TEA iiAUkL1 VJjJJidO i7i rrni.isimn wkrtcly by en. c. rboti:ait, TERMS: ?2 f,0 IT.H AWTM, IV ADYANXT., OR $J 00 IV P1S3!L.T 1.. DEMITD Mi MOV.U'hi, A? RALEIGH, FJUbAY, DECEMBER 15, 1818. VOL. II. no. :i iiii - iJ,-.--- . ; a r liliJllfflMpi illiliilJili 1-4 .... -. ;i is..-!- ( I I r. J t Q Till" NoaTil-Cinoi.ix.v 'Pdikb will.be wnt in Sub scriber ut Two Dollars ami a hull" per annum, if mil! in Biivmice. .Three Dollars will be churgvili il pay ment 18 delayed six months. These Tcniis will b i - variably auliefed to; """ ' -. '-: . .' ' .Vdimisra i:ts. Fur fV'-ry. Sixteen lines; nr !e.t. One Dellar for Hie firsthand .Twmity.ASVivCttni for. o:vh BiibVquiil in- -ssrlion. Court. Orduis, &c, will be elwnreil .j pT vst. .lustier; but rwwoiiuWe deduction will b' nr H" to those who advertise by tho year. .; " II T Letters on bnsiiieKi, am! all CommniiicutlHs iiitenci. U tor n.i'.itn-:i::.n, nr.'.tt bu aiuvss-d to ihe I Ed;tor, and !"'( )'' STATU ' LEGISLATURE. HOUSE OL' COMMONS. TntusDAV, D.c. 7, IS 18. .v Mr. Barringer movetl tjiat a message: be Fcut to tbt? SeiHf"", ir;ijigE' to go iinmciliiitety into the .- tdjctioti ol'Superior Court J U'lp, . Carried;. . , ; Mr. Loe withdrew iium uomiiiationthe name of Joshua Robert. . A message w.us received fram the. Senate, con V. etirring in the proposition from tlio House, to go linto the election of Superior Court ".liidge, Com mittee on pirt or ilie House losuperiaU'iid the c!pc tion Messrs. Haym;tn and Ballard. , A mo-s.ige wns received from theGovernor, in rt'ln tion to the Suit instituted against the Stock holders of the- Raleigh nnd Gaston Railroad; which wis referred, to the Committee on Cluiins, M.Grigs moved toitehtl a mess.igeto the Seu . ate, proposing to go iiilo the election of Solicitor of the 6ih. JnJk'iul District. Carried. A Me-'.-iae was received from the Governor, traii'niitting the Report .if the Board of Comiiiis eioners of the Raleigh arid Gaston Railroad; which, on motion of Mr. Stanly, was sent, to the Senate, with n proposition to print. .:' Mr. liallard,from the Committee to fitn-rinteni! the election of Superior Court Judge, reported that Mr. Moore had rrcrived a majority of all the votes caot.and was therefore duly elueted. ' A messiiffe was received from the Senate, con curring in the proposition to vote for Solicitor of the tilh District Mesars. Gambill and Stowo Com mittee oil part of the House to superintend clec- lion. . : . -'. The Speaker announce; the arrival of tlio hour for liking up the order of the day, (Mr. Steele's Resolutions,) whereupon Mr. Steele moved their postponement until Wednesday next Mr. Sianly moved today the Resolutions ori tlie table; which motion did not prevail. The question ol postponing iinlii lV'ednesday recurring, it was carried in the affirmative. . Mr. Birringer moved lo send a message 10 the Senate, to go forthwith into tho election of Su preme Court Judge. Carried. Mr. Gambill,. from the Committee to snperin tend the cleeliori of Solicitor of the 6th District, re ported that 1S8 votes had been cast,nf which num tier Mr. Coleman had received Sfi, and was duly ikrt d. 'J'lio bill incorporating Blotint Creek Manufac turing Company, in the Town of Fayetteville, passed lis first and second readings. A messagn was received from the Senate con curring in 'the proposition to go into the election of SiipnrTiP Court Judge. ComrrHttce on part of the House to superintend the "lection Messrs. Cole man and t'al.nor. The House then proceeded to . vote. : Mr E'V. ir'rolujti a hilUo repeal an Act, en titled ar. Act to irwri.as9 the Public Revenue. - Referred to Committee on Finance, i Mr. Palmer, from the Committee to superintend the tdection of Supremo Court Judge, reported ns fnllows Battle alJ, Pearson fij, Strange 75. No that on. Mr. l,encli,ot Davidson, moved to send a mes r ige to the Senate, proposing to go lorth.with into mi cli'i tmn lor Supreme Court Judue. Carried. .Vr. Sailerllnvaite introduced a bill to amend and consolidate several Acts in relation to fishing with nines and nets in Tar and Pamlico Rivers.- Retired to Committee on Propositions and Griov niiees. The Speaker presented to the House, a Com '. nmnicatinn from the President of the Commercial Hank, at Wilmi'ngton. and asked what disposition fdiould be made of it I On mitrai cl Mr. Dobbin, it was sent to the H ns.te. wth a proposition to print. . A menace was received from the Scinte. con Cm ring in the iropoit ion to go tutu the (.'lection ol Supreme Court Jndgo. Committee in superin tend ibe el"dion, Messrs. Newsoin and Furrow.