STATE LEGISLATURE. Saturday, Nov. 25, 1313. SENATE. Tho Soirate'tnet according to adjournment. OrttfurtohV Sir. Lilliiigtorv'tha' Senate pro- tiled to vote for Speaker, which "resulted in no !::ice-Col.-Joyner rewMfig 23, Mr. Graves 21. nut Mr. yiii'pard 1. Mr. Thomas, of Oavidson, moved ibtf't the Sen ile proceed to voto again, wliich reunited in no c-b-ction Mr. Joynrr received 21, and Mr. Graves - il ' The Sbuate then ririfcecih-d to rote again, when Mr. Joyti'cr -received 21, and Mr. Graves 23 Mr. drives toted for Mr. A.dio and Col. Joyner for Mr. Shppard. :"".' Thew being no election, Mr. Bower moved that t";e Senate adjourn until this a flornoon 3 o'clock, vviiicli was decided iu tho negative Yeas 19, Nays -7- " " On motion of Mr. Al'.mglil, of Chatham, the tVnuto proceeded ro 'void again for . Sjieaker whereupon, Mr. Joyner received 21, and Mr. Graven 21. There fcifl "being no election, on motion or Mr. Reich, of Stakes, the Senate adjourned until 3 o' clock, this afternoon. ArrESNOox session. - 3 oVi.ock, P. M. Mr. Patterson, of Burke, Caldwell and McDow ell, preseiited for the consideration of the Senate, the following Preamble and Resolutions, prefaced by the subjoined remarks : Se.x&tors : It would be useless to attempt to I'.isguise the fact, which is apparent to us all, that we are placed in an aw kward and most pa'mful di-l-inma. Six days have notv nearly elapsed, since wo first met and ttterrfpted to organize this body, h ml as yet incffeetnal steps have been taken to pro duce that result. It is true, that propositions for a I'n.npromUe of our difficulties have been made by each of the political parties in the Senate to the Mher, and by each respectfully deolined. It is al- .-u true that a self-constilutud Committee, consist ing of three members of each political party, of w Inch I was one, have been most assiduously en v aged for the greater part of the last two days, in i-iiJoavoring to arrange some plan of compromise which the)' hoped would be satisfactory to their respective ftiends, and thus sett e the difficulty. Various propositions were subiaittod and discussed in that Committee, without arriving at any definite .-(inclusions. have therefore gie,n up that mode 'I' arranging our difficulties, in despair. Some liiing, however, must be done. The character of 'the old North State, always distinguished fur Its lulhcrence to law and order, is at stake the pub Ue interests ire suffering necessary and impor tant legi&tliofl is delayed. As an individual mem ber of tin's body, fcava been anxious from the first,) to adopt some compromise which would enable us to proceed with tho public business, and am now willingto go 3 fur as duty awl propriety will al low me, to accomplish so desirable an object. Why then, I would ask, eatindt Something be done.' Where til are actuated by aa honest and sincere lesire t& arrive at a particular result, as 1 trust we are, it seems to mo tliereonght not tote, and Can Hut be any great difficulty In' attuning S. Moreo ver, in my tiewef tint aubject, it is a solemn duty . Inch we owe to orrr State at large, to our own respective constituents, and to ourselves, forthwith to put an end to the -existing state or things. I had hoped that some gentleman, better qualified for the task than myself, would have offered some plan or proposition, to relieve us from the painful attitude, in which we are placed ; but no one hav ing done o,l have with tome pains, prepared a plan rif compromise, .which I offer, on my own responsi l ility, to my Democratic friends, and also to my brethren of the Whig party, for thoir consideration, not knowing tint either will accept it, but hoping that it may at least win tho approbation of a suffi cient number on both aides, to secure its adoption. The propositions contained in this plan I conceive to be not merely fair, but liberal to the Democratic ':de of the Senate, and I offer them in good faith, us the olive branch of peace, not seeking or desiring any advftrKagelitit solely for the purpose, and with 'he hope, that they may acomplish the object for which they are intended, by putting an end at once to our present disorganization, 'and thereby save the character ef the Bute d of -ourselves from disgrace. -.'