"ST, tt -"AJV. Vt. Graham r.'ivjvl th refine' icrsilon of the "Vt-! which thoiail to incorporate the North C'sr- llaihoaj Co f.ury was t.fKi n Satur day Uet, Th uvHio:! iirov:W. and the biii wa e.se the iqwful orier for Thai-ad-iV next. Mr. Ash fcroJ thaltn biiito ioeats Uie J-iJg- if the iftipr.or Omrls be put un it third read is. - -, ... AScr disMssi-m between Messrs. Gilmer. Ashe. Smith, n.-l Thomas, of ilywuol, tie UI pawd, Ayes 32, Nes 14. A hill !,i amen 1 the Revised Statutes, en-titled ForciM F.atry mi Detainer, pd ita second THilfo. Ofl motion of Mr. Albri-zht, the Senate took up tS engrossed bill to hnprovt the Cap Fear and Deep River abore FayeUevi'lj. Passed ita se cond reading. The engrossed bill to lay of? It).' State into eight Jsilija! Circuita, passed its first ridding. Mr. Thompson, of Brtie, presented a resolution for She compensation of B. W. Monro; for hie. re tort in the ease of Ct!.crt's devisees; which u referred to the Gmmitte en the Judiciary. , Kr. Patterson moved to send a me-sage to the other ILiuae proposing to set spirt Wednesday af tenonn for tha appointment of Juulicos cf tha Petoe. ' - 0,i notion ef Mr. Ashe, the as of the Senate Chamber was granted c to-marmw afternoon to a Cwnmittee fro.n Wilmington, for the purpose of r-rer:iti!igx pair of pitch tr to Co!. Paine. Mr.- Lillington, the Senator f'om Rowan and Davie, win had been unexpectedly called swayon business of importance, ami had been absent dur ing the past week, appMi-ed in the Senate to-day " end resumed his seat. Reporter. EVENINOSESSION. The bill to repeal an act of hat session in rela tlon to Pilots, die. was indefinitely postponed. ; Mr. Ah introduced a bill to' incorporate the WiUiagton end Walker's ferry Plank Road Com , Jnr. Mr. Graham, a bill to incorporate the the Wil mington anJ Maaonboro' Plank Road Company; these bills passed their first reading. On motion of Mr. Thomas, of Davidson, the -- Senate took up the Supplementary hill to divide the County of Stokes. Several amendment were adopted. Tie Sen&te then adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Kr. Woolen asked leave of absence for Mr. Edwards, from and after to-dy. Granted. Mr. Mebane presented a memorial from citizens of Orange, praying ftir a division of the Comity, Laid on the table. ; Mr. Iach, of Johnston, presented a memorial frrm ritifena of Johnston and Cumberland. Re ferred to Coaimitteo on Proposition's and Griovan- eee. Mr. Mclntoeh presented a memorial and bill, to attach part of Wilke County to Alexandflr. Referredt( coamittee on Propositions jnd Griev ances. :- Mr. Allen introduced a Resolution, instructing the Judiciary Oommittee to inquire mtothe propriO' ty of amending the Criminal Laws, to as more ef fectually to punish persons administering poison Adopted, ; - . ' Mr. Caldwell, of Burke, introduced a bill to a- eoluh Jury case in the County Courts of liurce Keferred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. Williams, of .Mecklenburg introduced a BtU to compensate Justices ot the t'eace id cer Tim cases; Retsrrad to the Committee on the J iiciary. ' .- Me. Williamson, a bill to amend an act relating tb common schools. Referred to committee on Xdueatiori. ' - Mr. Ferabe introduced a resolution to receive no more private bills after Friday next. Reject ed. ,: '', ' .'. - ... Mr, Rayner Introduced a resolution to send a message to ths eenate, proposing to request M. Vattemare to address the two Houses on Tues day evening. Adopted. Mr. McCleess introduced a resolution, that bills on tlieir third reading should hereafter betaken up at a o'clock.; - Adopted. . .-. Kits and Resolutions introduced By Mr. Sat terthwaite a resolution, granting the use of the Halt, on Satnrd iy evening, to the I. 0. O. F. of Raleigh. Adopted. By Mr. Miller, a bill to es tablish a Toll Bridge over Catawba' river. Pass ed its 1st reading. By ti. Blackburn, a bill to es , Ubiiah a Masonic Lodge in ihe County of Stakes, Referred to the Committee on Private bills. By Mt. McDowell, of Bladen,"a resolution in favor of Jao. A. Robeson. Referred to the Committee on Claims. I Mr. Cherry, from the Committee on Education, 1 reported a bill to repeal a certain section of the 48th Chapter of Revised Statutes. Psssed 1st reading. .' Mr. Gamhill presents! a memorial, asking for an appropriation' to open a Road from Wilkes to Ashe. Referred to the Committee en Internal I in- provement. Mr. Rayner introduced a bill to provide for the better education of Deaf and Dumb Mates. Pass ed 1st reading. ' -: Mr. Cherry presented proceedings of a meeting , In the Town of Windsor. , Referred to Juoiciary .Committee. . ' v " Mr. Courts from the Committee on Propositions , and Grievances, reported unfavorably to the bill to emancipate Jno. Good. - On motion of Mr. Jones of Orange, the bill was indefinitely postponed. Al so, unfavorably to lbs bill to aathortxe a free color ed man of Wayne, to emancipate his wifs and children. Mr. Shaford moved to postpone the bill indefinitely. On this qnestion there was a short discussion, participated hi by .Messrs Brogden, Miller, Courts and Stanly. . " . . Mr. Brogden opposed indefinite postpnnment, and exposed at some length, the peculia; and great hardships of the ease before