- i'lio House then proceeded to vote liH'ont tho committee returned, Ih? House, on motion ul Mr, Proctor, adjourned, EENATU. . FiiiDAr, Dec. 5 Mr.lIaLrv mtmi (hat the Mcee of the Go - vernor in rcU.on lo forming a ew-wcuon MTcn il,n It ,u h -nd G.,slnn Railraid and Chirlotte. be releried to tho committee on Internal Improve incurs.; but aftetwards withdrew his motion. The .Senate then votfd for Judge of the Su preme Court, aslollows: Strange Co; Pearson P.): Battle . i Mr. Thomai presented a petition in favor of a Turnpike Road. . Relerred to commuted on In temal Improveiiimils: Also a petition for anew eoiililv nut of part; of Haywood and Macon. Re filred' to Couiuultce on propositions, ivnd Grie vjiici.'s. ..;' (,-. . ' . ; ' Mr. Walker, from llie comniittoe on 'Proposi tion and Grievances, reported the bill to enable Ilaniel Stesle, n free hip n of color, to emancipate )iis wileaiid daughter, and reeonunemied its p;is nape passed firs! rciiding. Ho also reported the bill to tmr.ncipalc Jas. Ubscar, ft slaVt: passed first reading. ; , Mr. Kburn presented n. 'csolntinn instructing tlie Judich.ry conimitice to enquire into , the expe diency of enabling the Omnty Courts to t.iy a tux upon bl.ict: jio'ls, lo pay the expends of Putrol lers .and aho sue'if liter regulaiieus as are ne cessary in relation. .to IVtroliars; wiiicii was adopt- td.' ' - .:''"' Mr. MiTer inltohii'.ed a hill lo ineorpmtlf Ihe iQVUCf SiKdby, m CJivWui C'J.uuty. ;' . .v : ;; Mr. Joyner, a jill to authorize the . Roanoke Navigation Company to become common carriers of agricultural' -produce, goods, ware, and mer chandise, on tho. Roanoke, Dan, and. Staunton Rivirs; . .Mr. Exum,a bill to incorporate Roanoke Acad emy, in the county of Wayne; : j'f. ilillcr, a bill to alter the time of holding the .Spring and Full .terms oft lie county court of Cleve land; which bills, severally passed their first reading.' '." Mr. Spicer presented a bill lo regulate the duties of Consiablcs in the. county of Onslow ; passed lirst reading- and referred .to the ceiimiiitec on the .Judiciary. Mr. Sinaw., a bill to iiieorporaUvPiialarix Lbdge, .No, ID, 1- 0. O. ir. in the town of Witshmgtim.; passed first reading, and referred to the committee on Private bills, ; -:Mt. Ri'm-liiiid,;Tronr the . committee to siiperin tend (lie election of Supreme Court Judge, report ed luat tiere was no e'.et'tion. The Sen., to Court Judge, a .then : voted: again for i follows : Sltaiige 21 ; supreme Pearson 20 ; . Rattle -1. . Mr. Washington introduced a bill for the relief of the inhabitants of the town of Wuynesboro' ; which passed first rea'ling, and was referred to the committee on Prop "Bitions and Grievances. ' ; . ''Mr. llahcy,:a bill to suppress vice; referred td committee on Judiciary. . . Lays ah additional tax on Rowiiiig Alleys. : The chair announced the Senate's branch of the committee en Enrolled bills, viz: Messrs, Gilmer, Grnhanl, and Patterson. ; y ' : A message 'was received from , the House, pro posing a Joint Select committee to ..inquire into the expediency of erecting tiers of scuts outside of the bar in each house for spectators, in which, the iSViiale. refused lb cpnciir. . . ' ; Also, transmitting the Report of the commwsion ors of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, with a proposition to print; concurred in. . Also, the Report of the President and Directors of the Commercial Bank of Wilmington, with a proprisitioii to, print ; concurred in. A bill to divide the county of Stokes, and form a new county to be called Forsythe.came up on its second reading. . jMr. Miller called for the reading of the memorials which accompanied said bjll. They were accord ingly reud, pro and con one of which was sever al yards long, and signed by over a thousand citi zens. The bill was opposed by Mr, Miller, and sup ported by Messrs. Thomas, ol Davidson, and Reich. Mr. Patterson moved to lay the bill upon the ta ble for the present. He said he mads this motion at the request of a member friendly to the bill, who wished timo In prepare an amenilment, which he would offer iu the hope of removing alldiflicu) ty to the passage of this bill. Alter some further remarks by Mr. Reich, the, bill paused its second reading. Mr. Berry, from the committee, reported I lint there was no election of .Supreme Court Judge. The vote stood: For Strange 81 ; Pearson 68; Batt'e IS. The bill to incorporate the town of Asheville passed 2d reading. T The Sen.'