-- :.''' '. WuiigiAS, Die Interests of the State require that the Senate' should organize without further delay, and whereat this important object is not likely to l effected withdut conciliation and concession : Therefore, Rxictd, Firsf: That ke Speaker be given to the Democratic party. Second - That the present Clerks of the 'Senate bo returned. $';' Third: Tkalttlw Standing Committees be ap pointed according tetlie Rules of last Session the Whig pHrty to have art 4eaot three out of the seven on each Commit!. Fvurtk: V the Whigs at arty time (Turing 'the Session dnire to increase-tlie number on the Com- uiitteeeo Privileges and Elections, they sbafl be at lilierty, o motiou, to add one of tlieir party tothat ConimiHer : ' i . Fifth i Thsftht all cases of a Ite m the Commit. t- on Privfieget and Elections, each half shall be at liberty to rsced and report the facts, with the testimony to the 'Senate, for Hs action. Mr. Ashe moved that Mr. Patterson be requesS ed to act at PresidingOlRcetofthe Senate, dutmg the eons'uleratioii of the saiJ preamble and Resolu tions'; which was agreed to, and Mt Patterson took tlie Cham , ,.',.. . Mr. Ashe, of Jfew Hanover, moved a "d'usion of the question, in order tlmt the several proposi tions, eoutulned in the Resolutions of Mr.Putterson. laight be fotod aponeeparAtely. Mr. Wa!iingtiin,flf Graven, said he hoped tlie -Vnxtor ftoia Jicw Hanover, (Mr. Ahe) would withdraw his oiil tut a. division of the question, on t ie pr positiasii!isMitltd bytlie Senator from Ca Id- well (.Mr. PuttersoiiJ .. ,. . " I'e (Mr. V.) had tak. a ne part in the prepara- 5 3 ;te laoikion siiboirti'd. lie hud been u WJ-f Iront attending the which it was agreed upon:'. Some of its features v,l j.-e :i-t witii.-lyaccfjt bu tohim faritMtMtce, he coi.ij see no good reason why the Whig, pufy, j with a majority ol'SJip in the popular vote, shouiJ not have tho Speaker of t!ui .Senate,, who iu the event of the death of l!ic. Cavenior.would ex 'officio become tlio Governor of the State. But he had been 'assured that the very estimable gentleman j (Mr. Graves,) who kid been- nominated hy our j Democratic friends for thai respectable otlice, would, if elected, resign his office tt the close of the .Ses sion, which had to his mind entirely removed the objection suggested.-'. '.-'.' j Mr. W. said he might name other objections to separate features of the proposition, but ho stippl ed there was not a Senator present, Whfgor Dem ocrat, who was not heartily tired of tliC present state of ihings, and sincerely dfoirous to orgWniza th Senate, and proceed to business. The public interest, as well as publifopinion, required this at the hands of Senators" No one was more deeply impressed'wKh important truth than was Mr. W. nnd in a spirit of concession and conciliation, he was willing to'tuke the'proposition as a compromise of all existing diiiicuities. A3 a compromise, how ever, it was to be ratal as a ickole; and he should regtird a dicision of tlie ijiieatiun, as a rejection of the proposition. . ? The Senator front New Hanover (Mr. Ashe) had seen fit to say, that he and his friends had a right (after appropriating to themselves the Spea ker of theSenal?) to divide tho Clerks and Door keepers. On that subject Mr. W. would simply remark, that while it was true that Mr. Miller, the Princiial Clerk, and Mr. Ilusted, tlie Assistant, Wore both Whigs', yet it was equally true that they were competent and faithful officers, and had dis charged the duties of their respdclive stations with credit to themselves, nnd to the satisfaction of all concerned. He should therefore regret exceeding ly to see them proscribed. The presetit Door-kcepm tro.wie a Whig, and the other a Democrat, were also ''excellent officers of whom no fault could reasonably be found, and Mr. W. should therefore, regardless of party feel ings, voto to retain them both. He (Mr. W ) considered he Speakership a full equivalent to the two 'Clerkships, and if our Demo cratic friends did not 'think so, then et the proposi tion be revorsed. Let out friends on the other side of the Senate give us what we offer them ; and 'lake ! to themselves what we propose to retain. This ' proposition is Certainly fair, and it is made in good faith. And unless it is accepted in the one or other shape, I, said Mr. W., am prepared to remain as we ore, til! tliefirit day of January, 1819, sooner than yield another inch And as he had before said, he should regard a Jiiist'on nflhe qumtion, as a re jection of the projsosition, and he hop .1, therefore, that. the Senator from New Hanover (Mr, .Ashe) would withdraw his motion. Aft . r sometime spent