TrvK i FarWJfcMmt ! PUBLISHED -WEEKLY. BY CII. C. RABOTEAU, 1 EDITOR iXD fROPRIETOR. TERMS: $2 50 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE, OR $3.00 IF riY.UE.YT IS DELAIEB SIX "UOSTIIS. VOL. IT. RALEIGH, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1849. NO. 5. TP ATT -TWFfMl j.-j-r - :""v ML:, k TERMS. The Nom-h-Cssoi is Times will be sent to Sub .cribem at Two Dollars and o half pur annum, if paid in advance. Three Dollars will be charged, if pay. irn-ut is .delayed x moutiis. These Terms will be in variably adhered to. ADVERTISEMENTS. For every Sixteen linen, or !, One Dollar for the first, and Twenty-five Ciiats for eaeb aulei'jer.t in-. scrl1oii. Court Ordeis, A.c. will be charged 25 per cent, higher; but u reasonable deduetiou will be made to those who advertwe by the year. O" Letters ea business, aud all Comnmaieations iiitemlod for publication, must be addressed to the ' Editor, and jk paid. Sate LEGISLATURE. SENATE. ' -""' ..- Fkiiuv, Dec. 22. Mr. Patterson, from the. committee on Internal 'improvements, made a report on the bill to extend , the charter for a Bridge over Pasquotank river, recommending its passage. Lies over. Mr. Halsey introduced a resolution, providing . that (lie Speaker of the two Houses inform Hon. , Geo. K. Badger of his election a U. S. Senator. - Mr. Berry offored a Preamble and Resolution, calling upon the Public Treasurer for information relative to the liabilities of the Slate for works of Internal Improvement from 1817 to tho present time. . . ' -,'.':; ';'. Mr. Patterson moved an amendment, providing . that the Public Treasurer be authorised to employ such assistance as he may require, in preparing j the information called for. Carried. Mr. Iklsey moved an amendment to the amend ment, being a )roroo that the information can be obtained before the close of the present session. Carried. ' . ': " The resolution, as amended, was then adopted Yeas 33, Nays 4. .Mr. Ciiliner presented a bit! for the emancipation of a slave in Guilford, accompanied by a memo- rial, which wore referred to the committeo on Pro positions and Grievances. ' 'iWr. Walker, a bill to incorporate the Charlotte " Fire Engine Company. Passed first reading. " Mr. lialsey, a bill io amend the 4th sect, of 10th . ch. Rov. Slat, relating to Bail. Passed 1st reaq ing, and referred to committee en the Judiciary. '" The Chair announced a message from the "' House transmitting a Report from the Public Trea surer, in relation to the School Fund ; with a pro position to print. '; .'' Also, a communication from the Oovemor,tra"n ' Wilting Report of the Board of Trustees of the University ; sent to the House with a proposition to print. Air. VVoodfin, from the Judiciary Committee, to- ported the resolution in favor of the Executors of the late Jos. J. Uamel, aud recommended us pag ,'. sago. '. '; "" , ."'.,.'' Mr. Smith, from the committee on the Library, asked to be discharged from the further considera tion of the resolution in relation to a Afap of the State. Referred to committee on Geological, dw. ' Survey of the State. ' 1 ' Mr, Washington, from tlie Judiciary committee, to whom wag referred the bill to regulate the duty of Constables in Unslow county, reported a bill as a substitute ; passed first rending. Mr. Woodfin, from the same committee, to whom was referred tlie bill to confer on the Conits cer tain power with regard to Lunatics, reported the ' tame, and recommended its passage. Also, the resolution in relation to Deeds of Trust, asking to be discharged from its farther eonsidcra- tion. ... r ' Also, reported a bill concerning the Navigation of Albemarle (Sound. Lie over. 1.1 r. Rogers presented a bill to indemnify own ers of Slaves convicted of felony. Referred to committee on Propositions and Grievances. Bills passed their first reading To amend the laws regulating the inspection of . Turpentine; . : ,. j . -i . .. To lay off and establish V new cocntr by the n uno of Watauga. On tliis bill Mr, Smith call . ed for the A yea and Noes. The; were taken as follows : Av'es 30 ; Noes 15. So tlie bill passed.! : Mr. Jlalsoy then called tip the bill for the relief ot Executors and Admln'ttrulors ; which was read tlie third time. :. .. - . Ar. Smith offered two additional sections to tlie bill; which obtained ; and the bill as amended, passed us tlurd readme - . Mr. Gilmer, from tlie Finance committee, lo whom was referred tlie memorial of (lie Wilming ton and Kaleigli Rail Kond Company,'- reported a , bill ; ordered lo lie upon the table and be