WEATHER c.i, and continued cold tonijht; to«*d*y f*'r- with t*n,Pera* (Lltr UitMB - GOOD AFTERNOON Wife Hurl* Defi appear* tncrcaa* ingly in tb« newt, but the old fashioned rolling pin U more dead ly. VOL 57—No. 284 Largest Daily Circulation of Anv Newspaper in North Carolina in Proportion to Population ^;mmgmmggm—■■gag HENDERSONVILLE, N. C., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1938 SINGLE COPIES, FIVE CENTS MORE STRICT U.S. POLICY FOR NAZIS SEEN #** * * * # * # *** C4 * * * # * # # * * Santa Claus To Arrive Here Tuesday Night - _ A, my ml be 1NGALADRESS FOR OCCASION i S. Band to Play As Christmas Season Is Opened HNDOW SHOPPING CONTEST ARRANGED Preparations went forward to ar for the opening of the Christ ian season in Hendersonville. With the first event set for [today night, which will be ob eyed as window shopping night, iirectors of the merchants divi »n met this morning and ap rored plans for the second at wrtion. This will be county cool day and will be observed nt Saturday. Merchants were busy today dec rating store windows while a irce of workmen under the di ction of S. Maxwell was install, g silver-colored pine trees the ngth of Main street. Trees also ill be placed on Fourth and Fifth venues, Seventh avenue east and erhaps other places in the busi kss districts. The city's overhead .tnstmas lights consisting of ayriads of variously colored bulbs ETinj across the streets for sev en! blocks also will add much to tfcione of the decorations. ' Siata Claus will arrive up own C i o'clock Tuesday evening ac companied by the high school band, which will play at the in tersects of other streets with n&.i street. The veteran saint till announce that his next ap pearance here will be on Satur fiay for countv school day. A feature of window shopping opt will be a "scrambled sen dee" contest conducted by The TbevNews and almost a score of wdants who subscribed to an c..v-."oct* rage in today's is «:f th:> newspaper. In the win of tach co-operating merch ffT... !',o a card bet ring several Cr.. .ed words, and these words r-<-. properly unscrambled and Psr.'td w.ll form a phrase or wtence appropriate to Christ j-' pping. For the best solu Tne Times-Xews will give a J* prize of >3 and second and -/I Prize* of $3 and $2. Rules - *:e contest are given on the ?ec:a. Daee. Far school day next Saturday, fe merchants division is offering »irst prize of $25 to the school a Henderson county which has iry^st percentage of its pu ?1 enrollment in Hendersonville ■ that day. Second and third Jttes of $15 and $10 also will * awarded. fcp: 3 will be asked to enroll < * designated place, and each «aool will be given a merit of per cent for each mile which * pupils have to travel. Thus, a ten miles out will start with '^A\: of 1- per cent, and if 90 cer.t of its enrollment regis ^ 1v "v,'e a perfect percent ^ / •-ation will be con betweer the hours of 10 ^ ~ 5 p. m. next Saturday. Claus w !1 be here all day * ccn iy or other -gifts Children. Neutrality Act's Changes May Give F. R. Freer Hand President Would Be Able to Apply Embargo on Aggressor at Will NEW YORK. Nov. 28.— (UP) —A nlan to amend the United States' Neutrality act so the Pres ident could apply an embargo on any nation he deemed to be an aggressor, is being prepared by government experts for presenta tion to President Roosevelt. Proposed amendments would be designed to transform the neutral ity law into one of the most pow erful diplomatic weapons in exist ence. It is understood that the amend ments would: 1. Increase discretionary pow ers of the President in dealing with aggressor nations; 2. Give the President power to name the agjrressor in a foreign conflict and apply an embargo on that nation without also applying it to the nation being attacked;. 3. Empower the President to prohibit shipment of war materials to an aggressor nation; 4. Include Canada in the list of Latin American nations to which the act at present does not apply. Vehicle License Applications Are At Motor Club Owners Not Receiving These bv Mail Should Call There Motor vehicle owners who re side in Hendersonville or who re ceive their mail through the Hen dersonville post office, should con tact the local office of the Caro lina Motor club if thev have not received the white 1939 license application card from Raleigh cov ering their automobile, trucks or trailers, according to Cathryn Wiseman, manager of the club. R. R. McLaughlin, director of motor vehicles, has authorized the post office to turn over to the Carolina Motor c'ub all licence ap plication cards that could not be delivered here. These cards are filed nlphabeticaallv at the Caro lina Motor club office in the Sky land Hotel building, where those who have not received cnrds for their vehic'es are invited to call and see if their name appears am^ng these cards. The 1989 plates will go on sale December 1, and arrangements have been completed for hindlin^ the ru«ih qir'ckly and efficiently. To date 4,449 plates have been sold at the local office compared with 4,? 