in discussing the Preamble atvJ Resolutions, the question was taken thereon, and decided intheaffirmitive Yeas 21, Nays 21 only tiro Democrats voting inftiior of the compro mise, viz: Messrs. Hawkins of Warren, and Reich, of Stokos. Mr. Gilmer then withdraw tho name of Andrew Joyner from the nomination for Speaker, and mov ed that the Senate proceed to vole again for that Officer, which was decided in the affirmative, and the Senate proceeded to voto Mr. Graves receiv ing 41 votes; Mn Shepard 1, and Mr. Joyner I. Mr. Graves having received a majority of the votes cast, arid being duly elected Speaker of the Senate, was conducted to the Chair by Mr. Gilmer and Mr Ashe, and made his acknowledgement in ato appropriate address. . Mr. Washington moved that the'Oflicers of the last Session of the Senate, Principal and Assistant clerks, and Principal and Assistant Doorkeepers, be re-appointed. Agreed to. , On motion of Mr. Lfllington, it was Ordered, That a Message be tent to the House of Commons, informing that body of the due organ ization of the Senate by the election of Calvin Graves, Esq. Speaker, Henry W. Miller, Princil Clerk, Hiram V. Ilusted, Clerk Assistant, and Green Hill and Patrick McGowan, Doorkeepers; and that it is ready to proceed to public business. Mr. Patterson moved that a Message be tent to tlie House of Commons, proposing to raise a joint Select Committee to wait on Hit Excellency, the Governor, and inform him that the two Houses of the General Assembly are ready to receive any Communication which he may have to mako to them. Before the question was taken, on motion of Mr. Bower, the Senate adjourned until Monday morn ing, 10 o'clock. HOUSE OF COMMONS. The House met this morning, at 1 1 o'clock. The Speaker presented to tlie House the papers in relation to the contested election in Perquimans County, and asked what disposition should be made of them. On motion of Mr. Courts of Rockingham they were referred to tlie Committee on Privileges and Elections. On motion of Mr. Love, of Haywood, the House adjourned. . AFTEJl.VOO.V. SESSION The House met pursuant to adjournment On motion of Mr. Raynur, of Hertford, tho use of the Commons Hull Wat granted to an Indian Preacher on Monday evening next. On motion of Mr. Stanly, of Beaufort, the House adjourned until Monday morning 10 o'clock. " " MoifDAT, Nov. 27, 1848. - SENATE. - I The Se nate met pursuant to adjournment On motion of Mr. Patterson, Ordered, that a message be tent to the Honse of 4fanmona, proposing to raise a Joint Select Com mittee of two on the part of each House, to Wait kvpon Hit Excellency, the Govekkor, and inform hiuvofthe due organization of the two Honaes, and of their readiness to receive any Communication he may have to mako. , 1 r On motion of Mr. Ha1seyt Resulted, That the rule of order of the last Senate be adopted for the government of the pree snt Semite outil otherwise ordered. . . A message wat received from the Hose of Commons, announcing the due crganization of that boJy, and informiag the Senate thl they were ready to proceed to the despatch of public busi- On motion of Mr. Bower, a message was. sent !o tho House, of Common proposing to Vuto forthwith .Jor raio Riirossiiig (lerk. - . . The following .gentlemen were then noinitntod : By Mr. Bower-, Uobt. K. Bryan ; hy Mr. Walker, James J. 'Thomas; ty Mr. Daniel, Saunders M. Jngram by Mr. Thompson, of Wake, Thomas 0. Whituker : 1 hy Mr. Gilmer, David Lewi : by Mr. Smith, James Y. Simmons; b .Vr. Lane, Thomas A. Futretl. .''- On motion of Mr. Patterson, tho Speaker wan requested to assign places for Reporters to report the proceedings of the Senate during the present Session. A Messago was received from the 1 louse of (''ominous, concurring ill the proposition to appoint a joint -Select Coinmit'ee to wait on his Excellency the Governor, and stating that Mesrrs. Spi'vey and Ileaden formed tho Committee on the part of that House. '."; Messrs. Patterson and Hawkins were appointed 'the t'ommitleo on the pan of the Senate, and the House was Informed thereof, by message. ' A message was received from tlie House of 0 . ... Commons, concurring in the proposition, to vote for an Engrossing Clerk, and stating that the name of Jas: Iredell, Jr. W as snlded to the nomination ; also, that Messrs. Canady a nd Gamble formed tlie branch of'the Committee on their part, to superin tend the election. . Messrs. Line and Bower were appointed on tlie part of the Senate, and the House informed by mes sage, that the Senate would proceed to vote lorth with. -.'