.te resolved, on motion of Mr. Walker, to meet hereafter at 10 o'clock. . Mr. Smith introducSsa. bill to provide for fur ther taxation of cists on smtts at law; referred to Judiciary committee. Mr. Liliington offered tho following Preamble and resolution. Whereas, this is a Government in which all political power is vested in, and derived from the i people only : Whereas, it is the manifest duty of Representa tives to carry cut uriclhj the known wishes of their constituents, iu the discharge of all their elective duties: Whereat, the free people of this State hive, recenlhi at tlie ballot box, declared their political preference in a voice which their representative agents ought not lo slight or disregard : , lV7icceas,respecllul delerence,on the part of the minority, tor the will of the majority, when Irgally and constitutionally expressed, is true Republican ism : And Wliereas, all delay and mana cement, un der pretences, however fair and imposing, the ob ject of which is to defeat the will ol tho people, thus expressed, are contrary to the spirit and genius ol the government: liesnhed, That a message be sent to the House of .Commons, proposing that the two Houses, on Tuesday next, at 12 o'clock, proceed to the elec tion of a United States Senator. Sir. Ashe remarked that, uwm this subject he i had already expressed the convictions ol Ins mind ; and lie therclore moved to lay mreas anu wnereas upon the table. Mr. Islington would nierelv observe, that if tho coutlciriaii moved to lay the .Bill ol Rights, or the j greater part of it, on the table, he had no more to sav. 'lr. Ahe said.'f there were as many constitutions mid Bills of Rights, and Whereases, as long as his friend Reich's memorial, he should pursue this ! CO',J0,,., ,, , . . A. . ' ,j v. GAJ Vl'n if 1r Ashe's ! The q-'estmn was then taker, on Mr A.ne s i mntinn. which did not nrevai Aves a.t. Aoes a. Oi) the rmssasn of the Preamble and Resolution, Mr. U'oedlin called for the yeas and nays. They were taken as follows: Yeas 24; Nays 23. The Speaker then voted with the minority ; and the Preamble and Resolution did not paes. i The Senate then adjourned. HOrSC OF COMMON'S. Mr. Newsom trnm the Committee to superintend the election of Supremo Court Judge, reported 169 votes cast, of .which Mr. Strange received 78, Mr. Pearson 67, and Mr. BatUe 24. . , ' . Tlie Speaker announced the Committee on En rolled billi, Tin; Messrs. Cannichael, Thornton, Sanders, McMnllen and Campbell. The bill, introduced bv Mr. Kllis, to incorporate the town of Salisbury, was ptit upon and passed its 2d reading. Mr. Sleelo moved to sond a message to the. Sen ate proponing to go immediately into tho election of Supreme Court Judge carried. Mr. Stetdo from tlie Committee on Mditarr Affairs : reported hack to tho House, with amenilment the hill to incorporate the Foresters, an Independent Conip.'inv of Infantry in tin County of Richmond, ind recommended its passage. J he hill asuniended j-.twed 2d i"'! Also, the bill to incorporate the Summerfield-, Guards of Cuilfurd, and recom mended its passage ; passed 2il reading. Also, the bill to arrange the Captain's districts in each County and -'recommended that it should not pass. . On motion of Mr. Walser the bill was laid upon the table. . The Speaker presented a Communication from the Treasurer furnishing a statement,liovyiiig the conditioi! of the Bank oi the State, which, on mo tion of Mr. Pain e, Was sent to the (Senate, with a proposition to print , Mr. Stanly from the Committee en the Inspec tion of Turpeiiliiw, rcpurted bat'k to the House, with an aiiifndiiieiu, tue bill to atiend aiV -ct iii lled an act to Tegulate the insjiection of Turpen tine, passed 2d reading. Mr. Kllis from the Committee on the memorial of Mifia Dix. reported a bill to provide for the estab- iirmiient.pl an Asylum lor the insane. A message was received from the Senate, con curring in the proposition to go into' the election of iSupreme Court Judge.;: committee -on the part of Ihe House to superintend the election, Messrs. Mc J)ade and McClecse. . Mr. Kllis moved to print the bill in relation to the establishment of a Lunatic Asylum, and make it .the order of the day for Tuesday next : 'Carried; Mr.;McCleese from the coiiiiuittee on election (if.Judge, reported 109 votes castof which Slratige received SO Ponrson (iO Battle 23. , "''''.' -Mr. Leach, of Davidson, moved to send a mes sage to the Senate,; proposing, to vote again Tor.' supreme Court Judge.';, Carried., .;.;.. Mr. McDoo'e'!, of Iredell, introiiiiced a memo riu) and biil for tlis establishnieiit of a new county to be called .Graham. Referred