the House. Mr. B was fallowed by Messrs Miller and Courts, to ,,snptKirtf indefinite postponement; when Mr. Stanly siid that this was a case of great .' hardship, and be had heard the rents rks of the genlhiman from Wayne, not without beinfmoved by the representation. Mr. 8. said the bill related In very unfortunate class of our population, and thoogh he did net wish that their number should be increased, yet H was not the policy of our laws, km m sceordaaoo with the feelings of our people, .; to keep them in a degraded state among us. I pnpnse sn amendment, giving the petitioners in this ease, the privilege of leaving the Stats within a certain fixeo period say ten years, or less af ter the passage of this Act. If they are not eman cipated, as Uus bill contemplates, the will remain as free, except in name. . The amendment I pro pose, will hold oot to them inducements for strug gltag forth means of gningto Doom home .where they will be raore respected, and may be useful ci ttern, .. ' . I hope the motion for indefinite poetponment will -i he withdrawn, that I may offer the smendment 1 oesire. I believe, sir, it is setter to afford facilities - for emancipation, than to refuse them absolutely. . The laws, they now stand, are too severe, and . liisrpm dilScultieetoemancirntion which I wish . w soe lesseoed. Tbe fuilowiiig is ths amendment offered by Mc Fw'riW, that the slaves hereby emancipated, ts!l a hsm rbs benefit of this Act, unless they s-WU'eavs the fdiato of North Carolina within five jmt? JUr the passage of thut Act ' Timi tiotiir lot. inaefinit; pV.pancrr.Knt wis net .. witoirawn. i ns bi;i was postponed SC to 63. ! . Kr. Co art alsoreported nnfavorabb to tlw bill anthcr'aing Dnl. Skein to smaMipato his' wifs. Oo nic.ioo, U ws iadeAsitf! postpsDsd ; also, fa- vi.r X't t? the sia to p-ersat fi.'vn? near the mouth ! i4 Kiymoii's Creek, in Care irii Coumy. Mt. Satttr!hwait, from th tWcct Commiltee whin was referred lbs fciii to of a portion of tin unsold Cherok?e hn.rs, reported a substi-tui-; for the name, r.J receinnetni'l it pasaag'. Mr. ThigpMi moved lo lay the bii! on the table anil hive it printed. While this question was pending, the Speaker r.n;:.:ancsd tha tim? fur takiiiif up the special or der, vii: a till providing fur the establishment of Me-'ica! Board. Mr. Kern tnovnl to fill up the blank in the 1st section by the won! five. Carrisd.' X AWo, to fill up the blank in the 2d section iy the fnllowinr Counties: Cherokee, Macon, Hivwood, HenJuwon, Buncombe, Yancy, McDowell, Ruther ford, BurKe C'levoiand, .Caldwell, Aslie, Uuw ba, l.inccli, Gaston, Iredell, Wilkes, Davie 24 metnbfrs.. 2nd blank wilh the following : Rowan, Cabar rus, Union, MValenburg, Davidson, Stanly,' An son, Randolph, .Viinlgomery, KichinouJ, Clialhaiii: Moore, tiitnucrlanil, llooeaon 3.1 blank with thps : Surry, Stokes, Gailford, Rnckingham, Orange, Caswell, Person, Granville, Franklin, Warren 25. 4th blank with these: Wake, Johnston, Nash, Wayne, Grne,. L'lioir, Sampson, Duplin, New Ilanovrr, Onslow, Joims, Carteret, Craven, Bla den. Columbus, Brunswick 24.- S'.h blank with thes : Gdgcomb, Pitt, Halifax. Northampton, Heritor 1. B-rtii;, Martin, Beaufort, Washington, Hyde, Tyrrell, Gates, Chowan, Pet- quimons, I'asquoUr.k, Camden, Currituck 23. These amendment prevailed. 4 Mr. Ferebee movfd to fill u;i the blank in 3rd with flO. . The bill was discussed fcv the following gen tlemen : Messrs. Ferebee,- Brogden, Keun, for ; and. Williams, of Mecklenburg, sgitsst the pass ago of ths biil. A message was received from the Senate, - con curring in the proposition from the House, to in vite M." Vattemaru to address the two Houses on Tuesday. Also, namine the Committee on the part of t.'is Sentte to consi.ler the system of M Vattemare, vii ; Metsr. Smith, Btftbcl and Wash ington. The Speaker announced the following Committee on the part of the Uous: Messrs. Rayner, Dobbin, Stanly, Courts, and 11. C. Jones. Another nsessaire was' received from the Senile proposing to vote for Superior Cmirt Judge to-mor- mw at a o cioox. uoncurreu in. oen Mr. Person, of Northtmpton, nominated the Hon. Wm. H. Battle, and said he did so with a high hope that, in this election, gentlemen would lay asida party considerations and feelings, and that the members of both political parlies in tho House, would come up and elect the gentleman in nomination on the first vote. Mr. Jones, of Rowan, was addressing the House, when the Speaker announcsd the arrival of Uie hour for recess.- EVENING SESSION. - : The House resumed the consiieration of the bill to establish a Medical Board in and for the State. The question being on ths smendment of fered by ilr. Ferebee, Mr. Jones, of Rowan, was entitled to the floor, but said as he perceived that the House was anxious to Vote on the question, he would decline submitting any farther remark. .Messrs. Taylor, of Nash, and JMcAfulien, ad dressed the House in opposition to the bill. Mr. Dixon moved the indefinite postponement of the bill, and demanded the Ayes and INoes. the question was decided 50 in negative, to 45 in af urinative. . The amendment offered by Mr. Ferebee was a dopted. Mr. Ballard moved to amend the 5th Section, bv striking out S500 and inserting $300, and 10 cents mileage. Adopted. Mr. Williamson offered a new section, that whenever the funds raised by the Physician's Shop Tax shall foil to pay the expense of ths Medical Board, said Board shall be discontinued. Adopt ed. Several other amendments wore proposed, but all were rejected. The question was then taken on the passage of the bill, and decided in the affirmative 59 lo 45. ".