VOL. II. TERMS. The Noain-Csaoiix.i Timbs will be sent to Sub scribers at Two Dollars and u linl! per uiimun, if pnul in advance. Three Dollars will W charged,: if psy llium it delayed six mouths. - These. Tenus will Iw iii-variably-adhered to. v ADVERTISEMENTS. For every Sixteen tines, or test, Ooo Dollar for the finrt, tiud Twenty-five Cents for each subsequent in sertion.. Court OnUis, &.C. will be charged 25 per out. higher; but a rtaisnnable deduction will be made U Uiow who advertise by the yar (TP Letters on buinw, and all Commuiiieationa iuli.Htled for pifblicntion, must, be addressed to the K !,;or, and pt paid. ' ' Tuesday, Jan. 2. HOUSE OF COMMONS. The Speaker announrvd tho Select Committee i u tue Granville having' Association, viz : Mrssrs.Canuady, tSkinner, Dobbin, and Hurjrrave. Mr. Court presented memorial, which was referred to the Co.ntniitce on Military affairs. ; ilr. Smith moved to take np the bill to unite K.wnuke Kail Road and the Seaboard and Roan ;k Railroad Companies. Curried. Mr. Smith offered no amendment, which was adapted. The bill as amended passed iu second ami thiril reading. . Ilr. llluw inoved to take up and consider the bill to impose an additional tux on tlio venders of 1'i.reign made riding vehicles, the question being on the motion of Mr. Wadsworth to refer tlie bill in mnmiitM tin FiiinnfjtM.which did not nnvitil. Air. Wadsworth,. moved to amend by striking out JIUO and insert Si). Carried. ' The bill then passed its third leading. The order of the day, tlie bill for the more cer ; tain E td speedy administration of justice, was next Liken op. Mr. Itsrriuger addressed the House at t :nMVralilo length in support of the bill, and Messrs. Leach ot-Dat Ulscn and Hayes opposing its passage. Mr. aWne advocated the bill and replied to rrae of the objections offered by the gentlemen whe precedwfsjimv i A message wnS received from the Governor, transmitting the resignation of Judgo Jfoore. A resolution granting tlie use of the Hall to tlie Meads of Internal Improvement, this evening at 1 o'clock, was adopted. , . EVENING SESSION. On motion of -Vr. Jfebane, the kill for the more speedy administration of justice Was taken np. Mr. Paine spoke at some length, in support of ths bill, and was tollowed by Mr. McDowell of Iredell on the same side of the question. Mr. Spivey offered an amendment lo come in af ter the 3rd section, to allow all persons, who have .Ireen admitted to practice In the Courts of Fleas and Quarter Sessions, to practice lathe Sutierior v nuns iwjrciru. The qnestion was then taken on tlie 1st amepd ment of the committee and it was adopted the 2d amendment was also adojited. : . . r. Hayes offered an amendment to the 5th sec tion of the bill, to except tlx County of Chero kee. . : , . ;, ilr. Ballard addressed" tbe House In opposition . to tho bill and was followed by Mr, Jones of Rowan in support of the bill. Mr. Iach of Da vidson spoke against the passage of tlie bill. Mr. Barringcr having been alluded to by Mr. Leach, replied briefly to some of hit remarks. We shall probably be enabled shortly to lay Gen. 1Mch'e remarks before our. renders.- - BE.NATRv' WtusEspAT, Jan. J. -.Vr. Patterson, from the Committee on Internal Improvement, reported tlie bill to clear out Lom li r River. Afr. Joyner, fnm the Joint Sek?et Committee on Swamp Lands, made a report on the petition of Major John Mark, adversely, and asked to bo dis charged. The report was concurred in, ant sont to the House. . - Vr. Daniel presented a bill to amend (lie Act for a iv-assossment Of the lands of the State. Refer red - ' 'Hie fterwte concurred in a proposition from the HruM to proceed to the election of three Trustees of tho University. . y " Ph bills, concerning Ashing inX4' '"' Vtimti rn riwrs; for the bitter org inixution. of the -tia, in Cleveland fnunty ; to repeal the. Act pf last session, lo lay ofTiiid establish the County of Fulk passed their first readings,, , it .. .. . Third D'ttdiiv and p:isease of BiIl-4o amerJ. an act to iiicorpomte the town of Jfotiroe 5 to ex ,tend the lime for rcgislpring Grants, Aic.j toincor ate D.iridaon Mining and Smeltinu Company J He, snlutioii for the relief of Young Patterson y i fa. viW of Martin County Court Clerk ; a bill in rela tion 10 a Road in Ashe County ; to incorporate the town of iS'alisbiiry.Tf t r The bill aiippuMieiitRry to the Act o lay offand efn