..' : The Senate then proceeded to vote. Ou motion of Mr. Halsey, the Communication from the Secretary of State, relative to the Public Printing, was taken up, read, and transmitted to the House of Commons. - On motion of Mr. Walker, it was licsohed, That a Committee of five boappointod to report Roles for tho government of the Senate. Mr. Bower, from the Committee appointed to su pel intend the election of an Engrossing Clerk, reported that there was ho election. , , On motion of Mr. Bower. a message was sent to the House of Commons, proposing to vote again forthwith for an Engrossing Clerk. On motion of M r. Thoma s, of Davidson.'the Door keepers were ordered to keep the large lamps on the gate-ways of the Capitol enclosure lit up dur ing the present Session. , Mr, Gilmer submitted the following Memorial : To the Honorable, .'.'..'-. ' . ' Tlie Senate of Sorth Carolina : The memorial, ol HugH Waddell, of Orange County, respectfully represents to your Honorable body, that, at an Election held on tho 7th instant, to fill tho vacancy created by the resignation of the member elect for the 37th Senatorial District of the State, the Sheriff of Orange proclaimed Mr. John ! Berry duly elected, and delivered to him the usual cert'iBcats of Election : Against the act of the said Sheriff, your Memorialist doth protest: insisting that, at said Election, your Memorialiirreceiwl'a majority of the votes cast by the legally qualified vo ters, lie doth therefore contest the right of the said Berry to represent the said 37th District iu the present Senate and of such his intention, as also of the ground of his said contest, be hath given said Berry notice. - Your Memorialist most respectfully asks of yonr Honorable body to take such steps as may enable him to establish, by proof, the truth of the allega tions contained in this, his Memorial, and is, most respectfully, your O'jt. Servant. HUGH WADDELL. Orange County, Nov. 18, 184.8. ; ; : The Memorial having been read, Mr. Gilmer presented the following Preamble, and resolution-, which, having been amended were adopted, as fol lows :. : Whereas, A Memorial has been presented by Hugh Waddell, of the County of Orange, touching the right of the sitting Senator, from the 37th Sen atorial District, to his seat in the Senato of North Carolina Therefore, Kesohed, by the Senate, That a Commission sign ed by the Speaker, issue at the instance of either party, to Richardson Nichols and Peyton P. Moore, Justices of the Peace of Orango County, or, in case of their inability to act, to any other two Justices of said County, authorizing and empowering themj to take the depositions of any person or persons of. fered in the said contested Election, now pending, and return taid depositions, sealed up. to the Spea ker of the Senate, provided the party offering the witnesses shall give to the adverse party ten days previous notice, in writing, of the time and place of taking such depositions ; and that, wheu such de positions are received by the Speaker of this body, they shall be referred, with the Memorial of the persons contesting the seat of tlie sitting member, to the Committee on Privileges and Elections. A message wa received from the House of Com mons, agreeing to the proposition to vote for an En grossing Clerk, and stating that Messrs. Atkin arid Love formed tlie Committee 00 their part, to super intend the election. Messrs. Walker and Gilmer were appointed on the part of the Senate, and the Hoa;e of Commons were informed thereof, by message, and that the Senate would proceed to vote on the return of the messenger. A message wat received from the House of Com mons, transmitting the Message of His Excellency. "Gov. Graham, for which, tee the first page of to days paper, with a proposition to print five co pies for each number of the Legislature. The Message wat read, and the proposition con curred in. Mr. Walker, from the Committee appointed to superintend the election for Engrossing Clerk, re ported that there wat no election. The following names were then withdrawn from the nomination, viz : Messrs. Simmon, Whitaker, Ingram and Lewis, and information tent to the House of Common. On motion of Mr. Walker, a message wat tent to the House of Commons, proposing to ballot again fot Engrossing Clerk, , On motion of Mr. Thompson, oi Wake, the Sen' ate adjourned until to-morrow morning, It o'clock'. HOUSE OF COMMONS. , The House met th'n morning, pursuant to ad journment. -A message was received from the Senate, noti fymg thoilouse of iis organization, and readiness to proceed lo business.