WEATHER Wednesday ni*llt aB 1 ^'e^hope wc have made our fcta clear." WTW war»»e 1 I •letter to the editor of th Lr \ox\ Paily News, appearing Erf, over the name ofan An. Eean Jew who inserted that a EL of criminals be released E^proon n the United States I : • Germany to wipe out Hitler's Nazi heirarchv I-TV newspaper made this pro loolits own by publishing- it with Ceoflo and the American Evnent neither banned^ nor ■shBanded the newspaper. l>as Enr, Korps said. "It did not r declare that it deplored the proposal itselt or the ■BUe of the newspaper. ■ "Let us no longer leave our ■fcTS ;n anv doubt over the lac ■a:-.- United States, after So Et India's temporary surrender ft tk world of politics, has taken Kcfe job of official persomfica koc of world Jewry." ' I The Stormtroop newspaper fan I f Nazi attacks on ■ - war propagandists Bf kitting out at Anthony E°en, Churchill and Arthur ftttenwood of the anti-Nazi win? m tte British parliament for ■hvimg with disgust when a de le-. German newspaper puts their ■Btraits together with that of the ■** Giyrw-pan."' ASSASSIN'S UNCLE, HT SENTENCED ■ PARIS. Not. 30. (UP)—Abra po and Chana Grynszpan, aunt ri uncle of Herschel Grynszpan, |^-year-otd Polish Jew who assas Ernst von Rath at the Ger Otbusy three weeks ago, to pwere sentenced to four months rted 100 francs P-SO' each '. Parker. ■ win Mnrjaret Bryson was Fy*: a ret from Andy E. f*>r. L nia Mooney was ' a divorce from Fved r. R. Sn th was granted a from Lillian 0. Smith- > 1. Igment in the sum granted in favor fc,"'- Pontiff in the case of M. S. 1 . W M. Hill and f1 Wkn. P penny'tohold I * E. prayer meet l5j W. B. Penny, of Btl KL • *iu conduct the prayer ■Lf® *t tho First Methodist ■ko11 anight at 7:30 o'clock in r hut. Hitler Their Best Man Adolf Hitler was 'best man*', for Sir Oswald Moslcy. below, when the British Fa T r. : — William rhjiups, American ambassador to Uaiy, right, ind Ambas sador Hugh R. Wilson, recently recalled from Germany, appeared in jovial mood as they arrived at Warm Springs, Ga. They gave the President firsthand reports on Nazi and Fascist treatment of minorities. BLIND BEGGAR RACKET UNDER FIRE IN STATE Most of Takings go to Pro moters; Block Efforts for State Aid By DAVE WARNER United Press Staff Correspondent RALEIGH, Nov. 30. (UP).— The blind beggar racket, engineer ed throughout the south and east by non-blind promoters, will tug at heartstrings of sympathetic givers during the next four weeks and take hundreds of dollars from them. Shabby men, women, boys and girls will trudge up and down streets of Raleigh, Atlanta, Rich mond, and dozens of other cities, singing nasally or strumming small musical instruments. Their tin cups will jingle. But the profits are not theirs. That is the most hateful feature of the racket in the eyes of public and private organizations working to benefit the blind and near blind. Most of the money winds up in pockets of seeing persons who "run the business." A group of blind beggars and their non-blind companions in (Continued on page three) CATS TO PLAY'! SUMTER TEAM Friday Night Event There to Close Highly Success ful Season By WILSON AYER5 The Hendersonville Bearcats will close the most successful football season in several years when they meet Sumter, S. C., high in the Gamecocks' backyard on Friday night. On paper, the Cats will be mere-; ly making the trip to see the j sights of lower South Carolina, for < Sumter has a powerful team, one of the powers in Pollweevil foot ball in fact. The Gamecocks de-1 feated Anderson 23 to 0 and the Anderson team won 18 to 7 from the Cats. However, aa a matter of fact, the Cats figure on giving the , fighting birds a tough battle. It should be a good game and the | locals should enjoy the hospitality of Hugh Kolb, former mentor here, who now teaches the Sum ter boys their tricks. Drake, who has played great ball at end, and Yarborough, one of the outstanding centers of this section, will probabl" not see ac tion due to injuries. TO INSTITUTE I ELKS' LODGE! FRIDAY NIGHT Final Preparatory Meeting Will Be Tonight at the Hendersonville Inn Hendersonville's benevolent and protective order of Elks, number 1616, will be instituted Friday i night, December 2, in the high school gymnasium. The session j has been set for 7 o'clock. The institution of this new lodge in Elkdom is anticipated by Elks and their friends as a great ocasion for Hendersonville and surrounding area, as Elks are noted for their friendly and char- j itable attitude towards all men. j Besides the presence of David