT IS INTENDED TO SUPPLY. A WANT WE HA7pSjL0GKKELT, And its proprietors will "use every , means . placed in - their hands to make it merit a welcome reception in every family throughout this section of the State. :, . , , . , We want everybody to help us run this sheet, for "in union there is strength." The markets of. Winston will receive daily attention. , , ; Finally, we will hew to the line in all matters, and those who carry no baskets will not have to pick up the chips!' V Very Truly, , ' '9 ' J- . j t j tj 'i THE PILOT PUBLISHING COMPANY. In Williamson & Corrie's Job Office, t 1 Winston, N. C.