to the commiitee on Propositions and Grievances. -. , ' Mr. Doak introduced a bill to secure an equita ble distribution, of the estates of deceased persons: Referred to. committee on Judiciary, ' ',. f' A message wus received from tlie. Senate con curring in ihe proposition from the House to vote for Supreme' Court Judge. Committee on part of the House to superintend the election, Messrs. Caruiichael and Shock. JMr;' Williams, of Mecklenburg,7 introduced a. memorial I'r.oni; sundry, citizens of tlie county of j Mecklenburg. Referrod to tlio commiitee on Pro positions and Grievances. . .,,;.., Mr.; McNeill introduced a bill to incorporate tho I Trustees of Antioc Academy, in tlw county ol Robeson. Referred to the cmmmltee on I'm ate bills. -Mr. Shook, from the committee to superintend the election of Judge, reported 167 votes cast, of which Strange received 81 ; Pearson 08 ; Battle 18. . No election. Mr. J. B. Mc wullen introduced a hill to estab lish a Savings Bank in the town ol Milton. Re ferred to a (Select Committee of five, and, on mo tion of Mr. McDowell, ot Bladen, ordered to be printed. Mr. Earringer introduced a bill tir the more speedy aud certain administration of justice. (The bill proposes: to carry out the recommendation of Hid 'Governor.) Referred to Committee on the Ju diciary. Mr. Griggs moved to send a message to the Son ate proposing to vote 'immediately for Judgef Su preme Court. To this motion Mr. Mebane offered an amendment, to go into the election on Wednes day next lost. Mr. Barrmger moved to amend by saying to-morrow at M o'clock, lost. The original question reccurred and prevailed, ; : : jVr. Ellis introduced a resolution to. allow the Engrossing Clerks to- occupy the. Rooms, hereto fore allowed them; as sleeping apartments, Re jeeted. ." Mr. Coleman moved thai the. House adjourn, lost ' .. .Wr. Satterthwaite introduced a bill to incorpor ate a Lodge o( I. O. O. F, in the town of Green ville : Referrod to Committee on Private bills. Mr. Wooten introduced a bill to alter the time of holding the Superior and County Courts of Lenoir County : Relerred to Committee on Propositions and Grievances. Mr. Hayuian introduced a resolution to send a message lo tho Senate proposing to raise a Joint select Committoe ot live Irom eacn liouse on toe Swamp lands of Ihe State : adopted. . . ilfr, lagan introduced a bill concerning Slaves : Relerred lo Committee on Propositions and Griev ances. Mr. McMullen introduced a bill to amend an act incorporating the Milton Female Academy, in the County ol Caswell. Mr. Wilkin introduced a bill to discourage fri volous prosecutions; Referred to Commute? on Judiciary.. Mr. Slinford introduced a resolution requiring the Committee appointed to consider the propriety ol establishing a .Medical Board, to enquire also into the propriety ot regulating the Fees ol Physi cians. , ' ' "" ; On motion of Mr. Vooten,the House ai'joumed. : SATur.BAY, Dec. 9,1813 , SENATE. A message was received from the Common, informing that that House wa3 ready to receive the Senate at 12 o'clock, for the purposo of count ing tho votes for Governor. Mr. Woodfin, from the Judiciary committee, re ported the bill to amend the 10th section of ch. 31, Rev. Statutes, with an amendment Also, the bill to amend the 15th sec. of ch. 102, Rev. Statutes, entitled an act lor the collection and management of the Revenue of Hue State, with a Uiendinents, and recommended its passage. Also, the bill to amend the sec' ol the ch. Rev. (statutes, with amendments, and recommend ed its passage. Theso bills he over. Also, the I nil to expedite the trial of anils at law, belonging to the original jurisdiction of the Supremo Court, and recommended its rejection. Also, a bill to provide for tlie payment of wit nesses before a Clerk aru! Master fn Equity, or Commissioner for taking depositions, or taking an account ; which biil pamed its hrst reading. ' Mr. Rogers oQered the following Preamble and Resolution, via: W iihiif.au, by the Constitution of the United States, it is provided that the Sena to ot the United States shall consist of two Senators from each State, chosen by the legislature thereof : ,tii ichtrras, bv the Constitution of tin State, the leg islative minority is vested in two distinct uranch es, both dependant on the people, to-wit, a Senate an 1 House of Commons : 'And irhertas, tho mem bers of the Senate and House of Commons of tho ljoiilature of this Stat', derive their seats from the sovereign people of their districts ami counties respectively : And whereas, an