-..' A meeeaes was received from the Senate, pro posing to set apart Wednesday evening for the appointment of Justices ot uie resee. uuncur- reo in.' ' ' The House then took up the bill to dispose of a portion of the unsold Cherokee lands. On motion of Mr. Jones, of Rowan, the bill was laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Mr. Barnneer moved to take up the bill to incor porate the Charlotte and Danville Road, and make it the order if the day for 11 o'clock to-morrow. Lost. Mr. Caldwell, of Burke, moved to make the bill to provide for a Turnpike Road from Salisbury to the Georgia line, the order of the day for Friday at 12 o clock. Carried. On motion of Mr. M:Dowell, the biil to estab lish a new County by the name of Graham, was taken on. . Mr. Williamson moved for ths indefinite post ponement of tha bill. On this question JW -ssrs. McDowell and Willianu addressed the House ; af ter which the motion prevailed, by 69 to 23. Mr. Rayner ottered a bill to amend the Kevised a. .. .. . l . . r.i . ... . r . i n, statute, in relation 10 L-ierss oi ins a reuursr. Referred to Committee on Finance. Mr. Miller introduced a resolution that from and after Tuesday, the House ks a recess at 2 r. f. and meet at 64 o'clock t.h. On motisc of Mr. Stanly the Uonse adjourned. SENATE. TtTMOiT, Jan. 9. Mr. Miller presented a memorial on ths subject of County Courts which was referred. Mr. t'atterson, from the Jsint Select Committee on Cherokee Lands, reported a bill which lies over. The Senate proceeded to the unfinished bast- ness, and tbe supplementary bill to divide the County of Stokes passed its third reading. The engrossed bills to improve the Cape Fear and Deep rivers above Fayetteville; to incorporate Union Guards; to amend Rev. Statutes entitled Forrihle Entry and Detainer; to incorporate the N.C. Blues, in Wake; to amend the arts to Uy off and establish the County of McDowell, passed their third readnig. ' On motion of Mr. Smith, the Senate took np and considered the bill to amend the RaV. Stat, en titled Guardians and Wards, the question being en the substitute reported by the Judiciary Committee, which was adopted, and tho bill passed its 'ind resdinc. ' " . '.. ' - - - The engrossed bill tn incorporate Union Manu facturing Company, in Fayetteville, passed its 3d reading. Mr. Shepard moved the reconsideration of the Pilot hill. Carried. After an explanation by Mr. Washington. Mr. 8ms w advocated tha indefinite postponement of the bill, and was replied to by Mr. Wsshington. After some- further debate, the bill passed its second reading Ayes 23, Noes 28. The bills concerning an Academy in Buncombe: concerning the County of Catawba ; concerning the own of Windsor passed their third reading, ' The bills to incorporate th Grand Idgs, I. O. O. F. of North Carolina ; the engrossed resolution in favor of the Clerk of tlie County Court of New Hanover; th engrossed bill to extend the limits of Lmcolmon, passed their seeono rending. ' ' The Senate then proceeded to vote for Superior Court Judge.. Hon. William H,. Battle was duly elected by the joint vote, having received 123 put f ,a ... - . CL.l?i. Q. " -' ' - - VI im vncH wn, ovAiiciiug Mr. Hojtrs e&rtd t molution pmyaaing hi a !Bsii j to 'ha II ae CVin j .tta' diy of ad juurniiiutOB thelO.b inn. . AfojH!. Mr. Wurth introcuwi w foUowiag Prtambie and reaohniou : Wior.rj, there are mny anj irawttrit meis-un-a Tor Intarnal I nprove nenl in tha Sute, now before fhe Gen-.Tal Assembly : And wksrea-', inasmuch as the aid of ths State will be required for tluir suc-l'u! proK'Uiin,it is deemed riglit and proper, b ifore they are enter.'. I upon, to direct the public uiiti I to ths subject, and acert.tinthe;m!i!ic w II : Thertf.rrf, be it R'io'.i);J, that the Governor of tlii.t Slate be, nl In h t ihy isr.'quitjJ to eoiv vent the G miral Asaemhly, in special S.'S3ion, sometime in Hi? rail of tie present year. Tho order of tha day, b -ing tin bill concerning tho Wilmington aui llil.'iii Rviiroid Compa ny, was taken up. ' The main objicts of th Mil are 1st ti extend the credit of th Sut- to si. J Cmpihy, to enisle them to ra'ne $5J00D for the purpoe of laying down t.io rind w.tii better Iron; an I -J I ihit oae- h v.11 of the Stock of the Siatj in this rmd mty be trinsTerrod to the - Wilmington an J Mincnester Rid. Tlu discj-iinnon this bill hil pro;? Ui ts con sider.ibb length, when the Smite took a rivsas. EVfiVI'ti 8ES-?I0V. The S.'nite m ;t at lnlf pist six, b:it without transacting any badness, 'adjnurn'J to attend the I-erture of M. Vattemare, on a system of luterni tiaiiil Exchanges." ' HOUSE OF COMtfOSS. Mr. II tym in moved to take up the biil to repeal a lectionof 3Ist ch. of Rev. Stat. lost, Mr. Caldwull of Guilford presented a memorial referred to committee on Private bills. Mr. Dobbin a bill conceruing widows. Referred to committee