primed. ' The Senate took upthe order of the day, being : the bill to provide fur a Turnpike Road west to tlie line of die Hlnte'ol ueorgia. . - A discussion took - place between Messrs. VVoodfin, Conner and Pat terson. ' ' ' ' ' :' i ' Mr. Conner moved in amendment, lo (strike out Salisbury, aa the starling point of tlie road, ttnd insert Charlotte, by way of Beaties' Ford, thence . the direct route to Alorganton. m ; ( Mr. Gilmer moved that the further consideration of this bill and amendment be postponed, and made the order of the day for Thursday next.: Carried. Mr. Smith offered a reaolulion, that when the . Senate adjourn lo morrow, it adjourn to meet sgain on Wednesday neit. . ,s - . ' Mr. Bethel moved to strike Ortt Wednesday and insert Tuesday. Carried. . Mr. Lillingion moved to tend a message to thp House, proponing that tlie two Hotisea adjourn from 8attinh.y to Tuesday. Agreed to. ' The Seuate then adjourned. - HOUSK OF COMMONS. . ; ; Mr. Trull pre senled a Memorial, which was re ferred to tlie committee on Propositions and Griev . ancee. On nwtion of .Ifr. 8. J. Person, the committee on Privileges and Elections were granted leave to tit during the nersinnt ef the HouKi ; The following bills were uitrodnred and passed . tfteir first reading, rit: by, Mr. Dobbin, In incor jr.te a Plank rtimd- C'ompsiay between Fayctte . illo and tlHlifbury ;nrilered lobe printed. By Mr. Carmirhael to exirml the authority of the Justices i't ibe Peace in Wilkrt county ; referred to the committee on Private Bills. By Mr. Logan, au thorizing the chairman of Common Schools in ttutherlord to pay over the share of the School Fund due Polk county, to the chairman of Common Scliool8 in the latter county ; referd to the com-1 mitiee on Private Bills. By Mr. Humrick, for dividing tho Regiment in Cleaveland oounty ; re- lerred to the CominiireeVon Military Affairs. By Mr. Nichols, atucndiitor.iW the 3d Section of the 88lh Chajitcr of tlie fttvlbied Statutes, 'concerning Patrol; referred to the committee on tho Judicia ry. By Mr. McCleese, lo amend an Act, entitled an Act to lay off a Turnpiko Road from Hyde county to Tyrrell ; referred to committee on liner- nal Improvement, By .Mr. McDowell, lo incor porate Statesville Male Academy ; referred to the committee on Education. By Mr. Gambill, to lay off and establish a Road in Wilkes and Ashes re ferred to the committee on Internal Improvement. By Mr. McMullen, instructing the committoe on Finance to enquire into the expediency of increas ing the tux on Retailors of Spirit ubus'Liquora. By Mr, Caldwell, of Guilford, a Resolution mvini? escheated property to the Literary Fund, instead of the University. By Sir. Coffield. cxemntinfr Volunteers from Military duty ; referred to commit tee on Military Affairs. By Mr. White, to alter an Act concerning Roads in Iredell county ; re ferred to committeeon Propositions and Grievances. By Mr. 8. J. Person, a Re-olution in favor of James Turner, of Stanly preferred to the commit tee on Private Bills. Mr. Paine, from the committee on the Jadicia. ry, made reports on several subjects. the claim ot Hall and Kincev was returned from the appropriate committee, and its allowance recommended. The committee on Propositions and Grievances reported unfavorably to the erection of a new county to be called Wilson, and recommendsd its rejection. ; '.-. . Mr. Courts spoke on the merits of the bill and in favor of tho report of the committee ; and Mr. Sat tcrthwaite iu favor of the erection of the new countv.' ' . ' The Speaker announced the arrival of the hour for taking up the order of the day, viz : the estab lishment ot an Asylum lor the Insane, when Air. uoblxn moved to amend the bill by insert- ing 1 3-1 cents on every Si 00 worth of pronertv. anu o i- cents on every roll, tor tour years, leav ing tho county court the liberty to reduce the Poor Tax, if found onerous. Mr, Dobbin then went into a most able and elo quent defence of the bt!l and its objects ; at the close of which, tho amendment proposed bv him was a- dopted, and the bill passed its second reading Ayea tut ; woes tv. " Mr. Stanly then moved the guspension of the Rules, in order that the bill might be put upon its third reading, which was carried, and phased its third reading Ayes 91 j Noes, 9 ! uri motion, the Mouse then adjourned. SENATE. Saturday, Dee. S3. Mr. Shopard presented a memorial for a tax on licenses to retail Ardent Spirits. Referred to tlie committee on Propositions and Grievances. Mr. Walker a memorial from Mecklonburp-. Tor an act