Mih a County named Forsythc, Was taken up and read tlie second time.' ; ' .i!r. Jilmer moved to strike nnt all after fhe enf artltig claose,and msert a substitute which he of fered ; hut before it was read, -fc -The Seiwite look np, in Commltteeiof the whole, Mr. Patterson In the Chair, the specinl orders-he. ing the bill to Incorporate the North Carolina Rail road Comrsinv,' ' ,si : 'J- " After a iniinlierof slight amendments, Mr. BowJ ef ihoreil to strike out the 6th Section of the WII. Vr. Hli'rrir, on behalf of the Committee, pro-c)ri-ttf nddre ss the?ieriutellr . tpltination of tho pewr.tl charajter of the bill. Inis ypeech was ' 1 haratt'riicd iv great plainness In its demonstra tion, and abilitV. '.' " ' -Kiie-of Mr-. fWer was thrn Tejected. - C'n motirm ef lrj llaWyi ilieOtnttilttee rose snd rjcrf t'ed pfosr'i n1 'hen th Senata d- tfxd. -Vv" 1 ' 'Hat'SB "or C0MMOV " ' Jff XiehoK frrrn the Solect Coaimittee lo whom wis referred the bill lo amend an act providing for the apprehension of rn-awy slaves, reported the rime Iwek to the House with amendments, and re em:r.etidej : its' '6 issage, -Tjte bilj si Eint'pJsd fttt ie sirent! roidiiig. Mr. ('okvnirl rose anil said, Mr. Speaker : It is well known Hint my colleague, .Mr. Atltm, has been ui bad health tor some tune, that f r tlie last lew days he has been q"' j sick, and confined to Itiit room ; and though now better, he is, by the ad vice of his friends and .Wjdical attendants, anxious to return home. I therefore, Mr. Speaker, move that lea ve of abset c bo granted to Mr. A. for the remainder of the ifession, from and after tc-d:iy-The motion preva'led. The Speaker informed tlie House that the time hud nrrived for taking up tlin spucial order of the day, the bill to establish the Bank of Faycttuville. On motion of Jlfr. Williams of New Hanover, the bill was laid on the tabl . The House resumed tin consideration of the bill to re-asses'S the lands of New Hanover and other Couiititsi. On Ibis question there was a discus sion participated. in by the following gentlemen : , : Messrs. Williams of New .Hanover, Stevenson, Dobbin, Caldwell, Stanly, Barringer, Sattortliwaite' and Tavlor. The Gill as amended pissed its 3d reading. Mr. Williams inoved t tike up Rnd considur tljp bill to establish tlie Bank of P'ayettevillcCur ried. . Mr. Caldwell of Guilford moved to ameW the bill by striking out $300,000 and insert $SSU0,0OO. Adopted. : : Mr. Dobbin (iflereu several amenJinents Which were adopted. The bill as amended passed its 3d reading by a vote of 81 La-the affirmative to 37 in the neiia- tive. . On m!fion of Mr. Jones of Rowan the bill was put nponVits 3rd reading. Mr. Meb&rse moved to strike out tlie Word "e qnivalent " and insert "specie" rejected, Tlie bill passed 3d rending. Mr. Dobbin moved to take tip the Resolutions reported in lieu of Mr. Steele's resolutions car ried. - : ' Mr. D. moved to strike out tho word " alarm." Before the question was taken, the Srmker ant nouueed the tiiQ3 for taking a recess. EVENING SESSION. ' Tho evening session was entirely consumed by a discussion on the substitute proposed by the com mittee in place of Mr. Steele's Resolutions which Was participated in by .Messrs. Stanly, Ray ner. Dobbin, Steele, Stevenson and others. The vote was taken on each Resolution separ ately. End each passed by a large majority. The House tlicn adjotirned. SENATE. '.y Thubsdat, Jan. 4. Mr. IValker, from the Committee on Proposi tions and Grievances, reported tho bill to repeal the act to cilabliU the County ol l'olk, and re comtnended its passage lies over. Mr. Joyner, from tho iScloct Committee on Swamp Lands, reported a bill concerning the Pres ident and Directors of the Literary Fund. - Read first time. ..' .: V' Mr. l'atterson, reported that C. 3. Hassoll was elected a Trustee of the University, . Mr. Murcliison introduced a bill to provide for clearing out Big Rockfish Creek, &c Referred. Mr. Miller, a, bill to incorporate Shelby Male and Female Academy in Cleveland . Mr. Bell, ability provide for the improvement of Clubfoot and lUrlo.v a Creek taiul, and tor otli er pur)ses. Referred. Mr, Line, a bill to incorporate the town of Ash- boro', iu Randolph. : ' .. JUr.l'alterson, a oil I to consolidate ana produce conformity in the acts incorporating tlie North and South Carolina Railroad. , .Vr. iS'hcpurd, a bill to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the