- . irr '. " A iiiesa'gfl was received from the .Senate, pro- preing to 'the House to go into the election of an j ?' prdrecded to Vote lor'Secretary ol Wate as Tol Ei.grossing Clerk, nd announcing the nomination : of tho following rjenllenien. namely : Brvan't, Sim. i Cor Wiiliniii Iliil, 41. for J. (). Watson. 'J. inons, Whitaker, Ingram, Thomas,' Moore, Lewis j and Fulrel to which Mr. Ravner, of Ilertfurd, i adJcJ the name f Mr. James Iredell, Jr. ..! Mr- "',y. f""n the. Committee appointed to Another message from the Senate was'i superintend the election uf i-'ecn tury of Slate, re posine to appoint B Co nnnitlee to wait en his Ex-! P"'r,cu 11,111 Wiiiiain Hill was diily elected. cellency, the Governor, ' " I Mr. Satterthwaite, of Pitt, introducal a Rendu-.! fion, sppoimuig a Joint Select Lomuuttee to draw I up Rules for the Government of the two Houses. Mr. Steele, ot Kichmonu, introduced a muntier of Resolutions in relation to the Territories of the U. S. which on motion of Mr. Rayner, were laid rv. ihc table. . - , : The Speaker announced tlie following gentle men as tho Committee on the part of the House, to wait on the Governor : Messrs. lloaden and Spivey, ' ' Mr. Mebane, of Orange, '.introduced a Resolu tion, allowing tlie Door-keepers to occupy rooms in the Capitol, which Was forbidden by a former act of the Legislature. Mr. -Blackburn, of Stokes, presented a bill and memorial in relation to the divisi-. of Stokes .County. .':''. .Ifr. Caldwell, 6f Burke', presented three peti tions, in relation to the parchuso of Cherokee Lands. . On motion of Mr. Rayner, it Was agreed to print the Resolutions presented by Mr. Steele, of Richmond. Mr. Mobanp, from the Commiltee on Rules, re commended the adoption of the Rules of last ses sion, with several amendments. A message was then received from" the Senate, naming the Committee on the part of that body, to wait on the Governor, viz: Messrs; Patterson and Hawkins; and the Committee to superintend tlie election of Engrossing Clerks; Messrs. Bower and Lane. - . .- , Mr. Spivey, from the Committee to wait on the Governor, reported that the Committee bad dis charged its duty, and that the Governor would, in j a few miuutes, send in his Biennial Message. The House then proceeded to vote for Clerk. There was no election on the first trial. The Message of the Governor was then receiv ed and read, and on motion of Mr. Rayner, sent to the Senate, and five copies for the use of each member ordered to be printed. A messago was received from the Senate, pro posing to appoint a Joint Select Committee, to draw up Rules for the government of the Houses. Another messago was received from the Senate, to go into the election of an Engrossing Clcrs. The Chair appointed Messrs. Atkin and Love a j Committee to superintend the election. : On motion of Mr. Sattorthwaite, the till and memorial in relation to tlie division of the county of Stokes, was referred to the Committee on Pro positions and Grievances. . The House then proceeded to vote for Clerk. The Chair submitted to the Houso Resolutions of the legislatures of other States, which, on mo tion of Mr. Paine, of Chowan, were ordered to be sent to tlie Senate, with a proposition to refer them to a Joint Select .Committee of five from each House. Mr. Ellis, of Rowan, introduced a I ill to incor porate the Charlotte and Danville Rail Road Com pauy; and after its paBsngs on its first reading, moved to refer it to a Select Committee of five.- Mr. Stanly, of Beaufort, moved an amendment, viz; its reference to the Committee on Internal Improvement which motion prevailed. The ques tion as amended was then put and carried. The Rules ef the House, a reiorted by the Committee, wero then taken np : whereupon.Mr. Paine moved that their reading fee dispensed with, and that they be printed ; which motion, after a short discussion, was withdrawn. On motion of Mr. Ellis, the Rules were then read. Mr. T. R. Caldwell moved to strike out the words "taken into custody," in tho 40th Rule. Upon this motion a discussion arose, which was engaged in byMeusrs. Stanly, Caldwell, Mebano, Ellis, Stevenson and others. The question was then taken, and the House refused to strike