election of a Uni ted States. Senator to .represent ths State in the Congress of ihe United States, for 'sis years, from and a Iter tlie tth of March next, devolves upon the present 'General Assembly : And whereas, the' said United States Senator,' when elected,, is the servant and representative. of the. wJiole peoplepf the State : And whereas, it is both right and expe dient that the people of YaiYcy county should have a.voic.e in tlie election of s;iid United Stales Sen ator ; And. whereas, an election vyas held on yes terday, the Sell instant, in the said county of Yan. y, for ,i i.vei.er in ;.,e i.n.er branch of the Legis liituri!, wjiich iiietnber elect will probably tako his seat by the 20th instant: . Thertj'm-e, ; be it Remind, That a message be sent to the House of CV.mniOns, proposing .that .the two Houses shall go into an election of United States Senator on the 2l)tli instant, at 12 o'clock.., 'Mr; Woodlin said, in order lhat the bill of rights laid on tlie table yesterday might accompany this preamble and resolution, he moved to lay thein on the table... . : ''.". : ;;. " .Tlio Yeas and Nays being called for on 1'iis mo tion, they were taken, and resulted as follows : Yeas 2d :; Nays; 23.. The Speakir then voted in -the Negative, ami the motion did 'not prevail. Mr. 'Giliuer nioved to amend by adding the. fol lowing: ; ... : . l& stil ml, further, That, in the election of Uni ted States Senator, the members of this General I Asseniblv should represent the political opinions 1 of a majority of the people of ihe whole State, as clearly ascertained on the 7th of November last. , Mr. Bower moved to amend the amendment, by striking out " 7lli of November lust," and insert ing "3d of August last, in the election of mem bers of this legislature.". '., .. . . '. Mr. Halsey moved id lay the amendment and tho amendment to Ihe amendment on the table.i. ; The Chair stated the question, and ruled that it carried the whole subect with it. Whereupon. Mr. Halsey withdrnw his motion. : ,; Mr. Thomas, of Davidson, moved that the whole gnlyoct-.be postponed indefinitely, and called for the Yeas and Nays ; which were taken as. follows ;" leas 21, Nays i!ri. ' Tiie question then recurred on tlie amendment proposed by the Senator from Ashe, to the amend ment of the Senator from Uuiltiird.. ' , A considerabio discussion ' took place here, be fween Mousra. Gilmer, .VVoodiiii and Kendall on the one side, and Messrs. Ashe, Bower a5J Con ner, on the other ; when A message was received: from the House of Commons, informing the Seaate ihiil.they were ready to proceed to the joint , order of the two Houses in counting the votes for Governor. ,.' The iS'enate, .preceded by their S peaker, then re paired to the Commons Hall. Ilaving relumed, and (he Chair being resumed by the Spcakvr, The question being on Mr. Bower's amendment to the amendment of Mr. Gilmer, r.Mr, Kendall made a short speech, and, without taking the question, . v . The .Senate adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. A message was received from tho Senate, adopt ing the resolution fixing the tune for comparing the votes lor Governor, on to-day at 12 o'clock. A messago was received from the Senate, con curring in tlie proposition from Ihe I louse to raise a Joint Select committee to consider the propriety of establishing a Medical Board. Mr. Shufoid withdrew the resolution presented by bun on yesterday, in relation to the regulation of the Fees oi Physicians. The .Spe-.'ker presented to the House a commu nication in relation to the contested election in the comity ol Surry : Referrod to the committee on Privileges and Elections. A niessago was received from the Senate, trans mitting the bill to incorporate the Deep River Mining Company ; also, a resolution in . favor of the Sheriff of Yancy county t Also, a resolution for the relief of the Clerk ol the County Court of '.Cumberland. '"'': :: V ;. Mr. Dobbin molrd for the second reading of tho last resolution : Carried. The. resolution passed second and third readings. ' ' - A messago was received from the Senate, re fusing toconcur in the proposition to raise a joint select committee to consider the propriety of erect ing seatsont side the bar of the Houses. Mr. McDowell, of Iredell, moved to send a mes sage to the Senateproposing lo vote immediately for Supreme Court Judgo. , Mr. Stanly .moved to lay this proposition on tlie table. . Carried. .. Mr. Coftield introduced a bill to nmond an act entitled an act to prevent obstructions to the pas sage of hsh up the