Mutual Insurance Compa ny, of North Carolina.. Afr. Hargrove, a hill tq incorporate the Gran ville Mechanics Association. Referred to a Select Committee. The resolution in favor of the Executors of Jos eph J. Daniel passed it second and third reading. Several private bills were also passed. A communication was received from the Comp troller of tbe State in answer to a resolution of the .Senate for information with regard to Clitro keo Imnds and Cherokee Lands. Ordered to be An engrossed resolution as to tW Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb, was read and dopted. The S.'nte then went into co:n:niUee of tho wliole, Mr. Patterson in the Chair, and took up the bill to incorporate the North Carolina Jlajlroad Company, and for other purposes. Several amend ments were then proposed and adopted. Mr. Gilmer proposed to strike out ."two millions" and insert "threo in the 65th line of the 1 5th sec tion, and to alter other provisions of the bill so as to accord with making ths capital Stock of tbe Company three millions. The amendment was re iocted. " " . ! Mr. Gilmer then moved another amendment, to the effect, tlwt, in certain circumstances, the surer shontd be autliurized to subscribe one and a half Millions, giving tjio State two thirds tho Cap ital Stock. The amendment was reiected. . Tbe Committee then rose, and reported the bill to the House, with the amendments, which were a creed to. ' 1 .' Jtfr. Bower moveo" lo amend tho bill by .striking nut the fifth section ; add called for tho. Ayes sod Navs. We consider: this as a, lest question, so far a the Senate is coucorned , , Tlie motion was supported in Speeches by Me srs.Bower ana Walker, wlncb we have no patience to record. ' Mr, Patterson asked to be excused from voting. which wasgrantoJ. Jlfr Huwkibs .was also ex cused. . ' ' i .- . ! Mr. Walker here mado another Speech,' and Mr. Shepard followed again,-.t Mr, .Bowers uio ; Mr. Bethel moved that tho, bill f ill mendinent Iwi1 lnd.l:tiiil.,1u immtnmmt' ' ' ; ''Mr. Woukfln argued aguinst this motion, and was loitoyvea oy Mt, Ashe, , .4 1 .l-.-,':U.'jK)OSB OP COMMON'S, i Mr. White introduced t bill to repeal an let to establish a Poor work house 1n the counties of Joiwsand Randolph. . -Jtfr. Hayman, to authoriw Major Jiuk Clark, Of Beniifort.totnakea road. .' i -wj I - Mr. R;in, to provpt tho aU ef. ritilp3 li quors i;i tie vicinity of Floral College. M r. Ferrebee, to provide for the establishment of a Medical Hoard 111 North Carolina ; winch, on motion ol Mr. F., was ordered to be pnntud, and mode the order of the day lor. Monday next. Mr. Greene, to incorporate the Granville Me chanics Association. , llr. Colfijld, to amen I an act to alter tho mode of electing Wardens of the poor. Also, a resolution in favor of the 'ate SherilT of Martin County. Mr. Miller, a bill to 'lay off a road in Wilkes and Ashe which passed its 1st reading; Mr. Edney, to open and improve tlie road from the Tennessee line towards Biirnsvillo. Mr. Skeen, to incorporate the Deep River .Man ufacturing Company, which passed its 1st read ing. Mr. Carraichael, to repeal an act to alter the mode of eluding Constables in Wilkes county. Mr. Williams, of New Hanover, a resolution in relation to the Doaf and Diiuib Asylum. Adopted. ilfr. Love, a bill to re)eal an act to restore jury cases to the County Courts ol" Macon and Chero kee. Referred Ui committee on Private Bills. Mr. Erwin, a resolution for the batter protection of Religious Camp .Meetings. . Mr. Mebane, a bill for tho better regulation of practice iu Superior Court. Mr. Fay, to repeal in part an act relating to Su perior Courts in tlie 2d Judicial District, and the Courts of Pleas and Quarter .Sessions. Mr. Brogden, to amend tho 2d section of 67th chapter of Revised Statutes. ( Mr. Person, of .Moore, moved to take up the bill to extend tho time of iierl'ecting titles of lands heretofore entered. Mr. Paine, from the committee on the Judiciary, reported the bill concerning appeals from Justices' judgments, with a number of other?, mostly ol a private naturo. , Mr. Satterthwaltc said, Mr. Speaker : I desire permission to make a short statement to the House, in relation to myself. When we were about to commence the election of Trustees fur the University, the other day, rev eral of my friends came over to me, and requested thet I would permit my name to ho placed in nom- ination. 