WEATHER Fair, followed by showers to. ,ight or Friday. (TIu> (Etmcs - £fetorjs * GOOD AFTERNOON Strang* (hat the present ad ministration should be collecting back taxes, while previous ones hare firea taxes back, VOL 53—No. 254 HENDERSONVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1934 SINGLE COPIES, FIVE CENTS , LEGION VOTE DEMANDS BONUS PAYMENT *** *** *** #** *** *** #** * * * Hauptmann Here 3 Weeks After Crime |£NTED HOUSE f WHITTED ST. hiring period Federal Agont Here For Evidence Says He Is Man Described HERNANDEZ RECALLS HIS CONVERSATION The fact that Bruno Haupt ainn. under indictment for extor tion and murder in the Lindbergh tdnappms: case, spent some time in Hendersonville about a month jfter the kidnapping was estab-. Isiied yesterday when a federal ,pn: came here to check up on gicgram? sent from the Western [aion offic here. Federal Agent Simpson was in 3wdersonville for some time yes *day and will possibly return to morrow. He was seeking the orig .jjl 0f a telegram sent from the u'fice here on April 12, 1932 and, sued by the name Ackerman. 1 The copy of the telegram re ared in New Jersey was in the gent's possession, but he wished to obtain the original in order to cjieck the hand writing. The original copy was not avail »'»ie because the telegraph com ptny does not keep copies dating back more than 12 months. Mr. S;mj>son was positive that Hauptmann and another man and ioman were in Hendersonville about April 1932. Under the same of Ackerman he rented a house on Whitted street from S. Mixwe!!. and remained here for :wo or three weeks. Harry Harnandez, local man j«r of the Western Union, de clared that he remembered the aar. because of the name Acker san. Mr. Hernandez said that a friend of his by the same name Eved in Jacksonville and that this fact led to conversation between 'Jim and the man believed to be Hauptmann. When questioned by the agent Twterday Mr. Hernandez gave a description of the man Ackerman, *fe:ch the agent declared tallied *ith the appearance of Haupt lann. In talking to Mr. Hernandez, Simpson expressed the opinion 'jat Hauptmann was the correct in the kionapping case. He Wared that the case of extor •j® was practically perfect, but aat evidence was still needed in ae kidnapping and murder case. M. CONDON SAYS HAUPTMANN IS "JOHN" FIEMISGTON, Oct. 25. (UP) United Press learned reliably •oday that Dr. John F. (Jafsie) London has become convinced that Bruno Richard Hauptmann •J the mysterious "John" to whom he passed the $50,000 Lindbergh f*asom money over the Bronx ceraetery wali. Condon's decision came dra ®*ticallv at the conclusion of the surprise visit with the murder sus P*«tjn his cell here yesterday. After conversing with Haupt ®»nn more than an hour along *he lines of his conversation in inflection with the ransom nego tiation more than two years ago Condon became convinced «*t Hauptmann and John are ^ and the same person. > Dutch Flyers Land Safely K. D. Parmentier J. J. Moll Even though forced to make an emergency landing within a few miles of their goal in the Mel bourne air derby, J. J. Moll and K. D. Parmentier, the Dutch fly ers. seemed assured of winning first prize in the handicap divis S ion race. Their plane carried nine ! persons. 3 B. AND P. CLUBS T0| MEET IN WAYNESVILLE Members of Business and Pro [ fessional Women's clubs from Asheville, Canton and Henderson | ville will meet Saturday evening | at seven o'clock at the Masonic Temple with the newly organized J Waynesville club. These club3 : comprise District No. 1, and this 1 meeting will take the place of the regular district meeting, and all members are urged to attend. Miss Jane Truex of Hendersonville is chairman of District No. 1. SENATOR, POLITICIAN STAGE FIST BATTLE NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 25.— j (UP).—U. S. Senator John H. Overton, supporter of Senator Huey P. Long, staged a fist fight , with Bert Henry, president of the Anti-Long Honest Election League in the lobby of Roosevelt hotel until they were separated by by standers today. The cause of the battle was undetermined. "ho High-Hatted Who?--Bostonians bonder After Mrs. Roosevelt And Mrs. Hoover Meet At Convention ... By FRANK MURPHY Pre., Staff Corre»pondent BOSTON, Oct. 25. (UP)— ^•ad "A" Boston wondered to ?*■' if the nation's prize snub ,a