WEATHER . ,tv cloudy and unsettled to ?",ed Tuesday, possibly light colder. ©hp ©tmes Largest Daily Circulation of Any Newspaper in North Carolina in Proportion to Population GOOD AFTERNOON The fact the Chinese cat lota of spinach seems hardly worth pass* in* along to Junior just now. 57-No. 296 HENDERSONVILLE, N. C., MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1938 SINGLE COPIES, FIVE CENTS S. AND ARGENTINE AGREE ON DEFENSE .. V V « .» o u " ■« .. -- — -- — -v » w V T v 1 »j» »j» (j« Tritons Are Studying Jap Trade Reprisals h) TO FRANCE PST ITALY ff ASSURED Lnberiain Reveals no Specific Committment I in Existence Like LOSES ONE I ALLY IN ENTENTE OXIV'N. IH-c. 12. U P)—The . . ".nunt experts are reprisals against . eliminating against >r. ::ado in China. It was r,: ay that the govern t made any final de such reprisals but : «... time it was under t' would do so if the States takes similar mea SPECIFIC PACT HELP FRANCE 0NDON. Dec. 12.— (UP) — b: H: itaiti has no specific f> assist France mili ly • - is attacked. Prime : ;: nberlain declared in • commons today. lain replied to a labor r.-. uestion whether any t existed under which Britain required specifically to give rx-: r.ilitary aid in the event : burks on warlike opcra s against France or her pos ons. lYDA THREATENS IZI TACTICS IOME, Dec. 12. (UP)—Vir 10 Gayda, who often serves as r.ier Benito Mussolini's mouth fc, intimated yesterday that j may use the same methods tGermany employed to obtain Czechoslavak Sudetenland un i France agrees to recognize aspirations in the Mediter lyia. writing in the "Voce liia." assailed "French intran »cce and door slamming." If -aid that if "obstinancy continued "the situation I be like October when Ger t■'< national honor was tainted i ton B. Means, arch , .aster liar and gifted j. '1" . u;.-d parly today. .leral prisoner serv defrauding Mrs. Eva . ' Lean, wealthv Hope V »I. of $104,000. . J v . had been ill for sev J- ;-a!v He was brought here L worth, Kas., peniten l' a uiro for a gall blad Ei He died of a heart .'i' had shown improve - injf critically ill of ^ ' *is operation, it was an 1 night at the U. S. 5^1 center. ^a.n~ *a< sentenced to 16 / ' ' i for swindling Mrs. l.^! aii outgrowth of the fci;Mdnaping. » — Threat to LaGuardia Signed With Swastika and Bullet * As New York's Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia was about to preside at an anti-Nazi rally, he received a letter enclosing a bullet, and a threatening note signed with a swastika, both seen above. The note reads: 4,You will get this if you continue to attack the German Nazi Party." Argentine Anti-Fascist Leader In Washington Warned Anonymously To Cease Attacks On Nazi Activities FOUR HCLUB MEETING SET Achievement Day Will Be Observed at Court house Wednesday D. W. Bennett, assistant Hen derson county agent, today called attention to the Four-H Achieve ment day program which has been arranged for all Henderson coun-l ty club members for the morning of Wednesday, Dec. 14. at the courthouse. This meeting will be convened at 9:30 a. m., Mr. Bennett stated, and all Four-H club members in the county are requested to be present as awards for the out standing accomplishments among Four-H boys and girls in the coun ty for 11)38 will be made at that time. NEW YORKERS BUY RESIDENCE B. Weitz Home to Be Oc cupied by Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Williams Sale of the B. Weitz home, at 913 Fourth avenue west, to R. J. Williams, retired business man of Canandaifjua, N. Y., was announc ed today by the Staton Insurance & Realty Co. The purchase price was not made public. - The sale was made for Julius Kahn of Savannah, Ga., who bought the property from Mr. Weitz. Mr. and Mrs. Williams plan to come here shortly and make Hen dersonville their permanent home. MRS. LINN'S MOTHER IS TAKEN BY DEATH Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Linn left today for Washington, D. C., where they were called by the death of Mrs. Linn's mother, Mrs. Sarah Fesperman. Charges Military Assets of 3 Totalitarians in So. America Powerful By OTTO JANSSEN (Copyright, 1938, United Press) WASHINGTON, Dec. 12. (UP) Dr. David Efron, noted Argen tine educator and one of the lead ers of the conference on Pan American democracy now meet ing: here, had been warned anony mously not to continue his at tacks on nazi and fascist penetra tion in Latin America, he disclos ed last night. He said that since the confer ence convened last week he had received numerous telephone calls and letters "advising" lrim to "take it easy." He minimized the threats and attributed them to cranks or people who "want to have fun" with him. At the same time he said that nothing would deter hi mfroni continuing his anti-Fascist work. Efron's organization convened simultaneously with the eighth Pan American conference at Li ma, Peru. At Saturday night's session the educator charged that Germany, Japan and Italy were laying the groundwork for eco nomic and cultural domination of Latin America and that Germany already had 39 "marvelously equipped" airports in South America. He said