on Judiciary. Jlfr. Mebane a resolution to instruct the Judicia ry committee to enquire into the propriety of re pealing an act lo preventtho imprisonment of hon est debtors. Adopted. Mr. Dobbin a resolution ior the relief of S. W. Tillinghas't anJotajrs. Rji'jrrei to Committee on Private bills. Mr. Martin, a resolution in favor of Youn j Pat terson. Referred lo committee on Private bilie. Mr. Williamson a bill to incorporate the Co Iambus Guards. Afr.Dobbin,a bill to incorporate Concord Division No. 1, Sons of Temperance. : Mr. Whito.i bill to a n .i I a certain se-tinn of the Rev. Stat. c.vi;"rniii Prison- bouuJa. VLifcr red lo cn nmittee on the Jutlici vry, Afr.Caldwell, of Burke, moved tint tho Jmliciary committee be allowed to hold its meetings during the tittinss of t ia lliusj. Cirried. Mr. Brogden introd '.iced a hill supplemental to an act repealing the County of Polk. Passed 1st reading. Mr. Y a Not introduced a resolution hxin; ths time of adjournment sine die on 22J Jan., which, on motion of Mr. Jones,' of Orange, was laid on the table. A message was received from the Governor, transmitting resignations of Justices of the Peace. Sent to the Stnate. Mr. Nichols, a resolution to receive no bills of a private character from and after Saturday. A dopted. Mr. Mermne, from the committee on Finance, reported favorably to the bill to amend an act pass ed 1816, entitled an act to provide for a more ac curate assessment of lands, dtc. ; passed 2d read ing. Mr. Courts, from the committee on f repositions snd Grievances, reported unfavorably to memorial to emancipate a slave. Also, un favorably, a bill to emancipate Lewis Williams, a slave of Elizabeth Johnson, of Cra ven ; indefinitely postponed. Mr. Smith, from committee on Private bills, re ported favorably to the bill to prevent the sale of spirituous liquors within a certain distance of Flo ral College ; passed 2d reading. Mr. Dobbin moved that, when the House take a recess, it take recess uuul 4 o clock, instead of 3. Carried. M r.McIntosh, frrm the select committee to whom was referred the bill to layoff and establish a new County by the name of Williams, reported the same back to the House, with amendment, and re commended its passage. I be hour bavin? arrived for the election of su perior Court Judge, the House proceeded to vote. Alter the votincr wss over, Mr. Mnwly remtrk- ed, that as there was no Democratic nominee b fort the House, the vote hs had just given, would seem that he was disposed to make the election of Judge a political matter ; and therefore he asked leave to change his vote in favor of the Hon. William H. Battle. A message was received from tlie Senate, trans mitting engrossed bill to locate the Judges of the superior Court. Psseed 1st reading. The order of the day, the bill providing for a- mendments to the Constitution, was next taken up. Mr. llicfcstthred an amendment that, in ths ar rangement of the Senatorial Districts, th white population should only he considered. Mr, ieene moved for indefinite postponement or the bill, and accessed th Hons in opposilioo to it, denouncing it as a question fraught with the di rest SV1IS. Mr. nicks spoke briefly in favor of his amend ment. Mr. Barrinrrer ernuirH of Mr. Keens if he voted for the Hon. D. S. Reid in the August flec tion. Mr. Keen reclied that hs did, bnt becsusv his opinions and those of th Hon. D. S. Reid, accor ded on other political Questions. The question was then taken on the motion for indefinite postponement, and decided in the nega tive by a large majority, i i" - Mr. Kayner then took the Boor, and was speak ing when the Speaker announced recess. Mr. scott, from the committee to superintend e- lectioo of Judge, reported as follows : Battle 123 ; Dobbin 16; Strange 2 ; Biggs 4; Hall 1 ; Rodman 1 ; C. Edney 1 ; Graves 6 ; Whitaker 1 ; Craig 1. Battle was therefor de clared duly elected. Tbe House then took recess, t ,.-''.'" EVENING SESSION. Accoiding to previous decision, the House pro ceeded to Ui consiseration or tails on their 3rd reading. .. , ' . ' Bill to attach portion of Yancy to Buncombe passed 3rd reading.' - .;'.' Mr. Caldwell of Burke introduced a resolution m relation to eontestnd election in Sir.y, giving the silting member until the 22d to take deposi tions. - ' r . Mr. Person of Moor offered an amendment to the resohitioa to strike out 22J and Irt wt 18th. On this there was a short discussion between Messrs. Person of Moore, Caldwell of Burke, Sun- ly, Uulesby, and K eerie. The amendment waa rejected by a vote of 47 in affirmative to 53 In neg ative. ' .:'-..-' ;-; J- -' i" : " .-: -' . 1 At. Person offered another amendmeut which was also re;ee.ted.. -. "., . -:,--- -'- -; Th resolution was 'adopted.. ,. . Kt. Coleman moved thut the Hone sdjoum and demanded th Aye and Noes the House re- f used to adjourn i a tots ot 61 to 43, ' - The bill to incorporate the Martin and Bertie Turnpik Company was Kad 3rd time and pass- f2. - ' v- ' On motion of Mr, Hick th House adjourned. ''' ' SENATE.' . . "'" WtaHEsDATj J. 19, 1849". Mr. Draksifroo the-sjasiiatitc fa.Fiuqce, r- ported KU to amend the E.'tr. ;' ro'alij'g to Roads. Mr. VVooJSn, from th JurTiciary fcmrniittee'.'W ported the bill to incorporate tie town of Uohlsboro; A'so, a bill supplementary to the act establishing a Stale Hospital for the limns ; r Also, a bill to amsni th; 05:h ch. Rev. Stat. ; A'so, ths bill making m 're suitable provision for femacocert, with an amend. n.