16 for the entire year of 1937. The total sale for the en tire state stands at 591.648 and ind;cation* are that the total will fall iust shy of 600,000. The sale to date for the state has alre^dv established a new alltime high mark for North Carolina registra tions in one year. Carolina Motor club offices sell 85 per cent of the state license plates. Enforcement of the statute pro viding a $2 penalty on purchasers (Continued on page four) ^echs, Poles Dead In Border Clash; Say Latter Take Land Not Allotted Warsaw, n*0v. 28. (UP)— flitting between Polish and k^koslovak troops, with several ">n both aides, broke out yes fefcy when the Polish army oc the Javorina ditsrict of l^-fiern Slovakia three days be 2 tfc time fixed for the Czechs' "p'der of the area. ^11 government communique in "fcsaw said the clash occurred "<a Czech troops fired on the facing Pole3 The Czech obser [ .attached to the Polish occu : was said to have pro :pon the Czech sol is'. tire again and the r-; -;s returned the fire. ^ • -- r and two soldiers J. ' ' > have been killed -.s wounded. It was |V'; nat Czech soldiers Vd; r • killed and wounded. aggravated a sit acute because of ^-H:r..-a.-:an demands for a ■i "r' " • ': tier by amputation ' ' k;a's eastern prov i,.. - ia. The demand for •j.... ' r.r-cr, containing a 1 1 Evasion, has resulted in warnings to Warsaw and Buda pest from the British, French, German and Italian governments. Czech versions of the shooting said the Poles used "extreme brutality" against the civilian population of the Javorina district because the people, who had not anticiptaed the occupation until December 1, were unprepared to leave quickly. It also was alleged in Prague that the Poles had occupied con siderably more area in the dis trict than had been ceded to tTiem under the recent Polish-Czech agreement and had taken the town of Smercovka, which was supposed to remain Slovak. It was admitted in Prague thai the Slovak population had resist ed the Poles "because they were unprepared for the sudden cross ing of the border." Czech authorities said they ha<] been assured by Polish militarj leaders that the Polish troops would withdraw as soon as th< new frontier is definitely drawr . by a delimitation commission. PROSECUTION OF REDS, NAZI AND FASCIST GROUPS FAILING TO REGISTER URGED BY DIES Score of "Front" Organi zations Named for Le gal Consideration WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. (UP) Chairman Martin Dies of the house committee on un-American activities demanded last night in a letter to Secretary of State Cor dell Hull that the state depart ment prosecute communist, fas cist and Nazi groups for alleged failure to comply with the new law requiring registration of agents of foreign principals. "The evidence before our com mittee," Dies' letter said, "clearly shows that the Communist party of the United States is an agent of the Communist Third Interna tional which has headquarters in Moscow. The evidence also indi cates that certain 'front' organi zations of the Communist party, such as the League for Peace and Democracy, the International La bor Defense, the Civil Liberties union, and many others whose names will be found in our hear ings, are likewise agents of the Communist party. The evidence further indicates that the Ger man-American bund is an agent of the Nazi party in Germany." He recommended that Hull "in struct the department of justice, or any other appropriate agency, to proceed with the indictment of these various organizations and that they be prosecuted for fail BALKAN CHIEFS CONFER ON -i KEEPING RUMANIA INTACT CATTLE SALES DAY CHANGED Livestock Yards to Hold Actions Thursday in Future The Hendersonville Livestock Yards announce that the auction sales will hereafter be held on Thursday at 1 o'clock instead of Tuesday, which has been observed as auction day since the opening a few weeks ago. The owners, Josiah Johnson and W. 0. Johnson and son, W. 0., Jr., sell all kinds of livestock at auc tion and aside from the auction business they buy and sell live stock. IRWIN IS SENTENCED NEW YORK, Nov. 28. (UP).