out. Mr. Stevenson then moved to strikeout the 40th Rule altogether, but withdrew his motion, to allow Mr. Ravner to offer an amendment. Mr. Tod R. Caldwell here moved an adjourn ment, but the House refused to adjourn. Mr. Rayner' amendment having been rejected, Mr. Stevenson renowed, and the House did not concur in the motion t j strike out. The question on the adoption of the Rules a reported by the Committee, was then put, and pre vailed. The committee to superintend the election of Clerk, then reported that there was no election. On motion of Mr. Leach, of Davidson, the House adjourned until to-morrow morning 10 o'clock. Tuesday, Nov. 28. SENATE. . A message wa received from the House of Commons, agreeing to the proposition of the Sen ate to appoint a Joint Select Committee on the part of each House, to Report Rule of Order for their joint government ; and that Messr. Mebane, Dancy, and J. H. White, form the Committee on the part nf that House. Messr. Patterson, Watson and Woolen were appointed the Committee on the part of the Senate. Alto, a message proposing that the two House vote forthwith for Engrossing Clerk. Which Mes sages were concurred in, and tlie Senate accord ingly voted. Mr. Lane introduced a bill entitled " An Act to repeal an Act entitled an Act providing for the ap pointment of Engrossing Clerks;' which wat read the firat time. , Mr. Daniel from the Committee appoint ad to u' peri n tend the Election fot an Engrossing Clerk, rep-tf ted that there wa no election. . . Mf. Thomas, of Dauidson, moved -that a mes sage be tent to the House of Commons, proposing to elect United State' Senator on Thursday next, at 12 o'clock ; which was determined iu the negative yeat 24, nays 23. -' ' ;' for Engrossing Cleik I . i- was then had. The I't'our nl 12 oVWli having ar.-iv We'Sen-l Another '-unsuccessful voto ti'uk, place fur En grossing Clerk'". ' ..':' A message was received from the Mouse of Commons, transmuting certain documents from other States which accompanied the Governor's Message, and proposing that they be referred to a Joint Select Committee which was agreed tn and the 'following announced as the.C'on.mittee oh the part of the Senate: Messrs. Ashe, Lilliugton, Conner, Davidson and FtogeM. ' : ' " . -.'Another balloting was had WEngrossing Clerk, the name of .Mr. Thomas being withdrawn, when Mr. Bryan was elected. A message was received from tho Governor,. Transmitting the vote of the several Counties of the State. in the recent Presidential Election, &c, which, on motion cf Mi. llulsey, was ordered to bo laid on the table, The Senate lhcn adjourned. . HOUSE OF COMMONS. The House met this morning, pursuant to ad journment.;. .-;'""'. : The Journal of tho 'preceding dnj having been read, ' w Mr, Williams, of New Hsnovcr, moved that a messnga be sent to the Senate, to g6 into the elec tion of Engrossing Clerk, and informing that body that the name of Mr, Ingram was withdrawn. The Chair announced, as the Committee on the ' Another unsuccessful vote part of the House, to prepare Rules for the gov- ' "ier Generals Nash and Davidson, ernmentof the two Houses, tire following gentle I A message was received from the Senate, ngree men, Viz: Messrs. Mebafte, Dancy alid j. II. '.'"S " g into 'the eleciion of l-lngrnssing Clerk, White. The Committee on part of the Senate j naming as its comtAMtes to superintend tluteletf consists of Messrs. Patterdon.Watson and Woolen. : Mcw. Reich and Davidson. Committeo Mr. Biggs, of Bertie, presented a memorial from nho part of the House Messrs. Bl6.'w and Mc sundry citizens of Bertie, wliich on motion was re- j Mullen. The House then jm'tafded to vole, . . . fer'red to the Committee on Proiositions and Grie- j J,r- Hayman, of Beatifurt, introduced a Resolti vances. Tlie same ceiitlenmn nresented another ! ,ion 10 ref'cr so m"r-n ' tlie Governor's messafrn as memorial in relation to 'the repeal of the law of incorporation of the Town of Wiudsnr. ftliicli was referred to tlie same Committee. Mr. Hayes, of Cherokee, introduced p. resolution ill favor of the Shcriffor Cherokee County; which, on motion of the same, passed its second reading, and then, on motion of Mr. Hicks, of Macbn.pass ed its third reading. Mr. Shtifofd, of Lincoln, introduced a hill and memorial, in relation to the. annexation of a part I of Jlufke County toCatawha. Mr. Mcintosh, of Iredell, presrtited a petition ui j favor of Ann Patterson, of Alexander