he is prepared to present documentary proof of his allegations. Efron is now a member of the faculty of Sarah Lawrence col lege at Bronxville, N. Y. He laughed at the warnings and was "convinced they are from crack pots." "They strike me as fun ny," he added. "None of them has been followed up and by the na ture of them it is easy to tell that they are from people who appar ently are tryir.g to have fun." He would not say whether he had called in the police. Last August Efron was ap pointed a member of the Argen tine delegation to the World Youth congress in New York at which he organized national anti fascist committees from each Lat in American nation. The congress appointed him chairman of a centralizing group which coordi nates and directs the work of the committees and works closely with the conference now in session here. Asked why he had interested (Continued on page six). LOOK FOR NAZI1 CONTROL OVER MEMEL SOON Diplomats Look for Lett Town to Become An other Danzig ANNEXATION MIGHT ' HURT UKRAINE AIMS By WALLACE CARROLL Copyright, 1938, by United Press LONDON. Dec. 12. (UP)—Sun day's Memel elections, resulting in a largo German majority in the Lithuanian-held territory, are viewed by diplomats here as a prelude to German control of t"he Memel area. Within the next few months Germany is expected either to "coordinate" Memel with the Reich or to annex it outright. Coordination would give Memel a status similar to that of Danzag. Memel would continue to be the principal channel for Lithuanian imports and exports, as Danzig is the chief port for Poland's foreign trade. But Memel, like Danzig, would be under effective German I control. Observers here believe that Chancellor Adolf Hitler may tem porarily freeze the Memel prob lem in this way if actually he in tends to hunt bigger game in the direction of the Ukraine, as has been reported. They point o^t^at he ca,n take Memel whenever hfe wishes, therefore it would in* frftd policy to risk a world-wide outcry by seizing it just before he under takes a bigger adventure. However, an outcry wouM be his only opposition. After Munich. Great Britain and France certain ly would not seriously concern themselves with small, distant Memel after they had been forced I to swallow German absorption of | Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland. And I Lithuania, with present sovereign ty over Memel, is too weak to dream of opposing Germany. Hitler might annex Memel if he thinks it desirable to impress the German people with a new tri umph, but annexation would not I give great economic or strategic advantages to the Reich. Annex I ation would be chiefly useful as a political card inside Germany be-1 (Continued on page six) D. ULIENTHAL! SERIOUSLY ILL May Be Unable to Testify to Committee on Util ity Negotiations WASHINGTON, Dec. 12. (UP) ! J. A. Krug, chief of the TVA pow er planning division today reveal ; ed that TVA Director David Lil ! ienthal is seriously ill here. Krug said Lilienthal was brought here from Knoxville for treatment by specialists. Lilienthal, he add I ed, is suffering from undulant fe ' ver and will probably be unable to testify before the congressional committee regarding negotiations with the Commonwealth & South ern utilities for the purchase of | these private utility holdings. t provide for a formal defense agreement, although such would be implied in the wording. A for mal treaty of defense would find little support among the South American countries, and Hull, ac quainted by experience with the attitude of those countries, was not expected to preae for such a pact. The Argentine delegation also was understood to have a consul tative plan, not quite as broad as the United States proposal, and including meetings among the for eign ministers of the American republics not only for discussion of political problems but cultural and economic ones as well. On the eve of what is expect ed to be the busiest week of the entire conference, it also was re ported the delegates, united on a pace program for this part of the world, would be asked to seek an extended armistice in the Spanish civil war leading to ultimate set tlement of that conflict. According to an unimpeachable private source, the Chilean dele gation has consulted with other representatives regarding a reso lution to be introduced calling for a suspension of hostilities in Spain. The Chileans, it was said, seek to have the resolution offered as the joint action of the 21 Ameri can republics at the conference. AH the new worl dcountries, un der the Chilean scheme, would of (Continued on page six). n Shopping Days Till Christmas bmCY W3*lY»MG -TO Mexico 4»AM6ASSAP0»CF GOOP Wiuu* T OOK1NO BACK TO CHKIST ^ MAS 11 YEAKS AGO— Lindy was flylnf to Mexico as ambassador of food will. . . . Mayor "Bif Bill" Thompson of • Chicago was shaking his fist at King Georgia. . t . Old-timers in sports were mourning death of Young Griffo. . . . Music lovers delighted over new child prodigy, Yehudi Menuhtn, 10. . . . Death of 40 young men when ' Submarine S-4 wa* sunk la Cape Cod Bay cast pali on holiday seasoa