Roanoko. Referred to com mittee on Private bills. Mr. Hayman introduced, a memorial and bill to repeal an act entitled an act to prevent obstructions to the passage of fish up the Tar and Pamlico Ri vers. Relerred tt tlie committee on Propositions and Grievances. Mr. Barrmger introduced a biff in relation to Militia Liws, accompaniod by Resolutions of a Military ('onv-ujiiion. Referred to committee on Military Affairs. Mr. Stanly presented six memorials from citi zens of Beaufort county, in relation to the militia laws. Referred to the comuiiltoe on Military Af fairs. . " Mr. Steele introduced certain resolutions in re lation to tlie militia laws. Referred to committee on Military Affairs. Mr. Sheek introduced a bill providing for amend ment to the Constitution ot the State, in relation to tho qualification of voters. Referred to committee on Judiciary, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Me bane, from the committee of Finance, reported unfavorably to the bill to amend tho Rev etnie Laws of tho State, The bill did wot pass 2d reading. . The same gentleman reported badi to the House, with amendments, the bill to increase the revenue of the Slabs, and recommend its passage Mr. Ellis moved to print the bill and the amend ments, and make it the order of day tor Thura dav next. Carried. ' Mr. Paiue, from the committee on the JtiiBciary, ro jrted bacft to the Honsevand recommended the passage f, tho bill to amend an act concerning Sherifls. Mr. Hicks moved ta lay tlie hill on the table. : Mr. Walsef moved to recommit tlie' bill. !,t The nueslion recurring on the motionof Mr. Hicks, I was lost. Tlj? hill pawed second readinj.' Mr. Paine, from tin? saine committee, reported unfavorably to the bill for. the relief of. witnesses, iii law suits removed from one county to another.; and on motion of Mr. Caiiip!)ell, the bill ivas inde finitely postponed . . ' .. Mr,, Nichols, from .the committee on Claims, ; -re-portrd.favonrably to the resolution in favr.T of the Clerk of the. County Court of Murim. Tiie reso- : lution passed 2nd reading,'- Also, fivorably to the bill to a mend an n et enti tled an act to iticorporato the town of Monroe ; passed 2nd reading. Also, fivorably to the bill for tiie relief of J is. Stuart, ot .'Cherokee ceunty ; 'passed "i reading. . -Also, favorably to the. resohitioii in: favor of Win. Angel; passed 2nd reading: .. Also, iiiif.iyora.bly to the resolution in favor of Geo. Penlahd. . Upon this last lieport, a debate sprung up, which was cut short by the Speaker iiiinouueing the arrival of tho hoar for counting the votes for Governor. 1 : .'.The' Members of the House arraug.'d themselves on one side of tlie Hall ; and the- Men.V rs of live Senate entered tlie Hall, preceded by their t'pe.ik... er, (Mr. (iraves) aiui took possession of llifi other; side,. The following gentlemen were, appointed Tellers : on the part of the Senate, Mr; Patterson, and on the part of the House, -Messrs.: Afebane anj Ceiuts. '.",'-,";:. :'':.:. Mr. Speaker Graves then, proceeded tn. open the returns made by tlie Shorilis, which were read by the Principal Clerk of the. Senate (Mr: M.iler.) . After tlie reading of tiie returns 'had been con cluded, Mr. Patterson rejiorted that ihe 'Pollers on the part of the two Houses hud discharged their dtity,andThat Charles jlfaniy h,ul. received a ma jority of 854 votes. Whereupon, 1 he Speaker of lite Setiale. .declared Charles Manly duly elected (jovernor of thebaic of North Carolina, for two years, from. 1st January next.,., -; The Senators having .retired,- the House was called to order, a ud Mr. S,tanly moved to reconsi-.' dor' the, .Vole; on. the resolutioo to raise a J jint Se lect committee of live from each ILmse, on the Swaihp Lands. Curried, . Mr. S. then moved to increase the committee, by nijK.iiiiting .five on the part of . the Senate, and seven on the part of the House. On motion, of Mr. Leach, of Davidson, the House adjourned. ;'''. '..'