County. ! Mr. R. J. McDowell presented a petition in favor t of Mr. Stanmire referred to Committee on Claims, A message vas received from the Senate, pro posing to go into the election of aft Engrossing I Clerk. Another message 'was received, stating ; that the names of Messrs. Lewis, Simmons, Whit aker and Ingram cre withdrawn. The follow ing persons were then left irt ..nomination : Messr?, Bryan, Moore. Thomas and Iredell. Messrs. Farmer and Leach of Johnston, Vvere appointed aCommittee to superintend tho election. A message wat received from the Senate, con curring in the proposition to print five copies of the Governor Message for eich Member. Mr. Ellis, of Rowan, presented a memorial of Miss Dix, in relation to an Asylum for the In neJ'hicN'. 0?.'.mo,imr ,he wme' 8f "l the Senate, with a proposition to print 1 2 copies for the use of each mehiber, and to refer it to a Joint Select Committee cf seven from each House. - Mr. Hayes introduced a Resolution to raise a Joint Select Committee of five from each House, to consider so much of the Governor' Message aa relates to Cherokee .Lands.. A message was received from the Sens e, con taining a communication from the Secretary of State in relation to the Public Printing. The Chair presented a communication in rela tion to the division of Stokes County; wliich, on motion of Mr. Courts, of Rockingham, was re ferrcd to the Committee on Propositions and Grie vances. . . -r '".; 'Mr. Hicks, of Macon, Introduced a Resolution in favor of Isaiah Cook and others referred to Commiltee on Claims. The Chair presented a communication from the Treasurer, transmitting his Report. Mr. Mebane, of Orange, moved to dispense with j the reading of the Report, and that it be tent to the Senate with a proposition to print, . Mr, Ferebee, of Camden, introduced a Resolu tion to tend a message to the Senate, to raise a Joint Select Committee to take into consideration that part of the Governor's Message relating to an Agricultural, Geological, nd Mincralogical Survey of the State. Mr. Farmer, from the Committee on Election of Clerk, reported that th fro was no election. Mr. Steele, of Richmond, moved to tend a mes sage to the Senato, proposing to proceed to anoth er election. A message was received from the Senate, pro posing to go into the election of Secretary of State at 1 2 o'clock to-day. Concurred in. A Message wat received from tlie Senate, agree ing to go into an election of Engrossing Clerk. Committee on the part of the House lo superintend election, Messrs. Carmichacl and Keen. The Chair presented a message from the Gov ernor, in relation to the resignation of Justice of thePeace, which, on motion, Was tent to the Senate. Mr. Hayes introduced a Resolution in favor ofAbram Horthah. Referred to Committee on Claim, Mf . Wooten.of Lenoir, presented a bill to amend the 1st section 'of the 193th Chnptor of Revised 1 Statute which, on motion of Mr. tevenson, of Craven, Wat referred to the Committee on Judi ciary - ' Mr, Cherry, tf Bertie, introduced a Resolution to refer that portion of the Govenor'i message in relation to Com.non Schools, to tlie Commiltee on Education. Mr.; Steele, of Richmond, introduced v Resolu tion to refer to much of the Governor' message as relates to appointing a " Thanksgiving Day," to a Joint Select Committee. The Committee on election reported that thrro w.n no eie.'lien of Eiigr...-.:,-( i,,-'t. A'-mpsrage was received 'roin ;:i.j..S.oil.. n nn- ing a Committee on the part of that body.M i. r- intend the election of Secretary of State Mi: r. Kakn- and Drake. As the Committee on the part of the Hou" the Chair appointed Messrs. T. J. Person arid Ileaden, The House then proceeded to vote, Win. Hill being tho only person in nomination. - . . A uirssage was received from lha Senate, eon curing jn the proposition from House, to print the Documents from oilier Sfht('9 mw. rotor tin same lo a Joint Select, CommitteeVif live from each house, nnd naming as tl Ciimmittee on the part of the Senate, MessraV AjdiaXillinst in, Cunmilr, Davidson n nd RcMlgers. -: The Coinmitteq on the part of the House cr nsisis of Jlessrs.Satlenlnvai'e, Ileaden, Coleman, R. J McDowell and San lcrs. The Cliair announced the following Committee on the Judiciary, viz : JlessK Paine, Bnrringer, Courts, Ellis, J. M. Leach, Dobbin, Cad. Jones. Jr., Stevenson, T. R. Cildwell, Cherry and Sutter thwaite. . Mr. Person, from the Committee to nri nteixt ' the election of