1 thanked thorn lor their friendly disposi tion to place 1110 in such an honorable station, but declined to have my name run. To day, juat as we were about to etiler on tho ballot again, my friend from Haywood, witliout my knowledge or consent, placed uiy uamo in nomina tionfor which act of personal respect for me, I now tender to him my t.ianks. and also lo those uf mv friends who honored 1110 with their votes. But I do not aspire .a fill such an honorabls station, and hope that my name will be withdrawn, aud the Senate informed thereof. Mr. Paine reported a substitute for the bill to j consolidate various Acts, for tho bmolit of poor debtors, and recoinuieiided its pass.ige. ' - - . EVENING SESSION. The Speaker stated that tho .question before tin House was the bill in favor of poor debtors. Tlie bill assmentlcd, passod 21 reauing. Mr; Jirogdun moved to take up the liesoimions 3 relation to the Governor's House. Carried Tho resolutions passed Ihoir 2d reading, and on motion of Mr. Rrogden, werj put upon and passea their t.l reading. Mr. Paine, from the committee on the Judiciary, reported favorably to the bill ti lay off and estab- ish a new Countt by the name ol Alamance. Mr. M"bane an I Mr. Jones tiddressed the JIouso iiportthe bill. P.-ssed 2d reading.. ' Mr. Paine reported favorably to the bill provid ing for amendment of tho Constitution. Mr. Rayncr moved to make it 1 ho order ol tho lay for Tuesday at li o'clock. Carried. Mr. R. inoved also to make a bill introduced by him in re garJ to the same subject the order of the day for the same time. Carried. ilfr. Ravner. from tlie committee on Interna) Im provements, reported a bill l'r the irnirovement of ouuth's rivor ; winch passed its 1st reading. Mr. Courts, from the committee on Propositions and Grievances, reported a substitute for the hill to repeal ao act to prevent tlie destruction ot Uys ters. Passed its 2d reading. Also, to a bill for the relief of Ephraim Blutz. Passed its 1st reading. Mr. Mcintosh moved that the bill to stablish a tlewceuu'y by the name ot Williams, ue reterreu to a Solect committee of five.. Carried. Mr. Smith, from the committee on Private hills, reported a number of bills and revolutions, which passed their 2d reading; which, on motion wa laid on the table. - " ! Mr. Caldwell, of Guilford, moved to make the bill to increase the revenue of the State the order of the day fur to-morrow at 11 o'clock. Carried. ; Mr. 'Cherry, from the committee en Education, reported favorably to tlie bill to authorize the Su perintendents ot Common schools tor me county of Rowan, to invest a part of their funds.- Passed its 2d reading. Also, favorably to the out to in- corporal'' the Wilmington 1 luliau Association. Passed its m leading. SENATE. 1. v ' Fhidat, Jatu 6. Mt. Joyner, Trom fhn Joint Select Committee on Swamp Lands, snbmitled sf detailed report, ap proving of the course indicted by the Board of In ternal Improvements la their Report. Sent to the House. ' ' ' ' .Mr. Miller introduced a resolution (hat the Sen ale'hold evening sessions from and altor tb-mor-row. Modified nd adoiiteil. ','.'' ' ' ' " Mr. Thomas olfered tworesolutions in favor of The engrossed hill lor a reassessment of the lands in certain eounaea passed its first reading. Mr. Wood fin introJuLed a bill tq lay ofT a road in BnncotH'ie and Yaney counties. ; r Mr. Asho, ft bill relating to fhe town' of Wil mington. These bills passed their first reading. I 'The Engrossed hill to Improve' the Deep and Ca p Fear rivers above Fayetteville, passed , its first reading.-- . ' " '" ; : ' y Mr. Asho moved that' the Senate take tp and consider the bill to locate the Judges of the Su pcri( Coirrts: ' ' . ' "'. " 't The Iril! was read the sfeond time and passed. l provides that ih all electtonsof Judges hereafter th clioice snail tve mane trom tome one circuit in which no Judge resides, &.c. s The bill to nroviite ftir m tking a Turnpike rrntd from Salisbury West- to tlie line of the State of' Georgia, passed its thirj nntdltf'Ajc 51, Noes 2). : Mr. Gilrajr moved to take up and consider the bill Kitimlimentarv to tlie act of the present ses- sion Uiviuing tlie county ol Stokes. 