-nt. Time reports lie over. Mr. Albright introduced a resolution respecting weights and measures in Chatham county ; Mr. Spicer, in relation to Ihe late Sheriff of On-dow ; Mr. Halsey, a resolution providing for a recess from half jst one till Ihreo o'clock. Adopted. Mr. Gilmer, a bill in relation to honest debtors. Referred. 4 Mr. Hawkins, a bill to extend the corporate limits of the town of Warrentuti, with a protest. Referred. . Mr. Washington, a bill to amend the Revised Statutes relating to bills, bunds, proiuissery notes. ate. RelerieJ. Mr. S-naw.to incorporate Bear Crack Canal Co njany. Passed its reading. On motion of Mr. Woodfin, Mr. Lillington was added to the Judiciary Committee. The Senate proceeded to the unfinished busi nnss, b;ing the Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad bill, the pending question being on Mr. Worth's motion to postpone the bill indefinitely. Mr.Joynertook the fljor in opposition to this mo tion, and went into ths merits of the bill, sustain ing, and enforcing reasons for, its passage. He was replied to by Mr. Worth, who stated thit he opposed ihe bill, not because he did hot believe it right and necessary ; hut because he wUhed to act upon broader grounds. His views were that we should establish great works of Internal Im provement; and when we lend uid to one work, we should Ipnd to all. He was in favor of the principle of this bill, but uppn-ed to partial legisla tion ; because by it, when nil other works were re fused aid, this one only would be compelled. He could not vote for any furilier expenditures, until wa could establish some gro.it plan, and vote ap propriations to all. Mr. Worth alluded to the steady opposition of all the members from Wake county to every appropriation of money for any improvements, and argued that if tme Session nts-ied without any reliel to the Raleich and Gas- I ton Riilroid that puMic opinion would either force them lo support that Road or resign. Mr. I hwnpsnn, ot. Wake rose in reply, and dis claimed hnvinz ever been opposed to a iu.lkioui system of Internitl Improvements; he was no longer disposed to associate the subject 01 Improvements with party polities ; he was willing, if there could be sry plan siipgreled to save tiie State, and improve her condition, to embrace any judi cious system calculated to eff'ct these ends. Mr. Ashe then took the floor in support cf t!c bill, and was followed by Messrs. Worth, and Tbo.nis, of Davidson ; alter which Mr. Worth withdrew his motion for indefinite postponement. Mr. Jnyner offrd hu amendment to the bill, in the 12th wtion, to strike out "Wilmington snd Raleigh Rtilroad CiMnpany," and insert "8: ite of North Carolina so as to provide that the benefit of the subscription in the Manchester Railroad shall accrue to the State which was adopted. Mr, Worth moved to strike out all ufler the 10th section, rxceit the last; so as to give no suthori ty for misinj additional money to lay the road with heavy iron. Mr. Gilmorthen made a forcible and eloquent speech in favor of the hill. When he hid concluded, the Senate resolved itself into a committee of th Whole, Mr. Halsey in the Chair, and Mr. Graves (the Sneaker,) addressed the Sen ate is favor of Internal Improvements generally, and also of this bill. On motion ol Mr. Jovner, the Committee then rose snd reported the bill to the Sensto, Mr. Worth withdrew his motion to amend. Mr. Smith moved an amendment, the effect of which would bo, that no part ol the States' stock in this Road shall he sold ; and that the mortgage' authorised to o made by this bill, and which has priority over the .State's shall not be foreclosed, without the consent of the State. The bill was farther debated by Messrs. Smith. Joyn.fr, and Lillington. Wftea the Utter coneludrd, tho Senate took a recess. EVENING SESSION. ; Mr. Ashe introduced a bill respectinit Justices of the Peaco in New Hanoyer. Passed its first reading. A number of engroised bills and resolutions passed their second and third readine. l ne rest ot tliu siitinir was spent in actincr upon recoininenoaiians oi justices ol the feace. HOUSE OF COMMONS. JWr. ferson introduced a bill to incorporate irane creek burial ground, i'aased its first read- inf. . Mr. Blow, a bill to lay off a road in Yancv county, neierreil to committee on Internal Im provement. - . Mr. Kayner, from the committee on Internal ini' prjvements, reported favorably to ths bill to lav off a road from ; Wilkes tq Ashe. Passed its se cond reading- Mt. Courts, ftotn the committee on Propositions and Grievances, to which was referred the peti tion of Nixon, praying the emancipation of his slave yam. recommended that the prayer of tbe pwmion-r on nor gramea. ixincurreu in. Mr. smith, irom the committee on Private bills, reported favorably to th bill to incorporate Ma sonic Lodge in the County of Siokes. Psssed second reading. Alan, favorably to the bill to re peal in part sn act or Kev. Stat. eh. 14. Passed its 2d reading. Also.untnvorablyto resolution al lowing Joshua