Secretary of State, 'reported that Win. Hill 'was duly elected. Mr. Hicks moved to send a message to the Sen ate, proposing to vote again for Engrossing Clerk ,." Mr. Ballard, of Gates, introduced a Resolution to refer that part of the 'Coventor's message in re lation to Picas iil County Courts, 'to theConiniiUee on the Judiciary. Mr. Mose'ly.of W arren, introduced a Resolution to raise a Joint Select Commiltee, three from tl a House and two from tho Senate, lo consider that portion of tho Governors message in relation to the erection of a Monument in .Cn itol Square, iu com memoration of the distinguished services of Briga- relates to I'unue noails, to tne committee on liititr nal JinpfoveincnH. On motion of Mr. -McDowell, of Iredell, the me morial presented by him, was referred to the Com milteeon the Judiciary. The chair then announced tho following com mittee on Private bills, viz : Messrs. Smith, Steel, -. biggs, bpivey, Dancy, Coleman, 1. J. Person-, Can ada y, Ha cknev, Dayman, Keen, Coffield, Erwin, C.H.K. Taylor. ' ' . Mr. Sherard, of Wayne, moved for ail adjourn ment, The House refused to adjourn. vuiiiiuiiiL-e 011 i.-iecuoii 01 rjngrossing voters, re ported that there was ho election. ' Mr. Biggs, of Bertie, moved that a message he sent to the Senate to vote again' for Eiigfosjing Clerky ' ' ';.-.. A message was received from tho Senate, agree ing to go into election of Engrossi ng Clerk. Cm miltee Messrs. Hawkins and Miller. Committee on the part of the I louse Pigolt and Procter. Mr. Lovo, of Haywood, mum! lo adjourn. The House refused. The Committeo on election nf Engrossing Clerk, reported the election of Mr. Bryan. The House then adjourned. SENATE. r.. -I--.- 1... ... f-n.-V , I WEnvEspxt, Nor. 29. The Chair announced the following Committee: On Privileges and Elections. Metsrs. Bower, i Gilmer, Ashe, Lillington; Conner, Ilaleey, and Thompson, of Wake. On Propositions' and Griertnecf. Messrs. v alter, Albright, wortn, fcxum, toorn, Helen, and Daniel. On Claims. Messrs.Cohner, Kendall, Speijrht, Thomas, of Davidson, Spicer, Willey.tnd Moye. On the Judiciary. Messrs. Wood fin, Ashe, Washington, Graham, Smith, Rogers and Gilmer. On Internal lmyrmement.SXwn. Patterson, Thomas, of Haywood, Thompson, of Bertie,Murch- ison, . Miner, lierry, and lTiividson. On Education and the Literary Vuni. Messrs. Shepard, Bethel, Joyner, Collins, LillingtcB, Fui son and Wooten. Joint Committee on Finance. On the part et the Senate: Messrs. Drake,Smaw,Hiwkins,Iiane, Hester, Uilmer, W alson and W ortli. . On the Library. Oa the part of the Senato : Messrs. Smith, Graham and Ward. Mr. Patterson, from the Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules, made a Report, which was read, and an explanation having been made by Mr. Pat terson, of amendments proposed by the Commit tee, the question upon the adoption of the Report wtt decided in the affirmative. Mr. Walker, from the Committee appointed lo report Rule tit the government of the Senate, made a report, which was 'read ; and, after an ex planation by Mr. Walker, the question upon the aaopuon 01 me nuiesas rcponeu, wa oeciuea in tho affirmative. Mr. Patterson then- moved that a metngo bo cent to the Hcnte of Commons, proposing to print the Joint Rules, ind the Rule of each Honse with the Constitution, icforthe use of tlie mem-. bcr, wliich wa agreed to. Mr. Kendall presented a Resolution Instructing the Cemmittco on the Judiciary to inquire into Ihe expediency of providing that witnesses who a re summoned to give testimony before a Clerk taking in account in cases against Guardians, and oth ers, and before a Clerk and Master in Equity be allowed the tame pay and mileage at witnesses U suits at Court, and that the aame be'-ermcd t part of tho costs: Also, that said Committee en quire Into the expediency of ascertaining by law, the compensation to be allowed Clerk tud Mat ter Jn Equity for taking deposition! j and that th Committee report by bill or otherwise htch rc olution wa adopted, - A message wat received from Ihe House of Commont, proosing that to much of the Govern or' Message a relate to Brigadier Generals Francis Nash aad Wm, Davidson, bo referred to a Committee of three on the part of the House and two m the part of the Senate ; and to much rei lain to a Dy of Thanksgiving, be rciprred Id a Committee of five on the psrt of the House ami three 011 the part of the Senate j which prort si, tions were concurred in.