1 lie ipii'S tioii being on the substitute jiroposed by the Judic iary Committee. A discussion of some length commenced here between Messrs. Gilmer, and Exuin.in fivor, and Messrs. Reich and Thomas, of Davidson, against the substitute, to whom .Mr. Gilmer inado a short rejoinder, and was followed by Mr. -Thomas; of Davidson. After which Mr. Patterson gave notice of an amendment-, he desired to oiler to the orig inal bill when it shall come up. Mr. P. explain ed and advocated his amendment. The question was then taken on striking ont the original bill, and determined in the negative. Vims 19, Nays 20. The question recurred on the passage of the supplimental bill, when . . . . Mr. Woodrin offered an additional section to the. bill, which produced some discussion, and after be ing modified by the mover,: was opposed Gy Mr. Smith. The amendment was rejected. The question was then taken on tho passage of the bill, and determined in the alhruiative, Yeas 30, Nays 8. Mr. Drake reported that Lewis Thompson was elected Trustee of the University, no other person having a majority, ' The bill to repeal an act to lay offand estab lish tho County of Polk was taken up. Mr. Miller offered a substitute, which was de bated by Messrs. Miller, Gilmer, Woodfin, and others, when Mr. Il.ilsey moved the indehiute iost ponement of the bill. Yeas 5, Nays 3C. The question was then takcti on the substitute, Y'eas 15, Nays 30. The bill passed its scennd reading, as follows : Thoc who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Albright, Bel!, Bethell, Bower, Collins, Conner, Drake, Exiiin, Faison, Graham, Hargrove, Haw kins, Hester, Lane, Move, Murcliison, Rogers, S'hepard, Smaw, Smith, Speight, Spiccr, 1 nomas, of Davidson, Thompson, of Bertie Thompson, of Wake, Walker, Ward, Washington, Watson, Willey, Wooteii and V? orth 33. Those who. voted in the nsgativeare Messrs. Daniel, Davidson, Ilnlsey, Joyner, Kendall, Miller, Patterson, Reich, Thomas, of Haywood, and Wood tin 10. And the Senate adjourned. IIOUSXOF COMMONS. A message was received from the Senatc. tmns- f nutting the following engrossed bills and resolu tions, which passed their first reading: a resolu tion in favor of Joseph J. Daniel ; a hill to lay off a road from Forsythc County line ; a bill to a mend an act in relation to collection of taxes for the town of Newborn ; a resolution in favor of Thos. Anderson ; a resolution calling on the Pub lic 1 reasnrer fjr information : a bill to incorpor ate Camden Guards; a bill to incorporate a town in Jones County ; a resolution authorising the Governor to procure certain papers in England, And the following passed their 2d and 3d read ing : a bill to open and improve a read from Ashe county to Yancy ; a bill authorising certain per sons to collect arrears of Taxes; a bill to amend a chapter of Revised Statutes concerning Religious Societies ; a bill to incorporate Davidson Mining Company. -. ' Mr. Palmer presented a memorial from citiiens of Stanly Coanty, praying for the. removal of a Justice of the Peace. Referred to Committee on Judiciary, . Mr. Johrison presented a memorial praying for increase of Revenue. - Referred to Committee on Finance. Mr. Griggs, a memorial ; which was referred to Committee on Private bills. . Mr. Crawford Williams, a memorial. Roferred to Committee on Private bills. : Mr, Gantbitl, a memorial protesting against di vision of Wilkes County. Referred to the Select Committee 00 the new county of Williams. Mr. Kolly moved to take up a petition introduc ed by him, and laid over yesterday. Carried, and referred to Committee bo Propositions and Griev ances. Mr. Rayner introduced a bill concerning the debt tine from Wake Forest College to tho Literary Board. Mr. Williams of New Hanover, from the Select Committee to whom was referred so much of the I Governor's Message as relates to the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, reported a bill to establish t Board of Directors Isr the same. Passed its 1st reading and on motion of Mr. W. was put trpon 2d reading and passed. ;- . A message1 was received from the Senate, pro posing to ballot immediately for two Trustees of the University. Concurred in. The House then proreoded to "ballot. - - . ; Mr. Person, of Moore, introduced ft resolution in relation to tbe contested election la Sorry. Adopt ed. , The House then took tip the order of tbe day a bill to amend the 73rd chapter of the Revised Statutes, entitled an act concerning the Militia, and (brother purposes. ' . ; v A Mr. Spivey moved to strike oat tbe 7th section of the bill. Carried.