to Incorporate a band of mnsic. . Referred to the committee on Military Affairs. Nr. fchepard, trom tne committee on Education, reported bill to amend the arts on the subject of Common Schools. Laid on the table nnd ordered to be printed. " air. walker, trom the eommmeoon Propositions and Grievances, to whom was referred the petition of sundry citizens of Wake Forest; reported a bill lor the further protection ot take f orest College. Passed its first reading. ' ' ' ' Mr. Patterson, irom tbe committee on internal Improvement, to whom was referred a bill and res olutions on tin subject of tho Clubfoot and Har low s Creek Canal, reported a substitute bill to authorise the Board of In tor nal Improvement to dispose of said Canal. Laid npon tlie table and ordered to be prin'ed. 1 Mr. Washington, from the committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred a bill to amend the Kevised Statutes entitled buanltana ' and Wards, reported a substitute; lies over, and or dered to be printed, ' ' Mr. Lane offered a resolution in favor of Hancock. Referred to committee on Claims. Mr. Patterson, instructing the committee on Fi nance' to inquire into tho expediency of increasing the tax for licenses to retail spirituous liquors. A message was received from the House, propo sing to go into- an election for Supreme Court Judge at ii o'clock, to fill die vacancy created by the resignation of Jge Battle, and informing that ins lion, iv. m. reaniin was in nomination lor the appointment. CmJyirre'd in. . Mr. Woodfin presented 1 bill to establish a toll bridge on French Broad Ritcr ; Mr. Lane, a bill lo incor jorate Union Manufac turing Company; ' - Mr. Woodfin, a bill to appoint Commissioners for the new bridge aver French Broad River ; Mr. Bower, a bill extending the time for perfect ing titles to lands heretofort entered ; A bin to provide tor the settlement of estates in the ha ml of executors and administrators, and for the relief of the same, was laid over. " Theliills to incorporate- Ackore Lodse, No. 14, I.O.O. F t To incorporate Die ton of Wilson, in Edee- conibi were read the sccead time and passed.- l Ueenate then voted lor Judge- of the Su preme Court as lbUows-Pearson 26 ; Calvin Grares 1 -. - The bill to incorporate a Femnlo College x Anson.) the engrossed resolution in favor of Pen der GrilBn the one in lasor of M. O. Dickerson ; the bill to revive an act to Incorporate Jackson ville, in Onslow : passed (heir second readins. Mr. Woodiiu introduced a restitution in favor of James Atkins ; also in fnvor of Thomas Loring. Pased their first reading. i . The bill to incorporate the Charlotte Fire Engine Company, passed its second reading. Mr. bxmn, from tlie committee- on Election of Supreme Court Judge, reported that Judge Pear son was duly elected, j.; ' , . j Mr. Thomas, of Haywood, introdnced a petition on the subject of a new county. Referred to the committee on Proposition and Grievances. And then the Senate adjourned to Tuesday . HOUSE OP COMMOSS. A nieange from tlie Governor, eonjinunicsting the reeiirnation of James Webb, Esq. as Trustee of the University, which was read and accepted and ordered to be sent to the Senate. Mr. J. Gamble presented a memorial from citi zens of Wilkes comity, praying the appropriation of one thousand dollars to lay off a public Road trom Wilkesboro to intersect with the State Koad, leading from Jonesville to John Woodruff's in Aaha Comity ; which was rttforred to the Ootaaiit tee on Internal Improvements, Mr, Mebane presented a bill to repeal an act, entitled "an act to amend the Revised Vututes, entitled Religious Societies," which was read the 1st tune and passed, and referred to the Committee on Propositions anil Grievances. . Mr. Mci.leeso introduced a bill to amend an Act passed at the Session of the last General As sembly, entitled " an act to provide for the appre hension ol Runaway Slaves in the Great Uismal A'.vamp and lor other purposes," and to extend the same, which was road the hrst tune and passed, and referred, on motion of Mr. McC, to a Select Committee of three from the counties of Beaufort, Hyde and Washington. Messrs. Stanly, rarrow and Nichols were appointed to compose said Com mittee. Mr. S. J. Person introduced a bill to incorporate a Mutual Life Insurance Company, Referred Id committee on Private Hills. On motioir of Mr Paiue, the House sent a message lo the Senate, proposing to go into the e lection at 12 o'clock, of a Supreme Court Judge, rice Judgx Battle, resigned.. Mr. Mebane introduced a bill to amend (tie 16th section of the 31st chapter of the Revised Sta tutes, entitled ' Courts of Equity." Read and re ferred to the committee on the J udiciary. Mr. Courts, from the committee on Propositions nnd Grievances, reported unfavorably to the bill providing for Tax, Collectors in the several coun ties in this State. Rend second time and rejected. Mr. Courts, from the same committee, reported bicktotho Houso the bill to annex a part of Burke County to the County of Catawba, with an amendment ; which was road the second time, and laid on the table. Mr. Dancy, from the committee on Private Bills, reported several bills of a private or local nature among others, one for amending an act of 1846 relative to laying off a Road from Ashville lo Burnsville, in Yancy also for amending the law of '1.8-10 in relation to the Hickoryuut Turnpiko. j The Senate concurring in the proposition to go I into an election of Supreme Court Judge, tho e- J lection took place and resulted in the choice of Judge Pearson to fill the vacancy. M r. Cherry, in behalf of a majority of the same committee, reported unfavorably to tlie bill for the belter regulation ot Common Schools. Mr. Mebane presented the- Report of Wm. B. Thompson, Esq., Engineer npon the Cape Fear and Deep Rivers : which on his motion was or dered to be printed M r. Broaden, from the Select committee to whom was referred a bill to locate, the county seat of Polk county, on the lands of Elizabeth Jones, in said county, with sundry memorials on the subject, made an adverse report thereon. On motion of Mr. Logan, the bill was laid on the table. , . . Mr. Brogden, from the same committee, report-, ed a bill for repealing the act for laying off tlie Courts of Potk, which was read the first time and passed. On motion of Mr. Satterthwaite.the House took a recess until four o'clock. : ' . Tho evening session was not characterisedby5 any proceeuiujjs ui pjwciui miurubi, SENATE. . v . Tuesday, Dec. 20. Mr, Thomas, of Haywood, presented the petition of tlie Cherokee Indians of Cherokee County. Referred to the committee oa Proposition aud Grievances. . . Mr. Patte(on,a petition of sundry citizens of Wilkes, praying for a new county. Referred to same committee. Mr. Shepard, from the committee to whom the Message ol the Governor relating to onr early Co lonial History wits referred, reported a resolution authorizing the Governor to obtain documents, &c. which pasaed its first rending, and with the report, was ordered to be printed. Mr. Patterson introduced a bill to amend an act passed at the last session entitled an act to provide for the sale of certain Lands in Cheroke and Ma con counties, which passed its first reading, and was referred to the committee on Cherokee Lands. Mr. Halsey, a bill to amend tho 6th section of the set ol last session, to provide lor a re-assessment of tlie lands of this State, dec, which pass ed its nrst reading. Mr. Conner, a bill to authorize the erection ol Gates across a public highway in Gaston County ; which, with a memorial, was referred to the com- nnttee on Propositions and linevances. The Cbair presented two packages of deposi tions in the Contested Election case from Orange. Referred to committee on Privileges and Mictions. Also, a message Irom tlie Governor, In reply to a series of resolutions ol inquiry as to tlie Mates liabilities, ccc, which was laid upon tlie table, and ordered to bs printed, ten copies for each member. Tbird reading and pussago ot Jdillsand Resolu tions, : if s : To incorporate a Female Academy in Anson; To incorporate Ackore Lodge, I. O. O. F.-No, ill. LMS..k.k fW . " .... It, 111 UIIMWIU .IfcT t lo, incorporate the town of ilson, in bdge comb ; .' : To incorporate the Charlotte Fire Engine Com pany j'-. '" . -.-If!-: I" - r :' To revive the act incorporating the Town of Jacksonville, in Unslow.. ... Resolutions in favor of M. O. Dickerson t for the relief of Pender Griffin, The resolutions in favor of lames W. Walton in favor of Thomas Loring ; passed tlieir second aud third reading. Also the bill to authorise J. A. Moore, late Sheriff of Caldwell, to collect ar rears of taxes. The bills to appoint Commissioners of the new C.iJge over Freuru Broad river; to extend the lime lor perlecling titles to lands heretofore enter ed t to incornoratftiho Union Manufacturing Com pany ; to esiablitlrVtoU bridge over French Broad river ; for the f nrtlier protection of Wake Forest Cohege ; to incorporate Perquimans Academy for the belter protection of Seines and Nets; to ex tend the duration of