— Robert Irwin, 81, confessed East er triple slayer of Veronica Ged eon, her mother and a roomer at their home, was sentenced today to life imprisonment. APARTMENTS BURN NASHVILLE, Nov. 28. (UP). Fire today completely destroyed the Johnsonian apartments with a $100,000 loss. ^.11 occupants es caped. Bulgarians Riot, Demand inff Return of War Lost Territories ATHENS. Nov. 28. (UP)—Th< chiefs of the army general staff of Rumania, Yugoslavia and Tur key, accompanied by large reti nues of army, navy and air forces arrived here Sunday for a 10-da: conference on the Balkan entente' military affairs. The conference will get down t< work todav under the direction o General Papagos, chief of th» Greek general staff. The defense of Rumania aga'ns the territorial demands of Bui earia and Hungary, including mili tary means of preserving the sta tus quo in the Balkans, will forr the chief topic. SOFIA IS VIRTUALLY UNDER MARTIAL LAW SOFIA, Bulgaria, Nov. 28.— (UP)—The government yesterda imposed virtual martial law on thi city's 290.000 residents, cuttin off all telephone communication i an effort to suppress disorders o the 18th annivevsarv of the Worl war treaty of Neuilly. A government order clearin the streets and putting militar and police patrols in charge of th city at daybreak resulted from I series of disorders in which crowd of young Bulgarians demanded ri turn of the nation's war-lost tei ritories. i These territories, stripped fro) Bulgaria by the treaty of Neuill (Continued on pasre four.) ure to comply with this act of congress." He added that in doin? this the state department "wiH render a great public service which will have the approbation of the overwhelming majority «.* patriotic Americans." The registration law became' effective early last month. Less than 500 representatives of called foreign principals have reg* istered although state department officials sent precautionary warn ings to more than 2500 persons known to be agents of foreign governments or businesses. Among groups mentioned by Dies as "front" organizations were the Workers' International Relief, Friends of the Soviet Union, North American Commit tee To Aid Spanish Democracy, Friends of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, Society To Aid Spanish, Democracy, American Society To Aid Spanish Democracy, Interna tional Workers' Order, and the American Student union. Others were the Young Com munist League, Young Pioneers of America, League For Industrial Democracy, The Khaki Shirts, The , Silver Shirts, The Italian Fascists,1 rhe American Fascists, The Amer- i ican Aryan Folk Association, of Portland, Ore., American Guard, The American League of The Friends of New Germany, Port and, Ore., and The American Na :ional Socialist party. "You will find in the reports of : (Continued on patre three) i ij O Shopping Days i«rfO Till Christmas English ^GAGBO in GBEAt QMS <0 sse that eveoy : soiDieQ got a Plum Pudding-. T OOKING BACK TO CHRIST U MAS 23 YEARS AGO— German troops introduced Christmas trees in Belgium. I . ■. . English engaged in great drive to see that every soldier ' got a plum pudding. . . . Pari sian Christmas gaiety was squelched. . . . Bernhardt was til her way to her farewell tour «.i America. . . . That was the Christmas that Ford's Peace Ship failed to get the boys out oi vJie trenches by. . . . German toys were boycotted Says Fascists' Sch American Program Indus Traffic In Arms WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. (UJrith police guards to fight off the —Dr. David Efron. secretai'y freen-shirted Fascist rebels, was Latin-America of the Pan Amei^anced and directed by' Nazi can conference on democracy, agents. nounced last nieht that he h »we know," Efron said "that documentary evidence of Germ^ortiy before the Interralista and Italian propaganda act v:tikitsch, 25,000 guns and large in Latin-America including 'clauantities of ammunition were destine traffic in armaments. muggled into Brazil through the He said that the organlzaticferts of San Francisco and Itajhy. which meets here Dec. 10, a d He said he has evidence that a after the eighth Pan-Americ|erman branch bank in Rio de ! conference opens at Lima, Pineiro and a leading- German . will consider the evidence, inclifcsiness house were implicated in ing names of German and Ita ihe arms transaction. business firms and agents who "Von Cossel, Nazi delegate to legedly are spreading anti-Amfrazil, and Prince Schaumburg- j I ican propaganda in