- ' - ' Mr. Steele inoved to strike out the 6th and 6th sections, and insert an amendment. -Carried. Mr. Canady offered an amendment to the 0th section, in relation to tbe constitution of Courts Martial Rejected. . , ; , . ...-'.;. 1 Mr.' McCleose moved Indefinate postponement. Lost.- t ,----(-. " ' -wv.v .-..-.-' i . Mr, White offjred an amendment to tbe 6th sec tion allowing tlie rank and file to select their offi cers. Adopted, v ' ' - Mr. Spivey offered in amendment to 6th lection..-. Rejected., f . ' s j :- f Mr. McCleese moved to strike out latter part of the 1st section. Rejected. The bill passed its 2nd reading. Mr. Sliuford moved to suspend the Yules and pat the bill on its Jrd reading, rljost ? . 1 .The speaker stated that the next 'Jiing in or der, was tlie bill to increase the Revenue of "be Suit.. ! . t-i:'': - ' -The Emendment .ofthe bill, proposed Ay tlie Cimnmittee on Finance, 'were, on motion of Mr. McDowell, tf Iredell considered separately.- 1 1 The first amendment was opposed by Mr. Cald well id a few reiui'ibiit Waa dot 'd. The, ifoiisitook: a -lyeess,,; v' : . Tli! qucstioii before llu Homo was the amen '- Jl. - -. ment of the Committee on Kin'ince to strike out the 2nd and 3rd sections ol the bill to increase tlie revenue ol the State. Mr. Piggott moved to reconsider the vole on the bill to amend the u'4th chapter of the Revised Stat ute. The motion was laid on the table. ilr. Caldwell, of Guilford, being entitled lo the floor, addressed the House in opposition to the amendment. And was followed by Messrs. Smith and S.itterthwaife iii its favor. Mr, Jones.of Orange, spoke against the bill and moved its reference to a ."Select Committee. Mr. Rayncr replied to Mr. Jones and opposed the re ference of the bill. Messrs. Ferebee, Mebane and St inly spoke against reference, and Mr. Person of Moore, in its favor. The question was then taken on the motion of .Mr, Jones and decided in tlio negative 79, to 31. The question was then taken on the amendment of the Committee and decided in the affirmative. . The vote was taken on the other amendments of the Committee and all were adopted. On motion of Mr. Dobbin the House adjourned. SENATE. Sati rdat, J.in. 6. Mr. Patterson, from the committee on Internal Improvement, made a report on the: subject of the Clubfoot 'and Harlow's Creek Canal.', . Mr. Walker, from the committee on rroposi. tions and Grievances, reported the bill to clean out Great Rockfish Creek. These reports lie over. -Mr. Gilmer introduced a resolution directing the, President and Directors of the Literary fund to loan t"000 to the Trustees of the Greensboro College. . Passed its first reading. .Mr, Patterson, a resolution iu relation to em tries of Cherokee lands, providing for a commit tee to examine Comptroller's Accounts. Adopted. Mr. Ashe introduced a bill to amend the 136 sect. ch. 31, Revised Statutes. Referred to Judici ary committee. Mr. Haleey, a bill to make It the duty of Sher iffs, &.e. who makes sales, of land, etc. under execution, to make deeds for the same. Same re ference. Mr. '.Washington, a bill in relation to Sheriffs, Clerks. &c. " . ' " Mr. Lane, a bill to impose taxes on transient merchants in any of the incorporated Towns of tins State. . Mr. Thomas, a bill to incorporate Mountain Guards in Haywood. - Te engrossod resolution directing the enclos ure o tho lot apperlaininrr to the Gctvcrnor's resi dence, and an appropriation for furniture, passed its first reading. The engrossed bill to establish the Bank of Fayottevil'e passed its first reading. Mr. Smith introduced a resolution proposing to raise a Joint Select Committee upon the subject of National exchanges, as proposed by M. Vatte- mare. Adopted. The Senate then proceeded to the nnfinished bu siness, being the consideration ofthe bill lo incor- motion to postpone said bill indefinitely having been withdrawn, the qnestion recurred on Mr. Bower's motion to strike out the fifth section of the bill.' Mr. Rogers moved an amendment to said sec tion, providing that the stockholders and obligors of the R. & G. Railroad themselves shall subscribe $500,000, &.C, an when the Board of Internal Improvements and the Attorney General shall re port their solvency, they shall be released, fte. The object of the amendment was to secere from these stockholders and -obligors as mnch sub scription as the amount of their bonds