a charter for a bridge across Pasquotank river ; were read tho third time and passed. Mr. Willcy introduced a resolution in favor of the Sheriff ot Gates referred to tlie committee on Claims, .. The bills for the further protection of Wako Forest College ; to incorporate Perquimans Acad emy ; and to extend the duration of a Charter for a bridge across Pasquotank river, were also read the third lime and passed. Mr. Shepard called up tho bill to amend the laws for the collection and management of a Revenue for the State ; which bill was read the second time, amended, and passed. And then the Senate adjeurned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Mr, Hayes introduced a bill to amend an Act authorizing a Uridge over a certain river. Refer red to committee on Propositions and Grievances. Mr.- Atkm introduced a bill, accompanied by a petition, to attach a portion of Yaucy county to the county of Buncombe. Referred to committee on Private Bills. Mr. Cornell! introduced a bill to incorporate the Williamston Library Association, in the county of Martin. Referred to tlie committee on Private Bills, . Also, A bill to amend the acts for tho better regula tion of the town of Williamston. Referred to committee on Private Bills. Mr. Courts, from the committee on Propositions and Grievances, reported unfavorably to the bill to repeal an act relative to hshing in Tar and Pain- lico Rivers. On motion of Mr. Stanly, the bill i was laid on the table, , Mr. D-dBcy, from the committee on Private bills, reported back to the House, .with amendment, t' bill for the better regulation of the public hie , ways of Rutherford, and recommended its passage. The bill pacsed its 2d reading. The same gentleman reported favorably to the bill to consolidate and amend the several acts lor the better regulation of the Town of Concord. The bill passed its 2d reading. Mr. (Steele, from the committee on Military Af fair, reported back to the House tbe bill for lie ictter organization of the Mihtia of Cleaveland county, and offered a substitute and recommended its passage. The bill as amended passed its 2d reading. Mr. 1'igntt introduced a bill to incorporate Con cordia Lodge in the Town of Beaufort. Relerred to committee on Private Bills. ; The following Bills and Resolutions passed their third reading : To incorporate Monroe, in the county of Union. For the relief of James Stuart, of Cherokee county. A resolution in favor of the Clerk ol tlie County Court of Marlin County. In favor of. Win. Angel. A bill to extend tlie time of registering Grants, powers of Attorney, Sic. A bill concerning Sheriffs. Authorising the inspec tion of provitions. To incorporate Pamlico En campment, in the. Town of Washington, Giving the County Courts of Gaston exclusive jurisdiction over certain Road9. To secure the more certain administration of justice. To alter tho time of holding the Superior Courts for the county of Le noir. To amend an act to lay off and establish a new County to he called Catawba. To amend an act to incorporate the Town of Windsor, in the county of Bertie. To incorporate the Newbern Jlanulacturing Company. To incorporate 1 rus- tees of Antioch Academy, in Robeson county. To incorporate Lodge No. 17, of 1. O. O. r . in the Town of Greenville, in the county of Pitt. To incorporate Duplin Guards. To amend an act to lay on and establish the county ot alcUowell.- Moro effectually to suppress traffic with slaves. Concerning Weights and measures. A resolution for the relief of Young Patterson. A bill regula ting the duties of Slicritis. To amend an act to incorporate Orapeake Canal and Turnpike Com- puny. Authorizing Justices of Peace ot New lanovcr to sell the Poor House of said county. To incorporate Union Chapter in the county of Duplin. A resolution in favor of Hall & Kincey. A bill to amend the 49th chapter ot Kevised stat utes. ; To provide for taking depositions of wit nesses in suits pending in other States. A resolu tion for the relief ot the Clerk of tho County Court of New Hanover. A bill to incorporate Nense River Lodire of I. O. O. F. in Goldsboro'. To incorporate the Grand Lodge of I. O. O. F. of North Carolina. To amend an act to lay off a Road from Burnsville, in tbe county of Yancy, to Asheville, in Buncombe., To incorporate a V ol- untcer Company in the county of uke. - SENATE. ' ' 1 Wedkssdat, tfe4ft. Mr. Walker, from the' Committee on Proposi tions and Grievances, to whom was referred the petition of sundry citizens of Pasquotank, praying an additional tax on bpiritous Liquors, reported