.''' SENATE. Moxn.vv, Dec. 11. Sir. Shepard nioved that the mo6.;ago of the Go. vernor, and the other papers, in relation to a Rail road Irom Raleigh to Charlotte, be relerred to a Select Committee of five. . Tho Senate then proceeded to tlie consideration of the unfinished business, being the amendment; ol Mr. Bower to the amendment offered by Mr. Gilmer, to the Preamble .and Resolution -introduced, by Mr. Rogers.on Saturday (for which see that day's proceedings.) ; Mr. Washington called for a division of the question, so that it: he first taken on striking out : which motion was put, and decided in the nega tive, yeas 21, nays 26. .: The question tlien recurred upon the amend ment offered by the Senator from Guilford, which was a creed to : yoaslifi, nays 22. The question was then taken on the adoption of the Preamble and .Resolution, as amended.aud de cided in the affirmative, Yeas 31 ; Nays 17. The Senate voted lor Supremo Court Judge as follows: Strange 24 ; Pearson I'd; Buttle 8. The. chair announced the, committee on the con nection of the Raleigh ami Gaston Railroad with Charlotte, viz : . Messrs., Sh 'pard, Walker, Bell,, Hawkins and Gilmer. Mr. Washington introduced a Resolution to pay tho agent lor ihe Public Anns in Newbern, certain claims for his services ; referred to Committee on Claims. ' - :,,:' -. : Mr. Halsey offered the following Preamble and Resolution, which were unanimously adopted, and ordered to be transmitted to the Honse of Commons for concurrence, viz : .Whereat, the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, now in session, have witnessed, with profound admiration, the zealous labors of Miss D. L. Dix.of Now York, in the cause of the "suffering Insane'1 within our borders, and Whereas, this body is desirous of testifying its respect and gratitude for the enlarged and noble philanthropy winch has prompted theso labors; It is Resolved, That the thanks of the People of this Stato are due ; and through this General As sembly, representing the people, are hereby tender, ed to, that amiable Christian Philanthropist, for her sell sacrificing devotion to the cause ot those un fortunate sons and daughters ol North Carolina, whos? claims she has so ably and eloquently urged. Resoloed, further, That ins Excellency, the Go vernor, bo requested to transmit to Miss Dix a copy of the above Prcainblo and Rcsohuions. The Committee appointed to superintend the elec tion ot Supreme Court Judge, reported that there was no election. Mr. Washington introduced a lull to secure the title lo purchasers ol land sold under execution. Read 1st tune, and. referred lo Committee on the Judiciary. ' Mr. Bower, a bill limiting the limp of tho service of Sheriffs. Provides lhat a Sheriff shall not serve longer than two terms. Passed 1st reading. Air. Move, a bill to incorporate Mount Lebanon Lodge, in Edgocombe. Passed 1st reading. Mr. Walker, a bill to incorporate Mecklenburg Agricultural Society. Referred to committee on Internal Improvements. The Semite then proceeded to vote for Supreme Court Judge, the name of the Hon. Wm. U. Bat tle being withdrawn from the nomination, as fol lows: Strange 24; Pearson 26. Mr. ine introduced a t ill to incorporate the Island Ford Manufacturing Company, at Frank linsville, in RanAilph ; passed 1st reading. Mr. Washington, a bill to emancipate Lewis. Williams, a slave:, which, with the accompanying letter, was luferred to the commiitee on Proposi tions and Grievances. ' Alsoa bill to amend ihe act pssscd in f8 l6,pn titktt an act toestabhsh a Depot ol Arms at New- ! bent. Passed its lirst rending. , j- Mr. Walker presented a memorial from the I Board of Superintoudani.t of Common Schools of Mecklenburg ; winch was referred to the commit- teo on Education; Mr. Woodlin, a memorial praying Vor the ap pointment ol a special officer, culled Tax Col lector. Referred to the cmniiutme on Finance. J A mWH.ige was received Irom tlie lioiuio of Conimons,.tr,ins!iiitiing the R?pnrt of the Pub! Treasurer, and istatemeut of the Bank of the Statu;, and Newbern Bank, with a -proposition to print ("occurred in. - Also, propnoihg to raise U Jdiiit Select cahimit-. tee, of seven on the part of tho Home,, aiid five, on the part of Ihe Sl'iiate. on thesubj-ct of Swauui. . .Lands-.. ; ' ;'.. The committee on : .Elect ion of Siipreme Court. Judge, repoitcd. lhat. there was no election. . - Mr. M n.rchif'ou inlrodured a bill to niter the Re vised Soitutes, oh. IDt. Passed Ut ren.ling, anil referred to the CominiUee on Propositions-' and Grievnnees. - . - .Tfie'Spiiivte then voted for Supreme Court Judge, as follows: 'Strange 24, Pearson 2G. . - The engrossed bill from tho House to divide m county of Siukes. BiiJ forin a new county to I19 called Forsythe, was taken hp read the third tima and p-'e-sed, ,yaas'3-, N11V3 !). ..Vr. Lillington from the coiiiiuittee on the elec tion of Supreme Court, Judge, reported lhat the Hon. Richmond M, Pearson was duly elected; Tlie bill to Incorporate the to-,v;i of Asheviild was read the .third time and passed. .,; ,.; Mi. Gilinor nioved Mint a message be nent to the House of Commons, proposing to vote for cir cuit court Judge, to (ill the vacancy caused by Jhi accept, nee of the Hon. It. M Pear, on 0r a seat on the Supreme Court Beech, and nominating thrj Hen in. H. Bittle tor Ihs app-i.itinent Ayea 2 1. N.iys 2 1. The chair voted in the negative, and the motion way rejected. The following bills passed their second reading: To -unite the Roanoke Railroad and Roanoko and Seaboard Railroad, and fnrolher purposes; .. To a lter the time of holding the Spring and . Fall ; terms of Cleveland county courts. ,- ,1 0 incorporate the town ol Shelby in Clevclaml . county ; To incorporate Phalanx Lodge No1. 