to the13tate. Mr. Joyner was of opinion that to Impose such a burden upon them, was more than they could bear and if the successor this measure depended upon this amendment, it would operate fatally.. Those gentlemen who tooK part in the debate on I this amendment, ' were Messrs. Joyner, Shepnrd, Thompson, of Bertie; Gilmer, Worth sad Smith. The qnestion was then taken on Mr. Rogers's amendment, as modified, Aye II, Noes II. So the amendment was rejected. ' Mr. Joyner moved an amendment, te corse in tt the end of the Bth Section, that whenever $500, 000 shall be paid by said itockhoW rs and obligors, and on payment of costs incarred, they shall be discharged, &c. ! Mr. Smith offered an amendment as a substitute for the fifth section, after the enacting clanse, pro viding that those who may sabscribe, ahull give adequate security to the State for payment, Si:. and those who thus sabseribe shall be released fo the amount of llieir subscriptions, aid when $500. 000 shall be paid in, all tlie stockholders and obli gors shall be discharged ojion payment of costs, &,c : '-, . - V r: v, 1 Jlie quost'on was taken on Mr.Ji-yner a amend ment, which waa rejected, Ayes 19, Noes 24. 1 - Mr. Smith s amen'toient being tnea m order, a division of the question was H-aiJed for, and was first taken on striking nut all alter the enacting clause, aud, by Ayes 22, Noes 31, prevailed.. - I The question recarred on inserting, which was rejected Ayes 21, Noes Si. . . Mr. Bower's motion to strike out the fifth sec tion was then carried. "I -'; . ' - Mr. GUmer moved to ttrike out "two" and in sert "three," making the capital Stock three sol lions agreed la . . ' - i u -';.",? ; The qnestion. wis tlifp tnken eu ths pssssge ot. the bill on its second reading, by yeas and. -nays, as follows ; - ! . ;. Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Albright, Ashe, Ball, Daniel, Davidson, Gtlmor, Hiilsey, Hargrove, Hawking .Jnyrv. Lane, Mil ler, Patterson, Shepard, Smaw, lliomas, ol David son, Thouws, cf Haywood, TUonipson,uf Wake, Wasluntton v odbn, and orth 21..,- n : Thoso who voted in tlie- neirstive are Messrs. Birnard, llorry, Betiiel,' Bower, Collins, Conner-, Drake, Fxttm, Faison, Graham, II utter, Keudull, Jloye, Mnrchis , Reich, Rogsrs, Smith, Speight, S-picer, Thompson,- of , Bortiej .VVtt-lker, ,Ward, Watson, Willey, snd Wootou.-3J. ! .t...-Vt' ! Thengrossod r.'solutwms appwing ofthe pre ret of A. Whitney, for a Railroad to lite Pacific Ocean, being reaii, Mr. Shepard movod to ly them on the table alongside of the North Carolina Railroad liilL DuelN ill Die albruiative, by Yeas 40, No!C. ?l, , ;! , ,;;,,t-!, ry It' I Mess';" Alf.ngM ndilawkins, voted dit tlie Beg itive at first, Ijul afierwidsj cjianged their tots fn the nrfirmativoi'. Hi did Mr. 'I'kfwpton r UV.e! . . JJ 1L U UL ..UIJ JMA-JlilllA NO. 0. ! The Clinr pr.vsr-nt ldtlie fo lowii g m " iGo.ernor ,Vanle: fnwi 'I'd tne (' wrul Assmltlu The reply of M iss Dix, ot Mtsaachusett ', t i the Resolutions of the (ieueral Asiemblv for her ex'rtions to ameloorats the corHlition ot the Pau per Luiiaties in tlie .State, is herewith transmittal. The communication of Miss Dix was received at this Department jiist at the close of the official term of my predecessor,- " . CHV.S. MANI.V. Lxecutive Department, Jan. 3, 1849. Rai.iioh, Dec 80, 1S4S. To the Hon. Wm. A. Gkaiiav : 1 am gratified in receiving, and especially at your hands, sir, a copy of resolutions embodying a vote of thanks I'rjin tlio General Assembly of North Carolina, fur my efforts in this State in behalt ot the Insane. It is but little that I havo been ena bled to do, and I am crateful that mv exertions . j have been so efficiently sustained by tliose so able Ho give success to thr cause. ' - I cannot, sir, assume the merit of having bnen first or chief in this undertaking. It is but lately that I have been nude aware that, more than twenty years since, great and good men of North Carolina proposed and advocated the construction of a Hospital fur the Insane. From that time to the present, at intervals, the sub-it has been re vived, and the honored nainos of Iredell, titanlv, Y'ancey, Morchead, Swain, and Graham will bu associated with this cause when mine .shall have pasted atvay. iVjtuI pa?8ige of tbe bill to-day, sir, appro priating $37,000 for the construction of a Hospi tal for the accommodation of two hundred and fif ty patients, allests emphatically the just and hnmane sentiments of those ttuj'hearted. men in the Commons arid Senate who supported tho meas ure. Concluding, as they have done, the year by a good and noble act, they will receive a new im pulse in conducting the affairs of the Now Yoar with wisdom and discretion. With sentiments of high respect, I am, iw, D. L. DIX. And the Senate adjourned. . . HOUSE OF COMMONS, - A message was received from Governor Manlv, transmitting a communication from Miss Dix, in reply to a resolution of thanks, passed bv the two - llonftps. Il-Ilieh rin mntinn nf ,Vr Martin aMit , . to the Senate, .