Patterson to erect two gates acmes Public road in Surry eennty, ami to be exempted from taxation an same, The resolution did not is. Also, favorably to the bill to amend an set to alter the mod of electing Constables in Wilkes county. Laid on table. air. Caldwell, from the committee on tha Judi ciary, reported favorably to the bill u abolish Jury cases in in county court ol Uurke county. I'aas ed its 2d reading. sir. Dobbin, from the commute on the Judici, sry, reported favorably to the bill concerning Wid ows., Passed its 2d reading. Mr. Salterthwaite. from the committee on the Judiciary, reported a substitute for the bill grant- !...L e. - r. r r , ... :ig io uie oupenur courts oi uncoin and Uaston exclusive jurisdiction in all cases where the inter vention of a jury may be necessary. The bill as smended passed its 2d reading. Mr. Rayner, from the Select Committee to whom was referred the Governor's communica tion in relation to the aysiem ot Alex. Vattenure, submitted a long and aXle report, approving of his pi is of exchanges resolutions to furnish him with copies of certain works and a biil to keep ep thit system. On motion of Mr. Dobbin, the resolutions and bill were laid on th table ,and ordered to be print ed. . .,iL,i,.",. - Mr. Keene moved to take op and consider tbe bill to incorporate the Charlotte and Danville Rail Road. Before the question was taken, th Sreak r announced the arrival of th hour for taking pp the order of theday, the bill providing forth amendment of the Constitution. Mr. RUyner was entitled to the floor, but jrkve way for Mr. Salterth waite, wh moved that th House resolv itself toto soaimittc of tlie wnole. Carried. ... Mr. Rayner then moved lo strike out all of th original bill, after the, preamble .and msert th sub stitute offered by hi in ; sna ou. ibis question, ad- Mr. Caldwell, of Eurke, c&rJ th JJUwiap anienia.-ntj : - - 1st. Ainend the Freamlls by iraertlr after i.'." word "Stair," in th "Jth lil-e, ih ft ing I' i wit: and gives to the minort.'s of. lb pfoplo,s iMaIa n i maioriti, of the ReprticrOaiiett. ... ........ id. Insert in the 14th line of Sec. II: h after the word -'Assembly," the following, to wit : and shall soproi ideth.it the members of the Senate and House ef Commons shaii hereafter be apportioned among the Several counties of this State, accord ing to tho While population. On iliwe amendments, Mr. Caldwell sddressed the House. After which, titers was a discussion, on the bill, between Mossr. Stevenson and Rayner..- '-'' ',.-'. Mr. Leach, of Davidson, arose to speak, when Mr. Stanly begged bi n to give wsy, and moved that the committee rise, report progress and beg leave to sit again. Carried. Mr. .tebane then reported that the committee had under consideration the bill providing for s ineodiHent of ibe Constitution, but had come to no definite conclusion, and begged leave lo ait again. Concurred in. A message was received from the Senate, pro posing to adjourn line die on the 20th. Laid on the table. . '".- , . The House then took recess. SUN ATE. : Thuxspat, Jan. II. .Vr. Patterson, from the committee on Internal Improvement, to whom was referred a bill to im prove the navigstion of Catawba river, reported a substitute, and recommended its passage. ' Mr. Watson, from the committee on Finance, to whom the subject was referred, reported a bill lo raise the lax on retailers of spirituous liquors to $10. - . . Mr. Conner, from the committee on Claims, re ported the resolution in favor of the Adjutant Gen eral, with an amendment. These reports lie over. Mr. Gilmer introduced a bill to repeal certain acts heretofore passed in relation to insolvent debt ors, Sic.-: Also, to amend an act to regulate Ordinaries, Ste. .- '-.' Mrl Watson, a bill to incorporate Johnston A cadeiny in Johnston. ' Mr. Spicer, a bill to repeal so much of the 3d sect, of nil act of 1846-7, as relates to the County Courts of Onslow. Mr. Woodfin, a bill concerning Ihe Supreme Court holding its session at .Vor.mton. Mr. rmiitn, a bill to provide lor the removal At civil process from the County lo the Superior l-ouris. Mr. Patterson, a resolution in relation to the dis trilmtion of ths laws and military tactics. Mr. Woodhii, a resolution in favor ol Joseph Livingston. These bills anJ resolutions passed tlieir first reading. Kr. Thomas, of Davideem, introduced a memo rial of sundry citizens of Lexington, end its vicin ity, prsying that the advantages of Lexington be considered fawahly as a ouitabls place lo locate the Lunafic Asylum. Laid upon the table. i he Senate resumed the consideration ol the unfinished business, being the Wilmington and Raleigh Riiil Road bill, die question being on Uie motion of Mr, Smith to amend, by striking out part of the 12th section the effect of which would be to cut off the transfer of stock, die. Mr. Woodfin took the floor against the amend ment, and in favor of ihe bill. r . Mr. Exuin defined his position. He had always gone againt expenditures by the State, and al so sgainst binding tbe State as security for works of improvement His votes were recorded, and when th question was taken it would be seen how he would vote. But this is no new projsct tlie work had been begun unwise as it wss the investment of the