Sholtz, past grand exalted ruler of Elks; Ernest D. Grady, district deputy grand exalted ruler; J. ; Clayton Burke, secretary of the1 Atianta lodge, number 78; mem bers and officers of the Asheville B.P.O.E., number 1401, will be j in attendance to assist in insti tuting the new Hendersonville Elks lodge. A large delegation is also ex pected from several of the key! cities of the south, including j Charlotte, Atlanta. Greenville, I Spartanburg, Knoxville, and oth ers.. It is requested by the secre tary of the organization commit tee. that all former and present Elks living in Hendersonville be sure to be present at 8 o'clock to-; night at the Hendersonville inn. There is quite a bit of very im- - portant business to transact at, this time, and all those eligible are urgently asked by the spon-! sor to be present. RALPH ICR AW PASSES AWAY Family Present as Local Man Expires at High Point News of the death of Ralph Mc Craw, of Hendersonville, at High Point has been received here. No funeral arrangements had been made this morning. He is survived by his widow, two children, Louise ar.d Dera, his par ents, five sisters, Zoda, Lavinia, Maude, Elizabeth and Viola, and; three brothers, Glover, Galilleo and Carl. His wife, father and a brother were at the bedside at the time of his death. ' U. S. DEFENSE TO HIGHLIGHT NEW CONGRESS Roosevelt Not Renewing Full Diplomatic Rela tions With Berlin TURNS ATTENTION TO LEGISLATIVE PLANS WARM SPRINGS, Nov. 30.— (LP).—President Roosevelt to day turned to consideration of his legislative program, putting aside temporarily, at least, the interna tional situation embracing com prehensive consideration of perse cution of religious minorities. The chief executive today gave undivided attention to the legisla tive program that will be submit ted to congress January 8. This program will be highlighted by recommendations for greatly ex panded national defense program, embracing expenditures in excess of $500,000,000 over and above current outlays. WILSON NOT GOING TO BERLIN SOON WARM SPRINGS. Ga., Nov. 30.— (UP)—President Roosevelt last night indicated the United States would not resume normal diplomatic relations with Ger many until he is convinced the Nazi government will cease per secution of religious, racial and political minorities. h This policy was interpreted from Mr. Roosevelt's statement to newspaper men that U. S. Am bassador Hugh Wilson, whom the president recently recalled from Berlin, was not going back to Germany now. The president would not say when Wilson would be returned to Berlin. The chief executive, during a 20-minute press conference, ds-; missed all other questions con cerning his recent conferences with Wilson and William Phillips, ambassador to Italy. He smiled and observed that even/ if he should be called upon to write a story of the meeting, he could not very well do it. Mr. Roosevelt, sitting behind the driving wheel of his touring automobile on a dusty Warm i Springs road for the press con- j ference, said he would renew his ! talks with Wilson and Phillips as1 soon as he returned to Washing ton. These discussions, which will consist of exchanges of informa-1 tion arid a canvass of the problem 1 of minority persecutions abroad in the light of latest develop ments, are expected to occur be tween December 6 and 9. Phillips is scheduled to sail for Rome December 10. White House attaches said the president, Wilson and Phillips, in their two conferences here, had discussed every phase of the cam paigns of totalitarian governments against racial and religious minor ity groups. Mr. Roosevelt was expected to turn temporarily from interna tional problems and devote the major portion of the remainder of his stay in Warm Springs to study and to drafting an outline of the administration's new legislative program. The president opened the press conference by anouncing ap pointment of Dr. Ross T. Mcln tire. White House physician, as surgeon-general of the navy with rank of rear admiral. Mclntyre, now a captain in the naw medi cal corps, was in the automobile with the president. He will assume his new duties next Thursday. He had been White House physician (Continued on pasre four.) Sen. Bailey Sees Trade Upswing As Temporary Business Good But Federal Spending Can't Sustain It, He Says WASHINGTON, Nov. 30. — Present improved business condi tions nre only temporary and will not last, in the opinion of Sena tor Josiah W. Railey, who was in Washington yestreday. The senior senator from North Carolina was on the way from Woodberry