Brazil. Arg<,jppC> special delegate of the Nazi tina. Mexico, Chile and Lruguaiinistry of propaganda, actually . Efron, professor of Latin-AmSrected, together with Plinio Sal-1 i ican culture at Sarah Lawrei^do, the Integralista movement," college, New York, said that Jfron charged. "We know that ; groun would report "on the rith the connivance of certain1 I cessity for defending the Airfcilitary leaders, Nazi guns and' ! icas against Fascist invasion frjmmunitions are being imported j within as well as from abroahto Guatemala, and then smug He charged that the abortive Ij]ed through the Guatemala-Mex cist integralist "putsch" in Br£an frontier for the Nazi colonies; last summer, when President jf Soconusco which have raised tulio Vargas personally joi' (Continued on page three) I SECOND COLD WAVE FOLLOWS DUAL BLIZZARD Snowfalls Are Record for November; Cold Felt Over Florida [OVER 100~DEAD IN EAST AND MIDWEST (UNITED PRESS) i Most of the United States from 'the Rockies to the eastern sea board and from Maine to the southern tip of Florida today is experiencing the second cold wave pf the winter. Freezing weather followed the double blizzzard over the Thanks jiving- week-end which established ;-ecord November snowfalls and was responsible for more than 100 deaths in the east and middle vest. i New England was digging itself »ut of snowfalls ranging from 10 o 20 inches, and reported 29 ieaths. Now York C'ty's fatalities from ' •old and from accidents on icy Highways totalled 23. An insidious, bitter cold wave ;ripped the south last night to the • louthern tip of Florida. Like the Thanksgiving day told wave, the cui'rent cold was lorn in the snow-covered tundra »f Canada, the weather bureau tail. A "huge mass" of cold air ertssed the Rocky mountains last and moved southeastward, L leong TO its wake ice, frost and cdd. Unlike the Thanksgiving cold, tie current wave woo trannvollv daccompanied by snow or rain, tic weather bureau said, although rarthwest Arkansas was buried lilt night beneath a white blan I let of snow. I < 1 At least two deaths were di- , I rettly traceable to the cold. I ( The blackened body of Davis Dtgeer, 65-year-old recluse, last 1 nifcht was recovered from the t ashes of his lean-to. Degeer, hud-! dling over a crude oil stove of his ^ own making, was believed to have i fallen upon the heater. It over-; turned and covered him with f flaming kerosene. i r 1 Jennie Hudson, negro, died 'Sunday of burns she received Vhen fire destroyed her home near Batesville, Miss., Saturday. 'It was believed that she built a 'fire too big for her fireplace. 1 The weather was generally fair Hhroughout the south last night \s thermometers dropped steadily Jownward. Atlanta reported an official ;emperature of 29 degrees at 7 ). m. and a probability of 20 by laybreak. - New Orleans felt its record low ,|or the season—34 degrees—at il:30 a. m. Sunday. The thermom eter climbed to 46, then slowly ♦egan to recede. i Smoke from a burning "quiver ing prairie" cast a pall over part j if New Orleans last night. Shiv ering firemen pumped water from •hree pumps on the stubborn fire ihorughout the day but returned , ftst night to report the fire still turning. Mayor Robert Maestri, acting on complaint of numerous ratery-eyed citizens, ordered the ire department to "put the fire j >ut and keep it out." Firemen bid the fire was smouldering (Continued on page fou*-> JAPANESE TOLD THEY MUST PREPARE FOR 2 WARS WHILE MILITARY ALLIANCE NEARS \ London Hears German-Jap-Italian Anti-Communist Pact Ready To Be Transformed Into Military Alliance and Pledges Involved Made Public TOKYO, Nov. 28. (UP)—Japan must have sufficient munitions on hand to fight, if necessary, two wars simultaneously against Rus sia and China, Japanese munitions makers were told today by the foreign office. Lieut. Gen. Seishiro Itagaki, war minister, told the manufac turers at a conference that it was necessary to increase the muni tions output immediately. LONDON. Nov. 28. (UP)—The News Chronicle's diplomatic cor respondent. A. J. Cummings, said yesterday that Germany, Italy and Japan are ready to transform their anti-Communif* pact into a close military alliance. The newspaper said the text of the new agreement, officiary en dorsed in Berlin, Rome and Tokyo, i would contain four main points.! as follows: 1. If any one of the three coun-i tries is menaced by war the other two will assist immediately "politi cally, diplomatically and by every economic means at their disposal." 