Slate was now worth nothing and he believed it was right that we should pass this bill in order to enable the Slate to realize a revenue. He should voto for this measure but if any new project came up, he might probably act differently. Mr. Worth was very glad to perceive that we were daily making converts to the cause. lie had stron hopes for the complete salvation of the gen tleman from Wayne. His (Mr. Worth's) object was, not to refuse this measure, but to hold it in suspense, until wr can get ths great works of in ternal improvement now projected, passed by this body. Mr. W. then riad from a former report of the Wilmington Company, allowing their calcula tions when they formerly applied for the aid of the Legislature and argued to show their fallacy, as nroved bv subsequent events. Mr. VV. went on to show how Mt. Exum weald be inconsistent, if he voted for this bill. Gentlemen who vote for lifting this mortgage, are indirectly appropriating $250,000 for that road ; but they are unwilling to go for the great central project, which is to bene fit the whole State. He was willing to take them all ap and pass them, but not to give this th pre ference. Mr. Exnm replied tc Mr. Worth, and was fol lowed by Mr. Miller, 'i he views expressed by this latter gentleman were of an enhghtenea and pa triotic character. He goes heart and hand for the improvement of the State, in all measures calcu lated to advance her honor and interests. Mr. Ashe followed, in an examination of the transactions, situation and prospects of this Rail Road Company, and in favor of the bill. Tlie question was then taken on Mr. Smith's amendment, which, by Yeas 20, Nays 27, was rs- tected. Mr. Thrmrpson, of Bertie offered an amendment, requiring indemnifying bonds from the btoekhoM ers of said company. This amendment was considered as fatal to Ihe tall. Tlie qurstion was decided in the negative, Yeas 14, Nays, 30. Mr. Smith moved a proviso, that none of the mortgages shall he foreclosed withsut the consent of the Legislature, hereafter to be given. Mr. IVoodnn moved to amend th amendment providing th vt foreclosure or sal under either of ihe mortgages shsll ret tske place withlntwo years, from Dime a bill for sail purpose, ana nntil notice has been given to th Legislator. Carried. ; : , The amendment was then adopted. The bill then passed its second reading, a a mended, Yeas 32, Nays 16. Mr. Lillington remarked, as he did not consider this a teat vote, he voted aye. The Senate then proceeded to the special order of the day, viz: the bill to incorporate the North Carolina Railroad Company, the question being on its passage at the second reading. Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Albright, Ashe, Bell, Daniel, Davidson, Gilmer, Hargrove, Hawkins, Joyner, Kendall, Lane,, Lil lington, Miller, Patterson, Rowland, Shepard S.naw, Thorn is, f Davidson, Thomas, of lUi wood, Thompson, f Wake, Washington, Worth as. Those who voted in the mntiv are Messrs. Barnard, Berry, Bothell. Bower.' OJIin. Conner. Drake, Exnm, Faisori, Graham, Hulsey, Hester, woye, iiiurcnison. iteicn, Rogers, Smith, Speight, Spicer, Thompson, of Bertls, Walker, Ward, Wat son. Willev. Wooten 25. v The Senate then proceeded to tontdslr-r ths bill to consolidate tb several acts relating to Cwnowi Schools. - ; Mr. Gilmer offered an additional aertio'h to the bill, to come in after the 3d. ormidino- that the di tribution of the Literary or School fund shall hbre- sncro according to white population. : '" :' .The amendment wa oppnrd by Mr, Sir.ith, 41 . EVENING SESSION. :i 1' Th Senato took : op th hill 'eonoernln j'the courts in Irreene and Lerotr, wliiea. was amend i and passed its tlurd reading, r ' :.: X ; -. ,- ,. . . - i -';, - T1 Secrto iU-n rtrwrr.fi tk ct'fivalii bsai nee- ' .!iig the Cb:iis ixixxi r.--- sii. oi.iiD was euiir.Hl to (ls Bar. tb rrw. reeled to atUres Cio Hwiatoagiu.t lit. Cher's .1 nmn.-niMl Mr. Woodfin repliei to Ut. R.-rilib, ii 'a of the distribution aCorai.-:f tu tU.v wh f-rjpy-tion. The amen.'ejent wif rjecte-l, Ays 18, lirvt V.. -: Mr. Smith moved an ariJrrept pwvidlnvf !ht '. an abstract ot th t'ominon Sd l laws, with forms, instructions, tc. shall fc funwhsd dc'iool Committees. ; . ' ( s Afr. Bawsr moved that' tne bill and tqnd went be indefinitely p"s!poncd, wtch did not pre vail, Ayes 13, Noes 34. Mr. Smith's smendment was then adopted. Mr. Smith moved another amendment to giv the appointments of School Coauaittt Ba to Um Board of Superintendsat. Carried. ,4r. Wssliing;on, moved as smeadmeat Risking it obligatory upon ths Committee vn, so appoint cd, toael, under the penalty of $50. Rejectee!. Mr. Kendall moved to strike out th 8th Sec tion, allowing the superintendents $1 per dnyfor their necessary atlendnncq. Th motion prevailed.'