- r - - ' A message was received from the Senate, trans mitting a report from the Joint Select Committee ' on Swamp Lands, which was concurred in. Also, a bill to provido for making a Turnpike mad from Salisbury to the Georgia line ; which passed its 1st reading. Mr. Canady, from the Select Committee to whom was referred the bill to incorporate the GranvilU ' Savings Bank, reported the. samo back to the House and recommended its passage. Passed its 2d reading.-- - ' Mr. McMullen meved to take npand eonsuler the bill to incorporate the Savings Bunk of Milton. ' Carried. -. - - The passage of the bill was advocated Ity Mr. McMullen, and opposed by Messrs. Mebane, Sat- ' terthwaitc, Steveiuou and Stanly. The lull did not pass. - . s . A message was received from the Semite, pro- : posing to raise a Joint Select Committee to con sider tbe system of exchanges recommended by Alexander Vattemare. Concurred in. Mr. Person, of Moore, inoved to take np and consider the bill for the more speedy adniintstra- tion of justice. t'arrieiL . ' The question before the House was tm the a- ' mendment offered by Mr. Hayes, via: "provided that this act do not f xtend to tho County of Cher okee." And on this them arose a discussion which was participated in by Jfessrs. Hayes Mebane, - iacn, tiarnngcr, Steele and Walser.v ; Mr. W a lser- was interrupted in his remarks w the arrival of tlte kour br recess, j '- i, . ' . ' . ' " EVENING SESSIOV. the bill to lay off" and establish a new County by liv I'Mtsai l FlIVU Mint, tlin BLTWVislI ttltlCT u na ' tne name ot bratatav . -!T.? , On motion of Mr. Wuleerythe till m laid oil the table, and the House resumed the considers " tion. of the bill tor the more speedy administration " ofjurtic. - 4 ' ': Mr. Hayes withdrew tbe amendment offered by ' ' Mr. Walser being entitled to the floor, eonchid ed his remarks commenced tn ths morning. -Mr ' rerson,of Moore, addressed the Hons In faVor of tlie bill, and was followed by Mr.'Mosely, who' oke against tii bill, and moved Its tndefintefoi " ponement,.- " :'. '1 1' '-:, : was participiiled in by Messrs. StaulV, Hayes, and ?" Csldwell.of Guilford. v -.u -.w :: ; i The question was then taken on the moCrw Rr -indefinite postponement, and decides) in ths affirm- stive.. ; v.-'-i ft-!' ; -f '.V" v ). rt Mr. Biggs Introduced a bill fer; the better rege- latiool' the Tea's of Windsor. f i'T f,f . ej : On motion of Mr,Kene,thoJIIonsadj'rftfiI'. T - - ''" 1 Vontat, Sin,' t. .... - ; a., .".SENATE. :J lvn--M.) j - Mr. Washington, from the Judiciary Committee, isked totje discharged from the further ennsidrra- lion of the hill for the relief of 'the Inhabitants of' IhdTown Of Wavtleaborb.' OntiCiirmd in i:l l.ll! l:. i ... . . L 4. .- i UIB-IIJIl IW-B lYl li - " ' . I - - - - - ' Mr. Gilmer introduced a bill to Incorporate" Greensboro' nfid fit. Airy'ltrnniko Compunv. , l.U It- Ami -n-.lr-- it - , ' ' . . . " ' . " , ,iru i.b 11, l,-Mllljr.. . ' ; Mr. Smith moved s amendnient or tlie rules ef the Senate1 ; whkh -ns agreed to. ' ' j Ob motion of Mt. Bi-thell. the BewAe then t k . MP 'he engrosaed Resolutions proviiling for t;rn. ' ing the Governor's (imtind.ana forthe purchase of furniture iic which were read the sieond time and referred to the Commitloe on Public IiiulJ-J ings. - : ' ,: i- i A mesange mil received' from the IIW, pro".T posing to invite M, Vattemare to ndilr . - Houses on Tuesday next, on the en!;--ct A I ., r--natioail K:li in jds. Agreed to. . ' Several entrrossed bills, chiefly of a rrivatu iisT ture, passvl tlielr second reedinir. ' !", ,' ' motion of Mr. Juvner, a ni'-viwe- v r iii Hiff.iwiinw, pmiosing tatiiW On U1-111, I J udge of the Superior Court, vice Judee M i-

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