10. I. O. O; P. in the town of Washiiiffton ; ". ,, To authorise the Roanoko Navigation Company tobocome commou carriers on Roanoke, Dan and Staunton Rivers ; To incorporate Macon Academy, in tlie count of Wayne. . . . . . The following bills were road the second time and laid upon the table for the present : To provide for Ihe payment of witnesses beford a Clerk and Muster, or Commissioner to take ac counts ; . .,.--.. To lay oft" and establish a new County to be" called Watauga, out of parts of Ashe, Yancy, Caldwell and Wilkes. ;. And then tho Senate adjourned orrtil 10 o'clock to-morrow. To the Em lew or the Tnn.s : Sik : In you paper of the 1st Dccemlier, I see an article signed V A Whig," in which the writer attempts to exculpate those Whigs who nominated and voted for Mr. Busbee, for Principal Clerk of the House of Commons, and by which Mr. Wad- dell was defeated. Now, it is matt-r of very littlo consequence to the defeated party, how his defeat Was accomplished; but it is a matter of some im portance to those Wings, who voted for Waddell, that they should not be placed in the wrong ; and, for tins purpose, 1 propose to show from what A Whig says himself, that his statement is incor rect ; and that, in his zeal to vindicate prabably himself and the other 17 Whigs who voted for Busbee, he has contradicted himself. First : He says, (I; quote his langiKige,) " It had Ixsen agreed upon, without a dissenting voice, that Mr. Liltle john should le supported for the office of Chief Clerk of tlie House of Commons." Mark this mdeof the picture ! And then tho following j " Besides this, many of our Whig friends thought it was duo to the Democrats to give them a por tion of these offices, as parties were so closely di vided." Now if this wore the case, how comes it to pass tlrat " It Ind been agreed upon without a dissenting voice, that Mr. Utllejohn should be sup ported for the office of Chief Clerk of the House of Commons" 1 Here is an inconsistency too glaring to need comment and the writer of the article signed A Whig mast have forgotten thai lie Dad written the hrst sentence when he penned the lust. ,. Again : He nays " several members, I know, voted for Mr. Busbee, who would have pre- terred Waddell to all others ; but were taken by surprise ami displeased at hi nomination, under the circumstances before Spoken of." Well then, Ibis last must be'tlic reason of the vote giver, by Ihoso 18 Whigs who were fired by the application of Steele and not tlie concert of action beforo urged to concentrate upon Mr. Littlejohn, or tho thoughts of Whigs " that it was due to tho Demo crats to give them a portion of the offices." gain: A Whig, in saying " It bad been agreed upon without -a dissenting voice, that Mr. Little john should lie supported," Sic. is mistaken ; for, if this were true, how did it happen that 8 Whig upon the first ballot voted for Waddell ? and Lit tlejohn, the candidate without a dissenting voice-, got but 32 votes ? and ttpon the second ballot, this regular nominee " without a dissenting voice," re ceived but 14 votes? Tell this, to the Marines, Mr. Whig. Again : the Richmond Knight .as no1' excuse lor his move on the political chess board ; tor, as has been very properly remarked by your self, in a 'Editorial on this subject, Mr. Steele publishes a card showing the names of those ' Whigs who voted with hiin on the second b illot for Busbee hut does A otter any exctimt for the first ' vote he gave for Busbee himself being tol'ttm i and alone 1 Arncts. JOH PUIXTING, &c. IT THB TIMER OFFICE being voll aupplie- ' with a iod assortment of JOB TYPli, we arsr prepared tor j'rinling, neatly, all kinds of . Circular?, Carij. ant) fiaiiibilla. r I and other work, with desi;ir.ch, upon roasonabl I Inrirm. A H'lirn nf uti .li t,u(rnTiaivA (m l,I- .. ....... ... j... j.. ., MI nju j-f of busiufjsj, is rujpectliilly lulicitod. -

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