adversely, uracred to lie on loo table. Also, reported adversely on the bill to indemnify owners of slaves convicted of felony, and asked to be discharged Irom the turther consideration of the subject. Ordered to he on the table. Mr. Walker introduced a bin eivinir lonser time to register grants of land, mesne conveyances, power ol attorney, file, which was rear! the first time. Mr. Bower introdnced bill to lav off awl open a rnnd in Ashe and Yancy Counties. air. Washington, a bill to authorise the late Sheriff of Craven, to collect arrears of taxes. Bills passed third reading. To incorporate Un ion Manufacturing Company ; to establish a toll bridge on French Brimjl river; to exteod the time of perfecting titles to kDd, heretofore entered. 1 he Senate relused to agree to the raisins of a Joint Select Committee to inquire into the expedi ency of changing the time of holding tlu elec tions. A message was rece'rved from tlie Honsei trans. milting the memorial of A. Whitnev. on the sub. ject of a Rail-road to the Pacific Ocean praying that tbe same may be relerred to a Joint Select Committee. , . T, t On motion of Afr. WocJfrn, a Message ws sent to tne liouse, witn a proposition to raise said Com mittee. , The bfU to amend the act of last session to pro vido for a re -assessment of the lands of the State, and a more accurate enlistment of taxable polls, was referred to the Committee on the Jndiciarv. Thfi resolutions in relation to the liabilities of th State, ate. introduced by Mr. Berrv, were tajten op, amended, and passed tboir second reading. The report of tho Judiciary Committee in rela tion to tlie compensattnn of Trqstecs in deeds of tru't, lies over. On motion of Mr. Halsey, the bill to provide for the settlement of estates in the hands of executors and administrators, and for the relief of the same, was taken up, read the third time and p:u; ed. Mr. Lillington introduced a bill to amend the third section of the 99th chapter Rev. Mat. enti tled Religious Societies. Passed its first reading. Mr. Conner, from the committee on Clnunsnade a report of a resolution for the relief of the Sher iff of Gates, which passed its second and third j reauings. On motion of Mr. Bower, according to agree ment Mr. Worth (Whip) was ad.led to the com mittee on Privileges and Elections. . The bill from the House,, to provide for the es tablishment of a State Hospital for the Insane, was read the first time and passed. And then the Senate adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Mr. Atkin moved to mnko the bill for tbe better regulation of Common Schools, the order of the day for Saturday next. Carried. Afr. Stanly offered Resolutions approving of Whitney' plan of a Rail Road, which passec, by a suspension of tlie rules of the House, their 2nd reading. When the Resolutions were pnt upon their 3rd reading, Mr. Miller moved to lay them on the ta ble. Carried. Mr. 8. J. Person introduced a bill authorizing Cornelius Shield to build a bridge over Boar Creek in !' unty of Moore. Referred to the commit-, l": "rorKwiiions and Grievances. r NicMs introduced a bill to incorporate Ply .rtouth Academy. ' Referred to committee on Pri- vnte Bills. ..- On mm ion of T. R. Caldwell, the bill to extend tlie limits of Lincolnton was take:, up, and passod its Jin reading. 1 he following committees were announced bv the Speaker: on Whitney's plan of a Rail Road: Mensrs. Kayner, Dobbin, md Satterthwaite. On memorial of Cherokee Indians : Messrs. T. R, Caldwell, Stockard, A. M., Gamble, Palmer, and Skinner. Afr. Ray ne r introduced a resolution, instructing the Treasurer, Comptroller and Secretary of State to rent out to the highest bidder tho buildings on Miirke square. On motion of Mr. Biirtrs . ' thp Hnnsn fcHinnrn-.-l : SENATE. ' . Thvrsdat, Dec. 58. Mr. Walker, from the committee of Propositions and Grievances, to whom was referred the memo rial ol Andrew Hoyle and James T. Oates, pray ing to be allowed to keep np'two Gates across the public highway in Gaston, begged to be discharg ed from the further consideration of the subject. Also reported favorably to tlie bill to emancipate a slave. - Also, begged to be discharged from the further consideration of memorials of Cherokee Indians, and moved that they be referred to the Joint Se lect committee on that subject. Mr. Shepard presented certain documents in re lation to the Colonial and Revolutionary History of the State, and moved that they be printed. Concurred in. Mr. Conner introduced a resolution instructing tlie Committee on