-.' ,.;."' ';' , Jfr. Lillington offered a substitut for the 9 h " section.provfding for the appointment of a Geaer&l Suprrintendaiit, tie. The subject was not dispos ed of when we went lo pr. sa. H0U3BOF COMMONS. A mrssage was received from th Senate, refus ing to concur in th rccommendsticu of IHiaticsr of th Peace for tlie county of Gates. Another meseaga from 111 Senate, recommending certain ' persona for Justices of G ites, Nt concurred 'in. Mr. Long moved to take up and consider th resolution in favor of the executors of th late Hon. J. J, Daniel. Carried. Th resolution pass ed its 2d and 3rd readings. - The special order the bill to repeal in part th 6th section 31st chapter of Revised Statutes wa taken up.Mid indefinitely postponed. L Mr. Barringer moved to take up and consider the bill to incorporate the Danville and Charlotte Railroad company. On this question there wss a short debate in which ft esers. Barnnirer, Ste venson, S:ee!e, Stanly, and McDowell of Iredell participated. The motion lo conidi-r prevailed. Hrethe Speaker announced the arrival of the hour for biking up the speci.il irder. Mr. Clem ent moved to postpone the order of the day until to-morrow 12 o'clnek. Lo.-t by a vote of CI to 63. The special order the bill providing for amend ment of the Constitution was then taken up; when ihe House resolved Itself into Committee of the whole, Mr. Mehane in the Chair; and Mr. Leach, of Davidson, teing entitled to th floor, gave way for Mr. Jones, of Rowan, who moved that the committee rise snd report th bill and a- mendments back to the House. Carried. Kr. Mehane then reported the bill and amend ments back to the House. At this stage of the proceedings, the House got into great confusion. and much lime was consumed in a di-tcsission of Farlsmentary Rules. Th Speaker decided that the question before the House was the concurrence in the report of the committee; which wss con curred in. Th Speaker then announced that th question before the House was th adoption of the ' amendment ol Mr. Kayner. Mr. Caldwell then ottered an smentUent to th men-linent of Jfr. Rayner; when .-'-.- ; Air. .Steele addressed Uie nous, in favor of Mr. R's. amendment, in some very sensible snd forci ble rems rks. Mr. McMulleoalso spok briefly ' n favor of the original bill. -t... 1 he bpea ker taen announced toe none far re cess. - - ' . - -;...."." AFTERNOON SESSION. -: Theafterneon was spent spnn fhe reso'utloss reported by Mr, Dobbin ss a snbstitute' for Mr. ' Steele's ; and the House had not. adjourned when our paper elosed. ',--.'- Loun Napoleon Bosaiaetk has bt en elected ' first President of the French Republic by in cn- expectedly large majority over all hi cotnpeti'ors. . For this high distinction he is uudoubtedly indebt- ' ed to the prestige of the great name he bears a proof that the recollections of tlie brilliant era of. Napotesn are still cherished wilh pride and affee- ion by the people of France. The nrw President- is the son of Louis Bonaparte, formerly Kingflf ? Holland, and bmtherof th Emperor, and Hottens Beanharnais, daughter of th Empress Josephine by her first marriage. He made a chimerical at tempt some year sine to overturn fh Govern- ' men! of Charles X, bul wa captured sn4 impris oned in theJFortress of Han, where he beguiled . the hours of his confinement in writing a work on - Artillery, which was afterwsrdr published, snd is reputed to possess considerable merit .. H : is about forty years of age, unmarried, and is said to be of fair business capacity. It Is ardently to be hoped that by calling lo his counsels th greet ' minds of the Republic, and by a prudent, firm snd conciliatory policy, h may give that stability to the new Government which is so essential to ths welfare and prosperity of France, and th tran quility of Europe. COL. FREMONT. , " A writer in th Buffalo Advertise expresses- the conjecture that Col. Fremont, who recently 1. signed his position in the army, and left fit. Louis with a numerous but carefully picked party' for California, on hi own resources, was wall aware of th Immense gold deposits, on his route, and - poe with the lntentionvor enriching himself VnU his party thbwfromi ; . . ' Lewis Cass, Jr. has bcn confirmed by lh Str'. ate as charge d'AT-.ira to Rome. - The Wasliington Union of the 5th savs: . "W I- nderstsnd th it the commitle appointed by th eenvention of tha members of Congress from th slaveholding State sseembled on atim!y last, and appointed a snb-eommittee, eonsiting tf Messrs. Calhoon or Sonth Carolina, Clayton of Delaware. Bavly of Vireinia. Kinir of Ah, hams. '. and Morchead of Kentucky, to prepare tit ad-' dresi." - " ' ' -' ' ' '. ' '', ' - ;-..-',;v 1.0. ro. p. THE third Aniversary of Msnteo Lodge, K 8, Wependent Order of Odd Fellows, will H . erU'brated on Saturday evening, Janosry 13th, when as Address will be (kliversd by Ero. Wm,, II. Washington. : - ' . The Publie are invited to attend, Jferobet of ' all Lodge in th State, and member f th Ordsr in the City, are invited to meet at th Hall, at 6 o'clock, and join in tb Procession sndCelcbra-; tipn. : , -' '-' . ' ' . - '''.- - ' . , . W. H.Me.REK. . , 1 -M., ; 1 w. n. "(K)KB. ', . w. R. scott ' v. i tmnm$. ;'.''-. , ,;T. M. OLIVEn. , :-. . .. W,ICH. TUCKER, Saooary 12. ',' , ' -tWDI CCLIj:!: Ct)U)!!l , i JA Meeting will he held t' th City Hail; mi ' Monday vtning, 19th injt, an-?-Vlnck, to forsa an Imlrpendanl CVmwnv for CA&lFOHfllAy . .'Grirtlomcf, and eepecfalry yotrijf "Ven, are' tus . pei'tfally invited to atTtTid; ' Spcche "niay b n.1' pected suiubletp tho occasioni ' "." "' '' " '' ,'.-J.:CAUrVWaAN;--' Raieih,JnuW lih,l84ll.'' ;v ' ;

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