2. If 6ne of the three powers is attacked, all three will consult im mediately on measures of assist ance. . ' 7 ' ! 3. If two or all the powers of j the Rome-Berlin-Tokio axis are engaged simultaneously in a war they will make no separate peace, but only a tri-power peace in com mon agreement, 4. The alliance's duration of 10 years will be extended automati cally for another five years if it is not denounced before the end of the decade. The News Chronicle said Joa chim von Ribbbentrop, German foreign minister, is ready to sign the agreement immediately but, that Foreign Minister Count Ga-; leazzo Ciano of Italy, although he i has agreed in principle to the pro visions, has asked that the formal signing be delayed for several , months. j 1 The Moscow weekly, "Journal of Moscow," which is close to the ^ Soviet foreign office, announced , two weeks ago that Germany, Italy; \ and Japan were ready to remodel, ( their anti-comintern pact into a ? militarv alliance as a direct result { of the four-power Munich accord t which dismembored Czechoslo- r 7akia. November Checks For Blind Here Welfare Office Hears Ap plicants on Fixed Days Announcement that November i :hecks for the blind have been re vived and are at the office of the :ounty welfare department is nade by A. G. Randolph, superin- j endent of the department. witn reierence to the time at fhich applications for help may e made, Mr. Randolph said: "All applications made by white eople are taken at the welfare ffice Thursday and Saturday mornings. "All applications made by col ored people are taken on Tuesday mornings. "Applications are not taken at any other times. "WPA clothing is distributed on the same mornings that appli cations are taken." Mr. Randolph explained that there is so much work to be done by the office force that it can only hear applications from the public at the times stated above. SOUP KITCHEN OPENED TODAY Junior Welfare Starts Serv ing Undernourished in Schools The free soup kitchen, operated for the past several years by the Junior Welfare club, and serving undernourished children in .the city schools, was opened today. The soup kitchen is the princi pal objective of the welfare or ganization, and 125 children in citv schools are being served each day. • A shower was held last week by school children, who contributed canned goods, vegetables and other articles to be used in the op eration of the kitchen, and thanks were extended by welfare club of ficers today. Plans are now being made for the annual New Year's Eve dance which is given by the club each year as a benefit for the soup kitchen. j The Welfare club recently bought dishes to be used in the i nursery school, and is making a cash contribution each month for the operation of the nursery school. MASONS TO CONFER DEGREE TUESDAY EVE Kedron Masonic lodge will meet in special communication Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock for the pur-j pose of conferring the fellowcraft degree. All members are asked to ( attend and visiting Masons will be welcomed. j NEW DEFENSE PLAN! CANAL ZONE IS URGED Is Included in Woodring'j "Protective Mobiliza tion" Program L By HARRY WILSON SHARPE ' United Press Staff Correspondent , | WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. (UP) , : Secretary of War Harry H. Wood - j ring last night recommended to President Roosevelt a "protective mobilization plan" calling for a strong defensive army augmented , by impregnable fortifications at the Panama Canal, and unlimited supplies of war materials. The plan was the basis of Wood ring's annual report to the chief , executive. It reflected administra ' tion anxiety over world unrest and complements President Roose I velt's one-hemisphere defense pol icy which is expected to receive endorsement of the Latin-Ameri can nations at the forthcoming Pan-American conference at Lima. Peru. Woodrins: stated bluntly that existing defensive measures are inadequate, that United States military outposts, especially the, Panama Canal, are glaringly weak, | and that corrective measures must; be taken immediately, with em phasis on the canal. While reporting vast improve-1 ment in the military machine since 1933, when he assumed office, he said that there "remain deficien cies in organization, equipment and personnel which must be cor C Continued on paee four) Hull, At Sea, Believed Paving Way For 'Hemisphere Defense' I ABOARD S. S. SANTA CLARA, AT SEA, Nov. 28. (UP)—Secre tary of State Cordell Hull con ferred yesterday with diplomatic representatives of several Latin ! American countries on questions ! that may be raised before the Eighth Pan-American conference at Lima, Peru. Hull, en route to Lima with the American delegation and the am bassadors and ministers of several : Latin American nations, was be j lieved to be preparing the way for the introduction of the new "hemisphere defense" program outlined by President Roosevelt. It was regarded as significant that he was closeted with Miguel Lopez Pumareja, the Colombian ambassador to the United States, for more than an hour following receipt of an announcement from the state department that the Uni ted States would send naval and military missions to Colombia. In view of the war department recommendations for increasing defenses of the Panama Canal Zone, the dispatch of American; naval and military experts to as sist in training Colombia's armed i 'forces was considered hiehly rg nificant by observers aboard the I Santa Clara. Although no official mention of the campaign of the United States Ifto check the drive of the Euro pean'totalitarian powers'to pene trate South America and Mexico has been made, it was understood that much of the preliminary talk will poiflt toward this question. It was rumored from various i Latin American sources that the ! question of settlement of Jewish ; refugees from Germany in Sonth America would be brought up hy i a "leading delegation." This v as regarded as an indication that the conference will consider Europem affairs as they are related to the American continents. There was little doubt thnt t'ic most important topics before the delegates would be, first the "Roosevelt doctrine*' of dofen e, which Mr. Roosevelt enunciojrd at Washington on Nov. 15, and which has.been widely commented upon; and second, the economic, problems upon which Hull has cen tered his interest for several yeai s. FM CONFERS AGAIN TODAY WITH 2 ENVOYS Nazis Say Further Agna tion May Bring Steps Against U. S. Jews POSITIVE STAND* MAY BE FORTHCOMING WARM SPRINGS, Ga.. Nov. 28. (UP)—President Roosevelt toda? renewed his conventions with American ambassadors to Ita'y and Germany on the subject cf European and religious persecu tions. It was reported that the confer ences might lead to an even more positive policy in this regard. For more than four hours the chief executive sat before nn open fire in the living room of the Httb White House here, listening to Hugh Wilson, ambassador to Ger many, and William Phillips, rm bassador to Italy. When they final ly left the cottage on Pine moun tain they were instructed to re turn for further conferences at loon today. NO REPLY YET IN NOTES TO GERMANY BERLIN, Nov. 28. (UP)—In ormed Nazis said last nifrht thnt ontinued anti-German "agitation" n the United States may resuH in Herman authorities .refusing to lermit American Jews to reonen heir shons and stores closed since he anti-Jewish rioting earlier this nonth. iNazis saia sucn retanarion was "almost certain to follow" if any high American official should ad vocate a tight boycott of German goods. ' K The United States government stlfl if awaiting Germany's answer \ t-o two n&tee Miking for qui *s*v ance that the Reich's announced intention of driving .Jews from I business arid "Aryanizinsr" their shops will not jeopardize the prop erty of Jews who arc American citltens. . The anti-Jewish drive settled I down to a business-like liquidation and "Aryanization" of Jewish businesses and real estate with a constant tightening of social re strictions against Jews, Thi-r/; were sporadic reports of new ar rests. It was estimated today that, up to the time of the Paris assa«s'na ' tion of Ernst von Rath which I touched off the new anti-Jewish measures, at least 100,000 Ger man Jews have been deprived of means of livelihood under the Nazi regime. Now virtuallv all of the remainine 600,000 in Germany proper and in Austria will be ex cluded from gainful labor, exceot a limited few who will be nermft j ted to serve the Jewish communi j ties. F. R. CONCERNED OVER RELIGIOUS AS WELL AS RACIAL PERSECUTION WARM SPRINGS. Ga., Nov. 28. (UP)—President Roosovelt last night explored the wholfe p'cture of religious persecution with Am erica's envoys to Italy and Ger many. Seated before a roaring fire in the cozy plne-paneled living room of the little White House a'op Pine mountain the chief executive heard from Hugh Wilson, ambas sador to Berlin, and William Phil lips, ambassador to Rome, th'ir conclusions on the European wave of intolerance directed not only (Continued on page four)

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