Finance to inquire into tlie ex pediency of reducing the tax on gates erected across the public highways, v. Mr. Halsey, a resolution instructing the Princi pal Clerks to dismi3 the ng?os&ing Clerks at present employed, and appoint others in their pla ces. Mr. Halsey remarked that these Clerks had now been absent nearly a week, to the great dolay of the public business and that, on yesterday there were about sixty bills waiting to be engrossed, which it was impossible for the only remaining Clerk to have' ready. His resolution was intend ed to relieve tlie Principal Clerks also, who doubt ed whether (key had the power to make these re movals, and thai be did not Intend to imply any censure npon the Clerks for these appointments. Mr. Conner moved to lay the resolution on tlie table. Negatived. . The resolution then passed. .. . Bills presented By Mr. Halsey, a bill to provide for the better keeping of tbe Capitol, Slg. passed its first reading and ordered to be printed. Mr. Bell, a bill to revive an act passed in 1831, to in corporate Die Town of Pollock, in Jones County. Mr. Patterson, a bill for the more speedy obtain ing of Justice in certain cases; referred to the Committee on Judiciary. Mr. Barnard, a bill to incorporate the Camden Guards in the Countv of Camden. Mr. Washington, a bill to amend the law in relation to the collection of taxes in Town of Newbcru. , These bills passed their first read ing. . " ( The Chair presented certain doenments In rela tion to tlie contested election from Orange ; which were referred to the. Committee on Privileges aud elections. The bill to amend the Revised Statutes in rela tion to persons using the profession, of ft Broker, passed its third reading. . The resolution to authorise the Governor to pro cure from the public offices in London, certain doc uments relating lo the colonial and revolutionary history of the State, passed its second . reading unanimously. . , . , - The bills giving longer time to register grams of land, mesne conveyances, powers of attorney, etc, to open and improve tlie road from Council's Store ri Ashe to Yancy County ; to amend tlie 2d Sec. of Ch. 99. Rev. Statutes, entitled Religious societies ; to authorize Francis Prentiss, late Sheriff of Cra ven to collect arrears of taxes ; (amended by add ing George U. Uogle, late bheriSof Alison 'J passed second reading. . t The bill to provide for the establishment of a State Hospital tot the Insane, was read the second time, and passed, the vole, by agreement, not being considered a teet. The engrossed bills from the House to incorpo rate the Trustees ol the Statesville Male Academy in Iredell; , , , To provide for the payment of the debts of the State to the Bank of Cape Fear and Bunk of the Stale, and other debts due on accraiut of ftidorse menu of the Slate for the Raleigh and Gaston Rail-road, passed their first rcadiT- The bjll to endemnlfy the owners of slsves con victed of felony was rejected. Aye 1, (-Wr. Rog ers) Noes 38. .' Mi. Halsey IntroJiiceJ a resolution to favor, w Thomas Anderson, of Orange, winch passed us first reading. On motion of Mr. Washington, tlie Insnno'llo - pita t Bill was ni le the order of the day lor ni.iur davnextnt 12 o'clock. And th?n the Senate adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. The Chair announced the committee to inah.' arrangements lor inducting the Governor elect n.lo office Messrs. Ftrcbee, Imvuii, Thornton, and Spivey. Mr. l igo'.t introduced a bill to provide for the : more speedy administration ef justice in Carteret county, Relerred to the coinuiiuee on thu Judi ciary. ' .- -.' Mr. W ilkins introduced a hill to grant cxc.usi .r jurisdiction to the Superior Court ol.Poik County over all cases where tne intervention ol a jury may be necessary: Rvlcrrud to the criniiiitiee on Propositions nnd Grievances. Mr. Satterthivaite ..introduced ''a bill to . incorpn- '. rate South Cre k 1-aud Company. Ri fentd to coininiilee on Private Bills. Mr. Courts, Iroin the committee on Prooositions und Grievances, reported back to the House and begged to be discharged from the further consider- ; ution of the bill to lay off and 'establish a new county by tlie name of Williams. On motion of Mr. Mcintosh, the bill was laid on the table. . . . Mr. Courts reported favorably to the bill to lay off and establish the hew county of Watauga. Mr. Stanly moved to postpone the bill unnl Sat urday. Carried. Mr. Daiicy , from the committee on Private bills, reported favorably to the bill to attach a portion of Yancy to Buncombe. The