Forest, Va., where he visited his son, Josiah, who has returned to school after beinp1 in jured while in a football practice game. Refore leaving for home, Bailey conferred with George W. Coan, Jr., North Carolina WPA administrator who was here to adjust problems that have arisen in connection with improvement of the field at the U. S. coast guard air base now being con structed at Elizabeth City. Speaking of business conditions (Continued on page four) F1NDIMTY IN NAZIS' SPY RING HEARING No Decision Reported by > - Thflrd De fendant at N. Y. NEW YORK, Nov. 30— (UP) —A federal' court jury late last night advised Judge John C. Knox that it had decided two of three persons charged with espionage were guilty. The court then or dered the jurors to retire to a ho tel for the night and resume de liberation on the fate of the third defendant this morning. The jury foreman told the judge that the jurors had decided Joh anna Hofmann, 27, former hair dresser on tha North German Lloyd liner, Europa, and Otto Hermann Voss, 39, German-born airplane mechanic, were guilty as charged but that they had not been able to make a decision as yet in the case of Erich Glaser, 28, German-born army private stationed at Mitchel Field before his arrest. "In this case," Judge Knox said after the jury was polled, "it would be a good idea for you to go to a hotel tonight and resume deliberation on the other defend ant tomorrow morning unless there is something I can do to help you get a verdict on him tonight." The jury foreman replied that there was nothing the court could (Continued on page foar). BAPTISTS MARKING WEEK OF PRAYER The prayer service at the First Baptist church tonight at 7:30 o'clock will be in keeping with the prayer services of the Wo man's Missionary union for this week and is one of five services in observance of the week of prayer for foreign missions. Rev. B. E. Wall, the pastor, will deliver an appropriate mes sage. All members are asked by church leaders to be present. ELECTRIC FIRM MOVING The Electric Service company, owned and operated by E. ' E. Hartnett and E. E. Hartnett, Jr., has moved from Fifth avenue west, just off Main street, to 216 Fourth avenue west. City School Milk Stations Will Need Greater Support This Year A survey of undernourished children in city schools, now un derway, will show that the need, filled for 13 years by the free milk stations, is greater this year than ever before, in the opinion of spon sors of the annual Christmas Seal sale. The proceeds of the annual seal sale, under the sponsorship of the Woman's club, support the free milk stations, and without a gen erous response on the part of the public the stations will fall far! short of accomplishing their mis sion, Mrs. George Wing, general! chairman, said today. Last year more than 70 chil dren were supplied milk each day during the cold winter months, i but, had necessary fends been available, about 100 children could have been given this service. Actual facta on hand show that the children respond quickly to this service, and one bottle of milk daily is quickly reflected in an improved health condition and better school work. The majority of the funds rais ed from the seal sale remain here for this work, while a small per centage goes to the state tubercu losis association for work in pre venting this disease. The seal sale was originated 33 years ago to combat tuberculosis, and this is the 14th year the campaign has been conducted here. (Continued on page four) CABINET WINS BATTLE FOR ECONOMIC REE 1000 Arrests Made and Strike But 20 Percent Effective MEN QUITTING, GO BACK TO THEIR JOBS • PARIS, Nov. 30.—(UP)—Pre mier Edouard Daladier claimed today that the 24-hour general strike in protest against his recov ery program had failed. Troops and police were putting down sporadic violence and by mid-day more than 1,000 demon strators had been arretted. Daladier said his ministers re ported that about 1,000,000 of the scheduled 5,000,000 striker? left their jobs, making the walk out less than 20 per cent effective. The strike began to collapse this afternoon, when coincident with the admission of ite partial failure by Leon Jouhaux. head of the General Labor Federation which called the strike, half the strikers went back to work. They wished to avoid discharge or court puniahment for atriking in requisitioned industries. The government ran the first strikebreaking train out of Paris at 4:12 a. m. today with a con scripted military crw, protected by soldiers, when tllp "Urp Kqur" of France's 24%