bill paused its 2d- read- ; ing. Also, to extend the .authority of tlie Jiisi ices . of tho Peace in the county of Wiikes. Also, to authorize the Chairman ol the Common Schools of Ruther'brd county to pay over certain monies to the Chairman ol the Board of Common Schoo s of Polk county. Also, to amend an act to nicer porate Hickory-nut Turnpike company. Ais-o, un favorably to the resolution'' in favor of Jus. Tur ner. The resolution did not pass its 2nd reading. Also, favorably to the bill to incorporate Martin and Bertie Turnpike Company passed its 2nd reading. Also, favorably to tlie bill authorizing thf. erurtinu fif u Tnli-hriHirA fivtr Iho Wnf.,ia!fra River, in Burke county. - Uti motion ot JHr. Lrwin, the bill was recom mitted. Sir,' Chery, from the Select Committee, to whom was referred the bill relating io fishing in Albemarle Sound, recommended the indrhutte postponement uf tbe same. , Mr. Cherry then moved the indefinite postpone ment of the bill. On this question, Air: Ballard took the floor, and addressed the House at consid erable length,on the merits of the bill. Mr. Mc Cleese replied briefly to the arguments of Mr. B. which called forth a rejoinder from the gentleman from Gates, Air. Paine spoke against the pas sage of the bill, and in favor of postponement. The question on postponement was decided in the negative by 49 to 40. ; , - On motion of Mr, Rayner, the bill was postpon ed until Saturday next. M". Barringer moved to make the bill lor the more certain nai speedy administration of justice the order of the day for Tuesday. Carried.- A message was received from tlie Governor, in relation to vacancies in the Board of 'I'rnstecs of tlie University, und oa motion of Mr, Biggs was sent to the Senate. -,, Mr. Dobbin, from the committee lo whom was referred the Resolutions of Mr. 6'1'tle, ii pmteil a substitute for said Resolutions, which, on motion " of Mr. Biggs, was ordered to lie printed, and mado the order of the day for Monday next, i On motion of Mr, Stevenson, tbe House adjouin- ' SENATE. ; v . Fribat, Dec. 29i. Afr. Bower, from the Joint Select Committee on Military affairs, reported the Bill to incorpora le the Providence Baud of Music, and rcco.nmended its passage. Mr. Washington, from the Committee appointed to visit the Institution of the Deaf and Dnmb, made a detailed Report, accompanied by a bill amenda tory of the act of last Session to provide suitable buildings for said Institution, and recommended its passage. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed. : Mr. Thomas, of Davidson, introduced a bill to incorporate the Davidson Aiiiing aud Smelting Company ', ; . ' ' Air. Gilmer, a bill in favor of tlie Sheriffs of tho State; , i Mr. Woodfin, a bill to revive and amend an act passed in 1C!06, to establish an Acoudemy in Bun combe; ,; , Mr. Bower, a bill to open anil improve a ro ot in Ashe County.: The Senate agreed to a proposition trom the House lo elect four Trustees of tlie University on Monday next at II o clock. 1 be Lngrossed bills to repeal tlie second section of an act to incoriorate the town of W indsor, and to amend the same ; to incorporate tlie Union Man ufacturing Company in r ayetteville ; the engross ed resolution in fnvor of Young l'atterson ; the engrossed bill to amend the Revised Statutes, en titled an act concerning sheriffs; to incorporate the N. C. Blues, in Wake; to extend (he time for registering grants of land, mesne conveyances, powers of attorney, &r,; to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the t,w of Mmroe in Union; the engrossed resolution in favor uf the Sheriff of Macon County; in favor of tho County Court Clerk of Martin; the engrossed bill to incorporate the town -of Salisbury; passed (heir first reading. .'. Trie Chair announced a message Irom Ilia House, proposing to set spart to-morrow for tbe appointment of Justices of tho Peace Lid upon tlie table. , t The hour of 12 having arrived, tbe Senate pro ceeded to the special order of the day, b" ing the bill to lay off a Turnpike Rood from Salisbury west to the line of the State ef Georgis, tbe ques tion being on the amendment proposed by Afr. Con nor, to strike fut Salisbury, and msert " Charlotte, and thence by Boaties' Ford, the direct route to Aforganton.' ,r i ... - Mr. Gilmer opposed the amendment, calcula ted to defeat tlw.winlies f tbe peopl i of lhl por tion of the Slxtu Jliroeijlj which )h bill propoet ' tlie road should pass. - " J It was supported )j Mr. Conner, at some length, wU was rs-jiliwt te by Mr. WWni,: